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Created February 8, 2025 17:44
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Log tendsto inverse
import Mathlib
lemma foo: Filter.Tendsto ((fun x => x⁻¹) ∘ fun x => Real.log x / x) Filter.atTop Filter.atTop := by
have bar := Filter.Tendsto.comp (f := fun x => Real.log x / x) (g := fun x => x⁻¹) (x := Filter.atTop) (y := (nhdsWithin 0 (Set.Ioi 0))) (z := Filter.atTop) ?_ ?_
exact bar
exact tendsto_inv_nhdsGT_zero (𝕜 := ℝ)
rw [tendsto_nhdsWithin_iff]
refine ⟨?_, ?_⟩
have log_div_x := Real.tendsto_pow_log_div_mul_add_atTop 1 0 1 (by simp)
simp at log_div_x
exact log_div_x
. simp
use 2
intro x hx
have log_pos: 0 < Real.log x := by
refine (Real.log_pos_iff ?_).mpr ?_ <;> linarith
lemma other (a b : ℝ) (n : ℕ) (ha : a > 0): Filter.Tendsto ((fun x => x⁻¹) ∘ fun x => Real.log x ^ n / (a*x + b)) Filter.atTop Filter.atTop := by
have bar := Filter.Tendsto.comp (f := fun x => Real.log x ^ n / (a*x + b)) (g := fun x => x⁻¹) (x := Filter.atTop) (y := (nhdsWithin 0 (Set.Ioi 0))) (z := Filter.atTop) ?_ ?_
exact bar
exact tendsto_inv_nhdsGT_zero (𝕜 := ℝ)
rw [tendsto_nhdsWithin_iff]
refine ⟨?_, ?_⟩
have log_div_x := Real.tendsto_pow_log_div_mul_add_atTop a b n (by linarith)
simp at log_div_x
exact log_div_x
. simp
use max 2 (1 + -b/a)
intro x hx
simp at hx
obtain ⟨x_gt_two, x_other⟩ := hx
have div_a_lt: -b/a < x := by
have ax_gt_b: -b < a*x := by
have foo := div_lt_iff₀ (a := x) (b := -b) (c := a) (by linarith)
apply at div_a_lt
rw [mul_comm]
exact div_a_lt
have log_pos: 0 < Real.log x := by
refine (Real.log_pos_iff ?_).mpr ?_
. linarith
. linarith
have log_pow_pos: 0 < Real.log x ^n := by
simp [log_pos]
have ax_pos: 0 < a*x := by
have denom_pos: 0 < (a * x + b) := by
by_cases b_pos: 0 < b
. linarith
simp at b_pos
rw [← neg_neg b]
rw [← sub_eq_add_neg]
apply sub_pos_of_lt
exact ax_gt_b
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