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Last active February 7, 2025 06:41
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  • Save BarryDaBee/72fc7d7fb451b746d8732aa182ed9691 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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A robust approach to handling app typography using theme_extensions for large scale apps with SOLID principles. PS: Open to questions, suggestions and improvements.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
abstract class AppTypography {
required this.regular,
required this.medium,
required this.semiBold,
required this.bold,
final String name;
final TextStyle regular;
final TextStyle medium;
final TextStyle semiBold;
final TextStyle bold;
AppTypography copyWith({
TextStyle? regular,
TextStyle? medium,
TextStyle? semiBold,
TextStyle? bold,
AppTypography lerp(covariant AppTypography other, double t);
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'app_typography.dart';
class Header3 extends AppTypography {
TextStyle? regular,
TextStyle? medium,
TextStyle? semiBold,
TextStyle? bold,
}) : super(
name: 'Header3',
regular: regular ?? _base,
medium: medium ?? _base.copyWith(fontWeight: FontWeight.w500),
semiBold: semiBold ?? _base.copyWith(fontWeight: FontWeight.w600),
bold: bold ?? _base.copyWith(fontWeight: FontWeight.w700),
static const TextStyle _base = TextStyle(fontSize: 32);
Header3 copyWith({
TextStyle? regular,
TextStyle? medium,
TextStyle? semiBold,
TextStyle? bold,
}) {
return Header3(
regular: regular ?? this.regular,
medium: medium ?? this.medium,
semiBold: semiBold ?? this.semiBold,
bold: bold ?? this.bold,
Header3 lerp(covariant AppTypography other, double t) {
if (other is! Header3) return this;
return Header3(
regular: TextStyle.lerp(regular, other.regular, t),
medium: TextStyle.lerp(medium, other.medium, t),
semiBold: TextStyle.lerp(semiBold, other.semiBold, t),
bold: TextStyle.lerp(bold, other.bold, t),
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'app_typography';
class TypographyExtension extends ThemeExtension<TypographyExtension> {
const TypographyExtension({
required this.heading3,
required this.heading4,
required this.heading5,
required this.heading6,
required this.subHeading,
required this.body,
required this.subText,
required this.caption,
final AppTypography heading3;
final AppTypography heading4;
final AppTypography heading5;
final AppTypography heading6;
final AppTypography subHeading;
final AppTypography body;
final AppTypography subText;
final AppTypography caption;
TypographyExtension copyWith({
AppTypography? heading3,
AppTypography? heading4,
AppTypography? heading5,
AppTypography? heading6,
AppTypography? subHeading,
AppTypography? body,
AppTypography? subText,
AppTypography? caption,
}) {
return TypographyExtension(
heading3: heading3 ?? this.heading3,
heading4: heading4 ?? this.heading4,
heading5: heading5 ?? this.heading5,
heading6: heading6 ?? this.heading6,
subHeading: subHeading ?? this.subHeading,
body: body ?? this.body,
subText: subText ?? this.subText,
caption: caption ?? this.caption,
TypographyExtension lerp(
ThemeExtension<TypographyExtension>? other, double t) {
if (other is! TypographyExtension) return this;
return TypographyExtension(
heading3: heading3.lerp(other.heading3, t),
heading4: heading4.lerp(other.heading4, t),
heading5: heading5.lerp(other.heading5, t),
heading6: heading6.lerp(other.heading6, t),
subHeading: subHeading.lerp(other.subHeading, t),
body: body.lerp(other.body, t),
subText: subText.lerp(other.subText, t),
caption: caption.lerp(other.caption, t),
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