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Created February 9, 2025 23:04
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# Homework: Lists
# 🔥Read carefully until the end before you start solving the exercises🔥
# Practice the Basics 💪🏻
# Empty, Pre-populated, and Lists within Lists
# You can uncomment or type the necessary code on each task
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Task 1. Create three lists:
# List #1: Create an empty list and then use append() to populate it with the names of three of your friends.
# List #2: Create the same list, but use the syntax to create it pre-populated.
# List #3: Create the same list, but each element should be a list,
# where the first sub-element is the friend's name
# and the second sub-element is their age.
# List 1:
list_1 = []
# List 2:
list_2 = ['Megan', 'Molly', 'Jack']
# List 3:
list_3 = [['Megan', 30], ['Molly', 35], ['Jack', 45]]
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Task 2. Retrieve elements from a List
# Create print statements to retrieve the following elements from the previous lists:
# - From List 2: Retrieve the name of the second friend.
# - From List 3: Retrieve the age of the last friend you put in the list.
# Name of second friend
second_friend_name = list_2[1]
# Age of the last friend of the list
last_friend_age = list_3[3][1]
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Task 3. Remove elements from a List
# From the lists provided, remove the requested elements. Easy peazy.
cities = ["Houston", "Dallas", "Austin"]
fruits = ["apple", "banana", "orange"]
# Remove Austin from cities without using its index
# Remove the last element from fruits using negative indexes
del fruits[-1]
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Task 4. Verify if an element exists in a list
# Given the provided list, write code that prints `YES` if the list contains the word `cheese`
# The list
pantry = ["ham", "bread", "cheese"]
# Write code that prints YES if the list contains "cheese".
if "cheese" in pantry:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Task 5. Sorting and Reversing
# Given the provided list, write code that sorts and reverses it, as required.
numbers = [6, 34, 17, 9, 2, 11, 57, 9, 32]
# Write code that sorts the list in ascending order without disturbing the original.
sorted_numbers = sorted(numbers)
# Write code that reverses (flips) the list without disturbing the original.
# Remember that in this case, casting is required.
reversed_numbers = list(reversed(numbers))
# Write code that sorts the list in place, modifying the original.
# Write code that reverses (flips) the list in place, modifying the original.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Task 6. Stitching and Slicing
# You are given two lists with names of days of the week:
# - `work_days` contains the work week days (Mon-Fri)
# - `rest_days` contains the weekend days (Sat-Sun)
# Create a third list that contains the _concatenation_ of the previous two.
# Call it 'full_week'
# Now, write python code that prints a slice from 'full_week' with the work days.
work_days = ['mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri']
rest_days = ['sat', 'sun']
# Concatenate work_days and rest_rays
full_week = work_days + rest_days
# Slice with the work days
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Task 7. Aggregators and Helpers
# Given a list of numbers, use helpers and aggregators to answer the questions:
# - What's the lowest number?
# - What's the highest number?
# - What's the sum of all the numbers in the list?
# - How many times is the number 9 in the list?
# - How many total elements are in the list?
numbers = [6, 34, 17, 9, 2, 11, 57, 9, 32]
# Lowest number
# Highest number
# Sum of everything
# Count number 9s
# Total number of elements
## Exercises 🏋🏻
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Exercise 1. The Biography Creator
# Create a program that will ask you for the following items and stores them in a list for later usage:
# - Your Name
# - Your Age
# - The name of the city where you were born
# The program should use a variable with a string that will be used as a template.
# This template should be a sentence that can be used to build the person's biography.
# Fox example:
# biography = "My name is <NAME>, I'm <AGE> years old and I was born in <CITY>."
# Tips:
# - Use f-strings with placeholders to build the actual template, with elements of the list as values.
# - Use input() to gather the data.
# - Use print() at the end, to show the user's biography.
# Declare an empty list
user_data = []
# Gather user input
name = input("Name: ")
age = input("Age: ")
city = input("City: ")
# Add user input to the list
# Declare your template. Use list elements as values.
biography = f"My name is {name}, I'm {age} years old and I was born in {city}."
# Show the user's biography
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Exercise 2. The Card Deck ♦️♥️♠️♣️
# You will be provided with a couple lists that contain the cards for a card deck.
# One of the lists contains the numbers, and the other one contains the faces.
# You will be asked to fill in the blanks to print out certain cards for a card game you've been working on.
# 🔥 Tip: You might want to stitch them together first.
# Here are the card decks.
numbers = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10']
faces = ['J', 'Q', 'K']
# Concatenate them first.
card_deck = numbers + faces
# Print out the numbers 1 to 6.
# Print out the last 3. Do it using POSITIVE indexes.
# Print out the last 3 (same as before), but using NEGATIVE indexes.
# Print out everything EXCEPT the first and last.
# What would you use so the printout includes the following:
# Hint: It's every third card of the full deck.
# ['1', '4', '7', '10', 'K']
# Print out the EVEN numbers. No faces.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Exercise 3. The Steps Tracker 👟
# Walking is a great way to improve one's health, and it can be fun!
# Doctors recommend 10,000 steps per day! You would like to know how many steps are YOU taking per day and per week.
# Write a program that will ask you the number of steps taken each day of the week, for one week.
# The program should put the step counts in a list, where index 0 is the number for Monday,
# index 1 is the number for Tuesday, and so on.
# Once you have all the steps counts, answer the following questions:
# - How many steps you took on Wednesday?
# - How many steps you took on the work days (Mon - Fri)?
# - How many steps total did you take over the whole week?
# - What was the least number of steps you took on a day?
# - What was the most number of steps you took on a day?
monday = int(input('Steps for Monday: '))
tuesday = int(input('Steps for Tuesday: '))
wednesday = int(input('Steps for Wednesday: '))
thursday = int(input('Steps for Thursday: '))
friday = int(input('Steps for Friday: '))
saturday = int(input('Steps for Saturday: '))
sunday = int(input('Steps for Sunday: '))
steps = [monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday]
# Steps on Wednesday
# Steps on the work days
work_days_steps = steps[0:5]
# Steps over the whole week
# Least number of steps
# Highest number of steps
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Exercise 4. Bonus Round: The Speech Reverser and Counter 🎤
# Python has a handy little method that allows you to split a string.
# In its most basic form it splits a string into a list using the spaces as separators:
# Example:
# phrase = "My Name is Joseph"
# words = phrase.split()
# print(words) -> ['My', 'Name', 'is', 'Joseph']
# More information about split:
# Now, armed with `split()` write a program that does the following:
# - Takes a string input from the user.
# - Splits it into words.
# - Prints out the string with the words in reverse order.
# - Prints out the word count.
# Get input from the user
user_input = input('Give me a phrase')
# Split user input into words
words = user_input.split()
# Reverse the list and print it
reversed_words = list(reversed(words))
# Print the length of the words list
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