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Created February 6, 2025 14:51
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Text file created by Roblox
-- ServerID: 81afa252-a4ad-4e24-9422-3b75d925aa95
-- Server started: February 06, 2025 02:42 PM UTC | Server uptime: 565 seconds
------------------ LOADB LOGS ------------------
------------------ END LOADB LOGS ------------------
------------------ JOIN LOGS ------------------
[1] = {
Text = "Inacio160326",
Time = "14:42",
Desc = "Inacio160326 joined the server",
[2] = {
Text = "bo3aye121",
Time = "14:42",
Desc = "bo3aye121 joined the server",
------------------ END JOIN LOGS ------------------
------------------ CHAT LOGS ------------------
[1] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "bo3aye121: :LC Core ",
Desc = ":LC Core ",
[2] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "bo3aye121: :unloadb|:tph",
Desc = ":unloadb|:tph",
[3] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "bo3aye121: :fix",
Desc = ":fix",
[4] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "bo3aye121: :fix",
Desc = ":fix",
[5] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "bo3aye121: :re",
Desc = ":re",
[6] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "bo3aye121: :unloadb",
Desc = ":unloadb",
[7] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "bo3aye121: /e :LC Core",
Desc = "/e :LC Core",
[8] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "bo3aye121: :re|:rc Core",
Desc = ":re|:rc Core",
[9] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "bo3aye121: ##########################################",
Desc = "##########################################",
[10] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "bo3aye121: /e :uncharaudio",
Desc = "/e :uncharaudio",
[11] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Inacio160326: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[12] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "bo3aye121: ##########################################",
Desc = "##########################################",
[13] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "bo3aye121: :uncharaudio",
Desc = ":uncharaudio",
[14] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "bo3aye121: :music",
Desc = ":music",
[15] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "bo3aye121: ###################################",
Desc = "###################################",
[16] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Inacio160326: :rc k00p | :rc c00l",
Desc = ":rc k00p | :rc c00l",
[17] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "bo3aye121: skibidi",
Desc = "skibidi",
[18] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Inacio160326: STOOOOP",
Desc = "STOOOOP",
[19] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "bo3aye121: хорошо так кальмар squid game вот так",
Desc = "хорошо так кальмар squid game вот так",
[20] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Inacio160326: bro i dont speak russian",
Desc = "bro i dont speak russian",
[21] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "bo3aye121: /e :LC Core",
Desc = "/e :LC Core",
[22] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "bo3aye121: о боже мой",
Desc = "о боже мой",
[23] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Inacio160326: joopers mode",
Desc = "joopers mode",
------------------ END CHAT LOGS ------------------
------------------ COMMAND LOGS ------------------
[1] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :LC Core",
Time = "14:49",
Desc = ":LC Core",
[2] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :disco ",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":disco ",
[3] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :unindex 550",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":unindex 550",
[4] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :unindex 2",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":unindex 2",
[5] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :unindex 3",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":unindex 3",
[6] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :unindex 8",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":unindex 8",
[7] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :unindex 6",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":unindex 6",
[8] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :unindex 5",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":unindex 5",
[9] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :unindex 4",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":unindex 4",
[10] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :partaudio 4 72089843969979 true 0.2 1",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":partaudio 4 72089843969979 true 0.2 1",
[11] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :partaudio 2 72089843969979 true 0.2 1",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":partaudio 2 72089843969979 true 0.2 1",
[12] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :partaudio 5 72089843969979 true 0.2 1",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":partaudio 5 72089843969979 true 0.2 1",
[13] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :settransparency 550 0",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":settransparency 550 0",
[14] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :rotatepart 550 exact 999999 999999 999999 5000 Linear In",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":rotatepart 550 exact 999999 999999 999999 5000 Linear In",
[15] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :rotatepart 8 exact 0 99999 0 99999 Linear InOut",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":rotatepart 8 exact 0 99999 0 99999 Linear InOut",
[16] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :rotatepart 6 exact 0 99999 0 99999 Linear InOut",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":rotatepart 6 exact 0 99999 0 99999 Linear InOut",
[17] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :rotatepart 7 exact 0 999999 0 99999 Linear InOut",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":rotatepart 7 exact 0 999999 0 99999 Linear InOut",
[18] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :rotatepart 2 exact 0 999999 0 99999 Linear InOut",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":rotatepart 2 exact 0 999999 0 99999 Linear InOut",
[19] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :rotatepart 3 exact 0 999999 0 99999 Linear InOut",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":rotatepart 3 exact 0 999999 0 99999 Linear InOut",
[20] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :rotatepart 5 exact 0 999999 0 99999 Linear InOut",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":rotatepart 5 exact 0 999999 0 99999 Linear InOut",
[21] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :Setcollision 8 false",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":Setcollision 8 false",
[22] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :setcollision 4 false",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":setcollision 4 false",
[23] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :setcollision 7 false",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":setcollision 7 false",
[24] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :setcollision 6 false",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":setcollision 6 false",
[25] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :Setcollision 5 false",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":Setcollision 5 false",
[26] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :time 0",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":time 0",
[27] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :loadb Block2",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":loadb Block2",
[28] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :wait 4.6",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":wait 4.6",
[29] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :freefall all 99998",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":freefall all 99998",
[30] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :wait 2.7",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":wait 2.7",
[31] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :loadb troll????",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":loadb troll????",
[32] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :tph ",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":tph ",
[33] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :unloadb ",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":unloadb ",
[34] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :unindex 550",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":unindex 550",
[35] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :unindex 2",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":unindex 2",
[36] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :unindex 3",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":unindex 3",
[37] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :unindex 8",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":unindex 8",
[38] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :unindex 6",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":unindex 6",
[39] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :unindex 5",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":unindex 5",
[40] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :unindex 4",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":unindex 4",
[41] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :partaudio 4 72089843969979 true 0.2 1",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":partaudio 4 72089843969979 true 0.2 1",
[42] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :partaudio 2 72089843969979 true 0.2 1",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":partaudio 2 72089843969979 true 0.2 1",
[43] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :partaudio 5 72089843969979 true 0.2 1",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":partaudio 5 72089843969979 true 0.2 1",
[44] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :settransparency 550 0",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":settransparency 550 0",
[45] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :rotatepart 550 exact 999999 999999 999999 5000 Linear In",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":rotatepart 550 exact 999999 999999 999999 5000 Linear In",
[46] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :fix ",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":fix ",
[47] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :disco ",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":disco ",
[48] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :rotatepart 8 exact 0 99999 0 99999 Linear InOut",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":rotatepart 8 exact 0 99999 0 99999 Linear InOut",
[49] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :rotatepart 6 exact 0 99999 0 99999 Linear InOut",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":rotatepart 6 exact 0 99999 0 99999 Linear InOut",
[50] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :rotatepart 7 exact 0 999999 0 99999 Linear InOut",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":rotatepart 7 exact 0 999999 0 99999 Linear InOut",
[51] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :rotatepart 2 exact 0 999999 0 99999 Linear InOut",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":rotatepart 2 exact 0 999999 0 99999 Linear InOut",
[52] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :rotatepart 3 exact 0 999999 0 99999 Linear InOut",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":rotatepart 3 exact 0 999999 0 99999 Linear InOut",
[53] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :rotatepart 5 exact 0 999999 0 99999 Linear InOut",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":rotatepart 5 exact 0 999999 0 99999 Linear InOut",
[54] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :Setcollision 8 false",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":Setcollision 8 false",
[55] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :setcollision 4 false",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":setcollision 4 false",
[56] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :setcollision 7 false",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":setcollision 7 false",
[57] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :setcollision 6 false",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":setcollision 6 false",
[58] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :Setcollision 5 false",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":Setcollision 5 false",
[59] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :time 0",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":time 0",
[60] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :loadb Block2",
Time = "14:48",
Desc = ":loadb Block2",
[61] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :wait 4.6",
Time = "14:47",
Desc = ":wait 4.6",
[62] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :freefall all 99998",
Time = "14:47",
Desc = ":freefall all 99998",
[63] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :wait 2.7",
Time = "14:47",
Desc = ":wait 2.7",
[64] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :loadb troll????",
Time = "14:47",
Desc = ":loadb troll????",
[65] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :fix ",
Time = "14:47",
Desc = ":fix ",
[66] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :re ",
Time = "14:47",
Desc = ":re ",
[67] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :unloadb ",
Time = "14:47",
Desc = ":unloadb ",
[68] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :unindex 550",
Time = "14:47",
Desc = ":unindex 550",
[69] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :unindex 2",
Time = "14:47",
Desc = ":unindex 2",
[70] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :unindex 3",
Time = "14:47",
Desc = ":unindex 3",
[71] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :unindex 8",
Time = "14:47",
Desc = ":unindex 8",
[72] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :unindex 6",
Time = "14:47",
Desc = ":unindex 6",
[73] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :unindex 5",
Time = "14:47",
Desc = ":unindex 5",
[74] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :unindex 4",
Time = "14:47",
Desc = ":unindex 4",
[75] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :partaudio 4 72089843969979 true 0.2 1",
Time = "14:47",
Desc = ":partaudio 4 72089843969979 true 0.2 1",
[76] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :partaudio 2 72089843969979 true 0.2 1",
Time = "14:47",
Desc = ":partaudio 2 72089843969979 true 0.2 1",
[77] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :partaudio 5 72089843969979 true 0.2 1",
Time = "14:47",
Desc = ":partaudio 5 72089843969979 true 0.2 1",
[78] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :settransparency 550 0",
Time = "14:47",
Desc = ":settransparency 550 0",
[79] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :rotatepart 550 exact 999999 999999 999999 5000 Linear In",
Time = "14:47",
Desc = ":rotatepart 550 exact 999999 999999 999999 5000 Linear In",
[80] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :rotatepart 8 exact 0 99999 0 99999 Linear InOut",
Time = "14:47",
Desc = ":rotatepart 8 exact 0 99999 0 99999 Linear InOut",
[81] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :rotatepart 6 exact 0 99999 0 99999 Linear InOut",
Time = "14:47",
Desc = ":rotatepart 6 exact 0 99999 0 99999 Linear InOut",
[82] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :rotatepart 7 exact 0 999999 0 99999 Linear InOut",
Time = "14:47",
Desc = ":rotatepart 7 exact 0 999999 0 99999 Linear InOut",
[83] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :rotatepart 2 exact 0 999999 0 99999 Linear InOut",
Time = "14:47",
Desc = ":rotatepart 2 exact 0 999999 0 99999 Linear InOut",
[84] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :rotatepart 3 exact 0 999999 0 99999 Linear InOut",
Time = "14:47",
Desc = ":rotatepart 3 exact 0 999999 0 99999 Linear InOut",
[85] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :rotatepart 5 exact 0 999999 0 99999 Linear InOut",
Time = "14:47",
Desc = ":rotatepart 5 exact 0 999999 0 99999 Linear InOut",
[86] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :Setcollision 8 false",
Time = "14:46",
Desc = ":Setcollision 8 false",
[87] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :setcollision 4 false",
Time = "14:46",
Desc = ":setcollision 4 false",
[88] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :setcollision 7 false",
Time = "14:46",
Desc = ":setcollision 7 false",
[89] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :setcollision 6 false",
Time = "14:46",
Desc = ":setcollision 6 false",
[90] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :Setcollision 5 false",
Time = "14:46",
Desc = ":Setcollision 5 false",
[91] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :time 0",
Time = "14:46",
Desc = ":time 0",
[92] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :loadb Block2",
Time = "14:46",
Desc = ":loadb Block2",
[93] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :LC Core",
Time = "14:46",
Desc = ":LC Core",
[94] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :wait 4.6",
Time = "14:46",
Desc = ":wait 4.6",
[95] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :freefall all 99998",
Time = "14:46",
Desc = ":freefall all 99998",
[96] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :wait 3.5",
Time = "14:46",
Desc = ":wait 3.5",
[97] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :loadb troll????",
Time = "14:46",
Desc = ":loadb troll????",
[98] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :rc Core",
Time = "14:46",
Desc = ":rc Core",
[99] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :re ",
Time = "14:46",
Desc = ":re ",
[100] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :charaudio me 72089843969979 true 0.2 1",
Time = "14:45",
Desc = ":charaudio me 72089843969979 true 0.2 1",
[101] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :uncharaudio ",
Time = "14:45",
Desc = ":uncharaudio ",
[102] = {
Text = "Inacio160326: :fly ",
Time = "14:44",
Desc = ":fly ",
[103] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :charaudio me 72089843969979 true 0.1 1",
Time = "14:44",
Desc = ":charaudio me 72089843969979 true 0.1 1",
[104] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :uncharaudio ",
Time = "14:44",
Desc = ":uncharaudio ",
[105] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :music ",
Time = "14:44",
Desc = ":music ",
[106] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :charaudio me 72089843969979 0.1",
Time = "14:44",
Desc = ":charaudio me 72089843969979 0.1",
[107] = {
Text = "Inacio160326: :music 18735403020 true 1 1",
Time = "14:44",
Desc = ":music 18735403020 true 1 1",
[108] = {
Text = "Inacio160326: :name me c00lkidd",
Time = "14:44",
Desc = ":name me c00lkidd",
[109] = {
Text = "Inacio160326: :wait 0.1",
Time = "14:44",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[110] = {
Text = "Inacio160326: :char me 4440435316",
Time = "14:44",
Desc = ":char me 4440435316",
[111] = {
Text = "Inacio160326: :rc c00l",
Time = "14:44",
Desc = ":rc c00l",
[112] = {
Text = "Inacio160326: :music 107051215140642 false 1 inf 10",
Time = "14:44",
Desc = ":music 107051215140642 false 1 inf 10",
[113] = {
Text = "Inacio160326: :music 107051215140642 false 1 inf 9",
Time = "14:44",
Desc = ":music 107051215140642 false 1 inf 9",
[114] = {
Text = "Inacio160326: :music 107051215140642 false 1 inf 8",
Time = "14:44",
Desc = ":music 107051215140642 false 1 inf 8",
[115] = {
Text = "Inacio160326: :music 107051215140642 false 1 inf 7",
Time = "14:44",
Desc = ":music 107051215140642 false 1 inf 7",
[116] = {
Text = "Inacio160326: :music 107051215140642 false 1 inf 6",
Time = "14:44",
Desc = ":music 107051215140642 false 1 inf 6",
[117] = {
Text = "Inacio160326: :music 107051215140642 false 1 inf 5",
Time = "14:44",
Desc = ":music 107051215140642 false 1 inf 5",
[118] = {
Text = "Inacio160326: :music 107051215140642 false 1 inf 4",
Time = "14:44",
Desc = ":music 107051215140642 false 1 inf 4",
[119] = {
Text = "Inacio160326: :music 107051215140642 false 1 inf 3",
Time = "14:44",
Desc = ":music 107051215140642 false 1 inf 3",
[120] = {
Text = "Inacio160326: :music 107051215140642 false 1 inf 2",
Time = "14:44",
Desc = ":music 107051215140642 false 1 inf 2",
[121] = {
Text = "Inacio160326: :music 107051215140642 false 1 inf 1",
Time = "14:44",
Desc = ":music 107051215140642 false 1 inf 1",
[122] = {
Text = "Inacio160326: :rc k00p",
Time = "14:44",
Desc = ":rc k00p",
[123] = {
Text = "bo3aye121: :LC Core",
Time = "14:43",
Desc = ":LC Core",
------------------ END COMMAND LOGS ------------------
------------------ END TEXT FILE ------------------
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