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Created February 6, 2025 21:22
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Text file created by Roblox
-- ServerID: cd6d634d-d2f4-48ba-833d-9067264b0a55
-- Server started: February 06, 2025 08:43 PM UTC | Server uptime: 2110 seconds
------------------ LOADB LOGS ------------------
------------------ END LOADB LOGS ------------------
------------------ JOIN LOGS ------------------
[1] = {
Text = "OMGitsvoid8",
Time = "21:19",
Desc = "OMGitsvoid8 joined the server",
[2] = {
Text = "raysworld1007",
Time = "21:17",
Desc = "raysworld1007 joined the server",
[3] = {
Text = "jojby95",
Time = "21:16",
Desc = "jojby95 joined the server",
[4] = {
Time = "21:16",
Desc = "PROJAMESGAMER7767 joined the server",
[5] = {
Time = "21:15",
Desc = "PROJAMESGAMER7767 joined the server",
[6] = {
Text = "gleps228",
Time = "21:14",
Desc = "gleps228 joined the server",
[7] = {
Text = "AshtonTheRobloxPro",
Time = "21:13",
Desc = "AshtonTheRobloxPro joined the server",
[8] = {
Text = "randall598",
Time = "21:07",
Desc = "randall598 joined the server",
[9] = {
Text = "Arch3454355",
Time = "21:05",
Desc = "Arch3454355 joined the server",
[10] = {
Text = "freddieloveschoclate",
Time = "21:02",
Desc = "freddieloveschoclate joined the server",
[11] = {
Text = "DaSc3mmer",
Time = "21:00",
Desc = "DaSc3mmer joined the server",
[12] = {
Text = "Azadxx14",
Time = "20:59",
Desc = "Azadxx14 joined the server",
[13] = {
Text = "Igugugtjgubug",
Time = "20:59",
Desc = "Igugugtjgubug joined the server",
[14] = {
Text = "Emirhanplayss161616",
Time = "20:59",
Desc = "Emirhanplayss161616 joined the server",
[15] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica",
Time = "20:58",
Desc = "deepsideofamerica joined the server",
[16] = {
Text = "Emirhanplayss161616",
Time = "20:58",
Desc = "Emirhanplayss161616 joined the server",
[17] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = "Tiagotheplayer4 joined the server",
[18] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008",
Time = "20:53",
Desc = "Jaydenu2008 joined the server",
[19] = {
Text = "Emirhanplayss161616",
Time = "20:53",
Desc = "Emirhanplayss161616 joined the server",
[20] = {
Text = "emmettjade",
Time = "20:53",
Desc = "emmettjade joined the server",
[21] = {
Text = "Xavierisgood217",
Time = "20:53",
Desc = "Xavierisgood217 joined the server",
[22] = {
Text = "DaGraeson15",
Time = "20:52",
Desc = "DaGraeson15 joined the server",
[23] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica",
Time = "20:44",
Desc = "deepsideofamerica joined the server",
[24] = {
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx",
Time = "20:43",
Desc = "Mario_Hermosoxdx joined the server",
[25] = {
Text = "blahblahshea",
Time = "20:43",
Desc = "blahblahshea joined the server",
[26] = {
Text = "Emirhanplayss161616",
Time = "20:43",
Desc = "Emirhanplayss161616 joined the server",
------------------ END JOIN LOGS ------------------
------------------ CHAT LOGS ------------------
[1] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "OMGitsvoid8: :ff",
Desc = ":ff",
[2] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :clr",
Desc = ":clr",
[3] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "jojby95: :ff",
Desc = ":ff",
[4] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "jojby95: :btools",
Desc = ":btools",
[5] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "gleps228: :loan smile",
Desc = ":loan smile",
[6] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "jojby95: ;btools",
Desc = ";btools",
[7] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "AshtonTheRobloxPro: :resize 0",
Desc = ":resize 0",
[8] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: Now follow me",
Desc = "Now follow me",
[9] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "AshtonTheRobloxPro: :size me -1",
Desc = ":size me -1",
[10] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: ########",
Desc = "########",
[11] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "AshtonTheRobloxPro: :noclip",
Desc = ":noclip",
[12] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: Come here flying",
Desc = "Come here flying",
[13] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "gleps228: /w AshtonTheRobloxPro loan smile",
Desc = "/w AshtonTheRobloxPro loan smile",
[14] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "AshtonTheRobloxPro: why are there tripmines",
Desc = "why are there tripmines",
[15] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[16] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: Hey make this obby",
Desc = "Hey make this obby",
[17] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "AshtonTheRobloxPro: :loadb face",
Desc = ":loadb face",
[18] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "AshtonTheRobloxPro: :loadb no reset",
Desc = ":loadb no reset",
[19] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "gleps228: :ff",
Desc = ":ff",
[20] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "gleps228: :btools",
Desc = ":btools",
[21] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: /e :btools",
Desc = "/e :btools",
[22] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "gleps228: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[23] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "AshtonTheRobloxPro: :btools",
Desc = ":btools",
[24] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: /e :loadb PATRICK",
Desc = "/e :loadb PATRICK",
[25] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "AshtonTheRobloxPro: :loadb smile",
Desc = ":loadb smile",
[26] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "AshtonTheRobloxPro: loadb smile",
Desc = "loadb smile",
[27] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: Idk",
Desc = "Idk",
[28] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "randall598: :can we make squid game",
Desc = ":can we make squid game",
[29] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[30] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: Monit",
Desc = "Monit",
[31] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: :ff",
Desc = ":ff",
[32] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: :btools",
Desc = ":btools",
[33] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Arch3454355: :btools",
Desc = ":btools",
[34] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Arch3454355: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[35] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "randall598: done",
Desc = "done",
[36] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Arch3454355: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[37] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: :kill my",
Desc = ":kill my",
[38] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: /e :runc NUK",
Desc = "/e :runc NUK",
[39] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: :die my",
Desc = ":die my",
[40] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: Chocolate ",
Desc = "Chocolate ",
[41] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Arch3454355: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[42] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: /e :name me ! ",
Desc = "/e :name me ! ",
[43] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: /e :name me.",
Desc = "/e :name me.",
[44] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "randall598: :cmdbox",
Desc = ":cmdbox",
[45] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: /e :name me ",
Desc = "/e :name me ",
[46] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "randall598: :logs",
Desc = ":logs",
[47] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[48] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: /e :sp00ky all |:wait 1 |:sp00ky all",
Desc = "/e :sp00ky all |:wait 1 |:sp00ky all",
[49] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Arch3454355: :btools",
Desc = ":btools",
[50] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: :btools",
Desc = ":btools",
[51] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Arch3454355: :ff",
Desc = ":ff",
[52] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: :ff",
Desc = ":ff",
[53] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "randall598: :fixed it",
Desc = ":fixed it",
[54] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Arch3454355: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[55] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: :btools",
Desc = ":btools",
[56] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: ###",
Desc = "###",
[57] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: /e :sp00ky all",
Desc = "/e :sp00ky all",
[58] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: :ff",
Desc = ":ff",
[59] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Arch3454355: :btools",
Desc = ":btools",
[60] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[61] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: /e :dog all",
Desc = "/e :dog all",
[62] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Arch3454355: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[63] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Arch3454355: ew",
Desc = "ew",
[64] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: Ayo",
Desc = "Ayo",
[65] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: /e :dog all",
Desc = "/e :dog all",
[66] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: Dog",
Desc = "Dog",
[67] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: :dog freddie",
Desc = ":dog freddie",
[68] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :fix",
Desc = ":fix",
[69] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: :dog my",
Desc = ":dog my",
[70] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: Color??? ",
Desc = "Color??? ",
[71] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: Same college?? ",
Desc = "Same college?? ",
[72] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Arch3454355: wowie",
Desc = "wowie",
[73] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: Wat",
Desc = "Wat",
[74] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: WOW",
Desc = "WOW",
[75] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "randall598: woah",
Desc = "woah",
[76] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: /e :colorcorrection 0 0 -2",
Desc = "/e :colorcorrection 0 0 -2",
[77] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: I will reverse colors",
Desc = "I will reverse colors",
[78] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: /e :give me subspace",
Desc = "/e :give me subspace",
[79] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: Bruh",
Desc = "Bruh",
[80] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Arch3454355: cancelled guy!!",
Desc = "cancelled guy!!",
[81] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: Potemer?? ",
Desc = "Potemer?? ",
[82] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaSc3mmer: /e :cmdbox",
Desc = "/e :cmdbox",
[83] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: :btools",
Desc = ":btools",
[84] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: There's no sound",
Desc = "There's no sound",
[85] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaSc3mmer: /e :log",
Desc = "/e :log",
[86] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: /e :volume 1000",
Desc = "/e :volume 1000",
[87] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: ?#",
Desc = "?#",
[88] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: :sonic",
Desc = ":sonic",
[89] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: Deepsideamerics",
Desc = "Deepsideamerics",
[90] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: :gun",
Desc = ":gun",
[91] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Arch3454355: :btools",
Desc = ":btools",
[92] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :logs",
Desc = ":logs",
[93] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Arch3454355: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[94] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: : gun",
Desc = ": gun",
[95] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: !newserver",
Desc = "!newserver",
[96] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: /e :runc scare",
Desc = "/e :runc scare",
[97] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: :fliy",
Desc = ":fliy",
[98] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :god",
Desc = ":god",
[99] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: /e :unff",
Desc = "/e :unff",
[100] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: /e :sword",
Desc = "/e :sword",
[101] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: /e :ff",
Desc = "/e :ff",
[102] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :char me DaSc3mmer",
Desc = ":char me DaSc3mmer",
[103] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: the beautiful country",
Desc = "the beautiful country",
[104] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: its abdullah hes loading yemen",
Desc = "its abdullah hes loading yemen",
[105] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: :ff",
Desc = ":ff",
[106] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :char me @abdullah",
Desc = ":char me @abdullah",
[107] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaSc3mmer: /e :cmdbox",
Desc = "/e :cmdbox",
[108] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Xavierisgood217: ima go",
Desc = "ima go",
[109] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :char me @ab",
Desc = ":char me @ab",
[110] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: The next time this happens I will check the build logs",
Desc = "The next time this happens I will check the build logs",
[111] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: WTH",
Desc = "WTH",
[112] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: /ff",
Desc = "/ff",
[113] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: what is this lag",
Desc = "what is this lag",
[114] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: /e :volume 0",
Desc = "/e :volume 0",
[115] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaSc3mmer: /e :log",
Desc = "/e :log",
[116] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaSc3mmer: /e :log",
Desc = "/e :log",
[117] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Xavierisgood217: ye",
Desc = "ye",
[118] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: /e :sm i love yemen",
Desc = "/e :sm i love yemen",
[119] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: Unknown",
Desc = "Unknown",
[120] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: /e :runc scare",
Desc = "/e :runc scare",
[121] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Xavierisgood217: /e :logs",
Desc = "/e :logs",
[122] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaSc3mmer: Wow so scary",
Desc = "Wow so scary",
[123] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: bro ???",
Desc = "bro ???",
[124] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaSc3mmer: /e :loadb yemen",
Desc = "/e :loadb yemen",
[125] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: WHAAAAA",
Desc = "WHAAAAA",
[126] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaSc3mmer: /e :pitch inf",
Desc = "/e :pitch inf",
[127] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Xavierisgood217: /e :admins",
Desc = "/e :admins",
[128] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: /e :runc did",
Desc = "/e :runc did",
[129] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: /e :runc bean",
Desc = "/e :runc bean",
[130] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: What",
Desc = "What",
[131] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: was that",
Desc = "was that",
[132] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: wth",
Desc = "wth",
[133] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Igugugtjgubug: :unchar all",
Desc = ":unchar all",
[134] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: /e :runc bean",
Desc = "/e :runc bean",
[135] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Xavierisgood217: :god",
Desc = ":god",
[136] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: /e :sm ABDULLAH!",
Desc = "/e :sm ABDULLAH!",
[137] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Igugugtjgubug: ;unchar all",
Desc = ";unchar all",
[138] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: /e :cmds",
Desc = "/e :cmds",
[139] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaSc3mmer: /e :loadb yemen",
Desc = "/e :loadb yemen",
[140] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: /e :god all",
Desc = "/e :god all",
[141] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Xavierisgood217: :unchar",
Desc = ":unchar",
[142] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: /e :sword all",
Desc = "/e :sword all",
[143] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Xavierisgood217: :re",
Desc = ":re",
[144] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Xavierisgood217: unchar",
Desc = "unchar",
[145] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :dname all Abdullah Assalan",
Desc = ":dname all Abdullah Assalan",
[146] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "emmettjade: Bruh",
Desc = "Bruh",
[147] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: #####",
Desc = "#####",
[148] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Igugugtjgubug: :sword all",
Desc = ":sword all",
[149] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Xavierisgood217: :re",
Desc = ":re",
[150] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: WAIT I KNOW THIS GAME ABDULLAH",
[151] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaSc3mmer: /e :lock",
Desc = "/e :lock",
[152] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :char all DaSc3mmer",
Desc = ":char all DaSc3mmer",
[153] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: SALAM ALAIKUM",
[154] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: /e :re",
Desc = "/e :re",
[155] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: ABDULLAH",
Desc = "ABDULLAH",
[156] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "emmettjade: :lock me",
Desc = ":lock me",
[157] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Xavierisgood217: :lock me",
Desc = ":lock me",
[158] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaSc3mmer: /e :runc tools",
Desc = "/e :runc tools",
[159] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :visible",
Desc = ":visible",
[160] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "emmettjade: :unlock all",
Desc = ":unlock all",
[161] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Xavierisgood217: :re",
Desc = ":re",
[162] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Igugugtjgubug: :re",
Desc = ":re",
[163] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: /e :en all 123",
Desc = "/e :en all 123",
[164] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "emmettjade: :btools",
Desc = ":btools",
[165] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :unpunish all",
Desc = ":unpunish all",
[166] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Igugugtjgubug: ;re",
Desc = ";re",
[167] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: Burrh",
Desc = "Burrh",
[168] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :re",
Desc = ":re",
[169] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Igugugtjgubug: :control deep",
Desc = ":control deep",
[170] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: you cant",
Desc = "you cant",
[171] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Azadxx14: :cmds",
Desc = ":cmds",
[172] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "emmettjade: :unlock all",
Desc = ":unlock all",
[173] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: BRUH",
Desc = "BRUH",
[174] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :give all glock",
Desc = ":give all glock",
[175] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Azadxx14: :audio",
Desc = ":audio",
[176] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :give all glock",
Desc = ":give all glock",
[177] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Igugugtjgubug: ;control deep",
Desc = ";control deep",
[178] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :glock all",
Desc = ":glock all",
[179] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :tph all",
Desc = ":tph all",
[180] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "emmettjade: :btools",
Desc = ":btools",
[181] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :free all",
Desc = ":free all",
[182] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: /e :free all",
Desc = "/e :free all",
[183] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: Ok uhhh could someone unjail me",
Desc = "Ok uhhh could someone unjail me",
[184] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: /e :fly",
Desc = "/e :fly",
[185] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :btools",
Desc = ":btools",
[186] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :music",
Desc = ":music",
[187] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :uncharaudio all",
Desc = ":uncharaudio all",
[188] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: nice try bud",
Desc = "nice try bud",
[189] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaGraeson15: !newserver",
Desc = "!newserver",
[190] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: LOL",
Desc = "LOL",
[191] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :re others",
Desc = ":re others",
[192] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: /e :unjail",
Desc = "/e :unjail",
[193] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaGraeson15: :jail deep",
Desc = ":jail deep",
[194] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: /e :loadb blocked",
Desc = "/e :loadb blocked",
[195] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "emmettjade: Can you Stop",
Desc = "Can you Stop",
[196] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: /e :runc rick",
Desc = "/e :runc rick",
[197] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaGraeson15: :logs",
Desc = ":logs",
[198] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: /e :runc scare",
Desc = "/e :runc scare",
[199] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaGraeson15: jeez",
Desc = "jeez",
[200] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaGraeson15: :cmds",
Desc = ":cmds",
[201] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: /e :runc bean",
Desc = "/e :runc bean",
[202] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaGraeson15: :logs",
Desc = ":logs",
[203] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "emmettjade: :logs",
Desc = ":logs",
[204] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "emmettjade: :music ",
Desc = ":music ",
[205] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: Skeletons are dead so that means coolskeleton is dead",
Desc = "Skeletons are dead so that means coolskeleton is dead",
[206] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaGraeson15: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[207] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaGraeson15: #######################################",
Desc = "#######################################",
[208] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaGraeson15: :cmds",
Desc = ":cmds",
[209] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaGraeson15: :unchar all",
Desc = ":unchar all",
[210] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaGraeson15: :fix",
Desc = ":fix",
[211] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "emmettjade: Can you stop",
Desc = "Can you stop",
[212] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaGraeson15: :fix",
Desc = ":fix",
[213] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaGraeson15: :kill all",
Desc = ":kill all",
[214] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaGraeson15: oh",
Desc = "oh",
[215] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: !newserver",
Desc = "!newserver",
[216] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "emmettjade: :music ",
Desc = ":music ",
[217] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: leave",
Desc = "leave",
[218] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "emmettjade: :music ",
Desc = ":music ",
[219] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: I wish I had perm admin",
Desc = "I wish I had perm admin",
[220] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "blahblahshea: :f3x",
Desc = ":f3x",
[221] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaydenu2008: its time",
Desc = "its time",
[222] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "blahblahshea: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[223] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaydenu2008: womp womp",
Desc = "womp womp",
[224] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaGraeson15: peak",
Desc = "peak",
[225] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaGraeson15: abuse",
Desc = "abuse",
[226] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "emmettjade: :music ",
Desc = ":music ",
[227] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaGraeson15: :jail tiago | :kill tiago",
Desc = ":jail tiago | :kill tiago",
[228] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "blahblahshea: :unimage",
Desc = ":unimage",
[229] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "emmettjade: :music ",
Desc = ":music ",
[230] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "blahblahshea: :music",
Desc = ":music",
[231] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :",
Desc = ":",
[232] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaGraeson15: :logs",
Desc = ":logs",
[233] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "blahblahshea: It",
Desc = "It",
[234] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: /e :distortion 99999",
Desc = "/e :distortion 99999",
[235] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "blahblahshea: Broke",
Desc = "Broke",
[236] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "blahblahshea: ####",
Desc = "####",
[237] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaGraeson15: :logs",
Desc = ":logs",
[238] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "blahblahshea: A",
Desc = "A",
[239] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "emmettjade: :btools",
Desc = ":btools",
[240] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :pclear",
Desc = ":pclear",
[241] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaGraeson15: :cmds",
Desc = ":cmds",
[242] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaGraeson15: :logs",
Desc = ":logs",
[243] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "emmettjade: :music ",
Desc = ":music ",
[244] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaGraeson15: :volume 5",
Desc = ":volume 5",
[245] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaGraeson15: too bad",
Desc = "too bad",
[246] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaydenu2008: im more known for just pure chaos lol",
Desc = "im more known for just pure chaos lol",
[247] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaGraeson15: ####################################",
Desc = "####################################",
[248] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "blahblahshea: No",
Desc = "No",
[249] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "emmettjade: :tp me random",
Desc = ":tp me random",
[250] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaydenu2008: a virus..",
Desc = "a virus..",
[251] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaGraeson15: should I play thick of it",
Desc = "should I play thick of it",
[252] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: Lostbones is a virus cause everywhere",
Desc = "Lostbones is a virus cause everywhere",
[253] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "emmettjade: :btools",
Desc = ":btools",
[254] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaGraeson15: :f3x",
Desc = ":f3x",
[255] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaydenu2008: me and nullified have been working on this for a bit of time",
Desc = "me and nullified have been working on this for a bit of time",
[256] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: /e :fix",
Desc = "/e :fix",
[257] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaGraeson15: that’s actually insane",
Desc = "that’s actually insane",
[258] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "emmettjade: :logs",
Desc = ":logs",
[259] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaGraeson15: no way",
Desc = "no way",
[260] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "emmettjade: ;logs",
Desc = ";logs",
[261] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaydenu2008: its a remake lol",
Desc = "its a remake lol",
[262] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: What",
Desc = "What",
[263] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaGraeson15: that isn’t real",
Desc = "that isn’t real",
[264] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "blahblahshea: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[265] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaGraeson15: yes",
Desc = "yes",
[266] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "blahblahshea: :logs",
Desc = ":logs",
[267] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaydenu2008: are you a cool skeleton",
Desc = "are you a cool skeleton",
[268] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaGraeson15: ####################################",
Desc = "####################################",
[269] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :cmdbnox",
Desc = ":cmdbnox",
[270] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "blahblahshea: :f3x",
Desc = ":f3x",
[271] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "blahblahshea: Let me run a awesome cmd",
Desc = "Let me run a awesome cmd",
[272] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "blahblahshea: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[273] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaGraeson15: :f3x",
Desc = ":f3x",
[274] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaGraeson15: :fix",
Desc = ":fix",
[275] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaGraeson15: :to ",
Desc = ":to ",
[276] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaGraeson15: :unmusic",
Desc = ":unmusic",
[277] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaGraeson15: :jail em | :kill em",
Desc = ":jail em | :kill em",
[278] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "blahblahshea: hah",
Desc = "hah",
[279] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Emirhanplayss161616: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[280] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaGraeson15: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[281] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "blahblahshea: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[282] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "blahblahshea: Nope",
Desc = "Nope",
[283] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Emirhanplayss161616: :m I rule this sever now",
Desc = ":m I rule this sever now",
[284] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "blahblahshea: :music",
Desc = ":music",
[285] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "blahblahshea: :music",
Desc = ":music",
[286] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "blahblahshea: :music",
Desc = ":music",
[287] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "blahblahshea: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[288] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "blahblahshea: :cmdbar",
Desc = ":cmdbar",
[289] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "blahblahshea: :music",
Desc = ":music",
[290] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "blahblahshea: :f3x",
Desc = ":f3x",
[291] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "blahblahshea: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[292] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "blahblahshea: :admins",
Desc = ":admins",
[293] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "blahblahshea: Mario why",
Desc = "Mario why",
[294] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "blahblahshea: :logs",
Desc = ":logs",
[295] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Emirhanplayss161616: :tools",
Desc = ":tools",
[296] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: !newserver",
Desc = "!newserver",
[297] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: /e :runc ron",
Desc = "/e :runc ron",
[298] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: /e :runc bean",
Desc = "/e :runc bean",
[299] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: /e :runc bean",
Desc = "/e :runc bean",
[300] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: #################",
Desc = "#################",
[301] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :loadb free admin",
Desc = ":loadb free admin",
[302] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: /e :loadb blocked",
Desc = "/e :loadb blocked",
[303] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :loadb blocked",
Desc = ":loadb blocked",
[304] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "blahblahshea: :cmdbox",
Desc = ":cmdbox",
[305] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Emirhanplayss161616: :btools",
Desc = ":btools",
[306] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Emirhanplayss161616: :ff me",
Desc = ":ff me",
------------------ END CHAT LOGS ------------------
------------------ COMMAND LOGS ------------------
[1] = {
Text = "OMGitsvoid8: :cmds ",
Time = "21:20",
Desc = ":cmds ",
[2] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :clr ",
Time = "21:20",
Desc = ":clr ",
[3] = {
Text = "jojby95: :ff ",
Time = "21:18",
Desc = ":ff ",
[4] = {
Text = "jojby95: :btools ",
Time = "21:17",
Desc = ":btools ",
[5] = {
Text = "AshtonTheRobloxPro: :resize 0",
Time = "21:17",
Desc = ":resize 0",
[6] = {
Text = "AshtonTheRobloxPro: :size me -1",
Time = "21:17",
Desc = ":size me -1",
[7] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :fly @uk",
Time = "21:16",
Desc = ":fly @uk",
[8] = {
Text = "AshtonTheRobloxPro: :noclip ",
Time = "21:16",
Desc = ":noclip ",
[9] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :fly ",
Time = "21:16",
Desc = ":fly ",
[10] = {
Text = "AshtonTheRobloxPro: :loadb face",
Time = "21:16",
Desc = ":loadb face",
[11] = {
Text = "AshtonTheRobloxPro: :loadb no reset",
Time = "21:15",
Desc = ":loadb no reset",
[12] = {
Text = "randall598: :time 5",
Time = "21:15",
Desc = ":time 5",
[13] = {
Text = "randall598: :time 30",
Time = "21:15",
Desc = ":time 30",
[14] = {
Text = "gleps228: :ff ",
Time = "21:15",
Desc = ":ff ",
[15] = {
Text = "gleps228: :btools ",
Time = "21:15",
Desc = ":btools ",
[16] = {
Text = "randall598: :time 12",
Time = "21:15",
Desc = ":time 12",
[17] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :btools ",
Time = "21:15",
Desc = ":btools ",
[18] = {
Text = "gleps228: :fly ",
Time = "21:15",
Desc = ":fly ",
[19] = {
Text = "randall598: :time day",
Time = "21:15",
Desc = ":time day",
[20] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :loadb #######",
Time = "21:15",
Desc = ":loadb #######",
[21] = {
Text = "AshtonTheRobloxPro: :btools ",
Time = "21:15",
Desc = ":btools ",
[22] = {
Text = "AshtonTheRobloxPro: :loadb smile",
Time = "21:15",
Desc = ":loadb smile",
[23] = {
Text = "randall598: :btools ",
Time = "21:14",
Desc = ":btools ",
[24] = {
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: :fly ",
Time = "21:14",
Desc = ":fly ",
[25] = {
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: :ff ",
Time = "21:14",
Desc = ":ff ",
[26] = {
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: :btools ",
Time = "21:14",
Desc = ":btools ",
[27] = {
Text = "Arch3454355: :btools ",
Time = "21:14",
Desc = ":btools ",
[28] = {
Text = "Arch3454355: :fly ",
Time = "21:14",
Desc = ":fly ",
[29] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :time 4",
Time = "21:14",
Desc = ":time 4",
[30] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :brightness -20",
Time = "21:14",
Desc = ":brightness -20",
[31] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :wait 1",
Time = "21:14",
Desc = ":wait 1",
[32] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :brightness 100",
Time = "21:14",
Desc = ":brightness 100",
[33] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :explode all",
Time = "21:14",
Desc = ":explode all",
[34] = {
Text = "randall598: :fly me 500000",
Time = "21:14",
Desc = ":fly me 500000",
[35] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :wait 7",
Time = "21:13",
Desc = ":wait 7",
[36] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :movepart 4 relative 0 -1000 0 17 Quart InOut",
Time = "21:13",
Desc = ":movepart 4 relative 0 -1000 0 17 Quart InOut",
[37] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :loadb NUKE3",
Time = "21:13",
Desc = ":loadb NUKE3",
[38] = {
Text = "randall598: :god ",
Time = "21:13",
Desc = ":god ",
[39] = {
Text = "Arch3454355: :fly ",
Time = "21:13",
Desc = ":fly ",
[40] = {
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: :kill my",
Time = "21:13",
Desc = ":kill my",
[41] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :wait 10",
Time = "21:13",
Desc = ":wait 10",
[42] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :countdown 10",
Time = "21:13",
Desc = ":countdown 10",
[43] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :chatnotify all NUKE COMMING",
Time = "21:13",
Desc = ":chatnotify all NUKE COMMING",
[44] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :sm [REDACTED] be careful there's a nuke comming in 6 seconds get ready",
Time = "21:13",
Desc = ":sm [REDACTED] be careful there's a nuke comming in 6 seconds get ready",
[45] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :unview all",
Time = "21:13",
Desc = ":unview all",
[46] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :unloadb NUKE2",
Time = "21:13",
Desc = ":unloadb NUKE2",
[47] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :wait 6",
Time = "21:13",
Desc = ":wait 6",
[48] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :movepart 3 relative 0 30 0 10 Quart InOut",
Time = "21:13",
Desc = ":movepart 3 relative 0 30 0 10 Quart InOut",
[49] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :wait 0.3",
Time = "21:13",
Desc = ":wait 0.3",
[50] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :forceviewcam all NUKE2",
Time = "21:13",
Desc = ":forceviewcam all NUKE2",
[51] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :loadb NUKE2",
Time = "21:13",
Desc = ":loadb NUKE2",
[52] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :unloadb NUKE",
Time = "21:13",
Desc = ":unloadb NUKE",
[53] = {
Text = "randall598: :spin me 10000",
Time = "21:13",
Desc = ":spin me 10000",
[54] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :wait 4",
Time = "21:13",
Desc = ":wait 4",
[55] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :forceviewcam all nuke",
Time = "21:13",
Desc = ":forceviewcam all nuke",
[56] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :movepart 2 relative 2 0 0 6 Quart InOut",
Time = "21:13",
Desc = ":movepart 2 relative 2 0 0 6 Quart InOut",
[57] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :loadb NUKE",
Time = "21:13",
Desc = ":loadb NUKE",
[58] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :runc NUK",
Time = "21:13",
Desc = ":runc NUK",
[59] = {
Text = "randall598: :spin 10000+",
Time = "21:13",
Desc = ":spin 10000+",
[60] = {
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: :die my",
Time = "21:13",
Desc = ":die my",
[61] = {
Text = "Arch3454355: :fly ",
Time = "21:13",
Desc = ":fly ",
[62] = {
Text = "randall598: :re all",
Time = "21:12",
Desc = ":re all",
[63] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :name me !",
Time = "21:12",
Desc = ":name me !",
[64] = {
Text = "randall598: :cmdbox ",
Time = "21:12",
Desc = ":cmdbox ",
[65] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :name me.",
Time = "21:12",
Desc = ":name me.",
[66] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :name me",
Time = "21:12",
Desc = ":name me",
[67] = {
Text = "randall598: :logs ",
Time = "21:11",
Desc = ":logs ",
[68] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :sp00ky all",
Time = "21:11",
Desc = ":sp00ky all",
[69] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :wait 1",
Time = "21:11",
Desc = ":wait 1",
[70] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :sp00ky all",
Time = "21:11",
Desc = ":sp00ky all",
[71] = {
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: :fly ",
Time = "21:11",
Desc = ":fly ",
[72] = {
Text = "Arch3454355: :btools ",
Time = "21:11",
Desc = ":btools ",
[73] = {
Text = "randall598: :flynoclip ",
Time = "21:11",
Desc = ":flynoclip ",
[74] = {
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: :btools ",
Time = "21:11",
Desc = ":btools ",
[75] = {
Text = "randall598: :btools ",
Time = "21:11",
Desc = ":btools ",
[76] = {
Text = "Arch3454355: :ff ",
Time = "21:11",
Desc = ":ff ",
[77] = {
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: :ff ",
Time = "21:10",
Desc = ":ff ",
[78] = {
Text = "Arch3454355: :fly ",
Time = "21:10",
Desc = ":fly ",
[79] = {
Text = "randall598: :re all",
Time = "21:10",
Desc = ":re all",
[80] = {
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: :btools ",
Time = "21:10",
Desc = ":btools ",
[81] = {
Text = "randall598: :re ",
Time = "21:10",
Desc = ":re ",
[82] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :sp00ky all",
Time = "21:10",
Desc = ":sp00ky all",
[83] = {
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: :ff ",
Time = "21:10",
Desc = ":ff ",
[84] = {
Text = "Arch3454355: :btools ",
Time = "21:10",
Desc = ":btools ",
[85] = {
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: :fly ",
Time = "21:10",
Desc = ":fly ",
[86] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :dog ###",
Time = "21:09",
Desc = ":dog ###",
[87] = {
Text = "Arch3454355: :fly ",
Time = "21:09",
Desc = ":fly ",
[88] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :dog all",
Time = "21:09",
Desc = ":dog all",
[89] = {
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: :dog freddie",
Time = "21:08",
Desc = ":dog freddie",
[90] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :fix ",
Time = "21:08",
Desc = ":fix ",
[91] = {
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: :dog my",
Time = "21:08",
Desc = ":dog my",
[92] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :colorcorrection 0 0 -2",
Time = "21:07",
Desc = ":colorcorrection 0 0 -2",
[93] = {
Text = "randall598: :btools ",
Time = "21:07",
Desc = ":btools ",
[94] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :give me ########",
Time = "21:07",
Desc = ":give me ########",
[95] = {
Text = "DaSc3mmer: :cmdbox ",
Time = "21:06",
Desc = ":cmdbox ",
[96] = {
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: :btools ",
Time = "21:06",
Desc = ":btools ",
[97] = {
Text = "DaSc3mmer: :log ",
Time = "21:05",
Desc = ":log ",
[98] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :volume 1000",
Time = "21:05",
Desc = ":volume 1000",
[99] = {
Text = "DaSc3mmer: :sm مرحبا بكم في العالم العربي",
Time = "21:05",
Desc = ":sm مرحبا بكم في العالم العربي",
[100] = {
Text = "DaSc3mmer: :music 1847385964",
Time = "21:05",
Desc = ":music 1847385964",
[101] = {
Text = "Arch3454355: :btools ",
Time = "21:05",
Desc = ":btools ",
[102] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :logs ",
Time = "21:05",
Desc = ":logs ",
[103] = {
Text = "Arch3454355: :fly ",
Time = "21:05",
Desc = ":fly ",
[104] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: !newserver ",
Time = "21:04",
Desc = "!newserver ",
[105] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :unimage all string:",
Time = "21:04",
Desc = ":unimage all string:",
[106] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :volume 0",
Time = "21:04",
Desc = ":volume 0",
[107] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: !wait 3",
Time = "21:04",
Desc = "!wait 3",
[108] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :image all 668614179",
Time = "21:04",
Desc = ":image all 668614179",
[109] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :volume inf",
Time = "21:04",
Desc = ":volume inf",
[110] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :shakescreen all",
Time = "21:04",
Desc = ":shakescreen all",
[111] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :reverb 2",
Time = "21:04",
Desc = ":reverb 2",
[112] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :distortion 10",
Time = "21:04",
Desc = ":distortion 10",
[113] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :music 85271883712040",
Time = "21:04",
Desc = ":music 85271883712040",
[114] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :runc scare",
Time = "21:04",
Desc = ":runc scare",
[115] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :god ",
Time = "21:04",
Desc = ":god ",
[116] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :unff ",
Time = "21:04",
Desc = ":unff ",
[117] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :sword ",
Time = "21:04",
Desc = ":sword ",
[118] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :ff ",
Time = "21:04",
Desc = ":ff ",
[119] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :char me DaSc3mmer",
Time = "21:04",
Desc = ":char me DaSc3mmer",
[120] = {
Text = "freddieloveschoclate: :ff ",
Time = "21:04",
Desc = ":ff ",
[121] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :char me @abdullah",
Time = "21:04",
Desc = ":char me @abdullah",
[122] = {
Text = "DaSc3mmer: :cmdbox ",
Time = "21:04",
Desc = ":cmdbox ",
[123] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :char me @ab",
Time = "21:03",
Desc = ":char me @ab",
[124] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: [BLOCKED] :unimage all string:",
Time = "21:03",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :unimage all string:",
[125] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :volume 0",
Time = "21:03",
Desc = ":volume 0",
[126] = {
Text = "DaSc3mmer: :log ",
Time = "21:03",
Desc = ":log ",
[127] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: !wait 3",
Time = "21:03",
Desc = "!wait 3",
[128] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: [BLOCKED] :image all 668614179",
Time = "21:03",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :image all 668614179",
[129] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :volume inf",
Time = "21:03",
Desc = ":volume inf",
[130] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :shakescreen all",
Time = "21:03",
Desc = ":shakescreen all",
[131] = {
Text = "DaSc3mmer: :log ",
Time = "21:03",
Desc = ":log ",
[132] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :reverb 2",
Time = "21:03",
Desc = ":reverb 2",
[133] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :distortion 10",
Time = "21:03",
Desc = ":distortion 10",
[134] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :volume 0",
Time = "21:03",
Desc = ":volume 0",
[135] = {
Text = "Xavierisgood217: :logs ",
Time = "21:03",
Desc = ":logs ",
[136] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :sm i love yemen",
Time = "21:03",
Desc = ":sm i love yemen",
[137] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :music 85271883712040",
Time = "21:03",
Desc = ":music 85271883712040",
[138] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :runc scare",
Time = "21:03",
Desc = ":runc scare",
[139] = {
Text = "DaSc3mmer: :loadb yemen",
Time = "21:02",
Desc = ":loadb yemen",
[140] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: [BLOCKED] :unimage all string:",
Time = "21:02",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :unimage all string:",
[141] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :unimage all string:",
Time = "21:02",
Desc = ":unimage all string:",
[142] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :volume 0",
Time = "21:02",
Desc = ":volume 0",
[143] = {
Text = "DaSc3mmer: :pitch inf",
Time = "21:02",
Desc = ":pitch inf",
[144] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :unimage all string:",
Time = "21:02",
Desc = ":unimage all string:",
[145] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :volume 0",
Time = "21:02",
Desc = ":volume 0",
[146] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :volume 0",
Time = "21:02",
Desc = ":volume 0",
[147] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: !wait 3",
Time = "21:02",
Desc = "!wait 3",
[148] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: !wait 3",
Time = "21:02",
Desc = "!wait 3",
[149] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :image all 4936403969",
Time = "21:02",
Desc = ":image all 4936403969",
[150] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :volume inf",
Time = "21:02",
Desc = ":volume inf",
[151] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :shakescreen all",
Time = "21:02",
Desc = ":shakescreen all",
[152] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :reverb 2",
Time = "21:02",
Desc = ":reverb 2",
[153] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :distortion 10",
Time = "21:02",
Desc = ":distortion 10",
[154] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :image all 117044382865761",
Time = "21:02",
Desc = ":image all 117044382865761",
[155] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :volume inf",
Time = "21:02",
Desc = ":volume inf",
[156] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :shakescreen all",
Time = "21:02",
Desc = ":shakescreen all",
[157] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :reverb 2",
Time = "21:02",
Desc = ":reverb 2",
[158] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :distortion 10",
Time = "21:02",
Desc = ":distortion 10",
[159] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: !wait 3",
Time = "21:02",
Desc = "!wait 3",
[160] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :image all 4936403969",
Time = "21:02",
Desc = ":image all 4936403969",
[161] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :volume inf",
Time = "21:02",
Desc = ":volume inf",
[162] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :shakescreen all",
Time = "21:02",
Desc = ":shakescreen all",
[163] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :music 85271883712040",
Time = "21:02",
Desc = ":music 85271883712040",
[164] = {
Text = "Xavierisgood217: :admins ",
Time = "21:02",
Desc = ":admins ",
[165] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :runc bean",
Time = "21:02",
Desc = ":runc bean",
[166] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :reverb 2",
Time = "21:02",
Desc = ":reverb 2",
[167] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :distortion 10",
Time = "21:02",
Desc = ":distortion 10",
[168] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :music 85271883712040",
Time = "21:02",
Desc = ":music 85271883712040",
[169] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :runc did",
Time = "21:02",
Desc = ":runc did",
[170] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :music 85271883712040",
Time = "21:02",
Desc = ":music 85271883712040",
[171] = {
Text = "Igugugtjgubug: :unchar all",
Time = "21:02",
Desc = ":unchar all",
[172] = {
Text = "Xavierisgood217: :god ",
Time = "21:02",
Desc = ":god ",
[173] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :runc bean",
Time = "21:02",
Desc = ":runc bean",
[174] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :sm ABDULLAH!",
Time = "21:01",
Desc = ":sm ABDULLAH!",
[175] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :cmds ",
Time = "21:01",
Desc = ":cmds ",
[176] = {
Text = "DaSc3mmer: :loadb yemen",
Time = "21:01",
Desc = ":loadb yemen",
[177] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :god all",
Time = "21:01",
Desc = ":god all",
[178] = {
Text = "Xavierisgood217: :unchar ",
Time = "21:01",
Desc = ":unchar ",
[179] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :sword all",
Time = "21:01",
Desc = ":sword all",
[180] = {
Text = "Xavierisgood217: :re ",
Time = "21:01",
Desc = ":re ",
[181] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :dname all Abdullah Assalan",
Time = "21:01",
Desc = ":dname all Abdullah Assalan",
[182] = {
Text = "Igugugtjgubug: :sword all",
Time = "21:01",
Desc = ":sword all",
[183] = {
Text = "Xavierisgood217: :re ",
Time = "21:01",
Desc = ":re ",
[184] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :char all DaSc3mmer",
Time = "21:01",
Desc = ":char all DaSc3mmer",
[185] = {
Text = "DaSc3mmer: :lock ",
Time = "21:01",
Desc = ":lock ",
[186] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :re ",
Time = "21:01",
Desc = ":re ",
[187] = {
Text = "emmettjade: :lock me",
Time = "21:01",
Desc = ":lock me",
[188] = {
Text = "Xavierisgood217: :lock me",
Time = "21:00",
Desc = ":lock me",
[189] = {
Text = "DaSc3mmer: :gear me 95354288",
Time = "21:00",
Desc = ":gear me 95354288",
[190] = {
Text = "DaSc3mmer: :gear me 94233344",
Time = "21:00",
Desc = ":gear me 94233344",
[191] = {
Text = "DaSc3mmer: :sword ",
Time = "21:00",
Desc = ":sword ",
[192] = {
Text = "DaSc3mmer: :f3x ",
Time = "21:00",
Desc = ":f3x ",
[193] = {
Text = "DaSc3mmer: :ff ",
Time = "21:00",
Desc = ":ff ",
[194] = {
Text = "DaSc3mmer: :flynoclip me 100",
Time = "21:00",
Desc = ":flynoclip me 100",
[195] = {
Text = "DaSc3mmer: :runc tools",
Time = "21:00",
Desc = ":runc tools",
[196] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :visible ",
Time = "21:00",
Desc = ":visible ",
[197] = {
Text = "emmettjade: :unlock all",
Time = "21:00",
Desc = ":unlock all",
[198] = {
Text = "Xavierisgood217: :re ",
Time = "21:00",
Desc = ":re ",
[199] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :en all 123",
Time = "21:00",
Desc = ":en all 123",
[200] = {
Text = "Igugugtjgubug: :re ",
Time = "21:00",
Desc = ":re ",
[201] = {
Text = "emmettjade: :btools ",
Time = "21:00",
Desc = ":btools ",
[202] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :unpunish all",
Time = "21:00",
Desc = ":unpunish all",
[203] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :re ",
Time = "21:00",
Desc = ":re ",
[204] = {
Text = "Igugugtjgubug: :control deep",
Time = "21:00",
Desc = ":control deep",
[205] = {
Text = "Azadxx14: :cmds ",
Time = "21:00",
Desc = ":cmds ",
[206] = {
Text = "emmettjade: :unlock all",
Time = "21:00",
Desc = ":unlock all",
[207] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: [BLOCKED] :give all #####",
Time = "21:00",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :give all #####",
[208] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :give all #####",
Time = "21:00",
Desc = ":give all #####",
[209] = {
Text = "emmettjade: :btools ",
Time = "21:00",
Desc = ":btools ",
[210] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :tph all",
Time = "21:00",
Desc = ":tph all",
[211] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :free all",
Time = "20:59",
Desc = ":free all",
[212] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :free all",
Time = "20:59",
Desc = ":free all",
[213] = {
Text = "Igugugtjgubug: :cmds ",
Time = "20:59",
Desc = ":cmds ",
[214] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :fly ",
Time = "20:59",
Desc = ":fly ",
[215] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :btools ",
Time = "20:59",
Desc = ":btools ",
[216] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :music ",
Time = "20:59",
Desc = ":music ",
[217] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :uncharaudio all",
Time = "20:59",
Desc = ":uncharaudio all",
[218] = {
Text = "DaGraeson15: !newserver ",
Time = "20:59",
Desc = "!newserver ",
[219] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :re others",
Time = "20:59",
Desc = ":re others",
[220] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :unjail ",
Time = "20:59",
Desc = ":unjail ",
[221] = {
Text = "DaGraeson15: :jail deep",
Time = "20:59",
Desc = ":jail deep",
[222] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :loadb blocked",
Time = "20:59",
Desc = ":loadb blocked",
[223] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :unimage all",
Time = "20:59",
Desc = ":unimage all",
[224] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :volume 0",
Time = "20:59",
Desc = ":volume 0",
[225] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: !wait 2",
Time = "20:59",
Desc = "!wait 2",
[226] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :image all 11688231106",
Time = "20:59",
Desc = ":image all 11688231106",
[227] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :volume inf",
Time = "20:59",
Desc = ":volume inf",
[228] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :music 7992960012",
Time = "20:59",
Desc = ":music 7992960012",
[229] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :runc rick",
Time = "20:59",
Desc = ":runc rick",
[230] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :unimage all string:",
Time = "20:59",
Desc = ":unimage all string:",
[231] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :volume 0",
Time = "20:59",
Desc = ":volume 0",
[232] = {
Text = "DaGraeson15: :logs ",
Time = "20:59",
Desc = ":logs ",
[233] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: !wait 3",
Time = "20:59",
Desc = "!wait 3",
[234] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :image all 668614179",
Time = "20:59",
Desc = ":image all 668614179",
[235] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :volume inf",
Time = "20:59",
Desc = ":volume inf",
[236] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :shakescreen all",
Time = "20:59",
Desc = ":shakescreen all",
[237] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :reverb 2",
Time = "20:59",
Desc = ":reverb 2",
[238] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :distortion 10",
Time = "20:59",
Desc = ":distortion 10",
[239] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :music 85271883712040",
Time = "20:59",
Desc = ":music 85271883712040",
[240] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :runc scare",
Time = "20:59",
Desc = ":runc scare",
[241] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :unimage all string:",
Time = "20:58",
Desc = ":unimage all string:",
[242] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :volume 0",
Time = "20:58",
Desc = ":volume 0",
[243] = {
Text = "DaGraeson15: :cmds ",
Time = "20:58",
Desc = ":cmds ",
[244] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: !wait 3",
Time = "20:58",
Desc = "!wait 3",
[245] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :image all 4936403969",
Time = "20:58",
Desc = ":image all 4936403969",
[246] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :volume inf",
Time = "20:58",
Desc = ":volume inf",
[247] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :shakescreen all",
Time = "20:58",
Desc = ":shakescreen all",
[248] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :reverb 2",
Time = "20:58",
Desc = ":reverb 2",
[249] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :distortion 10",
Time = "20:58",
Desc = ":distortion 10",
[250] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :music 85271883712040",
Time = "20:58",
Desc = ":music 85271883712040",
[251] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :runc bean",
Time = "20:58",
Desc = ":runc bean",
[252] = {
Text = "DaGraeson15: :logs ",
Time = "20:58",
Desc = ":logs ",
[253] = {
Text = "emmettjade: :logs ",
Time = "20:58",
Desc = ":logs ",
[254] = {
Text = "emmettjade: :music ",
Time = "20:58",
Desc = ":music ",
[255] = {
Text = "DaGraeson15: :fly ",
Time = "20:58",
Desc = ":fly ",
[256] = {
Text = "DaGraeson15: :charaudio da 106194218936470 true 0.05",
Time = "20:58",
Desc = ":charaudio da 106194218936470 true 0.05",
[257] = {
Text = "DaGraeson15: :cmds ",
Time = "20:58",
Desc = ":cmds ",
[258] = {
Text = "DaGraeson15: :unchar all",
Time = "20:57",
Desc = ":unchar all",
[259] = {
Text = "DaGraeson15: :fix ",
Time = "20:57",
Desc = ":fix ",
[260] = {
Text = "DaGraeson15: :fix ",
Time = "20:57",
Desc = ":fix ",
[261] = {
Text = "DaGraeson15: :kill all",
Time = "20:57",
Desc = ":kill all",
[262] = {
Text = "emmettjade: :music ",
Time = "20:57",
Desc = ":music ",
[263] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :talk all ###########################",
Time = "20:57",
Desc = ":talk all ###########################",
[264] = {
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: !newserver ",
Time = "20:57",
Desc = "!newserver ",
[265] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :effectpart 69 18837336356 true 1 5 999 999",
Time = "20:57",
Desc = ":effectpart 69 18837336356 true 1 5 999 999",
[266] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.01",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.01",
[267] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
[268] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.01",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.01",
[269] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
[270] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.01",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.01",
[271] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
[272] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.01",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.01",
[273] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
[274] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.01",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.01",
[275] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
[276] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.01",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.01",
[277] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
[278] = {
Text = "emmettjade: :music ",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":music ",
[279] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.01",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.01",
[280] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
[281] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.01",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.01",
[282] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
[283] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.01",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.01",
[284] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
[285] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.01",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.01",
[286] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
[287] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.01",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.01",
[288] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
[289] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.01",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.01",
[290] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
[291] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.01",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.01",
[292] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
[293] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.01",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.01",
[294] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
[295] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.01",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.01",
[296] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
[297] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.01",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.01",
[298] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
[299] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.01",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.01",
[300] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
[301] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.01",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.01",
[302] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
[303] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.01",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.01",
[304] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
[305] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.01",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.01",
[306] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
[307] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.01",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.01",
[308] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
[309] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.01",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.01",
[310] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
[311] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.01",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.01",
[312] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
[313] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.01",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.01",
[314] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
[315] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.01",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.01",
[316] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":talk all TEAM K00LKIDD81 JOIN TODAY!",
[317] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :music 5578839573 true",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":music 5578839573 true",
[318] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :effectpart 69 18837336356 true 1 5 999 999",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":effectpart 69 18837336356 true 1 5 999 999",
[319] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setcollision 6969 false",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":setcollision 6969 false",
[320] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :settransparency 6969 1",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":settransparency 6969 1",
[321] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :partaudio 6969 107051215140642 true 0.2 inf",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":partaudio 6969 107051215140642 true 0.2 inf",
[322] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :loadb k00lkidd81",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":loadb k00lkidd81",
[323] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :m but if you somehow did in 45 seconds congrats! 🎈🎉",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":m but if you somehow did in 45 seconds congrats! 🎈🎉",
[324] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :makepart 6969",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":makepart 6969",
[325] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :makepart 6969",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":makepart 6969",
[326] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :makepart 6969",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":makepart 6969",
[327] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :charaudio all 107051215140642 true 0.2 inf",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":charaudio all 107051215140642 true 0.2 inf",
[328] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :skybox 18837336356",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":skybox 18837336356",
[329] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :Screenimage all 84894566198737 0.8",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":Screenimage all 84894566198737 0.8",
[330] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :music 79270928162741 false 1 1 2",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":music 79270928162741 false 1 1 2",
[331] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :volume inf",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":volume inf",
[332] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :pitch 0.2",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":pitch 0.2",
[333] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :shakecamera all 1000 1000 2500",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":shakecamera all 1000 1000 2500",
[334] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :name all K00LKIDD81",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":name all K00LKIDD81",
[335] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :wait 5",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 5",
[336] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :unmusic ",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":unmusic ",
[337] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :fix ",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":fix ",
[338] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :sm you didn’t complete the og obby..",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":sm you didn’t complete the og obby..",
[339] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :tph all",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":tph all",
[340] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :music 107051215140642",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":music 107051215140642",
[341] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :clrguis all true",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":clrguis all true",
[342] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :char all 5868909891",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":char all 5868909891",
[343] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :f3x ",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":f3x ",
[344] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :fly ",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":fly ",
[345] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :r6 ",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":r6 ",
[346] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :chatnotifyc ### 255 0 0 <font face='Fondamento'>GUESS WHO</font>",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":chatnotifyc ### 255 0 0 <font face='Fondamento'>GUESS WHO</font>",
[347] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :Removepart 661",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":Removepart 661",
[348] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :Removepart 5000",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":Removepart 5000",
[349] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :removepart 1001",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":removepart 1001",
[350] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :removepart 1000",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":removepart 1000",
[351] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :removepart 999",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":removepart 999",
[352] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :removepart 991",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":removepart 991",
[353] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :removepart 555",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":removepart 555",
[354] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 4",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 4",
[355] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :Speed me 10",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":Speed me 10",
[356] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :unfreeze me",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":unfreeze me",
[357] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :Rotatepart 661 exact 900000 900000 900000 50 Linear InOut",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":Rotatepart 661 exact 900000 900000 900000 50 Linear InOut",
[358] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :settransparency 661 1 2 Linear InOut",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":settransparency 661 1 2 Linear InOut",
[359] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :resizepart 661 exact 9999 100 100 11 Linear InOut",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":resizepart 661 exact 9999 100 100 11 Linear InOut",
[360] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :charaudio me 7053083974 false 1 inf",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":charaudio me 7053083974 false 1 inf",
[361] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :partcolor 661 255,0,0",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":partcolor 661 255,0,0",
[362] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setmat 661 Neon",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":setmat 661 Neon",
[363] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :Rotatepart 661 exact 0 0 -90 -999 Linear InOut",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":Rotatepart 661 exact 0 0 -90 -999 Linear InOut",
[364] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setshape 661 Cylinder",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":setshape 661 Cylinder",
[365] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setcollision 661 false",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":setcollision 661 false",
[366] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :makepart 661",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":makepart 661",
[367] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setpcolor 5000 255,0,0",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":setpcolor 5000 255,0,0",
[368] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.1",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[369] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setpcolor 5000 0,0,0",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":setpcolor 5000 0,0,0",
[370] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.1",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[371] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setpcolor 5000 255,0,0",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":setpcolor 5000 255,0,0",
[372] = {
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: :fix ",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":fix ",
[373] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.1",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[374] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setpcolor 5000 0,0,0",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":setpcolor 5000 0,0,0",
[375] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.1",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[376] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setpcolor 5000 255,0,0",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":setpcolor 5000 255,0,0",
[377] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.1",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[378] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setpcolor 5000 0,0,0",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":setpcolor 5000 0,0,0",
[379] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.1",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[380] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setpcolor 5000 255,0,0",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":setpcolor 5000 255,0,0",
[381] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.1",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[382] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setpcolor 5000 0,0,0",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":setpcolor 5000 0,0,0",
[383] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.1",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[384] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setpcolor 5000 255,0,0",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":setpcolor 5000 255,0,0",
[385] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.1",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[386] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setpcolor 5000 0,0,0",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":setpcolor 5000 0,0,0",
[387] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :settransparency 5000 1 2 Linear InOut",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":settransparency 5000 1 2 Linear InOut",
[388] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :resizepart 5000 exact 9999999 100 100 2 Linear InOut",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":resizepart 5000 exact 9999999 100 100 2 Linear InOut",
[389] = {
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: :re all",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":re all",
[390] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :shakecamera all 25 25 0 1",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":shakecamera all 25 25 0 1",
[391] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :smoothfov all 70 0.1 Sine InOut",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":smoothfov all 70 0.1 Sine InOut",
[392] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.2",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.2",
[393] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :smoothfov all 200000 0.05 Sine InOut",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":smoothfov all 200000 0.05 Sine InOut",
[394] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :colorcorrection 0 0 0",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":colorcorrection 0 0 0",
[395] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.05",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.05",
[396] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :colorcorrection 0 100 -1",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":colorcorrection 0 100 -1",
[397] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.05",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.05",
[398] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :colorcorrection 0 0 0",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":colorcorrection 0 0 0",
[399] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.05",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.05",
[400] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :colorcorrection 0 100 -1",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":colorcorrection 0 100 -1",
[401] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.05",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.05",
[402] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :colorcorrection 0 0 0",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":colorcorrection 0 0 0",
[403] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.05",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.05",
[404] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :colorcorrection 0 100 -1",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":colorcorrection 0 100 -1",
[405] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.05",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.05",
[406] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :colorcorrection 0 0 0",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":colorcorrection 0 0 0",
[407] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.05",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.05",
[408] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :colorcorrection 0 100 -1",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":colorcorrection 0 100 -1",
[409] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :charaudio me 7157159568 false 1 inf",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":charaudio me 7157159568 false 1 inf",
[410] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :partcolor 5000 255,0,0",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":partcolor 5000 255,0,0",
[411] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setmat 5000 Neon",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":setmat 5000 Neon",
[412] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :Rotatepart 5000 exact 0 0 -90 -999 Linear InOut",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":Rotatepart 5000 exact 0 0 -90 -999 Linear InOut",
[413] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setshape 5000 Cylinder",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":setshape 5000 Cylinder",
[414] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setcollision 5000 false",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":setcollision 5000 false",
[415] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :makepart 5000",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":makepart 5000",
[416] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :settransparency 1001 1 2 Linear InOut",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":settransparency 1001 1 2 Linear InOut",
[417] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :resizepart 1001 exact 1 555 555 2 Linear InOut",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":resizepart 1001 exact 1 555 555 2 Linear InOut",
[418] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :charaudio me 7053083482 false 1 inf",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":charaudio me 7053083482 false 1 inf",
[419] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :partcolor 1001 0,0,0",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":partcolor 1001 0,0,0",
[420] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setmat 1001 Neon",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":setmat 1001 Neon",
[421] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :Rotatepart 1001 exact 0 0 -90 -999 Linear InOut",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":Rotatepart 1001 exact 0 0 -90 -999 Linear InOut",
[422] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setshape 1001 Cylinder",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":setshape 1001 Cylinder",
[423] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setcollision 1001 false",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":setcollision 1001 false",
[424] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :makepart 1001",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":makepart 1001",
[425] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.3",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.3",
[426] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :settransparency 1000 1 2 Linear InOut",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":settransparency 1000 1 2 Linear InOut",
[427] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :resizepart 1000 exact 1 555 555 2 Linear InOut",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":resizepart 1000 exact 1 555 555 2 Linear InOut",
[428] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :charaudio me 7053083482 false 1 inf",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":charaudio me 7053083482 false 1 inf",
[429] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :partcolor 1000 255,0,0",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":partcolor 1000 255,0,0",
[430] = {
Text = "DaGraeson15: :kill tiago",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":kill tiago",
[431] = {
Text = "DaGraeson15: :jail tiago",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":jail tiago",
[432] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setmat 1000 Neon",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":setmat 1000 Neon",
[433] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :Rotatepart 1000 exact 0 0 -90 -999 Linear InOut",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":Rotatepart 1000 exact 0 0 -90 -999 Linear InOut",
[434] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setshape 1000 Cylinder",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":setshape 1000 Cylinder",
[435] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setcollision 1000 false",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":setcollision 1000 false",
[436] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :makepart 1000",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":makepart 1000",
[437] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :unimage ",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":unimage ",
[438] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :Wait 0.5",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":Wait 0.5",
[439] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :settransparency 999 1 2 Linear InOut",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":settransparency 999 1 2 Linear InOut",
[440] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :resizepart 999 exact 1 555 555 2 Linear InOut",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":resizepart 999 exact 1 555 555 2 Linear InOut",
[441] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :charaudio me 7053083482 false 1 inf",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":charaudio me 7053083482 false 1 inf",
[442] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :partcolor 999 255,0,0",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":partcolor 999 255,0,0",
[443] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setmat 999 Neon",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":setmat 999 Neon",
[444] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :Rotatepart 999 exact 0 0 -90 -999 Linear InOut",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":Rotatepart 999 exact 0 0 -90 -999 Linear InOut",
[445] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setshape 999 Cylinder",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":setshape 999 Cylinder",
[446] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setcollision 999 false",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":setcollision 999 false",
[447] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :makepart 999",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":makepart 999",
[448] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 1",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 1",
[449] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :settransparency 991 1 2 Linear InOut",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":settransparency 991 1 2 Linear InOut",
[450] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :resizepart 991 exact 1 555 555 2 Linear InOut",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":resizepart 991 exact 1 555 555 2 Linear InOut",
[451] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :charaudio me 7053083482 false 1 inf",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":charaudio me 7053083482 false 1 inf",
[452] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :partcolor 991 255,0,0",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":partcolor 991 255,0,0",
[453] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setmat 991 Neon",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":setmat 991 Neon",
[454] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :Rotatepart 991 exact 0 0 -90 -999 Linear InOut",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":Rotatepart 991 exact 0 0 -90 -999 Linear InOut",
[455] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setshape 991 Cylinder",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":setshape 991 Cylinder",
[456] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setcollision 991 false",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":setcollision 991 false",
[457] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :makepart 991",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":makepart 991",
[458] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :resizepart 555 exact -22 -22 -22 15 Linear InOut",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":resizepart 555 exact -22 -22 -22 15 Linear InOut",
[459] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :settransparency 555 1 10 Linear InOut",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":settransparency 555 1 10 Linear InOut",
[460] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :rotatepart 555 exact 900000 900000 900000 100 Linear Out",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":rotatepart 555 exact 900000 900000 900000 100 Linear Out",
[461] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :resizepart 555 exact 22 22 22 0.2 Linear InOut",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":resizepart 555 exact 22 22 22 0.2 Linear InOut",
[462] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :effectpart 555 6673021990 true 50 0,0 0,1 25 255,0,0 0,6 FacingCamera Top -255,255 True 1 1",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":effectpart 555 6673021990 true 50 0,0 0,1 25 255,0,0 0,6 FacingCamera Top -255,255 True 1 1",
[463] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :shakecamera all 25 25 0 1",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":shakecamera all 25 25 0 1",
[464] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :smoothfov all 70 0.1 Sine InOut",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":smoothfov all 70 0.1 Sine InOut",
[465] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.2",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.2",
[466] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :smoothfov all 1 0.1 Sine InOut",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":smoothfov all 1 0.1 Sine InOut",
[467] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :charaudio me 18870782376 false 1 inf",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":charaudio me 18870782376 false 1 inf",
[468] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :charaudio me 7157159286 false 0.7 inf",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":charaudio me 7157159286 false 0.7 inf",
[469] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setpcolor 555 255,0,0",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":setpcolor 555 255,0,0",
[470] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setmat 555 Neon",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":setmat 555 Neon",
[471] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setcollision 555 false",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":setcollision 555 false",
[472] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :charaudio me 72089843969979 true 0.2 3",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":charaudio me 72089843969979 true 0.2 3",
[473] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :makepart 555",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":makepart 555",
[474] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :animation me 125750618",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":animation me 125750618",
[475] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :animation me 204055750",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":animation me 204055750",
[476] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :animation me 87684948 true 9999999999",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":animation me 87684948 true 9999999999",
[477] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :animation me 70989227",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":animation me 70989227",
[478] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :freeze me",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":freeze me",
[479] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :charaudio me 7473415590 false 1 inf",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":charaudio me 7473415590 false 1 inf",
[480] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :itransparency all 1 0.5 Linear InOut 26",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":itransparency all 1 0.5 Linear InOut 26",
[481] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :Screenimage all 12869420947 0 26 10",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":Screenimage all 12869420947 0 26 10",
[482] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :skybox 82567026327088",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":skybox 82567026327088",
[483] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :chatnotifyc all 255 0 0 <font face='Fondamento'>c00lkidd</font>",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":chatnotifyc all 255 0 0 <font face='Fondamento'>c00lkidd</font>",
[484] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :god me",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":god me",
[485] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :light me Really red",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":light me Really red",
[486] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :name me c00lkidd",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":name me c00lkidd",
[487] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.4",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.4",
[488] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :animation me 242455877 false 0.7",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":animation me 242455877 false 0.7",
[489] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :char me 4440435316",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":char me 4440435316",
[490] = {
Text = "emmettjade: :music ",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":music ",
[491] = {
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: :music ",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":music ",
[492] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :song ",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":song ",
[493] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :music ",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":music ",
[494] = {
Text = "DaGraeson15: :logs ",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":logs ",
[495] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :distortion 99999",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":distortion 99999",
[496] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :f3x ",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":f3x ",
[497] = {
Text = "DaGraeson15: :logs ",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":logs ",
[498] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :Re ",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":Re ",
[499] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :wait 45",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 45",
[500] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :sm ALL WELCOME TO THE EVIL OBBY 😱😱😱",
Time = "20:56",
[501] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :tp all me",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":tp all me",
[502] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :pitch 0.1",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":pitch 0.1",
[503] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :music 17729442754",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":music 17729442754",
[504] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :image all 18253978033 0.7",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":image all 18253978033 0.7",
[505] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :image all 18250189407",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":image all 18250189407",
[506] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :colorgrading retro",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":colorgrading retro",
[507] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :skybox 118772626849013",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":skybox 118772626849013",
[508] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :image all 10676689438",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":image all 10676689438",
[509] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :image all 6714893535",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":image all 6714893535",
[510] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :wait 0.3",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":wait 0.3",
[511] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :unimage all",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":unimage all",
[512] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :r6 ",
Time = "20:56",
Desc = ":r6 ",
[513] = {
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: :volume inf",
Time = "20:55",
Desc = ":volume inf",
[514] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :unimage all",
Time = "20:55",
Desc = ":unimage all",
[515] = {
Text = "emmettjade: :btools ",
Time = "20:55",
Desc = ":btools ",
[516] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :pclear ",
Time = "20:55",
Desc = ":pclear ",
[517] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :wait 6",
Time = "20:55",
Desc = ":wait 6",
[518] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :volume 0.5",
Time = "20:55",
Desc = ":volume 0.5",
[519] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :distortion 0.7",
Time = "20:55",
Desc = ":distortion 0.7",
[520] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :music 663972699 true",
Time = "20:55",
Desc = ":music 663972699 true",
[521] = {
Text = "DaGraeson15: :cmds ",
Time = "20:55",
Desc = ":cmds ",
[522] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :screenimage all 16396771097",
Time = "20:55",
Desc = ":screenimage all 16396771097",
[523] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :charaudio me 1601659619 false 1 1",
Time = "20:55",
Desc = ":charaudio me 1601659619 false 1 1",
[524] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :wait 3",
Time = "20:55",
Desc = ":wait 3",
[525] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :sm ITS TIME FOR SIMPLER TIMES!",
Time = "20:55",
[526] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :Wait 0.5",
Time = "20:55",
Desc = ":Wait 0.5",
[527] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :charaudio radius-11 17748195478 false 1 0.5",
Time = "20:55",
Desc = ":charaudio radius-11 17748195478 false 1 0.5",
[528] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :tothemoon radius-11",
Time = "20:55",
Desc = ":tothemoon radius-11",
[529] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :shakecamera radius-11 500 500 0 100",
Time = "20:55",
Desc = ":shakecamera radius-11 500 500 0 100",
[530] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :charaudio me 8284575295 false 1 inf",
Time = "20:55",
Desc = ":charaudio me 8284575295 false 1 inf",
[531] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :animation me 71380167 false 1.5",
Time = "20:55",
Desc = ":animation me 71380167 false 1.5",
[532] = {
Text = "DaGraeson15: :logs ",
Time = "20:55",
Desc = ":logs ",
[533] = {
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: :equalizer inf inf inf inf",
Time = "20:55",
Desc = ":equalizer inf inf inf inf",
[534] = {
Text = "emmettjade: :music ",
Time = "20:55",
Desc = ":music ",
[535] = {
Text = "DaGraeson15: :volume 5",
Time = "20:55",
Desc = ":volume 5",
[536] = {
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: :volume inf",
Time = "20:55",
Desc = ":volume inf",
[537] = {
Text = "DaGraeson15: :pitch 0.05",
Time = "20:55",
Desc = ":pitch 0.05",
[538] = {
Text = "DaGraeson15: :music 106194218936470",
Time = "20:55",
Desc = ":music 106194218936470",
[539] = {
Text = "emmettjade: :tp me random",
Time = "20:55",
Desc = ":tp me random",
[540] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :charaudio me 1601659619 false 1 1",
Time = "20:55",
Desc = ":charaudio me 1601659619 false 1 1",
[541] = {
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: :btools ",
Time = "20:55",
Desc = ":btools ",
[542] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :Wait 0.5",
Time = "20:55",
Desc = ":Wait 0.5",
[543] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :charaudio radius-11 17748195478 false 1 0.5",
Time = "20:55",
Desc = ":charaudio radius-11 17748195478 false 1 0.5",
[544] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :tothemoon radius-11",
Time = "20:55",
Desc = ":tothemoon radius-11",
[545] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :shakecamera radius-11 500 500 0 100",
Time = "20:55",
Desc = ":shakecamera radius-11 500 500 0 100",
[546] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :charaudio me 8284575295 false 1 inf",
Time = "20:55",
Desc = ":charaudio me 8284575295 false 1 inf",
[547] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :animation me 71380167 false 1.5",
Time = "20:55",
Desc = ":animation me 71380167 false 1.5",
[548] = {
Text = "emmettjade: :btools ",
Time = "20:55",
Desc = ":btools ",
[549] = {
Text = "DaGraeson15: :f3x ",
Time = "20:55",
Desc = ":f3x ",
[550] = {
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: !isingame happy_guy844",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = "!isingame happy_guy844",
[551] = {
Text = "Tiagotheplayer4: :fix ",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":fix ",
[552] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :charaudio me 81813443362094 false 0.7 1",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":charaudio me 81813443362094 false 0.7 1",
[553] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :itransparency radius-11 0.5 1 Linear In",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":itransparency radius-11 0.5 1 Linear In",
[554] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :screenimage radius-11 6967555058 1",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":screenimage radius-11 6967555058 1",
[555] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :bleed radius 11",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":bleed radius 11",
[556] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :removehats radius-11",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":removehats radius-11",
[557] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :seizure radius-11",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":seizure radius-11",
[558] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :charaudio radius-11 82176913611683 false 1 1",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":charaudio radius-11 82176913611683 false 1 1",
[559] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :removehead radius-11 true",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":removehead radius-11 true",
[560] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :tp radius-11 me",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":tp radius-11 me",
[561] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :charaudio me 5028153356 false 1 1",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":charaudio me 5028153356 false 1 1",
[562] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :head radius-11 134082579",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":head radius-11 134082579",
[563] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :name radius-11",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":name radius-11",
[564] = {
Text = "emmettjade: :logs ",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":logs ",
[565] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :animation me 71380167 false 1.4",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":animation me 71380167 false 1.4",
[566] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :song ",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":song ",
[567] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :tp me radius-99999",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":tp me radius-99999",
[568] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :fly ",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":fly ",
[569] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 1",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":wait 1",
[570] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :tp me random",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":tp me random",
[571] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :god me",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":god me",
[572] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :speed me 8",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":speed me 8",
[573] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :removepart 5912",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":removepart 5912",
[574] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :animation me 125750618",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":animation me 125750618",
[575] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :animation me 283545583",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":animation me 283545583",
[576] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :animation me 94789762",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":animation me 94789762",
[577] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :animation me 94789762",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":animation me 94789762",
[578] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :animation me 97206298",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":animation me 97206298",
[579] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :Rotatepart 9612 exact 0 900000 0 90000 Linear InOut",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":Rotatepart 9612 exact 0 900000 0 90000 Linear InOut",
[580] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setanchored 999 False",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":setanchored 999 False",
[581] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :weldtocharacter me 999 Head",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":weldtocharacter me 999 Head",
[582] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setanchored 591 False",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":setanchored 591 False",
[583] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :Weldtocharacter me 591 Torso",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":Weldtocharacter me 591 Torso",
[584] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setanchored 888 False",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":setanchored 888 False",
[585] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :weldtocharacter me 888 Torso",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":weldtocharacter me 888 Torso",
[586] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setanchored 777 False",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":setanchored 777 False",
[587] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :weldtocharacter me 777 Left Arm",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":weldtocharacter me 777 Left Arm",
[588] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setanchored 666 False",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":setanchored 666 False",
[589] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :weldtocharacter me 666 Right Arm",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":weldtocharacter me 666 Right Arm",
[590] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 1.5",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":wait 1.5",
[591] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :Rotatepart 9612 exact 0 900000 0 90000 Linear InOut",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":Rotatepart 9612 exact 0 900000 0 90000 Linear InOut",
[592] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :tp me -50,0,20",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":tp me -50,0,20",
[593] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :charaudio me 1837951167 true 0.3 2",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":charaudio me 1837951167 true 0.3 2",
[594] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :charaudio me 5554912458 true 0.4 inf",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":charaudio me 5554912458 true 0.4 inf",
[595] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :light me Really red",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":light me Really red",
[596] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :name me hide",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":name me hide",
[597] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.7",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":wait 0.7",
[598] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :char me 5291332493",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":char me 5291332493",
[599] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :colorcorrection -0.2 1 0.5",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":colorcorrection -0.2 1 0.5",
[600] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :ambient 255, 0, 0,",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":ambient 255, 0, 0,",
[601] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :logs ",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":logs ",
[602] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :skybox 13086491655",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":skybox 13086491655",
[603] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :time 6.5",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":time 6.5",
[604] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :loadb John_Doe",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":loadb John_Doe",
[605] = {
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: :re all",
Time = "20:54",
Desc = ":re all",
[606] = {
Text = "DaGraeson15: :pitch 0.05",
Time = "20:53",
Desc = ":pitch 0.05",
[607] = {
Text = "DaGraeson15: :music 106194218936470",
Time = "20:53",
Desc = ":music 106194218936470",
[608] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :cmdbox ",
Time = "20:53",
Desc = ":cmdbox ",
[609] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :f3x ",
Time = "20:53",
Desc = ":f3x ",
[610] = {
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: :re all",
Time = "20:53",
Desc = ":re all",
[611] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :fly ",
Time = "20:53",
Desc = ":fly ",
[612] = {
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: :refresh all",
Time = "20:53",
Desc = ":refresh all",
[613] = {
Text = "DaGraeson15: :f3x ",
Time = "20:53",
Desc = ":f3x ",
[614] = {
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: :refresh ",
Time = "20:53",
Desc = ":refresh ",
[615] = {
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: :f3x ",
Time = "20:53",
Desc = ":f3x ",
[616] = {
Text = "DaGraeson15: :fix ",
Time = "20:53",
Desc = ":fix ",
[617] = {
Text = "DaGraeson15: :to ",
Time = "20:53",
Desc = ":to ",
[618] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :unmusic ",
Time = "20:53",
Desc = ":unmusic ",
[619] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :fix ",
Time = "20:53",
Desc = ":fix ",
[620] = {
Text = "DaGraeson15: :unmusic ",
Time = "20:53",
Desc = ":unmusic ",
[621] = {
Text = "DaGraeson15: :kill em",
Time = "20:53",
Desc = ":kill em",
[622] = {
Text = "DaGraeson15: :jail em",
Time = "20:53",
Desc = ":jail em",
[623] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :wait 4",
Time = "20:53",
Desc = ":wait 4",
[624] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :dance all",
Time = "20:53",
Desc = ":dance all",
[625] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :wait 0.3",
Time = "20:53",
Desc = ":wait 0.3",
[626] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :r6 all",
Time = "20:53",
Desc = ":r6 all",
[627] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :distortion 0.7",
Time = "20:53",
Desc = ":distortion 0.7",
[628] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :song 7046088029",
Time = "20:53",
Desc = ":song 7046088029",
[629] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :colorcorrection 0 -2",
Time = "20:53",
Desc = ":colorcorrection 0 -2",
[630] = {
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: :f3x ",
Time = "20:53",
Desc = ":f3x ",
[631] = {
Text = "Emirhanplayss161616: :fly ",
Time = "20:52",
Desc = ":fly ",
[632] = {
Text = "DaGraeson15: :fly ",
Time = "20:52",
Desc = ":fly ",
[633] = {
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: :admins ",
Time = "20:52",
Desc = ":admins ",
[634] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :fly ",
Time = "20:52",
Desc = ":fly ",
[635] = {
Text = "Emirhanplayss161616: :m I rule this sever now",
Time = "20:52",
Desc = ":m I rule this sever now",
[636] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :chatnotify all AAAAAAAAAAAAA",
Time = "20:52",
Desc = ":chatnotify all AAAAAAAAAAAAA",
[637] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :explode me 10",
Time = "20:52",
Desc = ":explode me 10",
[638] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :wait 1",
Time = "20:52",
Desc = ":wait 1",
[639] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :chatnotify all I LIKE YO CUT G!",
Time = "20:52",
Desc = ":chatnotify all I LIKE YO CUT G!",
[640] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :wait 1.5",
Time = "20:52",
Desc = ":wait 1.5",
[641] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :chatnotifyc all 0 255 0 u playing Minecraft",
Time = "20:52",
Desc = ":chatnotifyc all 0 255 0 u playing Minecraft",
[642] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :charaudio me 5526090035 false",
Time = "20:52",
Desc = ":charaudio me 5526090035 false",
[643] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :music ",
Time = "20:52",
Desc = ":music ",
[644] = {
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: :resize 2 exact 1,1,1 3 Linear",
Time = "20:52",
Desc = ":resize 2 exact 1,1,1 3 Linear",
[645] = {
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: :resize 2 exact 1,1,1",
Time = "20:52",
Desc = ":resize 2 exact 1,1,1",
[646] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :reverb ",
Time = "20:51",
Desc = ":reverb ",
[647] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :music 16662827543",
Time = "20:51",
Desc = ":music 16662827543",
[648] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :music ",
Time = "20:51",
Desc = ":music ",
[649] = {
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: :volume inf",
Time = "20:51",
Desc = ":volume inf",
[650] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :volume 0.2",
Time = "20:51",
Desc = ":volume 0.2",
[651] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :distortion 0.95",
Time = "20:51",
Desc = ":distortion 0.95",
[652] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :music 8868966586",
Time = "20:51",
Desc = ":music 8868966586",
[653] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :music ",
Time = "20:51",
Desc = ":music ",
[654] = {
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: :volume inf",
Time = "20:51",
Desc = ":volume inf",
[655] = {
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: :pitch inf",
Time = "20:51",
Desc = ":pitch inf",
[656] = {
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: :pitch 3",
Time = "20:51",
Desc = ":pitch 3",
[657] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :fly ",
Time = "20:51",
Desc = ":fly ",
[658] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :music 18336510486",
Time = "20:50",
Desc = ":music 18336510486",
[659] = {
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: :music ",
Time = "20:50",
Desc = ":music ",
[660] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :music 16190757458",
Time = "20:50",
Desc = ":music 16190757458",
[661] = {
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: :unloadb ",
Time = "20:50",
Desc = ":unloadb ",
[662] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :Music 118873038345034 true",
Time = "20:50",
Desc = ":Music 118873038345034 true",
[663] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :explode me",
Time = "20:50",
Desc = ":explode me",
[664] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :wait 1.5",
Time = "20:50",
Desc = ":wait 1.5",
[665] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :talk me WhOaAaAaAw!!1!1!11",
Time = "20:50",
Desc = ":talk me WhOaAaAaAw!!1!1!11",
[666] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :Music 154157291 true",
Time = "20:50",
Desc = ":Music 154157291 true",
[667] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :wait 2.5",
Time = "20:50",
Desc = ":wait 2.5",
[668] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :music 154157584 true",
Time = "20:50",
Desc = ":music 154157584 true",
[669] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :talk me HmMmM????",
Time = "20:50",
Desc = ":talk me HmMmM????",
[670] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :fixmusic ",
Time = "20:50",
Desc = ":fixmusic ",
[671] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :unimage all",
Time = "20:50",
Desc = ":unimage all",
[672] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :fix ",
Time = "20:50",
Desc = ":fix ",
[673] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :wait 2.8",
Time = "20:50",
Desc = ":wait 2.8",
[674] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :bloom 100 100 0",
Time = "20:50",
Desc = ":bloom 100 100 0",
[675] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :colorcorrection 100 100 100 0 255 0",
Time = "20:50",
Desc = ":colorcorrection 100 100 100 0 255 0",
[676] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :shakecamera all 100 100 2 1",
Time = "20:50",
Desc = ":shakecamera all 100 100 2 1",
[677] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :distortion 100",
Time = "20:50",
Desc = ":distortion 100",
[678] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :image all 18931838039 0.7",
Time = "20:50",
Desc = ":image all 18931838039 0.7",
[679] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :wait 1.6",
Time = "20:50",
Desc = ":wait 1.6",
[680] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :music 5341204457 true",
Time = "20:50",
Desc = ":music 5341204457 true",
[681] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :image all 18245777014",
Time = "20:50",
Desc = ":image all 18245777014",
[682] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :flange 1 1 1",
Time = "20:50",
Desc = ":flange 1 1 1",
[683] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :volume 0.1",
Time = "20:50",
Desc = ":volume 0.1",
[684] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :distortion 1",
Time = "20:50",
Desc = ":distortion 1",
[685] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :music 12845569906158",
Time = "20:50",
Desc = ":music 12845569906158",
[686] = {
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: :resizepart 2 exact 1,1,1 3 Linear",
Time = "20:49",
Desc = ":resizepart 2 exact 1,1,1 3 Linear",
[687] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :flange 1 1 1",
Time = "20:49",
Desc = ":flange 1 1 1",
[688] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :volume 0.1",
Time = "20:49",
Desc = ":volume 0.1",
[689] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :music ######################### 1",
Time = "20:49",
Desc = ":music ######################### 1",
[690] = {
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: :unloadb ",
Time = "20:49",
Desc = ":unloadb ",
[691] = {
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: :volume inf",
Time = "20:49",
Desc = ":volume inf",
[692] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :talk me I don’t want memes in MY mAAAAAth class..",
Time = "20:48",
Desc = ":talk me I don’t want memes in MY mAAAAAth class..",
[693] = {
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: :volume 0.1",
Time = "20:48",
Desc = ":volume 0.1",
[694] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :wait 1.6",
Time = "20:48",
Desc = ":wait 1.6",
[695] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :talk me SIT DOWN!",
Time = "20:48",
Desc = ":talk me SIT DOWN!",
[696] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :wait 1",
Time = "20:48",
Desc = ":wait 1",
[697] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :talk me NO!",
Time = "20:48",
Desc = ":talk me NO!",
[698] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :wait 1",
Time = "20:48",
Desc = ":wait 1",
[699] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :talk me no.",
Time = "20:48",
Desc = ":talk me no.",
[700] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :wait 1",
Time = "20:48",
Desc = ":wait 1",
[701] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :talk me despaci-",
Time = "20:48",
Desc = ":talk me despaci-",
[702] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :music 2266874549 true",
Time = "20:48",
Desc = ":music 2266874549 true",
[703] = {
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: :music ",
Time = "20:48",
Desc = ":music ",
[704] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :talk me I don’t want memes in MY mAAAAAth class..",
Time = "20:48",
Desc = ":talk me I don’t want memes in MY mAAAAAth class..",
[705] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :wait 1.6",
Time = "20:48",
Desc = ":wait 1.6",
[706] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :talk me SIT DOWN!",
Time = "20:48",
Desc = ":talk me SIT DOWN!",
[707] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :wait 1",
Time = "20:48",
Desc = ":wait 1",
[708] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :talk me NO!",
Time = "20:48",
Desc = ":talk me NO!",
[709] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :wait 1",
Time = "20:48",
Desc = ":wait 1",
[710] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :talk me no.",
Time = "20:48",
Desc = ":talk me no.",
[711] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :wait 1",
Time = "20:48",
Desc = ":wait 1",
[712] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :talk me despaci-",
Time = "20:48",
Desc = ":talk me despaci-",
[713] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :music 2266874549 true",
Time = "20:48",
Desc = ":music 2266874549 true",
[714] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :bring all",
Time = "20:48",
Desc = ":bring all",
[715] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :cmdbar ",
Time = "20:48",
Desc = ":cmdbar ",
[716] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :music ",
Time = "20:48",
Desc = ":music ",
[717] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :f3x ",
Time = "20:48",
Desc = ":f3x ",
[718] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :fly ",
Time = "20:47",
Desc = ":fly ",
[719] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :music 16190757458",
Time = "20:47",
Desc = ":music 16190757458",
[720] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :admins ",
Time = "20:47",
Desc = ":admins ",
[721] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :logs ",
Time = "20:47",
Desc = ":logs ",
[722] = {
Text = "Emirhanplayss161616: :give me 357 Magnum",
Time = "20:47",
Desc = ":give me 357 Magnum",
[723] = {
Text = "Emirhanplayss161616: :tools ",
Time = "20:47",
Desc = ":tools ",
[724] = {
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: :music ",
Time = "20:47",
Desc = ":music ",
[725] = {
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: :fix ",
Time = "20:47",
Desc = ":fix ",
[726] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :colorcorrection 0 0.4 0.8",
Time = "20:46",
Desc = ":colorcorrection 0 0.4 0.8",
[727] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :bloom 1 1 0",
Time = "20:46",
Desc = ":bloom 1 1 0",
[728] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :sm this sounds familiar",
Time = "20:46",
Desc = ":sm this sounds familiar",
[729] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :smoothfov all 30 1",
Time = "20:46",
Desc = ":smoothfov all 30 1",
[730] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :smoothtime 0 1",
Time = "20:46",
Desc = ":smoothtime 0 1",
[731] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :smoothfogcolor 0 0 78 1",
Time = "20:46",
Desc = ":smoothfogcolor 0 0 78 1",
[732] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :smoothfog 2 100 1",
Time = "20:46",
Desc = ":smoothfog 2 100 1",
[733] = {
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: :loadb Shock Wave",
Time = "20:46",
Desc = ":loadb Shock Wave",
[734] = {
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: :loadb shockwave",
Time = "20:46",
Desc = ":loadb shockwave",
[735] = {
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: :unloadb ",
Time = "20:46",
Desc = ":unloadb ",
[736] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :wait 34",
Time = "20:46",
Desc = ":wait 34",
[737] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :sm just wait for it😔",
Time = "20:46",
Desc = ":sm just wait for it😔",
[738] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :volume 5",
Time = "20:46",
Desc = ":volume 5",
[739] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :distortion 0.5",
Time = "20:46",
Desc = ":distortion 0.5",
[740] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :pitch 0.1",
Time = "20:46",
Desc = ":pitch 0.1",
[741] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :music 137808657254871 true",
Time = "20:46",
Desc = ":music 137808657254871 true",
[742] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :unimage all",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":unimage all",
[743] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :volume 0",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":volume 0",
[744] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: !newserver ",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = "!newserver ",
[745] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: !wait 3",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = "!wait 3",
[746] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :image all 12817530472",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":image all 12817530472",
[747] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :volume inf",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":volume inf",
[748] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :shakescreen all",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":shakescreen all",
[749] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :reverb 2",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":reverb 2",
[750] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :distortion 10",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":distortion 10",
[751] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :music 7643428496",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":music 7643428496",
[752] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :runc ron",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":runc ron",
[753] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :unimage all string:",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":unimage all string:",
[754] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :volume 0",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":volume 0",
[755] = {
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: :countdown 10",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":countdown 10",
[756] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: !wait 3",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = "!wait 3",
[757] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :image all 4936403969",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":image all 4936403969",
[758] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :volume inf",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":volume inf",
[759] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :shakescreen all",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":shakescreen all",
[760] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :reverb 2",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":reverb 2",
[761] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :distortion 10",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":distortion 10",
[762] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :music 85271883712040",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":music 85271883712040",
[763] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :runc bean",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":runc bean",
[764] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :explode me",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":explode me",
[765] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :wait 1.3",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":wait 1.3",
[766] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :talk me DIDN LAUF!!11!",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":talk me DIDN LAUF!!11!",
[767] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :unimage all string:",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":unimage all string:",
[768] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :volume 0",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":volume 0",
[769] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :wait 1.5",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":wait 1.5",
[770] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :talk me NOT FUNNE!!11!",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":talk me NOT FUNNE!!11!",
[771] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :reverb 50",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":reverb 50",
[772] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :music 5242886798 true",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":music 5242886798 true",
[773] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :talk me let me say that again..",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":talk me let me say that again..",
[774] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: !wait 3",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = "!wait 3",
[775] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :image all 4936403969",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":image all 4936403969",
[776] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :volume inf",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":volume inf",
[777] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :shakescreen all",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":shakescreen all",
[778] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :reverb 2",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":reverb 2",
[779] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :distortion 10",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":distortion 10",
[780] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :music 85271883712040",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":music 85271883712040",
[781] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :runc bean",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":runc bean",
[782] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :wait 3",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":wait 3",
[783] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :talk me You got it?",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":talk me You got it?",
[784] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :wait 1.5",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":wait 1.5",
[785] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :talk me DIDNT LAUF",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":talk me DIDNT LAUF",
[786] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :wait 1.5",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":wait 1.5",
[787] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :talk me NOT FUNNE!",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":talk me NOT FUNNE!",
[788] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :music 5242886798 true",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":music 5242886798 true",
[789] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :loadb ##########",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":loadb ##########",
[790] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :wait 3",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":wait 3",
[791] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :talk me hey bro guess what?",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":talk me hey bro guess what?",
[792] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :loadb free admin",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":loadb free admin",
[793] = {
Text = "deepsideofamerica: :loadb blocked",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":loadb blocked",
[794] = {
Text = "blahblahshea: :cmdbox ",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":cmdbox ",
[795] = {
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: :btools ",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":btools ",
[796] = {
Text = "Mario_Hermosoxdx: :loadb Shock Wave",
Time = "20:45",
Desc = ":loadb Shock Wave",
[797] = {
Text = "Emirhanplayss161616: :btools ",
Time = "20:43",
Desc = ":btools ",
[798] = {
Text = "Emirhanplayss161616: :ff me",
Time = "20:43",
Desc = ":ff me",
------------------ END COMMAND LOGS ------------------
------------------ END TEXT FILE ------------------
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