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Created February 5, 2025 02:35
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Text file created by Roblox
-- ServerID: 2f6cea48-76d3-4b4b-ab1d-d80413ccc908
-- Server started: February 05, 2025 02:15 AM UTC | Server uptime: 1176 seconds
------------------ LOADB LOGS ------------------
------------------ END LOADB LOGS ------------------
------------------ JOIN LOGS ------------------
[1] = {
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5",
Time = "02:32",
Desc = "rahhhhhhhh5 joined the server",
[2] = {
Text = "OutcastWasTak_en",
Time = "02:31",
Desc = "OutcastWasTak_en joined the server",
[3] = {
Text = "aven_david",
Time = "02:28",
Desc = "aven_david joined the server",
[4] = {
Text = "Stephen_Fry2247",
Time = "02:28",
Desc = "Stephen_Fry2247 joined the server",
[5] = {
Text = "Myithical_bacon",
Time = "02:28",
Desc = "Myithical_bacon joined the server",
[6] = {
Text = "donyosxd2",
Time = "02:26",
Desc = "donyosxd2 joined the server",
[7] = {
Text = "masivefayuljr2",
Time = "02:22",
Desc = "masivefayuljr2 joined the server",
[8] = {
Text = "Vkvdigxjhdjbxjgxugx",
Time = "02:21",
Desc = "Vkvdigxjhdjbxjgxugx joined the server",
[9] = {
Text = "Bluekittysky060502",
Time = "02:20",
Desc = "Bluekittysky060502 joined the server",
[10] = {
Text = "KittySkyBlue37",
Time = "02:19",
Desc = "KittySkyBlue37 joined the server",
[11] = {
Text = "Theboi930",
Time = "02:18",
Desc = "Theboi930 joined the server",
[12] = {
Text = "bejwiwbdbdbdbdwjj",
Time = "02:17",
Desc = "bejwiwbdbdbdbdwjj joined the server",
[13] = {
Text = "boeing777airplane8",
Time = "02:16",
Desc = "boeing777airplane8 joined the server",
[14] = {
Text = "Ezpez3333",
Time = "02:16",
Desc = "Ezpez3333 joined the server",
[15] = {
Text = "serene417",
Time = "02:16",
Desc = "serene417 joined the server",
[16] = {
Text = "thefiercefighte",
Time = "02:16",
Desc = "thefiercefighte joined the server",
[17] = {
Text = "punkycat321",
Time = "02:15",
Desc = "punkycat321 joined the server",
[18] = {
Text = "agznanzmmx64",
Time = "02:15",
Desc = "agznanzmmx64 joined the server",
[19] = {
Text = "Bubroks17",
Time = "02:15",
Desc = "Bubroks17 joined the server",
[20] = {
Text = "Nome4u81",
Time = "02:15",
Desc = "Nome4u81 joined the server",
------------------ END JOIN LOGS ------------------
------------------ CHAT LOGS ------------------
[1] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "aven_david: !newserver",
Desc = "!newserver",
[2] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "bejwiwbdbdbdbdwjj: bye",
Desc = "bye",
[3] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5: ############",
Desc = "############",
[4] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5: im out",
Desc = "im out",
[5] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5: :btools @f",
Desc = ":btools @f",
[6] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "boeing777airplane8: Welp imma go hop to server, Adios",
Desc = "Welp imma go hop to server, Adios",
[7] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "aven_david: :ff",
Desc = ":ff",
[8] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "boeing777airplane8: :tphouse",
Desc = ":tphouse",
[9] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5: :give me supercharged",
Desc = ":give me supercharged",
[10] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "aven_david: :Fly me 100",
Desc = ":Fly me 100",
[11] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "boeing777airplane8: :F3x",
Desc = ":F3x",
[12] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "boeing777airplane8: Ugh",
Desc = "Ugh",
[13] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "aven_david: :fly me 1000",
Desc = ":fly me 1000",
[14] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5: :btools",
Desc = ":btools",
[15] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5: :ff",
Desc = ":ff",
[16] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "aven_david: :re others",
Desc = ":re others",
[17] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "aven_david: :re all",
Desc = ":re all",
[18] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "bejwiwbdbdbdbdwjj: 7fududhdjdjdudieidijejedjrir8ri48r8rir7rruryrururur",
Desc = "7fududhdjdjdudieidijejedjrir8ri48r8rir7rruryrururur",
[19] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "OutcastWasTak_en: ###########################################",
Desc = "###########################################",
[20] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "aven_david: :CMDBOX",
Desc = ":CMDBOX",
[21] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "aven_david: :LOGS",
Desc = ":LOGS",
[22] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "aven_david: :RC WOW",
Desc = ":RC WOW",
[23] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "aven_david: :RC WOA",
Desc = ":RC WOA",
[24] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "OutcastWasTak_en: ##################",
Desc = "##################",
[25] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "OutcastWasTak_en: #################",
Desc = "#################",
[26] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[27] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "OutcastWasTak_en: /e :give me black | :give me black | :give me black",
Desc = "/e :give me black | :give me black | :give me black",
[28] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "bejwiwbdbdbdbdwjj: what the hell",
Desc = "what the hell",
[29] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "OutcastWasTak_en: /e :re @sy",
Desc = "/e :re @sy",
[30] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "aven_david: am pumpkin man",
Desc = "am pumpkin man",
[31] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "OutcastWasTak_en: who are you bro",
Desc = "who are you bro",
[32] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "OutcastWasTak_en: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[33] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "OutcastWasTak_en: ??",
Desc = "??",
[34] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "OutcastWasTak_en: :y",
Desc = ":y",
[35] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "aven_david: :Fly",
Desc = ":Fly",
[36] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "OutcastWasTak_en: /e :ff | :btools ",
Desc = "/e :ff | :btools ",
[37] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "aven_david: :rc TWTWTWTTWWT",
Desc = ":rc TWTWTWTTWWT",
[38] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "aven_david: :logs",
Desc = ":logs",
[39] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "aven_david: :re",
Desc = ":re",
[40] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Myithical_bacon: :btools",
Desc = ":btools",
[41] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "boeing777airplane8: Ok wth did I just see",
Desc = "Ok wth did I just see",
[42] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "aven_david: :rc WOOW",
Desc = ":rc WOOW",
[43] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Myithical_bacon: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[44] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "aven_david: :clr",
Desc = ":clr",
[45] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "aven_david: :fix",
Desc = ":fix",
[46] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "boeing777airplane8: :r",
Desc = ":r",
[47] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "aven_david: :re all",
Desc = ":re all",
[48] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "aven_david: :rc woow",
Desc = ":rc woow",
[49] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Myithical_bacon: ;btools",
Desc = ";btools",
[50] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "aven_david: :music",
Desc = ":music",
[51] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Myithical_bacon: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[52] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Myithical_bacon: ;fly",
Desc = ";fly",
[53] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Myithical_bacon: :kill all",
Desc = ":kill all",
[54] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: :cmdbox",
Desc = ":cmdbox",
[55] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "donyosxd2: !auditlogs",
Desc = "!auditlogs",
[56] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "thefiercefighte: :name others Souls",
Desc = ":name others Souls",
[57] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "thefiercefighte: :dlight",
Desc = ":dlight",
[58] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: :blur 0",
Desc = ":blur 0",
[59] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: now lets do the cmd without blur",
Desc = "now lets do the cmd without blur",
[60] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: :dlight",
Desc = ":dlight",
[61] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: :blur 0",
Desc = ":blur 0",
[62] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "thefiercefighte: :name bej The prisoner ",
Desc = ":name bej The prisoner ",
[63] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: and this is just eye damage be like",
Desc = "and this is just eye damage be like",
[64] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "thefiercefighte: :sword me",
Desc = ":sword me",
[65] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: :colorcorrection 0 0 0",
Desc = ":colorcorrection 0 0 0",
[66] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "thefiercefighte: :kill bej",
Desc = ":kill bej",
[67] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: it uses cdensity too",
Desc = "it uses cdensity too",
[68] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: but its more complex",
Desc = "but its more complex",
[69] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "bejwiwbdbdbdbdwjj: help me",
Desc = "help me",
[70] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "boeing777airplane8: Oh okk",
Desc = "Oh okk",
[71] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: it turns eveything red and blurs it with a atmosphere fog",
Desc = "it turns eveything red and blurs it with a atmosphere fog",
[72] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "bejwiwbdbdbdbdwjj: bdbbdbd",
Desc = "bdbbdbd",
[73] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: im sure it would",
Desc = "im sure it would",
[74] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "boeing777airplane8: Oh",
Desc = "Oh",
[75] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: for me it feels like red world",
Desc = "for me it feels like red world",
[76] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: dont ask what effect this comes from",
Desc = "dont ask what effect this comes from",
[77] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "boeing777airplane8: Oh god no",
Desc = "Oh god no",
[78] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "thefiercefighte: :runc normal",
Desc = ":runc normal",
[79] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "boeing777airplane8: .",
Desc = ".",
[80] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "boeing777airplane8: :re",
Desc = ":re",
[81] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "boeing777airplane8: .",
Desc = ".",
[82] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: :explode all",
Desc = ":explode all",
[83] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "serene417: oh",
Desc = "oh",
[84] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "boeing777airplane8: :F3x",
Desc = ":F3x",
[85] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "boeing777airplane8: :loadb Go Classic 2008 Themed",
Desc = ":loadb Go Classic 2008 Themed",
[86] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "thefiercefighte: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[87] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "serene417: :admin all",
Desc = ":admin all",
[88] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "thefiercefighte: :sword",
Desc = ":sword",
[89] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "thefiercefighte: :char me ward353",
Desc = ":char me ward353",
[90] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "thefiercefighte: :unfly nonadmins",
Desc = ":unfly nonadmins",
[91] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "thefiercefighte: :tp nonadmins me",
Desc = ":tp nonadmins me",
[92] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "bejwiwbdbdbdbdwjj: hack",
Desc = "hack",
[93] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "serene417: :fly all",
Desc = ":fly all",
[94] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: :kill",
Desc = ":kill",
[95] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "boeing777airplane8: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[96] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "thefiercefighte: Bye:)",
Desc = "Bye:)",
[97] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: :kill",
Desc = ":kill",
[98] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "boeing777airplane8: But it classic so it United States of Robloxia",
Desc = "But it classic so it United States of Robloxia",
[99] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "KittySkyBlue37: bye",
Desc = "bye",
[100] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "serene417: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[101] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "bejwiwbdbdbdbdwjj: :unjail me",
Desc = ":unjail me",
[102] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "thefiercefighte: You killed me so.",
Desc = "You killed me so.",
[103] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "serene417: word",
Desc = "word",
[104] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "serene417: bad",
Desc = "bad",
[105] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "thefiercefighte: :sword",
Desc = ":sword",
[106] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "serene417: i thought you can get out",
Desc = "i thought you can get out",
[107] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "thefiercefighte: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[108] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "bejwiwbdbdbdbdwjj: #### you",
Desc = "#### you",
[109] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "boeing777airplane8: nah, united states it is",
Desc = "nah, united states it is",
[110] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "KittySkyBlue37: .",
Desc = ".",
[111] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "serene417: :kill all",
Desc = ":kill all",
[112] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "thefiercefighte: Nah",
Desc = "Nah",
[113] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "KittySkyBlue37: let me out",
Desc = "let me out",
[114] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "thefiercefighte: No admin:)",
Desc = "No admin:)",
[115] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "serene417: you have to ",
Desc = "you have to ",
[116] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: egypt",
Desc = "egypt",
[117] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "thefiercefighte: :jail nonadmins",
Desc = ":jail nonadmins",
[118] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "boeing777airplane8: :loadb Classic Route 66 Themed",
Desc = ":loadb Classic Route 66 Themed",
[119] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "thefiercefighte: :tp bej me",
Desc = ":tp bej me",
[120] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: :cmdbox",
Desc = ":cmdbox",
[121] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "boeing777airplane8: :loadb Classic Route 66 Tueke",
Desc = ":loadb Classic Route 66 Tueke",
[122] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "thefiercefighte: Working*",
Desc = "Working*",
[123] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "thefiercefighte: I am eorking for the uk",
Desc = "I am eorking for the uk",
[124] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: :flynoclip",
Desc = ":flynoclip",
[125] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: it seems impossible",
Desc = "it seems impossible",
[126] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: with special characters others cant have",
Desc = "with special characters others cant have",
[127] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "serene417: :fly all",
Desc = ":fly all",
[128] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: rare usernames.",
Desc = "rare usernames.",
[129] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "boeing777airplane8: Oh okay",
Desc = "Oh okay",
[130] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "boeing777airplane8: Anyways should I put my theme on this barrier",
Desc = "Anyways should I put my theme on this barrier",
[131] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: not a crasher",
Desc = "not a crasher",
[132] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "bejwiwbdbdbdbdwjj: y im in jail",
Desc = "y im in jail",
[133] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: that was done by a euther",
Desc = "that was done by a euther",
[134] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "thefiercefighte: No admin for u",
Desc = "No admin for u",
[135] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: and then crash",
Desc = "and then crash",
[136] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: i just watched the server entirely just go TGYDRGHFSDYTSYHUJRHUFDJKSRJKFSD",
Desc = "i just watched the server entirely just go TGYDRGHFSDYTSYHUJRHUFDJKSRJKFSD",
[137] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "thefiercefighte: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[138] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "thefiercefighte: :jail nonadmins",
Desc = ":jail nonadmins",
[139] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: yea",
Desc = "yea",
[140] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "serene417: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[141] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "boeing777airplane8: There is server crashers going on there :/",
Desc = "There is server crashers going on there :/",
[142] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "thefiercefighte: :sword me",
Desc = ":sword me",
[143] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: it does",
Desc = "it does",
[144] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: :atmosphere",
Desc = ":atmosphere",
[145] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: it wont work",
Desc = "it wont work",
[146] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: :nofog",
Desc = ":nofog",
[147] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: :atmosphere 0.7 0.4",
Desc = ":atmosphere 0.7 0.4",
[148] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "serene417: bro what happened",
Desc = "bro what happened",
[149] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: :runc normal",
Desc = ":runc normal",
[150] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: :dlight",
Desc = ":dlight",
[151] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: :time 12",
Desc = ":time 12",
[152] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: but it wont work",
Desc = "but it wont work",
[153] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "thefiercefighte: :re all",
Desc = ":re all",
[154] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: they will say :nofog",
Desc = "they will say :nofog",
[155] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Bubroks17: :rejoin",
Desc = ":rejoin",
[156] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: atmosphere fog is the best way to trick people",
Desc = "atmosphere fog is the best way to trick people",
[157] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Bubroks17: :runc 5",
Desc = ":runc 5",
[158] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: :cmdbox",
Desc = ":cmdbox",
[159] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "thefiercefighte: Hallo",
Desc = "Hallo",
[160] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: :cmbox",
Desc = ":cmbox",
[161] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: :runc normal",
Desc = ":runc normal",
[162] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: that server just collapsed like a mountain",
Desc = "that server just collapsed like a mountain",
[163] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Nome4u81: holy",
Desc = "holy",
------------------ END CHAT LOGS ------------------
------------------ COMMAND LOGS ------------------
[1] = {
Text = "aven_david: !newserver ",
Time = "02:35",
Desc = "!newserver ",
[2] = {
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5: :btools ##",
Time = "02:34",
Desc = ":btools ##",
[3] = {
Text = "aven_david: :ff ",
Time = "02:34",
Desc = ":ff ",
[4] = {
Text = "boeing777airplane8: :tphouse ",
Time = "02:34",
Desc = ":tphouse ",
[5] = {
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5: :give me supercharged",
Time = "02:34",
Desc = ":give me supercharged",
[6] = {
Text = "aven_david: :Fly me 100",
Time = "02:34",
Desc = ":Fly me 100",
[7] = {
Text = "boeing777airplane8: :F3x ",
Time = "02:34",
Desc = ":F3x ",
[8] = {
Text = "aven_david: :fly me 1000",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":fly me 1000",
[9] = {
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5: :btools ",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":btools ",
[10] = {
Text = "aven_david: :god me",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":god me",
[11] = {
Text = "aven_david: :MUSIC 132225036480123",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":MUSIC 132225036480123",
[12] = {
Text = "aven_david: :FLY ME 100",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":FLY ME 100",
[13] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[14] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[15] = {
Text = "boeing777airplane8: :fly ",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":fly ",
[16] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[17] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[18] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[19] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[20] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[21] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[22] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[23] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[24] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[25] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[26] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[27] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[28] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[29] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[30] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[31] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[32] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[33] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[34] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[35] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[36] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[37] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[38] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[39] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[40] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[41] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[42] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[43] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[44] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[45] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[46] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[47] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[48] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[49] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[50] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[51] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[52] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[53] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[54] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[55] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[56] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[57] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[58] = {
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5: :ff ",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":ff ",
[59] = {
Text = "aven_david: :re others",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":re others",
[60] = {
Text = "aven_david: :re all",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":re all",
[61] = {
Text = "aven_david: :god me",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":god me",
[62] = {
Text = "aven_david: :MUSIC 132225036480123",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":MUSIC 132225036480123",
[63] = {
Text = "aven_david: :FLY ME 100",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":FLY ME 100",
[64] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[65] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[66] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[67] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[68] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[69] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[70] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[71] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[72] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[73] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[74] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[75] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[76] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[77] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[78] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[79] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[80] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[81] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[82] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[83] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[84] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[85] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[86] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[87] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[88] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[89] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[90] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[91] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[92] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[93] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[94] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[95] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[96] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[97] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[98] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[99] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[100] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[101] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[102] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[103] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[104] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[105] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[106] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[107] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me sub",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me sub",
[108] = {
Text = "OutcastWasTak_en: :give me #########",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me #########",
[109] = {
Text = "OutcastWasTak_en: :give me #########",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":give me #########",
[110] = {
Text = "aven_david: :CMDBOX ",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":CMDBOX ",
[111] = {
Text = "aven_david: :LOGS ",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":LOGS ",
[112] = {
Text = "aven_david: :RC WOW",
Time = "02:33",
Desc = ":RC WOW",
[113] = {
Text = "aven_david: :RC WOA",
Time = "02:32",
Desc = ":RC WOA",
[114] = {
Text = "OutcastWasTak_en: :give ## blackhole",
Time = "02:32",
Desc = ":give ## blackhole",
[115] = {
Text = "boeing777airplane8: :Fly ",
Time = "02:32",
Desc = ":Fly ",
[116] = {
Text = "OutcastWasTak_en: :give me #####",
Time = "02:32",
Desc = ":give me #####",
[117] = {
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5: :fly ",
Time = "02:32",
Desc = ":fly ",
[118] = {
Text = "OutcastWasTak_en: :give me #####",
Time = "02:32",
Desc = ":give me #####",
[119] = {
Text = "OutcastWasTak_en: :give me #####",
Time = "02:32",
Desc = ":give me #####",
[120] = {
Text = "OutcastWasTak_en: :give me #####",
Time = "02:32",
Desc = ":give me #####",
[121] = {
Text = "OutcastWasTak_en: :re @sy",
Time = "02:32",
Desc = ":re @sy",
[122] = {
Text = "OutcastWasTak_en: :fly ",
Time = "02:31",
Desc = ":fly ",
[123] = {
Text = "OutcastWasTak_en: :btools ",
Time = "02:31",
Desc = ":btools ",
[124] = {
Text = "OutcastWasTak_en: :ff ",
Time = "02:31",
Desc = ":ff ",
[125] = {
Text = "aven_david: :Fly ",
Time = "02:31",
Desc = ":Fly ",
[126] = {
Text = "aven_david: :give me super",
Time = "02:31",
Desc = ":give me super",
[127] = {
Text = "aven_david: :rc TWTWTWTTWWT",
Time = "02:31",
Desc = ":rc TWTWTWTTWWT",
[128] = {
Text = "aven_david: :logs ",
Time = "02:30",
Desc = ":logs ",
[129] = {
Text = "boeing777airplane8: :logs ",
Time = "02:30",
Desc = ":logs ",
[130] = {
Text = "boeing777airplane8: :f3x ",
Time = "02:30",
Desc = ":f3x ",
[131] = {
Text = "aven_david: :re ",
Time = "02:30",
Desc = ":re ",
[132] = {
Text = "Myithical_bacon: :btools ",
Time = "02:30",
Desc = ":btools ",
[133] = {
Text = "Stephen_Fry2247: !wait 3",
Time = "02:30",
Desc = "!wait 3",
[134] = {
Text = "Stephen_Fry2247: [BLOCKED] :dname all diddler",
Time = "02:30",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :dname all diddler",
[135] = {
Text = "Stephen_Fry2247: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "02:30",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[136] = {
Text = "Stephen_Fry2247: [BLOCKED] :talk all #########################################",
Time = "02:30",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :talk all #########################################",
[137] = {
Text = "Stephen_Fry2247: [BLOCKED] :bot all 1",
Time = "02:30",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :bot all 1",
[138] = {
Text = "Stephen_Fry2247: [BLOCKED] :talk all TWIDDLE IT",
Time = "02:30",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :talk all TWIDDLE IT",
[139] = {
Text = "Stephen_Fry2247: [BLOCKED] :allowreset all false",
Time = "02:30",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :allowreset all false",
[140] = {
Text = "Stephen_Fry2247: [BLOCKED] :animation all 106772613 true",
Time = "02:30",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :animation all 106772613 true",
[141] = {
Text = "Stephen_Fry2247: [BLOCKED] :speed all 0",
Time = "02:30",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :speed all 0",
[142] = {
Text = "Stephen_Fry2247: [BLOCKED] :tp all me",
Time = "02:30",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :tp all me",
[143] = {
Text = "Stephen_Fry2247: [BLOCKED] :dog all",
Time = "02:30",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :dog all",
[144] = {
Text = "Stephen_Fry2247: :r6 all",
Time = "02:30",
Desc = ":r6 all",
[145] = {
Text = "boeing777airplane8: :F3x ",
Time = "02:30",
Desc = ":F3x ",
[146] = {
Text = "aven_david: :pitch 0.1",
Time = "02:30",
Desc = ":pitch 0.1",
[147] = {
Text = "aven_david: :MUSIC 132225036480123",
Time = "02:30",
Desc = ":MUSIC 132225036480123",
[148] = {
Text = "aven_david: :rc WOOW",
Time = "02:30",
Desc = ":rc WOOW",
[149] = {
Text = "Myithical_bacon: :fly ",
Time = "02:30",
Desc = ":fly ",
[150] = {
Text = "aven_david: :clr ",
Time = "02:30",
Desc = ":clr ",
[151] = {
Text = "aven_david: :fix ",
Time = "02:29",
Desc = ":fix ",
[152] = {
Text = "aven_david: :re all",
Time = "02:29",
Desc = ":re all",
[153] = {
Text = "Stephen_Fry2247: !wait 3",
Time = "02:29",
Desc = "!wait 3",
[154] = {
Text = "Stephen_Fry2247: [BLOCKED] :dname all diddler",
Time = "02:29",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :dname all diddler",
[155] = {
Text = "Stephen_Fry2247: :seizure all",
Time = "02:29",
Desc = ":seizure all",
[156] = {
Text = "Stephen_Fry2247: :talk all MAN I LOVE DOING THIS I DONT CARE SHES 10",
Time = "02:29",
[157] = {
Text = "Stephen_Fry2247: :bot all 1",
Time = "02:29",
Desc = ":bot all 1",
[158] = {
Text = "Stephen_Fry2247: :talk all TWIDDLE IT",
Time = "02:29",
Desc = ":talk all TWIDDLE IT",
[159] = {
Text = "Stephen_Fry2247: :allowreset all false",
Time = "02:29",
Desc = ":allowreset all false",
[160] = {
Text = "Stephen_Fry2247: :animation all 106772613 true",
Time = "02:29",
Desc = ":animation all 106772613 true",
[161] = {
Text = "aven_david: :rc woow",
Time = "02:29",
Desc = ":rc woow",
[162] = {
Text = "Stephen_Fry2247: :speed all 0",
Time = "02:29",
Desc = ":speed all 0",
[163] = {
Text = "Stephen_Fry2247: :tp all me",
Time = "02:29",
Desc = ":tp all me",
[164] = {
Text = "Stephen_Fry2247: :dog all",
Time = "02:29",
Desc = ":dog all",
[165] = {
Text = "Stephen_Fry2247: :r6 all",
Time = "02:29",
Desc = ":r6 all",
[166] = {
Text = "aven_david: :music ",
Time = "02:29",
Desc = ":music ",
[167] = {
Text = "Stephen_Fry2247: :pitch 0.2",
Time = "02:29",
Desc = ":pitch 0.2",
[168] = {
Text = "Stephen_Fry2247: :music 90943332241527",
Time = "02:29",
Desc = ":music 90943332241527",
[169] = {
Text = "Stephen_Fry2247: :fix ",
Time = "02:29",
Desc = ":fix ",
[170] = {
Text = "Myithical_bacon: :fly ",
Time = "02:29",
Desc = ":fly ",
[171] = {
Text = "Myithical_bacon: :kill all",
Time = "02:28",
Desc = ":kill all",
[172] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :clouds on",
Time = "02:28",
Desc = ":clouds on",
[173] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :ambient #########",
Time = "02:28",
Desc = ":ambient #########",
[174] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :time 5.65",
Time = "02:28",
Desc = ":time 5.65",
[175] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :atmosphere 0.7 0.04 255 0 0 0 0 0",
Time = "02:28",
Desc = ":atmosphere 0.7 0.04 255 0 0 0 0 0",
[176] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :bloom 0.2 24.1 1",
Time = "02:28",
Desc = ":bloom 0.2 24.1 1",
[177] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :colorcorrection 0.43 10 -0.59 255 0 4",
Time = "02:28",
Desc = ":colorcorrection 0.43 10 -0.59 255 0 4",
[178] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :blur all 13.21",
Time = "02:28",
Desc = ":blur all 13.21",
[179] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :runc ‹¬*",
Time = "02:28",
Desc = ":runc ‹¬*",
[180] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: !newserver ",
Time = "02:28",
Desc = "!newserver ",
[181] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :music ",
Time = "02:28",
Desc = ":music ",
[182] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :wait 2.1",
Time = "02:28",
Desc = ":wait 2.1",
[183] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :exposure 3",
Time = "02:28",
Desc = ":exposure 3",
[184] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :smoke me 0 0 0",
Time = "02:28",
Desc = ":smoke me 0 0 0",
[185] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :fire me 255 0 0",
Time = "02:28",
Desc = ":fire me 255 0 0",
[186] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :music 103396125105301",
Time = "02:28",
Desc = ":music 103396125105301",
[187] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :smoothpitch 15 2",
Time = "02:28",
Desc = ":smoothpitch 15 2",
[188] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :damage others 88",
Time = "02:28",
Desc = ":damage others 88",
[189] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :charaudio others 3080691439 false 10 2",
Time = "02:28",
Desc = ":charaudio others 3080691439 false 10 2",
[190] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :explode me inf",
Time = "02:28",
Desc = ":explode me inf",
[191] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :colorcorrection 1000 1000 1000 255 0 0",
Time = "02:28",
Desc = ":colorcorrection 1000 1000 1000 255 0 0",
[192] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :flange 20",
Time = "02:28",
Desc = ":flange 20",
[193] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :volume inf",
Time = "02:28",
Desc = ":volume inf",
[194] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :distortion inf",
Time = "02:28",
Desc = ":distortion inf",
[195] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :music 102630287147529 false",
Time = "02:28",
Desc = ":music 102630287147529 false",
[196] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :cmdbox ",
Time = "02:28",
Desc = ":cmdbox ",
[197] = {
Text = "donyosxd2: !auditlogs ",
Time = "02:26",
Desc = "!auditlogs ",
[198] = {
Text = "thefiercefighte: :name others Souls",
Time = "02:26",
Desc = ":name others Souls",
[199] = {
Text = "thefiercefighte: :dlight ",
Time = "02:25",
Desc = ":dlight ",
[200] = {
Text = "boeing777airplane8: :f3x ",
Time = "02:25",
Desc = ":f3x ",
[201] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :blur 0",
Time = "02:25",
Desc = ":blur 0",
[202] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :music 135001082888323 false 1.35 0.5",
Time = "02:25",
Desc = ":music 135001082888323 false 1.35 0.5",
[203] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :geographiclatitude 41.733",
Time = "02:25",
Desc = ":geographiclatitude 41.733",
[204] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :cdensity 15",
Time = "02:25",
Desc = ":cdensity 15",
[205] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :clouds on",
Time = "02:25",
Desc = ":clouds on",
[206] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :ambient 255, 0, 4",
Time = "02:25",
Desc = ":ambient 255, 0, 4",
[207] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :time 5.65",
Time = "02:25",
Desc = ":time 5.65",
[208] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :atmosphere 0.7 0.04 255 0 0 0 0 0",
Time = "02:25",
Desc = ":atmosphere 0.7 0.04 255 0 0 0 0 0",
[209] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :bloom 0.2 24.1 1",
Time = "02:25",
Desc = ":bloom 0.2 24.1 1",
[210] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :colorcorrection 0.43 10 -0.59 255 0 4",
Time = "02:25",
Desc = ":colorcorrection 0.43 10 -0.59 255 0 4",
[211] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :blur all 13.21",
Time = "02:25",
Desc = ":blur all 13.21",
[212] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :dlight ",
Time = "02:24",
Desc = ":dlight ",
[213] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :blur 0",
Time = "02:24",
Desc = ":blur 0",
[214] = {
Text = "thefiercefighte: :name bej The prisoner",
Time = "02:24",
Desc = ":name bej The prisoner",
[215] = {
Text = "thefiercefighte: :sword me",
Time = "02:24",
Desc = ":sword me",
[216] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :colorcorrection 0 0 0",
Time = "02:24",
Desc = ":colorcorrection 0 0 0",
[217] = {
Text = "thefiercefighte: :kill bej",
Time = "02:24",
Desc = ":kill bej",
[218] = {
Text = "thefiercefighte: :runc normal",
Time = "02:23",
Desc = ":runc normal",
[219] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :music 135001082888323 false 1.35 0.5",
Time = "02:22",
Desc = ":music 135001082888323 false 1.35 0.5",
[220] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :geographiclatitude 41.733",
Time = "02:22",
Desc = ":geographiclatitude 41.733",
[221] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :cdensity 15",
Time = "02:22",
Desc = ":cdensity 15",
[222] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :clouds on",
Time = "02:22",
Desc = ":clouds on",
[223] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :ambient #########",
Time = "02:22",
Desc = ":ambient #########",
[224] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :time 5.65",
Time = "02:22",
Desc = ":time 5.65",
[225] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :atmosphere 0.7 0.04 255 0 0 0 0 0",
Time = "02:22",
Desc = ":atmosphere 0.7 0.04 255 0 0 0 0 0",
[226] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :bloom 0.2 24.1 1",
Time = "02:22",
Desc = ":bloom 0.2 24.1 1",
[227] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :colorcorrection 0.43 10 -0.59 255 0 4",
Time = "02:22",
Desc = ":colorcorrection 0.43 10 -0.59 255 0 4",
[228] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :blur all 13.21",
Time = "02:22",
Desc = ":blur all 13.21",
[229] = {
Text = "boeing777airplane8: :re ",
Time = "02:22",
Desc = ":re ",
[230] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :explode all",
Time = "02:22",
Desc = ":explode all",
[231] = {
Text = "boeing777airplane8: :F3x ",
Time = "02:22",
Desc = ":F3x ",
[232] = {
Text = "boeing777airplane8: :loadb Go Classic 2008 Themed",
Time = "02:22",
Desc = ":loadb Go Classic 2008 Themed",
[233] = {
Text = "thefiercefighte: :fly ",
Time = "02:22",
Desc = ":fly ",
[234] = {
Text = "thefiercefighte: :sword ",
Time = "02:22",
Desc = ":sword ",
[235] = {
Text = "thefiercefighte: :char me ward353",
Time = "02:22",
Desc = ":char me ward353",
[236] = {
Text = "thefiercefighte: :unfly nonadmins",
Time = "02:21",
Desc = ":unfly nonadmins",
[237] = {
Text = "thefiercefighte: :tp nonadmins me",
Time = "02:21",
Desc = ":tp nonadmins me",
[238] = {
Text = "serene417: :fly all",
Time = "02:21",
Desc = ":fly all",
[239] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :kill ",
Time = "02:21",
Desc = ":kill ",
[240] = {
Text = "boeing777airplane8: :fly ",
Time = "02:20",
Desc = ":fly ",
[241] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :kill ",
Time = "02:20",
Desc = ":kill ",
[242] = {
Text = "serene417: :fly ",
Time = "02:20",
Desc = ":fly ",
[243] = {
Text = "thefiercefighte: :sword ",
Time = "02:20",
Desc = ":sword ",
[244] = {
Text = "thefiercefighte: :fly ",
Time = "02:20",
Desc = ":fly ",
[245] = {
Text = "serene417: :kill all",
Time = "02:19",
Desc = ":kill all",
[246] = {
Text = "thefiercefighte: :jail nonadmins",
Time = "02:19",
Desc = ":jail nonadmins",
[247] = {
Text = "boeing777airplane8: :loadb #######################",
Time = "02:19",
Desc = ":loadb #######################",
[248] = {
Text = "thefiercefighte: :tp bej me",
Time = "02:19",
Desc = ":tp bej me",
[249] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :cmdbox ",
Time = "02:19",
Desc = ":cmdbox ",
[250] = {
Text = "boeing777airplane8: :loadb Classic Route 66 Tueke",
Time = "02:18",
Desc = ":loadb Classic Route 66 Tueke",
[251] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :flynoclip ",
Time = "02:18",
Desc = ":flynoclip ",
[252] = {
Text = "serene417: :fly all",
Time = "02:18",
Desc = ":fly all",
[253] = {
Text = "thefiercefighte: :fly ",
Time = "02:17",
Desc = ":fly ",
[254] = {
Text = "thefiercefighte: :jail nonadmins",
Time = "02:17",
Desc = ":jail nonadmins",
[255] = {
Text = "serene417: :fly ",
Time = "02:17",
Desc = ":fly ",
[256] = {
Text = "thefiercefighte: :sword me",
Time = "02:17",
Desc = ":sword me",
[257] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :atmosphere ",
Time = "02:17",
Desc = ":atmosphere ",
[258] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :nofog ",
Time = "02:17",
Desc = ":nofog ",
[259] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :atmosphere 0.7 0.4",
Time = "02:17",
Desc = ":atmosphere 0.7 0.4",
[260] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :gear me 159229806",
Time = "02:17",
Desc = ":gear me 159229806",
[261] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :speed me 55.55",
Time = "02:17",
Desc = ":speed me 55.55",
[262] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :ff ",
Time = "02:17",
Desc = ":ff ",
[263] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :btools ",
Time = "02:17",
Desc = ":btools ",
[264] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :flynoclip ",
Time = "02:17",
Desc = ":flynoclip ",
[265] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :runc normal",
Time = "02:17",
Desc = ":runc normal",
[266] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :dlight ",
Time = "02:16",
Desc = ":dlight ",
[267] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :time 12",
Time = "02:16",
Desc = ":time 12",
[268] = {
Text = "thefiercefighte: :re all",
Time = "02:16",
Desc = ":re all",
[269] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :music 135001082888323 false 1.35 0.5",
Time = "02:16",
Desc = ":music 135001082888323 false 1.35 0.5",
[270] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :geographiclatitude 41.733",
Time = "02:16",
Desc = ":geographiclatitude 41.733",
[271] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :cdensity 15",
Time = "02:16",
Desc = ":cdensity 15",
[272] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :clouds on",
Time = "02:16",
Desc = ":clouds on",
[273] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :ambient #########",
Time = "02:16",
Desc = ":ambient #########",
[274] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :time 5.65",
Time = "02:16",
Desc = ":time 5.65",
[275] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :atmosphere 0.7 0.04 255 0 0 0 0 0",
Time = "02:16",
Desc = ":atmosphere 0.7 0.04 255 0 0 0 0 0",
[276] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :bloom 0.2 24.1 1",
Time = "02:16",
Desc = ":bloom 0.2 24.1 1",
[277] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :colorcorrection 0.43 10 -0.59 255 0 4",
Time = "02:16",
Desc = ":colorcorrection 0.43 10 -0.59 255 0 4",
[278] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :blur all 13.21",
Time = "02:16",
Desc = ":blur all 13.21",
[279] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :cmdbox ",
Time = "02:16",
Desc = ":cmdbox ",
[280] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :gear me 159229806",
Time = "02:16",
Desc = ":gear me 159229806",
[281] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :speed me 55.55",
Time = "02:16",
Desc = ":speed me 55.55",
[282] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :ff ",
Time = "02:16",
Desc = ":ff ",
[283] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :btools ",
Time = "02:16",
Desc = ":btools ",
[284] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :flynoclip ",
Time = "02:16",
Desc = ":flynoclip ",
[285] = {
Text = "Nome4u81: :runc normal",
Time = "02:16",
Desc = ":runc normal",
------------------ END COMMAND LOGS ------------------
------------------ END TEXT FILE ------------------
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