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Created February 9, 2025 11:33
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Text file created by Roblox
-- ServerID: 90d68634-7ee3-4bb4-a637-3fb387ffbdc8
-- Server started: February 09, 2025 11:33 AM UTC | Server uptime: 38 seconds
------------------ LOADB LOGS ------------------
------------------ END LOADB LOGS ------------------
------------------ JOIN LOGS ------------------
[1] = {
Text = "X3SV",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = "X3SV joined the server",
------------------ END JOIN LOGS ------------------
------------------ CHAT LOGS ------------------
[1] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "X3SV: :dlight",
Desc = ":dlight",
------------------ END CHAT LOGS ------------------
------------------ COMMAND LOGS ------------------
[1] = {
Text = "X3SV: :resizepart 12345 exact .2,.2,.2",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":resizepart 12345 exact .2,.2,.2",
[2] = {
Text = "X3SV: :wait 1",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":wait 1",
[3] = {
Text = "X3SV: :settransparency 12345 1 1 Linear In",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":settransparency 12345 1 1 Linear In",
[4] = {
Text = "X3SV: :partaudio 12345 4612378521 false",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":partaudio 12345 4612378521 false",
[5] = {
Text = "X3SV: :fling radius-10 .8",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":fling radius-10 .8",
[6] = {
Text = "X3SV: :resizepart 12345 exact 10,10,10 0 Linear In",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":resizepart 12345 exact 10,10,10 0 Linear In",
[7] = {
Text = "X3SV: :settransparency 12345 0",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":settransparency 12345 0",
[8] = {
Text = "X3SV: :charaudio X3SV 72688914063245 false .7 2",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":charaudio X3SV 72688914063245 false .7 2",
[9] = {
Text = "X3SV: :animation X3SV 93648331 false",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":animation X3SV 93648331 false",
[10] = {
Text = "X3SV: :deletepart 121",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":deletepart 121",
[11] = {
Text = "X3SV: :wait 3",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":wait 3",
[12] = {
Text = "X3SV: :stopanimate X3SV",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":stopanimate X3SV",
[13] = {
Text = "X3SV: :setanchored 121 false",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":setanchored 121 false",
[14] = {
Text = "X3SV: :localmovepart 121 Bottom var:Distance 2 Linear In",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":localmovepart 121 Bottom var:Distance 2 Linear In",
[15] = {
Text = "X3SV: :setvar Distance string:util:getpartdistancefromplayer,121,plr:radius-100",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":setvar Distance string:util:getpartdistancefromplayer,121,plr:radius-100",
[16] = {
Text = "X3SV: :breakwelds 121",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":breakwelds 121",
[17] = {
Text = "X3SV: :setanchored 121 true",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":setanchored 121 true",
[18] = {
Text = "X3SV: :settransparency 121 0",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":settransparency 121 0",
[19] = {
Text = "X3SV: :clonepart 120 121",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":clonepart 120 121",
[20] = {
Text = "X3SV: :deletepart 7869",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":deletepart 7869",
[21] = {
Text = "X3SV: :wait .5",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":wait .5",
[22] = {
Text = "X3SV: :animspeed X3SV 0",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":animspeed X3SV 0",
[23] = {
Text = "X3SV: :wait 2",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":wait 2",
[24] = {
Text = "X3SV: :thaw X3SV",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":thaw X3SV",
[25] = {
Text = "X3SV: :moveparttoplayer X3SV 7869 0 Linear In",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":moveparttoplayer X3SV 7869 0 Linear In",
[26] = {
Text = "X3SV: :wait .2",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":wait .2",
[27] = {
Text = "X3SV: :loadb SlothPowersR",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":loadb SlothPowersR",
[28] = {
Text = "X3SV: :setanchored 12345 false",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":setanchored 12345 false",
[29] = {
Text = "X3SV: :setanchored 13 false",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":setanchored 13 false",
[30] = {
Text = "X3SV: :setanchored 120 false",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":setanchored 120 false",
[31] = {
Text = "X3SV: :weldtocharacter X3SV 13 Left Arm",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":weldtocharacter X3SV 13 Left Arm",
[32] = {
Text = "X3SV: :weldtocharacter X3SV 120 Left Arm",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":weldtocharacter X3SV 120 Left Arm",
[33] = {
Text = "X3SV: :movepart 120 relative 0,-.5,0 0 Linear In",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":movepart 120 relative 0,-.5,0 0 Linear In",
[34] = {
Text = "X3SV: :weldtocharacter X3SV 12345 Torso",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":weldtocharacter X3SV 12345 Torso",
[35] = {
Text = "X3SV: :moveparttoplayer X3SV 12345 0 Linear In",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":moveparttoplayer X3SV 12345 0 Linear In",
[36] = {
Text = "X3SV: :movemodel 13 relative -2,0,-.12 false",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":movemodel 13 relative -2,0,-.12 false",
[37] = {
Text = "X3SV: :movemodel 13 exact 0,0,0 true",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":movemodel 13 exact 0,0,0 true",
[38] = {
Text = "X3SV: :setcollision 13 false",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":setcollision 13 false",
[39] = {
Text = "X3SV: :freeze X3SV",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":freeze X3SV",
[40] = {
Text = "X3SV: :wait .5",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":wait .5",
[41] = {
Text = "X3SV: :stopanimate X3SV",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":stopanimate X3SV",
[42] = {
Text = "X3SV: :tpforward X3SV 0",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":tpforward X3SV 0",
[43] = {
Text = "X3SV: :deletepart 1336",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":deletepart 1336",
[44] = {
Text = "X3SV: :removecomponent 1336",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":removecomponent 1336",
[45] = {
Text = "X3SV: :loadb slothrework",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":loadb slothrework",
[46] = {
Text = "X3SV: :dlight ",
Time = "11:33",
Desc = ":dlight ",
------------------ END COMMAND LOGS ------------------
------------------ END TEXT FILE ------------------
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