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Created February 7, 2025 00:42
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Text file created by Roblox
-- ServerID: a1a2b9f5-ab25-4140-9dd6-a371f319942d
-- Server started: February 06, 2025 11:26 PM UTC | Server uptime: 3599 seconds
------------------ LOADB LOGS ------------------
------------------ END LOADB LOGS ------------------
------------------ JOIN LOGS ------------------
[1] = {
Text = "tavotony",
Time = "00:42",
Desc = "tavotony joined the server",
[2] = {
Text = "Before_Tom",
Time = "00:41",
Desc = "Before_Tom joined the server",
[3] = {
Text = "aliteralberet",
Time = "00:39",
Desc = "aliteralberet joined the server",
[4] = {
Text = "mrinekid",
Time = "00:38",
Desc = "mrinekid joined the server",
[5] = {
Text = "mrinekid",
Time = "00:38",
Desc = "mrinekid joined the server",
[6] = {
Text = "Msjdjdjdbdkdkbd",
Time = "00:38",
Desc = "Msjdjdjdbdkdkbd joined the server",
[7] = {
Text = "mrinekid",
Time = "00:38",
Desc = "mrinekid joined the server",
[8] = {
Text = "dantemach1n",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = "dantemach1n joined the server",
[9] = {
Text = "ogstring",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = "ogstring joined the server",
[10] = {
Text = "ogstring",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = "ogstring joined the server",
[11] = {
Text = "ogstring",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = "ogstring joined the server",
[12] = {
Text = "mrinekid",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = "mrinekid joined the server",
[13] = {
Text = "tavotony",
Time = "00:36",
Desc = "tavotony joined the server",
[14] = {
Text = "helmz23",
Time = "00:36",
Desc = "helmz23 joined the server",
[15] = {
Text = "helmz23",
Time = "00:36",
Desc = "helmz23 joined the server",
[16] = {
Text = "ogstring",
Time = "00:35",
Desc = "ogstring joined the server",
[17] = {
Text = "helmz23",
Time = "00:35",
Desc = "helmz23 joined the server",
[18] = {
Text = "DaSc3mmer",
Time = "00:34",
Desc = "DaSc3mmer joined the server",
[19] = {
Text = "DaSc3mmer",
Time = "00:33",
Desc = "DaSc3mmer joined the server",
[20] = {
Text = "Sasuke_8844",
Time = "00:32",
Desc = "Sasuke_8844 joined the server",
[21] = {
Text = "courtcreamy",
Time = "00:32",
Desc = "courtcreamy joined the server",
[22] = {
Text = "DaSc3mmer",
Time = "00:30",
Desc = "DaSc3mmer joined the server",
[23] = {
Text = "KingKidus101",
Time = "00:24",
Desc = "KingKidus101 joined the server",
[24] = {
Text = "KingKidus101",
Time = "00:23",
Desc = "KingKidus101 joined the server",
[25] = {
Text = "D3DL7",
Time = "00:18",
Desc = "D3DL7 joined the server",
[26] = {
Text = "KingKidus101",
Time = "00:16",
Desc = "KingKidus101 joined the server",
[27] = {
Text = "GhouulllBagell",
Time = "00:13",
Desc = "GhouulllBagell joined the server",
[28] = {
Text = "Hinatakaoru",
Time = "00:11",
Desc = "Hinatakaoru joined the server",
[29] = {
Text = "Hinatakaoru",
Time = "00:10",
Desc = "Hinatakaoru joined the server",
[30] = {
Text = "bowserjrboy14",
Time = "00:09",
Desc = "bowserjrboy14 joined the server",
[31] = {
Text = "rahhhhhhhh5",
Time = "00:07",
Desc = "rahhhhhhhh5 joined the server",
[32] = {
Text = "rewards1220",
Time = "00:07",
Desc = "rewards1220 joined the server",
[33] = {
Text = "Pixie_girlxo1232",
Time = "00:07",
Desc = "Pixie_girlxo1232 joined the server",
[34] = {
Text = "pooppy1605",
Time = "00:07",
Desc = "pooppy1605 joined the server",
[35] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun",
Time = "00:06",
Desc = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun joined the server",
[36] = {
Text = "marclewisxx",
Time = "00:06",
Desc = "marclewisxx joined the server",
[37] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92",
Time = "23:53",
Desc = "FabrizioGamer_92 joined the server",
[38] = {
Text = "brandonjunior133",
Time = "23:53",
Desc = "brandonjunior133 joined the server",
[39] = {
Text = "Theboi930",
Time = "23:53",
Desc = "Theboi930 joined the server",
[40] = {
Text = "itsduckerYT",
Time = "23:53",
Desc = "itsduckerYT joined the server",
[41] = {
Text = "Jaibird314",
Time = "23:52",
Desc = "Jaibird314 joined the server",
[42] = {
Text = "mr_glitchy06",
Time = "23:52",
Desc = "mr_glitchy06 joined the server",
[43] = {
Text = "Xin_godh600",
Time = "23:47",
Desc = "Xin_godh600 joined the server",
[44] = {
Text = "miggy337992",
Time = "23:44",
Desc = "miggy337992 joined the server",
[45] = {
Text = "DaSc3mmer",
Time = "23:43",
Desc = "DaSc3mmer joined the server",
[46] = {
Text = "neuvianhnu",
Time = "23:43",
Desc = "neuvianhnu joined the server",
[47] = {
Text = "tuggy1001",
Time = "23:43",
Desc = "tuggy1001 joined the server",
[48] = {
Text = "LEENY257",
Time = "23:43",
Desc = "LEENY257 joined the server",
[49] = {
Text = "Racecarzrcool37",
Time = "23:42",
Desc = "Racecarzrcool37 joined the server",
[50] = {
Text = "LEENY257",
Time = "23:42",
Desc = "LEENY257 joined the server",
[51] = {
Text = "BradfordZadrozny",
Time = "23:42",
Desc = "BradfordZadrozny joined the server",
[52] = {
Text = "miggy337992",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "miggy337992 joined the server",
[53] = {
Text = "Justicealalala",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "Justicealalala joined the server",
[54] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "JohnTheTrainMan1 joined the server",
[55] = {
Text = "AdminDolphinOFFICIAL",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "AdminDolphinOFFICIAL joined the server",
[56] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = "JohnTheTrainMan1 joined the server",
[57] = {
Text = "Warlienet",
Time = "23:36",
Desc = "Warlienet joined the server",
[58] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1",
Time = "23:36",
Desc = "JohnTheTrainMan1 joined the server",
[59] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty",
Time = "23:35",
Desc = "cyclopkitty joined the server",
[60] = {
Text = "miggy337992",
Time = "23:35",
Desc = "miggy337992 joined the server",
[61] = {
Text = "LEENY257",
Time = "23:35",
Desc = "LEENY257 joined the server",
[62] = {
Text = "Cratigts",
Time = "23:35",
Desc = "Cratigts joined the server",
[63] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty",
Time = "23:34",
Desc = "cyclopkitty joined the server",
[64] = {
Text = "Before_Tom",
Time = "23:34",
Desc = "Before_Tom joined the server",
[65] = {
Text = "FanofEverything56",
Time = "23:33",
Desc = "FanofEverything56 joined the server",
[66] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty",
Time = "23:33",
Desc = "cyclopkitty joined the server",
[67] = {
Text = "DeeGagaBear",
Time = "23:32",
Desc = "DeeGagaBear joined the server",
[68] = {
Text = "NotHemisZoro",
Time = "23:32",
Desc = "NotHemisZoro joined the server",
[69] = {
Text = "LEENY257",
Time = "23:31",
Desc = "LEENY257 joined the server",
[70] = {
Text = "Prophecy_Destroyer",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = "Prophecy_Destroyer joined the server",
[71] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = "Jaydenu2008 joined the server",
[72] = {
Text = "imch1ef",
Time = "23:28",
Desc = "imch1ef joined the server",
[73] = {
Text = "totallynotmario23",
Time = "23:28",
Desc = "totallynotmario23 joined the server",
[74] = {
Text = "LEENY257",
Time = "23:27",
Desc = "LEENY257 joined the server",
[75] = {
Text = "Flakeyon",
Time = "23:27",
Desc = "Flakeyon joined the server",
[76] = {
Text = "gamingkaeden",
Time = "23:27",
Desc = "gamingkaeden joined the server",
[77] = {
Text = "Poop_Kayden1",
Time = "23:27",
Desc = "Poop_Kayden1 joined the server",
[78] = {
Text = "Ashlly_Fraga1129",
Time = "23:27",
Desc = "Ashlly_Fraga1129 joined the server",
[79] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical",
Time = "23:26",
Desc = "SolomonOffical joined the server",
[80] = {
Text = "olive67671",
Time = "23:26",
Desc = "olive67671 joined the server",
[81] = {
Text = "spongeloverthesecond",
Time = "23:26",
Desc = "spongeloverthesecond joined the server",
------------------ END JOIN LOGS ------------------
------------------ CHAT LOGS ------------------
[1] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "tavotony: !newserver",
Desc = "!newserver",
[2] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "tavotony: bruh",
Desc = "bruh",
[3] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :fly all",
Desc = ":fly all",
[4] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "aliteralberet: i need inh",
Desc = "i need inh",
[5] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :tools",
Desc = ":tools",
[6] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: come",
Desc = "come",
[7] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: coms",
Desc = "coms",
[8] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "aliteralberet: how do i get in",
Desc = "how do i get in",
[9] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: I will show u another way",
Desc = "I will show u another way",
[10] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: come",
Desc = "come",
[11] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: lol",
Desc = "lol",
[12] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Msjdjdjdbdkdkbd: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[13] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time 10",
Desc = ":time 10",
[14] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time 100.00 ",
Desc = ":time 100.00 ",
[15] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "dantemach1n: QUITEN ESTOOOOO",
[16] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: ###########",
Desc = "###########",
[17] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "dantemach1n: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[18] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time 10",
Desc = ":time 10",
[19] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time 3",
Desc = ":time 3",
[20] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time 2",
Desc = ":time 2",
[21] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time 1",
Desc = ":time 1",
[22] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: ;time 1",
Desc = ";time 1",
[23] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "dantemach1n: vr?",
Desc = "vr?",
[24] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: #########",
Desc = "#########",
[25] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "dantemach1n: eh",
Desc = "eh",
[26] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time 60",
Desc = ":time 60",
[27] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time 55",
Desc = ":time 55",
[28] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time 54",
Desc = ":time 54",
[29] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time 53",
Desc = ":time 53",
[30] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: :bring all",
Desc = ":bring all",
[31] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :delete floor",
Desc = ":delete floor",
[32] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :fly ",
Desc = ":fly ",
[33] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: ########",
Desc = "########",
[34] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: :bring all",
Desc = ":bring all",
[35] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "ogstring: so there is basically a new tom?",
Desc = "so there is basically a new tom?",
[36] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: ########",
Desc = "########",
[37] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time 50",
Desc = ":time 50",
[38] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :bring all",
Desc = ":bring all",
[39] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "ogstring: bruh",
Desc = "bruh",
[40] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :bring all",
Desc = ":bring all",
[41] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: :ff",
Desc = ":ff",
[42] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "ogstring: woah",
Desc = "woah",
[43] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time 34",
Desc = ":time 34",
[44] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: :bring all",
Desc = ":bring all",
[45] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "ogstring: yall is tom gone",
Desc = "yall is tom gone",
[46] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time 33",
Desc = ":time 33",
[47] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :fix",
Desc = ":fix",
[48] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time 22",
Desc = ":time 22",
[49] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: :fix",
Desc = ":fix",
[50] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time 21",
Desc = ":time 21",
[51] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: :unff ",
Desc = ":unff ",
[52] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time 20",
Desc = ":time 20",
[53] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time 19",
Desc = ":time 19",
[54] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time 18",
Desc = ":time 18",
[55] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: ###########",
Desc = "###########",
[56] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time 17",
Desc = ":time 17",
[57] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time 16",
Desc = ":time 16",
[58] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time 15",
Desc = ":time 15",
[59] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time 14",
Desc = ":time 14",
[60] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time 13",
Desc = ":time 13",
[61] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time 12",
Desc = ":time 12",
[62] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :sword",
Desc = ":sword",
[63] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[64] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time 12",
Desc = ":time 12",
[65] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time 11",
Desc = ":time 11",
[66] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time 10",
Desc = ":time 10",
[67] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time 9",
Desc = ":time 9",
[68] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time 7",
Desc = ":time 7",
[69] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time7",
Desc = ":time7",
[70] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time 8",
Desc = ":time 8",
[71] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Sasuke_8844: :fling all",
Desc = ":fling all",
[72] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time 6",
Desc = ":time 6",
[73] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time 5",
Desc = ":time 5",
[74] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Sasuke_8844: :gun",
Desc = ":gun",
[75] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time 4",
Desc = ":time 4",
[76] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Sasuke_8844: ;gun",
Desc = ";gun",
[77] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time 3",
Desc = ":time 3",
[78] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time3",
Desc = ":time3",
[79] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time 3pm",
Desc = ":time 3pm",
[80] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time 9",
Desc = ":time 9",
[81] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :time 10",
Desc = ":time 10",
[82] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :pitch 0.10",
Desc = ":pitch 0.10",
[83] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :pitch 100",
Desc = ":pitch 100",
[84] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :pitch 600",
Desc = ":pitch 600",
[85] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[86] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :fla",
Desc = ":fla",
[87] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: :pitch 1",
Desc = ":pitch 1",
[88] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "KingKidus101: :pitch 0.7",
Desc = ":pitch 0.7",
[89] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: bro",
Desc = "bro",
[90] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "KingKidus101: :pitch 0.1",
Desc = ":pitch 0.1",
[91] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "KingKidus101: :0.1",
Desc = ":0.1",
[92] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "KingKidus101: ######################",
Desc = "######################",
[93] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: WTH",
Desc = "WTH",
[94] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "D3DL7: ###",
Desc = "###",
[95] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "D3DL7: don’t play",
Desc = "don’t play",
[96] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "D3DL7: it was you",
Desc = "it was you",
[97] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "D3DL7: #########################",
Desc = "#########################",
[98] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "KingKidus101: i swear",
Desc = "i swear",
[99] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "KingKidus101: it wasnt me",
Desc = "it wasnt me",
[100] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "D3DL7: racists not allowed",
Desc = "racists not allowed",
[101] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :song",
Desc = ":song",
[102] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "D3DL7: no",
Desc = "no",
[103] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "KingKidus101: can u unpunish all pls",
Desc = "can u unpunish all pls",
[104] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "KingKidus101: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[105] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "D3DL7: :song “",
Desc = ":song “",
[106] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: lol",
Desc = "lol",
[107] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: more n",
Desc = "more n",
[108] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "KingKidus101: :cmdbox",
Desc = ":cmdbox",
[109] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: :fix",
Desc = ":fix",
[110] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "D3DL7: :cmdbox",
Desc = ":cmdbox",
[111] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "D3DL7: ::cmdbox",
Desc = "::cmdbox",
[112] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "D3DL7: :song 0",
Desc = ":song 0",
[113] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "KingKidus101: plus it wasnt me",
Desc = "plus it wasnt me",
[114] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: WTH IS THIS SING",
[115] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "KingKidus101: bro i didnt know",
Desc = "bro i didnt know",
[116] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "D3DL7: racism 🤣🤣🤣🤣",
Desc = "racism 🤣🤣🤣🤣",
[117] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "D3DL7: wow bro u really funny",
Desc = "wow bro u really funny",
[118] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: LOL",
Desc = "LOL",
[119] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "KingKidus101: :pitch 0.7",
Desc = ":pitch 0.7",
[120] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "KingKidus101: :PITCH 1",
Desc = ":PITCH 1",
[121] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "D3DL7: :mute",
Desc = ":mute",
[122] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "D3DL7: :pitch 100",
Desc = ":pitch 100",
[123] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "KingKidus101: :time 6",
Desc = ":time 6",
[124] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: It is back",
Desc = "It is back",
[125] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: here we go again",
Desc = "here we go again",
[126] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: ugh",
Desc = "ugh",
[127] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: Wake up",
Desc = "Wake up",
[128] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: ######",
Desc = "######",
[129] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: Bro this sound keeps coming up",
Desc = "Bro this sound keeps coming up",
[130] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "KingKidus101: ######################",
Desc = "######################",
[131] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "KingKidus101: :pitch 2",
Desc = ":pitch 2",
[132] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "KingKidus101: ######################",
Desc = "######################",
[133] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :btools",
Desc = ":btools",
[134] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :build",
Desc = ":build",
[135] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: :btools",
Desc = ":btools",
[136] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :rock crashing to server",
Desc = ":rock crashing to server",
[137] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Hinatakaoru: :f3x",
Desc = ":f3x",
[138] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :clearterrain",
Desc = ":clearterrain",
[139] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: Fr",
Desc = "Fr",
[140] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[141] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: yes",
Desc = "yes",
[142] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: :ff",
Desc = ":ff",
[143] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :bring friends",
Desc = ":bring friends",
[144] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: :f3x",
Desc = ":f3x",
[145] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: omg",
Desc = "omg",
[146] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: then is gonna kick us out",
Desc = "then is gonna kick us out",
[147] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :ff",
Desc = ":ff",
[148] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: crashed",
Desc = "crashed",
[149] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: intil 20 mins",
Desc = "intil 20 mins",
[150] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: :sword ",
Desc = ":sword ",
[151] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "pooppy1605: 4321",
Desc = "4321",
[152] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: .",
Desc = ".",
[153] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "pooppy1605: 5",
Desc = "5",
[154] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "pooppy1605: 6",
Desc = "6",
[155] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: I know in 30 mins the server is not gonna respond for 20 mins",
Desc = "I know in 30 mins the server is not gonna respond for 20 mins",
[156] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "pooppy1605: 7",
Desc = "7",
[157] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :cmdbox",
Desc = ":cmdbox",
[158] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "pooppy1605: 8",
Desc = "8",
[159] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "pooppy1605: 9",
Desc = "9",
[160] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: srry",
Desc = "srry",
[161] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "pooppy1605: 10",
Desc = "10",
[162] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: wth u want",
Desc = "wth u want",
[163] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[164] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: listen closely",
Desc = "listen closely",
[165] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :tph Friends",
Desc = ":tph Friends",
[166] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :bring friends",
Desc = ":bring friends",
[167] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: guys",
Desc = "guys",
[168] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :bring all ",
Desc = ":bring all ",
[169] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: We are cooked",
Desc = "We are cooked",
[170] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: just block noor",
Desc = "just block noor",
[171] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :jail @noor",
Desc = ":jail @noor",
[172] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[173] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[174] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :tph",
Desc = ":tph",
[175] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: hey man let's not",
Desc = "hey man let's not",
[176] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: .",
Desc = ".",
[177] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :re all",
Desc = ":re all",
[178] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: A",
Desc = "A",
[179] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "pooppy1605: :bring all",
Desc = ":bring all",
[180] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: Yayayayayay",
Desc = "Yayayayayay",
[181] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: Yaya",
Desc = "Yaya",
[182] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: :invisible",
Desc = ":invisible",
[183] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: Oh",
Desc = "Oh",
[184] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: :invis",
Desc = ":invis",
[185] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: /e :tph @go",
Desc = "/e :tph @go",
[186] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "pooppy1605: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[187] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: Noooooo",
Desc = "Noooooo",
[188] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: hii",
Desc = "hii",
[189] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[190] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :F9",
Desc = ":F9",
[191] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :ff",
Desc = ":ff",
[192] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "pooppy1605: :bring all",
Desc = ":bring all",
[193] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :btools",
Desc = ":btools",
[194] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :kill all",
Desc = ":kill all",
[195] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: :unjail all",
Desc = ":unjail all",
[196] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :kill.all",
Desc = ":kill.all",
[197] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Hinatakaoru: Tttttttyhfufnbbnnnmmnjhj(jhhhhhh",
Desc = "Tttttttyhfufnbbnnnmmnjhj(jhhhhhh",
[198] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :fling all",
Desc = ":fling all",
[199] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "pooppy1605: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[200] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: :unjail all",
Desc = ":unjail all",
[201] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Hinatakaoru: /w mr_glitchy06 Utytytythgjhjhhhhhhhjjku",
Desc = "/w mr_glitchy06 Utytytythgjhjhhhhhhhjjku",
[202] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[203] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: bruh",
Desc = "bruh",
[204] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "pooppy1605: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[205] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: :invisible",
Desc = ":invisible",
[206] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Hinatakaoru: Htgtututh",
Desc = "Htgtututh",
[207] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: /e :jail @mr",
Desc = "/e :jail @mr",
[208] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: :god",
Desc = ":god",
[209] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: :invisible",
Desc = ":invisible",
[210] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: That was called the neco ball",
Desc = "That was called the neco ball",
[211] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: /e :re @mr",
Desc = "/e :re @mr",
[212] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: yeah no",
Desc = "yeah no",
[213] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :visible all",
Desc = ":visible all",
[214] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: lol",
Desc = "lol",
[215] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :cmds",
Desc = ":cmds",
[216] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: :invisible",
Desc = ":invisible",
[217] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: :invis",
Desc = ":invis",
[218] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: Whats happend",
Desc = "Whats happend",
[219] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: -",
Desc = "-",
[220] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: There is no ban",
Desc = "There is no ban",
[221] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :cmds",
Desc = ":cmds",
[222] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :admins",
Desc = ":admins",
[223] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :cmd",
Desc = ":cmd",
[224] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: Oh no…",
Desc = "Oh no…",
[225] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: /e :warn @mr",
Desc = "/e :warn @mr",
[226] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :ban",
Desc = ":ban",
[227] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: :btools",
Desc = ":btools",
[228] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: ban",
Desc = "ban",
[229] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :kick Noor",
Desc = ":kick Noor",
[230] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: /e :btools",
Desc = "/e :btools",
[231] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: it's ez to walk on killbricks",
Desc = "it's ez to walk on killbricks",
[232] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "pooppy1605: :f3x",
Desc = ":f3x",
[233] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: Yep?",
Desc = "Yep?",
[234] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: see",
Desc = "see",
[235] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[236] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[237] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "bowserjrboy14: :btools ",
Desc = ":btools ",
[238] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: oh I did. it",
Desc = "oh I did. it",
[239] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: :god",
Desc = ":god",
[240] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "bowserjrboy14: :health me 1000000000000000000000000",
Desc = ":health me 1000000000000000000000000",
[241] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: :sword",
Desc = ":sword",
[242] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: !beta",
Desc = "!beta",
[243] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :ban",
Desc = ":ban",
[244] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: :f3x",
Desc = ":f3x",
[245] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "bowserjrboy14: :god",
Desc = ":god",
[246] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: /e :ff",
Desc = "/e :ff",
[247] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "pooppy1605: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[248] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "bowserjrboy14: :ff",
Desc = ":ff",
[249] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: :ff",
Desc = ":ff",
[250] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "bowserjrboy14: :fly ",
Desc = ":fly ",
[251] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: :god",
Desc = ":god",
[252] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :re all",
Desc = ":re all",
[253] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: jesus.",
Desc = "jesus.",
[254] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "bowserjrboy14: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[255] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "bowserjrboy14: :ff",
Desc = ":ff",
[256] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: You can’t be talking",
Desc = "You can’t be talking",
[257] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "bowserjrboy14: :god",
Desc = ":god",
[258] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "bowserjrboy14: ;btools ",
Desc = ";btools ",
[259] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: lol",
Desc = "lol",
[260] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: It is a admin game",
Desc = "It is a admin game",
[261] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: Stop saying that",
Desc = "Stop saying that",
[262] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: ##########################",
Desc = "##########################",
[263] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: no.hacking",
Desc = "no.hacking",
[264] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: I am not hacking",
Desc = "I am not hacking",
[265] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "pooppy1605: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[266] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: No. hacking",
Desc = "No. hacking",
[267] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: :ff",
Desc = ":ff",
[268] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "rewards1220: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[269] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: Yay",
Desc = "Yay",
[270] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "pooppy1605: :give me all",
Desc = ":give me all",
[271] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: /e :btools",
Desc = "/e :btools",
[272] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: me and jaibird cleared this place out so plz don't make a bigger mess for us to clear",
Desc = "me and jaibird cleared this place out so plz don't make a bigger mess for us to clear",
[273] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[274] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: wudhalel",
Desc = "wudhalel",
[275] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: Run!!!! Boss battle",
Desc = "Run!!!! Boss battle",
[276] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: AVALANCHE",
[277] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: plus it's falling",
Desc = "plus it's falling",
[278] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: :fly me 100",
Desc = ":fly me 100",
[279] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: Yep",
Desc = "Yep",
[280] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: u cleared alot",
Desc = "u cleared alot",
[281] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: wow",
Desc = "wow",
[282] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: :fly all",
Desc = ":fly all",
[283] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: Ok",
Desc = "Ok",
[284] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: NAUR",
Desc = "NAUR",
[285] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: use btools to fling the balls",
Desc = "use btools to fling the balls",
[286] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: wait",
Desc = "wait",
[287] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[288] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: Ok",
Desc = "Ok",
[289] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: :btools all",
Desc = ":btools all",
[290] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: It’s way to laggy ",
Desc = "It’s way to laggy ",
[291] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: ok let's cover the balls",
Desc = "ok let's cover the balls",
[292] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: Yeah",
Desc = "Yeah",
[293] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: now let's get to work in these balls",
Desc = "now let's get to work in these balls",
[294] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: Every one crashed",
Desc = "Every one crashed",
[295] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: your free.",
Desc = "your free.",
[296] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: Thanks",
Desc = "Thanks",
[297] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: this is the outside.",
Desc = "this is the outside.",
[298] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: :bring all",
Desc = ":bring all",
[299] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: hi",
Desc = "hi",
[300] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: :bring all",
Desc = ":bring all",
[301] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "itsduckerYT: :runc anti",
Desc = ":runc anti",
[302] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "itsduckerYT: :runc anti",
Desc = ":runc anti",
[303] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: :btools",
Desc = ":btools",
[304] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "itsduckerYT: :f3x",
Desc = ":f3x",
[305] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: issint this good?",
Desc = "issint this good?",
[306] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "itsduckerYT: :btools",
Desc = ":btools",
[307] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: ah.",
Desc = "ah.",
[308] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[309] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "itsduckerYT: :cmds",
Desc = ":cmds",
[310] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: :f3x",
Desc = ":f3x",
[311] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "itsduckerYT: :delete all",
Desc = ":delete all",
[312] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "itsduckerYT: :runc anti",
Desc = ":runc anti",
[313] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Theboi930: :f3x",
Desc = ":f3x",
[314] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "brandonjunior133: :EXÑLODE ALL",
Desc = ":EXÑLODE ALL",
[315] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: :btools",
Desc = ":btools",
[316] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: :m ALL FOLLOW ME ALL FOLLOW ME!!!!",
[317] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Theboi930: :re",
Desc = ":re",
[318] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :god",
Desc = ":god",
[319] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :r6",
Desc = ":r6",
[320] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: :ff",
Desc = ":ff",
[321] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "itsduckerYT: :cmdbox",
Desc = ":cmdbox",
[322] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: :fr",
Desc = ":fr",
[323] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: :fff",
Desc = ":fff",
[324] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: :f3x",
Desc = ":f3x",
[325] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: :fly ",
Desc = ":fly ",
[326] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :r6",
Desc = ":r6",
[327] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "itsduckerYT: :runc anti",
Desc = ":runc anti",
[328] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :unimage",
Desc = ":unimage",
[329] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: ....",
Desc = "....",
[330] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :r6",
Desc = ":r6",
[331] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :btools",
Desc = ":btools",
[332] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :cmdbox",
Desc = ":cmdbox",
[333] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Theboi930: :cmdbox",
Desc = ":cmdbox",
[334] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "itsduckerYT: :cmdbox",
Desc = ":cmdbox",
[335] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "itsduckerYT: :cmdbo",
Desc = ":cmdbo",
[336] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: :ff",
Desc = ":ff",
[337] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: :f3x",
Desc = ":f3x",
[338] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: :btools",
Desc = ":btools",
[339] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaibird314: :fly me 100",
Desc = ":fly me 100",
[340] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "mr_glitchy06: rizz",
Desc = "rizz",
[341] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Warlienet: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[342] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Warlienet: :logs",
Desc = ":logs",
[343] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Xin_godh600: ################################",
Desc = "################################",
[344] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "neuvianhnu: :f3x ",
Desc = ":f3x ",
[345] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "LEENY257: :f3x",
Desc = ":f3x",
[346] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "tuggy1001: :bring w",
Desc = ":bring w",
[347] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "neuvianhnu: :fly all",
Desc = ":fly all",
[348] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "tuggy1001: :bring Un",
Desc = ":bring Un",
[349] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "neuvianhnu: ;fly me",
Desc = ";fly me",
[350] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Xin_godh600: :cmdbox",
Desc = ":cmdbox",
[351] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "cyclopkitty: :cmdbar",
Desc = ":cmdbar",
[352] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "BradfordZadrozny: :f3x",
Desc = ":f3x",
[353] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "BradfordZadrozny: :flynoclip",
Desc = ":flynoclip",
[354] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "tuggy1001: :Fly",
Desc = ":Fly",
[355] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "cyclopkitty: :cmdbar",
Desc = ":cmdbar",
[356] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Xin_godh600: :btools",
Desc = ":btools",
[357] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Xin_godh600: :invisible",
Desc = ":invisible",
[358] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "miggy337992: /e :removetorso all",
Desc = "/e :removetorso all",
[359] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "tuggy1001: .",
Desc = ".",
[360] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "neuvianhnu: :loopkill all",
Desc = ":loopkill all",
[361] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "LEENY257: :fixcam",
Desc = ":fixcam",
[362] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Xin_godh600: :invisible",
Desc = ":invisible",
[363] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "miggy337992: :lock",
Desc = ":lock",
[364] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "miggy337992: :nohats",
Desc = ":nohats",
[365] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Xin_godh600: :cmdbox",
Desc = ":cmdbox",
[366] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Xin_godh600: !auditlogs",
Desc = "!auditlogs",
[367] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "miggy337992: ###########################################",
Desc = "###########################################",
[368] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Xin_godh600: !audtilogs",
Desc = "!audtilogs",
[369] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "neuvianhnu: :fly me",
Desc = ":fly me",
[370] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "miggy337992: :re",
Desc = ":re",
[371] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Xin_godh600: /c system",
Desc = "/c system",
[372] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "miggy337992: /e dance",
Desc = "/e dance",
[373] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "miggy337992: /e :clr",
Desc = "/e :clr",
[374] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "neuvianhnu: ;fly all",
Desc = ";fly all",
[375] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Warlienet: THE BOAT!",
Desc = "THE BOAT!",
[376] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "cyclopkitty: :cmdbar",
Desc = ":cmdbar",
[377] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Racecarzrcool37: :unfly",
Desc = ":unfly",
[378] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "miggy337992: :bot me inf",
Desc = ":bot me inf",
[379] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Racecarzrcool37: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[380] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "cyclopkitty: :cmdbar",
Desc = ":cmdbar",
[381] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "cyclopkitty: :hide me",
Desc = ":hide me",
[382] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "tuggy1001: :f3x",
Desc = ":f3x",
[383] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "miggy337992: ##########################################",
Desc = "##########################################",
[384] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "cyclopkitty: :cmdbar",
Desc = ":cmdbar",
[385] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "miggy337992: :cmds",
Desc = ":cmds",
[386] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Warlienet: AAAAA",
Desc = "AAAAA",
[387] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "tuggy1001: it's sinking ",
Desc = "it's sinking ",
[388] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "cyclopkitty: Thanks",
Desc = "Thanks",
[389] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Racecarzrcool37: :f3x",
Desc = ":f3x",
[390] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "tuggy1001: :Fly",
Desc = ":Fly",
[391] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "cyclopkitty: How to make my name not appear when I run :m?",
Desc = "How to make my name not appear when I run :m?",
[392] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "tuggy1001: :to w",
Desc = ":to w",
[393] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DaSc3mmer: /e :runc tools",
Desc = "/e :runc tools",
[394] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "neuvianhnu: :fly me",
Desc = ":fly me",
[395] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "neuvianhnu: ;fly me",
Desc = ";fly me",
[396] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "LEENY257: :F3x",
Desc = ":F3x",
[397] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "cyclopkitty: Does anyone know how to make my name not appear when I run :m",
Desc = "Does anyone know how to make my name not appear when I run :m",
[398] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "BradfordZadrozny: :f3x",
Desc = ":f3x",
[399] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "BradfordZadrozny: :flynoclip",
Desc = ":flynoclip",
[400] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "LEENY257: !rejoin",
Desc = "!rejoin",
[401] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "LEENY257: :f3x",
Desc = ":f3x",
[402] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "miggy337992: :logs",
Desc = ":logs",
[403] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: !beta",
Desc = "!beta",
[404] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Justicealalala: oh wait",
Desc = "oh wait",
[405] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "cyclopkitty: :cmdbar",
Desc = ":cmdbar",
[406] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Justicealalala: huh",
Desc = "huh",
[407] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Justicealalala: !support",
Desc = "!support",
[408] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "cyclopkitty: Bro you called me what",
Desc = "Bro you called me what",
[409] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "FanofEverything56: !beta",
Desc = "!beta",
[410] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "AdminDolphinOFFICIAL: !beta",
Desc = "!beta",
[411] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "cyclopkitty: What",
Desc = "What",
[412] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "AdminDolphinOFFICIAL: :runc AnnouncementTestNewest",
Desc = ":runc AnnouncementTestNewest",
[413] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "cyclopkitty: That wasn’t me",
Desc = "That wasn’t me",
[414] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "FanofEverything56: hey cyclopkitty",
Desc = "hey cyclopkitty",
[415] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Warlienet: :logs",
Desc = ":logs",
[416] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :cmds",
Desc = ":cmds",
[417] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "FanofEverything56: :btools",
Desc = ":btools",
[418] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DeeGagaBear: :re all",
Desc = ":re all",
[419] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "FanofEverything56: :btools all",
Desc = ":btools all",
[420] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "cyclopkitty: :cmdbar",
Desc = ":cmdbar",
[421] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "LEENY257: :name me shork",
Desc = ":name me shork",
[422] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Warlienet: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[423] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DeeGagaBear: :kill all",
Desc = ":kill all",
[424] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "FanofEverything56: :bring dee",
Desc = ":bring dee",
[425] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "FanofEverything56: :jail dee",
Desc = ":jail dee",
[426] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DeeGagaBear: :fly me",
Desc = ":fly me",
[427] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "totallynotmario23: :sfling random",
Desc = ":sfling random",
[428] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "FanofEverything56: :btools",
Desc = ":btools",
[429] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DeeGagaBear: :btools me",
Desc = ":btools me",
[430] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Warlienet: :runc Boat",
Desc = ":runc Boat",
[431] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "FanofEverything56: :fixcam",
Desc = ":fixcam",
[432] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "miggy337992: :pclear",
Desc = ":pclear",
[433] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "totallynotmario23: :cmdbox",
Desc = ":cmdbox",
[434] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :fixcam",
Desc = ":fixcam",
[435] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "cyclopkitty: !votekick",
Desc = "!votekick",
[436] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "miggy337992: :fix",
Desc = ":fix",
[437] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "totallynotmario23: :cmdboz",
Desc = ":cmdboz",
[438] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DeeGagaBear: :kill all :jail all",
Desc = ":kill all :jail all",
[439] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "LEENY257: :re all",
Desc = ":re all",
[440] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "totallynotmario23: :music",
Desc = ":music",
[441] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "imch1ef: wdym abuser this doesnt even lag u",
Desc = "wdym abuser this doesnt even lag u",
[442] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "totallynotmario23: :m get this abuser",
Desc = ":m get this abuser",
[443] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DeeGagaBear: Hell nah",
Desc = "Hell nah",
[444] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "LEENY257: :fixcam",
Desc = ":fixcam",
[445] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "cyclopkitty: Bro not again",
Desc = "Bro not again",
[446] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "FanofEverything56: :fixcam",
Desc = ":fixcam",
[447] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :fixcam all",
Desc = ":fixcam all",
[448] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "totallynotmario23: :m SHUT HP",
Desc = ":m SHUT HP",
[449] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "miggy337992: :loadc lyrics",
Desc = ":loadc lyrics",
[450] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "miggy337992: hello ",
Desc = "hello ",
[451] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Warlienet: Hello",
Desc = "Hello",
[452] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "miggy337992: oof",
Desc = "oof",
[453] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "LEENY257: :unmusic",
Desc = ":unmusic",
[454] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "LEENY257: sory, but i don't wanna listen to it",
Desc = "sory, but i don't wanna listen to it",
[455] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "cyclopkitty: :cmdbar",
Desc = ":cmdbar",
[456] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "FanofEverything56: :btools",
Desc = ":btools",
[457] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "miggy337992: #################################",
Desc = "#################################",
[458] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DeeGagaBear: :btools me",
Desc = ":btools me",
[459] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "LEENY257: :unmusic",
Desc = ":unmusic",
[460] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "totallynotmario23: :tools",
Desc = ":tools",
[461] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "miggy337992: #################################",
Desc = "#################################",
[462] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "miggy337992: :pclear",
Desc = ":pclear",
[463] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Before_Tom: :kill others",
Desc = ":kill others",
[464] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "imch1ef: #######",
Desc = "#######",
[465] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "imch1ef: :Cdmbox",
Desc = ":Cdmbox",
[466] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "imch1ef: :",
Desc = ":",
[467] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "LEENY257: !rejoin",
Desc = "!rejoin",
[468] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "LEENY257: !newserver",
Desc = "!newserver",
[469] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "imch1ef: :cmds",
Desc = ":cmds",
[470] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Before_Tom: :btools me",
Desc = ":btools me",
[471] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "cyclopkitty: !newserver",
Desc = "!newserver",
[472] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "FanofEverything56: TOM",
Desc = "TOM",
[473] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Before_Tom: :kill others",
Desc = ":kill others",
[474] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DeeGagaBear: :fly all",
Desc = ":fly all",
[475] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "cyclopkitty: !newserver",
Desc = "!newserver",
[476] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "LEENY257: don't",
Desc = "don't",
[477] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "totallynotmario23: :runc rope",
Desc = ":runc rope",
[478] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "totallynotmario23: :re all",
Desc = ":re all",
[479] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "totallynotmario23: :tph all",
Desc = ":tph all",
[480] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "cyclopkitty: !newserver",
Desc = "!newserver",
[481] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DeeGagaBear: Idk",
Desc = "Idk",
[482] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "LEENY257: :m how do you change back your avatar?",
Desc = ":m how do you change back your avatar?",
[483] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DeeGagaBear: :kill",
Desc = ":kill",
[484] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "cyclopkitty: I JUST WANT ADMIN",
[485] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "cyclopkitty: Y’all are gonna make me kill a man",
Desc = "Y’all are gonna make me kill a man",
[486] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DeeGagaBear: :fly me",
Desc = ":fly me",
[487] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "LEENY257: :logs",
Desc = ":logs",
[488] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "cyclopkitty: JUST LET ME GET ADMIN",
[489] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DeeGagaBear: :kill all",
Desc = ":kill all",
[490] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "cyclopkitty: Bro",
Desc = "Bro",
[491] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DeeGagaBear: Bruh",
Desc = "Bruh",
[492] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "LEENY257: :morph me leeny257",
Desc = ":morph me leeny257",
[493] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "imch1ef: :unchat me",
Desc = ":unchat me",
[494] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "LEENY257: :re",
Desc = ":re",
[495] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "imch1ef: ;unchat me",
Desc = ";unchat me",
[496] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "DeeGagaBear: :fly all",
Desc = ":fly all",
[497] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "NotHemisZoro: :cmdbox",
Desc = ":cmdbox",
[498] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "NotHemisZoro: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[499] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "imch1ef: :cmds",
Desc = ":cmds",
[500] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "NotHemisZoro: :btools",
Desc = ":btools",
[501] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "LEENY257: :re",
Desc = ":re",
[502] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "gamingkaeden: :god gameingkaeden",
Desc = ":god gameingkaeden",
[503] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "NotHemisZoro: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[504] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "NotHemisZoro: /c system",
Desc = "/c system",
[505] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "imch1ef: weak crash attempt",
Desc = "weak crash attempt",
[506] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "imch1ef: but now im back",
Desc = "but now im back",
[507] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "imch1ef: i froze for 6 seconds and my chat dissapeared",
Desc = "i froze for 6 seconds and my chat dissapeared",
[508] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "imch1ef: btw ur cmd kinda worked",
Desc = "btw ur cmd kinda worked",
[509] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "SolomonOffical: THE BLACK AND WHITE THING",
[510] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "SolomonOffical: LIKE THAT ",
Desc = "LIKE THAT ",
[511] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "SolomonOffical: WITH A OUTLINE",
[512] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "SolomonOffical: TO MAKE A PART",
Desc = "TO MAKE A PART",
[513] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "SolomonOffical: IM MAKING A MCD",
[514] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "gamingkaeden: :god gameingkaeden",
Desc = ":god gameingkaeden",
[515] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "SolomonOffical: ITS NOT",
Desc = "ITS NOT",
[516] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "totallynotmario23: :poison",
Desc = ":poison",
[517] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "imch1ef: ur cmd IS a grief cmd",
Desc = "ur cmd IS a grief cmd",
[518] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "SolomonOffical: while im making them",
Desc = "while im making them",
[519] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "SolomonOffical: your removing my cmds",
Desc = "your removing my cmds",
[520] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "imch1ef: dude",
Desc = "dude",
[521] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "SolomonOffical: you are griefing cmds",
Desc = "you are griefing cmds",
[522] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "SolomonOffical: no",
Desc = "no",
[523] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "imch1ef: ill report u for crash attempt",
Desc = "ill report u for crash attempt",
[524] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "SolomonOffical: no cmere",
Desc = "no cmere",
[525] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "imch1ef: im recording ts",
Desc = "im recording ts",
[526] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "SolomonOffical: :loadb kickpart",
Desc = ":loadb kickpart",
[527] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "imch1ef: nice try",
Desc = "nice try",
[528] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "imch1ef: LOLLL",
Desc = "LOLLL",
[529] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "SolomonOffical: bro what",
Desc = "bro what",
[530] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "imch1ef: LOL",
Desc = "LOL",
[531] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "imch1ef: didnt do anything",
Desc = "didnt do anything",
[532] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "SolomonOffical: :rc kick",
Desc = ":rc kick",
[533] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "imch1ef: w",
Desc = "w",
[534] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaydenu2008: did u use clrguis with that xd",
Desc = "did u use clrguis with that xd",
[535] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "totallynotmario23: :cmdbox",
Desc = ":cmdbox",
[536] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "imch1ef: mald",
Desc = "mald",
[537] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "SolomonOffical: :rc kick",
Desc = ":rc kick",
[538] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "imch1ef: cry harder",
Desc = "cry harder",
[539] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "SolomonOffical: :sETTARGET @CH",
Desc = ":sETTARGET @CH",
[540] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "SolomonOffical: IT GOT CLEARED",
[541] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "SolomonOffical: BRO MY CMD",
Desc = "BRO MY CMD",
[542] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaydenu2008: my sky!",
Desc = "my sky!",
[543] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "imch1ef: :runc fix",
Desc = ":runc fix",
[544] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "SolomonOffical: cheif your stupid",
Desc = "cheif your stupid",
[545] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :tp @chi me",
Desc = ":tp @chi me",
[546] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "imch1ef: :decalsky",
Desc = ":decalsky",
[547] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "imch1ef: :skydecal",
Desc = ":skydecal",
[548] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "gamingkaeden: :god gameingkaeden",
Desc = ":god gameingkaeden",
[549] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "imch1ef: :sky 0",
Desc = ":sky 0",
[550] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "imch1ef: :fix",
Desc = ":fix",
[551] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaydenu2008: like nullified",
Desc = "like nullified",
[552] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaydenu2008: its emo",
Desc = "its emo",
[553] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaydenu2008: ..",
Desc = "..",
[554] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaydenu2008: #################",
Desc = "#################",
[555] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaydenu2008: #######################",
Desc = "#######################",
[556] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "SolomonOffical: fr",
Desc = "fr",
[557] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaydenu2008: its cleaner but the lighting is trash",
Desc = "its cleaner but the lighting is trash",
[558] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "SolomonOffical: why does it",
Desc = "why does it",
[559] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaydenu2008: the testing place",
Desc = "the testing place",
[560] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "gamingkaeden: :god gameingkaeded",
Desc = ":god gameingkaeded",
[561] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "SolomonOffical: wdym",
Desc = "wdym",
[562] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaydenu2008: looks cleaner",
Desc = "looks cleaner",
[563] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Jaydenu2008: id say the new admin house",
Desc = "id say the new admin house",
[564] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "SolomonOffical: im making smth",
Desc = "im making smth",
[565] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "totallynotmario23: how to go to xl",
Desc = "how to go to xl",
[566] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "totallynotmario23: :joinxl",
Desc = ":joinxl",
[567] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "SolomonOffical: :f3x",
Desc = ":f3x",
[568] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "totallynotmario23: !joinxl",
Desc = "!joinxl",
[569] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "totallynotmario23: !xl",
Desc = "!xl",
[570] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "gamingkaeden: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[571] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "SolomonOffical: :Rc kick",
Desc = ":Rc kick",
[572] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "SolomonOffical: :settarget @f",
Desc = ":settarget @f",
[573] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "gamingkaeden: :fly",
Desc = ":fly",
[574] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "SolomonOffical: i was making a cmd",
Desc = "i was making a cmd",
[575] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "SolomonOffical: why dude",
Desc = "why dude",
[576] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "Flakeyon: :cmdbox",
Desc = ":cmdbox",
[577] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "SolomonOffical: :cmdbox",
Desc = ":cmdbox",
[578] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "SolomonOffical: :logs",
Desc = ":logs",
[579] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "SolomonOffical: :loadb yes",
Desc = ":loadb yes",
[580] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "SolomonOffical: :nocollide",
Desc = ":nocollide",
[581] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "SolomonOffical: :cmdbox",
Desc = ":cmdbox",
[582] = {
NoTime = "true",
Text = "SolomonOffical: :openc exterminate",
Desc = ":openc exterminate",
------------------ END CHAT LOGS ------------------
------------------ COMMAND LOGS ------------------
[1] = {
Text = "tavotony: !newserver ",
Time = "00:42",
Desc = "!newserver ",
[2] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :fly all",
Time = "00:42",
Desc = ":fly all",
[3] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :give me AzuritePeriastronJera",
Time = "00:41",
Desc = ":give me AzuritePeriastronJera",
[4] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :give me AzurePeriastron",
Time = "00:41",
Desc = ":give me AzurePeriastron",
[5] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :give me AmethystPeriastron",
Time = "00:41",
Desc = ":give me AmethystPeriastron",
[6] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :give me AR2",
Time = "00:41",
Desc = ":give me AR2",
[7] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :give me AMERISWORD",
Time = "00:41",
Desc = ":give me AMERISWORD",
[8] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :give me AMERICANMONSTERSWORD",
Time = "00:41",
[9] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :give me AMERIBLASTER",
Time = "00:41",
Desc = ":give me AMERIBLASTER",
[10] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :give me 357 Magnum",
Time = "00:41",
Desc = ":give me 357 Magnum",
[11] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :give me AMERISWORD",
Time = "00:41",
Desc = ":give me AMERISWORD",
[12] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :tools ",
Time = "00:41",
Desc = ":tools ",
[13] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 10",
Time = "00:39",
Desc = ":time 10",
[14] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 100.00",
Time = "00:39",
Desc = ":time 100.00",
[15] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 10000",
Time = "00:38",
Desc = ":time 10000",
[16] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 10",
Time = "00:38",
Desc = ":time 10",
[17] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 3",
Time = "00:38",
Desc = ":time 3",
[18] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 2",
Time = "00:38",
Desc = ":time 2",
[19] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 1",
Time = "00:38",
Desc = ":time 1",
[20] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 400",
Time = "00:38",
Desc = ":time 400",
[21] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 60",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":time 60",
[22] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :charaudio me 305527950 false 1 1",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":charaudio me 305527950 false 1 1",
[23] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :give me Rocket",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":give me Rocket",
[24] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :give me grenade",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":give me grenade",
[25] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :give me ########",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":give me ########",
[26] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :give me AR2",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":give me AR2",
[27] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :give me SPAS",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":give me SPAS",
[28] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :give me supercharged",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":give me supercharged",
[29] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :give me gravity",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":give me gravity",
[30] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :give me 357",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":give me 357",
[31] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :give me SMG1",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":give me SMG1",
[32] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :give me USP",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":give me USP",
[33] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :give me crowbar",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":give me crowbar",
[34] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :speed me 30",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":speed me 30",
[35] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :health me 1500",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":health me 1500",
[36] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :hat me 5099821552",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":hat me 5099821552",
[37] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: !wait 0.3",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = "!wait 0.3",
[38] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :nohats ",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":nohats ",
[39] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: !wait 0.3",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = "!wait 0.3",
[40] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :pants me 141077988",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":pants me 141077988",
[41] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: !wait 0.3",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = "!wait 0.3",
[42] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :shirt me 141077882",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":shirt me 141077882",
[43] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 55",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":time 55",
[44] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: !wait 1",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = "!wait 1",
[45] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :re me",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":re me",
[46] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 54",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":time 54",
[47] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 53",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":time 53",
[48] = {
Text = "Jaibird314: :bring all",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":bring all",
[49] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :charaudio me 305527950 false 1 1",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":charaudio me 305527950 false 1 1",
[50] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :give me Rocket",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":give me Rocket",
[51] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :give me grenade",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":give me grenade",
[52] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :give me crossbow",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":give me crossbow",
[53] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :give me AR2",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":give me AR2",
[54] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :give me SPAS",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":give me SPAS",
[55] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :give me supercharged",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":give me supercharged",
[56] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :give me gravity",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":give me gravity",
[57] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :give me 357",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":give me 357",
[58] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :give me SMG1",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":give me SMG1",
[59] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :give me USP",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":give me USP",
[60] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :give me crowbar",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":give me crowbar",
[61] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :speed me 30",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":speed me 30",
[62] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :health me 1500",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":health me 1500",
[63] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :hat me 5099821552",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":hat me 5099821552",
[64] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: !wait 0.3",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = "!wait 0.3",
[65] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :nohats ",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":nohats ",
[66] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: !wait 0.3",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = "!wait 0.3",
[67] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :pants me 141077988",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":pants me 141077988",
[68] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: !wait 0.3",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = "!wait 0.3",
[69] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :shirt me 141077882",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":shirt me 141077882",
[70] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: !wait 1",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = "!wait 1",
[71] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :re me",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":re me",
[72] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :health me 69420",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":health me 69420",
[73] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :sword ",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":sword ",
[74] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :hat me 87864195405399",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":hat me 87864195405399",
[75] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :nohats ",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":nohats ",
[76] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :removelleg me true",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":removelleg me true",
[77] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :removerleg me true",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":removerleg me true",
[78] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :removetorso me true",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":removetorso me true",
[79] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :removehead me true",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":removehead me true",
[80] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: !wait 1.3",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = "!wait 1.3",
[81] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :charaudio me 83914299677029 false 1 1",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":charaudio me 83914299677029 false 1 1",
[82] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :health me 69420",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":health me 69420",
[83] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :sword ",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":sword ",
[84] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :hat me 87864195405399",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":hat me 87864195405399",
[85] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :nohats ",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":nohats ",
[86] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :removelleg me true",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":removelleg me true",
[87] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :removerleg me true",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":removerleg me true",
[88] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :removetorso me true",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":removetorso me true",
[89] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :removehead me true",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":removehead me true",
[90] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :fly ",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":fly ",
[91] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: !wait 1.3",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = "!wait 1.3",
[92] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :charaudio me 83914299677029 false 1 1",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":charaudio me 83914299677029 false 1 1",
[93] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 52",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":time 52",
[94] = {
Text = "Jaibird314: :bring all",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":bring all",
[95] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 51",
Time = "00:37",
Desc = ":time 51",
[96] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 50",
Time = "00:36",
Desc = ":time 50",
[97] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :bring ###",
Time = "00:36",
Desc = ":bring ###",
[98] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :bring all",
Time = "00:36",
Desc = ":bring all",
[99] = {
Text = "Jaibird314: :ff ",
Time = "00:36",
Desc = ":ff ",
[100] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 34",
Time = "00:36",
Desc = ":time 34",
[101] = {
Text = "Jaibird314: :bring all",
Time = "00:36",
Desc = ":bring all",
[102] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 33",
Time = "00:36",
Desc = ":time 33",
[103] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :fix ",
Time = "00:35",
Desc = ":fix ",
[104] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 22",
Time = "00:35",
Desc = ":time 22",
[105] = {
Text = "Jaibird314: :fix ",
Time = "00:35",
Desc = ":fix ",
[106] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 21",
Time = "00:35",
Desc = ":time 21",
[107] = {
Text = "Jaibird314: :unff ",
Time = "00:35",
Desc = ":unff ",
[108] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 20",
Time = "00:35",
Desc = ":time 20",
[109] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 19",
Time = "00:35",
Desc = ":time 19",
[110] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 18",
Time = "00:35",
Desc = ":time 18",
[111] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time #####",
Time = "00:35",
Desc = ":time #####",
[112] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 17",
Time = "00:34",
Desc = ":time 17",
[113] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 16",
Time = "00:34",
Desc = ":time 16",
[114] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 15",
Time = "00:34",
Desc = ":time 15",
[115] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 14",
Time = "00:34",
Desc = ":time 14",
[116] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 13",
Time = "00:34",
Desc = ":time 13",
[117] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 12",
Time = "00:34",
Desc = ":time 12",
[118] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :sword ",
Time = "00:33",
Desc = ":sword ",
[119] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :fly ",
Time = "00:33",
Desc = ":fly ",
[120] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 12",
Time = "00:33",
Desc = ":time 12",
[121] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 11",
Time = "00:33",
Desc = ":time 11",
[122] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 10",
Time = "00:33",
Desc = ":time 10",
[123] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 9",
Time = "00:33",
Desc = ":time 9",
[124] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :give me Azure",
Time = "00:33",
Desc = ":give me Azure",
[125] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :startergive me Azure",
Time = "00:33",
Desc = ":startergive me Azure",
[126] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :give me SPAS",
Time = "00:33",
Desc = ":give me SPAS",
[127] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :startergive me SPAS",
Time = "00:33",
Desc = ":startergive me SPAS",
[128] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :give me M4A1",
Time = "00:33",
Desc = ":give me M4A1",
[129] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :startergive me M4A1",
Time = "00:33",
Desc = ":startergive me M4A1",
[130] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :give me Teleport",
Time = "00:33",
Desc = ":give me Teleport",
[131] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :startergive me Teleport",
Time = "00:33",
Desc = ":startergive me Teleport",
[132] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :sword me",
Time = "00:33",
Desc = ":sword me",
[133] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :startergive me ClassicSword",
Time = "00:33",
Desc = ":startergive me ClassicSword",
[134] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 7",
Time = "00:33",
Desc = ":time 7",
[135] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :starterclear me",
Time = "00:33",
Desc = ":starterclear me",
[136] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :sword me",
Time = "00:32",
Desc = ":sword me",
[137] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 8",
Time = "00:32",
Desc = ":time 8",
[138] = {
Text = "courtcreamy: :god ",
Time = "00:32",
Desc = ":god ",
[139] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 6",
Time = "00:32",
Desc = ":time 6",
[140] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 5",
Time = "00:32",
Desc = ":time 5",
[141] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 4",
Time = "00:32",
Desc = ":time 4",
[142] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 3",
Time = "00:32",
Desc = ":time 3",
[143] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 3pm",
Time = "00:32",
Desc = ":time 3pm",
[144] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 9",
Time = "00:32",
Desc = ":time 9",
[145] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :time 10",
Time = "00:32",
Desc = ":time 10",
[146] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :pitch 0.10",
Time = "00:31",
Desc = ":pitch 0.10",
[147] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :pitch 100",
Time = "00:31",
Desc = ":pitch 100",
[148] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :pitch 600",
Time = "00:31",
Desc = ":pitch 600",
[149] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :fly ",
Time = "00:29",
Desc = ":fly ",
[150] = {
Text = "D3DL7: :song 0",
Time = "00:25",
Desc = ":song 0",
[151] = {
Text = "D3DL7: :jail king",
Time = "00:25",
Desc = ":jail king",
[152] = {
Text = "D3DL7: :punish KingKidus101",
Time = "00:25",
Desc = ":punish KingKidus101",
[153] = {
Text = "D3DL7: :punish KingKidus101",
Time = "00:24",
Desc = ":punish KingKidus101",
[154] = {
Text = "D3DL7: :punish king",
Time = "00:24",
Desc = ":punish king",
[155] = {
Text = "KingKidus101: :pitch 0.1",
Time = "00:24",
Desc = ":pitch 0.1",
[156] = {
Text = "KingKidus101: :music 140555145345310",
Time = "00:24",
Desc = ":music 140555145345310",
[157] = {
Text = "D3DL7: :to King",
Time = "00:23",
Desc = ":to King",
[158] = {
Text = "D3DL7: :to King",
Time = "00:23",
Desc = ":to King",
[159] = {
Text = "D3DL7: :to King",
Time = "00:23",
Desc = ":to King",
[160] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :song ",
Time = "00:22",
Desc = ":song ",
[161] = {
Text = "D3DL7: :logs ",
Time = "00:22",
Desc = ":logs ",
[162] = {
Text = "D3DL7: :song “",
Time = "00:22",
Desc = ":song “",
[163] = {
Text = "D3DL7: :punish KingKidus101",
Time = "00:22",
Desc = ":punish KingKidus101",
[164] = {
Text = "D3DL7: :punish KingKidus101",
Time = "00:22",
Desc = ":punish KingKidus101",
[165] = {
Text = "KingKidus101: :music 140555145345310",
Time = "00:22",
Desc = ":music 140555145345310",
[166] = {
Text = "D3DL7: :punish king",
Time = "00:21",
Desc = ":punish king",
[167] = {
Text = "D3DL7: :song ",
Time = "00:21",
Desc = ":song ",
[168] = {
Text = "KingKidus101: :music 140555145345310",
Time = "00:21",
Desc = ":music 140555145345310",
[169] = {
Text = "KingKidus101: :cmdbox ",
Time = "00:20",
Desc = ":cmdbox ",
[170] = {
Text = "D3DL7: :flynoclip ",
Time = "00:20",
Desc = ":flynoclip ",
[171] = {
Text = "Jaibird314: :fix ",
Time = "00:20",
Desc = ":fix ",
[172] = {
Text = "D3DL7: :cmdbox ",
Time = "00:20",
Desc = ":cmdbox ",
[173] = {
Text = "D3DL7: :song 0",
Time = "00:20",
Desc = ":song 0",
[174] = {
Text = "KingKidus101: :pitch 0.7",
Time = "00:19",
Desc = ":pitch 0.7",
[175] = {
Text = "KingKidus101: :PITCH 1",
Time = "00:19",
Desc = ":PITCH 1",
[176] = {
Text = "D3DL7: :pitch 100",
Time = "00:19",
Desc = ":pitch 100",
[177] = {
Text = "KingKidus101: :time 6",
Time = "00:19",
Desc = ":time 6",
[178] = {
Text = "KingKidus101: :music 140555145345310",
Time = "00:17",
Desc = ":music 140555145345310",
[179] = {
Text = "KingKidus101: :pitch 2",
Time = "00:17",
Desc = ":pitch 2",
[180] = {
Text = "KingKidus101: :music 140555145345310",
Time = "00:17",
Desc = ":music 140555145345310",
[181] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :btools ",
Time = "00:17",
Desc = ":btools ",
[182] = {
Text = "mr_glitchy06: :btools ",
Time = "00:16",
Desc = ":btools ",
[183] = {
Text = "Hinatakaoru: :f3x ",
Time = "00:16",
Desc = ":f3x ",
[184] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :clearterrain ",
Time = "00:16",
Desc = ":clearterrain ",
[185] = {
Text = "Jaibird314: :fly ",
Time = "00:16",
Desc = ":fly ",
[186] = {
Text = "Jaibird314: :ff ",
Time = "00:16",
Desc = ":ff ",
[187] = {
Text = "Jaibird314: :f3x ",
Time = "00:16",
Desc = ":f3x ",
[188] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :bring friends",
Time = "00:16",
Desc = ":bring friends",
[189] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :ff ",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":ff ",
[190] = {
Text = "GhouulllBagell: :charaudio 305527950 1 1",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":charaudio 305527950 1 1",
[191] = {
Text = "GhouulllBagell: :give ",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":give ",
[192] = {
Text = "GhouulllBagell: :give ",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":give ",
[193] = {
Text = "GhouulllBagell: :give ",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":give ",
[194] = {
Text = "GhouulllBagell: :give ",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":give ",
[195] = {
Text = "Jaibird314: :sword ",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":sword ",
[196] = {
Text = "GhouulllBagell: :give ",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":give ",
[197] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :wcolor #########",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":wcolor #########",
[198] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :wtransparency 1",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":wtransparency 1",
[199] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :terrainpart 30 Water",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":terrainpart 30 Water",
[200] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :terrainpart 29 Water",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":terrainpart 29 Water",
[201] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :terrainpart 28 Water",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":terrainpart 28 Water",
[202] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :terrainpart 27 Water",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":terrainpart 27 Water",
[203] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :terrainpart 26 Water",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":terrainpart 26 Water",
[204] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :terrainpart 25 Water",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":terrainpart 25 Water",
[205] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :terrainpart 24 Water",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":terrainpart 24 Water",
[206] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :terrainpart 23 Water",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":terrainpart 23 Water",
[207] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :terrainpart 22 Water",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":terrainpart 22 Water",
[208] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :terrainpart 21 Water",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":terrainpart 21 Water",
[209] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :terrainpart 20 Water",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":terrainpart 20 Water",
[210] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :terrainpart 19 Water",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":terrainpart 19 Water",
[211] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :terrainpart 18 Water",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":terrainpart 18 Water",
[212] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :terrainpart 17 Water",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":terrainpart 17 Water",
[213] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :terrainpart 16 Water",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":terrainpart 16 Water",
[214] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :terrainpart 15 Water",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":terrainpart 15 Water",
[215] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :terrainpart 14 Water",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":terrainpart 14 Water",
[216] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :terrainpart 13 Water",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":terrainpart 13 Water",
[217] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :terrainpart 12 Water",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":terrainpart 12 Water",
[218] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :terrainpart 11 Water",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":terrainpart 11 Water",
[219] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :terrainpart 10 Water",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":terrainpart 10 Water",
[220] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :terrainpart 9 Water",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":terrainpart 9 Water",
[221] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :terrainpart 8 Water",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":terrainpart 8 Water",
[222] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :terrainpart 7 Water",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":terrainpart 7 Water",
[223] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :terrainpart 6 Water",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":terrainpart 6 Water",
[224] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :terrainpart 5 Water",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":terrainpart 5 Water",
[225] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :terrainpart 4 Water",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":terrainpart 4 Water",
[226] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :terrainpart 3 Water",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":terrainpart 3 Water",
[227] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :terrainpart 2 Water",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":terrainpart 2 Water",
[228] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :terrainpart 1 Water",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":terrainpart 1 Water",
[229] = {
Text = "GhouulllBagell: :give ",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":give ",
[230] = {
Text = "GhouulllBagell: :give ",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":give ",
[231] = {
Text = "GhouulllBagell: :give 357",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":give 357",
[232] = {
Text = "GhouulllBagell: :give ",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":give ",
[233] = {
Text = "GhouulllBagell: :give ",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":give ",
[234] = {
Text = "GhouulllBagell: :give ",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":give ",
[235] = {
Text = "GhouulllBagell: :speed 30",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":speed 30",
[236] = {
Text = "GhouulllBagell: :health 1500",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":health 1500",
[237] = {
Text = "GhouulllBagell: :hat 5099821552",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":hat 5099821552",
[238] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :wait 2",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":wait 2",
[239] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :thaw ",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":thaw ",
[240] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :movepart 30 relative 0 58000 0",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":movepart 30 relative 0 58000 0",
[241] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :movepart 29 relative 0 56000 0",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":movepart 29 relative 0 56000 0",
[242] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :movepart 28 relative 0 54000 0",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":movepart 28 relative 0 54000 0",
[243] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :movepart 27 relative 0 52000 0",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":movepart 27 relative 0 52000 0",
[244] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :movepart 26 relative 0 50000 0",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":movepart 26 relative 0 50000 0",
[245] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :movepart 25 relative 0 48000 0",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":movepart 25 relative 0 48000 0",
[246] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :movepart 24 relative 0 46000 0",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":movepart 24 relative 0 46000 0",
[247] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :movepart 23 relative 0 44000 0",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":movepart 23 relative 0 44000 0",
[248] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :movepart 22 relative 0 42000 0",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":movepart 22 relative 0 42000 0",
[249] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :movepart 21 relative 0 40000 0",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":movepart 21 relative 0 40000 0",
[250] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :movepart 20 relative 0 38000 0",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":movepart 20 relative 0 38000 0",
[251] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :movepart 19 relative 0 36000 0",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":movepart 19 relative 0 36000 0",
[252] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :movepart 18 relative 0 34000 0",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":movepart 18 relative 0 34000 0",
[253] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :movepart 17 relative 0 32000 0",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":movepart 17 relative 0 32000 0",
[254] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :movepart 16 relative 0 30000 0",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":movepart 16 relative 0 30000 0",
[255] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :movepart 15 relative 0 28000 0",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":movepart 15 relative 0 28000 0",
[256] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :movepart 14 relative 0 26000 0",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":movepart 14 relative 0 26000 0",
[257] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :movepart 13 relative 0 24000 0",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":movepart 13 relative 0 24000 0",
[258] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :movepart 12 relative 0 22000 0",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":movepart 12 relative 0 22000 0",
[259] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :movepart 11 relative 0 20000 0",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":movepart 11 relative 0 20000 0",
[260] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :movepart 10 relative 0 18000 0",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":movepart 10 relative 0 18000 0",
[261] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :movepart 9 relative 0 16000 0",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":movepart 9 relative 0 16000 0",
[262] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :movepart 8 relative 0 14000 0",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":movepart 8 relative 0 14000 0",
[263] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :movepart 7 relative 0 12000 0",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":movepart 7 relative 0 12000 0",
[264] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :movepart 6 relative 0 10000 0",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":movepart 6 relative 0 10000 0",
[265] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :movepart 5 relative 0 8000 0",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":movepart 5 relative 0 8000 0",
[266] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :movepart 4 relative 0 6000 0",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":movepart 4 relative 0 6000 0",
[267] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :movepart 3 relative 0 4000 0",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":movepart 3 relative 0 4000 0",
[268] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :movepart 2 relative 0 2000 0",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":movepart 2 relative 0 2000 0",
[269] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :movepart 1 relative 0 0 0",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":movepart 1 relative 0 0 0",
[270] = {
Text = "GhouulllBagell: !wait 0.3",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = "!wait 0.3",
[271] = {
Text = "GhouulllBagell: :nohats ",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":nohats ",
[272] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :resizepart 30 exact 10 2040 10",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":resizepart 30 exact 10 2040 10",
[273] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :resizepart 29 exact 10 2040 10",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":resizepart 29 exact 10 2040 10",
[274] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :resizepart 28 exact 10 2040 10",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":resizepart 28 exact 10 2040 10",
[275] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :resizepart 27 exact 10 2040 10",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":resizepart 27 exact 10 2040 10",
[276] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :resizepart 26 exact 10 2040 10",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":resizepart 26 exact 10 2040 10",
[277] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :resizepart 25 exact 10 2040 10",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":resizepart 25 exact 10 2040 10",
[278] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :resizepart 24 exact 10 2040 10",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":resizepart 24 exact 10 2040 10",
[279] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :resizepart 23 exact 10 2040 10",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":resizepart 23 exact 10 2040 10",
[280] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :resizepart 22 exact 10 2040 10",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":resizepart 22 exact 10 2040 10",
[281] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :resizepart 21 exact 10 2040 10",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":resizepart 21 exact 10 2040 10",
[282] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :resizepart 20 exact 10 2040 10",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":resizepart 20 exact 10 2040 10",
[283] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :resizepart 19 exact 10 2040 10",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":resizepart 19 exact 10 2040 10",
[284] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :resizepart 18 exact 10 2040 10",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":resizepart 18 exact 10 2040 10",
[285] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :resizepart 17 exact 10 2040 10",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":resizepart 17 exact 10 2040 10",
[286] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :resizepart 16 exact 10 2040 10",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":resizepart 16 exact 10 2040 10",
[287] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :resizepart 15 exact 10 2040 10",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":resizepart 15 exact 10 2040 10",
[288] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :resizepart 14 exact 10 2040 10",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":resizepart 14 exact 10 2040 10",
[289] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :resizepart 13 exact 10 2040 10",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":resizepart 13 exact 10 2040 10",
[290] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :resizepart 12 exact 10 2040 10",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":resizepart 12 exact 10 2040 10",
[291] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :resizepart 11 exact 10 2040 10",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":resizepart 11 exact 10 2040 10",
[292] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :resizepart 10 exact 10 2040 10",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":resizepart 10 exact 10 2040 10",
[293] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :resizepart 9 exact 10 2040 10",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":resizepart 9 exact 10 2040 10",
[294] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :resizepart 8 exact 10 2040 10",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":resizepart 8 exact 10 2040 10",
[295] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :resizepart 7 exact 10 2040 10",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":resizepart 7 exact 10 2040 10",
[296] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :resizepart 6 exact 10 2040 10",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":resizepart 6 exact 10 2040 10",
[297] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :resizepart 5 exact 10 2040 10",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":resizepart 5 exact 10 2040 10",
[298] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :resizepart 4 exact 10 2040 10",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":resizepart 4 exact 10 2040 10",
[299] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :resizepart 3 exact 10 2040 10",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":resizepart 3 exact 10 2040 10",
[300] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :resizepart 2 exact 10 2040 10",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":resizepart 2 exact 10 2040 10",
[301] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :resizepart 1 exact 10 2040 10",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":resizepart 1 exact 10 2040 10",
[302] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :setcollision 30 false",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":setcollision 30 false",
[303] = {
Text = "GhouulllBagell: !wait 0.3",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = "!wait 0.3",
[304] = {
Text = "GhouulllBagell: :pants 141077988",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":pants 141077988",
[305] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :setcollision 29 false",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":setcollision 29 false",
[306] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :setcollision 28 false",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":setcollision 28 false",
[307] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :setcollision 27 false",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":setcollision 27 false",
[308] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :setcollision 26 false",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":setcollision 26 false",
[309] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :setcollision 25 false",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":setcollision 25 false",
[310] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :setcollision 24 false",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":setcollision 24 false",
[311] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :setcollision 23 false",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":setcollision 23 false",
[312] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :setcollision 22 false",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":setcollision 22 false",
[313] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :setcollision 21 false",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":setcollision 21 false",
[314] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :setcollision 20 false",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":setcollision 20 false",
[315] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :setcollision 19 false",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":setcollision 19 false",
[316] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :setcollision 18 false",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":setcollision 18 false",
[317] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :setcollision 17 false",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":setcollision 17 false",
[318] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :setcollision 16 false",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":setcollision 16 false",
[319] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :setcollision 15 false",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":setcollision 15 false",
[320] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :setcollision 14 false",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":setcollision 14 false",
[321] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :setcollision 13 false",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":setcollision 13 false",
[322] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :setcollision 12 false",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":setcollision 12 false",
[323] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :setcollision 11 false",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":setcollision 11 false",
[324] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :setcollision 10 false",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":setcollision 10 false",
[325] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :setcollision 9 false",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":setcollision 9 false",
[326] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :setcollision 8 false",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":setcollision 8 false",
[327] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :setcollision 7 false",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":setcollision 7 false",
[328] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :setcollision 6 false",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":setcollision 6 false",
[329] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :setcollision 5 false",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":setcollision 5 false",
[330] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :setcollision 4 false",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":setcollision 4 false",
[331] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :setcollision 3 false",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":setcollision 3 false",
[332] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :setcollision 2 false",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":setcollision 2 false",
[333] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :setcollision 1 false",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":setcollision 1 false",
[334] = {
Text = "GhouulllBagell: !wait 0.3",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = "!wait 0.3",
[335] = {
Text = "GhouulllBagell: :shirt 141077882",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":shirt 141077882",
[336] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :makepart 30",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":makepart 30",
[337] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :makepart 29",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":makepart 29",
[338] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :makepart 28",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":makepart 28",
[339] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :makepart 27",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":makepart 27",
[340] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :makepart 26",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":makepart 26",
[341] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :makepart 25",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":makepart 25",
[342] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :makepart 24",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":makepart 24",
[343] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :makepart 23",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":makepart 23",
[344] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :makepart 22",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":makepart 22",
[345] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :makepart 21",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":makepart 21",
[346] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :makepart 20",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":makepart 20",
[347] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :makepart 19",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":makepart 19",
[348] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :makepart 18",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":makepart 18",
[349] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :makepart 17",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":makepart 17",
[350] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :makepart 16",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":makepart 16",
[351] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :makepart 15",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":makepart 15",
[352] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :makepart 14",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":makepart 14",
[353] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :makepart 13",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":makepart 13",
[354] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :makepart 12",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":makepart 12",
[355] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :makepart 11",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":makepart 11",
[356] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :makepart 10",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":makepart 10",
[357] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :makepart 9",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":makepart 9",
[358] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :makepart 8",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":makepart 8",
[359] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :makepart 7",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":makepart 7",
[360] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :makepart 6",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":makepart 6",
[361] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :makepart 5",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":makepart 5",
[362] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :makepart 4",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":makepart 4",
[363] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :makepart 3",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":makepart 3",
[364] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :makepart 2",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":makepart 2",
[365] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :makepart 1",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":makepart 1",
[366] = {
Text = "GhouulllBagell: !wait 1",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = "!wait 1",
[367] = {
Text = "GhouulllBagell: :re ",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":re ",
[368] = {
Text = "GhouulllBagell: :sword ",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":sword ",
[369] = {
Text = "GhouulllBagell: :god ",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":god ",
[370] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :cmdbox ",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":cmdbox ",
[371] = {
Text = "Jaibird314: :cmds ",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":cmds ",
[372] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :fly ",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":fly ",
[373] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :tph Friends",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":tph Friends",
[374] = {
Text = "Hinatakaoru: :cmds ",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":cmds ",
[375] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :bring friends",
Time = "00:15",
Desc = ":bring friends",
[376] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :bring all",
Time = "00:14",
Desc = ":bring all",
[377] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :jail @noor",
Time = "00:14",
Desc = ":jail @noor",
[378] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :fly ",
Time = "00:14",
Desc = ":fly ",
[379] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :tph ",
Time = "00:14",
Desc = ":tph ",
[380] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :re all",
Time = "00:14",
Desc = ":re all",
[381] = {
Text = "pooppy1605: :bring all",
Time = "00:14",
Desc = ":bring all",
[382] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :tph @go",
Time = "00:14",
Desc = ":tph @go",
[383] = {
Text = "pooppy1605: :fly ",
Time = "00:14",
Desc = ":fly ",
[384] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :fly ",
Time = "00:14",
Desc = ":fly ",
[385] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :ff ",
Time = "00:14",
Desc = ":ff ",
[386] = {
Text = "pooppy1605: :bring all",
Time = "00:14",
Desc = ":bring all",
[387] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :btools ",
Time = "00:14",
Desc = ":btools ",
[388] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :kill ###",
Time = "00:13",
Desc = ":kill ###",
[389] = {
Text = "Jaibird314: :unjail ###",
Time = "00:13",
Desc = ":unjail ###",
[390] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :fling all",
Time = "00:13",
Desc = ":fling all",
[391] = {
Text = "pooppy1605: :fly ",
Time = "00:13",
Desc = ":fly ",
[392] = {
Text = "Jaibird314: :unjail all",
Time = "00:13",
Desc = ":unjail all",
[393] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :fly ",
Time = "00:13",
Desc = ":fly ",
[394] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :jail @mr",
Time = "00:13",
Desc = ":jail @mr",
[395] = {
Text = "mr_glitchy06: :invisible ",
Time = "00:12",
Desc = ":invisible ",
[396] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :re @mr",
Time = "00:12",
Desc = ":re @mr",
[397] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :visible all",
Time = "00:12",
Desc = ":visible all",
[398] = {
Text = "Hinatakaoru: :cmds ",
Time = "00:12",
Desc = ":cmds ",
[399] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :cmds ",
Time = "00:12",
Desc = ":cmds ",
[400] = {
Text = "mr_glitchy06: :invisible ",
Time = "00:12",
Desc = ":invisible ",
[401] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :cmds ",
Time = "00:11",
Desc = ":cmds ",
[402] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :admins ",
Time = "00:11",
Desc = ":admins ",
[403] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :warn @mr",
Time = "00:11",
Desc = ":warn @mr",
[404] = {
Text = "mr_glitchy06: :btools ",
Time = "00:11",
Desc = ":btools ",
[405] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :btools ",
Time = "00:11",
Desc = ":btools ",
[406] = {
Text = "pooppy1605: :f3x ",
Time = "00:10",
Desc = ":f3x ",
[407] = {
Text = "Jaibird314: :fly ",
Time = "00:10",
Desc = ":fly ",
[408] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :fly ",
Time = "00:10",
Desc = ":fly ",
[409] = {
Text = "bowserjrboy14: :btools ",
Time = "00:10",
Desc = ":btools ",
[410] = {
Text = "mr_glitchy06: :god ",
Time = "00:10",
Desc = ":god ",
[411] = {
Text = "bowserjrboy14: :health me 1000000000000000000000000",
Time = "00:10",
Desc = ":health me 1000000000000000000000000",
[412] = {
Text = "Jaibird314: :sword ",
Time = "00:10",
Desc = ":sword ",
[413] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: !beta ",
Time = "00:10",
Desc = "!beta ",
[414] = {
Text = "Jaibird314: :f3x ",
Time = "00:10",
Desc = ":f3x ",
[415] = {
Text = "bowserjrboy14: :god ",
Time = "00:10",
Desc = ":god ",
[416] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :ff ",
Time = "00:10",
Desc = ":ff ",
[417] = {
Text = "pooppy1605: :fly ",
Time = "00:10",
Desc = ":fly ",
[418] = {
Text = "bowserjrboy14: :ff ",
Time = "00:10",
Desc = ":ff ",
[419] = {
Text = "Jaibird314: :ff ",
Time = "00:10",
Desc = ":ff ",
[420] = {
Text = "bowserjrboy14: :fly ",
Time = "00:10",
Desc = ":fly ",
[421] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :re all",
Time = "00:10",
Desc = ":re all",
[422] = {
Text = "bowserjrboy14: :fly ",
Time = "00:10",
Desc = ":fly ",
[423] = {
Text = "bowserjrboy14: :ff ",
Time = "00:09",
Desc = ":ff ",
[424] = {
Text = "bowserjrboy14: :god ",
Time = "00:09",
Desc = ":god ",
[425] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :m hacking is allow bgw",
Time = "00:09",
Desc = ":m hacking is allow bgw",
[426] = {
Text = "pooppy1605: :fly ",
Time = "00:08",
Desc = ":fly ",
[427] = {
Text = "Jaibird314: :ff ",
Time = "00:08",
Desc = ":ff ",
[428] = {
Text = "rewards1220: :fly ",
Time = "00:08",
Desc = ":fly ",
[429] = {
Text = "pooppy1605: :give me all",
Time = "00:07",
Desc = ":give me all",
[430] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :btools ",
Time = "00:07",
Desc = ":btools ",
[431] = {
Text = "Sunshineonlikee_Sun: :fly ",
Time = "00:07",
Desc = ":fly ",
[432] = {
Text = "Jaibird314: :fly me 100",
Time = "00:06",
Desc = ":fly me 100",
[433] = {
Text = "mr_glitchy06: :fly all",
Time = "00:04",
Desc = ":fly all",
[434] = {
Text = "Jaibird314: :fly ",
Time = "00:03",
Desc = ":fly ",
[435] = {
Text = "mr_glitchy06: :btools all",
Time = "00:03",
Desc = ":btools all",
[436] = {
Text = "mr_glitchy06: :bring all",
Time = "00:01",
Desc = ":bring all",
[437] = {
Text = "Jaibird314: :bring all",
Time = "00:00",
Desc = ":bring all",
[438] = {
Text = "itsduckerYT: :clr ",
Time = "00:00",
Desc = ":clr ",
[439] = {
Text = "itsduckerYT: :fix ",
Time = "00:00",
Desc = ":fix ",
[440] = {
Text = "itsduckerYT: :runc anti",
Time = "00:00",
Desc = ":runc anti",
[441] = {
Text = "itsduckerYT: :re all",
Time = "00:00",
Desc = ":re all",
[442] = {
Text = "itsduckerYT: :clr ",
Time = "23:59",
Desc = ":clr ",
[443] = {
Text = "itsduckerYT: :fix ",
Time = "23:59",
Desc = ":fix ",
[444] = {
Text = "mr_glitchy06: :btools ",
Time = "23:59",
Desc = ":btools ",
[445] = {
Text = "itsduckerYT: :runc anti",
Time = "23:59",
Desc = ":runc anti",
[446] = {
Text = "itsduckerYT: :f3x ",
Time = "23:59",
Desc = ":f3x ",
[447] = {
Text = "itsduckerYT: :btools ",
Time = "23:58",
Desc = ":btools ",
[448] = {
Text = "Jaibird314: :fly ",
Time = "23:58",
Desc = ":fly ",
[449] = {
Text = "itsduckerYT: :cmds ",
Time = "23:58",
Desc = ":cmds ",
[450] = {
Text = "Jaibird314: :f3x ",
Time = "23:58",
Desc = ":f3x ",
[451] = {
Text = "itsduckerYT: :sm ABUSING DETECTED! restarting..",
Time = "23:58",
Desc = ":sm ABUSING DETECTED! restarting..",
[452] = {
Text = "itsduckerYT: :freeze all",
Time = "23:58",
Desc = ":freeze all",
[453] = {
Text = "itsduckerYT: :unimage all",
Time = "23:58",
Desc = ":unimage all",
[454] = {
Text = "itsduckerYT: :unskyboxback ",
Time = "23:58",
Desc = ":unskyboxback ",
[455] = {
Text = "itsduckerYT: :re all",
Time = "23:58",
Desc = ":re all",
[456] = {
Text = "itsduckerYT: :clr ",
Time = "23:58",
Desc = ":clr ",
[457] = {
Text = "itsduckerYT: :fix ",
Time = "23:58",
Desc = ":fix ",
[458] = {
Text = "itsduckerYT: :runc anti",
Time = "23:58",
Desc = ":runc anti",
[459] = {
Text = "Theboi930: :f3x ",
Time = "23:57",
Desc = ":f3x ",
[460] = {
Text = "Theboi930: :unimage ",
Time = "23:56",
Desc = ":unimage ",
[461] = {
Text = "Theboi930: :unimage ",
Time = "23:56",
Desc = ":unimage ",
[462] = {
Text = "mr_glitchy06: :btools ",
Time = "23:56",
Desc = ":btools ",
[463] = {
Text = "Theboi930: :image me 17363194472",
Time = "23:56",
Desc = ":image me 17363194472",
[464] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :removehats radius-11",
Time = "23:56",
Desc = ":removehats radius-11",
[465] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :seizure radius-11",
Time = "23:56",
Desc = ":seizure radius-11",
[466] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :charaudio radius-11 82176913611683 false 1 1",
Time = "23:56",
Desc = ":charaudio radius-11 82176913611683 false 1 1",
[467] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :removehead radius-11 true",
Time = "23:56",
Desc = ":removehead radius-11 true",
[468] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :tp radius-11 me",
Time = "23:56",
Desc = ":tp radius-11 me",
[469] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :charaudio me 5028153356 false 1 1",
Time = "23:56",
Desc = ":charaudio me 5028153356 false 1 1",
[470] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :head radius-11 134082579",
Time = "23:56",
Desc = ":head radius-11 134082579",
[471] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :name radius-11",
Time = "23:56",
Desc = ":name radius-11",
[472] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :animation me 71380167 false 1.4",
Time = "23:56",
Desc = ":animation me 71380167 false 1.4",
[473] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :Clearterrain ",
Time = "23:56",
Desc = ":Clearterrain ",
[474] = {
Text = "Theboi930: :give me AWP",
Time = "23:56",
Desc = ":give me AWP",
[475] = {
Text = "Theboi930: :give me SPAS-12",
Time = "23:56",
Desc = ":give me SPAS-12",
[476] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :removehats radius-11",
Time = "23:56",
Desc = ":removehats radius-11",
[477] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :seizure radius-11",
Time = "23:56",
Desc = ":seizure radius-11",
[478] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :charaudio radius-11 82176913611683 false 1 1",
Time = "23:56",
Desc = ":charaudio radius-11 82176913611683 false 1 1",
[479] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :removehead radius-11 true",
Time = "23:56",
Desc = ":removehead radius-11 true",
[480] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :tp radius-11 me",
Time = "23:56",
Desc = ":tp radius-11 me",
[481] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :charaudio me 5028153356 false 1 1",
Time = "23:56",
Desc = ":charaudio me 5028153356 false 1 1",
[482] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :head radius-11 134082579",
Time = "23:56",
Desc = ":head radius-11 134082579",
[483] = {
Text = "Theboi930: :give me M4A1",
Time = "23:56",
Desc = ":give me M4A1",
[484] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :name radius-11",
Time = "23:56",
Desc = ":name radius-11",
[485] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :animation me 71380167 false 1.4",
Time = "23:56",
Desc = ":animation me 71380167 false 1.4",
[486] = {
Text = "mr_glitchy06: :m ###############################",
Time = "23:55",
Desc = ":m ###############################",
[487] = {
Text = "Theboi930: :re ",
Time = "23:55",
Desc = ":re ",
[488] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :god ",
Time = "23:55",
Desc = ":god ",
[489] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :r6 ",
Time = "23:55",
Desc = ":r6 ",
[490] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :removehats radius-11",
Time = "23:55",
Desc = ":removehats radius-11",
[491] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :seizure radius-11",
Time = "23:55",
Desc = ":seizure radius-11",
[492] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :charaudio radius-11 82176913611683 false 1 1",
Time = "23:55",
Desc = ":charaudio radius-11 82176913611683 false 1 1",
[493] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :removehead radius-11 true",
Time = "23:55",
Desc = ":removehead radius-11 true",
[494] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :tp radius-11 me",
Time = "23:55",
Desc = ":tp radius-11 me",
[495] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :charaudio me 5028153356 false 1 1",
Time = "23:55",
Desc = ":charaudio me 5028153356 false 1 1",
[496] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :head radius-11 134082579",
Time = "23:55",
Desc = ":head radius-11 134082579",
[497] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :name radius-11",
Time = "23:55",
Desc = ":name radius-11",
[498] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :animation me 71380167 false 1.4",
Time = "23:55",
Desc = ":animation me 71380167 false 1.4",
[499] = {
Text = "Jaibird314: :ff ",
Time = "23:55",
Desc = ":ff ",
[500] = {
Text = "itsduckerYT: :cmdbox ",
Time = "23:55",
Desc = ":cmdbox ",
[501] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :removehats radius-11",
Time = "23:55",
Desc = ":removehats radius-11",
[502] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :seizure radius-11",
Time = "23:55",
Desc = ":seizure radius-11",
[503] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :charaudio radius-11 82176913611683 false 1 1",
Time = "23:55",
Desc = ":charaudio radius-11 82176913611683 false 1 1",
[504] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :removehead radius-11 true",
Time = "23:55",
Desc = ":removehead radius-11 true",
[505] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :tp radius-11 me",
Time = "23:55",
Desc = ":tp radius-11 me",
[506] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :charaudio me 5028153356 false 1 1",
Time = "23:55",
Desc = ":charaudio me 5028153356 false 1 1",
[507] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :head radius-11 134082579",
Time = "23:55",
Desc = ":head radius-11 134082579",
[508] = {
Text = "Theboi930: :give me 357 Magnum",
Time = "23:55",
Desc = ":give me 357 Magnum",
[509] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :name radius-11",
Time = "23:55",
Desc = ":name radius-11",
[510] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :animation me 71380167 false 1.4",
Time = "23:55",
Desc = ":animation me 71380167 false 1.4",
[511] = {
Text = "Theboi930: :give me AMERICANMONSTERSWORD",
Time = "23:55",
[512] = {
Text = "Jaibird314: :f3x ",
Time = "23:55",
Desc = ":f3x ",
[513] = {
Text = "Theboi930: :tools ",
Time = "23:55",
Desc = ":tools ",
[514] = {
Text = "Jaibird314: :fly ",
Time = "23:55",
Desc = ":fly ",
[515] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :r6 ",
Time = "23:55",
Desc = ":r6 ",
[516] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :Btools ",
Time = "23:55",
Desc = ":Btools ",
[517] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :fly ",
Time = "23:55",
Desc = ":fly ",
[518] = {
Text = "itsduckerYT: :sm ABUSING FOUND!",
Time = "23:55",
Desc = ":sm ABUSING FOUND!",
[519] = {
Text = "itsduckerYT: :re all",
Time = "23:55",
Desc = ":re all",
[520] = {
Text = "itsduckerYT: :clr ",
Time = "23:55",
Desc = ":clr ",
[521] = {
Text = "itsduckerYT: :fix ",
Time = "23:55",
Desc = ":fix ",
[522] = {
Text = "itsduckerYT: :runc anti",
Time = "23:55",
Desc = ":runc anti",
[523] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :unimage ",
Time = "23:55",
Desc = ":unimage ",
[524] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :unimage ",
Time = "23:55",
Desc = ":unimage ",
[525] = {
Text = "Theboi930: :image all 17363194472",
Time = "23:54",
Desc = ":image all 17363194472",
[526] = {
Text = "Theboi930: :unimage ",
Time = "23:54",
Desc = ":unimage ",
[527] = {
Text = "Theboi930: :image me 17363194472",
Time = "23:54",
Desc = ":image me 17363194472",
[528] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :r6 ",
Time = "23:54",
Desc = ":r6 ",
[529] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :btools ",
Time = "23:54",
Desc = ":btools ",
[530] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :cmds ",
Time = "23:53",
Desc = ":cmds ",
[531] = {
Text = "FabrizioGamer_92: :cmdbox ",
Time = "23:53",
Desc = ":cmdbox ",
[532] = {
Text = "Theboi930: :cmdbox ",
Time = "23:53",
Desc = ":cmdbox ",
[533] = {
Text = "itsduckerYT: :cmdbox ",
Time = "23:53",
Desc = ":cmdbox ",
[534] = {
Text = "Jaibird314: :ff ",
Time = "23:53",
Desc = ":ff ",
[535] = {
Text = "Jaibird314: :f3x ",
Time = "23:53",
Desc = ":f3x ",
[536] = {
Text = "mr_glitchy06: :btools ",
Time = "23:52",
Desc = ":btools ",
[537] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :smoothpitch 0 4 Linear In",
Time = "23:52",
Desc = ":smoothpitch 0 4 Linear In",
[538] = {
Text = "Jaibird314: :fly me 100",
Time = "23:52",
Desc = ":fly me 100",
[539] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :loadb Realistic Hoveric Wreck",
Time = "23:52",
Desc = ":loadb Realistic Hoveric Wreck",
[540] = {
Text = "Warlienet: !wait 4",
Time = "23:52",
Desc = "!wait 4",
[541] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :terrainpart 1 Sand",
Time = "23:52",
Desc = ":terrainpart 1 Sand",
[542] = {
Text = "Warlienet: !wait 1",
Time = "23:52",
Desc = "!wait 1",
[543] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :indexbuild 1 wwe",
Time = "23:52",
Desc = ":indexbuild 1 wwe",
[544] = {
Text = "Warlienet: !wait 1.5",
Time = "23:52",
Desc = "!wait 1.5",
[545] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :loadb wwe",
Time = "23:52",
Desc = ":loadb wwe",
[546] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :runc Hoveric Wreck",
Time = "23:52",
Desc = ":runc Hoveric Wreck",
[547] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :dog mr_glitchy06",
Time = "23:52",
Desc = ":dog mr_glitchy06",
[548] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :btools ",
Time = "23:52",
Desc = ":btools ",
[549] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :fly ",
Time = "23:52",
Desc = ":fly ",
[550] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :reset ",
Time = "23:52",
Desc = ":reset ",
[551] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :logs ",
Time = "23:51",
Desc = ":logs ",
[552] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :dog all",
Time = "23:51",
Desc = ":dog all",
[553] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :dog LEENY257",
Time = "23:51",
Desc = ":dog LEENY257",
[554] = {
Text = "Xin_godh600: :music 132225036480123 false 0.1",
Time = "23:51",
Desc = ":music 132225036480123 false 0.1",
[555] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :glitch neuvianhnu",
Time = "23:51",
Desc = ":glitch neuvianhnu",
[556] = {
Text = "neuvianhnu: :f3x ",
Time = "23:50",
Desc = ":f3x ",
[557] = {
Text = "LEENY257: :f3x ",
Time = "23:50",
Desc = ":f3x ",
[558] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :glitch gojo",
Time = "23:50",
Desc = ":glitch gojo",
[559] = {
Text = "tuggy1001: :bring w",
Time = "23:50",
Desc = ":bring w",
[560] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :sm I prefer Yehwah, no offense",
Time = "23:50",
Desc = ":sm I prefer Yehwah, no offense",
[561] = {
Text = "neuvianhnu: :fly all",
Time = "23:50",
Desc = ":fly all",
[562] = {
Text = "tuggy1001: :bring Un",
Time = "23:50",
Desc = ":bring Un",
[563] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :sm PUNISHMENT",
Time = "23:50",
Desc = ":sm PUNISHMENT",
[564] = {
Text = "Xin_godh600: :cmdbox ",
Time = "23:50",
Desc = ":cmdbox ",
[565] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :cmdbar ",
Time = "23:50",
Desc = ":cmdbar ",
[566] = {
Text = "BradfordZadrozny: :f3x ",
Time = "23:50",
Desc = ":f3x ",
[567] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :invisible ",
Time = "23:49",
Desc = ":invisible ",
[568] = {
Text = "BradfordZadrozny: :flynoclip ",
Time = "23:49",
Desc = ":flynoclip ",
[569] = {
Text = "tuggy1001: :Fly ",
Time = "23:49",
Desc = ":Fly ",
[570] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :cmdbar ",
Time = "23:49",
Desc = ":cmdbar ",
[571] = {
Text = "Xin_godh600: :btools ",
Time = "23:49",
Desc = ":btools ",
[572] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :Btools ",
Time = "23:49",
Desc = ":Btools ",
[573] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :fly ",
Time = "23:49",
Desc = ":fly ",
[574] = {
Text = "Xin_godh600: :invisible ",
Time = "23:49",
Desc = ":invisible ",
[575] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :Re ",
Time = "23:49",
Desc = ":Re ",
[576] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :SM EYE OF GOD IS JUDGING",
Time = "23:49",
[577] = {
Text = "miggy337992: :removetorso all",
Time = "23:49",
Desc = ":removetorso all",
[578] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :kill LEENY257",
Time = "23:49",
Desc = ":kill LEENY257",
[579] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :kill leeny257",
Time = "23:48",
Desc = ":kill leeny257",
[580] = {
Text = "LEENY257: :fixcam ",
Time = "23:48",
Desc = ":fixcam ",
[581] = {
Text = "Xin_godh600: :invisible ",
Time = "23:48",
Desc = ":invisible ",
[582] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :fling LEENY257",
Time = "23:48",
Desc = ":fling LEENY257",
[583] = {
Text = "miggy337992: :lock ",
Time = "23:48",
Desc = ":lock ",
[584] = {
Text = "miggy337992: :nohats ",
Time = "23:48",
Desc = ":nohats ",
[585] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :sm THE EYE OF GOD HAS PUNISHED",
Time = "23:48",
[586] = {
Text = "Xin_godh600: :cmdbox ",
Time = "23:48",
Desc = ":cmdbox ",
[587] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :uncharaudio me",
Time = "23:48",
Desc = ":uncharaudio me",
[588] = {
Text = "Xin_godh600: !auditlogs ",
Time = "23:47",
Desc = "!auditlogs ",
[589] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :glitch LEENY257",
Time = "23:47",
Desc = ":glitch LEENY257",
[590] = {
Text = "miggy337992: :charaudio all 132225036480123 true 0.1 inf",
Time = "23:47",
Desc = ":charaudio all 132225036480123 true 0.1 inf",
[591] = {
Text = "neuvianhnu: :fly me",
Time = "23:47",
Desc = ":fly me",
[592] = {
Text = "miggy337992: :re ",
Time = "23:47",
Desc = ":re ",
[593] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :music ",
Time = "23:47",
Desc = ":music ",
[594] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :music 178962800 true 1 1 5",
Time = "23:47",
Desc = ":music 178962800 true 1 1 5",
[595] = {
Text = "miggy337992: :clr ",
Time = "23:47",
Desc = ":clr ",
[596] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :sm THE EYE OF GOD HAS DETERMINED A SINNER",
Time = "23:47",
[597] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :cmdbar ",
Time = "23:47",
Desc = ":cmdbar ",
[598] = {
Text = "Racecarzrcool37: :unfly ",
Time = "23:47",
Desc = ":unfly ",
[599] = {
Text = "miggy337992: :bot me inf",
Time = "23:46",
Desc = ":bot me inf",
[600] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :sm THE EYE OF GOD IS JUDGING YOU",
Time = "23:46",
[601] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :loadb Realistic Hoveric",
Time = "23:46",
Desc = ":loadb Realistic Hoveric",
[602] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :invisible ",
Time = "23:46",
Desc = ":invisible ",
[603] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :visible ",
Time = "23:45",
Desc = ":visible ",
[604] = {
Text = "Racecarzrcool37: :fly ",
Time = "23:45",
Desc = ":fly ",
[605] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :cmdbar ",
Time = "23:45",
Desc = ":cmdbar ",
[606] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :invisible ",
Time = "23:45",
Desc = ":invisible ",
[607] = {
Text = "tuggy1001: :f3x ",
Time = "23:45",
Desc = ":f3x ",
[608] = {
Text = "miggy337992: :charaudio me 132225036480123 true 0.1 inf",
Time = "23:45",
Desc = ":charaudio me 132225036480123 true 0.1 inf",
[609] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :cmdbar ",
Time = "23:45",
Desc = ":cmdbar ",
[610] = {
Time = "23:45",
[611] = {
Text = "miggy337992: :cmds ",
Time = "23:44",
Desc = ":cmds ",
[612] = {
Text = "Racecarzrcool37: :f3x ",
Time = "23:44",
Desc = ":f3x ",
[613] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :m ;sm",
Time = "23:44",
Desc = ":m ;sm",
[614] = {
Text = "tuggy1001: :Fly ",
Time = "23:44",
Desc = ":Fly ",
[615] = {
Text = "tuggy1001: :to w",
Time = "23:43",
Desc = ":to w",
[616] = {
Text = "DaSc3mmer: :gear me 95354288",
Time = "23:43",
Desc = ":gear me 95354288",
[617] = {
Text = "DaSc3mmer: :gear me 94233344",
Time = "23:43",
Desc = ":gear me 94233344",
[618] = {
Text = "DaSc3mmer: :sword ",
Time = "23:43",
Desc = ":sword ",
[619] = {
Text = "DaSc3mmer: :f3x ",
Time = "23:43",
Desc = ":f3x ",
[620] = {
Text = "DaSc3mmer: :ff ",
Time = "23:43",
Desc = ":ff ",
[621] = {
Text = "DaSc3mmer: :flynoclip me 100",
Time = "23:43",
Desc = ":flynoclip me 100",
[622] = {
Text = "DaSc3mmer: :runc tools",
Time = "23:43",
Desc = ":runc tools",
[623] = {
Text = "LEENY257: :F3x ",
Time = "23:43",
Desc = ":F3x ",
[624] = {
Text = "BradfordZadrozny: :f3x ",
Time = "23:42",
Desc = ":f3x ",
[625] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :m THE EYE OF GOD IS ETERNALLY WATCHING",
Time = "23:42",
[626] = {
Text = "BradfordZadrozny: :flynoclip ",
Time = "23:42",
Desc = ":flynoclip ",
[627] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :rename me ..",
Time = "23:42",
Desc = ":rename me ..",
[628] = {
Text = "LEENY257: !rejoin ",
Time = "23:42",
Desc = "!rejoin ",
[629] = {
Time = "23:42",
[630] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :rename me .",
Time = "23:41",
Desc = ":rename me .",
[631] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :rename me",
Time = "23:41",
Desc = ":rename me",
[632] = {
Text = "LEENY257: :f3x ",
Time = "23:41",
Desc = ":f3x ",
[633] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :rename me",
Time = "23:41",
Desc = ":rename me",
[634] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :m THE EYE OF GOD IS WATCHING",
Time = "23:41",
[635] = {
Text = "miggy337992: :logs ",
Time = "23:41",
Desc = ":logs ",
[636] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :fly ",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":fly ",
[637] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :rename me",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":rename me",
[638] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :invisible ",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":invisible ",
[639] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: !beta ",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "!beta ",
[640] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :cmdbar ",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":cmdbar ",
[641] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :fix ",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":fix ",
[642] = {
Text = "FanofEverything56: !beta ",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "!beta ",
[643] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :btools ",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":btools ",
[644] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[645] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[646] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[647] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[648] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[649] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[650] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[651] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[652] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[653] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[654] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[655] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[656] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[657] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[658] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[659] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[660] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":blur all",
[661] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[662] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[663] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[664] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[665] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[666] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[667] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[668] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[669] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[670] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[671] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[672] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[673] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[674] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[675] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[676] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[677] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[678] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":blur all",
[679] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[680] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[681] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[682] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[683] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[684] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[685] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[686] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[687] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[688] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[689] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[690] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[691] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[692] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[693] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[694] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[695] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[696] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":blur all",
[697] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[698] = {
Text = "AdminDolphinOFFICIAL: !beta ",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "!beta ",
[699] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[700] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[701] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[702] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[703] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[704] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[705] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[706] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[707] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[708] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[709] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[710] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[711] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[712] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[713] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[714] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[715] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":blur all",
[716] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[717] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[718] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[719] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[720] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[721] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[722] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[723] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[724] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[725] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[726] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[727] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[728] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[729] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[730] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[731] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[732] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[733] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[734] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[735] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[736] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[737] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[738] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[739] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[740] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[741] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[742] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[743] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[744] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[745] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[746] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[747] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[748] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[749] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[750] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[751] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[752] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[753] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[754] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[755] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[756] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[757] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[758] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[759] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[760] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[761] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[762] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[763] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[764] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[765] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[766] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[767] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[768] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[769] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[770] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[771] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[772] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[773] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[774] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[775] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[776] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[777] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[778] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[779] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[780] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[781] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[782] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[783] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[784] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[785] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[786] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[787] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[788] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[789] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[790] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[791] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[792] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[793] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[794] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[795] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[796] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[797] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[798] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[799] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[800] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[801] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[802] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[803] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[804] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[805] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[806] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[807] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[808] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[809] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[810] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[811] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[812] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[813] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[814] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[815] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[816] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[817] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[818] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[819] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[820] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[821] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[822] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[823] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[824] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[825] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[826] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[827] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[828] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[829] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[830] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[831] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[832] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[833] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[834] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[835] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[836] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[837] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[838] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[839] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[840] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[841] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[842] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[843] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[844] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[845] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[846] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[847] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[848] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[849] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[850] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[851] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[852] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[853] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[854] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[855] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[856] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[857] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[858] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[859] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[860] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[861] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[862] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[863] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[864] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[865] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[866] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[867] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[868] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[869] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[870] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[871] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[872] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[873] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[874] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[875] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[876] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[877] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[878] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[879] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[880] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[881] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[882] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[883] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[884] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[885] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[886] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[887] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[888] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[889] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:40",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[890] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[891] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[892] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[893] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[894] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[895] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[896] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[897] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[898] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[899] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[900] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[901] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[902] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[903] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[904] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[905] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[906] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[907] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[908] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[909] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[910] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[911] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[912] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[913] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[914] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[915] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[916] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[917] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[918] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[919] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[920] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[921] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[922] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[923] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[924] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[925] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[926] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[927] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[928] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[929] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[930] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[931] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[932] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[933] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[934] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[935] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[936] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[937] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[938] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[939] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[940] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[941] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[942] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[943] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[944] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[945] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[946] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[947] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[948] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[949] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[950] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[951] = {
Text = "AdminDolphinOFFICIAL: :crossserver :tm 20 [Public Test Announcement]
Want to try out the next version of Admin House?
A public test is currently ongoing for the next couple hours!
All you need to do to join is run the '!beta' command!
Happy testing!",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":crossserver :tm 20 [Public Test Announcement]
Want to try out the next version of Admin House?
A public test is currently ongoing for the next couple hours!
All you need to do to join is run the '!beta' command!
Happy testing!",
[952] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[953] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[954] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[955] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[956] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[957] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[958] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[959] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[960] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[961] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[962] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[963] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[964] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[965] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[966] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[967] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[968] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[969] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[970] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[971] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[972] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[973] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[974] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[975] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[976] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[977] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[978] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[979] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[980] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[981] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[982] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[983] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[984] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[985] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[986] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[987] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[988] = {
Text = "AdminDolphinOFFICIAL: :runc AnnouncementTestNewest",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc AnnouncementTestNewest",
[989] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[990] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[991] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[992] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[993] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[994] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[995] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[996] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[997] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[998] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[999] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[1000] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[1001] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[1002] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[1003] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[1004] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1005] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[1006] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1007] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1008] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[1009] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1010] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[1011] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1012] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1013] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1014] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[1015] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[1016] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[1017] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[1018] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[1019] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[1020] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[1021] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[1022] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1023] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[1024] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1025] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1026] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[1027] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1028] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[1029] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1030] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1031] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1032] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[1033] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[1034] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[1035] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[1036] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[1037] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[1038] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[1039] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[1040] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1041] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[1042] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1043] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1044] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[1045] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1046] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[1047] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1048] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1049] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1050] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[1051] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[1052] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[1053] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[1054] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[1055] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[1056] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[1057] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[1058] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1059] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[1060] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1061] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :fly ",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":fly ",
[1062] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1063] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[1064] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1065] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[1066] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1067] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1068] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1069] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[1070] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[1071] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[1072] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[1073] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[1074] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[1075] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[1076] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[1077] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1078] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[1079] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1080] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1081] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[1082] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1083] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[1084] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1085] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1086] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1087] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[1088] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[1089] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[1090] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[1091] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[1092] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[1093] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[1094] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[1095] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1096] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[1097] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1098] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1099] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[1100] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1101] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[1102] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1103] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1104] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1105] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[1106] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[1107] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[1108] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[1109] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[1110] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[1111] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[1112] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[1113] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1114] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[1115] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1116] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1117] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[1118] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1119] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[1120] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1121] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1122] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1123] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[1124] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[1125] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[1126] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[1127] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[1128] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[1129] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[1130] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[1131] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1132] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[1133] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1134] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1135] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[1136] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1137] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[1138] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1139] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1140] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1141] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[1142] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[1143] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[1144] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[1145] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[1146] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[1147] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[1148] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[1149] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1150] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[1151] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1152] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1153] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[1154] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1155] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[1156] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1157] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1158] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1159] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[1160] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[1161] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[1162] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[1163] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[1164] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[1165] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[1166] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[1167] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1168] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[1169] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1170] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1171] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[1172] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1173] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[1174] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1175] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1176] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1177] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[1178] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[1179] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[1180] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[1181] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[1182] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[1183] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[1184] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[1185] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1186] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[1187] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1188] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1189] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[1190] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1191] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[1192] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1193] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1194] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1195] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[1196] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[1197] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[1198] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[1199] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[1200] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[1201] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[1202] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[1203] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1204] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[1205] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1206] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1207] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[1208] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1209] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[1210] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1211] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1212] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1213] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[1214] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[1215] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[1216] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[1217] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[1218] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[1219] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[1220] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[1221] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1222] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[1223] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1224] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1225] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[1226] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1227] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[1228] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1229] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1230] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1231] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[1232] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[1233] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[1234] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[1235] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[1236] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[1237] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[1238] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[1239] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1240] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[1241] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[1242] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1243] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[1244] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1245] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[1246] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1247] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1248] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1249] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[1250] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[1251] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[1252] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[1253] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[1254] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[1255] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[1256] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[1257] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1258] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[1259] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[1260] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1261] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[1262] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1263] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[1264] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1265] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1266] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1267] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[1268] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[1269] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[1270] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[1271] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[1272] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[1273] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[1274] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[1275] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1276] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[1277] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[1278] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1279] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[1280] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1281] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[1282] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1283] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1284] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1285] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[1286] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[1287] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[1288] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[1289] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[1290] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[1291] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[1292] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[1293] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1294] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[1295] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[1296] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1297] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[1298] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1299] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[1300] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1301] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1302] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1303] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[1304] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[1305] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[1306] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[1307] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[1308] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[1309] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[1310] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[1311] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1312] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[1313] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[1314] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1315] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[1316] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1317] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[1318] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1319] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1320] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1321] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[1322] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[1323] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[1324] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[1325] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[1326] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[1327] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[1328] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[1329] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1330] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[1331] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[1332] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1333] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[1334] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1335] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[1336] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1337] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1338] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1339] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[1340] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[1341] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[1342] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[1343] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[1344] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[1345] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[1346] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[1347] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1348] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[1349] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[1350] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1351] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[1352] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1353] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[1354] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1355] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1356] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1357] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[1358] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[1359] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[1360] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[1361] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[1362] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[1363] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[1364] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[1365] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1366] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[1367] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[1368] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1369] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[1370] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1371] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[1372] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1373] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1374] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1375] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[1376] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[1377] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[1378] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[1379] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[1380] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[1381] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[1382] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[1383] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1384] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[1385] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[1386] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1387] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[1388] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1389] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[1390] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1391] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1392] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1393] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[1394] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[1395] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[1396] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[1397] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[1398] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[1399] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[1400] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[1401] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1402] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[1403] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[1404] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1405] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[1406] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1407] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[1408] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1409] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1410] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1411] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[1412] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[1413] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[1414] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[1415] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[1416] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[1417] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[1418] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[1419] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1420] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[1421] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[1422] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1423] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[1424] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1425] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[1426] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1427] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1428] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1429] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[1430] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[1431] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[1432] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[1433] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[1434] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[1435] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[1436] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[1437] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1438] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[1439] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[1440] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1441] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[1442] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1443] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[1444] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1445] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1446] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1447] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[1448] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[1449] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[1450] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[1451] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[1452] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[1453] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[1454] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[1455] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1456] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[1457] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[1458] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1459] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[1460] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1461] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[1462] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1463] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1464] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1465] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[1466] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[1467] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[1468] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[1469] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[1470] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[1471] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[1472] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[1473] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1474] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[1475] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[1476] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1477] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[1478] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1479] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[1480] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1481] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1482] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1483] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[1484] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[1485] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[1486] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[1487] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[1488] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[1489] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[1490] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[1491] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1492] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[1493] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[1494] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1495] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[1496] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1497] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[1498] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1499] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1500] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1501] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[1502] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[1503] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[1504] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[1505] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[1506] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[1507] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[1508] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[1509] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1510] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[1511] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[1512] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1513] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[1514] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1515] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[1516] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1517] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1518] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1519] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[1520] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[1521] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[1522] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[1523] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[1524] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[1525] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[1526] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[1527] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1528] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[1529] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[1530] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1531] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[1532] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1533] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[1534] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1535] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1536] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1537] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[1538] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[1539] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[1540] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[1541] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[1542] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[1543] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[1544] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[1545] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1546] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[1547] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1548] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1549] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[1550] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1551] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[1552] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1553] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1554] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1555] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[1556] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[1557] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[1558] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[1559] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[1560] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[1561] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[1562] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[1563] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1564] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[1565] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1566] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1567] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[1568] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1569] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[1570] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1571] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1572] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1573] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[1574] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[1575] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[1576] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[1577] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[1578] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[1579] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[1580] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[1581] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1582] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[1583] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1584] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1585] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[1586] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1587] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[1588] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1589] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1590] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1591] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[1592] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[1593] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[1594] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[1595] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[1596] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[1597] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[1598] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[1599] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1600] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[1601] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1602] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1603] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[1604] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1605] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[1606] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1607] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1608] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1609] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[1610] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[1611] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[1612] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[1613] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[1614] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[1615] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[1616] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[1617] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1618] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[1619] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1620] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1621] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[1622] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1623] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[1624] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1625] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1626] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1627] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[1628] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[1629] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[1630] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[1631] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[1632] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[1633] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[1634] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[1635] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1636] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[1637] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1638] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1639] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[1640] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1641] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[1642] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1643] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1644] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1645] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[1646] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[1647] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[1648] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[1649] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[1650] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[1651] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[1652] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[1653] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1654] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[1655] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1656] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1657] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[1658] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1659] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[1660] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1661] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1662] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1663] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[1664] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[1665] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[1666] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[1667] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[1668] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[1669] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[1670] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[1671] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1672] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[1673] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1674] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1675] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[1676] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1677] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[1678] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1679] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1680] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1681] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[1682] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[1683] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[1684] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[1685] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[1686] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[1687] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[1688] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[1689] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1690] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[1691] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1692] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1693] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[1694] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1695] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[1696] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1697] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1698] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1699] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[1700] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[1701] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[1702] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[1703] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[1704] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[1705] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[1706] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[1707] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1708] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[1709] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1710] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1711] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[1712] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1713] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[1714] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1715] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1716] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1717] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[1718] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[1719] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[1720] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[1721] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[1722] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[1723] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[1724] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[1725] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1726] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[1727] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1728] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1729] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[1730] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1731] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[1732] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1733] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1734] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1735] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[1736] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[1737] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[1738] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[1739] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[1740] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[1741] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[1742] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[1743] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1744] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[1745] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1746] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1747] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[1748] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1749] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[1750] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1751] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1752] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1753] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[1754] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[1755] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[1756] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[1757] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[1758] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[1759] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[1760] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[1761] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1762] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[1763] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1764] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1765] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[1766] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1767] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[1768] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1769] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1770] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1771] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[1772] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[1773] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[1774] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[1775] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[1776] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[1777] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[1778] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[1779] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1780] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[1781] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1782] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1783] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[1784] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1785] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[1786] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1787] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1788] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1789] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[1790] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[1791] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[1792] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[1793] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[1794] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[1795] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[1796] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[1797] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1798] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[1799] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1800] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1801] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[1802] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1803] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[1804] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1805] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1806] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1807] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[1808] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[1809] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[1810] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[1811] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[1812] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[1813] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[1814] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[1815] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1816] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[1817] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1818] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1819] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[1820] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1821] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[1822] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1823] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1824] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1825] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[1826] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[1827] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[1828] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[1829] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[1830] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[1831] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[1832] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[1833] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1834] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[1835] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1836] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1837] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[1838] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1839] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[1840] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1841] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1842] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1843] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[1844] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[1845] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[1846] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[1847] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[1848] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[1849] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[1850] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[1851] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1852] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[1853] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1854] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1855] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[1856] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1857] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[1858] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1859] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1860] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1861] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[1862] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[1863] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[1864] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[1865] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[1866] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[1867] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[1868] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[1869] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1870] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[1871] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1872] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1873] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[1874] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1875] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[1876] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1877] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1878] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1879] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[1880] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[1881] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[1882] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[1883] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[1884] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[1885] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[1886] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc ##########",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc ##########",
[1887] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1888] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[1889] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1890] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1891] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso ###",
[1892] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1893] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail ###",
[1894] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1895] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1896] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1897] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure ###",
[1898] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling ### 999999999",
[1899] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket ###",
[1900] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch ### 99999",
[1901] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire ### 30",
[1902] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g ###",
[1903] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode ###",
[1904] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[1905] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1906] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur ###",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur ###",
[1907] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1908] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1909] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[1910] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1911] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[1912] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1913] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1914] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1915] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[1916] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[1917] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[1918] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[1919] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[1920] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[1921] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[1922] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[1923] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1924] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[1925] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1926] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1927] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[1928] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1929] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[1930] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1931] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1932] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1933] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[1934] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[1935] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[1936] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[1937] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[1938] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[1939] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[1940] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[1941] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1942] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[1943] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1944] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1945] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[1946] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1947] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[1948] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1949] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1950] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1951] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[1952] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[1953] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[1954] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[1955] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[1956] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[1957] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[1958] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[1959] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1960] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[1961] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1962] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1963] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[1964] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1965] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[1966] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1967] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1968] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1969] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[1970] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[1971] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[1972] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[1973] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[1974] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[1975] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[1976] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[1977] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1978] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[1979] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1980] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1981] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[1982] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[1983] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[1984] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[1985] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[1986] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[1987] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[1988] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[1989] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[1990] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[1991] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[1992] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[1993] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[1994] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[1995] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[1996] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[1997] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[1998] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[1999] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2000] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2001] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2002] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2003] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2004] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2005] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2006] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2007] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2008] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2009] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2010] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2011] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2012] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2013] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[2014] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2015] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[2016] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2017] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2018] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2019] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2020] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2021] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2022] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2023] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2024] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2025] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2026] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2027] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2028] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2029] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2030] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2031] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[2032] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2033] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[2034] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2035] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2036] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2037] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2038] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2039] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2040] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2041] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2042] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2043] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2044] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2045] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2046] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2047] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2048] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2049] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[2050] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2051] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[2052] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2053] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2054] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2055] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2056] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2057] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2058] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2059] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2060] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2061] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2062] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2063] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2064] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2065] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2066] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2067] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[2068] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2069] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[2070] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2071] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2072] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2073] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2074] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2075] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2076] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2077] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2078] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2079] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2080] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2081] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2082] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2083] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2084] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2085] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[2086] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2087] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[2088] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2089] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2090] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2091] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2092] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2093] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2094] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2095] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2096] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2097] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2098] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2099] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2100] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2101] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2102] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2103] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[2104] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2105] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[2106] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2107] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2108] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2109] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2110] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2111] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2112] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2113] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2114] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2115] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2116] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2117] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2118] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2119] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2120] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2121] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[2122] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2123] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[2124] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2125] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2126] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2127] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2128] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2129] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2130] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2131] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2132] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2133] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2134] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2135] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2136] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2137] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2138] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2139] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[2140] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2141] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[2142] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2143] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2144] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2145] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2146] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2147] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2148] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2149] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2150] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2151] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2152] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2153] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2154] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2155] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2156] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2157] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[2158] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2159] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[2160] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2161] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2162] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2163] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2164] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2165] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2166] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2167] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2168] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2169] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2170] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2171] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2172] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2173] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2174] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2175] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[2176] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2177] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[2178] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2179] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2180] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2181] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2182] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2183] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2184] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2185] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2186] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2187] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2188] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2189] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2190] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2191] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2192] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2193] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[2194] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2195] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[2196] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2197] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2198] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2199] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2200] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2201] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2202] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2203] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2204] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2205] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2206] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2207] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2208] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2209] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2210] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2211] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[2212] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2213] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[2214] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2215] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2216] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2217] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2218] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2219] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2220] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2221] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2222] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2223] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2224] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2225] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2226] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2227] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2228] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2229] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[2230] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2231] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[2232] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2233] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2234] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2235] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2236] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2237] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2238] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2239] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2240] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2241] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2242] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2243] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2244] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2245] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2246] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2247] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[2248] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2249] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc #######",
[2250] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2251] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2252] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2253] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2254] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2255] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2256] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2257] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2258] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2259] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2260] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2261] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2262] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2263] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2264] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2265] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin #######",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin #######",
[2266] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2267] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2268] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2269] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2270] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2271] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2272] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2273] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2274] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2275] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2276] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2277] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2278] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2279] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2280] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2281] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2282] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2283] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2284] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2285] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2286] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2287] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2288] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2289] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2290] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2291] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2292] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2293] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2294] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2295] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2296] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2297] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2298] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2299] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2300] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2301] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2302] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2303] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2304] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2305] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2306] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2307] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2308] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2309] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2310] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2311] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2312] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2313] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2314] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2315] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2316] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2317] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2318] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2319] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2320] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2321] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2322] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2323] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2324] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2325] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2326] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2327] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2328] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2329] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2330] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2331] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2332] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2333] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2334] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2335] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2336] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2337] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2338] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2339] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2340] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2341] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2342] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2343] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2344] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2345] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2346] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2347] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2348] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2349] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2350] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2351] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2352] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2353] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2354] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2355] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2356] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2357] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2358] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2359] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2360] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2361] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2362] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2363] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2364] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2365] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2366] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2367] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2368] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2369] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2370] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2371] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2372] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2373] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2374] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2375] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2376] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2377] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2378] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2379] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2380] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2381] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2382] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2383] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2384] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2385] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2386] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2387] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2388] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2389] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2390] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2391] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2392] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2393] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2394] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2395] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2396] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2397] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2398] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2399] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2400] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2401] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2402] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2403] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2404] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2405] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2406] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2407] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2408] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2409] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2410] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2411] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2412] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :logs ",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":logs ",
[2413] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2414] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2415] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2416] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2417] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2418] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2419] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2420] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2421] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2422] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2423] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2424] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2425] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2426] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2427] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2428] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2429] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2430] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2431] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2432] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2433] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2434] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2435] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2436] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2437] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2438] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2439] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2440] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2441] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2442] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2443] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2444] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2445] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2446] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2447] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2448] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2449] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2450] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2451] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2452] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2453] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2454] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2455] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2456] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2457] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2458] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2459] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2460] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2461] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2462] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2463] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2464] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2465] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2466] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2467] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2468] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2469] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2470] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2471] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2472] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2473] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2474] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2475] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2476] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2477] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2478] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2479] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2480] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2481] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2482] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2483] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2484] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2485] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2486] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2487] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2488] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2489] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2490] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2491] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2492] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2493] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2494] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2495] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2496] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2497] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2498] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2499] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2500] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2501] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2502] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2503] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2504] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2505] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2506] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2507] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2508] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2509] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2510] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2511] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2512] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2513] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2514] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2515] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2516] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2517] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2518] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2519] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2520] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2521] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2522] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2523] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2524] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2525] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2526] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2527] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2528] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2529] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2530] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2531] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2532] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2533] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2534] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2535] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2536] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2537] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2538] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2539] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2540] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2541] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2542] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2543] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2544] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2545] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2546] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2547] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2548] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2549] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2550] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2551] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2552] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2553] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2554] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2555] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2556] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2557] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :m THE EYE OF GOD IS WATCHING",
Time = "23:39",
[2558] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2559] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2560] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2561] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2562] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2563] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2564] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2565] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2566] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2567] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2568] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2569] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2570] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2571] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2572] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2573] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2574] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2575] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2576] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2577] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2578] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2579] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2580] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2581] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2582] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2583] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2584] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2585] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2586] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2587] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2588] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2589] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2590] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2591] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2592] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2593] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2594] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2595] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2596] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2597] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2598] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2599] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2600] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2601] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2602] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2603] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2604] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2605] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2606] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2607] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2608] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2609] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2610] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2611] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2612] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2613] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2614] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2615] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2616] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2617] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2618] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2619] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2620] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2621] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2622] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2623] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2624] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2625] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2626] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2627] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2628] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2629] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2630] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2631] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2632] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2633] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2634] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2635] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2636] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2637] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2638] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2639] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2640] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2641] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2642] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2643] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2644] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2645] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2646] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2647] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2648] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2649] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2650] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2651] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2652] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2653] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2654] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2655] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2656] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2657] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2658] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2659] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2660] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2661] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2662] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2663] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2664] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2665] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2666] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2667] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2668] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2669] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2670] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2671] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2672] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2673] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2674] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2675] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2676] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2677] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2678] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2679] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2680] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2681] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2682] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2683] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2684] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2685] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2686] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2687] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2688] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2689] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2690] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2691] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2692] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2693] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2694] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2695] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2696] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2697] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2698] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2699] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2700] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2701] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2702] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2703] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2704] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2705] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2706] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2707] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2708] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2709] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2710] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2711] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2712] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2713] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2714] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2715] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2716] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2717] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2718] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2719] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2720] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2721] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2722] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2723] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2724] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2725] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2726] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2727] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2728] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2729] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2730] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2731] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2732] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2733] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2734] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2735] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2736] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2737] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2738] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2739] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2740] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2741] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2742] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2743] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2744] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2745] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2746] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2747] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2748] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2749] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2750] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2751] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2752] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2753] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2754] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2755] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2756] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2757] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2758] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2759] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2760] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2761] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2762] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2763] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2764] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2765] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2766] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2767] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2768] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2769] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2770] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2771] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2772] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2773] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2774] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2775] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2776] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2777] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2778] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2779] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2780] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2781] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2782] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2783] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2784] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2785] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2786] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2787] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2788] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2789] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2790] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2791] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2792] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2793] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2794] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2795] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2796] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2797] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2798] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2799] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2800] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2801] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2802] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2803] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2804] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2805] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2806] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2807] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2808] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2809] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2810] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2811] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2812] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2813] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2814] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2815] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2816] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2817] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2818] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2819] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2820] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2821] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2822] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2823] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2824] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2825] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2826] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2827] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2828] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2829] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2830] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2831] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2832] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2833] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2834] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2835] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2836] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2837] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2838] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2839] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2840] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2841] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2842] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2843] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2844] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2845] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2846] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2847] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2848] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2849] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2850] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2851] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2852] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2853] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2854] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2855] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2856] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2857] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2858] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2859] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2860] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2861] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2862] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2863] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2864] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2865] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2866] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2867] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2868] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2869] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2870] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2871] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2872] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2873] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2874] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2875] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2876] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2877] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2878] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2879] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2880] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2881] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2882] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2883] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2884] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2885] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2886] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2887] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2888] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2889] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2890] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2891] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2892] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2893] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2894] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2895] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2896] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2897] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2898] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2899] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2900] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2901] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2902] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2903] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2904] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2905] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2906] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2907] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2908] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2909] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2910] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2911] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2912] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2913] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2914] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2915] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2916] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2917] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2918] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2919] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2920] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2921] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2922] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2923] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2924] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2925] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2926] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2927] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2928] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2929] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2930] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2931] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2932] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2933] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2934] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2935] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2936] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2937] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2938] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2939] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2940] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2941] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2942] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2943] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2944] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2945] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2946] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2947] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2948] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2949] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2950] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2951] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2952] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2953] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2954] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2955] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2956] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2957] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2958] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2959] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2960] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2961] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2962] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2963] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2964] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2965] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2966] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2967] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2968] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2969] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2970] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2971] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2972] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2973] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2974] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2975] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2976] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2977] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2978] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2979] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2980] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2981] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[2982] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[2983] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[2984] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[2985] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[2986] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[2987] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[2988] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[2989] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[2990] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[2991] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[2992] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[2993] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[2994] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[2995] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[2996] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[2997] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[2998] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[2999] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[3000] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[3001] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[3002] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[3003] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[3004] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[3005] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[3006] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[3007] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[3008] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[3009] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[3010] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[3011] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[3012] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[3013] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[3014] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[3015] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[3016] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[3017] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[3018] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[3019] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[3020] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[3021] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[3022] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[3023] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[3024] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[3025] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[3026] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[3027] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[3028] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[3029] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[3030] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[3031] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[3032] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[3033] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[3034] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[3035] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[3036] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[3037] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[3038] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[3039] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[3040] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[3041] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[3042] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[3043] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[3044] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[3045] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[3046] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[3047] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[3048] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[3049] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[3050] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[3051] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[3052] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[3053] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[3054] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[3055] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[3056] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[3057] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[3058] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[3059] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[3060] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[3061] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[3062] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[3063] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[3064] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[3065] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[3066] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[3067] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[3068] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[3069] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[3070] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[3071] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[3072] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[3073] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[3074] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[3075] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[3076] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[3077] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[3078] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[3079] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[3080] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[3081] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[3082] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[3083] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[3084] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[3085] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[3086] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[3087] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[3088] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[3089] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[3090] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[3091] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[3092] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[3093] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[3094] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[3095] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[3096] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[3097] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[3098] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[3099] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[3100] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[3101] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[3102] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[3103] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[3104] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[3105] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[3106] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[3107] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[3108] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[3109] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[3110] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[3111] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[3112] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[3113] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[3114] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[3115] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[3116] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[3117] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[3118] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[3119] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[3120] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[3121] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[3122] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[3123] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[3124] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[3125] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[3126] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[3127] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[3128] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[3129] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[3130] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[3131] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[3132] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[3133] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[3134] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[3135] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[3136] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[3137] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[3138] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[3139] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[3140] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[3141] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[3142] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[3143] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[3144] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[3145] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[3146] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[3147] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[3148] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[3149] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[3150] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[3151] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[3152] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[3153] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[3154] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[3155] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[3156] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[3157] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[3158] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[3159] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[3160] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[3161] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[3162] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[3163] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[3164] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[3165] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[3166] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[3167] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[3168] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[3169] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[3170] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[3171] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[3172] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[3173] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[3174] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[3175] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[3176] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[3177] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[3178] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[3179] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[3180] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[3181] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[3182] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[3183] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[3184] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[3185] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[3186] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[3187] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[3188] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[3189] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[3190] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[3191] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[3192] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[3193] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[3194] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[3195] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[3196] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[3197] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[3198] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[3199] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[3200] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[3201] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[3202] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[3203] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[3204] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[3205] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[3206] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[3207] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[3208] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :brightness inf",
[3209] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[3210] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[3211] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fog 9",
[3212] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[3213] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :seizure all",
[3214] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fling all 999999999",
[3215] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :rocket all",
[3216] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :glitch all 99999",
[3217] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fire all 30",
[3218] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :fr0g all",
[3219] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :explode all",
[3220] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[3221] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[3222] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[3223] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc Chaotic",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc Chaotic",
[3224] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :wait 0.1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":wait 0.1",
[3225] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removeTorso all",
[3226] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :brightness inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":brightness inf",
[3227] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: [BLOCKED] :jail all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :jail all",
[3228] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :skybox 108251360",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":skybox 108251360",
[3229] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :fog 9",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":fog 9",
[3230] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spookylighting 1",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spookylighting 1",
[3231] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :seizure all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":seizure all",
[3232] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :fling all 999999999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":fling all 999999999",
[3233] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :rocket all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":rocket all",
[3234] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :glitch all 99999",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":glitch all 99999",
[3235] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :fire all 30",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":fire all 30",
[3236] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :fr0g all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":fr0g all",
[3237] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :explode all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":explode all",
[3238] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :runc runcSystem",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":runc runcSystem",
[3239] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :spin all inf",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":spin all inf",
[3240] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :blur all",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":blur all",
[3241] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :name me",
Time = "23:39",
Desc = ":name me",
[3242] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :fly ",
Time = "23:38",
Desc = ":fly ",
[3243] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :cmds ",
Time = "23:38",
Desc = ":cmds ",
[3244] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :Btools ",
Time = "23:38",
Desc = ":Btools ",
[3245] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :fly ",
Time = "23:38",
Desc = ":fly ",
[3246] = {
Text = "FanofEverything56: :btools ",
Time = "23:38",
Desc = ":btools ",
[3247] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :ff ",
Time = "23:38",
Desc = ":ff ",
[3248] = {
Text = "DeeGagaBear: :re all",
Time = "23:38",
Desc = ":re all",
[3249] = {
Text = "FanofEverything56: :btools all",
Time = "23:38",
Desc = ":btools all",
[3250] = {
Text = "LEENY257: :name me shork",
Time = "23:38",
Desc = ":name me shork",
[3251] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :cmdbar ",
Time = "23:38",
Desc = ":cmdbar ",
[3252] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :Btools ",
Time = "23:38",
Desc = ":Btools ",
[3253] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :fly ",
Time = "23:38",
Desc = ":fly ",
[3254] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :Reset ",
Time = "23:38",
Desc = ":Reset ",
[3255] = {
Text = "DeeGagaBear: :kill all",
Time = "23:38",
Desc = ":kill all",
[3256] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :teleport random",
Time = "23:38",
Desc = ":teleport random",
[3257] = {
Text = "FanofEverything56: :bring dee",
Time = "23:38",
Desc = ":bring dee",
[3258] = {
Text = "FanofEverything56: :jail dee",
Time = "23:38",
Desc = ":jail dee",
[3259] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :tp all",
Time = "23:38",
Desc = ":tp all",
[3260] = {
Text = "DeeGagaBear: :fly me",
Time = "23:38",
Desc = ":fly me",
[3261] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :tp all",
Time = "23:38",
Desc = ":tp all",
[3262] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :cmdbox ",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = ":cmdbox ",
[3263] = {
Text = "totallynotmario23: :sfling random",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = ":sfling random",
[3264] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :btools ",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = ":btools ",
[3265] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :fly ",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = ":fly ",
[3266] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :name me",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = ":name me",
[3267] = {
Text = "FanofEverything56: :btools ",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = ":btools ",
[3268] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :reverb ",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = ":reverb ",
[3269] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :music 6386464060 true 1 1",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = ":music 6386464060 true 1 1",
[3270] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :chatnotifyc all 255 255 0 Ship Constructed!",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = ":chatnotifyc all 255 255 0 Ship Constructed!",
[3271] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :invisible ",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = ":invisible ",
[3272] = {
Text = "Warlienet: !wait 7",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = "!wait 7",
[3273] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :loadb Realistic Hoveric",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = ":loadb Realistic Hoveric",
[3274] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :music 2804421597 true 1 1",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = ":music 2804421597 true 1 1",
[3275] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :chatnotifyc all 255 255 0 Constructing Ship - Hoveric",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = ":chatnotifyc all 255 255 0 Constructing Ship - Hoveric",
[3276] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :runc Hoveric",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = ":runc Hoveric",
[3277] = {
Text = "DeeGagaBear: :btools me",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = ":btools me",
[3278] = {
Text = "Warlienet: !wait 5",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = "!wait 5",
[3279] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :wavespeed 21",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = ":wavespeed 21",
[3280] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :wavesize .32",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = ":wavesize .32",
[3281] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :wreflectance 2",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = ":wreflectance 2",
[3282] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :wcolor 16, 49, 96",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = ":wcolor 16, 49, 96",
[3283] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :fly ",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = ":fly ",
[3284] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :wtransparency 0.11",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = ":wtransparency 0.11",
[3285] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :wavespeed 30",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = ":wavespeed 30",
[3286] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :wavesize 100",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = ":wavesize 100",
[3287] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :terrainpart 1 Water",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = ":terrainpart 1 Water",
[3288] = {
Text = "Warlienet: !wait .5",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = "!wait .5",
[3289] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :indexbuild 1 www",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = ":indexbuild 1 www",
[3290] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :fly ",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = ":fly ",
[3291] = {
Text = "Warlienet: !wait .5",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = "!wait .5",
[3292] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :loadb www",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = ":loadb www",
[3293] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :runc Boat",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = ":runc Boat",
[3294] = {
Text = "FanofEverything56: :fixcam ",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = ":fixcam ",
[3295] = {
Text = "miggy337992: :pclear ",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = ":pclear ",
[3296] = {
Text = "totallynotmario23: :cmdbox ",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = ":cmdbox ",
[3297] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :fixcam ",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = ":fixcam ",
[3298] = {
Text = "miggy337992: :fix ",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = ":fix ",
[3299] = {
Text = "DeeGagaBear: :kill all :jail all",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = ":kill all :jail all",
[3300] = {
Text = "LEENY257: :re all",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = ":re all",
[3301] = {
Text = "totallynotmario23: :music ",
Time = "23:37",
Desc = ":music ",
[3302] = {
Text = "totallynotmario23: :m get this abuser",
Time = "23:36",
Desc = ":m get this abuser",
[3303] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :bot all 10 true true false 99999999999 20 10",
Time = "23:36",
Desc = ":bot all 10 true true false 99999999999 20 10",
[3304] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :itransparency all 2 4 Linear In",
Time = "23:36",
Desc = ":itransparency all 2 4 Linear In",
[3305] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :image all 7399012482",
Time = "23:36",
Desc = ":image all 7399012482",
[3306] = {
Text = "LEENY257: :fixcam ",
Time = "23:36",
Desc = ":fixcam ",
[3307] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :logs ",
Time = "23:36",
Desc = ":logs ",
[3308] = {
Text = "imch1ef: !wait 3",
Time = "23:36",
Desc = "!wait 3",
[3309] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :itransparency all 2 4 Linear In",
Time = "23:36",
Desc = ":itransparency all 2 4 Linear In",
[3310] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :removerootpart all",
Time = "23:36",
Desc = ":removerootpart all",
[3311] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :image all 122926442423412",
Time = "23:36",
Desc = ":image all 122926442423412",
[3312] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :music 6567183465 false 1 10 2",
Time = "23:36",
Desc = ":music 6567183465 false 1 10 2",
[3313] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :unmusic ",
Time = "23:36",
Desc = ":unmusic ",
[3314] = {
Text = "JohnTheTrainMan1: :fixcam all",
Time = "23:36",
Desc = ":fixcam all",
[3315] = {
Text = "FanofEverything56: :fixcam ",
Time = "23:36",
Desc = ":fixcam ",
[3316] = {
Text = "totallynotmario23: :m SHUT HP",
Time = "23:36",
Desc = ":m SHUT HP",
[3317] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :rename me",
Time = "23:36",
Desc = ":rename me",
[3318] = {
Text = "miggy337992: :loadc lyrics",
Time = "23:36",
Desc = ":loadc lyrics",
[3319] = {
Text = "Warlienet: :fixcam ",
Time = "23:36",
Desc = ":fixcam ",
[3320] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :name all .",
Time = "23:36",
Desc = ":name all .",
[3321] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :runc scare",
Time = "23:36",
Desc = ":runc scare",
[3322] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :loadb doom",
Time = "23:36",
Desc = ":loadb doom",
[3323] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :skybox 1441374903",
Time = "23:36",
Desc = ":skybox 1441374903",
[3324] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :shakecamera all 99 99 0 0",
Time = "23:36",
Desc = ":shakecamera all 99 99 0 0",
[3325] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :TIME 5",
Time = "23:36",
Desc = ":TIME 5",
[3326] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :sm DOOM HAS STARTED.",
Time = "23:36",
Desc = ":sm DOOM HAS STARTED.",
[3327] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :setcameralimit all 0 0",
Time = "23:36",
Desc = ":setcameralimit all 0 0",
[3328] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :fly ",
Time = "23:36",
Desc = ":fly ",
[3329] = {
Text = "LEENY257: :unmusic ",
Time = "23:36",
Desc = ":unmusic ",
[3330] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: :cmdbar ",
Time = "23:36",
Desc = ":cmdbar ",
[3331] = {
Text = "FanofEverything56: :btools ",
Time = "23:36",
Desc = ":btools ",
[3332] = {
Text = "miggy337992: :pitch 0.1",
Time = "23:36",
Desc = ":pitch 0.1",
[3333] = {
Text = "miggy337992: :music 132225036480123",
Time = "23:36",
Desc = ":music 132225036480123",
[3334] = {
Text = "totallynotmario23: :give me Anti-207",
Time = "23:36",
Desc = ":give me Anti-207",
[3335] = {
Text = "totallynotmario23: :give me SCP-207",
Time = "23:36",
Desc = ":give me SCP-207",
[3336] = {
Text = "FanofEverything56: :cmds ",
Time = "23:36",
Desc = ":cmds ",
[3337] = {
Text = "DeeGagaBear: :btools me",
Time = "23:36",
Desc = ":btools me",
[3338] = {
Text = "LEENY257: :unmusic ",
Time = "23:35",
Desc = ":unmusic ",
[3339] = {
Text = "totallynotmario23: :tools ",
Time = "23:35",
Desc = ":tools ",
[3340] = {
Text = "miggy337992: :pitch 0.1",
Time = "23:35",
Desc = ":pitch 0.1",
[3341] = {
Text = "miggy337992: :music 132225036480123",
Time = "23:35",
Desc = ":music 132225036480123",
[3342] = {
Text = "miggy337992: :pclear ",
Time = "23:35",
Desc = ":pclear ",
[3343] = {
Text = "Before_Tom: :kill others",
Time = "23:35",
Desc = ":kill others",
[3344] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :cmdbox ",
Time = "23:35",
Desc = ":cmdbox ",
[3345] = {
Text = "LEENY257: !rejoin ",
Time = "23:35",
Desc = "!rejoin ",
[3346] = {
Text = "LEENY257: !newserver ",
Time = "23:35",
Desc = "!newserver ",
[3347] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :cmds ",
Time = "23:35",
Desc = ":cmds ",
[3348] = {
Text = "Before_Tom: :btools me",
Time = "23:35",
Desc = ":btools me",
[3349] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: !newserver ",
Time = "23:35",
Desc = "!newserver ",
[3350] = {
Text = "Before_Tom: :kill others",
Time = "23:35",
Desc = ":kill others",
[3351] = {
Text = "DeeGagaBear: :fly all",
Time = "23:34",
Desc = ":fly all",
[3352] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: !newserver ",
Time = "23:34",
Desc = "!newserver ",
[3353] = {
Text = "totallynotmario23: :rope all all all all all all all ###########################################",
Time = "23:34",
Desc = ":rope all all all all all all all ###########################################",
[3354] = {
Text = "totallynotmario23: :bot all inf true true true",
Time = "23:34",
Desc = ":bot all inf true true true",
[3355] = {
Text = "totallynotmario23: :runc rope",
Time = "23:34",
Desc = ":runc rope",
[3356] = {
Text = "totallynotmario23: :re ###",
Time = "23:34",
Desc = ":re ###",
[3357] = {
Text = "totallynotmario23: :tph ###",
Time = "23:34",
Desc = ":tph ###",
[3358] = {
Text = "cyclopkitty: !newserver ",
Time = "23:34",
Desc = "!newserver ",
[3359] = {
Text = "LEENY257: :m how do you change back your avatar?",
Time = "23:34",
Desc = ":m how do you change back your avatar?",
[3360] = {
Text = "totallynotmario23: :rope all all all all all all all all all",
Time = "23:34",
Desc = ":rope all all all all all all all all all",
[3361] = {
Text = "totallynotmario23: :clone all",
Time = "23:34",
Desc = ":clone all",
[3362] = {
Text = "DeeGagaBear: :kill ",
Time = "23:34",
Desc = ":kill ",
[3363] = {
Text = "NotHemisZoro: :rope ###",
Time = "23:34",
Desc = ":rope ###",
[3364] = {
Text = "NotHemisZoro: :sfling ###",
Time = "23:34",
Desc = ":sfling ###",
[3365] = {
Text = "NotHemisZoro: :sfling all",
Time = "23:33",
Desc = ":sfling all",
[3366] = {
Text = "DeeGagaBear: :fly me",
Time = "23:33",
Desc = ":fly me",
[3367] = {
Text = "LEENY257: :logs ",
Time = "23:33",
Desc = ":logs ",
[3368] = {
Text = "NotHemisZoro: :sfling all",
Time = "23:33",
Desc = ":sfling all",
[3369] = {
Text = "NotHemisZoro: :re others",
Time = "23:33",
Desc = ":re others",
[3370] = {
Text = "DeeGagaBear: :kill all",
Time = "23:33",
Desc = ":kill all",
[3371] = {
Text = "NotHemisZoro: :re others",
Time = "23:33",
Desc = ":re others",
[3372] = {
Text = "totallynotmario23: :deadlands ######",
Time = "23:33",
Desc = ":deadlands ######",
[3373] = {
Text = "totallynotmario23: :gg all :",
Time = "23:33",
Desc = ":gg all :",
[3374] = {
Text = "totallynotmario23: :spin me",
Time = "23:33",
Desc = ":spin me",
[3375] = {
Text = "totallynotmario23: :fly me",
Time = "23:33",
Desc = ":fly me",
[3376] = {
Text = "totallynotmario23: :rope all me",
Time = "23:33",
Desc = ":rope all me",
[3377] = {
Text = "NotHemisZoro: :re others",
Time = "23:33",
Desc = ":re others",
[3378] = {
Text = "totallynotmario23: :deadlands me",
Time = "23:33",
Desc = ":deadlands me",
[3379] = {
Text = "totallynotmario23: :gg all :",
Time = "23:33",
Desc = ":gg all :",
[3380] = {
Text = "totallynotmario23: :spin me",
Time = "23:33",
Desc = ":spin me",
[3381] = {
Text = "totallynotmario23: :fly me",
Time = "23:33",
Desc = ":fly me",
[3382] = {
Text = "totallynotmario23: :rope all me",
Time = "23:33",
Desc = ":rope all me",
[3383] = {
Text = "NotHemisZoro: :re others",
Time = "23:33",
Desc = ":re others",
[3384] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :unchat me",
Time = "23:32",
Desc = ":unchat me",
[3385] = {
Text = "LEENY257: :re ",
Time = "23:32",
Desc = ":re ",
[3386] = {
Text = "DeeGagaBear: :fly all",
Time = "23:32",
Desc = ":fly all",
[3387] = {
Text = "totallynotmario23: :deadlands me",
Time = "23:32",
Desc = ":deadlands me",
[3388] = {
Text = "totallynotmario23: :gg all :",
Time = "23:32",
Desc = ":gg all :",
[3389] = {
Text = "totallynotmario23: :spin me",
Time = "23:32",
Desc = ":spin me",
[3390] = {
Text = "totallynotmario23: :fly me",
Time = "23:32",
Desc = ":fly me",
[3391] = {
Text = "totallynotmario23: :rope all me",
Time = "23:32",
Desc = ":rope all me",
[3392] = {
Text = "NotHemisZoro: :cmdbox ",
Time = "23:32",
Desc = ":cmdbox ",
[3393] = {
Text = "NotHemisZoro: :fly ",
Time = "23:32",
Desc = ":fly ",
[3394] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :cmds ",
Time = "23:32",
Desc = ":cmds ",
[3395] = {
Text = "NotHemisZoro: :btools ",
Time = "23:32",
Desc = ":btools ",
[3396] = {
Text = "LEENY257: :re ",
Time = "23:32",
Desc = ":re ",
[3397] = {
Text = "gamingkaeden: :god gameingkaeden",
Time = "23:32",
Desc = ":god gameingkaeden",
[3398] = {
Text = "totallynotmario23: :talk all SHUT UP BRENDA!!!",
Time = "23:31",
Desc = ":talk all SHUT UP BRENDA!!!",
[3399] = {
Text = "totallynotmario23: :name all MotherRoach",
Time = "23:31",
Desc = ":name all MotherRoach",
[3400] = {
Text = "totallynotmario23: :char all willyandgaming1",
Time = "23:31",
Desc = ":char all willyandgaming1",
[3401] = {
Text = "totallynotmario23: :poison ",
Time = "23:31",
Desc = ":poison ",
[3402] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :loadb kickpart",
Time = "23:31",
Desc = ":loadb kickpart",
[3403] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :unloadb kick",
Time = "23:31",
Desc = ":unloadb kick",
[3404] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :wait 5",
Time = "23:31",
Desc = ":wait 5",
[3405] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :setcameralimit target 10 10",
Time = "23:31",
Desc = ":setcameralimit target 10 10",
[3406] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :tp target #############",
Time = "23:31",
Desc = ":tp target #############",
[3407] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :Wait 0.1",
Time = "23:31",
Desc = ":Wait 0.1",
[3408] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :forceviewcam target Kick",
Time = "23:31",
Desc = ":forceviewcam target Kick",
[3409] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :loadb kick",
Time = "23:31",
Desc = ":loadb kick",
[3410] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :unpunish target",
Time = "23:31",
Desc = ":unpunish target",
[3411] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :unfly target",
Time = "23:31",
Desc = ":unfly target",
[3412] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :ungod target",
Time = "23:31",
Desc = ":ungod target",
[3413] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :unff target",
Time = "23:31",
Desc = ":unff target",
[3414] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :unjail target",
Time = "23:31",
Desc = ":unjail target",
[3415] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :rc kick",
Time = "23:31",
Desc = ":rc kick",
[3416] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :unloadb kick",
Time = "23:31",
Desc = ":unloadb kick",
[3417] = {
Text = "totallynotmario23: :cmdbox ",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":cmdbox ",
[3418] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :wait 5",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":wait 5",
[3419] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :setcameralimit target 10 10",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":setcameralimit target 10 10",
[3420] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :tp target wp-InstantLag",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":tp target wp-InstantLag",
[3421] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :Wait 0.1",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":Wait 0.1",
[3422] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :forceviewcam target Kick",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":forceviewcam target Kick",
[3423] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :loadb kick",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":loadb kick",
[3424] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :unpunish target",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":unpunish target",
[3425] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :unfly target",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":unfly target",
[3426] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :ungod target",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":ungod target",
[3427] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :unff target",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":unff target",
[3428] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :unjail target",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":unjail target",
[3429] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :rc kick",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":rc kick",
[3430] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :sETTARGET @CH",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":sETTARGET @CH",
[3431] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :cmdbox ",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":cmdbox ",
[3432] = {
Text = "imch1ef: [BLOCKED] :SM The server has been succesfully fixed and cleared. [CH1EF]",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :SM The server has been succesfully fixed and cleared. [CH1EF]",
[3433] = {
Text = "imch1ef: [BLOCKED] :removetools all",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removetools all",
[3434] = {
Text = "imch1ef: [BLOCKED] :removetools all",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removetools all",
[3435] = {
Text = "imch1ef: [BLOCKED] :removetools all",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :removetools all",
[3436] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :unskybox ",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":unskybox ",
[3437] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :unloadb ",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":unloadb ",
[3438] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :setmessage off",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":setmessage off",
[3439] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :pitch 0",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":pitch 0",
[3440] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :volume 0",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":volume 0",
[3441] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :music 0",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":music 0",
[3442] = {
Text = "imch1ef: !clean ",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = "!clean ",
[3443] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :bpfix ",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":bpfix ",
[3444] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :fixhouse ",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":fixhouse ",
[3445] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :ggrav 196.2",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":ggrav 196.2",
[3446] = {
Text = "imch1ef: [BLOCKED] :starterclear all",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :starterclear all",
[3447] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :clearlights 9999",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":clearlights 9999",
[3448] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :insclear ",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":insclear ",
[3449] = {
Text = "imch1ef: [BLOCKED] :unshakecamera all",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = "[BLOCKED] :unshakecamera all",
[3450] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :clearwarnings all",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":clearwarnings all",
[3451] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :modernmaterials off",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":modernmaterials off",
[3452] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :cleardecals 9999",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":cleardecals 9999",
[3453] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :cleareffects 9999",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":cleareffects 9999",
[3454] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :clearteams ",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":clearteams ",
[3455] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :clearguis all true",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":clearguis all true",
[3456] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :unchar all",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":unchar all",
[3457] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :fixmouseicon all",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":fixmouseicon all",
[3458] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :dlight ",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":dlight ",
[3459] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :clearterrain ",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":clearterrain ",
[3460] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :clear ",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":clear ",
[3461] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :unchar all",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":unchar all",
[3462] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :unimage all",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":unimage all",
[3463] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :fixcam all",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":fixcam all",
[3464] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :blur 0",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":blur 0",
[3465] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :dlight ",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":dlight ",
[3466] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :fix ",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":fix ",
[3467] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :SM [CH1EF] The server will be fixed and cleared. Please wait.",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":SM [CH1EF] The server will be fixed and cleared. Please wait.",
[3468] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :runc fix",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":runc fix",
[3469] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :tp @chi me",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":tp @chi me",
[3470] = {
Text = "imch1ef: :fix ",
Time = "23:30",
Desc = ":fix ",
[3471] = {
Text = "gamingkaeden: :god gameingkaeded",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":god gameingkaeded",
[3472] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :noclip me",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":noclip me",
[3473] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :unimage all",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":unimage all",
[3474] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 1",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":wait 1",
[3475] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :itransparency all 1 0.5 Linear InOut 26",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":itransparency all 1 0.5 Linear InOut 26",
[3476] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :Screenimage all 868806195 0 26 10",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":Screenimage all 868806195 0 26 10",
[3477] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :shakecamera all 50 50 0 2",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":shakecamera all 50 50 0 2",
[3478] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :charaudio me 18967004856 false 0.4 1",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":charaudio me 18967004856 false 0.4 1",
[3479] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :chatnotifyc all 255 0 0 <font face='Fondamento'>They’re all yours, Mr. Doe.</font>",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":chatnotifyc all 255 0 0 <font face='Fondamento'>They’re all yours, Mr. Doe.</font>",
[3480] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :tp me radius-99999",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":tp me radius-99999",
[3481] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 1",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":wait 1",
[3482] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :tp me random",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":tp me random",
[3483] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :god me",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":god me",
[3484] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :speed me 8",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":speed me 8",
[3485] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :removepart 5912",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":removepart 5912",
[3486] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :animation me 125750618",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":animation me 125750618",
[3487] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :animation me 283545583",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":animation me 283545583",
[3488] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :animation me 94789762",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":animation me 94789762",
[3489] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :animation me 94789762",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":animation me 94789762",
[3490] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :animation me 97206298",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":animation me 97206298",
[3491] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :Rotatepart 9612 exact 0 900000 0 70000 Linear InOut",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":Rotatepart 9612 exact 0 900000 0 70000 Linear InOut",
[3492] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setanchored 999 False",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":setanchored 999 False",
[3493] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :weldtocharacter me 999 Head",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":weldtocharacter me 999 Head",
[3494] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setanchored 591 False",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":setanchored 591 False",
[3495] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :Weldtocharacter me 591 Torso",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":Weldtocharacter me 591 Torso",
[3496] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setanchored 888 False",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":setanchored 888 False",
[3497] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :weldtocharacter me 888 Torso",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":weldtocharacter me 888 Torso",
[3498] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setanchored 777 False",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":setanchored 777 False",
[3499] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :weldtocharacter me 777 Left Arm",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":weldtocharacter me 777 Left Arm",
[3500] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :setanchored 666 False",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":setanchored 666 False",
[3501] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :weldtocharacter me 666 Right Arm",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":weldtocharacter me 666 Right Arm",
[3502] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 1.5",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":wait 1.5",
[3503] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :Rotatepart 9612 exact 0 900000 0 70000 Linear InOut",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":Rotatepart 9612 exact 0 900000 0 70000 Linear InOut",
[3504] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :tp me -50,0,20",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":tp me -50,0,20",
[3505] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :charaudio me 1837951167 true 0.3 2",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":charaudio me 1837951167 true 0.3 2",
[3506] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :charaudio me 5554912458 true 0.4 inf",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":charaudio me 5554912458 true 0.4 inf",
[3507] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :light me Really red",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":light me Really red",
[3508] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :name me hide",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":name me hide",
[3509] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :wait 0.7",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":wait 0.7",
[3510] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :char me 5533914010",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":char me 5533914010",
[3511] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :colorcorrection -0.2 1 0.5",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":colorcorrection -0.2 1 0.5",
[3512] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :ambient 255, 0, 0,",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":ambient 255, 0, 0,",
[3513] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :skybox 13086491655",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":skybox 13086491655",
[3514] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :time 6.5",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":time 6.5",
[3515] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :loadb John_Doe",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":loadb John_Doe",
[3516] = {
Text = "Jaydenu2008: :cmdbox ",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":cmdbox ",
[3517] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :f3x ",
Time = "23:29",
Desc = ":f3x ",
[3518] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :setpcolor 2 ###########",
Time = "23:28",
Desc = ":setpcolor 2 ###########",
[3519] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :makepart 2",
Time = "23:28",
Desc = ":makepart 2",
[3520] = {
Text = "gamingkaeden: :fly ",
Time = "23:28",
Desc = ":fly ",
[3521] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :unloadb kick",
Time = "23:28",
Desc = ":unloadb kick",
[3522] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :wait 5",
Time = "23:28",
Desc = ":wait 5",
[3523] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :setcameralimit target 10 10",
Time = "23:28",
Desc = ":setcameralimit target 10 10",
[3524] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :tp target wp-InstantLag",
Time = "23:28",
Desc = ":tp target wp-InstantLag",
[3525] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :Wait 0.1",
Time = "23:28",
Desc = ":Wait 0.1",
[3526] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :forceviewcam target Kick",
Time = "23:28",
Desc = ":forceviewcam target Kick",
[3527] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :loadb kick",
Time = "23:28",
Desc = ":loadb kick",
[3528] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :unpunish target",
Time = "23:28",
Desc = ":unpunish target",
[3529] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :unfly target",
Time = "23:28",
Desc = ":unfly target",
[3530] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :ungod target",
Time = "23:28",
Desc = ":ungod target",
[3531] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :unff target",
Time = "23:28",
Desc = ":unff target",
[3532] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :unjail target",
Time = "23:28",
Desc = ":unjail target",
[3533] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :Rc kick",
Time = "23:28",
Desc = ":Rc kick",
[3534] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :settarget ##",
Time = "23:28",
Desc = ":settarget ##",
[3535] = {
Text = "Flakeyon: :m sorry",
Time = "23:28",
Desc = ":m sorry",
[3536] = {
Text = "Flakeyon: :kill all",
Time = "23:28",
Desc = ":kill all",
[3537] = {
Text = "gamingkaeden: :fly ",
Time = "23:28",
Desc = ":fly ",
[3538] = {
Text = "Flakeyon: :cmdbox ",
Time = "23:28",
Desc = ":cmdbox ",
[3539] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :cmdbox ",
Time = "23:28",
Desc = ":cmdbox ",
[3540] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :logs ",
Time = "23:28",
Desc = ":logs ",
[3541] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :loadb yes",
Time = "23:28",
Desc = ":loadb yes",
[3542] = {
Text = "Flakeyon: :clearguis all true",
Time = "23:28",
Desc = ":clearguis all true",
[3543] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :settransparency 2 0.2",
Time = "23:27",
Desc = ":settransparency 2 0.2",
[3544] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :setmaterial 2 Neon",
Time = "23:27",
Desc = ":setmaterial 2 Neon",
[3545] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :makepart 2",
Time = "23:27",
Desc = ":makepart 2",
[3546] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :cmdbox ",
Time = "23:27",
Desc = ":cmdbox ",
[3547] = {
Text = "SolomonOffical: :openc exterminate",
Time = "23:26",
Desc = ":openc exterminate",
------------------ END COMMAND LOGS ------------------
------------------ END TEXT FILE ------------------
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