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Created February 8, 2025 16:13
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<h1><span>A retained executive search firm dedicated to identifying exceptional leaders.</span></h1>
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<h2>Executive Search | Board Services | Leadership Advisory</h2>
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<p class="industry-title" style="color:rgb(0, 61, 113); font-size:x-large;"><strong>Industry Expertise</strong></p>
<p class="industry-description" style="color:rgb(0, 61, 113)">With extensive training as senior partners of the largest global search firms, we apply our in-depth industry knowledge to exceed our clients' expectations.</p>
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<p class="box-title" style="font-size: x-large;"><strong>Biopharmaceuticals</strong></p>
<p>&rarr; Stealth Mode Companies</p>
<p>&rarr; Private to Public</p>
<p>&rarr; R&D to Commercial</p>
<p>&rarr; Investors</p>
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<p class="box-title" style="font-size: x-large;"><strong>Financial Services</strong></p>
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<h3>Amy Bottoms</h3>
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<h3>Amy Bottoms</h3>
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<h3>Amy Bottoms</h3>
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<h3>Amy Bottoms</h3>
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<h3>Amy Bottoms</h3>
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<h3>Amy Bottoms</h3>
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<h2>Why Companies Trust Us</h2>
<p>Our cohesive, dedicated team of professionals has worked together for close to 20 years with a singular focus on delivering exceptional leaders to our executive search clients. Our clients repeatedly retain our proven research, recruitment, and onboarding expertise to build their companies. As evidenced by more than 70% of our work from repeat clients, our client partnerships are the cornerstone of what we do.</p>
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<p>We take pride in outstanding execution. Leveraging our large firm know-how, we apply a proven, disciplined search process with rigor and enthusiasm.</p>
<div class="value-box">
<p>We chose this line of work because we enjoy seeing our clients and candidates succeed. We invest deeply in relationships that last, which starts with caring.</p>
<div class="value-box">
<p>Our reputation is our livelihood. We choose to “think long” and let the golden rule govern our decisions.</p>
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<p>We take an advisory approach to our interactions. We provide candid perspective to our clients and candidates, facilitating more successful outcomes.</p>
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<div class="stat">
<p class="stat-number">100+</p>
<p class="stat-description">Placements each year</p>
<div class="stat">
<p class="stat-number">70+</p>
<p class="stat-description">Percentage of our searches are with repeat clients</p>
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<p class="stat-number">15+</p>
<p class="stat-description">Years in business</p>
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<p>123 Business Ave, Suite 100, Dallas, TX 75201</p>
<p>Phone: (214) 555-1234</p>
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<p>&copy; 2025 Chartwell Partners. All rights reserved.</p>
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