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Last active February 7, 2025 03:52
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Stage 2 task for HNG Internship
import 'dart:convert';
class Encryptor {
final String key;
Encryptor({required this.key});
//Encrypt the plain text
String encrypt(String plainInputText) {
List<int> textInputBytes =
utf8.encode(plainInputText); //Encode Text input to utf8
List<int> keyBytes = utf8.encode(key); //Encode Key to utf8
List<int> encryptedBytes = _xor(textInputBytes, keyBytes); //XOR operation
return base64.encode(encryptedBytes);
//Decrypt the encrypted text
String decrypt(String encryptedInputText) {
List<int> encryptedBytes =
base64.decode(encryptedInputText); //Decode encrypted text to base64
List<int> keyBytes = utf8.encode(key); //Encode Key to utf8
List<int> decryptedBytes = _xor(encryptedBytes, keyBytes); //XOR operation
return utf8.decode(decryptedBytes);
// XOR operation
List<int> _xor(List<int> text, List<int> key) {
int keyLength = key.length;
return List.generate(
(i) =>
text[i] ^
key[i %
keyLength], //ensures the key is repeated to match the length of the text
import './encryptor.dart';
void main(List<String> args) {
//Encryption Example
String plainTextExample1 = 'Jonathan is a Manchester United Fan';
final key1 = 'Football';
final encryptor1 = Encryptor(key: key1);
String encryptedTextExample1 = encryptor1.encrypt(plainTextExample1);
String decryptedTextExample1 = encryptor1.decrypt(encryptedTextExample1);
print('Example 1. Plain Text: $plainTextExample1, Key: $key1');
print('Example 1. Encrypted Text: $encryptedTextExample1');
print('Example 1. Decrypted Text: $decryptedTextExample1');
String encryptedTextExample2 =
final key2 = 'Stage 1';
final encryptor2 = Encryptor(key: key2);
String decryptedTextExample2 = encryptor2.decrypt(encryptedTextExample2);
print('Example 2. Encrypted Text: $encryptedTextExample2, Key: $key2');
print('Example 2. Decrypted Text: $decryptedTextExample2');
Example Input & Output 1 (Encryption)
Input Text: Jonathan is a Manchester United Fan, Input Key: Football
Example Input & Outut 2 (Decryption)
Output: HNG Internship is the best in the world
import 'dart:io';
import './encryptor.dart';
void main(List<String> args) {
'Welcome to Ogudu Jonathan Stage 1 Task (Encryption & Decryption Program)');
while (true) {
'Enter D to initiate Decryption, E to initiate Encryption or Q to Quit: ');
String? plainText = stdin.readLineSync();
if (plainText == 'E' || plainText == 'e') {
stdout.write('Enter the text to encrypt: ');
String? textToEncrypt = stdin.readLineSync();
stdout.write('Enter the key: ');
String? key = stdin.readLineSync();
if (textToEncrypt != null && key != null) {
final encryptor = Encryptor(key: key);
String encryptedText = encryptor.encrypt(textToEncrypt);
print('Encrypted Text: $encryptedText');
} else if (plainText == 'D' || plainText == 'd') {
stdout.write('Enter the text to decrypt: ');
String? textToDecrypt = stdin.readLineSync();
stdout.write('Enter the key: ');
String? key = stdin.readLineSync();
if (textToDecrypt != null && key != null) {
final encryptor = Encryptor(key: key);
String decryptedText = encryptor.decrypt(textToDecrypt);
print('Decrypted Text: $decryptedText');
} else if (plainText == 'Q' || plainText == 'q') {
} else {
print('Invalid Input');
Intructions on how to use encryptor class (Using examples.dart as reference point);
1. import encryptor class with the below command.
import './encryptor.dart';
2. Create a String variable for Input-Text(plain/encrypted) and Key.
String plainTextExample1 = 'Jonathan is a Manchester United Fan';
final key1 = 'Football';
3. Initiate an instance for Encryptor Class using the key variable.
final encryptor1 = Encryptor(key: key1);
4. The encryptor class has a method for encryption & decryption as illustrated below.
encryptor1.encrypt(plainTextExample1); // For Encryption
encryptor2.decrypt(encryptedTextExample2); // for Decrytion
5. Using the Encryption or Decryption method, the returned String values can be assigned to variables and used where intended.
String encryptedTextExample1 = encryptor1.encrypt(plainTextExample1);
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