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Last active February 7, 2025 14:55
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This will calculate a users BMI, BMR, and Caloric Intake.
#Name: Sebastian Donahue
#Date: 2/7/25
#Course Number: 113
#Course Name: Intro to python
#Problem Number: Chapter 2 project 1
#Problem Description: Make a BMI, BMR, and Caloric Intake calculator
weight = float(input("Enter your weight in lbs: "))#This takes down the users weight for the equation.
height = float(input("Enter your height in inches: "))#This takes down the users height for the equation.
age = float(input("Enter your age: "))#This takes down the users age for the equation.
BMI = (weight * 703) / (height * height)#This is the equation to calculate the users BMI
cm = (height * 2.54)#Converts cm into inches
kg = (weight / 2.205)#Converts kg into lbs
male_BMR = (10 * kg) + (6.25 * cm) - (5 * age) + 5#This is the equation to calculate a male users BMR.
female_BMR = (10 * kg) + (6.25 * cm) - (5 * age) - 161#This is the equation to calculate a female users BMR.
calories_male = (male_BMR * 1.55)#This equation calculates a male users caloric intake if they are.
calories_female =(female_BMR * 1.55)#This equation calculates a female users caloric intake if they are.
print("These are your results!")#This tells the users that these are their results.
print(f"BMI: {BMI}")#This tells the user their BMI.
print(f"Male BMR: {male_BMR}")#This tells the user their BMR if they are a male.
print(f"Female BMR: {female_BMR}")#This tells the user their BMR if they are a female.
print(f"Calories needed for a moderately active male: {calories_male}")#This tells the user their calories needed for a moderately active male.
print(f"Calories needed for a moderately active female: {calories_female}")#This tells the user their calories needed for a moderately active female.
input("Press Enter to exit...")#This prevents the script from closing and lets the user view their results
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