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--------- beginning of main
02-04 12:19:36.928 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain expire 3 lines
02-04 12:19:36.945 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:36.957 15150 15448 D MIUIInput: [MotionEvent] notifyMotion - eventTime=243152364500000, deviceId=3, source=0x1002, policyFlags=0x0, action=0x0, flags=0x0, downTime=243152364500000, moveCount:0
02-04 12:19:36.958 638 1125 I BufferQueueProducer: [Sprite#0](this:0xb400007658a72a58,id:7759,api:2,p:15150,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=1.22 dur=1640.95 max=948.77 min=692.18
02-04 12:19:36.959 568 658 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:40682 hint:25 pid:568 duration:120 => ret_hdl:40682
02-04 12:19:36.959 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:1 hdl:40682 hint:25 comm:mtkpower@1.0-se pid:568
02-04 12:19:36.959 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:410000, param:1
02-04 12:19:36.959 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:1408300, param:100
02-04 12:19:36.959 15150 15447 W InputDispatcher: checkSynergyInfo mode:0 info:0 0, id:-1
02-04 12:19:36.959 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:3408600 param:1
02-04 12:19:36.959 4977 4977 D MIUIInput: [MotionEvent] ViewRootImpl { action=ACTION_DOWN, id[0]=0, pointerCount=1, eventTime=243152364, downTime=243152364 } moveCount:0
02-04 12:19:36.960 4977 4977 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class com.miui.home.launcher.common.messages.EndSpringAnimatorMessage
02-04 12:19:36.960 4977 4977 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.NoSubscriberEvent
02-04 12:19:36.960 4977 4977 D TaskStackViewTouchHandler: handleTouchEvent, mActiveTaskView=com.miui.home.recents.views.TaskView{98fb230 VFE...CL. ........ 48,718-516,1824}
02-04 12:19:36.961 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:36.962 4977 7200 D Launcher_dispatchTouchEvent_View: [motionEvent view:]
02-04 12:19:36.962 4977 7200 D Launcher_dispatchTouchEvent_View: 19:36.962 View=com.miui.home.recents.views.RecentsContainer{105e1b0 V.E...... ........ 0,0-1080,2340 #7f0a0185 app:id/recents_container}
02-04 12:19:36.962 4977 7200 D Launcher_dispatchTouchEvent_View: 19:36.962 View=com.miui.home.recents.views.RecentsView{a6987ae V.ED..... ........ 0,0-1080,2340 #7f0a018b app:id/recents_view}
02-04 12:19:36.962 4977 7200 D Launcher_dispatchTouchEvent_View: 19:36.962 View=com.miui.home.recents.views.TaskStackView{384f31a V.E...... ........ 0,0-1080,2340}
02-04 12:19:36.962 4977 7200 D Launcher_dispatchTouchEvent_View: 19:36.962 View=com.miui.home.recents.views.TaskView{98fb230 VFE...CL. ...P.... 48,718-516,1824}
02-04 12:19:36.966 15150 15447 W InputDispatcher: checkSynergyInfo mode:0 info:0 0, id:-1
02-04 12:19:36.966 15150 15166 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:40678, dur:2000, num:8, tid:15166
02-04 12:19:36.967 15150 15166 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:40683
02-04 12:19:36.967 568 658 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:2 hdl:40683 hint:-1 pid:15150 duration:2000 => ret_hdl:40683
02-04 12:19:36.967 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:2 hdl:40683 lock_user:system_server pid:15150 tid:15166 dur:2000
02-04 12:19:36.967 568 658 I libPowerHal: system_server: set gpu opp level max: 0
02-04 12:19:36.968 12961 13544 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin 2, final_idx 27, oppidx_max 27, oppidx_min 0
02-04 12:19:36.971 15150 15164 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:36.974 15150 15447 W InputDispatcher: checkSynergyInfo mode:0 info:0 0, id:-1
02-04 12:19:36.978 12961 13544 I GED : ged_boost_gpu_freq, level 100, eOrigin 2, final_idx 27, oppidx_max 27, oppidx_min 0
02-04 12:19:36.978 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:36.982 15150 15447 W InputDispatcher: checkSynergyInfo mode:0 info:0 0, id:-1
02-04 12:19:36.986 4977 4977 D TaskStackViewTouchHandler: reset by swipe begin
02-04 12:19:36.987 15150 15164 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:36.991 15150 15447 W InputDispatcher: checkSynergyInfo mode:0 info:0 0, id:-1
02-04 12:19:36.995 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:36.999 15150 15447 W InputDispatcher: checkSynergyInfo mode:0 info:0 0, id:-1
02-04 12:19:37.004 15150 15164 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:37.007 15150 15447 W InputDispatcher: checkSynergyInfo mode:0 info:0 0, id:-1
02-04 12:19:37.012 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.015 15150 15447 W InputDispatcher: checkSynergyInfo mode:0 info:0 0, id:-1
02-04 12:19:37.020 15150 15164 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:37.023 15150 15447 W InputDispatcher: checkSynergyInfo mode:0 info:0 0, id:-1
02-04 12:19:37.026 937 937 I thermal_repeater: [recvMdThermalInfo] ret=28, strLen=127, 0, 32767, -127, 0, 32767, 0
02-04 12:19:37.028 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.031 15150 15447 W InputDispatcher: checkSynergyInfo mode:0 info:0 0, id:-1
02-04 12:19:37.037 15150 15164 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:37.039 15150 15448 D MIUIInput: [MotionEvent] notifyMotion - eventTime=243152446847000, deviceId=3, source=0x1002, policyFlags=0x0, action=0x1, flags=0x0, downTime=243152364500000, moveCount:9
02-04 12:19:37.040 15150 15447 W InputDispatcher: checkSynergyInfo mode:0 info:0 0, id:-1
02-04 12:19:37.040 568 658 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:40682, idx:1
02-04 12:19:37.040 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:1 hdl:40682 hint:25 comm:mtkpower@1.0-se pid:568
02-04 12:19:37.040 15150 15166 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:40681, dur:558, num:8, tid:15166
02-04 12:19:37.040 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:410000 param:0
02-04 12:19:37.041 4977 4977 D MIUIInput: [MotionEvent] ViewRootImpl { action=ACTION_UP, id[0]=0, pointerCount=1, eventTime=243152446, downTime=243152364 } moveCount:5
02-04 12:19:37.041 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:1408300 param:0
02-04 12:19:37.041 4977 7200 D Launcher_dispatchTouchEvent: [motionEvent action:(rawX,rawY)] 19:36.963[0(282,0,965,0)] 19:36.987[2(179,9,984,9)] 19:37.003[2(100,5,1007,8)] 19:37.021[2(50,6,1027,3)] 19:37.037[2(0,3,1047,9)] 19:37.041[1(0,0,1048,0)]
02-04 12:19:37.041 4977 7200 D Launcher_Scrollto: [(rawX,rawY)|scrollX]
02-04 12:19:37.041 4977 4977 D TaskView: TaskView bind task, task=[id=1000092 stackId=1000092 windowingMode=1 user=10 lastActiveTime=494233027, component=ComponentInfo{}] Chrome, isLock=false
02-04 12:19:37.041 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:3408600 param:0
02-04 12:19:37.042 15150 15166 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:40681
02-04 12:19:37.042 568 658 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:40681 hint:-1 pid:15150 duration:558 => ret_hdl:40681
02-04 12:19:37.042 15150 15166 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:40683, tid:15166
02-04 12:19:37.042 615 615 I android.hardware.vibrator-service.mediatek: Vibrator reporting capabilities
02-04 12:19:37.043 568 658 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:40683, idx:2
02-04 12:19:37.043 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:2 hdl:40683 lock_user:system_server pid:15150 tid:15166 dur:2000
02-04 12:19:37.043 4977 7200 D Launcher_dispatchTouchEvent: [motionEvent action:(rawX,rawY)] 19:37.043[1(0,0,1048,0)]
02-04 12:19:37.043 4977 7200 D Launcher_Scrollto: [(rawX,rawY)|scrollX]
02-04 12:19:37.045 15150 17145 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels +
02-04 12:19:37.045 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.046 15150 17145 D skia : stream getLength() not supported, use temp buffer for loading stream, buffer addr 0x79c5d0a000 length 73144
02-04 12:19:37.046 15150 17145 D skia : size 73144,phy_addr 0x42900000
02-04 12:19:37.046 15150 17145 D skia : LoadInputStreamToIonMem va 0x79c5d0a000 pa 0x42900000 size 75392
02-04 12:19:37.047 15150 17145 D libjpeg-alpha: Huffman Builder run in subthread
02-04 12:19:37.048 15150 17145 D libjpeg-alpha: Tile Decoder (#thread:4, size:256 256 256 312x592, alignment:256x16)
02-04 12:19:37.056 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127346, screenshot (com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper#0)
02-04 12:19:37.056 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127346, screenshot (com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0)
02-04 12:19:37.062 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.063 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:36.896 BL= 359,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:19:36.929 BL= 360,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:19:36.979 BL= 361,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:19:37.013 BL= 362,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:19:37.063 BL= 363,ESS= 256,
02-04 12:19:37.065 15150 17145 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels -
02-04 12:19:37.071 15150 15164 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:37.079 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.087 15150 17145 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:37.093 950 13202 D AAL : onALIChanged: 57 -> 56
02-04 12:19:37.093 950 13202 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 56
02-04 12:19:37.095 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.104 15150 17145 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:37.112 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.120 15150 17145 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:37.129 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.137 15150 17145 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:37.145 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.154 15150 17145 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:37.155 12961 13389 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:19:37.155 12961 13389 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
02-04 12:19:37.155 12961 13389 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
02-04 12:19:37.162 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.170 15150 17145 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:37.173 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127347, screenshot (com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper#0)
02-04 12:19:37.173 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127347, screenshot (com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0)
02-04 12:19:37.178 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.187 15150 17145 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:37.195 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.204 15150 17145 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:37.206 12961 13389 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:19:37.212 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.220 15150 17145 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:37.222 542 542 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:59.142773,dur:1014.49,max:32.36,min:13.41
02-04 12:19:37.229 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.237 15150 15164 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:37.245 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.254 15150 17145 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:37.262 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.270 15150 17145 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:37.278 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.288 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127348, screenshot (com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper#0)
02-04 12:19:37.288 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127348, screenshot (com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0)
02-04 12:19:37.293 950 13202 D AAL : onALIChanged: 56 -> 55
02-04 12:19:37.293 950 13202 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 55
02-04 12:19:37.295 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.329 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 2 lines
02-04 12:19:37.345 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.353 4977 4977 D TaskStackViewTouchHandler: onChildDismissedEnd, taskView=com.miui.home.recents.views.TaskView{98fb230 VFE...CL. .......D 48,718-516,1824}
02-04 12:19:37.353 4977 4977 D RecentsContainer: removeTask: [id=1000102 stackId=1000102 windowingMode=1 user=10 lastActiveTime=497870120, component=ComponentInfo{}] Web Master
--------- beginning of system
02-04 12:19:37.354 15150 17145 I ProcessManager: Kill reason SwipeUpClean from pid=4977
02-04 12:19:37.356 15150 17145 D ProcessManager: update DY:[com.miui.voip,,, com.miui.mishare.connectivity]
02-04 12:19:37.356 15150 17145 D WindowProcessUtils: remove task: Task{92443d4 #1000102 visible=true type=standard mode=fullscreen translucent=true U=10 StackId=1000102 sz=1}
02-04 12:19:37.357 4977 4999 D LauncherFsGestureCompat: componentName is
02-04 12:19:37.360 12961 12961 I Unity : onDestroy
02-04 12:19:37.362 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.365 12961 12961 I Process : Sending signal. PID: 12961 SIG: 9
02-04 12:19:37.365 15150 15468 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 1012261, uidState = 19
02-04 12:19:37.369 15150 17145 I ProcessManager: SwipeUpClean: kill Adj=1001 State=19
02-04 12:19:37.369 15150 17145 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 1001): SwipeUpClean
02-04 12:19:37.369 15150 17145 I Process : PerfMonitor : current process sending signal quiet. PID: 12961 SIG: 9
02-04 12:19:37.370 15150 15180 I Process : PerfMonitor : current process killing process group. PID: 12961
02-04 12:19:37.370 15150 17145 I ProcessManager: SwipeUpClean: kill Adj=900 State=17
02-04 12:19:37.370 15150 15180 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1012261 pid 12961 in 0ms
02-04 12:19:37.370 15150 15164 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:37.371 15150 17145 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 900): SwipeUpClean
02-04 12:19:37.371 15150 17145 I Process : PerfMonitor : current process sending signal quiet. PID: 16961 SIG: 9
02-04 12:19:37.371 15150 15180 I Process : PerfMonitor : current process killing process group. PID: 16961
02-04 12:19:37.371 15150 15180 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1099127 pid 16961 in 0ms
02-04 12:19:37.379 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.387 15150 17145 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:37.389 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127349, screenshot (com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper#0)
02-04 12:19:37.389 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127349, screenshot (com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0)
02-04 12:19:37.395 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.400 15086 15086 D Zygote : Forked child process 17012
02-04 12:19:37.402 15150 15179 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service {}
02-04 12:19:37.402 15664 15664 I Zygote : Process 16961 exited due to signal 9 (Killed)
02-04 12:19:37.403 15150 17145 I AutoStartManagerService: MIUILOG- Reject RestartService packageName uid : 1012261
02-04 12:19:37.404 15314 15341 I com.xiaomi.xms: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION and parcel size 0
02-04 12:19:37.404 16975 1364 I com.xiaomi.xms: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION and parcel size 0
02-04 12:19:37.404 568 658 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState], pid:16961, STATE_DEAD
02-04 12:19:37.405 568 658 D RilUtility: notify_rild_crash_pid_set certPid:-1, crash:16961, scn:0x0
02-04 12:19:37.405 484 490 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup4: Permission denied
02-04 12:19:37.406 484 490 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup18: Permission denied
02-04 12:19:37.406 484 490 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup2: Permission denied
02-04 12:19:37.406 484 490 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup16: Permission denied
02-04 12:19:37.406 484 490 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup0: Permission denied
02-04 12:19:37.407 484 490 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup9: Permission denied
02-04 12:19:37.407 484 490 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup14: Permission denied
02-04 12:19:37.407 484 490 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup22: Permission denied
02-04 12:19:37.407 484 490 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup12: Permission denied
02-04 12:19:37.408 484 490 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup5: Permission denied
02-04 12:19:37.409 484 490 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup19: Permission denied
02-04 12:19:37.409 484 490 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup3: Permission denied
02-04 12:19:37.410 484 490 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup17: Permission denied
02-04 12:19:37.410 484 490 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup1: Permission denied
02-04 12:19:37.410 484 490 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup15: Permission denied
02-04 12:19:37.411 484 490 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup13: Permission denied
02-04 12:19:37.411 17012 17012 E .android.chrom: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
02-04 12:19:37.412 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.412 484 490 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup21: Permission denied
02-04 12:19:37.412 484 490 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup6: Permission denied
02-04 12:19:37.412 484 490 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup11: Permission denied
02-04 12:19:37.414 15150 15468 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: removeUidState uid = 1099127
02-04 12:19:37.414 15150 15468 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 1010113, uidState = 19
02-04 12:19:37.415 18578 22701 D UidObserver: onUidGone entry uid = 1099127
02-04 12:19:37.423 15150 15468 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 1010113, uidState = 10
02-04 12:19:37.428 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.435 15150 15470 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.976) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = }
02-04 12:19:37.443 17012 17012 W .android.chrom: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exist.
02-04 12:19:37.445 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.449 15150 15448 D MIUIInput: [MotionEvent] notifyMotion - eventTime=243152856363000, deviceId=3, source=0x1002, policyFlags=0x0, action=0x0, flags=0x0, downTime=243152856363000, moveCount:0
02-04 12:19:37.450 15150 15447 W InputDispatcher: checkSynergyInfo mode:0 info:0 0, id:-1
02-04 12:19:37.451 568 658 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:40684 hint:25 pid:568 duration:120 => ret_hdl:40684
02-04 12:19:37.451 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:1 hdl:40684 hint:25 comm:mtkpower@1.0-se pid:568
02-04 12:19:37.451 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:410000, param:1
02-04 12:19:37.451 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:1408300, param:100
02-04 12:19:37.451 4977 4977 D MIUIInput: [MotionEvent] ViewRootImpl { action=ACTION_DOWN, id[0]=0, pointerCount=1, eventTime=243152856, downTime=243152856 } moveCount:0
02-04 12:19:37.451 4977 4977 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class com.miui.home.launcher.common.messages.EndSpringAnimatorMessage
02-04 12:19:37.451 4977 4977 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.NoSubscriberEvent
02-04 12:19:37.452 4977 4977 D TaskStackViewTouchHandler: handleTouchEvent, mActiveTaskView=null
02-04 12:19:37.452 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:3408600 param:1
02-04 12:19:37.452 4977 4977 D TaskStackViewTouchHandler: handleTouchEvent, mActiveTaskView=null
02-04 12:19:37.453 15150 15163 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:37.454 4977 7200 D Launcher_dispatchTouchEvent_View: [motionEvent view:]
02-04 12:19:37.454 4977 7200 D Launcher_dispatchTouchEvent_View: 19:37.453 View=com.miui.home.recents.views.RecentsContainer{105e1b0 V.E...... ........ 0,0-1080,2340 #7f0a0185 app:id/recents_container}
02-04 12:19:37.454 4977 7200 D Launcher_dispatchTouchEvent_View: 19:37.453 View=com.miui.home.recents.views.RecentsView{a6987ae V.ED..... ........ 0,0-1080,2340 #7f0a018b app:id/recents_view}
02-04 12:19:37.454 4977 7200 D Launcher_dispatchTouchEvent_View: 19:37.454 View=com.miui.home.recents.views.TaskStackView{384f31a V.E...... ........ 0,0-1080,2340}
02-04 12:19:37.459 17185 32608 I SCTaskStackListener: onTaskStackChanged! inSplit = false
02-04 12:19:37.459 28569 5310 I SCTaskStackListener: onTaskStackChanged! inSplit = false
02-04 12:19:37.459 28569 2266 I SCTaskStackListener: onTaskStackChanged! inSplit = false
02-04 12:19:37.460 17185 17631 I SCTaskStackListener: onTaskStackChanged! inSplit = false
02-04 12:19:37.462 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.464 17012 17012 I LoadedApk: No resource references to update in package
02-04 12:19:37.465 17012 17012 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource 0_resource_name_obfuscated debugBuild: false
02-04 12:19:37.466 17012 17012 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource 0_resource_name_obfuscated debugBuild: false
02-04 12:19:37.467 17012 17012 I cr_SplitCompatApp: version=132.0.6834.163 (683416333) minSdkVersion=29 isBundle=true isIsolatedProcess=false
02-04 12:19:37.468 15150 17132 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels +
02-04 12:19:37.469 15150 17132 D skia : stream getLength() not supported, use temp buffer for loading stream, buffer addr 0x79b92ab000 length 174262
02-04 12:19:37.469 15150 17132 D skia : size 174262,phy_addr 0x42900000
02-04 12:19:37.469 15150 17132 D skia : LoadInputStreamToIonMem va 0x79b92ab000 pa 0x42900000 size 176512
02-04 12:19:37.470 15150 17132 D libjpeg-alpha: Huffman Builder run in subthread
02-04 12:19:37.471 15150 17132 D libjpeg-alpha: Tile Decoder (#thread:4, size:256 256 256 312x592, alignment:256x16)
02-04 12:19:37.479 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.486 15150 17132 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels -
02-04 12:19:37.490 15150 15448 D MIUIInput: [MotionEvent] notifyMotion - eventTime=243152896980000, deviceId=3, source=0x1002, policyFlags=0x0, action=0x1, flags=0x0, downTime=243152856363000, moveCount:0
02-04 12:19:37.490 15150 15447 W InputDispatcher: checkSynergyInfo mode:0 info:0 0, id:-1
02-04 12:19:37.490 4977 4977 D MIUIInput: [MotionEvent] ViewRootImpl { action=ACTION_UP, id[0]=0, pointerCount=1, eventTime=243152896, downTime=243152856 } moveCount:0
02-04 12:19:37.491 4977 4977 D TaskStackViewTouchHandler: maybeHideRecentsFromBackgroundTap, dx=0.0, dy=0.0, mScrollTouchSlop=14
02-04 12:19:37.491 4977 4977 D StateManager: goToState state=LauncherState anim=true
02-04 12:19:37.491 568 658 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:40684, idx:1
02-04 12:19:37.491 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:1 hdl:40684 hint:25 comm:mtkpower@1.0-se pid:568
02-04 12:19:37.491 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:410000 param:0
02-04 12:19:37.491 4977 4977 E StateManager: setWorkspaceProperty state=LauncherState
02-04 12:19:37.491 4977 4977 E StateManager: setShortcutMenuLayerProperty state=LauncherState alpha=1.0 scale=1.0
02-04 12:19:37.491 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:1408300 param:0
02-04 12:19:37.491 4977 4977 E RecentsViewStateController: setState: state=LauncherState mIsIgnoreOverviewAnim=false
02-04 12:19:37.491 4977 4977 E BlurUtils: fastBlur ratio=0.0 withAnim=false sBlurRatioValue=0.0
02-04 12:19:37.492 4977 4977 D TaskStackViewTouchHandler: reset by scroll up
02-04 12:19:37.492 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:3408600 param:0
02-04 12:19:37.492 4977 7200 D Launcher_dispatchTouchEvent: [motionEvent action:(rawX,rawY)] 19:37.454[0(468,0,636,0)] 19:37.492[1(468,0,636,0)]
02-04 12:19:37.492 4977 7200 D Launcher_Scrollto: [(rawX,rawY)|scrollX]
02-04 12:19:37.492 4977 5125 D StatusBarController: handleMessage: flag 800000 disable false
02-04 12:19:37.495 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.505 4977 4977 E OverviewState: onExitState
02-04 12:19:37.506 4977 5125 D RecentsContainer: notifyRecentTaskState: false
02-04 12:19:37.507 4977 4977 D StateManager: LauncherState changed, from com.miui.home.recents.OverviewState@4de6dc5 to com.miui.home.launcher.LauncherState@59cc3c
02-04 12:19:37.507 4977 4977 E RotationHelper: setCurrentStateRequest: request=0
02-04 12:19:37.507 4977 4977 E RotationHelper: notifyChange activityFlags=1, mMultiWindowRotationRequest=3, mCurrentTransitionRequest=0, mCurrentStateRequest=0
02-04 12:19:37.507 4977 4977 D Launcher_WallpaperUtils: changeStatusBarMode:false
02-04 12:19:37.512 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.520 7852 3320 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Received query %s, URI %s
02-04 12:19:37.520 7852 3320 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Query [%s] resolved to %s
02-04 12:19:37.521 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:37.521 4977 4977 E Launcher.DeviceConfig: please check navigationBar height:130
02-04 12:19:37.522 7852 3320 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Font PFD returned from cache for %s
02-04 12:19:37.522 7852 3320 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Fetch %s end status %s
02-04 12:19:37.523 17012 17065 I cr_LibraryLoader: Loading monochrome_64 from within /data/app/~~53Xu2Z99LVrbW7raz-Zkhw==/
02-04 12:19:37.526 17012 17065 W linker : Warning: "/data/app/~~53Xu2Z99LVrbW7raz-Zkhw==/!/lib/arm64-v8a/" unused DT entry: unknown processor-specific (type 0x70000001 arg 0x0) (ignoring)
02-04 12:19:37.527 17012 17065 I cr_Linker: loadLibraryImplLocked: monochrome_64, relroMode=1
02-04 12:19:37.529 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.529 17012 17065 W linker : Warning: "/data/app/~~V8xaCR9o41FrBrxccPE52g==/!/lib/arm64-v8a/" unused DT entry: unknown processor-specific (type 0x70000001 arg 0x0) (ignoring)
02-04 12:19:37.531 7852 3320 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Pulling font file for id = %d, cache size = %d
02-04 12:19:37.533 10864 10864 V PhoneWindow: DecorView setVisiblity: visibility = 8, Parent = android.view.ViewRootImpl@d0db118, this = DecorView@a5076b8[InputMethod]
02-04 12:19:37.537 15150 17127 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:37.542 15150 17132 W ActivityManager: Failure sending service to connection android.os.BinderProxy@9517d75 (in
02-04 12:19:37.542 15150 17132 W ActivityManager: android.os.DeadObjectException
02-04 12:19:37.542 15150 17132 W ActivityManager: at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
02-04 12:19:37.542 15150 17132 W ActivityManager: at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
02-04 12:19:37.542 15150 17132 W ActivityManager: at$Stub$Proxy.connected(
02-04 12:19:37.542 15150 17132 W ActivityManager: at
02-04 12:19:37.542 15150 17132 W ActivityManager: at
02-04 12:19:37.542 15150 17132 W ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact(
02-04 12:19:37.542 15150 17132 W ActivityManager: at
02-04 12:19:37.542 15150 17132 W ActivityManager: at android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal(
02-04 12:19:37.542 15150 17132 W ActivityManager: at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
02-04 12:19:37.543 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127350, screenshot (com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper#0)
02-04 12:19:37.543 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127350, screenshot (com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0)
02-04 12:19:37.543 7852 3320 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Received query %s, URI %s
02-04 12:19:37.543 7852 3320 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Query [%s] resolved to %s
02-04 12:19:37.544 7852 3320 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Font PFD returned from cache for %s
02-04 12:19:37.544 15150 15468 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 1010113, uidState = 19
02-04 12:19:37.544 7852 3320 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Fetch %s end status %s
02-04 12:19:37.545 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.547 7852 3320 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Pulling font file for id = %d, cache size = %d
02-04 12:19:37.548 17012 17065 I cr_LibraryLoader: Successfully loaded native library
02-04 12:19:37.550 17012 17065 I cr_CachingUmaRecorder: Flushed 12 samples from 10 histograms, 0 samples were dropped.
02-04 12:19:37.551 4977 4977 W RecentsImpl: updateFsgWindowVisibilityState isEnter=false typeFrom=typefrom_home isOpen=true mIsInAnotherPro=false mIsStatusBarExpansion=false
02-04 12:19:37.551 4977 4977 W RecentsImpl: getTopActivity from observer. cn=ComponentInfo{com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}
02-04 12:19:37.551 4977 5198 D RecentsImpl: showNavStubView
02-04 12:19:37.551 4977 4977 I RenderVsyncUpdater: All controllers paused.
02-04 12:19:37.551 4977 5193 D RecentsImpl: hideBackStubWindow
02-04 12:19:37.554 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:37.555 7852 3320 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Received query %s, URI %s
02-04 12:19:37.555 7852 3320 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Query [%s] resolved to %s
02-04 12:19:37.557 7852 3320 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Font PFD returned from cache for %s
02-04 12:19:37.557 7852 3320 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Fetch %s end status %s
02-04 12:19:37.558 638 693 I BufferQueueProducer: [com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0](this:0xb400007658a77e58,id:7788,api:1,p:4977,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=25.71 dur=1088.86 max=464.62 min=10.43
02-04 12:19:37.558 423 423 I lowmemorykiller: Reclaimed 0kB, cache(1314500kB) and free(1533632kB)-reserved(62180kB) below min(1677312kB) for oom_adj 950
02-04 12:19:37.558 423 423 I lowmemorykiller: Suppressed 82 failed kill reports
02-04 12:19:37.561 7852 3320 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Pulling font file for id = %d, cache size = %d
02-04 12:19:37.562 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.569 7852 3320 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Received query %s, URI %s
02-04 12:19:37.569 7852 3320 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Query [%s] resolved to %s
02-04 12:19:37.570 7852 3320 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Font PFD returned from cache for %s
02-04 12:19:37.570 7852 3320 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Fetch %s end status %s
02-04 12:19:37.571 15150 15244 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:37.572 7852 3320 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Pulling font file for id = %d, cache size = %d
02-04 12:19:37.578 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.580 15246 15441 I Gyroscope: enable: handle:3, en:0
02-04 12:19:37.580 15150 15244 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{c440a1c mode=0 rootTaskId=1000102 u10}
02-04 12:19:37.580 15150 15244 W InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel 'c440a1c (server)'
02-04 12:19:37.581 7852 3320 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Received query %s, URI %s
02-04 12:19:37.581 10864 10864 I InputTransport: Destroy ARC handle: 0xb400007a501718e0
02-04 12:19:37.581 7852 3320 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Query [%s] resolved to %s
02-04 12:19:37.581 15086 15086 I Zygote : Process 12961 exited due to signal 9 (Killed)
02-04 12:19:37.583 15246 15441 I ScpFusion: enable, handle:8, en:0
02-04 12:19:37.583 7852 3320 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Font PFD returned from cache for %s
02-04 12:19:37.583 7852 3320 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Fetch %s end status %s
02-04 12:19:37.584 15088 15502 V AudioPolicyIntefaceImpl: releaseOutput()
02-04 12:19:37.585 15150 17145 W WindowManager: Cannot find window which accessibility connection is added to
02-04 12:19:37.585 15246 15441 I Accelerometer: enable: handle:0, en:0
02-04 12:19:37.586 7852 3320 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Pulling font file for id = %d, cache size = %d
02-04 12:19:37.587 15088 15098 V AudioPolicyIntefaceImpl: doReleaseOutput from tid 15098
02-04 12:19:37.588 15150 15244 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:37.589 15088 15098 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: [MTK_APM_Output]releaseOutput() 29 portId 368
02-04 12:19:37.589 18583 18583 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent { }
02-04 12:19:37.590 18583 18583 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent { dat=chimera-action: }
02-04 12:19:37.591 568 658 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState], pid:12961, STATE_DEAD
02-04 12:19:37.591 568 658 D RilUtility: notify_rild_crash_pid_set certPid:-1, crash:12961, scn:0x0
02-04 12:19:37.591 15150 17142 I InputTransport: Destroy ARC handle: 0xb4000079e63675a0
02-04 12:19:37.592 15150 17142 I InputTransport: Destroy ARC handle: 0xb4000079e6367a00
02-04 12:19:37.592 15150 17142 I InputTransport: Destroy ARC handle: 0xb4000079e6371560
02-04 12:19:37.592 15150 17142 I InputTransport: Destroy ARC handle: 0xb4000079e6372100
02-04 12:19:37.595 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.597 15150 15168 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 12961
02-04 12:19:37.598 18578 22701 D UidObserver: onUidGone entry uid = 1012261
02-04 12:19:37.598 15150 15468 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 1010113, uidState = 10
02-04 12:19:37.598 15150 15468 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: removeUidState uid = 1012261
02-04 12:19:37.598 18583 18583 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent { }
02-04 12:19:37.601 568 658 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req] TIMER_MSG_PERF_LOCK_TIMEOUT hdl:40681
02-04 12:19:37.601 568 658 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:40681, idx:0
02-04 12:19:37.601 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:0 hdl:40681 lock_user:system_server pid:15150 tid:15166 dur:558
02-04 12:19:37.601 568 658 I libPowerHal: [setClusterFreq] scn:system_server, freq:0, 0
02-04 12:19:37.601 568 658 I libPowerHal: system_server: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: -1 -1 -1 -1
02-04 12:19:37.601 568 658 I libPowerHal: system_server: set gpu opp level: 27
02-04 12:19:37.601 568 658 I libPowerHal: system_server: set gpu opp level max: 0
02-04 12:19:37.601 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PD] system_server update cmd:1000000, param:-1
02-04 12:19:37.601 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PD] system_server update cmd:1000000 param:-1
02-04 12:19:37.602 15314 15341 I com.xiaomi.xms: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION and parcel size 0
02-04 12:19:37.602 15150 15468 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 1010113, uidState = 19
02-04 12:19:37.602 15150 15468 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 1010058, uidState = 10
02-04 12:19:37.602 16975 1364 I com.xiaomi.xms: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION and parcel size 0
02-04 12:19:37.604 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:37.606 15150 15468 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 1010058, uidState = 19
02-04 12:19:37.612 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.620 15150 15244 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:37.629 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.637 15150 15244 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:37.646 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.655 15150 15244 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:37.663 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.671 15150 15244 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:37.679 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.688 15150 17142 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:37.693 950 13202 D AAL : onALIChanged: 55 -> 52
02-04 12:19:37.693 950 13202 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 52
02-04 12:19:37.696 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.698 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:37.097 BL= 364,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:19:37.214 BL= 363,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:19:37.230 BL= 364,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:19:37.664 BL= 364,ESS= 257, 02-04 12:19:37.698 BL= 364,ESS= 258,
02-04 12:19:37.705 15150 15244 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:37.713 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.721 15150 17142 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:37.729 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.740 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127351, screenshot (com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper#0)
02-04 12:19:37.740 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127351, screenshot (com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0)
02-04 12:19:37.746 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.763 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.775 638 693 I BufferQueueProducer: [NavigationBar0#0](this:0xb400007632e25c58,id:5275,api:1,p:15601,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=23.66 dur=1099.07 max=666.30 min=3.82
02-04 12:19:37.779 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.829 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 3 lines
02-04 12:19:37.846 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.852 4977 5193 D GestureStubView: hideGestureStub
02-04 12:19:37.852 4977 5193 D GestureStubView: hideGestureStub
02-04 12:19:37.856 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127352, screenshot (com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper#0)
02-04 12:19:37.857 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127352, screenshot (com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0)
02-04 12:19:37.863 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.868 4977 5193 D GestureStubView: gatherTransparentRegion: need render w:54 h:1404
02-04 12:19:37.879 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.880 638 1531 I BufferQueueProducer: [GestureStubLeft#0](this:0xb400007658a6f258,id:7749,api:1,p:4977,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=0.01 dur=172626.84 max=172626.84 min=172626.84
02-04 12:19:37.881 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:37.716 BL= 363,ESS= 258, 02-04 12:19:37.748 BL= 362,ESS= 258, 02-04 12:19:37.766 BL= 361,ESS= 258, 02-04 12:19:37.783 BL= 360,ESS= 258, 02-04 12:19:37.881 BL= 360,ESS= 257,
02-04 12:19:37.888 15150 15244 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:37.893 950 13202 D AAL : onALIChanged: 52 -> 51
02-04 12:19:37.893 950 13202 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 51
02-04 12:19:37.896 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.902 4977 5193 D GestureStubView: gatherTransparentRegion: need render w:54 h:1404
02-04 12:19:37.913 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.914 638 694 I BufferQueueProducer: [GestureStubRight#0](this:0xb400007658a71c58,id:7750,api:1,p:4977,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=0.01 dur=172653.36 max=172653.36 min=172653.36
02-04 12:19:37.921 15150 15244 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:37.929 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.947 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 1 line
02-04 12:19:37.963 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.973 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127353, screenshot (com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper#0)
02-04 12:19:37.973 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127353, screenshot (com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0)
02-04 12:19:37.979 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:37.996 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 1 line
02-04 12:19:38.013 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:38.020 4977 4977 E RotationHelper: setCurrentStateRequest: request=0
02-04 12:19:38.029 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:38.063 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 2 lines
02-04 12:19:38.080 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:38.090 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127354, screenshot (com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper#0)
02-04 12:19:38.090 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127354, screenshot (com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0)
02-04 12:19:38.097 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:38.114 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 1 line
02-04 12:19:38.130 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:38.134 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:37.915 BL= 360,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:19:37.999 BL= 359,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:19:38.049 BL= 358,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:19:38.085 BL= 357,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:19:38.134 BL= 356,ESS= 256,
02-04 12:19:38.141 19219 19231 I [BIP] : [BIP NL] event newaddr match dev 0
02-04 12:19:38.141 19219 19231 I [BIP] : [BIP NL] IPv6: *:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
02-04 12:19:38.141 19219 19231 I [BIP] : [BIP NL] addr state is 3, ipv4=*.*.*.*, ipv6=*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
02-04 12:19:38.142 19219 19231 I [BIP] : [BIP NL] event newaddr match dev 0
02-04 12:19:38.142 19219 19231 I [BIP] : [BIP NL] IPv6: *:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
02-04 12:19:38.142 19219 19231 I [BIP] : [BIP NL] addr state is 3, ipv4=*.*.*.*, ipv6=*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
02-04 12:19:38.146 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:38.180 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 2 lines
02-04 12:19:38.197 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:38.206 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127355, screenshot (com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper#0)
02-04 12:19:38.206 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127355, screenshot (com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0)
02-04 12:19:38.213 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:38.231 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:38.239 542 542 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:54.105042,dur:1016.54,max:67.85,min:14.13
02-04 12:19:38.247 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:38.280 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 2 lines
02-04 12:19:38.297 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:38.306 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127356, screenshot (com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper#0)
02-04 12:19:38.306 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127356, screenshot (com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0)
02-04 12:19:38.314 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:38.330 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 1 line
02-04 12:19:38.347 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:38.351 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:38.183 BL= 355,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:19:38.218 BL= 354,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:19:38.268 BL= 353,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:19:38.300 BL= 352,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:19:38.351 BL= 351,ESS= 256,
02-04 12:19:38.362 15150 15468 D MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateLimit mLimitEnabled=true,enabled=false,mNetworkPriorityMode=255
02-04 12:19:38.363 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:38.397 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 2 lines
02-04 12:19:38.414 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:38.423 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127357, screenshot (com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper#0)
02-04 12:19:38.423 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127357, screenshot (com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0)
02-04 12:19:38.430 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:38.464 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 2 lines
02-04 12:19:38.480 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:38.494 950 13202 D AAL : onALIChanged: 51 -> 52
02-04 12:19:38.494 950 13202 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 52
02-04 12:19:38.497 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:38.530 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 2 lines
02-04 12:19:38.547 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:38.552 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:38.385 BL= 350,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:19:38.435 BL= 349,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:19:38.469 BL= 348,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:19:38.518 BL= 347,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:19:38.551 BL= 346,ESS= 256,
02-04 12:19:38.564 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:38.614 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 3 lines
02-04 12:19:38.630 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:38.633 542 792 I hwcomposer: [DPY] receive refesh frquest from driver: type[4]
02-04 12:19:38.633 542 792 I hwcomposer: [HWC] fire a callback of refresh to SF
02-04 12:19:38.645 638 638 I BufferQueueProducer: [FramebufferSurface](this:0xb4000076da4bced0,id:-1,api:1,p:638,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=13.85 dur=3250.26 max=2517.32 min=11.27
02-04 12:19:38.646 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:38.648 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127358, screenshot (com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper#0)
02-04 12:19:38.648 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127358, screenshot (com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0)
02-04 12:19:38.663 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:38.680 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:38.694 950 13202 D AAL : onALIChanged: 52 -> 54
02-04 12:19:38.694 950 13202 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 54
02-04 12:19:38.697 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:38.747 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 3 lines
02-04 12:19:38.763 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:38.768 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:38.601 BL= 345,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:19:38.650 BL= 344,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:19:38.685 BL= 343,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:19:38.735 BL= 342,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:19:38.768 BL= 341,ESS= 256,
02-04 12:19:38.780 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:38.880 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 10 lines
02-04 12:19:38.885 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:38.894 950 13202 D AAL : onALIChanged: 54 -> 55
02-04 12:19:38.894 950 13202 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 55
02-04 12:19:38.897 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:39.085 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 18 lines
02-04 12:19:39.097 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:39.100 950 13202 D AAL : onALIChanged: 55 -> 56
02-04 12:19:39.100 950 13202 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 56
02-04 12:19:39.102 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:39.480 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 45 lines
02-04 12:19:39.485 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:39.494 950 13202 D AAL : onALIChanged: 56 -> 58
02-04 12:19:39.494 950 13202 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 58
02-04 12:19:39.497 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:39.552 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 5 lines
02-04 12:19:39.564 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:39.567 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:38.819 BL= 340,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:19:38.834 BL= 339,ESS= 256,
02-04 12:19:39.569 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:39.864 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 18 lines
02-04 12:19:39.881 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:39.894 950 13202 D AAL : onALIChanged: 58 -> 57
02-04 12:19:39.894 950 13202 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 57
02-04 12:19:39.895 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:40.062 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 11 lines
02-04 12:19:40.079 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:40.094 950 13202 D AAL : onALIChanged: 57 -> 56
02-04 12:19:40.094 950 13202 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 56
02-04 12:19:40.096 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:40.264 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 11 lines
02-04 12:19:40.281 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:40.294 950 13202 D AAL : onALIChanged: 56 -> 55
02-04 12:19:40.298 950 13202 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 55
02-04 12:19:40.300 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:40.414 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 8 lines
02-04 12:19:40.430 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:40.442 15150 15470 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.976) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = }
02-04 12:19:40.447 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:40.547 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 6 lines
02-04 12:19:40.564 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:40.576 15150 15448 D MIUIInput: [MotionEvent] notifyMotion - eventTime=243155982231000, deviceId=3, source=0x1002, policyFlags=0x0, action=0x0, flags=0x0, downTime=243155982231000, moveCount:0
02-04 12:19:40.577 638 693 I BufferQueueProducer: [Sprite#0](this:0xb400007658a72a58,id:7759,api:2,p:15150,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=0.55 dur=3619.32 max=3127.04 min=492.28
02-04 12:19:40.578 15150 15447 W InputDispatcher: checkSynergyInfo mode:0 info:0 0, id:-1
02-04 12:19:40.579 568 658 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:40685 hint:25 pid:568 duration:120 => ret_hdl:40685
02-04 12:19:40.579 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:0 hdl:40685 hint:25 comm:mtkpower@1.0-se pid:568
02-04 12:19:40.579 568 658 I libPowerHal: [setClusterFreq] scn:MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH, freq:2000000, 2050000
02-04 12:19:40.580 568 658 I libPowerHal: MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: 2000000 -1 2050000 -1
02-04 12:19:40.580 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:1000000, param:0
02-04 12:19:40.580 4977 4977 D MIUIInput: [MotionEvent] ViewRootImpl { action=ACTION_DOWN, id[0]=0, pointerCount=1, eventTime=243155982, downTime=243155982 } moveCount:0
02-04 12:19:40.580 4977 4977 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class com.miui.home.launcher.common.messages.EndSpringAnimatorMessage
02-04 12:19:40.580 4977 4977 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.NoSubscriberEvent
02-04 12:19:40.580 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:410000, param:1
02-04 12:19:40.580 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:1408300, param:100
02-04 12:19:40.580 4977 4977 D FeedSwipeController: touchState : 0 scrolling : false normalEditing : false WidgetThumbnailViewShowing : false UninstallDialogShowing : false isMinusScreenShowing: false
02-04 12:19:40.580 4977 4977 D FeedSwipeController: can not use
02-04 12:19:40.580 4977 4977 D Launcher.StatusBarController: try intercept touch, isProxySurvive=true
02-04 12:19:40.580 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:40.581 4977 4977 D Launcher.Workspace: Workspace touch down
02-04 12:19:40.581 4977 4977 D ScreenView_Workspace: onIntercept:0.0
02-04 12:19:40.581 4977 4977 D ScreenView_Workspace: not intercept
02-04 12:19:40.581 4977 4977 D Launcher.CellLayout: touch item:ShortcutInfo, id=1316, itemType=0, user=UserHandle{10}, mIconType=0,, className=com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity, screenId=3, container=-100, cellX=3, cellY=0, spanX=1, spanY=1, isLandscapePos=false
02-04 12:19:40.581 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:3408600 param:1
02-04 12:19:40.581 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:1000000 param:0
02-04 12:19:40.581 4977 4977 D Launcher.itemIcon: folmeDown
02-04 12:19:40.583 4977 7200 D Launcher_dispatchTouchEvent_View: [motionEvent view:]
02-04 12:19:40.583 4977 7200 D Launcher_dispatchTouchEvent_View: 19:40.581 View=com.miui.home.launcher.ShortcutMenuLayer{1def273 V.E...... .......D 0,0-1080,2340 #7f0a01d5 app:id/shortcut_menu_layer}
02-04 12:19:40.583 4977 7200 D Launcher_dispatchTouchEvent_View: 19:40.582 View=com.miui.home.launcher.DragLayer{a543ceb V.E...... .......D 0,0-1080,2340 #7f0a00be app:id/drag_layer}
02-04 12:19:40.583 4977 7200 D Launcher_dispatchTouchEvent_View: 19:40.582{92fba48 V.ED..... .......D 0,0-1080,2340 #7f0a019e app:id/screen}
02-04 12:19:40.583 4977 7200 D Launcher_dispatchTouchEvent_View: 19:40.582 View=com.miui.home.launcher.FitSystemWindowView{fc470e1 V.E...... .......D 0,0-1080,2340 #7f0a019f app:id/screen_content}
02-04 12:19:40.583 4977 7200 D Launcher_dispatchTouchEvent_View: 19:40.582 View=com.miui.home.launcher.Workspace{ece06 V.E...... .......D 0,0-1080,2296 #7f0a025d app:id/workspace}
02-04 12:19:40.583 4977 7200 D Launcher_dispatchTouchEvent_View: 19:40.582 View=com.miui.home.launcher.CellScreen{b2ae0da V.E...... .......D 2160,80-3240,2296}
02-04 12:19:40.583 4977 7200 D Launcher_dispatchTouchEvent_View: 19:40.582 View= mHCells=4 mVCells=6 mTotalCells=24 mCellXY[0]=3 mCellXY[1]=5 childCount=4 EmptyCellsNum=20 [ tag 0 =com.miui.home.launcher.ShortcutIcon{e28b8e9 VFE...CL. ........ 33,84-287,359}(Hit Master 3D)| childWidth 0 =254| childHeight 0 =275| childTranslationX 0 =0.0| childTranslationY 0 =0.0| childX 0 =33.0| childY 0 =84.0| childAlpha 0 =1.0] [ tag 1 =com.miui.home.launcher.ShortcutIcon{8dcece8 VFE...CL. ........ 541,84-795,359}(Gemini)| childWidth 1 =254| childHeight 1 =275| childTranslationX 1 =0.0| childTranslationY 1 =0.0| childX 1 =541.0| childY 1 =84.0| childAlpha 1 =1.0] [ tag 2 =com.miui.home.launcher.ShortcutIcon{e3cd4c1 VFE...CL. ........ 287,84-541,359}(Paper Fold)| childWidth 2 =254| childHeight 2 =275| childTranslationX 2 =0.0| childTranslationY 2 =0.0| childX 2 =287.0| childY 2 =84.0| childAlpha 2 =1.0] [ tag 3 =com.miui.home.launcher.ShortcutIcon{5312679 VFE...CL. ...P..ID 795,84-1049,359}(Web Master)| childWidth 3 =254| childHeight 3 =275| childTranslationX 3 =0.0| childTranslationY 3 =0.0| childX 3 =795.0| childY 3 =84.0| childAlpha 3 =1.0]
02-04 12:19:40.583 4977 7200 D Launcher_dispatchTouchEvent_View: 19:40.582 View=com.miui.home.launcher.ShortcutIcon{5312679 VFE...CL. ...P..ID 795,84-1049,359}(Web Master)
02-04 12:19:40.587 15150 17050 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:40.589 542 542 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:5.955384,dur:2350.81,max:1943.44,min:16.21
02-04 12:19:40.594 638 694 I BufferQueueProducer: [com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0](this:0xb400007658a77e58,id:7788,api:1,p:4977,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=10.21 dur=3035.98 max=2546.57 min=8.41
02-04 12:19:40.596 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:40.605 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127359, screenshot (com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper#0)
02-04 12:19:40.605 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127359, screenshot (com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0)
02-04 12:19:40.612 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:40.662 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 3 lines
02-04 12:19:40.679 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:40.680 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:40.631 BL= 338,ESS= 256,
02-04 12:19:40.682 15150 15448 D MIUIInput: [MotionEvent] notifyMotion - eventTime=243156089118000, deviceId=3, source=0x1002, policyFlags=0x0, action=0x1, flags=0x0, downTime=243155982231000, moveCount:0
02-04 12:19:40.682 15150 15447 W InputDispatcher: checkSynergyInfo mode:0 info:0 0, id:-1
02-04 12:19:40.682 568 658 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:40685, idx:0
02-04 12:19:40.682 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:0 hdl:40685 hint:25 comm:mtkpower@1.0-se pid:568
02-04 12:19:40.682 568 658 I libPowerHal: [setClusterFreq] scn:MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH, freq:0, 0
02-04 12:19:40.682 4977 4977 D MIUIInput: [MotionEvent] ViewRootImpl { action=ACTION_UP, id[0]=0, pointerCount=1, eventTime=243156089, downTime=243155982 } moveCount:0
02-04 12:19:40.683 568 658 I libPowerHal: MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: -1 -1 -1 -1
02-04 12:19:40.683 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:1000000, param:-1
02-04 12:19:40.683 4977 4977 D Launcher.Workspace: Workspace touch up or cancel
02-04 12:19:40.683 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:410000 param:0
02-04 12:19:40.683 4977 4977 D ScreenView_Workspace: oninterceput up
02-04 12:19:40.683 4977 5774 I RenderThread: RenderThread resumed
02-04 12:19:40.683 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:1408300 param:0
02-04 12:19:40.683 4977 5774 I RenderThread: All controllers paused.
02-04 12:19:40.683 4977 5774 I RenderThread: RenderThread paused, waiting for signal
02-04 12:19:40.683 4977 4977 D Launcher.itemIcon: folmeUp
02-04 12:19:40.683 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:3408600 param:0
02-04 12:19:40.683 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:1000000 param:-1
02-04 12:19:40.685 4977 4977 E QuickstepAppTransitionManagerImpl: getActivityLaunchOptions iconLoc=Rect(843, 187 - 1011, 355)
02-04 12:19:40.686 4977 4977 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request time:243156093
02-04 12:19:40.689 15150 17050 I ActivityTaskManager: START u10 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 bnds=[843,187][1011,355] (has extras)} from uid 1010052
02-04 12:19:40.690 15150 17050 D MiuiMultiWindowAdapter: MiuiMultiWindowAdapter::getFreeformBlackList::sSmallWindowBlackList = [com.miui.securitycenter, com.miui.weather2, com.miui.miservice,, com.xiaomi.calendar,, com.miui.mishare.connectivity,,, com.miui.backup, com.miui.huanji, com.miui.calculator,,, com.mfashiongallery.emag, com.miui.virtualsim, com.miui.smarttravel,,,, com.miui.cleanmaster, com.miui.newhome, com.miui.voiceassist,, com.miui.yellowpage,, com.miui.tsmclient, com.miui.securitycore, com.xiaomi.account,, com.xiaomi.smarthome, com.mipay.wallet, com.xiaomi.youpin,, com.miui.bugreport, com.xiaomi.mibrain.speech, com.xiaomi.mimoji, com.xiaomi.scanner,, com.miui.hybrid,,, com.miui.videoplayer, com.miui.player,, com.miui.packageinstaller,,,,, com.miui.compass, com.miui.greenguard, com.kiteguard,,,,,, com.tencent.mtt, com.shyz.toutiao,, com.outfit7.talkingtomgoldrun.mi, com.doudz.mi,, cn.jj, com.standddz002.mi, com.miHoYo.bh3.mi, com.qqgame.hlddz, com.happyelements.AndroidAnimal, com.minitech.miniworld.TMobile.mi, com.mfp.jelly.xiaomi, com.lilithgames.afk.mi, com.tencent.peng,, blockpuzzle.jewelgames.jewelslegend, com.playgendary.tanks,,, com.playrix.township, com.ansangha.drdriving,, com.gbits.atm.mi, com.tencent.tetris,,]
02-04 12:19:40.697 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:40.701 568 603 I mtkpower@impl: [setMode] type:5, enabled:1
02-04 12:19:40.701 568 658 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:40686 hint:11 pid:568 duration:30000 => ret_hdl:40686
02-04 12:19:40.701 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:0 hdl:40686 hint:11 comm:mtkpower@1.0-se pid:568
02-04 12:19:40.701 568 658 I libPowerHal: perfScnEnable MTK_POWER_HINT_LAUNCH scenario
02-04 12:19:40.702 568 658 I libPowerHal: perfScnEnable setThermalBreak ret = 33
02-04 12:19:40.702 568 658 I libPowerHal: [setClusterFreq] scn:LAUNCH, freq:2000000, 2050000
02-04 12:19:40.702 568 658 I libPowerHal: LAUNCH: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: 2000000 -1 2050000 -1
02-04 12:19:40.702 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PE] LAUNCH update cmd:1000000, param:0
02-04 12:19:40.703 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PE] LAUNCH update cmd:1408300, param:100
02-04 12:19:40.703 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PE] LAUNCH update cmd:1000000 param:0
02-04 12:19:40.704 15150 15244 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:40.705 15150 17050 I PowerHalWrapper: PowerHalWrapper.getInstance
02-04 12:19:40.706 524 531 E statsd : Predicate 5980654721335871649 dropping data for dimension key (10)0x2010101->1012261[I] (10)0x30000->*launch*[S]
02-04 12:19:40.707 568 658 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:40687 hint:22 pid:568 duration:10000 => ret_hdl:40687
02-04 12:19:40.707 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:1 hdl:40687 hint:22 comm:mtkpower@1.0-se pid:568
02-04 12:19:40.710 4977 7200 D Launcher_dispatchTouchEvent: [motionEvent action:(rawX,rawY)] 19:40.583[0(947,0,258,0)] 19:40.709[1(947,0,258,0)]
02-04 12:19:40.710 4977 7200 D Launcher_Scrollto: [(rawX,rawY)|scrollX]
02-04 12:19:40.711 4977 4977 D Launcher.Lifecycle: onPause:UserHandle{10},9c0bee7,true
02-04 12:19:40.711 4977 4977 D Launcher_UnlockAnimationStateMachine: setState:PAUSE_WAIT
02-04 12:19:40.712 15150 15169 E system_server: No package ID 7f found for ID 0x7f130331.
02-04 12:19:40.712 15150 15169 E system_server: No package ID 7f found for ID 0x7f12005d.
02-04 12:19:40.713 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:40.715 15150 15760 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:0, dur:400, num:8, tid:15760
02-04 12:19:40.715 15150 15760 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:40688
02-04 12:19:40.715 568 658 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:2 hdl:40688 hint:-1 pid:15150 duration:400 => ret_hdl:40688
02-04 12:19:40.715 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:2 hdl:40688 lock_user:system_server pid:15150 tid:15760 dur:400
02-04 12:19:40.715 568 658 I libPowerHal: system_server: set gpu opp level: 0
02-04 12:19:40.716 568 658 I libPowerHal: system_server: set gpu opp level max: 0
02-04 12:19:40.721 15150 17050 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:40.726 568 658 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:3 hdl:40689 hint:21 pid:568 duration:10000 => ret_hdl:40689
02-04 12:19:40.726 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:3 hdl:40689 hint:21 comm:mtkpower@1.0-se pid:568
02-04 12:19:40.727 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_PROCESS_CREATE update cmd:2020000, param:15
02-04 12:19:40.728 568 658 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:40671, idx:-1
02-04 12:19:40.728 15150 15169 D DecorView: createDecorCaptionView windowingMode:1 mWindowMode 1 isFullscreen: true
02-04 12:19:40.729 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:40.731 15150 15468 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 1012261, uidState = 19
02-04 12:19:40.733 4977 4977 I RenderVsyncUpdater: All controllers paused.
02-04 12:19:40.733 4977 5125 D StatusBarController: handleMessage: flag 800000 disable false
02-04 12:19:40.738 15086 15086 D Zygote : Forked child process 17077
02-04 12:19:40.738 15150 17050 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:40.739 4977 4977 D Launcher_WallpaperUtils: changeStatusBarMode:false
02-04 12:19:40.739 15150 15169 E system_server: No package ID 7f found for ID 0x7f0f0000.
02-04 12:19:40.741 4977 4977 I RenderVsyncUpdater: All controllers paused.
02-04 12:19:40.744 15150 15179 I ActivityManager: Start proc for pre-top-activity {} caller=com.miui.home
02-04 12:19:40.746 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:40.748 17077 17077 I games.webmaste: Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni
02-04 12:19:40.749 15150 15169 W WindowManager: Token{52b0ce1 ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104}} failed creating starting window
02-04 12:19:40.749 15150 15169 W WindowManager: android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: Resource ID #0x7f0f0000
02-04 12:19:40.749 15150 15169 W WindowManager: at android.content.res.ResourcesImpl.getValueForDensity(
02-04 12:19:40.749 15150 15169 W WindowManager: at android.content.res.Resources.getDrawableForDensity(
02-04 12:19:40.749 15150 15169 W WindowManager: at android.content.res.Resources.getDrawable(
02-04 12:19:40.749 15150 15169 W WindowManager: at android.content.Context.getDrawable(
02-04 12:19:40.749 15150 15169 W WindowManager: at
02-04 12:19:40.749 15150 15169 W WindowManager: at
02-04 12:19:40.749 15150 15169 W WindowManager: at
02-04 12:19:40.749 15150 15169 W WindowManager: at
02-04 12:19:40.749 15150 15169 W WindowManager: at
02-04 12:19:40.749 15150 15169 W WindowManager: at
02-04 12:19:40.749 15150 15169 W WindowManager: at
02-04 12:19:40.749 15150 15169 W WindowManager: at$
02-04 12:19:40.749 15150 15169 W WindowManager: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
02-04 12:19:40.749 15150 15169 W WindowManager: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
02-04 12:19:40.749 15150 15169 W WindowManager: at android.os.Looper.loop(
02-04 12:19:40.749 15150 15169 W WindowManager: at
02-04 12:19:40.749 15150 15169 W WindowManager: at
02-04 12:19:40.755 15150 15244 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:40.762 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:40.764 17077 17077 I games.webmaste: Unquickening 22 vdex files!
02-04 12:19:40.769 10861 10889 I adbd : jdwp connection from 17077
02-04 12:19:40.771 15150 17050 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:40.771 15150 17050 I InputDispatcher: Focus left window: Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} in display 0
02-04 12:19:40.771 15150 17050 I InputDispatcher: Window went away: Window{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher}
02-04 12:19:40.772 4977 4977 D Launcher.Lifecycle: onWindowFocusChanged:false,UserHandle{10},9c0bee7,true
02-04 12:19:40.778 28569 5310 I ProcessMonitor: onForegroundInfoChanged: ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='', mForegroundUid=1012261, mForegroundPid=17077, mLastForegroundPackageName='com.miui.home', mLastForegroundUid=1010052, mLastForegroundPid=4977, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='null', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=-1, mFlags=1}
02-04 12:19:40.778 17185 32608 I ProcessMonitor: onForegroundInfoChanged: ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='', mForegroundUid=1012261, mForegroundPid=17077, mLastForegroundPackageName='com.miui.home', mLastForegroundUid=1010052, mLastForegroundPid=4977, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='null', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=-1, mFlags=1}
02-04 12:19:40.778 568 658 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState], pid:17077, uid:1012261
02-04 12:19:40.778 18974 18997 I GST : forePkg:, preForePkg: com.miui.home
02-04 12:19:40.779 18578 21416 D PerfEngineController: ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='', mForegroundUid=1012261, mForegroundPid=17077, mLastForegroundPackageName='com.miui.home', mLastForegroundUid=1010052, mLastForegroundPid=4977, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='null', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=-1, mFlags=1}
02-04 12:19:40.779 568 658 I UxUtility: notifyForegroundApp, uid:1012261
02-04 12:19:40.779 568 658 I TouchUtility: notifyAppState error = NULL
02-04 12:19:40.779 18578 19713 I ThermalInfoCollector: collectForgroundAppsInfo
02-04 12:19:40.779 568 602 I mtkpower@impl: [notifyAppState] pc:1, com.miui.home =>
02-04 12:19:40.780 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:40.780 29891 29914 I ProcessMonitor: onForegroundInfoChanged: ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='', mForegroundUid=1012261, mForegroundPid=17077, mLastForegroundPackageName='com.miui.home', mLastForegroundUid=1010052, mLastForegroundPid=4977, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='null', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=-1, mFlags=1}
02-04 12:19:40.780 28569 5310 I GameBoosterService: onForegroundInfoChanged: last=com.miui.home
02-04 12:19:40.784 26081 26235 I ProcessMonitor: onForegroundInfoChanged: ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='', mForegroundUid=1012261, mForegroundPid=17077, mLastForegroundPackageName='com.miui.home', mLastForegroundUid=1010052, mLastForegroundPid=4977, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='null', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=-1, mFlags=1}
02-04 12:19:40.785 15150 17050 W WindowManager: Changing focus fromWindow{86d4ddd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher} to null displayId=0
02-04 12:19:40.787 28569 5310 D GameBoosterService: gameStartDelay foreground:ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='', mForegroundUid=1012261, mForegroundPid=17077, mLastForegroundPackageName='com.miui.home', mLastForegroundUid=1010052, mLastForegroundPid=4977, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='null', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=-1, mFlags=1}
02-04 12:19:40.787 28569 5310 I VideoBoxUtils: isSupportVideoBox: false
02-04 12:19:40.788 15150 17050 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:40.789 28569 29649 D com.miui.gamebooster.provider.GameBoosterProvider: query
02-04 12:19:40.789 15150 15169 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:243156196
02-04 12:19:40.792 15314 15341 D PMonitor: onForegroundActivitiesChanged:pid = 17077,activity-uid=1012261,foregroundActivities=true
02-04 12:19:40.793 16975 1364 D PMonitor: onForegroundActivitiesChanged:pid = 17077,activity-uid=1012261,foregroundActivities=true
02-04 12:19:40.793 15150 15468 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 1012261, uidState = 2
02-04 12:19:40.796 28569 5310 I VideoToolBoxService: splitMode: onfalse
02-04 12:19:40.796 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:40.796 28569 5310 I VideoToolBoxService: onForegroundInfoChanged: Exit Vtb
02-04 12:19:40.802 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:20 Received 4 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.802 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.803 28569 29649 I FreeformWindowService: setGameBoosterMode: true
02-04 12:19:40.803 28569 29649 I FreeformWindowHandler: setGameBoosterMode: open=true
02-04 12:19:40.803 28569 29649 I FreeformWindowHandler: enter QuickReply mode
02-04 12:19:40.805 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:4 Received 48 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.805 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.806 15150 15168 I WindowManager: papermode:updateTextureEyeCareLevel, texture eyecare enable : false, level : 13
02-04 12:19:40.807 15150 15760 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:40.809 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:20 Received 4 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.809 29891 29891 W FirebaseRemoteConfig: No value of type 'Boolean' exists for parameter key 'gt_close'.
02-04 12:19:40.809 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.812 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:40.813 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:40.782 BL= 339,ESS= 256,
02-04 12:19:40.813 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:4 Received 48 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.813 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.814 29891 17110 W FirebaseRemoteConfig: No value of type 'String' exists for parameter key 'gt_pkg_list'.
02-04 12:19:40.814 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.815 28569 29649 I GameBoosterService: start app... value131072 30000
02-04 12:19:40.815 28569 29649 I GameBoosterService: mIsAntiKeyboard...start
02-04 12:19:40.816 17185 17631 I SCTaskStackListener: onTaskStackChanged! inSplit = false
02-04 12:19:40.816 17185 32608 I SCTaskStackListener: onTaskStackChanged! inSplit = false
02-04 12:19:40.816 28569 2557 I SCTaskStackListener: onTaskStackChanged! inSplit = false
02-04 12:19:40.817 28569 5310 I SCTaskStackListener: onTaskStackChanged! inSplit = false
02-04 12:19:40.819 28569 29649 I GameBoxService: open
02-04 12:19:40.821 15150 15760 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:40.821 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:8 Received 34 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.821 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.822 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.823 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127360, screenshot (com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper#0)
02-04 12:19:40.824 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127360, screenshot (com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0)
02-04 12:19:40.825 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:8 Received 34 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.825 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.827 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.828 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:c Received 36 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.829 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.829 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:40.829 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.832 28569 29649 D AudioSystem: +setParameters(): audio_game_sound_effect_switch=on;
02-04 12:19:40.832 15088 15501 I AudioFlinger: setGameParameters keyvalue:;audio_game_sound_effect_switch=on
02-04 12:19:40.832 17185 32608 I GBNotificationListener: registerCallback
02-04 12:19:40.833 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:c Received 36 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.833 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.834 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.834 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:4 Received 24 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.834 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.835 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.835 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:4 Received 24 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.835 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.835 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.838 15150 17145 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:40.838 14963 15455 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():;audio_game_sound_effect_switch=on
02-04 12:19:40.838 14963 15455 D AudioALSAHardware: setParameters: [DEBUG] setParameters keyAUDIO_PARAMETER_KEY_GAME_SOUNED_EFFECT_SWITCH: on
02-04 12:19:40.839 14963 15455 D AudioMTKGainController: setScene(), scene = app_gaming_16k
02-04 12:19:40.839 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:8 Received 34 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.839 14963 15455 D AudioMTKGainController: getSceneIndex(), app_gaming_16k index nout found, use GAIN_SCENE_INDEX_DEFAULT
02-04 12:19:40.839 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.839 14963 15455 D AudioALSASpeechPhoneCallController: setCustScene(), Scene(app_gaming_16k) NOT support. return
02-04 12:19:40.839 14963 15455 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: setAudioZoomFlag() mIsAudioZoomOn 0
02-04 12:19:40.839 14963 15455 D AudioALSAHardware: setParameters:Hal setParameters setCustScene app_gaming_16k
02-04 12:19:40.839 14963 15455 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters():;audio_game_sound_effect_switch=on
02-04 12:19:40.839 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.840 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:8 Received 34 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.840 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.841 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.841 28569 29649 I CompetitionModeService: audio_game_sound_effect_switch=on;
02-04 12:19:40.841 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:c Received 20 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.842 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.841 15086 15086 D Zygote : Forked child process 17111
02-04 12:19:40.842 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.843 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:c Received 20 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.844 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.844 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.845 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:4 Received 24 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.845 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.846 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:40.846 15150 15468 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: networkPriorityMode = 255 mNetworkPriorityMode =255 mWifiConnected=true
02-04 12:19:40.846 28569 29649 I GameBoosterService: setNetworkTrafficPolicy:true
02-04 12:19:40.809 15150 15168 I WindowManager: papermode:updateTextureEyeCareLevel, texture eyecare enable : false, level : 13
02-04 12:19:40.846 15150 15179 I ActivityManager: Start proc 17111:com.miui.securitycenter:ui/u10s1000 for service {com.miui.securitycenter/com.miui.gamebooster.service.DockWindowManagerService} caller=com.miui.securitycenter
02-04 12:19:40.846 28569 29649 I GameBoosterService: mIsNetPriority...start
02-04 12:19:40.847 28569 29649 I ITouchFeature: current device and process support version:1
02-04 12:19:40.847 28569 29649 I AdvanceSettingsUtil: setTouchMode v1 mode:0 value1
02-04 12:19:40.847 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.847 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:8 Received 165 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.848 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.849 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.849 28569 29649 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: vendor.xiaomi.hardware.touchfeature@1.0::ITouchFeature/default
02-04 12:19:40.849 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:4 Received 24 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.849 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.850 609 609 D TouchFeature: setModeValue mode:0, value:1
02-04 12:19:40.850 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.850 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:c Received 20 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.850 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.851 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.851 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:8 Received 165 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.851 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.852 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.852 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:c Received 20 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.852 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.854 15150 17142 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:40.856 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:20 Received 4 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.856 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.857 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:4 Received 48 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.857 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.859 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.860 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:8 Received 34 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.860 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.860 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:20 Received 4 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.861 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.860 17111 17111 E curitycenter:u: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
02-04 12:19:40.861 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:4 Received 48 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.861 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.862 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.862 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:40.863 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:c Received 36 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.863 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.864 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.865 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:8 Received 34 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.865 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.865 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.866 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:4 Received 24 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.866 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.867 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.867 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:8 Received 34 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.867 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.868 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.868 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:c Received 20 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.868 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.869 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.869 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:c Received 36 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.869 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.870 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.870 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:4 Received 24 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.870 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.871 15150 17145 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:40.874 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.875 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:8 Received 128 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.875 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.879 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:40.881 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.881 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:c Received 20 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.881 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.882 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.882 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:4 Received 24 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.882 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.883 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.883 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:8 Received 34 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.883 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.888 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.888 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:c Received 20 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.888 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.888 15150 17142 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:40.892 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.893 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:4 Received 24 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.893 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.893 950 13202 D AALLightSensor: oldLux=55 [SA:53 LA:53] newLux=53 (oriLux: 53)
02-04 12:19:40.893 950 13202 D AAL : onALIChanged: 55 -> 53
02-04 12:19:40.893 950 13202 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 53
02-04 12:19:40.893 28569 29649 I AdvanceSettingsUtil: setTouchMode v1 mode:1 value1
02-04 12:19:40.895 28569 29649 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: vendor.xiaomi.hardware.touchfeature@1.0::ITouchFeature/default
02-04 12:19:40.895 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:20 Received 4 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.896 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:40.896 609 609 D TouchFeature: setModeValue mode:1, value:1
02-04 12:19:40.896 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.896 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:4 Received 48 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.896 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.897 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.897 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:8 Received 132 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.898 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.898 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.898 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:8 Received 34 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.899 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.899 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.899 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:c Received 20 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.899 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.899 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.900 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:c Received 36 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.900 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.902 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.905 15150 17142 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:40.906 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:4 Received 24 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.906 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.909 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:20 Received 4 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.910 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.910 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:4 Received 48 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.910 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.911 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.911 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:8 Received 34 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.912 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.912 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:40.913 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.916 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:c Received 36 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.916 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.917 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.917 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:8 Received 34 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.917 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.918 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.918 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:c Received 20 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.918 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.919 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.919 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:4 Received 24 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.919 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.921 15150 17145 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:40.921 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.922 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:4 Received 24 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.922 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.922 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.923 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:8 Received 34 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.923 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.925 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.926 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:c Received 20 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.926 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.928 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.929 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:40.929 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:4 Received 24 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.929 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.931 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.931 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:8 Received 165 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.931 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.931 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.932 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:8 Received 165 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.932 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.933 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.933 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:c Received 20 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.933 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.934 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.934 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:c Received 20 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.934 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.937 15150 17145 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:40.940 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127361, screenshot (com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper#0)
02-04 12:19:40.941 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127361, screenshot (com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0)
02-04 12:19:40.941 28569 29649 D CompetitionModeService: loadFeatureFromDB : packageUid = 1012261 , boosterPkgName =
02-04 12:19:40.941 28569 29649 D com.miui.gamebooster.provider.GameBoosterProvider: query
02-04 12:19:40.942 28569 29649 D CompetitionModeService: loadFeatureFromDB tmode=-1 t0=-1 t1=-1 t2=-1 t3=-1 edge=-1
02-04 12:19:40.942 28569 29649 I AdvanceSettingsUtil: getTouchModeDefValue v1 mode:3
02-04 12:19:40.944 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:20 Received 4 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.944 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.945 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:4 Received 48 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.945 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.945 28569 29649 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: vendor.xiaomi.hardware.touchfeature@1.0::ITouchFeature/default
02-04 12:19:40.946 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:40.946 609 609 D TouchFeature: getModeDefaultValue mode:3
02-04 12:19:40.946 28569 29649 I AdvanceSettingsUtil: setTouchMode v1 mode:3 value0
02-04 12:19:40.948 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.948 28569 29649 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: vendor.xiaomi.hardware.touchfeature@1.0::ITouchFeature/default
02-04 12:19:40.948 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:8 Received 34 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.948 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.948 609 609 D TouchFeature: setModeValue mode:3, value:0
02-04 12:19:40.949 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.949 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:c Received 36 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.950 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.948 17111 17111 W curitycenter:ui: type=1400 audit(0.0:358953): avc: denied { write } for name="com.miui.securitycenter-w1ymOVU2W8z6lEajBxLktQ==" dev="sdc46" ino=1319039 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:apk_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
02-04 12:19:40.952 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.952 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:4 Received 24 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.952 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.953 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.953 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:8 Received 34 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.953 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.956 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:20 Received 4 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.958 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.958 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:4 Received 48 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.958 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.959 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.959 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:c Received 20 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.959 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.960 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.960 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:8 Received 34 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.960 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.961 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.962 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:c Received 36 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.962 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.962 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.962 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:40.963 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:4 Received 24 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.963 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.965 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.966 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:4 Received 24 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.966 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.966 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.966 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:8 Received 128 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.966 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.967 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.967 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:8 Received 34 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.967 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.968 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.968 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:c Received 20 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.968 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.968 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.968 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:c Received 20 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.969 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.971 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.971 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:4 Received 24 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.971 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster BeginOperation
02-04 12:19:40.972 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.973 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:8 Received 132 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.973 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster UpdateOperation
02-04 12:19:40.973 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Enter BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.974 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: cmd:c Received 20 byte response
02-04 12:19:40.974 485 485 I beanpodkeymaster: Exit BeanpodKeymaster FinishOperation
02-04 12:19:40.979 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:40.989 28569 29649 I CompetitionModeService: setITouchFeatureSingle: mode=3 value=-1 def=0
02-04 12:19:40.989 28569 29649 I AdvanceSettingsUtil: getTouchModeDefValue v1 mode:2
02-04 12:19:40.991 28569 29649 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: vendor.xiaomi.hardware.touchfeature@1.0::ITouchFeature/default
02-04 12:19:40.991 609 609 D TouchFeature: getModeDefaultValue mode:2
02-04 12:19:40.991 28569 29649 I AdvanceSettingsUtil: setTouchMode v1 mode:2 value0
02-04 12:19:40.993 28569 29649 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: vendor.xiaomi.hardware.touchfeature@1.0::ITouchFeature/default
02-04 12:19:40.993 609 609 D TouchFeature: setModeValue mode:2, value:0
02-04 12:19:40.996 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.011 4977 4977 D Launcher_UnlockAnimationStateMachine: mResetIdleStateRunnable
02-04 12:19:41.012 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.029 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.037 28569 29649 I CompetitionModeService: setITouchFeatureSingle: mode=2 value=-1 def=0
02-04 12:19:41.037 28569 29649 I AdvanceSettingsUtil: getTouchModeDefValue v1 mode:7
02-04 12:19:41.038 28569 29649 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: vendor.xiaomi.hardware.touchfeature@1.0::ITouchFeature/default
02-04 12:19:41.038 609 609 D TouchFeature: getModeDefaultValue mode:7
02-04 12:19:41.039 28569 29649 I AdvanceSettingsUtil: setTouchMode v1 mode:7 value2
02-04 12:19:41.040 28569 29649 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread pool for getting: vendor.xiaomi.hardware.touchfeature@1.0::ITouchFeature/default
02-04 12:19:41.040 609 609 D TouchFeature: setModeValue mode:7, value:2
02-04 12:19:41.046 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.062 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 1 line
02-04 12:19:41.079 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.085 28569 29649 I CompetitionModeService: setITouchFeatureSingle: mode=7 value=-1 def=2
02-04 12:19:41.085 28569 29649 I GameBoosterService: mIsAutoSync...start
02-04 12:19:41.086 28569 29649 D CustomizedService: loadFeatureFromDB : packageUid = 1012261 , boosterPkgName =
02-04 12:19:41.086 28569 29649 D com.miui.gamebooster.provider.GameBoosterProvider: query
02-04 12:19:41.087 28569 29649 D CustomizedService: loadFeatureFromDB hdrDBValue = -1 , is4dSupported = false
02-04 12:19:41.087 28569 29649 I CustomizedService: setAudioParameters is4dSupported : false
02-04 12:19:41.094 950 13202 D AAL : onALIChanged: 53 -> 52
02-04 12:19:41.094 950 13202 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 52
02-04 12:19:41.096 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.096 17111 17111 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false
02-04 12:19:41.097 542 792 I hwcomposer: [DPY] receive refesh frquest from driver: type[4]
02-04 12:19:41.097 542 792 I hwcomposer: [HWC] fire a callback of refresh to SF
02-04 12:19:41.101 28569 29499 D WlanNetUtil: use HTTPS protocol
02-04 12:19:41.101 28569 29499 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:19:41.102 28569 29499 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
02-04 12:19:41.102 28569 29499 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
02-04 12:19:41.104 17111 17111 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false
02-04 12:19:41.109 638 638 I BufferQueueProducer: [FramebufferSurface](this:0xb4000076da4bced0,id:-1,api:1,p:638,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=0.41 dur=2463.42 max=2463.42 min=2463.42
02-04 12:19:41.037 28569 29649 I chatty : uid=1001000(com.miui.screenrecorder) gamebooster_bg_ identical 6 lines
02-04 12:19:41.039 28569 29649 I ITouchFeature: current device and process support version:1
02-04 12:19:41.109 28569 28865 W FileUtils: Slow Operation: fsync took 168ms procState=4
02-04 12:19:41.112 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.116 568 658 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req] TIMER_MSG_PERF_LOCK_TIMEOUT hdl:40688
02-04 12:19:41.116 568 658 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:40688, idx:2
02-04 12:19:41.116 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:2 hdl:40688 lock_user:system_server pid:15150 tid:15760 dur:400
02-04 12:19:41.116 568 658 I libPowerHal: system_server: set gpu opp level: 27
02-04 12:19:41.117 568 658 I libPowerHal: system_server: set gpu opp level max: 0
02-04 12:19:41.122 17111 17111 I GlobalApp: init MiuiMultiWindowUtils without auto density : false
02-04 12:19:41.129 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.131 17111 17111 D AutoDensity: autodensity debugEnable =
02-04 12:19:41.146 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.148 28569 29499 E WlanNetUtil: httpGet Unable to resolve host "": No address associated with hostname
02-04 12:19:41.151 17111 17111 W ComponentDiscovery: Class is not an found.
02-04 12:19:41.154 17111 17111 I FirebaseApp: Device unlocked: initializing all Firebase APIs for app [DEFAULT]
02-04 12:19:41.156 17111 17111 I FirebaseCrashlytics: Initializing Firebase Crashlytics 17.4.1
02-04 12:19:41.160 17111 17111 W ScionFrontendAp: type=1400 audit(0.0:358954): avc: denied { write } for name="" dev="sdc46" ino=942152 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:apk_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
02-04 12:19:41.162 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.164 17111 17147 W curitycenter:u: ClassLoaderContext classpath size mismatch. expected=12, found=0 (DLC[];PCL[base.apk*453381236:base.apk!classes2.dex*76909108:base.apk!classes3.dex*74162480:base.apk!classes4.dex*3153528392:base.apk!classes5.dex*2495113391:base.apk!classes6.dex*3057647005:base.apk!classes7.dex*2470609854:base.apk!classes8.dex*3084486259:base.apk!classes9.dex*3102907714:base.apk!classes10.dex*1939860723:base.apk!classes11.dex*3478132668:base.apk!classes12.dex*3528045680]{PCL[/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar*2758728129]#PCL[/system/framework/*1573936315]#PCL[/system/framework/*1664931834]#PCL[/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar*2758728129]} | DLC[];PCL[])
02-04 12:19:41.166 17111 17147 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module
02-04 12:19:41.166 17111 17147 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of, version >= 135
02-04 12:19:41.166 17111 17147 V DynamiteModule: Dynamite loader version >= 2, using loadModule2NoCrashUtils
02-04 12:19:41.176 17111 17147 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
02-04 12:19:41.179 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.184 17111 17111 W ScionFrontendAp: type=1400 audit(0.0:358955): avc: denied { write } for name="" dev="sdc46" ino=942152 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:apk_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
02-04 12:19:41.186 17111 17147 W curitycenter:u: ClassLoaderContext classpath size mismatch. expected=12, found=4 (DLC[];PCL[base.apk*453381236:base.apk!classes2.dex*76909108:base.apk!classes3.dex*74162480:base.apk!classes4.dex*3153528392:base.apk!classes5.dex*2495113391:base.apk!classes6.dex*3057647005:base.apk!classes7.dex*2470609854:base.apk!classes8.dex*3084486259:base.apk!classes9.dex*3102907714:base.apk!classes10.dex*1939860723:base.apk!classes11.dex*3478132668:base.apk!classes12.dex*3528045680]{PCL[/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar*2758728129]#PCL[/system/framework/*1573936315]#PCL[/system/framework/*1664931834]#PCL[/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar*2758728129]} | DLC[];PCL[/data/app/~~FLINMgD7Fzzi-x_BKRGuFg==/com.miui.securitycenter-w1ymOVU2W8z6lEajBxLktQ==/base.apk*3930704967:/data/app/~~FLINMgD7Fzzi-x_BKRGuFg==/com.miui.securitycenter-w1ymOVU2W8z6lEajBxLktQ==/base.apk!classes2.dex*1497562084:/data/app/~~FLINMgD7Fzzi-x_BKRGuFg==/com.miui.securitycenter-w1ymOVU2W8z6lEajBxLktQ==/base.apk!classes3.dex*3585760076:/data/app/~~FLINMgD7Fzzi-x_BKRGuFg==/com.miui.securitycenter-w1ymOVU2W8z6lEajBxLktQ==/base.apk!classes4.dex*2800433130]{PCL[/system/priv-app/RtMiCloudSDK/RtMiCloudSDK.apk*1290964323]#PCL[/system/framework/android-support-v7-recyclerview.jar*1385415644]{PCL[/system/framework/android-support-v13.jar*715778401]}#PCL[/system/framework/protobuf.jar*2500534950]#PCL[/system/framework/security-device-credential-sdk.jar*2600660182]#PCL[/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar*2758728129]})
02-04 12:19:41.192 17111 17147 W curitycenter:u: Found duplicate classes, falling back to extracting from APK : /data/app/~~eK3RS_z92bVnuJmmNrPzEw==/
02-04 12:19:41.192 17111 17147 W curitycenter:u: NOTE: This wastes RAM and hurts startup performance.
02-04 12:19:41.192 17111 17147 W curitycenter:u: Found duplicated class when checking oat files: 'Landroid/app/AppComponentFactory;' in /data/app/~~eK3RS_z92bVnuJmmNrPzEw==/ and /data/app/~~FLINMgD7Fzzi-x_BKRGuFg==/com.miui.securitycenter-w1ymOVU2W8z6lEajBxLktQ==/base.apk
02-04 12:19:41.193 17111 17111 I DockFeature: isSupportDock: isSupportFreeform=true isPhone=true isAboveMiui125=false isSupportDock=true isDevBuild=false
02-04 12:19:41.196 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.198 17111 17111 I DockFeature: isSupportDock: isSupportFreeform=true isPhone=true isAboveMiui125=false isSupportDock=true isDevBuild=false
02-04 12:19:41.198 17111 17111 E WindowTrustUtils: setTrustedOverlay failed, java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: android.view.WindowManager$LayoutParams.setTrustedOverlay []
02-04 12:19:41.202 17111 17111 I AudioEffectCenterWrapper: isSupportFWAudioEffect: false
02-04 12:19:41.207 17111 17111 I DisplayEffectUtils: isSupport3dVision: false
02-04 12:19:41.207 17111 17111 D TheatreModeUtils: Immersive=false isSupportDolby=false isSupportCinemaVoice=false isSupportCinemaVisionWith3d=false version=true
02-04 12:19:41.211 17111 17111 I DockWindowManagerService: onCreate: Service{ DockWindowManagerService , 231076788}
02-04 12:19:41.211 17111 17172 D MiuiMultiWindowUtils: readFreeformTimestamps::str = null
02-04 12:19:41.212 17111 17172 D MiuiMultiWindowUtils: readFreeformTimestamps::result = {}
02-04 12:19:41.212 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.213 17111 17172 D MiuiMultiWindowUtils: before updateFreeformTimestamps::allTimestamps = {}
02-04 12:19:41.214 17111 17172 D MiuiMultiWindowUtils: after updateFreeformTimestamps::allTimestamps = {}
02-04 12:19:41.215 17111 17111 I DockWindowManagerService: enterDockMode: m=1 curM=DockWindowType{this=22021452, dockType=0, lastType=0} cs=true c=null isStart=false
02-04 12:19:41.217 17111 17111 W FirebaseRemoteConfig: No value of type 'String' exists for parameter key 'advertising_white_list'.
02-04 12:19:41.220 17111 17171 E FileUtils: getPackageListFromData fail!
02-04 12:19:41.221 17111 17171 I chatty : uid=1001000(com.miui.screenrecorder) SCLIGHTTask #1 identical 1 line
02-04 12:19:41.221 17111 17171 E FileUtils: getPackageListFromData fail!
02-04 12:19:41.221 17111 17111 E PackageUtils: package not install, pkg=com.xiaomi.migameservice
02-04 12:19:41.222 17111 17111 I DockWindowManagerService: can't find migameservice
02-04 12:19:41.222 17111 17111 I ShoulderKeyManagerD: ShoulderKeyManagerDelegate: null
02-04 12:19:41.222 17111 17111 D BinderManager: action:com.miui.gamebooster.service.GameBoosterServices bindCount : 1
02-04 12:19:41.225 17111 17111 D BinderManager: can not find cached binder,bind service thread:Thread[main,5,main] isBindServiceSuccess:true
02-04 12:19:41.225 17111 17111 I GameBoosterManager: getBindGameService :true
02-04 12:19:41.225 15086 15086 D Zygote : Forked child process 17174
02-04 12:19:41.227 17111 17111 I GTB.PBC : PerformanceBubbleController: isSupportTips=true
02-04 12:19:41.228 15150 15179 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider {} caller=com.miui.securitycenter
02-04 12:19:41.229 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.229 17111 17111 I BMonitor: initialize: success
02-04 12:19:41.229 17111 17111 I GTB.PBC : startPerformanceMonitor: initialize success.
02-04 12:19:41.234 17174 17174 E mlviewer:remot: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
02-04 12:19:41.237 17111 17111 I ActiveWindowManager: initManager: true
02-04 12:19:41.239 17111 17111 W FirebaseRemoteConfig: No value of type 'Boolean' exists for parameter key 'game_turbo_enable_casual_game_mode'.
02-04 12:19:41.242 17111 17111 D BinderManager: onServiceCCCCConnected {com.miui.securitycenter/com.miui.gamebooster.service.GameBoosterService}
02-04 12:19:41.242 17111 17111 I DockWindowManagerService: gameBooster :false
02-04 12:19:41.244 17111 17111 D RemoteConfig: fetched at 13 сент. 2022 г. 11:50:41
02-04 12:19:41.246 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.246 15086 15086 D Zygote : Forked child process 17197
02-04 12:19:41.249 15150 15179 I ActivityManager: Start proc 17197:com.miui.securityadd/u10a151 for service {com.miui.securityadd/com.miui.gamebooster.service.ActiveService} caller=com.miui.securitycenter
02-04 12:19:41.250 15150 15468 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 1010117, uidState = 5
02-04 12:19:41.258 17197 17197 E iui.securityad: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
02-04 12:19:41.262 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.272 15150 15468 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 1010151, uidState = 4
02-04 12:19:41.279 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.357 28569 28865 W FileUtils: Slow Operation: fsync took 118ms procState=4
02-04 12:19:41.345 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 4 lines
02-04 12:19:41.362 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.368 17197 17197 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false
02-04 12:19:41.370 17197 17197 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false
02-04 12:19:41.378 17174 17174 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
02-04 12:19:41.379 17174 17174 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
02-04 12:19:41.379 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.389 17197 17197 W ComponentDiscovery: Class is not an found.
02-04 12:19:41.390 17174 17203 I CloudSettingsProvider: uriMatch : 2
02-04 12:19:41.392 17174 17174 I cloundControl: scheduleCloudControlJobs
02-04 12:19:41.393 17197 17197 I FirebaseApp: Device unlocked: initializing all Firebase APIs for app [DEFAULT]
02-04 12:19:41.394 17174 17229 I CloudJobMobileDataService: job 44008 exist
02-04 12:19:41.394 17174 17229 I CloudJobService2: job 44000 exist
02-04 12:19:41.396 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.399 17174 17229 W Settings: Setting device_provisioned has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global.
02-04 12:19:41.399 17174 17229 I DownloadUtil: device released
02-04 12:19:41.403 17197 17197 I FirebaseCrashlytics: Initializing Firebase Crashlytics 17.4.1
02-04 12:19:41.412 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.419 17111 17172 D MiuiMultiWindowAdapter: MiuiMultiWindowAdapter::updateFreeformBlackList::data = ["com.miui.securitycenter","com.miui.weather2","com.miui.miservice","","com.xiaomi.calendar","","com.miui.mishare.connectivity","","","com.miui.backup","com.miui.huanji","com.miui.calculator","","","com.mfashiongallery.emag","com.miui.virtualsim","com.miui.smarttravel","","","","com.miui.cleanmaster","com.miui.newhome","com.miui.voiceassist","","com.miui.yellowpage","","com.miui.tsmclient","com.miui.securitycore","com.xiaomi.account","","com.xiaomi.smarthome","com.mipay.wallet","com.xiaomi.youpin","","com.miui.bugreport","com.xiaomi.mibrain.speech","com.xiaomi.mimoji","com.xiaomi.scanner","","com.miui.hybrid","","","com.miui.videoplayer","com.miui.player","","com.miui.packageinstaller","","","","","com.miui.compass","com.miui.greenguard","com.kiteguard","","","","","","com.tencent.mtt","com.shyz.toutiao","","com.outfit7.talkingtomgoldrun.mi","com.doudz.mi","","cn.jj","com.standddz002.mi","com.miHoYo.bh3.mi","com.qqgame.hlddz","com.happyelements.AndroidAnimal","com.minitech.miniworld.TMobile.mi","com.mfp.jelly.xiaomi","com.lilithgames.afk.mi","com.tencent.peng","","blockpuzzle.jewelgames.jewelslegend","com.playgendary.tanks","","","com.playrix.township","com.ansangha.drdriving","","com.gbits.atm.mi","com.tencent.tetris","",""]
02-04 12:19:41.419 17197 17197 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization successful
02-04 12:19:41.420 17111 17172 D MiuiMultiWindowAdapter: MiuiMultiWindowAdapter::updateFreeformBlackList::smallWindowBlackList = [com.miui.securitycenter, com.miui.weather2, com.miui.miservice,, com.xiaomi.calendar,, com.miui.mishare.connectivity,,, com.miui.backup, com.miui.huanji, com.miui.calculator,,, com.mfashiongallery.emag, com.miui.virtualsim, com.miui.smarttravel,,,, com.miui.cleanmaster, com.miui.newhome, com.miui.voiceassist,, com.miui.yellowpage,, com.miui.tsmclient, com.miui.securitycore, com.xiaomi.account,, com.xiaomi.smarthome, com.mipay.wallet, com.xiaomi.youpin,, com.miui.bugreport, com.xiaomi.mibrain.speech, com.xiaomi.mimoji, com.xiaomi.scanner,, com.miui.hybrid,,, com.miui.videoplayer, com.miui.player,, com.miui.packageinstaller,,,,, com.miui.compass, com.miui.greenguard, com.kiteguard,,,,,, com.tencent.mtt, com.shyz.toutiao,, com.outfit7.talkingtomgoldrun.mi, com.doudz.mi,, cn.jj, com.standddz002.mi, com.miHoYo.bh3.mi, com.qqgame.hlddz, com.happyelements.AndroidAnimal, com.minitech.miniworld.TMobile.mi, com.mfp.jelly.xiaomi, com.lilithgames.afk.mi, com.tencent.peng,, blockpuzzle.jewelgames.jewelslegend, com.playgendary.tanks,,, com.playrix.township, com.ansangha.drdriving,, com.gbits.atm.mi, com.tencent.tetris,,]
02-04 12:19:41.421 17174 17203 I CloudSettingsProvider: uriMatch : 2
02-04 12:19:41.425 17197 17232 W iui.securityad: ClassLoaderContext classpath size mismatch. expected=12, found=0 (DLC[];PCL[base.apk*453381236:base.apk!classes2.dex*76909108:base.apk!classes3.dex*74162480:base.apk!classes4.dex*3153528392:base.apk!classes5.dex*2495113391:base.apk!classes6.dex*3057647005:base.apk!classes7.dex*2470609854:base.apk!classes8.dex*3084486259:base.apk!classes9.dex*3102907714:base.apk!classes10.dex*1939860723:base.apk!classes11.dex*3478132668:base.apk!classes12.dex*3528045680]{PCL[/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar*2758728129]#PCL[/system/framework/*1573936315]#PCL[/system/framework/*1664931834]#PCL[/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar*2758728129]} | DLC[];PCL[])
02-04 12:19:41.425 17111 17172 D MiuiMultiWindowAdapter: MiuiMultiWindowAdapter::getFreeformVideoWhiteListFromCloud::data = ["","tv.danmaku.bili","","com.tencent.qqlive","","","com.hunantv.imgo.activity","","com.babycloud.hanju"]
02-04 12:19:41.426 17197 17232 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module
02-04 12:19:41.426 17197 17232 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of, version >= 135
02-04 12:19:41.426 17197 17232 V DynamiteModule: Dynamite loader version >= 2, using loadModule2NoCrashUtils
02-04 12:19:41.426 17111 17172 D MiuiMultiWindowAdapter: MiuiMultiWindowAdapter::getFreeformVideoWhiteListFromCloud::smallWindowWhiteList = [, tv.danmaku.bili,, com.tencent.qqlive,,, com.hunantv.imgo.activity,, com.babycloud.hanju]
02-04 12:19:41.429 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.429 15150 17132 D MiuiMultiWindowAdapter: MiuiMultiWindowAdapter::setFreeformBlackList::blackList = [com.miui.securitycenter, com.miui.weather2, com.miui.miservice,, com.xiaomi.calendar,, com.miui.mishare.connectivity,,, com.miui.backup, com.miui.huanji, com.miui.calculator,,, com.mfashiongallery.emag, com.miui.virtualsim, com.miui.smarttravel,,,, com.miui.cleanmaster, com.miui.newhome, com.miui.voiceassist,, com.miui.yellowpage,, com.miui.tsmclient, com.miui.securitycore, com.xiaomi.account,, com.xiaomi.smarthome, com.mipay.wallet, com.xiaomi.youpin,, com.miui.bugreport, com.xiaomi.mibrain.speech, com.xiaomi.mimoji, com.xiaomi.scanner,, com.miui.hybrid,,, com.miui.videoplayer, com.miui.player,, com.miui.packageinstaller,,,,, com.miui.compass, com.miui.greenguard, com.kiteguard,,,,,, com.tencent.mtt, com.shyz.toutiao,, com.outfit7.talkingtomgoldrun.mi, com.doudz.mi,, cn.jj, com.standddz002.mi, com.miHoYo.bh3.mi, com.qqgame.hlddz, com.happyelements.AndroidAnimal, com.minitech.miniworld.TMobile.mi, com.mfp.jelly.xiaomi, com.lilithgames.afk.mi, com.tencent.peng,, blockpuzzle.jewelgames.jewelslegend, com.playgendary.tanks,,, com.playrix.township, com.ansangha.drdriving,, com.gbits.atm.mi, com.tencent.tetris,,]
02-04 12:19:41.429 15150 17132 D MiuiMultiWindowAdapter: MiuiMultiWindowAdapter::setFreeformVideoWhiteList::whiteList = [, tv.danmaku.bili,, com.tencent.qqlive,,, com.hunantv.imgo.activity,, com.babycloud.hanju]
02-04 12:19:41.435 15150 17132 E IntervalStats: Unable to parse usage stats package 1791
02-04 12:19:41.435 15150 17132 E IntervalStats: Unable to parse usage stats package 1797
02-04 12:19:41.435 15150 17132 E IntervalStats: Unable to parse usage stats package 1798
02-04 12:19:41.435 15150 17132 E IntervalStats: Unable to parse usage stats package 1799
02-04 12:19:41.435 15150 17132 E IntervalStats: Unable to parse usage stats package 1806
02-04 12:19:41.435 15150 17132 E IntervalStats: Unable to parse usage stats package 1807
02-04 12:19:41.435 15150 17132 E IntervalStats: Unable to parse usage stats package 1818
02-04 12:19:41.435 15150 17132 E IntervalStats: Unable to parse usage stats package 1820
02-04 12:19:41.435 15150 17132 E IntervalStats: Unable to parse usage stats package 1823
02-04 12:19:41.437 17197 17232 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
02-04 12:19:41.439 7852 7867 W SQLiteConnectionPool: A SQLiteConnection object for database '/data/user/10/' was leaked! Please fix your application to end transactions in progress properly and to close the database when it is no longer needed.
02-04 12:19:41.439 7852 7867 W System : A resource failed to call close.
02-04 12:19:41.446 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.446 17197 17232 W iui.securityad: ClassLoaderContext classpath size mismatch. expected=12, found=2 (DLC[];PCL[base.apk*453381236:base.apk!classes2.dex*76909108:base.apk!classes3.dex*74162480:base.apk!classes4.dex*3153528392:base.apk!classes5.dex*2495113391:base.apk!classes6.dex*3057647005:base.apk!classes7.dex*2470609854:base.apk!classes8.dex*3084486259:base.apk!classes9.dex*3102907714:base.apk!classes10.dex*1939860723:base.apk!classes11.dex*3478132668:base.apk!classes12.dex*3528045680]{PCL[/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar*2758728129]#PCL[/system/framework/*1573936315]#PCL[/system/framework/*1664931834]#PCL[/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar*2758728129]} | DLC[];PCL[/data/app/~~jsSKXlDaoixoBMvlB4deow==/com.miui.securityadd-LkNf13LL5NwXMHiBZ1RP6A==/base.apk*378413335:/data/app/~~jsSKXlDaoixoBMvlB4deow==/com.miui.securityadd-LkNf13LL5NwXMHiBZ1RP6A==/base.apk!classes2.dex*505281808]{PCL[/system/framework/security-device-credential-sdk.jar*2600660182]})
02-04 12:19:41.447 17197 17232 W iui.securityad: Found duplicate classes, falling back to extracting from APK : /data/app/~~eK3RS_z92bVnuJmmNrPzEw==/
02-04 12:19:41.447 17197 17232 W iui.securityad: NOTE: This wastes RAM and hurts startup performance.
02-04 12:19:41.447 17197 17232 W iui.securityad: Found duplicated class when checking oat files: 'Landroid/support/v4/graphics/drawable/IconCompatParcelizer;' in /data/app/~~jsSKXlDaoixoBMvlB4deow==/com.miui.securityadd-LkNf13LL5NwXMHiBZ1RP6A==/base.apk and /data/app/~~eK3RS_z92bVnuJmmNrPzEw==/
02-04 12:19:41.447 17197 17197 D AutoDensity: autodensity debugEnable =
02-04 12:19:41.462 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.483 15150 17142 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=gpu_tuner pkg=com.xiaomi.joyose } U=10: not found
02-04 12:19:41.479 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.484 17197 17197 I SecurityAddApplication: lowPerformanceDevice = false
02-04 12:19:41.490 15150 17132 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=gpu_tuner pkg=com.xiaomi.joyose } U=10: not found
02-04 12:19:41.490 17197 17197 I SecurityAddApplication: lowPerformanceDevice = false
02-04 12:19:41.493 17111 17111 I ActiveWindowManager: onServiceConnected
02-04 12:19:41.493 17111 17111 I ActiveWindowManager: onServiceConnected: mIActiveManager =$Stub$a@8767cbd
02-04 12:19:41.496 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.509 17111 17224 I FA : App measurement disabled by setAnalyticsCollectionEnabled(false)
02-04 12:19:41.510 17111 17224 E curitycenter:u: No package ID 76 found for ID 0x760b000f.
02-04 12:19:41.510 17111 17224 E curitycenter:u: No package ID 76 found for ID 0x760b000f.
02-04 12:19:41.512 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.514 17111 17224 I FA : App measurement initialized, version: 113021
02-04 12:19:41.514 17111 17224 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
02-04 12:19:41.514 17111 17224 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event logging run:
02-04 12:19:41.514 17111 17224 I FA : adb shell setprop com.miui.securitycenter
02-04 12:19:41.524 17197 17250 I FA : App measurement disabled by setAnalyticsCollectionEnabled(false)
02-04 12:19:41.525 17197 17250 E iui.securityad: No package ID 76 found for ID 0x760b000f.
02-04 12:19:41.525 17197 17250 E iui.securityad: No package ID 76 found for ID 0x760b000f.
02-04 12:19:41.526 17197 17250 I FA : App measurement initialized, version: 113021
02-04 12:19:41.526 17197 17250 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
02-04 12:19:41.526 17197 17250 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event logging run:
02-04 12:19:41.526 17197 17250 I FA : adb shell setprop com.miui.securityadd
02-04 12:19:41.529 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.546 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.549 18583 10884 D AdvertisingIdClient: AdvertisingIdClient already created.
02-04 12:19:41.562 18583 10884 I AdvertisingIdClient: shouldSendLog 496703643
02-04 12:19:41.562 18583 10884 I AdvertisingIdClient: GetInfoInternal elapse 14ms
02-04 12:19:41.562 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.567 18583 10884 D AdvertisingIdClient: AdvertisingIdClient already created.
02-04 12:19:41.569 18583 10884 I AdvertisingIdClient: shouldSendLog 496703643
02-04 12:19:41.569 18583 10884 I AdvertisingIdClient: GetInfoInternal elapse 2ms
02-04 12:19:41.579 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.629 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 3 lines
02-04 12:19:41.646 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.651 17111 17172 I GDAppManager: loadHiddenApps: {10=[]}
02-04 12:19:41.653 17111 17172 I GDSettings: pinSpecialApps: isAppEditUsed()=true
02-04 12:19:41.655 17111 17172 I GDSettings: pinSpecialApps1: [com.facebook.katana,] result=[]
02-04 12:19:41.657 17111 17172 I GDSettings: pinSpecialApps2: [com.facebook.katana,] result=[com.facebook.katana,,1010164]
02-04 12:19:41.662 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.668 17111 17172 I GDAppManager: loadDockApps: mDockAppList=[AppInfo{uid=1010164, pkg='com.facebook.katana', activity='com.facebook.katana.LoginActivity', from='0'}, AppInfo{uid=1010283, pkg='', activity='', from='2'}, AppInfo{uid=1010058, pkg='', activity='', from='2'}, AppInfo{uid=1010125, pkg='', activity='', from='2'}, AppInfo{uid=1010113, pkg='', activity='', from='2'}, AppInfo{uid=1010462, pkg='com.Slack', activity='slack.features.home.HomeActivity', from='2'}, AppInfo{uid=1010133, pkg='', activity='', from='2'}, AppInfo{uid=1010262, pkg='com.mi.globalbrowser', activity='com.mi.globalbrowser.Main', from='2'}, AppInfo{uid=1010084, pkg='', activity='', from='2'}, AppInfo{uid=1010062, pkg='', activity='', from='2'}, AppInfo{uid=1010021, pkg='', activity='', from='2'}, AppInfo{uid=1010075, pkg='com.miui.notes', activity='com.miui.notes.ui.NotesListActivity', from='2'}, AppInfo{uid=1011228, pkg='', activity='', from='2'}, AppInfo{uid=1010147, pkg='', activity='', from='2'}, AppInfo{uid=1010150, pkg='', activity='', from='2'}, AppInfo{uid=1010757, pkg='net.openvpn.openvpn', activity='net.openvpn.unified.MainActivity', from='2'}, AppInfo{uid=1010284, pkg='', activity='', from='2'}, AppInfo{uid=1010159, pkg='', activity='', from='2'}, AppInfo{uid=1010063, pkg='', activity='', from='2'}, AppInfo{uid=1010210, pkg='org.telegram.messenger', activity='org.telegram.messenger.DefaultIcon', from='2'}, AppInfo{uid=1010163, pkg='com.discord', activity='com.discord.main.MainDefault', from='2'}, AppInfo{uid=1010030, pkg='', activity='', from='2'}]
02-04 12:19:41.679 15086 15086 D Zygote : Forked child process 17259
02-04 12:19:41.679 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.682 15150 15179 I ActivityManager: Start proc 17259:com.miui.notes/u10a75 for content provider {com.miui.notes/com.miui.notes.provider.NotesProvider} caller=com.miui.securitycenter
02-04 12:19:41.693 17259 17259 E com.miui.notes: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
02-04 12:19:41.696 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.702 15150 15468 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 1010075, uidState = 5
02-04 12:19:41.713 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.762 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 3 lines
02-04 12:19:41.779 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.782 17259 17259 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false
02-04 12:19:41.786 17259 17259 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false
02-04 12:19:41.795 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.801 15150 17142 W ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast action_toast_booster_success from system 28569:com.miui.securitycenter.remote/u10s1000 pkg com.miui.securitycenter. Callers=
02-04 12:19:41.801 15150 17142 W ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast action_toast_booster_success from system 28569:com.miui.securitycenter.remote/u10s1000 pkg com.miui.securitycenter. Callers=
02-04 12:19:41.801 17111 17111 I DockWindowManagerService: onReceive: action_toast_booster_success -1
02-04 12:19:41.801 28569 28765 D com.miui.gamebooster.provider.GameBoosterProvider: query
02-04 12:19:41.803 28569 28765 E GameBoosterTableHelper: loadGamesFromSql:[]
02-04 12:19:41.806 28569 5310 D com.miui.gamebooster.provider.GameBoosterProvider: query
02-04 12:19:41.810 17111 17282 E GameBoosterTableHelper: loadGamesFromSql:[]
02-04 12:19:41.812 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.816 17111 17111 D View : com.miui.securitycenter initForcedUseForceDark: 0
02-04 12:19:41.825 17259 17259 D NotesProvider: onCreate: context=com.miui.notes.NoteApp@25eb6ac
02-04 12:19:41.829 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.833 17259 17280 D NotesProvider: query: context=com.miui.notes.NoteApp@25eb6ac
02-04 12:19:41.836 17111 17111 E WindowTrustUtils: setTrustedOverlay failed, java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: android.view.WindowManager$LayoutParams.setTrustedOverlay []
02-04 12:19:41.838 17111 17111 I SurfaceFactory: [static] sSurfaceFactory = com.mediatek.view.impl.SurfaceFactoryImpl@76ca757
02-04 12:19:41.840 638 1125 I SurfaceFlinger: [SF client] NEW(0xb400007632be3440) for (17111:com.miui.securitycenter:ui)
02-04 12:19:41.846 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.848 17259 17259 D AutoDensity: autodensity debugEnable =
02-04 12:19:41.852 17111 17111 D ViewRootImpl[]: hardware acceleration = true , fakeHwAccelerated = false, sRendererDisabled = false, forceHwAccelerated = false, sSystemRendererDisabled = false
02-04 12:19:41.854 15150 17146 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:41.855 638 1125 I SurfaceFlinger: [SF client] NEW(0xb400007658bc0980) for (15150:system_server)
02-04 12:19:41.856 542 542 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:19.745871,dur:1266.09,max:746.23,min:14.62
02-04 12:19:41.857 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127362, screenshot (com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper#0)
02-04 12:19:41.857 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127362, screenshot (com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0)
02-04 12:19:41.862 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.870 17111 17111 D libMEOW : meow reload base cfg path: na
02-04 12:19:41.870 17111 17111 D libMEOW : meow reload overlay cfg path: /vendor/etc/meow.cfg
02-04 12:19:41.871 15150 17146 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:41.875 17259 17259 I MiuiPenEngineManager: getInstance =null
02-04 12:19:41.875 17259 17259 I MiuiPenEngineManager: initSkin
02-04 12:19:41.879 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.887 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:41.888 17259 17259 D DatabaseSP: DatabaseSharedPreferences create com.miui.notes.preference.DatabaseSharedPreferences@dad0fe5
02-04 12:19:41.890 17259 17288 D DatabaseSP: loadFromDatabase
02-04 12:19:41.890 17259 17288 D NotesProvider: query: context=com.miui.notes.NoteApp@25eb6ac
02-04 12:19:41.892 17259 17259 D MiuiPlusHelper: registerCallBack:
02-04 12:19:41.896 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.903 17259 17289 I MiCloudSDKDependencyUtil: MiCloudSDK environment: 36
02-04 12:19:41.903 17259 17292 D NotesProvider: query: context=com.miui.notes.NoteApp@25eb6ac
02-04 12:19:41.903 17259 17291 D NotesProvider: query: context=com.miui.notes.NoteApp@25eb6ac
02-04 12:19:41.905 17259 17289 D NoteStore: isGdprPermissionGranted
02-04 12:19:41.912 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.923 17259 17289 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.miui.personalassistant.widget.external
02-04 12:19:41.923 17259 17289 W System.err: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown authority com.miui.personalassistant.widget.external
02-04 12:19:41.925 17259 17289 W System.err: at
02-04 12:19:41.925 17259 17289 W System.err: at
02-04 12:19:41.925 17259 17289 W System.err: at com.miui.common.tool.UIUtils.setMiuiWidgetSupported(
02-04 12:19:41.925 17259 17289 W System.err: at com.miui.notes.NoteApp.lambda$initializeInUiProcess$0$NoteApp(
02-04 12:19:41.925 17259 17289 W System.err: at com.miui.notes.-$$Lambda$NoteApp$ Source:2)
02-04 12:19:41.925 17259 17289 W System.err: at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$
02-04 12:19:41.925 17259 17289 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
02-04 12:19:41.925 17259 17289 W System.err: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
02-04 12:19:41.925 17259 17289 W System.err: at
02-04 12:19:41.929 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.946 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 1 line
02-04 12:19:41.962 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.967 17111 17111 D libMEOW : applied 1 plugins for [com.miui.securitycenter:ui]:
02-04 12:19:41.967 17111 17111 D libMEOW : plugin 1: []:
02-04 12:19:41.968 17111 17111 I InputTransport: Create ARC handle: 0xb400007a45894f60
02-04 12:19:41.974 638 1125 I BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:27e00001e6e,api:0,p:-1,c:638) connect(): controlledByApp=false
02-04 12:19:41.974 638 1125 I BufferQueue: [unnamed-638-7790](this:0xb400007639018658,id:7790,api:0,p:-1,c:-1) BufferQueue core=(638:/system/bin/surfaceflinger)
02-04 12:19:41.976 15150 17142 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:243157383
02-04 12:19:41.978 15150 17142 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:243157385
02-04 12:19:41.979 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:41.986 17111 17285 D libMEOW : applied 1 plugins for [com.miui.securitycenter:ui]:
02-04 12:19:41.986 17111 17285 D libMEOW : plugin 1: []:
02-04 12:19:41.988 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:41.989 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127363, screenshot (com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper#0)
02-04 12:19:41.989 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127363, screenshot (com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0)
02-04 12:19:41.996 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.004 15150 17146 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:42.004 15150 17146 I InputDispatcher: Window went away: com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0
02-04 12:19:42.009 17111 17285 I GED : [GT]_get_procNameprocess pid(17111)
02-04 12:19:42.009 17111 17285 I GED : [GT]_getprocess name(com.miui.securitycenter:ui)
02-04 12:19:42.009 17111 17285 I curitycenter:u: [GT] ret(1) gt_status(00000000) aniso_debug_level(0) gt_aniso_max_level(16) ani so mask(00000001) tri mask(00000002)
02-04 12:19:42.009 17111 17285 I libMEOW_gift: ctx:0xb400007a56512ee8, ARC not Enabled.
02-04 12:19:42.010 15150 15167 W FileUtils: Slow Operation: fsync took 109ms procState=0
02-04 12:19:42.013 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.015 638 693 I BufferQueueProducer: [com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0](id:27e00001e6e,api:1,p:17111,c:638) connect(): api=1 producerControlledByApp=false
02-04 12:19:42.021 17111 17285 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Invalid argument
02-04 12:19:42.029 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.096 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 4 lines
02-04 12:19:42.113 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.117 542 792 I hwcomposer: [DPY] receive refesh frquest from driver: type[4]
02-04 12:19:42.117 542 792 I hwcomposer: [HWC] fire a callback of refresh to SF
02-04 12:19:42.125 638 638 I BufferQueueProducer: [FramebufferSurface](this:0xb4000076da4bced0,id:-1,api:1,p:638,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=0.98 dur=1015.72 max=1015.72 min=1015.72
02-04 12:19:42.129 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.142 15150 15169 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:243157549
02-04 12:19:42.144 15150 17146 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:243157551
02-04 12:19:42.146 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.148 638 693 I BufferQueueProducer: [com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0](id:27e00001e6e,api:1,p:17111,c:638) disconnect(): api=1
02-04 12:19:42.148 638 693 I BufferQueueProducer: [com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0](id:27e00001e6e,api:1,p:17111,c:638) connect(): api=1 producerControlledByApp=false
02-04 12:19:42.155 15150 17050 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:42.156 17111 17111 I DockWindowManager: showSidebar: isSidebarAdded: false DockWindowManager = y7.h@6ff2a4f
02-04 12:19:42.156 17197 17197 I WebPanel: removeCallbacks
02-04 12:19:42.162 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.163 17111 17111 I DockFeature: isSupportDock: isSupportFreeform=true isPhone=true isAboveMiui125=false isSupportDock=true isDevBuild=false
02-04 12:19:42.163 17111 17111 I DockFeature: isSupportDock: isSupportFreeform=true isPhone=true isAboveMiui125=false isSupportDock=true isDevBuild=false
02-04 12:19:42.164 17111 17111 D h.u.25:DockWindowManager: addSidebarView, SidebarWrapperMain.isLocateInLeft() = true
02-04 12:19:42.165 17111 17111 I DockFeature: isSupportDock: isSupportFreeform=true isPhone=true isAboveMiui125=false isSupportDock=true isDevBuild=false
02-04 12:19:42.165 17111 17111 I DockFeature: isSupportDock: isSupportFreeform=true isPhone=true isAboveMiui125=false isSupportDock=true isDevBuild=false
02-04 12:19:42.166 17111 17111 D h.Q.23:DockWindowManager: getLayoutParamsByPosition, isLeft = true
02-04 12:19:42.168 17111 17111 I h.X.114:DockWindowManager: getSidebarY, y = 262
02-04 12:19:42.168 17111 17111 I MiuiInputMangerUtils: init service fail java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: miui.hardware.input.MiuiInputManager
02-04 12:19:42.169 17111 17111 W MiuiInputMangerUtils: set miuiFlags fail No field miuiFlags in class Landroid/view/WindowManager$LayoutParams; (declaration of 'android.view.WindowManager$LayoutParams' appears in /system/framework/framework.jar!classes3.dex)
02-04 12:19:42.169 638 693 I SurfaceFlinger: [SF client] NEW(0xb400007632be32c0) for (17111:com.miui.securitycenter:ui)
02-04 12:19:42.170 17111 17111 D ViewRootImpl[FloatAssistantView]: hardware acceleration = true , fakeHwAccelerated = false, sRendererDisabled = false, forceHwAccelerated = false, sSystemRendererDisabled = false
02-04 12:19:42.171 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:42.174 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127364, screenshot (com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper#0)
02-04 12:19:42.174 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127364, screenshot (com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0)
02-04 12:19:42.174 17111 17111 I InputTransport: Create ARC handle: 0xb400007a458a36a0
02-04 12:19:42.177 17111 17111 I DockFeature: isSupportDock: isSupportFreeform=true isPhone=true isAboveMiui125=false isSupportDock=true isDevBuild=false
02-04 12:19:42.178 17111 17111 I DockFeature: isSupportDock: isSupportFreeform=true isPhone=true isAboveMiui125=false isSupportDock=true isDevBuild=false
02-04 12:19:42.179 17111 17111 D h.Q.23:DockWindowManager: getLayoutParamsByPosition, isLeft = false
02-04 12:19:42.179 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.181 17111 17111 I h.X.114:DockWindowManager: getSidebarY, y = 262
02-04 12:19:42.181 638 693 I SurfaceFlinger: [SF client] NEW(0xb400007658bc0c80) for (17111:com.miui.securitycenter:ui)
02-04 12:19:42.182 17111 17111 D ViewRootImpl[FloatAssistantView]: hardware acceleration = true , fakeHwAccelerated = false, sRendererDisabled = false, forceHwAccelerated = false, sSystemRendererDisabled = false
02-04 12:19:42.186 17111 17111 I InputTransport: Create ARC handle: 0xb400007a458a38a0
02-04 12:19:42.188 15150 17146 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:42.189 17111 17111 I f.d.4:RegionSamplingImageView: startRegionSampling
02-04 12:19:42.190 17111 17111 D h.u1.35:DockWindowManager: updateSidebarWrapperAssistant, mDockWindowType = 1
02-04 12:19:42.190 17111 17111 I DockFeature: isSupportDock: isSupportFreeform=true isPhone=true isAboveMiui125=false isSupportDock=true isDevBuild=false
02-04 12:19:42.190 17111 17111 I DockFeature: isSupportDock: isSupportFreeform=true isPhone=true isAboveMiui125=false isSupportDock=true isDevBuild=false
02-04 12:19:42.191 17111 17111 D h.Q.23:DockWindowManager: getLayoutParamsByPosition, isLeft = false
02-04 12:19:42.193 17111 17111 I h.X.114:DockWindowManager: getSidebarY, y = 262
02-04 12:19:42.193 17111 17111 I f.e.4:RegionSamplingImageView: stopRegionSampling
02-04 12:19:42.195 17111 17111 I h.X.114:DockWindowManager: getSidebarY, y = 262
02-04 12:19:42.196 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.197 17111 17111 I DockWindowManager: saveSidebarBounds: last =
02-04 12:19:42.198 17111 17111 I DockWindowManager: saveSidebarBounds: [{"l":0,"t":328,"r":9,"b":481}]
02-04 12:19:42.199 17111 17111 D h.f0.19:DockWindowManager: hideOrShowSidebarWithAnimation: isShow = true
02-04 12:19:42.203 638 693 I BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:27e00001e6f,api:0,p:-1,c:638) connect(): controlledByApp=false
02-04 12:19:42.203 638 693 I BufferQueue: [unnamed-638-7791](this:0xb400007658a6e458,id:7791,api:0,p:-1,c:-1) BufferQueue core=(638:/system/bin/surfaceflinger)
02-04 12:19:42.204 15150 17146 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 FloatAssistantView#0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:42.206 15150 17132 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:243157613
02-04 12:19:42.207 15150 17132 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:243157614
02-04 12:19:42.210 638 1125 I BufferQueueProducer: [FloatAssistantView#0](id:27e00001e6f,api:1,p:17111,c:638) connect(): api=1 producerControlledByApp=false
02-04 12:19:42.211 17111 17111 I DockFeature: isSupportDock: isSupportFreeform=true isPhone=true isAboveMiui125=false isSupportDock=true isDevBuild=false
02-04 12:19:42.212 17111 17111 I chatty : uid=1001000(com.miui.screenrecorder) com.miui.securitycenter:ui identical 2 lines
02-04 12:19:42.212 17111 17111 I DockFeature: isSupportDock: isSupportFreeform=true isPhone=true isAboveMiui125=false isSupportDock=true isDevBuild=false
02-04 12:19:42.213 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.219 638 1125 I BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:27e00001e70,api:0,p:-1,c:638) connect(): controlledByApp=false
02-04 12:19:42.220 638 1125 I BufferQueue: [unnamed-638-7792](this:0xb40000763901a258,id:7792,api:0,p:-1,c:-1) BufferQueue core=(638:/system/bin/surfaceflinger)
02-04 12:19:42.221 15150 17146 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 FloatAssistantView#1 FloatAssistantView#0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:42.223 15150 17050 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:243157630
02-04 12:19:42.225 15150 17050 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:243157632
02-04 12:19:42.229 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.231 638 693 I BufferQueueProducer: [FloatAssistantView#1](id:27e00001e70,api:1,p:17111,c:638) connect(): api=1 producerControlledByApp=false
02-04 12:19:42.232 17111 17111 I DockFeature: isSupportDock: isSupportFreeform=true isPhone=true isAboveMiui125=false isSupportDock=true isDevBuild=false
02-04 12:19:42.233 17111 17111 I chatty : uid=1001000(com.miui.screenrecorder) com.miui.securitycenter:ui identical 2 lines
02-04 12:19:42.233 17111 17111 I DockFeature: isSupportDock: isSupportFreeform=true isPhone=true isAboveMiui125=false isSupportDock=true isDevBuild=false
02-04 12:19:42.238 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 FloatAssistantView#1 Window{c5aea81 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:42.238 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: Window went away: FloatAssistantView#0
02-04 12:19:42.243 15150 15169 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:243157650
02-04 12:19:42.246 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.246 15150 15169 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:243157654
02-04 12:19:42.248 15150 17050 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:243157655
02-04 12:19:42.251 638 693 I BufferQueueProducer: [FloatAssistantView#0](id:27e00001e6f,api:1,p:17111,c:638) disconnect(): api=1
02-04 12:19:42.252 638 693 I BufferQueueProducer: [FloatAssistantView#0](id:27e00001e6f,api:1,p:17111,c:638) connect(): api=1 producerControlledByApp=false
02-04 12:19:42.255 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:42.255 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: Window went away: FloatAssistantView#1
02-04 12:19:42.261 15150 17146 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:243157668
02-04 12:19:42.263 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.264 638 693 I BufferQueueProducer: [FloatAssistantView#1](id:27e00001e70,api:1,p:17111,c:638) disconnect(): api=1
02-04 12:19:42.265 638 693 I BufferQueueProducer: [FloatAssistantView#1](id:27e00001e70,api:1,p:17111,c:638) connect(): api=1 producerControlledByApp=false
02-04 12:19:42.271 15150 17146 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:42.273 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127365, screenshot (com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper#0)
02-04 12:19:42.273 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127365, screenshot (com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0)
02-04 12:19:42.279 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.288 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:42.293 950 13202 D AAL : onALIChanged: 52 -> 54
02-04 12:19:42.293 950 13202 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 54
02-04 12:19:42.296 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.304 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:42.312 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.321 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:42.329 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.338 15150 17146 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:42.346 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.354 15150 17050 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:42.362 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.371 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:42.373 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127366, screenshot (com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper#0)
02-04 12:19:42.373 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127366, screenshot (com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0)
02-04 12:19:42.379 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.388 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:42.396 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.404 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:42.413 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.421 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:42.426 15150 15468 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 1010117, uidState = 15
02-04 12:19:42.429 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.438 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:42.446 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.454 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:42.463 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.471 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:42.479 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.488 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:42.496 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.504 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:42.513 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.521 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:42.529 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.538 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:42.546 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.554 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:42.557 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127367, screenshot (com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper#0)
02-04 12:19:42.557 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127367, screenshot (com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0)
02-04 12:19:42.563 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.571 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:42.579 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.588 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:42.596 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.604 15150 17050 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:42.613 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.621 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:42.629 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.638 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:42.646 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.654 15150 17050 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:42.655 15150 15169 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:243158063
02-04 12:19:42.663 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.671 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:42.679 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.688 15150 17050 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:42.689 15150 15169 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:243158096
02-04 12:19:42.693 950 13202 D AAL : onALIChanged: 54 -> 55
02-04 12:19:42.693 950 13202 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 55
02-04 12:19:42.696 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.705 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:42.707 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127368, screenshot (com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper#0)
02-04 12:19:42.707 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127368, screenshot (com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0)
02-04 12:19:42.713 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.721 15150 17050 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:42.729 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.746 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 1 line
02-04 12:19:42.763 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.763 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:42.664 BL= 338,ESS= 256,
02-04 12:19:42.779 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.813 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 2 lines
02-04 12:19:42.829 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.833 542 792 I hwcomposer: [DPY] receive refesh frquest from driver: type[4]
02-04 12:19:42.833 542 792 I hwcomposer: [HWC] fire a callback of refresh to SF
02-04 12:19:42.846 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.849 15150 15468 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 1010075, uidState = 15
02-04 12:19:42.863 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.879 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:42.893 950 13202 D AAL : onALIChanged: 55 -> 56
02-04 12:19:42.893 950 13202 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 56
02-04 12:19:42.896 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.029 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 8 lines
02-04 12:19:43.046 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.058 17077 17077 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: true
02-04 12:19:43.060 17077 17077 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: true
02-04 12:19:43.063 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.096 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 2 lines
02-04 12:19:43.113 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.125 17077 17077 I FirebaseApp: Device unlocked: initializing all Firebase APIs for app [DEFAULT]
02-04 12:19:43.129 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.146 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.153 17077 17077 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization successful
02-04 12:19:43.163 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.166 17077 17321 W games.webmaste: ClassLoaderContext classpath size mismatch. expected=12, found=0 (DLC[];PCL[base.apk*453381236:base.apk!classes2.dex*76909108:base.apk!classes3.dex*74162480:base.apk!classes4.dex*3153528392:base.apk!classes5.dex*2495113391:base.apk!classes6.dex*3057647005:base.apk!classes7.dex*2470609854:base.apk!classes8.dex*3084486259:base.apk!classes9.dex*3102907714:base.apk!classes10.dex*1939860723:base.apk!classes11.dex*3478132668:base.apk!classes12.dex*3528045680]{PCL[/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar*2758728129]#PCL[/system/framework/*1573936315]#PCL[/system/framework/*1664931834]#PCL[/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar*2758728129]} | DLC[];PCL[])
02-04 12:19:43.167 17077 17321 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module
02-04 12:19:43.168 17077 17321 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of, version >= 135
02-04 12:19:43.168 17077 17321 V DynamiteModule: Dynamite loader version >= 2, using loadModule2NoCrashUtils
02-04 12:19:43.177 17077 17321 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
02-04 12:19:43.179 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.187 17077 17077 D WM-WrkMgrInitializer: Initializing WorkManager with default configuration.
02-04 12:19:43.195 17077 17321 W games.webmaste: ClassLoaderContext classpath element checksum mismatch. expected=453381236, found=3608387416 (DLC[];PCL[base.apk*453381236:base.apk!classes2.dex*76909108:base.apk!classes3.dex*74162480:base.apk!classes4.dex*3153528392:base.apk!classes5.dex*2495113391:base.apk!classes6.dex*3057647005:base.apk!classes7.dex*2470609854:base.apk!classes8.dex*3084486259:base.apk!classes9.dex*3102907714:base.apk!classes10.dex*1939860723:base.apk!classes11.dex*3478132668:base.apk!classes12.dex*3528045680]{PCL[/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar*2758728129]#PCL[/system/framework/*1573936315]#PCL[/system/framework/*1664931834]#PCL[/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar*2758728129]} | DLC[];PCL[/data/app/~~YwVzta7Vo7cXCtK49jaAZA==/*3608387416:/data/app/~~YwVzta7Vo7cXCtK49jaAZA==/!classes2.dex*2061439179:/data/app/~~YwVzta7Vo7cXCtK49jaAZA==/!classes3.dex*1151221113:/data/app/~~YwVzta7Vo7cXCtK49jaAZA==/!classes4.dex*1308972930:/data/app/~~YwVzta7Vo7cXCtK49jaAZA==/!classes5.dex*2456241928:/data/app/~~YwVzta7Vo7cXCtK49jaAZA==/!classes6.dex*3201977725:/data/app/~~YwVzta7Vo7cXCtK49jaAZA==/!classes7.dex*2637526410:/data/app/~~YwVzta7Vo7cXCtK49jaAZA==/!classes8.dex*3799637697:/data/app/~~YwVzta7Vo7cXCtK49jaAZA==/!classes9.dex*203735872:/data/app/~~YwVzta7Vo7cXCtK49jaAZA==/!classes10.dex*3129107509:/data/app/~~YwVzta7Vo7cXCtK49jaAZA==/!classes11.dex*3173436789:/data/app/~~YwVzta7Vo7cXCtK49jaAZA==/!classes12.dex*4125251369]{PCL[/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar*2758728129]})
02-04 12:19:43.196 17077 17321 W games.webmaste: Found duplicate classes, falling back to extracting from APK : /data/app/~~eK3RS_z92bVnuJmmNrPzEw==/
02-04 12:19:43.196 17077 17321 W games.webmaste: NOTE: This wastes RAM and hurts startup performance.
02-04 12:19:43.196 17077 17321 W games.webmaste: Found duplicated class when checking oat files: 'Landroid/support/v4/graphics/drawable/IconCompatParcelizer;' in /data/app/~~eK3RS_z92bVnuJmmNrPzEw==/ and /data/app/~~YwVzta7Vo7cXCtK49jaAZA==/!classes12.dex
02-04 12:19:43.196 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.213 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.213 17077 17077 I TetheringManager:
02-04 12:19:43.229 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.231 17077 17327 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module
02-04 12:19:43.231 17077 17327 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of, version >= 244410203
02-04 12:19:43.231 17077 17327 V DynamiteModule: Dynamite loader version >= 2, using loadModule2NoCrashUtils
02-04 12:19:43.239 638 694 I BufferQueueProducer: [FloatAssistantView#0](id:27e00001e6f,api:1,p:17111,c:638) disconnect(): api=1
02-04 12:19:43.246 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.249 15150 15760 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:243158656
02-04 12:19:43.257 542 542 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:29.975643,dur:1401.14,max:414.74,min:15.51
02-04 12:19:43.257 15150 17142 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.263 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.271 15150 17146 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView EXITING} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.274 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127369, screenshot (com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper#0)
02-04 12:19:43.274 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127369, screenshot (com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0)
02-04 12:19:43.279 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.280 15150 15468 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10073, uidState = 4
02-04 12:19:43.287 15150 15468 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 10073, uidState = 6
02-04 12:19:43.288 15150 17146 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView EXITING} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.294 950 13202 D AAL : onALIChanged: 56 -> 58
02-04 12:19:43.294 950 13202 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 58
02-04 12:19:43.296 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.297 17077 17327 I games.webmaste: Waiting for a blocking GC ClassLinker
02-04 12:19:43.305 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView EXITING} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.313 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.321 17077 17331 I games.webmaste: Waiting for a blocking GC ClassLinker
02-04 12:19:43.321 15150 17146 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView EXITING} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.326 17077 17327 I games.webmaste: WaitForGcToComplete blocked ClassLinker on ClassLinker for 28.907ms
02-04 12:19:43.326 17077 17331 I games.webmaste: Waiting for a blocking GC ClassLinker
02-04 12:19:43.326 17077 17331 I games.webmaste: WaitForGcToComplete blocked ClassLinker on ClassLinker for 5.765ms
02-04 12:19:43.329 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.334 17077 17336 E games.webmaste: No package ID 76 found for ID 0x760b000f.
02-04 12:19:43.334 17077 17336 E games.webmaste: No package ID 76 found for ID 0x760b000f.
02-04 12:19:43.335 17077 17331 D FBAudienceNetwork: SDK dex loading time: 104
02-04 12:19:43.336 17077 17336 I FA : App measurement initialized, version: 113021
02-04 12:19:43.336 17077 17336 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
02-04 12:19:43.336 17077 17336 I FA : Faster debug mode event logging enabled. To disable, run:
02-04 12:19:43.336 17077 17336 I FA : adb shell setprop .none.
02-04 12:19:43.338 15150 17050 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView EXITING} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.342 17077 17077 I FacebookInitProvider: Failed to auto initialize the Facebook SDK
02-04 12:19:43.342 17077 17077 I FacebookInitProvider: A valid Facebook app client token must be set in the AndroidManifest.xml or set by calling FacebookSdk.setClientToken before initializing the sdk.
02-04 12:19:43.342 17077 17077 I FacebookInitProvider: at com.facebook.FacebookSdk.sdkInitialize(FacebookSdk.kt:438)
02-04 12:19:43.342 17077 17077 I FacebookInitProvider: at com.facebook.FacebookSdk.sdkInitialize(FacebookSdk.kt:391)
02-04 12:19:43.342 17077 17077 I FacebookInitProvider: at com.facebook.internal.FacebookInitProvider.onCreate(FacebookInitProvider.kt:28)
02-04 12:19:43.342 17077 17077 I FacebookInitProvider: at android.content.ContentProvider.attachInfo(
02-04 12:19:43.342 17077 17077 I FacebookInitProvider: at android.content.ContentProvider.attachInfo(
02-04 12:19:43.342 17077 17077 I FacebookInitProvider: at
02-04 12:19:43.342 17077 17077 I FacebookInitProvider: at
02-04 12:19:43.342 17077 17077 I FacebookInitProvider: at
02-04 12:19:43.342 17077 17077 I FacebookInitProvider: at$1600(
02-04 12:19:43.342 17077 17077 I FacebookInitProvider: at$H.handleMessage(
02-04 12:19:43.342 17077 17077 I FacebookInitProvider: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
02-04 12:19:43.342 17077 17077 I FacebookInitProvider: at android.os.Looper.loop(
02-04 12:19:43.342 17077 17077 I FacebookInitProvider: at
02-04 12:19:43.342 17077 17077 I FacebookInitProvider: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-04 12:19:43.342 17077 17077 I FacebookInitProvider: at$
02-04 12:19:43.342 17077 17077 I FacebookInitProvider: at
02-04 12:19:43.346 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.354 15150 17050 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView EXITING} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.363 15150 15468 D MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateLimit mLimitEnabled=false,enabled=true,mNetworkPriorityMode=255
02-04 12:19:43.363 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.371 15150 17050 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView EXITING} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.379 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.388 15150 17050 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView EXITING} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.390 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127370, screenshot (com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper#0)
02-04 12:19:43.390 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127370, screenshot (com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0)
02-04 12:19:43.396 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.405 15150 17050 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView EXITING} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.413 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.421 15150 17146 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView EXITING} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.429 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.438 15150 17146 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView EXITING} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.446 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.451 15150 15470 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.976) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = }
02-04 12:19:43.455 15150 17050 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView EXITING} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.463 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.471 15150 17146 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView EXITING} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.479 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.488 15150 17050 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView EXITING} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.490 17077 17077 I YandexAds: [Integration] Yandex Mobile Ads 7.9.0 integrated successfully
02-04 12:19:43.496 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.496 15150 15172 D AES : AEEIOCTL_GET/SET_SF_STATE IOCTL,cmd= 1074294797, lParam=0.
02-04 12:19:43.496 15150 15172 D AES : AEEIOCTL_RT_MON_Kick IOCTL,cmd= 2147774474, lParam=300.
02-04 12:19:43.505 15150 17050 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView EXITING} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.506 17077 17077 I YandexAds: [Integration] ------------------ AdColony ------------------
02-04 12:19:43.506 17077 17077 E YandexAds: [Integration] MISSING ADAPTERS: Banner, Interstitial, Rewarded
02-04 12:19:43.506 17077 17077 E YandexAds: [Integration] AdColony: NOT INTEGRATED
02-04 12:19:43.506 17077 17077 I YandexAds: [Integration] ------------------ AppLovin ------------------
02-04 12:19:43.506 17077 17077 E YandexAds: [Integration] MISSING ADAPTERS: Banner, Interstitial, Rewarded
02-04 12:19:43.506 17077 17077 E YandexAds: [Integration] AppLovin: NOT INTEGRATED
02-04 12:19:43.506 17077 17077 I YandexAds: [Integration] ------------------ Appnext -------------------
02-04 12:19:43.507 17077 17077 E YandexAds: [Integration] MISSING ADAPTERS: Banner, Interstitial, Native, Rewarded
02-04 12:19:43.507 17077 17077 E YandexAds: [Integration] Appnext: NOT INTEGRATED
02-04 12:19:43.507 17077 17077 I YandexAds: [Integration] ------------------ BigoAds -------------------
02-04 12:19:43.507 17077 17077 E YandexAds: [Integration] MISSING ADAPTERS: Banner, Interstitial, Native, Rewarded
02-04 12:19:43.507 17077 17077 E YandexAds: [Integration] BigoAds: NOT INTEGRATED
02-04 12:19:43.507 17077 17077 I YandexAds: [Integration] ----------------- Chartboost -----------------
02-04 12:19:43.507 17077 17077 E YandexAds: [Integration] MISSING ADAPTERS: Banner, Interstitial, Rewarded
02-04 12:19:43.507 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127371, screenshot (com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper#0)
02-04 12:19:43.507 17077 17077 E YandexAds: [Integration] Chartboost: NOT INTEGRATED
02-04 12:19:43.507 17077 17077 I YandexAds: [Integration] ------------------- AdMob --------------------
02-04 12:19:43.507 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127371, screenshot (com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0)
02-04 12:19:43.507 17077 17077 E YandexAds: [Integration] MISSING ADAPTERS: AppOpen, Banner, Interstitial, Native, Rewarded
02-04 12:19:43.507 17077 17077 E YandexAds: [Integration] AdMob: NOT INTEGRATED
02-04 12:19:43.507 17077 17077 I YandexAds: [Integration] ----------------- AdManager ------------------
02-04 12:19:43.507 17077 17077 E YandexAds: [Integration] MISSING ADAPTERS: Banner, Interstitial, Native, Rewarded
02-04 12:19:43.507 17077 17077 E YandexAds: [Integration] AdManager: NOT INTEGRATED
02-04 12:19:43.507 17077 17077 I YandexAds: [Integration] ------------------- InMobi -------------------
02-04 12:19:43.507 17077 17077 E YandexAds: [Integration] MISSING ADAPTERS: Banner, Interstitial, Rewarded
02-04 12:19:43.507 17077 17077 E YandexAds: [Integration] InMobi: NOT INTEGRATED
02-04 12:19:43.507 17077 17077 I YandexAds: [Integration] ----------------- IronSource -----------------
02-04 12:19:43.507 17077 17077 E YandexAds: [Integration] MISSING ADAPTERS: Banner, Interstitial, Rewarded
02-04 12:19:43.507 17077 17077 E YandexAds: [Integration] IronSource: NOT INTEGRATED
02-04 12:19:43.507 17077 17077 I YandexAds: [Integration] ----------------- Mintegral ------------------
02-04 12:19:43.507 17077 17077 E YandexAds: [Integration] MISSING ADAPTERS: Banner, Interstitial, Native, Rewarded
02-04 12:19:43.507 17077 17077 E YandexAds: [Integration] Mintegral: NOT INTEGRATED
02-04 12:19:43.507 17077 17077 I YandexAds: [Integration] ------------------ MyTarget ------------------
02-04 12:19:43.507 17077 17077 E YandexAds: [Integration] MISSING ADAPTERS: Banner, Interstitial, Native, Rewarded
02-04 12:19:43.507 17077 17077 E YandexAds: [Integration] MyTarget: NOT INTEGRATED
02-04 12:19:43.507 17077 17077 I YandexAds: [Integration] ------------------- Pangle -------------------
02-04 12:19:43.507 17077 17077 E YandexAds: [Integration] MISSING ADAPTERS: Interstitial, Rewarded
02-04 12:19:43.507 17077 17077 E YandexAds: [Integration] Pangle: NOT INTEGRATED
02-04 12:19:43.507 17077 17077 I YandexAds: [Integration] ------------------ StartApp ------------------
02-04 12:19:43.507 17077 17077 E YandexAds: [Integration] MISSING ADAPTERS: Banner, Interstitial, Native, Rewarded
02-04 12:19:43.507 17077 17077 E YandexAds: [Integration] StartApp: NOT INTEGRATED
02-04 12:19:43.507 17077 17077 I YandexAds: [Integration] ------------------- TapJoy -------------------
02-04 12:19:43.507 17077 17077 E YandexAds: [Integration] MISSING ADAPTERS: Interstitial, Rewarded
02-04 12:19:43.508 17077 17077 E YandexAds: [Integration] TapJoy: NOT INTEGRATED
02-04 12:19:43.508 17077 17077 I YandexAds: [Integration] ------------------ UnityAds ------------------
02-04 12:19:43.508 17077 17077 E YandexAds: [Integration] MISSING ADAPTERS: Banner, Interstitial, Rewarded
02-04 12:19:43.508 17077 17077 E YandexAds: [Integration] UnityAds: NOT INTEGRATED
02-04 12:19:43.508 17077 17077 I YandexAds: [Integration] ------------------- Vungle -------------------
02-04 12:19:43.508 17077 17077 E YandexAds: [Integration] MISSING ADAPTERS: Banner, Interstitial, Rewarded
02-04 12:19:43.508 17077 17077 E YandexAds: [Integration] Vungle: NOT INTEGRATED
02-04 12:19:43.513 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.521 15150 17146 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView EXITING} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.529 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.532 17077 17077 W Looper : PerfMonitor longMsg : seq=3 plan=12:19:40.781 late=11ms wall=2737ms running=2564ms runnable=21ms io=1ms$H w=110 procState=2
02-04 12:19:43.537 15150 17146 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView EXITING} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.538 17077 17353 I SafeDK : SafeDK Device ID: b17cd5fe-66d6-4629-9772-985c515890ba
02-04 12:19:43.539 17077 17353 I SafeDK : SafeDK version: 5.7.3
02-04 12:19:43.546 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.554 15150 17050 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView EXITING} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.562 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.564 17077 17077 D View : initForcedUseForceDark: 1
02-04 12:19:43.571 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView EXITING} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.573 17077 17077 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode is 1
02-04 12:19:43.573 17077 17077 D DecorView: createDecorCaptionView windowingMode:1 mWindowMode 1 isFullscreen: true
02-04 12:19:43.579 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.588 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView EXITING} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.596 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.604 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView EXITING} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.613 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.621 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView EXITING} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.623 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127372, screenshot (com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper#0)
02-04 12:19:43.623 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127372, screenshot (com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0)
02-04 12:19:43.629 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.637 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView EXITING} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.646 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.654 15150 17050 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView EXITING} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.663 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.671 15150 17050 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView EXITING} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.672 15150 15169 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:243159080
02-04 12:19:43.679 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.681 17077 17077 I IL2CPP : JNI_OnLoad
02-04 12:19:43.682 17077 17077 D Unity : CommandLine:
02-04 12:19:43.685 462 468 E PSITrigger: get PSI events detail failed!! errno=25
02-04 12:19:43.687 638 638 I BufferQueueConsumer: [FloatAssistantView#0](id:27e00001e6f,api:0,p:-1,c:638) disconnect()
02-04 12:19:43.687 638 638 I BufferQueue: [FloatAssistantView#0](this:0xb400007658a6e458,id:7791,api:1,p:-1,c:-1) onDestructor()
02-04 12:19:43.688 15150 17050 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.688 15150 17050 I InputDispatcher: Window went away: Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView EXITING}
02-04 12:19:43.689 17077 17077 I SurfaceFactory: [static] sSurfaceFactory = com.mediatek.view.impl.SurfaceFactoryImpl@240160a
02-04 12:19:43.689 638 694 I SurfaceFlinger: [SF client] NEW(0xb400007632be3500) for (
02-04 12:19:43.696 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.704 15150 17050 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.707 17077 17336 I FA : Tag Manager is not found and thus will not be used
02-04 12:19:43.710 17077 17077 D Unity : onActivityResumed: com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity@497c981
02-04 12:19:43.711 17077 17077 I Unity : onResume
02-04 12:19:43.713 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.714 15088 15501 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:19:43.723 638 694 I SurfaceFlinger: [SF client] NEW(0xb400007632bc7b40) for (
02-04 12:19:43.727 17077 17077 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode is 1
02-04 12:19:43.728 15150 17050 I WindowManagerService: MIUILOG- Show when locked PermissionDenied pkg : uid : 1012261
02-04 12:19:43.728 638 694 I SurfaceFlinger: [SF client] NEW(0xb400007658a2bf40) for (15150:system_server)
02-04 12:19:43.729 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.732 17077 17077 D libMEOW : meow reload base cfg path: na
02-04 12:19:43.732 17077 17077 D libMEOW : meow reload overlay cfg path: /vendor/etc/meow.cfg
02-04 12:19:43.733 17077 17077 D libMEOW : applied 1 plugins for []:
02-04 12:19:43.733 17077 17077 D libMEOW : plugin 1: []:
02-04 12:19:43.734 17077 17077 I InputTransport: Create ARC handle: 0xb400007a4954fa00
02-04 12:19:43.736 17077 17077 V PhoneWindow: DecorView setVisiblity: visibility = 0, Parent = android.view.ViewRootImpl@1a345dc, this = DecorView@5f5f6e5[UnityPlayerActivity]
02-04 12:19:43.737 15761 15761 D RecentsImpl: mActivityStateObserver com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity
02-04 12:19:43.737 17077 17077 W Looper : PerfMonitor looperActivity : time=205ms latency=2748ms running=113ms procState=2 ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[] } historyMsgCount=3 (msgIndex=3 wall=2737ms seq=3 running=2564ms runnable=21ms io=1ms late=11ms$H w=110)
02-04 12:19:43.737 15761 15761 W RecentsImpl: onResumed className=com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity mIsInAnotherPro=true
02-04 12:19:43.737 4977 4977 D RecentsImpl: mActivityStateObserver com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity
02-04 12:19:43.738 17077 17077 W Looper : PerfMonitor looperActivity : time=1ms latency=2952ms running=0ms procState=2 ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[] } historyMsgCount=4 (msgIndex=3 wall=2737ms seq=3 running=2564ms runnable=21ms io=1ms late=11ms$H w=110) (msgIndex=4 wall=205ms seq=4 running=113ms runnable=1ms io=68ms late=2748ms$H w=159)
02-04 12:19:43.738 4977 4977 W RecentsImpl: onResumed className=com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity mIsInAnotherPro=false
02-04 12:19:43.738 15150 17050 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.738 4977 5198 D RecentsImpl: showNavStubView
02-04 12:19:43.738 17077 17077 I Choreographer: Skipped 30 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
02-04 12:19:43.738 4977 5193 W RecentsImpl: disableBackStubWindow disableTouch=false
02-04 12:19:43.738 4977 5193 D RecentsImpl: showBackStubWindow mHasNavigationBar=true mDisabledByDriveMode=false
02-04 12:19:43.738 4977 5193 W GestureStubView: adaptRotation currentRotation=0 mRotation=0
02-04 12:19:43.738 4977 5193 D GestureStubView: resetRenderProperty: showGestureStub
02-04 12:19:43.739 4977 5193 D GestureStubView: showGestureStub
02-04 12:19:43.739 4977 5193 W GestureStubView: adaptRotation currentRotation=0 mRotation=0
02-04 12:19:43.739 4977 5193 D GestureStubView: resetRenderProperty: showGestureStub
02-04 12:19:43.739 4977 5193 D GestureStubView: showGestureStub
02-04 12:19:43.740 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127373, screenshot (com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper#0)
02-04 12:19:43.741 638 638 I SurfaceFlinger: operator()(), mtkRenderCntDebug 127373, screenshot (com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0)
02-04 12:19:43.744 15150 17050 I WindowManagerService: MIUILOG- Show when locked PermissionDenied pkg : uid : 1012261
02-04 12:19:43.744 15150 17050 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10}: oldVis=4 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-04 12:19:43.745 638 694 I BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:27e00001e71,api:0,p:-1,c:638) connect(): controlledByApp=false
02-04 12:19:43.745 638 694 I BufferQueue: [unnamed-638-7793](this:0xb400007637ac3e58,id:7793,api:0,p:-1,c:-1) BufferQueue core=(638:/system/bin/surfaceflinger)
02-04 12:19:43.746 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.748 15150 17050 I InputTransport: Create ARC handle: 0xb400007a45906c80
02-04 12:19:43.749 15150 17050 I InputTransport: Create ARC handle: 0xb400007a4590b020
02-04 12:19:43.750 15150 17050 I InputTransport: Create ARC handle: 0xb400007a45912000
02-04 12:19:43.750 15150 17050 I InputTransport: Create ARC handle: 0xb400007a45916b00
02-04 12:19:43.753 15150 17050 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:243159160
02-04 12:19:43.755 15150 17146 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.755 15150 17050 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:243159162
02-04 12:19:43.755 15150 17050 W WindowManager: Changing focus fromnull to Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} displayId=0
02-04 12:19:43.763 15150 17146 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:243159170
02-04 12:19:43.763 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.764 10864 10864 V PhoneWindow: DecorView setVisiblity: visibility = 8, Parent = android.view.ViewRootImpl@d0db118, this = DecorView@a5076b8[InputMethod]
02-04 12:19:43.764 4977 5193 D GestureStubView: gatherTransparentRegion: need render w:54 h:1404
02-04 12:19:43.771 4977 4977 E Launcher.DeviceConfig: please check navigationBar height:130
02-04 12:19:43.772 15150 17050 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.772 15150 17050 I InputDispatcher: Window went away:
02-04 12:19:43.773 4977 5198 W NavStubView: onComputeInternalInsets bounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 68) mHideGestureLine=false mIsShowNavBar=true
02-04 12:19:43.774 4977 4977 D RecentsContainer: onApplyWindowInsets, insets=WindowInsets{
02-04 12:19:43.774 4977 4977 D RecentsContainer: statusBars=Insets{left=0, top=76, right=0, bottom=0} max=Insets{left=0, top=76, right=0, bottom=0} vis=true
02-04 12:19:43.774 4977 4977 D RecentsContainer: navigationBars=Insets{left=0, top=0, right=0, bottom=44} max=Insets{left=0, top=0, right=0, bottom=44} vis=false
02-04 12:19:43.774 4977 4977 D RecentsContainer: =Insets{left=0, top=0, right=0, bottom=0} max=null vis=false
02-04 12:19:43.774 4977 4977 D RecentsContainer: ime=Insets{left=0, top=0, right=0, bottom=0} max=null vis=false
02-04 12:19:43.774 4977 4977 D RecentsContainer: systemGestures=Insets{left=0, top=76, right=0, bottom=44} max=Insets{left=0, top=76, right=0, bottom=44} vis=true
02-04 12:19:43.774 4977 4977 D RecentsContainer: mandatorySystemGestures=Insets{left=0, top=76, right=0, bottom=44} max=Insets{left=0, top=76, right=0, bottom=44} vis=true
02-04 12:19:43.774 4977 4977 D RecentsContainer: tappableElement=Insets{left=0, top=76, right=0, bottom=44} max=Insets{left=0, top=76, right=0, bottom=44} vis=true
02-04 12:19:43.774 4977 4977 D RecentsContainer: displayCutout=Insets{left=0, top=76, right=0, bottom=0} max=Insets{left=0, top=76, right=0, bottom=0} vis=true
02-04 12:19:43.774 4977 4977 D RecentsContainer: windowDecor=null max=null vis=false
02-04 12:19:43.774 4977 4977 D RecentsContainer: cutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 76 - 0, 0) waterfall=Insets{left=0, top=0, right=0, bottom=0} boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(456, 0 - 624, 76), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}}
02-04 12:19:43.774 4977 4977 D RecentsContainer: }, rotation=0
02-04 12:19:43.775 4977 4977 E Launcher.DeviceConfig: please check navigationBar height:130
02-04 12:19:43.776 15150 17146 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:243159183
02-04 12:19:43.777 638 1125 I BufferQueueProducer: [StatusBar#0](this:0xb4000076da4ffc58,id:5277,api:1,p:15601,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=2.30 dur=6969.65 max=6730.97 min=10.49
02-04 12:19:43.779 4977 5193 D GestureStubView: gatherTransparentRegion: need render w:54 h:1404
02-04 12:19:43.779 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.780 638 693 I BpBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients: <uncached descriptor>
02-04 12:19:43.781 4977 4977 I RenderVsyncUpdater: All controllers paused.
02-04 12:19:43.781 15601 15601 D StatusBar: disable<e i a s b h r c s > disable2<q i n >
02-04 12:19:43.782 15150 15760 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:243159189
02-04 12:19:43.782 638 693 I BufferQueueProducer: [NavigationBar0#0](this:0xb400007632e25c58,id:5275,api:1,p:15601,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=6.66 dur=6007.27 max=5273.50 min=14.81
02-04 12:19:43.783 6901 7018 D HomeWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET x: 1.0 y: 0.0
02-04 12:19:43.783 17077 17077 D SurfaceView: UPDATE null, mIsCastMode = false
02-04 12:19:43.785 638 693 I BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:27e00001e72,api:0,p:-1,c:638) connect(): controlledByApp=false
02-04 12:19:43.785 638 693 I BufferQueue: [unnamed-638-7794](this:0xb400007658a6ba58,id:7794,api:0,p:-1,c:-1) BufferQueue core=(638:/system/bin/surfaceflinger)
02-04 12:19:43.786 15150 17142 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:243159193
02-04 12:19:43.787 6901 8020 D KeyguardWallpaperRenderer: OFFSET x: 0.0 y: 0.0
02-04 12:19:43.787 4977 5193 D GestureStubView: gatherTransparentRegion: need render w:54 h:1404
02-04 12:19:43.787 4977 5198 W NavStubView: onComputeInternalInsets bounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 68) mHideGestureLine=false mIsShowNavBar=true
02-04 12:19:43.787 4977 5198 D NavStubView: onSystemUiFlagsChanged mIsShowNavBar=false
02-04 12:19:43.788 4977 4977 E Launcher.DeviceConfig: please check navigationBar height:130
02-04 12:19:43.788 17077 17357 D Unity : SetWindow 0 0xb400007a456d9010
02-04 12:19:43.788 4977 5193 D GestureStubView: gatherTransparentRegion: need render w:54 h:1404
02-04 12:19:43.788 17077 17077 D Surface : lockCanvas
02-04 12:19:43.788 17077 17357 D Unity : SetWindow 0 0xb400007a456d9010
02-04 12:19:43.788 15150 17142 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.789 638 693 I BufferQueueProducer: [](id:27e00001e71,api:2,p:17077,c:638) connect(): api=2 producerControlledByApp=false
02-04 12:19:43.791 4977 4977 D RecentsContainer: onApplyWindowInsets, insets=WindowInsets{
02-04 12:19:43.791 4977 4977 D RecentsContainer: statusBars=Insets{left=0, top=76, right=0, bottom=0} max=Insets{left=0, top=76, right=0, bottom=0} vis=false
02-04 12:19:43.791 4977 4977 D RecentsContainer: navigationBars=Insets{left=0, top=0, right=0, bottom=44} max=Insets{left=0, top=0, right=0, bottom=44} vis=false
02-04 12:19:43.791 4977 4977 D RecentsContainer: =Insets{left=0, top=0, right=0, bottom=0} max=null vis=false
02-04 12:19:43.791 4977 4977 D RecentsContainer: ime=Insets{left=0, top=0, right=0, bottom=0} max=null vis=false
02-04 12:19:43.791 4977 4977 D RecentsContainer: systemGestures=Insets{left=0, top=76, right=0, bottom=44} max=Insets{left=0, top=76, right=0, bottom=44} vis=true
02-04 12:19:43.791 4977 4977 D RecentsContainer: mandatorySystemGestures=Insets{left=0, top=76, right=0, bottom=44} max=Insets{left=0, top=76, right=0, bottom=44} vis=true
02-04 12:19:43.791 4977 4977 D RecentsContainer: tappableElement=Insets{left=0, top=76, right=0, bottom=44} max=Insets{left=0, top=76, right=0, bottom=44} vis=true
02-04 12:19:43.791 4977 4977 D RecentsContainer: displayCutout=Insets{left=0, top=76, right=0, bottom=0} max=Insets{left=0, top=76, right=0, bottom=0} vis=true
02-04 12:19:43.791 4977 4977 D RecentsContainer: windowDecor=null max=null vis=false
02-04 12:19:43.791 4977 4977 D RecentsContainer: cutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 76 - 0, 0) waterfall=Insets{left=0, top=0, right=0, bottom=0} boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(456, 0 - 624, 76), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}}
02-04 12:19:43.791 4977 4977 D RecentsContainer: }, rotation=0
02-04 12:19:43.792 4977 4977 E Launcher.DeviceConfig: please check navigationBar height:130
02-04 12:19:43.792 17077 17077 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Invalid argument
02-04 12:19:43.795 15150 15168 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:243159202
02-04 12:19:43.796 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.798 4977 4977 I RenderVsyncUpdater: All controllers paused.
02-04 12:19:43.802 15150 15168 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:243159209
02-04 12:19:43.804 17077 17077 W Looper : PerfMonitor doFrame : time=65ms vsyncFrame=0 latency=501ms procState=2 historyMsgCount=5 (msgIndex=1 wall=2737ms seq=3 running=2564ms runnable=21ms io=1ms late=11ms$H w=110) (msgIndex=2 wall=205ms seq=4 running=113ms runnable=1ms io=68ms late=2748ms$H w=159)
02-04 12:19:43.804 4977 5198 W NavStubView: onComputeInternalInsets bounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 68) mHideGestureLine=false mIsShowNavBar=false
02-04 12:19:43.806 15150 17142 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.813 15150 15169 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:243159220
02-04 12:19:43.813 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.814 15150 15177 D ArtManagerInternalImpl: /data/misc/iorapd/ doesn't exist
02-04 12:19:43.815 15150 15177 I ActivityTaskManager: Displayed +3s122ms
02-04 12:19:43.815 4977 11423 E LauncherAnimationRunner: onAnimationStart
02-04 12:19:43.815 4977 11423 E LauncherAnimationRunner: onAnimationStart: mode=1 taskId=1000001
02-04 12:19:43.815 4977 11423 E LauncherAnimationRunner: onAnimationStart: mode=0 taskId=1000104
02-04 12:19:43.816 15601 6001 D CommandQueue: setStatus: setStatus: what = 0, action = upate_specail_mode, ext = Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=104][pkg =[enable_config = false
02-04 12:19:43.816 4977 4977 E QuickstepAppTransitionManagerImpl: startIconLaunchAnimator:launcherClosing=true iconLoc=Rect(843, 187 - 1011, 355)
02-04 12:19:43.816 4977 4977 E QuickstepAppTransitionManagerImpl: startOpeningWindowAnimators:rotation0IconLoc=Rect(843, 187 - 1011, 355)
02-04 12:19:43.816 4977 4977 E ClipAnimationHelper: updateSourceStack mSourceInsets=Rect(0, 76 - 0, 0), mSourceStackBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340)
02-04 12:19:43.816 4977 4977 E ClipAnimationHelper: updateHomeStack mSourceInsets=Rect(0, 76 - 0, 0), mHomeStackBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340)
02-04 12:19:43.816 4977 4977 E ClipAnimationHelper: updateTargetRect mSourceRect=RectF(0.0, 76.0, 1080.0, 2416.0) mTargetRect=RectF(0.0, 0.0, 1080.0, 2340.0) mSourceWindowClipInsets=RectF(0.0, 76.0, 0.0, 0.0) mHomeStackBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340) targetRect=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2340)
02-04 12:19:43.817 4977 4977 E QuickstepAppTransitionManagerImpl: startLauncherContentAnimator:isAppOpening=true
02-04 12:19:43.817 4977 11542 W FloatingIconLayer: getFloatingIconLayer
02-04 12:19:43.817 638 693 I SurfaceFlinger: [SF client] NEW(0xb400007632bc9dc0) for (4977:com.miui.home)
02-04 12:19:43.818 638 693 I BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:27e00001e73,api:0,p:-1,c:638) connect(): controlledByApp=false
02-04 12:19:43.818 638 693 I BufferQueue: [unnamed-638-7795](this:0xb400007658a70e58,id:7795,api:0,p:-1,c:-1) BufferQueue core=(638:/system/bin/surfaceflinger)
02-04 12:19:43.820 4977 11542 W FloatingIconLayer: drawIcon
02-04 12:19:43.820 4977 11542 D Surface : lockHardwareCanvas
02-04 12:19:43.821 638 1531 I BufferQueueProducer: [Floating Icon#0](id:27e00001e73,api:1,p:4977,c:638) connect(): api=1 producerControlledByApp=false
02-04 12:19:43.822 15150 17142 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Floating Icon#0 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.822 15150 17142 I InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} in display 0
02-04 12:19:43.823 638 693 W SurfaceFlinger: eEarlyWakeup is deprecated. Use eExplicitEarlyWakeup[Start|End]
02-04 12:19:43.829 17077 17077 D Surface : lockCanvas
02-04 12:19:43.829 15150 17050 W ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast from system pkg Callers=
02-04 12:19:43.829 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.838 638 1531 W SurfaceFlinger: eEarlyWakeup is deprecated. Use eExplicitEarlyWakeup[Start|End]
02-04 12:19:43.840 15150 17050 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Floating Icon#0 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.845 15601 15739 D MiuiPhoneStatusBarPolicy: updateManagedProfile: secondSpace = true
02-04 12:19:43.846 17077 17077 I Unity : windowFocusChanged: true
02-04 12:19:43.846 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.846 15601 15601 D StatusBar: disable<e i a s b h r c s > disable2<q i n >
02-04 12:19:43.847 638 1531 I BufferQueueProducer: [com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0](this:0xb400007658a77e58,id:7788,api:1,p:4977,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=6.46 dur=3253.28 max=2887.64 min=5.09
02-04 12:19:43.850 10864 10864 I InputTransport: Create ARC handle: 0xb400007a565dc100
02-04 12:19:43.854 638 1125 W SurfaceFlinger: eEarlyWakeup is deprecated. Use eExplicitEarlyWakeup[Start|End]
02-04 12:19:43.855 15150 15596 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Floating Icon#0 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.856 10864 10864 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():2589
02-04 12:19:43.857 10864 10864 I Module : DeviceLockedStatusModuleProvider$Module.updateDeviceLockedStatus():100 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false
02-04 12:19:43.858 10864 10864 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1568 onStartInput(EditorInfo{EditorInfo{, inputType=0, inputTypeString=NULL, enableLearning=false, autoCorrection=false, autoComplete=false, imeOptions=0, privateImeOptions=null, actionName=UNSPECIFIED, actionLabel=null, initialSelStart=-1, initialSelEnd=-1, initialCapsMode=0, label=null, fieldId=2131362912, fieldName=null, extras=null, hintText=null, hintLocales=[]}}, false)
02-04 12:19:43.853 18583 10884 D AdvertisingIdClient: AdvertisingIdClient already created.
02-04 12:19:43.860 638 638 I BufferQueueProducer: [FramebufferSurface](this:0xb4000076da4bced0,id:-1,api:1,p:638,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=1.15 dur=1735.07 max=1017.94 min=717.13
02-04 12:19:43.861 4977 4977 I RenderVsyncUpdater: All controllers paused.
02-04 12:19:43.861 524 531 E statsd : Predicate 5980654721335871649 dropping data for dimension key (10)0x2010101->1012261[I] (10)0x30000->*launch*[S]
02-04 12:19:43.860 568 603 I mtkpower@impl: [setMode] type:5, enabled:0
02-04 12:19:43.861 10864 10864 I Module : DeviceLockedStatusModuleProvider$Module.updateDeviceLockedStatus():100 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false
02-04 12:19:43.862 10864 10864 I EmojiCompatManager: EmojiCompatManager.getEmojiCompatIfLoaded():342 EmojiCompat.init() was never called.
02-04 12:19:43.862 10864 10864 I EmojiCompatManager: java.lang.IllegalStateException: EmojiCompat is not initialized. Please call EmojiCompat.init() first
02-04 12:19:43.862 10864 10864 I EmojiCompatManager: at asu.p(PG:6)
02-04 12:19:43.862 10864 10864 I EmojiCompatManager: at awu.b(PG:13)
02-04 12:19:43.862 10864 10864 I EmojiCompatManager: at jgy.b(PG:2)
02-04 12:19:43.862 10864 10864 I EmojiCompatManager: at jgy.c(PG:4)
02-04 12:19:43.862 10864 10864 I EmojiCompatManager: at jgy.f(PG:3)
02-04 12:19:43.862 10864 10864 I EmojiCompatManager: at jhe.c(PG:3)
02-04 12:19:43.862 10864 10864 I EmojiCompatManager: at
02-04 12:19:43.862 10864 10864 I EmojiCompatManager: at
02-04 12:19:43.862 10864 10864 I EmojiCompatManager: at iue.execute(PG:12)
02-04 12:19:43.862 10864 10864 I EmojiCompatManager: at mvh.v(PG:14)
02-04 12:19:43.862 10864 10864 I EmojiCompatManager: at lat.m(PG:95)
02-04 12:19:43.862 10864 10864 I EmojiCompatManager: at lat.k(PG:25)
02-04 12:19:43.862 10864 10864 I EmojiCompatManager: at jzn.onStartInput(PG:336)
02-04 12:19:43.862 10864 10864 I EmojiCompatManager: at android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService.doStartInput(
02-04 12:19:43.862 10864 10864 I EmojiCompatManager: at android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService$InputMethodImpl.startInput(
02-04 12:19:43.862 10864 10864 I EmojiCompatManager: at android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService$InputMethodImpl.dispatchStartInputWithToken(
02-04 12:19:43.862 10864 10864 I EmojiCompatManager: at android.inputmethodservice.IInputMethodWrapper.executeMessage(
02-04 12:19:43.862 10864 10864 I EmojiCompatManager: at$MyHandler.handleMessage(
02-04 12:19:43.862 10864 10864 I EmojiCompatManager: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
02-04 12:19:43.862 10864 10864 I EmojiCompatManager: at android.os.Looper.loop(
02-04 12:19:43.862 10864 10864 I EmojiCompatManager: at
02-04 12:19:43.862 10864 10864 I EmojiCompatManager: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-04 12:19:43.862 10864 10864 I EmojiCompatManager: at$
02-04 12:19:43.862 10864 10864 I EmojiCompatManager: at
02-04 12:19:43.862 10864 10864 I AndroidIME: InputBundleManager.loadActiveInputBundleId():407 loadActiveInputBundleId: und-Latn-x-password, password
02-04 12:19:43.862 568 658 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:40686, idx:0
02-04 12:19:43.862 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:0 hdl:40686 hint:11 comm:mtkpower@1.0-se pid:568
02-04 12:19:43.863 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.863 10864 10864 V PhoneWindow: DecorView setVisiblity: visibility = 8, Parent = android.view.ViewRootImpl@d0db118, this = DecorView@a5076b8[InputMethod]
02-04 12:19:43.865 568 602 I mtkpower@impl: [mtkPowerHint] hint:21, hold:6000, ext:30, ext_hold:35000
02-04 12:19:43.865 568 658 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:40687, idx:1
02-04 12:19:43.865 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:1 hdl:40687 hint:22 comm:mtkpower@1.0-se pid:568
02-04 12:19:43.866 568 658 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:40690 hint:21 pid:568 duration:6000 => ret_hdl:40690
02-04 12:19:43.866 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:0 hdl:40690 hint:21 comm:mtkpower@1.0-se pid:568
02-04 12:19:43.866 568 658 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:40689, idx:3
02-04 12:19:43.866 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:3 hdl:40689 hint:21 comm:mtkpower@1.0-se pid:568
02-04 12:19:43.866 568 658 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:40691 hint:30 pid:568 duration:35000 => ret_hdl:40691
02-04 12:19:43.866 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:1 hdl:40691 hint:30 comm:mtkpower@1.0-se pid:568
02-04 12:19:43.868 18583 10884 I AdvertisingIdClient: shouldSendLog 496703643
02-04 12:19:43.868 18583 10884 I AdvertisingIdClient: GetInfoInternal elapse 9ms
02-04 12:19:43.871 638 1531 W SurfaceFlinger: eEarlyWakeup is deprecated. Use eExplicitEarlyWakeup[Start|End]
02-04 12:19:43.872 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Floating Icon#0 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.873 17077 17357 I Unity : MemoryManager: Using 'Dynamic Heap' Allocator.
02-04 12:19:43.873 17077 17357 D Unity : [UnityMemory] Configuration Parameters - Can be set up in boot.config
02-04 12:19:43.873 17077 17357 D Unity : "memorysetup-bucket-allocator-granularity=16"
02-04 12:19:43.873 17077 17357 D Unity : "memorysetup-bucket-allocator-bucket-count=8"
02-04 12:19:43.873 17077 17357 D Unity : "memorysetup-bucket-allocator-block-size=4194304"
02-04 12:19:43.873 17077 17357 D Unity : "memorysetup-bucket-allocator-block-count=1"
02-04 12:19:43.873 17077 17357 D Unity : "memorysetup-main-allocator-block-size=16777216"
02-04 12:19:43.873 17077 17357 D Unity : "memorysetup-thread-allocator-block-size=16777216"
02-04 12:19:43.873 17077 17357 D Unity : "memorysetup-gfx-main-allocator-block-size=16777216"
02-04 12:19:43.873 17077 17357 D Unity : "memorysetup-gfx-thread-allocator-block-size=16777216"
02-04 12:19:43.873 17077 17357 D Unity : "memorysetup-cache-allocator-block-size=4194304"
02-04 12:19:43.873 17077 17357 D Unity : "memorysetup-typetree-allocator-block-size=2097152"
02-04 12:19:43.873 17077 17357 D Unity : "memorysetup-profiler-bucket-allocator-granularity=16"
02-04 12:19:43.873 17077 17357 D Unity : "memorysetup-profiler-bucket-allocator-bucket-count=8"
02-04 12:19:43.873 17077 17357 D Unity : "memorysetup-profiler-bucket-allocator-block-size=4194304"
02-04 12:19:43.873 17077 17357 D Unity : "memorysetup-profiler-bucket-allocator-block-count=1"
02-04 12:19:43.873 17077 17357 D Unity : "memorysetup-profiler-allocator-block-size=16777216"
02-04 12:19:43.873 17077 17357 D Unity : "memorysetup-profiler-editor-allocator-block-size=1048576"
02-04 12:19:43.873 17077 17357 D Unity : "memorysetup-temp-allocator-size-main=4194304"
02-04 12:19:43.873 17077 17357 D Unity : "memorysetup-job-temp-allocator-block-size=2097152"
02-04 12:19:43.873 17077 17357 D Unity : "memorysetup-job-temp-allocator-block-size-background=1048576"
02-04 12:19:43.873 17077 17357 D Unity : "memorysetup-job-temp-allocator-reduction-small-platforms=262144"
02-04 12:19:43.873 17077 17357 D Unity : "memorysetup-temp-allocator-size-background-worker=32768"
02-04 12:19:43.873 17077 17357 D Unity : "memorysetup-temp-allocator-size-job-worker=262144"
02-04 12:19:43.873 17077 17357 D Unity : "memorysetup-temp-allocator-size-preload-manager=262144"
02-04 12:19:43.873 17077 17357 D Unity : "memorysetup-temp-allocator-size-nav-mesh-worker=65536"
02-04 12:19:43.873 17077 17357 D Unity : "memorysetup-temp-allocator-size-audio-worker=65536"
02-04 12:19:43.873 17077 17357 D Unity : "memorysetup-temp-allocator-size-cloud-worker=32768"
02-04 12:19:43.873 17077 17357 D Unity : "memorysetup-temp-allocator-size-gfx=262144"
02-04 12:19:43.879 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.885 17077 17357 E libprocessgroup: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted
02-04 12:19:43.888 638 1531 W SurfaceFlinger: eEarlyWakeup is deprecated. Use eExplicitEarlyWakeup[Start|End]
02-04 12:19:43.889 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Floating Icon#0 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.896 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.896 17077 17357 D Unity : Enabling Unity systrace
02-04 12:19:43.904 638 1125 W SurfaceFlinger: eEarlyWakeup is deprecated. Use eExplicitEarlyWakeup[Start|End]
02-04 12:19:43.905 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Floating Icon#0 com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.906 4977 11542 W FloatingIconLayer: release
02-04 12:19:43.908 638 1125 I BufferQueueProducer: [Floating Icon#0](id:27e00001e73,api:1,p:4977,c:638) disconnect(): api=1
02-04 12:19:43.908 17077 17357 W games.webmaste: Accessing hidden method Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandles$Lookup;-><init>(Ljava/lang/Class;I)V (greylist, reflection, allowed)
02-04 12:19:43.913 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.916 17077 17374 I AppMetrica: AppMetrica [49339-IAA-CDE-1] Initializing of AppMetrica, Release type, Version 7.3.0, API Level 115, Dated 05.11.2024.
02-04 12:19:43.916 17077 17370 W games.webmaste: Accessing hidden method Landroid/app/ActivityThread;->currentActivityThread()Landroid/app/ActivityThread; (greylist, reflection, allowed)
02-04 12:19:43.916 17077 17370 W games.webmaste: Accessing hidden method Landroid/app/ActivityThread;->getProcessName()Ljava/lang/String; (greylist, reflection, allowed)
02-04 12:19:43.921 638 1531 W SurfaceFlinger: eEarlyWakeup is deprecated. Use eExplicitEarlyWakeup[Start|End]
02-04 12:19:43.922 15150 17050 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.923 15150 17050 I InputDispatcher: Window went away: Floating Icon#0
02-04 12:19:43.924 638 638 I BufferQueueConsumer: [Floating Icon#0](id:27e00001e73,api:0,p:-1,c:638) disconnect()
02-04 12:19:43.924 638 638 I BufferQueue: [Floating Icon#0](this:0xb400007658a70e58,id:7795,api:1,p:-1,c:-1) onDestructor()
02-04 12:19:43.930 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.938 638 693 W SurfaceFlinger: eEarlyWakeup is deprecated. Use eExplicitEarlyWakeup[Start|End]
02-04 12:19:43.939 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.941 17077 17357 D Unity : [VFS] Mount /data/app/~~YwVzta7Vo7cXCtK49jaAZA==/
02-04 12:19:43.942 8363 13869 W NetworkScheduler.ATC: Called cancelTask for already completed task{u=10 tag="Measurement.PackageMeasurementTaskService.UPLOAD_TASK_TAG" trigger=window{start=0s,end=1s,earliest=-145s,latest=-144s} requirements=[NET_CONNECTED,PREFERRED_NET_UNMETERED,PREFERRED_CHARGING] attributes=[PERSISTED] scheduled=-145s last_run=-145s exec_window_multiplier=1.0000 jid=N/A status=ACTIVE retries=0 client_lib=GMS_TASK_SCHEDULER-250234000} :1 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ]
02-04 12:19:43.946 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.954 638 1531 W SurfaceFlinger: eEarlyWakeup is deprecated. Use eExplicitEarlyWakeup[Start|End]
02-04 12:19:43.955 15150 15596 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.958 17077 17357 D Unity : Loading player data from /data/app/~~YwVzta7Vo7cXCtK49jaAZA==/
02-04 12:19:43.959 18583 18583 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { dat=chimera-action: }
02-04 12:19:43.959 18583 18583 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { dat=chimera-action: }
02-04 12:19:43.963 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.970 15150 15468 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 1010058, uidState = 3
02-04 12:19:43.971 638 1531 W SurfaceFlinger: eEarlyWakeup is deprecated. Use eExplicitEarlyWakeup[Start|End]
02-04 12:19:43.972 15150 15244 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.974 15150 15244 I WindowManagerService: MIUILOG- Show when locked PermissionDenied pkg : uid : 1012261
02-04 12:19:43.975 17077 17357 I Unity : SystemInfo CPU = ARM64, Cores = 8, Memory = 5635mb
02-04 12:19:43.975 17077 17357 I Unity : SystemInfo ARM big.LITTLE configuration: 2 big (mask: 0xc0), 6 little (mask: 0x3f)
02-04 12:19:43.975 17077 17357 I Unity : ApplicationInfo version 2.6.3
02-04 12:19:43.975 17077 17357 I Unity : Built from '2021.3/staging' branch, Version '2021.3.42f1 (f1197811e8ce)', Build type 'Development', Scripting Backend 'il2cpp', CPU 'arm64-v8a', Stripping 'Disabled'
02-04 12:19:43.977 17077 17357 D Unity : Determine if il2cpp resources need to extracted:
02-04 12:19:43.980 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:43.980 17077 17357 D Unity : il2cpp resources are up to date, not extracting
02-04 12:19:43.981 4157 4196 I android.vendin: Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver
02-04 12:19:43.984 10864 10864 V PhoneWindow: DecorView setVisiblity: visibility = 8, Parent = android.view.ViewRootImpl@d0db118, this = DecorView@a5076b8[InputMethod]
02-04 12:19:43.988 638 1125 W SurfaceFlinger: eEarlyWakeup is deprecated. Use eExplicitEarlyWakeup[Start|End]
02-04 12:19:43.990 15150 15244 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:43.996 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.005 638 1531 W SurfaceFlinger: eEarlyWakeup is deprecated. Use eExplicitEarlyWakeup[Start|End]
02-04 12:19:44.005 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.007 17077 17077 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode is 1
02-04 12:19:44.009 15150 17132 I WindowManagerService: MIUILOG- Show when locked PermissionDenied pkg : uid : 1012261
02-04 12:19:44.009 17077 17357 D Unity : Found 3 interfaces on host :
02-04 12:19:44.009 17077 17357 D Unity : 0)
02-04 12:19:44.009 17077 17357 D Unity : 1)
02-04 12:19:44.009 17077 17357 D Unity : 2)
02-04 12:19:44.009 17077 17357 D Unity :
02-04 12:19:44.012 17077 17357 D Unity : Multi-casting "[IP] [Port] 55000 [Flags] 2 [Guid] 1348000086 [EditorId] 2823687660 [Version] 1048832 [Id] AndroidPlayer(11,Xiaomi_Redmi_Note_8_Pro@ [Debug] 0 [PackageName] AndroidPlayer [ProjectName] Web Master" to []...
02-04 12:19:44.015 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.018 10864 10864 V PhoneWindow: DecorView setVisiblity: visibility = 8, Parent = android.view.ViewRootImpl@d0db118, this = DecorView@a5076b8[InputMethod]
02-04 12:19:44.019 15601 15601 D StatusBar: disable<e i a s b h r c s > disable2<q i n >
02-04 12:19:44.021 638 1125 W SurfaceFlinger: eEarlyWakeup is deprecated. Use eExplicitEarlyWakeup[Start|End]
02-04 12:19:44.022 15150 15596 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.030 4157 4174 I android.vendin: CollectorTransition concurrent copying GC freed 80498(3944KB) AllocSpace objects, 3(108KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10042KB/19MB, paused 159us total 277.875ms
02-04 12:19:44.030 4157 4196 I android.vendin: WaitForGcToComplete blocked ProfileSaver on ProfileSaver for 48.894ms
02-04 12:19:44.031 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.039 15150 17050 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.040 638 1531 W SurfaceFlinger: eEarlyWakeup is deprecated. Use eExplicitEarlyWakeup[Start|End]
02-04 12:19:44.046 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.054 638 1125 W SurfaceFlinger: eEarlyWakeup is deprecated. Use eExplicitEarlyWakeup[Start|End]
02-04 12:19:44.056 15150 17142 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.058 15086 15086 D Zygote : Forked child process 17384
02-04 12:19:44.063 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.065 15150 15179 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service {}
02-04 12:19:44.071 638 1531 W SurfaceFlinger: eEarlyWakeup is deprecated. Use eExplicitEarlyWakeup[Start|End]
02-04 12:19:44.072 15150 17142 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.073 17384 17384 I ster:AppMetric: Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni
02-04 12:19:44.080 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.088 638 1125 W SurfaceFlinger: eEarlyWakeup is deprecated. Use eExplicitEarlyWakeup[Start|End]
02-04 12:19:44.090 15150 17142 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.096 17384 17384 I ster:AppMetric: Unquickening 22 vdex files!
02-04 12:19:44.096 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.103 17077 17370 I YandexAds: [Integration] Yandex Mobile Ads 7.9.0 initialized successfully
02-04 12:19:44.104 10861 10889 I adbd : jdwp connection from 17384
02-04 12:19:44.105 638 1531 W SurfaceFlinger: eEarlyWakeup is deprecated. Use eExplicitEarlyWakeup[Start|End]
02-04 12:19:44.105 15150 17142 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.113 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.121 638 694 W SurfaceFlinger: eEarlyWakeup is deprecated. Use eExplicitEarlyWakeup[Start|End]
02-04 12:19:44.122 15150 17050 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.130 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.138 638 694 W SurfaceFlinger: eEarlyWakeup is deprecated. Use eExplicitEarlyWakeup[Start|End]
02-04 12:19:44.139 638 694 W SurfaceFlinger: eEarlyWakeup is deprecated. Use eExplicitEarlyWakeup[Start|End]
02-04 12:19:44.140 15150 17142 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.146 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.147 17077 17374 I ironSourceSDK: API: p b - add impression data listener to b
02-04 12:19:44.147 17077 17374 I AppMetrica: AppMetrica [49339-IAA-CDE-1] Activate AppMetrica in anonymous mode
02-04 12:19:44.150 17077 17374 I AppMetrica: AppMetrica [49339-IAA-CDE-1] Activate reporter with APIKey 20799a27-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx4180
02-04 12:19:44.151 17077 17374 I AppMetrica: AppMetrica [49339-IAA-CDE-1] Activate reporter with APIKey 322a737a-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx1db6
02-04 12:19:44.154 638 1125 W SurfaceFlinger: eEarlyWakeup is deprecated. Use eExplicitEarlyWakeup[Start|End]
02-04 12:19:44.155 15150 17142 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.163 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.171 638 1125 W SurfaceFlinger: eEarlyWakeup is deprecated. Use eExplicitEarlyWakeup[Start|End]
02-04 12:19:44.172 638 694 W SurfaceFlinger: eEarlyWakeup is deprecated. Use eExplicitEarlyWakeup[Start|End]
02-04 12:19:44.172 15150 17142 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.179 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.181 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:43.915 BL= 339,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:19:43.997 BL= 339,ESS= 257, 02-04 12:19:44.032 BL= 339,ESS= 258, 02-04 12:19:44.131 BL= 339,ESS= 260, 02-04 12:19:44.181 BL= 340,ESS= 260,
02-04 12:19:44.188 638 694 W SurfaceFlinger: eEarlyWakeup is deprecated. Use eExplicitEarlyWakeup[Start|End]
02-04 12:19:44.188 15150 17142 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.196 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.197 15601 15601 D StatusBar: disable<e i a s b h r c s > disable2<q i n >
02-04 12:19:44.205 638 693 W SurfaceFlinger: eEarlyWakeup is deprecated. Use eExplicitEarlyWakeup[Start|End]
02-04 12:19:44.205 15150 17142 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.213 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.221 638 693 W SurfaceFlinger: eEarlyWakeup is deprecated. Use eExplicitEarlyWakeup[Start|End]
02-04 12:19:44.222 15150 17142 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.229 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.238 638 693 W SurfaceFlinger: eEarlyWakeup is deprecated. Use eExplicitEarlyWakeup[Start|End]
02-04 12:19:44.239 15150 17142 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.243 7852 12813 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Received query %s, URI %s
02-04 12:19:44.244 7852 12813 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Query [%s] resolved to %s
02-04 12:19:44.246 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.251 7852 12813 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Fetch %s end status %s
02-04 12:19:44.254 638 693 W SurfaceFlinger: eEarlyWakeup is deprecated. Use eExplicitEarlyWakeup[Start|End]
02-04 12:19:44.255 15150 15596 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.260 542 542 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:58.802750,dur:1003.35,max:34.31,min:13.69
02-04 12:19:44.263 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.264 7852 12813 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Pulling font file for id = %d, cache size = %d
02-04 12:19:44.271 638 694 W SurfaceFlinger: eEarlyWakeup is deprecated. Use eExplicitEarlyWakeup[Start|End]
02-04 12:19:44.272 15150 15596 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.279 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.282 7852 12813 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Pulling font file for id = %d, cache size = %d
02-04 12:19:44.288 638 694 W SurfaceFlinger: eEarlyWakeup is deprecated. Use eExplicitEarlyWakeup[Start|End]
02-04 12:19:44.288 15150 15596 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.296 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.304 638 694 W SurfaceFlinger: eEarlyWakeup is deprecated. Use eExplicitEarlyWakeup[Start|End]
02-04 12:19:44.305 15150 15596 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.313 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.321 638 694 W SurfaceFlinger: eEarlyWakeup is deprecated. Use eExplicitEarlyWakeup[Start|End]
02-04 12:19:44.321 15150 15596 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.324 17077 17357 D Unity : [EGL] Attaching window :0xb400007a456d9010
02-04 12:19:44.324 17077 17357 D Unity : InitializeScriptEngine OK (0x79d5022fc0)
02-04 12:19:44.330 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.337 17077 17357 E libprocessgroup: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted
02-04 12:19:44.338 17077 17357 I chatty : uid=1012261( UnityMain identical 1 line
02-04 12:19:44.338 17077 17357 E libprocessgroup: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted
02-04 12:19:44.338 638 694 W SurfaceFlinger: eEarlyWakeup is deprecated. Use eExplicitEarlyWakeup[Start|End]
02-04 12:19:44.338 17077 17357 E libprocessgroup: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted
02-04 12:19:44.338 17077 17357 I chatty : uid=1012261( UnityMain identical 10 lines
02-04 12:19:44.338 17077 17357 E libprocessgroup: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted
02-04 12:19:44.338 15150 15596 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.338 17077 17357 E libprocessgroup: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted
02-04 12:19:44.340 15150 17142 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} time:243159747
02-04 12:19:44.345 15150 15169 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped time:243159752
02-04 12:19:44.346 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.348 4977 5198 E LauncherAnimationRunner: finish:
02-04 12:19:44.353 15150 15468 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 1010052, uidState = 5
02-04 12:19:44.353 15150 15468 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 1001000, uidState = 4
02-04 12:19:44.355 15150 17142 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.355 17077 17357 D Unity : [Physics::Module] Initialized MultithreadedJobDispatcher with {0} workers.
02-04 12:19:44.358 17077 17357 D Unity : Loading player data from assets/bin/Data/data.unity3d
02-04 12:19:44.361 17077 17357 D Unity : PlayerInitEngineNoGraphics OK
02-04 12:19:44.361 17077 17357 I Unity : Company Name: KobGames
02-04 12:19:44.361 17077 17357 I Unity : Product Name: Web Master
02-04 12:19:44.361 17077 17357 D Unity : AndroidGraphics::Startup window = 0xb400007a456d9010
02-04 12:19:44.361 17077 17357 D Unity : [EGL] Attaching window :0xb400007a456d9010
02-04 12:19:44.363 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.364 17077 17357 D Unity : [Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path /data/app/~~YwVzta7Vo7cXCtK49jaAZA==/
02-04 12:19:44.364 17077 17357 D libMEOW : applied 1 plugins for []:
02-04 12:19:44.364 17077 17357 D libMEOW : plugin 1: []:
02-04 12:19:44.369 4977 4977 D Launcher.Lifecycle: onStop:UserHandle{10},9c0bee7,false
02-04 12:19:44.370 17077 17357 D Unity : [EGL] Request: ES 3.2 RGB0 000 0/0
02-04 12:19:44.370 17077 17357 D Unity : [EGL] Checking ES 3.2 support...
02-04 12:19:44.371 17077 17357 I GED : [GT]_get_procNameprocess pid(17077)
02-04 12:19:44.371 17077 17357 I GED : [GT]_getprocess name(
02-04 12:19:44.371 17077 17357 I games.webmaste: [GT] ret(1) gt_status(00000000) aniso_debug_level(0) gt_aniso_max_level(16) ani so mask(00000001) tri mask(00000002)
02-04 12:19:44.371 17077 17357 I libMEOW_gift: ctx:0xb4000078a0c06ee8, ARC not Enabled.
02-04 12:19:44.371 17077 17357 D Unity : [EGL] ES 3.2 support detected
02-04 12:19:44.371 17077 17357 D Unity : [EGL] Found: ID[5] ES 3.2 RGB16 565 0/0
02-04 12:19:44.371 17077 17357 D Unity : GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1; jobified=0
02-04 12:19:44.371 17077 17357 D Unity : [EGL] Request: ES 3.2 RGB0 000 0/0
02-04 12:19:44.372 17077 17357 D Unity : [EGL] Found: ID[5] ES 3.2 RGB16 565 0/0
02-04 12:19:44.372 17077 17357 D Unity : [EGL] Request: ES 3.0 RGBA32 8888 0/0
02-04 12:19:44.372 15150 17142 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.372 17077 17357 D Unity : [EGL] Found: ID[1] ES 3.0 RGBA32 8888 0/0
02-04 12:19:44.372 638 693 I BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceView -](id:27e00001e72,api:1,p:17077,c:638) connect(): api=1 producerControlledByApp=false
02-04 12:19:44.375 17077 17357 D Unity : ANativeWindow: (1080/2264) RequestedResolution: (0/0) RenderingResolution: (0/0) EGLSurface: (1080/2264)
02-04 12:19:44.375 17077 17357 I GED : [GT]_get_procNameprocess pid(17077)
02-04 12:19:44.375 17077 17357 I GED : [GT]_getprocess name(
02-04 12:19:44.375 17077 17357 I games.webmaste: [GT] ret(1) gt_status(00000000) aniso_debug_level(0) gt_aniso_max_level(16) ani so mask(00000001) tri mask(00000002)
02-04 12:19:44.375 17077 17357 I libMEOW_gift: ctx:0xb4000078a0c06ee8, ARC not Enabled.
02-04 12:19:44.377 17077 17357 D Unity : Renderer: Mali-G76 MC4
02-04 12:19:44.377 17077 17357 D Unity : Vendor: ARM
02-04 12:19:44.377 17077 17357 D Unity : Version: OpenGL ES 3.2 v1.r26p0-01eac0.66a08f2668d757b36371f0062427ea04
02-04 12:19:44.377 17077 17357 D Unity : GLES: 3
02-04 12:19:44.377 17077 17357 D Unity : GL_EXT_debug_marker GL_ARM_rgba8 GL_ARM_mali_shader_binary GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_depth_texture GL_OES_depth_texture_cube_map GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_EXT_read_format_bgra GL_OES_compressed_paletted_texture GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_OES_standard_derivatives GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_OES_EGL_image_external_essl3 GL_OES_EGL_sync GL_OES_texture_npot GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_OES_required_internalformat GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_EXT_texture_rg GL_EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV GL_OES_fbo_render_mipmap GL_OES_element_index_uint GL_EXT_shadow_samplers GL_OES_texture_compression_astc GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_hdr GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_sliced_3d GL_EXT_texture_compression_astc_decode_mode GL_EXT_texture_compression_astc_decode_mode_rgb9e5 GL_KHR_debug GL_EXT_occlusion_query_boolean GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer
02-04 12:19:44.377 17077 17357 D Unity : GL_OES_get_program_binary GL_OES_texture_3D GL_EXT_texture_storage GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture2 GL_OES_surfaceless_context GL_OES_texture_stencil8 GL_EXT_shader_pixel_local_storage GL_ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch GL_ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_depth_stencil GL_ARM_mali_program_binary GL_EXT_sRGB GL_EXT_sRGB_write_control GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_R8 GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_RG8 GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent GL_OES_texture_storage_multisample_2d_array GL_OES_shader_image_atomic GL_EXT_robustness GL_EXT_draw_buffers_indexed GL_OES_draw_buffers_indexed GL_EXT_texture_border_clamp GL_OES_texture_border_clamp GL_EXT_texture_cube_map_array GL_OES_texture_cube_map_array GL_OES_sample_variables GL_OES_sample_shading GL_OES_shader_multisample_interpolation GL_EXT_shader_io_blocks GL_OES_shader_io_blocks GL_EXT_tessellation_shader GL_OES_tessellation_shader GL_EXT_primitive_bounding_box GL_OES_primitive_bounding_
02-04 12:19:44.377 17077 17357 D Unity : box GL_EXT_geometry_shader GL_OES_geometry_shader GL_ANDROID_extension_pack_es31a GL_EXT_gpu_shader5 GL_OES_gpu_shader5 GL_EXT_texture_buffer GL_OES_texture_buffer GL_EXT_copy_image GL_OES_copy_image GL_EXT_shader_non_constant_global_initializers GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float GL_EXT_color_buffer_float GL_EXT_YUV_target GL_OVR_multiview GL_OVR_multiview2 GL_OVR_multiview_multisampled_render_to_texture GL_KHR_robustness GL_KHR_robust_buffer_access_behavior GL_EXT_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_OES_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_EXT_protected_textures GL_EXT_buffer_storage GL_EXT_external_buffer GL_EXT_EGL_image_array GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_ARM_texture_unnormalized_coordinates
02-04 12:19:44.378 4977 4977 V PhoneWindow: DecorView setVisiblity: visibility = 4, Parent = android.view.ViewRootImpl@c4c3e07, this = DecorView@f47c532[Launcher]
02-04 12:19:44.379 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.381 638 694 I BufferQueueProducer: [com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0](id:27e00001e6c,api:1,p:4977,c:638) disconnect(): api=1
02-04 12:19:44.388 15150 17142 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0 Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.393 17077 17357 D Unity : OPENGL LOG: Creating OpenGL ES 3.2 graphics device ; Context level <OpenGL ES 3.2> ; Context handle 1165872384
02-04 12:19:44.393 17077 17453 D libMEOW : applied 1 plugins for []:
02-04 12:19:44.393 17077 17453 D libMEOW : plugin 1: []:
02-04 12:19:44.394 17077 17357 D Unity : [EGL] Attaching window :0xb400007a456d9010
02-04 12:19:44.395 15314 15341 D PMonitor: onForegroundActivitiesChanged:pid = 4977,activity-uid=1010052,foregroundActivities=false
02-04 12:19:44.395 16975 1364 D PMonitor: onForegroundActivitiesChanged:pid = 4977,activity-uid=1010052,foregroundActivities=false
02-04 12:19:44.396 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.397 17077 17357 D Unity : Requested framebuffer: resolution[1080x2264], rgba[8/8/8/8], depth+stencil[on], samples[1]
02-04 12:19:44.397 17077 17357 D Unity : Created framebuffer: resolution[1080x2264], rgba[8/8/8/8], depth+stencil[24/8], samples[0]
02-04 12:19:44.397 17077 17357 D Unity : [EGL] Attaching window :0xb400007a456d9010
02-04 12:19:44.398 17077 17357 D Unity : Initialize engine version: 2021.3.42f1 (f1197811e8ce)
02-04 12:19:44.404 638 638 I BufferQueueConsumer: [com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0](id:27e00001e6c,api:0,p:-1,c:638) disconnect()
02-04 12:19:44.404 638 638 I BufferQueue: [com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0](this:0xb400007658a77e58,id:7788,api:1,p:-1,c:-1) onDestructor()
02-04 12:19:44.406 15150 17142 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.406 638 638 D SurfaceFlinger: Launcher Changed hasLauncher=0
02-04 12:19:44.406 15150 17142 I InputDispatcher: Window went away: com.miui.home/com.miui.home.launcher.Launcher#0
02-04 12:19:44.413 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.421 15150 17142 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-04 12:19:44.421 15150 15596 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-04 12:19:44.422 15150 15596 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:15150_5 identical 1 line
02-04 12:19:44.422 15150 15596 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-04 12:19:44.422 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.422 15150 15596 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-04 12:19:44.423 15150 15596 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:15150_5 identical 3 lines
02-04 12:19:44.424 15150 15596 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-04 12:19:44.424 15150 17132 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-04 12:19:44.426 17077 17357 D games.webmaste: PlayerBase::PlayerBase()
02-04 12:19:44.426 17077 17357 D games.webmaste: TrackPlayerBase::TrackPlayerBase()
02-04 12:19:44.426 17077 17357 I libOpenSLES: Emulating old channel mask behavior (ignoring positional mask 0x3, using default mask 0x3 based on channel count of 2)
02-04 12:19:44.426 17077 17357 D AudioTrack: INSP: type=audio,case=1,set=0xb4000078a1281800,stream_type=3,sample_rate=48000,format=0x1,channel_mask=0x3,frame_count=0,flags=0x104,notification_frames=-16,session_id=6009,transfer_type=0,uid=-1,pid=-1
02-04 12:19:44.426 17077 17357 D AudioTrack: set(sessionID=6009)
02-04 12:19:44.426 17077 17357 W AudioTrack: set(): notificationFrames=-16 clamped to the range -1 to -8
02-04 12:19:44.427 17077 17357 D AudioTrack: set(): 0xb4000078a1281800, Create AudioTrackThread, tid = 17455
02-04 12:19:44.430 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.430 15088 15502 V AudioPolicyIntefaceImpl: getOutputForAttr()
02-04 12:19:44.433 15088 15502 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:19:44.433 15088 15502 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: [MTK_APM_Output]getOutputForAttr() returns output 29 requestedPortId 0 selectedDeviceId 3 for port ID 369, sample_rate 48000, format 1, channel_mask 3, flags 104 stream 3
02-04 12:19:44.434 15088 15502 W AudioFlinger_Threads: createTrack_l(): mismatch between requested flags (00000104) and output flags (00000004)
02-04 12:19:44.434 15088 15502 D AudioFlinger_Threads: Client defaulted notificationFrames to 256 for frameCount 2048
02-04 12:19:44.434 15088 15502 D AF::Track: Track, track(0xb400007c20a26200): mFastIndex 2, mStreamType 3, mId 398, mFrameCount 2048, mSampleRate 48000, mFormat 1, mChannelCount 2, mTrackCount 343, thread 0xb400007c17416bc0, sessionId 6009, AudioOut_1D, primary-4
02-04 12:19:44.436 15088 15502 D AF::TrackHandle: OpPlayAudio: track:398 usage:1 not muted
02-04 12:19:44.437 8363 13869 W NetworkScheduler.ATC: Called cancelTask for already completed task{u=10 tag="Measurement.PackageMeasurementTaskService.UPLOAD_TASK_TAG" trigger=window{start=0s,end=1s,earliest=-146s,latest=-145s} requirements=[NET_CONNECTED,PREFERRED_NET_UNMETERED,PREFERRED_CHARGING] attributes=[PERSISTED] scheduled=-146s last_run=-145s exec_window_multiplier=1.0000 jid=N/A status=ACTIVE retries=0 client_lib=GMS_TASK_SCHEDULER-250234000} :1 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ]
02-04 12:19:44.437 15150 17132 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 8
02-04 12:19:44.439 17077 17357 I AudioTrack: createTrack_l(0): AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST successful; frameCount 0 -> 2048
02-04 12:19:44.440 17077 17357 D AudioTrack: checkWhiteListPackage() Uid 1012261, package name
02-04 12:19:44.440 17077 17357 D AudioTrack: createTrack_l(369): 0xb4000078a1281800, mCblk = 0x7879902000, mLatency = 84, mAfLatency = 42, frameCount = 2048, mSampleRate = 48000, mFlags = 0x4, mReqFrameCount = 2048, mNotificationFramesAct = 256
02-04 12:19:44.440 17077 17357 D AudioTrack: createTrack_l() isReduceVolume 0
02-04 12:19:44.442 17077 17357 D AudioTrack: start(369): 0xb4000078a1281800, prior state:STATE_STOPPED
02-04 12:19:44.442 15088 15502 V AudioPolicyIntefaceImpl: startOutputSamplerate(), portId = 369, samplerate = 48000
02-04 12:19:44.442 15088 15502 D AudioPolicyManagerCustomImpl: hifiAudio_startOutputSamplerate() +output = 369 +samplerate = 48000 mPrimaryOutput = 13 HifiState = 0 stream 3, session 6009
02-04 12:19:44.442 15088 15502 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: [MTK_APM_Output]startOutput() output 29, stream 3, session 6009 portId 369
02-04 12:19:44.442 15088 15502 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:19:44.443 15088 15502 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:19:44.444 15088 15502 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 1, device 0x1 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:19:44.444 15088 15502 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:19:44.445 15088 15502 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) Binder:15088_4 identical 3 lines
02-04 12:19:44.445 15088 15502 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:19:44.445 15088 15502 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 1, device 0x1 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:19:44.446 15088 15502 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:19:44.446 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.446 15088 15502 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:19:44.447 15088 15502 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) Binder:15088_4 identical 3 lines
02-04 12:19:44.448 15088 15502 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:19:44.448 15088 15502 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 1, device 0x1 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:19:44.448 15088 15502 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:19:44.448 15088 15502 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) Binder:15088_4 identical 1 line
02-04 12:19:44.448 15088 15502 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:19:44.449 15088 15502 W APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevicesForStrategy() unknown strategy: -1
02-04 12:19:44.449 15088 15502 V APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevicesForStrategy() no device found for strategy -1
02-04 12:19:44.449 15088 15502 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy -1, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:19:44.449 15088 15502 W APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevicesForStrategy() unknown strategy: -1
02-04 12:19:44.449 15088 15502 V APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevicesForStrategy() no device found for strategy -1
02-04 12:19:44.449 15088 15502 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy -1, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:19:44.449 15088 15502 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:19:44.449 15088 15502 I APM_AudioPolicyManager: isSpecialScenarioGame ClientName
02-04 12:19:44.450 15088 15097 D AudioSystem: +setParameters():
02-04 12:19:44.450 15088 15097 I AudioFlinger: setGameParameters keyvalue:
02-04 12:19:44.451 14963 14963 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
02-04 12:19:44.451 14963 14963 D AudioALSAHardware: setParameters: [DEBUG] setParameters misound AppName:
02-04 12:19:44.451 14963 14963 I AudioALSAHardware: updateMisoundMode() mMisoundScenario 0, devices 0x2
02-04 12:19:44.451 14963 14963 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters():
02-04 12:19:44.452 15088 15502 E AudioFlinger_Threads: open /proc/17077/cmdline error
02-04 12:19:44.452 15088 15502 I AudioFlinger_Threads: setAppName(), name=[], active=[1]
02-04 12:19:44.453 14963 6840 D AudioALSAStreamOut: write(), flag 0x4, mStreamAttributeSource.output_devices = 0x2, set usePolicyDevice from true to false
02-04 12:19:44.453 14963 6840 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +syncSharedOutDevice(), routingSharedOutDevice: 0x2, mPhoneCallControllerStatusPolicy: 0
02-04 12:19:44.453 15150 17132 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-04 12:19:44.453 524 531 E statsd : Predicate 5980654721335871649 dropping data for dimension key (10)0x2010101->1012261[I] (10)0x30000->AudioMix[S]
02-04 12:19:44.454 14963 6840 D AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(), mSceneIndex = 0, stream 3, devices 0x2, index 0, mode 0x0, gainDevice 0x2
02-04 12:19:44.454 14963 6840 D AudioALSAStreamOut: open(), flags 4
02-04 12:19:44.454 14963 6840 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +createPlaybackHandler(), mAudioMode = 0, output_devices = 0x2, isMixerOut = 0, isBypassAurisys = 0, flag = 4
02-04 12:19:44.454 14963 6840 D AudioALSAStreamManager: needEnableVoip(), output_devices = 0x2, flags: 0x4, mAvailableOutputFlags: 0x1800e, enable: 0
02-04 12:19:44.456 14963 6840 D AudioSpeechEnhanceInfo: IsAPDMNRTuningEnable(), 0
02-04 12:19:44.457 14963 6840 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerFast: AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerFast()
02-04 12:19:44.457 14963 6840 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerFast: +open(), mDevice = 0x2
02-04 12:19:44.457 14963 6840 D AudioALSADeviceParser: compare pcm success = 2, stringpair = Playback_2
02-04 12:19:44.457 14963 6840 D AudioDspStreamManager: dataPassToCodec output_devices = 0x2 mAudioOutputFlags = 4 devicecount = 1 ret = 1
02-04 12:19:44.457 14963 6840 D AudioDspStreamManager: dataPasstoDspAfe output_devices = 0x2 Flags = 4 isUseAdspPlaybackTask = 1 ret = 1
02-04 12:19:44.457 14963 6840 D AudioDspStreamManager: dataPassToCodec output_devices = 0x2 mAudioOutputFlags = 4 devicecount = 1 ret = 1
02-04 12:19:44.457 14963 6840 D AudioDspStreamManager: dataPasstoDspAfe output_devices = 0x2 Flags = 4 isUseAdspPlaybackTask = 1 ret = 1
02-04 12:19:44.457 14963 6840 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager: ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = PLAYBACK2_TO_DSPDL descriptor->DeviceStatusCounte = 0
02-04 12:19:44.458 14963 6840 D AudioDspStreamManager: dataPassToCodec output_devices = 0x2 mAudioOutputFlags = 4 devicecount = 1 ret = 1
02-04 12:19:44.458 14963 6840 D AudioDspStreamManager: dataPasstoDspAfe output_devices = 0x2 Flags = 4 isUseAdspPlaybackTask = 1 ret = 1
02-04 12:19:44.458 14963 6840 D AudioDspStreamManager: dataPassToCodec output_devices = 0x2 mAudioOutputFlags = 4 devicecount = 1 ret = 1
02-04 12:19:44.458 14963 6840 D AudioDspStreamManager: dataPasstoDspAfe output_devices = 0x2 Flags = 4 isUseAdspPlaybackTask = 1 ret = 1
02-04 12:19:44.458 14963 6840 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager: ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = PLAYBACK2_TO_CAPTURE6 descriptor->DeviceStatusCounte = 0
02-04 12:19:44.459 14963 6840 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerFast: ChooseTargetSampleRate() hifi_enable = 0 device_support_hifi = 0, PrimarySampleRate = 48000
02-04 12:19:44.459 14963 6840 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: transferAudioFormatToPcmFormat(), audio_format(0x4) => pcm_format(0x3)
02-04 12:19:44.459 14963 6840 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerFast: open(), mConfig: channels = 2, rate = 48000, period_size = 256, period_count = 2, format = 3, buffer size 4096 2048
02-04 12:19:44.459 14963 6840 D AudioDspStreamManager: dataPassToCodec output_devices = 0x2 mAudioOutputFlags = 4 devicecount = 1 ret = 1
02-04 12:19:44.460 14963 6840 D AudioDspStreamManager: dataPasstoDspAfe output_devices = 0x2 Flags = 4 isUseAdspPlaybackTask = 1 ret = 1
02-04 12:19:44.462 14963 6840 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: CreateAurisysLibManager, ph type: 7, voip: 0, mAurisysScenario: 1
02-04 12:19:44.462 14963 6840 D aurisys_utility: input dev: 0x80000080, fmt = 0x3, fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 2, ch maks: 0x3, hw_info_mask: 0x0; output dev: 0x2, fmt = 0x3, fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 2, ch maks: 0x3, hw_info_mask: 0x8; task_scene: 2, audio_mode: 0, stream_type: 3, output_flags: 0x4, input_source: 0, input_flags: 0x0; network_info: 0, enhancement_feature_mask: 0x0
02-04 12:19:44.462 14963 6840 D aurisys_utility: lib, working fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3, frame = 1, b_interleave = 0, num_ul_ref_buf_array = 0, num_dl_ref_buf_array = 0
02-04 12:19:44.462 14963 6840 D aurisys_utility: dl in[type:2], ch: 2, ch_mask: 0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3; dl out[type:3], ch: 2, ch_mask: 0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3
02-04 12:19:44.462 14963 6840 E misound_arsi_query_param_buf_size_by_custom_info(), get param buf size 128 for enh mode SetAudioCustomScene=app_gaming_16k from file /vendor/etc/misound_res.bin
02-04 12:19:44.462 14963 6840 E misound_arsi_parsing_param_file_by_custom_info(), parsing file /vendor/etc/misound_res.bin, custom_info = SetAudioCustomScene=app_gaming_16k, private buf 0x0
02-04 12:19:44.462 14963 6840 E misoundfx parse param end misound_arsi_parsing_param_file_by_custom_info 207
02-04 12:19:44.462 14963 6840 W aurisys_lib_handler: param_buf->data_size = 0!! => set to 128. Need lib fix it
02-04 12:19:44.462 14963 6840 D aurisys_lib_handler: aurisys_arsi_parsing_param_file(), gProductInfo "platform=MT6785,device=begonia,model=Redmi Note 8 Pro", file_path "/vendor/etc/misound_res.bin", enhancement_mode 0, param_buf_size 128, data_size 128, custom_info SetAudioCustomScene=app_gaming_16k
02-04 12:19:44.462 14963 6840 E misound_arsi_create_handler entry.
02-04 12:19:44.463 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.463 14963 6840 E misoundfx Init CMiSoundFX_Init 49
02-04 12:19:44.463 14963 6840 E misoundfx Init Load config CMiSoundFX_Init 116
02-04 12:19:44.463 14963 6840 E misoundfx Init end CMiSoundFX_Init 120
02-04 12:19:44.463 14963 6840 E misound_spk_init done.
02-04 12:19:44.463 14963 6840 E misoundfx create handler end. misound_arsi_create_handler 296
02-04 12:19:44.463 14963 6840 D aurisys_lib_handler: aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), lib_name misound, 0xec534900, memory_size 336, arsi_handler 0xecfb3e00, retval 0x0
02-04 12:19:44.463 14963 6840 D aurisys_lib_handler: aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), arsi_query_process_unit_bytes, ul 0, dl 384, retval 0
02-04 12:19:44.463 14963 6840 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL Lib, lib_name misound, 0xec534900, sample_rate: 48000 => 48000, num_channels: 2 => 2, audio_format: 0x3 => 0x3, interleave: 1 => 0, frame: 0 => 1
02-04 12:19:44.463 14963 6840 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL out, sample_rate: 48000 => 48000, num_channels: 2 => 2, audio_format: 0x3 => 0x4, interleave: 0 => 1, frame: 1 => 0
02-04 12:19:44.465 14963 6840 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: openPcmDriverWithFlag(), pcm device = 2 flag = 0x8 mPcm = 0xed54ed20
02-04 12:19:44.465 14963 6840 D AudioDspStreamManager: dataPassToCodec output_devices = 0x2 mAudioOutputFlags = 4 devicecount = 1 ret = 1
02-04 12:19:44.465 14963 6840 D AudioDspStreamManager: dataPasstoDspAfe output_devices = 0x2 Flags = 4 isUseAdspPlaybackTask = 1 ret = 1
02-04 12:19:44.465 14963 6840 D AudioDspStreamManager: dataPassToCodec output_devices = 0x2 mAudioOutputFlags = 4 devicecount = 1 ret = 1
02-04 12:19:44.465 14963 6840 D AudioDspStreamManager: dataPasstoDspAfe output_devices = 0x2 Flags = 4 isUseAdspPlaybackTask = 1 ret = 1
02-04 12:19:44.465 14963 6840 D AudioDspStreamManager: needOpenPlaybackTask ret = 1 mDspStreamState = 0 dspstartflag = 1
02-04 12:19:44.465 14963 6840 D AudioDspStreamManager: setDspRuntimeEn(), task_scene = 9, condition = 1
02-04 12:19:44.465 14963 6840 D AudioDspStreamManager: setDspRefRuntimeEn(), task_scene = 9, condition = 1
02-04 12:19:44.467 14963 6840 D audio_messenger_ipi: audio_ipi_dma_cbk_register(), task 9, sz 32768/65536, cbk 0xea0e40b8, arg 0xed3a3800
02-04 12:19:44.467 14963 6840 D AudioALSADeviceParser: compare pcm success = 57, stringpair = DSP_Playback_Playback
02-04 12:19:44.467 14963 6840 D AudioALSADeviceParser: compare pcm success = 14, stringpair = Capture_6
02-04 12:19:44.467 14963 6840 D AudioALSADeviceParser: compare pcm success = 12, stringpair = Capture_4
02-04 12:19:44.467 14963 6840 D AudioALSADeviceParser: compare pcm success = 4, stringpair = Playback_4
02-04 12:19:44.467 14963 6840 D aurisys_utility: input dev: 0x0, fmt = 0x4, fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 3, ch maks: 0xc, hw_info_mask: 0x0; output dev: 0x2, fmt = 0x4, fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 2, ch maks: 0xc, hw_info_mask: 0x8; task_scene: 9, audio_mode: 0, stream_type: 0, output_flags: 0x800, input_source: 0, input_flags: 0x800; network_info: 0, enhancement_feature_mask: 0x0
02-04 12:19:44.467 14963 6840 D aurisys_utility: lib, working fs: 48000, fmt: 0x4, frame = 0, b_interleave = 1, num_ul_ref_buf_array = 0, num_dl_ref_buf_array = 1
02-04 12:19:44.467 14963 6840 D aurisys_utility: dl in[type:2], ch: 2, ch_mask: 0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x4; dl out[type:3], ch: 2, ch_mask: 0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x4
02-04 12:19:44.467 14963 6840 D aurisys_utility: dl ref[type:5], ch: 2, ch_mask: 0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x4
02-04 12:19:44.468 14963 6840 D aurisys_lib_handler: [LIB] [NXP info] tfadsp_arsi_query_param_buf_size_by_custom_info(): output_device=2 audio_mode=0 task_scene=9
02-04 12:19:44.469 14963 6840 D aurisys_lib_handler: [LIB] [NXP info] tfadsp_arsi_query_param_buf_size_by_custom_info(): device_size=612 profile_size=1512
02-04 12:19:44.469 14963 6840 D aurisys_lib_handler: [LIB] [NXP info] tfadsp_arsi_query_param_buf_size_by_custom_info(): Get param buf size 2132
02-04 12:19:44.469 14963 6840 D aurisys_lib_handler: [LIB] [NXP info] tfadsp_arsi_parsing_param_file_by_custom_info(): memory_size=4264
02-04 12:19:44.469 14963 6840 D aurisys_lib_handler: [LIB] [NXP info] tfadsp_arsi_parsing_param_file_by_custom_info(): output_device=2 audio_mode=0 task_scene=9
02-04 12:19:44.469 14963 6840 D aurisys_lib_handler: [LIB] [NXP info] tfadsp_arsi_parsing_param_file_by_custom_info: loading dev section!!!
02-04 12:19:44.469 14963 6840 D aurisys_lib_handler: [LIB] [NXP info] tfadsp_arsi_parsing_param_file_by_custom_info: loading profile section!!! profile_id=1
02-04 12:19:44.470 14963 6840 D aurisys_lib_handler: [LIB] [NXP info] tfadsp_arsi_parsing_param_file_by_custom_info: exit. data_size=2132 memory_size=4264
02-04 12:19:44.470 14963 6840 D aurisys_lib_handler: aurisys_arsi_parsing_param_file(), gProductInfo "platform=MT6785,device=begonia,model=Redmi Note 8 Pro", file_path "/vendor/etc/audio_param/", enhancement_mode 0, param_buf_size 2132, data_size 2132, custom_info SetAudioCustomScene=app_gaming_16k
02-04 12:19:44.470 14963 6840 D audio_messenger_ipi: hal send, task: 9, msg_id: 0x15, ack_type: 1, p1: 0xa94, p2: 0x0, dma sz: 0, idx: 0, hal sz: 2708
02-04 12:19:44.472 14963 6840 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager: ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = I2S0_TO_CAPTURE4 descriptor->DeviceStatusCounte = 0
02-04 12:19:44.473 14963 6840 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager: ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = PLAYBACK4_TO_I2S3 descriptor->DeviceStatusCounte = 0
02-04 12:19:44.474 14963 6840 D AudioDspStreamManager: openPlaybackTask(), mPlaybackDlConfig: channels = 2, rate = 48000, period_size = 512, period_count = 4, format = 3, mPlaybackIVConfig: channels = 2, rate = 48000, period_size = 512, period_count = 4, format = 3, mPlaybackUlConfig: channels = 2, rate = 48000, period_size = 512, period_count = 4, format = 3, mDspConfig: channels = 2, rate = 48000, period_size = 512, period_count = 4, format = 3
02-04 12:19:44.480 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.492 638 694 I BufferQueueProducer: [com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0](id:27e00001e6e,api:1,p:17111,c:638) disconnect(): api=1
02-04 12:19:44.492 17111 17111 D View : [Warning] assignParent to null: this = com.miui.gamebooster.customview.AddedRelativeLayout{b707129 VFE...C.. ........ 0,0-429,180}
02-04 12:19:44.493 14963 6840 D AudioDspStreamManager: openPlaybackTask(), pcm_open mPlaybackUlPcm
02-04 12:19:44.496 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.497 14963 6840 D AudioDspStreamManager: addPlaybackHandler() mDspStreamState = 1
02-04 12:19:44.497 14963 6840 D AudioDspStreamManager: -addPlaybackHandler(), playbackHandler = 3980015616 0xed3a3800
02-04 12:19:44.497 14963 6840 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: +startOutputDevice(), new_devices = 0x2, mOutputDevices = 0x0, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 0 SampleRate = 48000
02-04 12:19:44.497 14963 6840 D AudioSmartPaController: +dspOnBoardSpeakerOn(), SampleRate: 48000, MD_type: 0, isI2sInEchoRefEn: 0 G7
02-04 12:19:44.497 14963 6840 D AudioDspStreamManager: +startDevice() Devices 0x2 mOutputDeviceCount 0x0
02-04 12:19:44.497 14963 6840 D AudioDspStreamManager: dataPassToCodec output_devices = 0x2 mAudioOutputFlags = 4 devicecount = 1 ret = 1
02-04 12:19:44.497 14963 6840 D AudioDspStreamManager: dataPasstoDspAfe output_devices = 0x2 Flags = 4 isUseAdspPlaybackTask = 1 ret = 1
02-04 12:19:44.497 14963 6840 D AudioDspStreamManager: needStartPlaybackTask mDspTaskPlaybackActive = 0 dspstartflag = 1
02-04 12:19:44.497 14963 6840 D AudioDspStreamManager: +startPlaybackTask
02-04 12:19:44.498 14963 6840 D AudioDspStreamManager: startTasks_l() mDspStreamState = DSP_STREAM_START
02-04 12:19:44.498 14963 6840 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: notifyOutputDeviceStatusChange(), device = 2, status = 0, sampleRate = 48000, mOpenSpeakerPathCount = 1
02-04 12:19:44.498 14963 6840 D AudioALSAStreamManager: speakerStatusChangeCb(), status = 0, sampleRate = 48000
02-04 12:19:44.498 14963 6840 D AudioALSAVoiceWakeUpController: setSpeakerSampleRate(), sampleRate = 48000
02-04 12:19:44.498 14963 6840 D AudioALSAVoiceWakeUpController: updateSpeakerPlaybackStatus(), isSpeakerPlaying = 1
02-04 12:19:44.498 14963 6840 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerFast: -open()
02-04 12:19:44.498 14963 6840 D AudioALSAStreamOut: openWavDump(), mDumpFile is NULL
02-04 12:19:44.498 14963 6840 D AudioALSAStreamOut: [DEBUG] open: setMiSoundLimiter when stream open
02-04 12:19:44.498 14963 6840 D AudioALSAHardware: [DEBUG] setMiSoundLimiter: [LIMIT]setMiSoundLimiter[enable]
02-04 12:19:44.498 14963 6840 W aurisys_controller: lib_name misound, scene 0, no active handler!!
02-04 12:19:44.501 17111 17111 I InputTransport: Destroy ARC handle: 0xb400007a45894f60
02-04 12:19:44.505 15150 15596 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.505 15150 15596 I InputDispatcher: Window went away: Window{f8609d9 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow}
02-04 12:19:44.513 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.521 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0 Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.529 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.538 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0 Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.546 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.555 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0 Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.563 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.572 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0 Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.579 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.588 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0 Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.596 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.597 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:44.231 BL= 340,ESS= 262, 02-04 12:19:44.331 BL= 340,ESS= 264, 02-04 12:19:44.431 BL= 340,ESS= 266, 02-04 12:19:44.531 BL= 340,ESS= 268, 02-04 12:19:44.597 BL= 341,ESS= 268,
02-04 12:19:44.605 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0 Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.611 8363 13181 W NetworkScheduler.ATC: Called cancelTask for already completed task{u=10 tag="Measurement.PackageMeasurementTaskService.UPLOAD_TASK_TAG" trigger=window{start=0s,end=1s,earliest=-146s,latest=-145s} requirements=[NET_CONNECTED,PREFERRED_NET_UNMETERED,PREFERRED_CHARGING] attributes=[PERSISTED] scheduled=-146s last_run=-146s exec_window_multiplier=1.0000 jid=N/A status=ACTIVE retries=0 client_lib=GMS_TASK_SCHEDULER-250234000} :1 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ]
02-04 12:19:44.613 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.621 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0 Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.629 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.638 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0 Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.646 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.654 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0 Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.663 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.672 15150 15596 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0 Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.676 8363 13181 W NetworkScheduler.ATC: Called cancelTask for already completed task{u=10 tag="Measurement.PackageMeasurementTaskService.UPLOAD_TASK_TAG" trigger=window{start=0s,end=1s,earliest=-146s,latest=-145s} requirements=[NET_CONNECTED,PREFERRED_NET_UNMETERED,PREFERRED_CHARGING] attributes=[PERSISTED] scheduled=-146s last_run=-146s exec_window_multiplier=1.0000 jid=N/A status=ACTIVE retries=0 client_lib=GMS_TASK_SCHEDULER-250234000} :1 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ]
02-04 12:19:44.680 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.686 8363 13181 W NetworkScheduler.ATC: Called cancelTask for already completed task{u=10 tag="Measurement.PackageMeasurementTaskService.UPLOAD_TASK_TAG" trigger=window{start=0s,end=1s,earliest=-146s,latest=-145s} requirements=[NET_CONNECTED,PREFERRED_NET_UNMETERED,PREFERRED_CHARGING] attributes=[PERSISTED] scheduled=-146s last_run=-146s exec_window_multiplier=1.0000 jid=N/A status=ACTIVE retries=0 client_lib=GMS_TASK_SCHEDULER-250234000} :1 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ]
02-04 12:19:44.688 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0 Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.696 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.705 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0 Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.713 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.722 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0 Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.730 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.738 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0 Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.746 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.755 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0 Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.763 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.771 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0 Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.780 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.788 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0 Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.796 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.801 17077 17357 D Unity : Failed to load native plugin: Unable to lookup library path for '_burst_0_0'.
02-04 12:19:44.804 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0 Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.813 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.821 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0 Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.822 17077 17357 D Unity : PlayerInitEngineGraphics OK
02-04 12:19:44.823 17077 17357 E libc : Access denied finding property "vendor.displayfeature_hidl"
02-04 12:19:44.824 17077 17357 E libc : Access denied finding property "ro.vendor.df.effect.conflict"
02-04 12:19:44.824 17077 17357 E libc : Access denied finding property "ro.vendor.knock.type"
02-04 12:19:44.820 17077 17077 W UnityMain: type=1400 audit(0.0:358956): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_displayfeature_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=269 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c213,c264,c522,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_displayfeature_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
02-04 12:19:44.825 17077 17357 D Unity : New input system (experimental) initialized
02-04 12:19:44.830 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.832 17077 17357 D Unity : Found 29 native sensors
02-04 12:19:44.833 15246 15246 I Accelerometer: batch: handle:0, flag:0,samplingPeriodNs:80000000 maxBatchReportLatencyNs:0
02-04 12:19:44.837 15246 15246 I Accelerometer: enable: handle:0, en:1
02-04 12:19:44.837 17077 17357 D Unity : Sensor : Accelerometer ( 1) ; 0.001200 / 0.00s ; ACCELEROMETER / bmi120_acc
02-04 12:19:44.838 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0 Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.838 15246 15246 I Accelerometer: batch: handle:0, flag:0,samplingPeriodNs:20000000 maxBatchReportLatencyNs:0
02-04 12:19:44.839 17077 17357 D Unity : Sensor : Accelerometer ( 1) ; 0.001200 / 0.00s ; ACCELEROMETER / bmi120_acc
02-04 12:19:44.839 17077 17357 D Unity : enabled Accelerometer sensor
02-04 12:19:44.840 15088 15502 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:19:44.846 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.851 17077 17357 V MediaRouter: Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=Телефон, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=Система types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null }
02-04 12:19:44.854 15150 15596 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0 Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.863 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.871 15150 15596 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0 Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.880 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.885 462 468 E PSITrigger: get PSI events detail failed!! errno=25
02-04 12:19:44.888 15150 15596 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0 Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.896 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.905 15150 15596 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0 Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.913 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.921 15150 15596 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0 Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.930 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.938 15150 15596 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0 Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.939 15150 15177 I ActivityTaskManager: Fully drawn +4s252ms
02-04 12:19:44.946 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.955 15150 15596 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0 Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.958 17077 17077 D Surface : lockCanvas
02-04 12:19:44.963 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.966 638 693 I BufferQueueProducer: [](this:0xb400007637ac3e58,id:7793,api:2,p:17077,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=1.72 dur=1163.20 max=1123.34 min=39.85
02-04 12:19:44.971 15150 15596 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0 Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.974 17077 17315 I games.webmaste: ProcessProfilingInfo new_methods=0 is saved saved_to_disk=0 resolve_classes_delay=8000
02-04 12:19:44.980 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:44.988 15150 15596 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0 Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:44.996 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:45.004 15150 15596 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0 Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:45.013 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:45.022 15150 15596 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0 Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:45.030 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:45.031 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:44.631 BL= 341,ESS= 270, 02-04 12:19:44.731 BL= 341,ESS= 272, 02-04 12:19:44.831 BL= 341,ESS= 274, 02-04 12:19:44.931 BL= 341,ESS= 276, 02-04 12:19:45.031 BL= 341,ESS= 278,
02-04 12:19:45.038 15150 15596 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0 Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:45.046 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:45.055 15150 15596 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0 Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:45.063 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:45.071 638 638 I BufferQueueConsumer: [com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0](id:27e00001e6e,api:0,p:-1,c:638) disconnect()
02-04 12:19:45.071 638 638 I BufferQueue: [com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0](this:0xb400007639018658,id:7790,api:1,p:-1,c:-1) onDestructor()
02-04 12:19:45.071 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:45.071 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: Window went away: com.miui.securitycenter/.FloatingWindow#0
02-04 12:19:45.080 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:45.088 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:45.096 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:45.246 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 9 lines
02-04 12:19:45.263 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:45.271 542 542 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:60.320629,dur:1011.26,max:18.91,min:14.31
02-04 12:19:45.280 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:45.463 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 11 lines
02-04 12:19:45.480 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:45.490 17012 17044 I .android.chrom: ProcessProfilingInfo new_methods=0 is saved saved_to_disk=0 resolve_classes_delay=8000
02-04 12:19:45.496 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:45.513 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:45.514 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:45.114 BL= 341,ESS= 280, 02-04 12:19:45.214 BL= 341,ESS= 282, 02-04 12:19:45.314 BL= 341,ESS= 284, 02-04 12:19:45.414 BL= 341,ESS= 286, 02-04 12:19:45.514 BL= 341,ESS= 288,
02-04 12:19:45.530 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:45.533 17077 17455 I AudioTrack: isLongTimeZeroData zero date time 1 Seconds
02-04 12:19:45.546 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:45.913 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 22 lines
02-04 12:19:45.930 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:45.931 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:45.614 BL= 341,ESS= 290, 02-04 12:19:45.697 BL= 341,ESS= 292, 02-04 12:19:45.797 BL= 341,ESS= 294, 02-04 12:19:45.897 BL= 341,ESS= 296, 02-04 12:19:45.931 BL= 340,ESS= 296,
02-04 12:19:45.941 638 693 I BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceView -](this:0xb400007658a6ba58,id:7794,api:1,p:17077,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=61.08 dur=1015.12 max=21.50 min=5.66
02-04 12:19:45.946 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.272 15150 17132 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView}: oldVis=8 newVis=0 focusMayChange = true
02-04 12:19:46.246 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 18 lines
02-04 12:19:46.263 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.272 542 542 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:59.967171,dur:1000.55,max:17.25,min:16.14
02-04 12:19:46.272 638 693 I BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:27e00001e74,api:0,p:-1,c:638) connect(): controlledByApp=false
02-04 12:19:46.273 638 693 I BufferQueue: [unnamed-638-7796](this:0xb400007658a6e458,id:7796,api:0,p:-1,c:-1) BufferQueue core=(638:/system/bin/surfaceflinger)
02-04 12:19:46.280 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.280 638 1125 I BufferQueueProducer: [FloatAssistantView#0](id:27e00001e74,api:1,p:17111,c:638) connect(): api=1 producerControlledByApp=false
02-04 12:19:46.288 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} FloatAssistantView#0 Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:46.296 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.305 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:46.305 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: Window went away: FloatAssistantView#0
02-04 12:19:46.313 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.322 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:46.330 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.339 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:46.346 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.348 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:45.981 BL= 340,ESS= 298, 02-04 12:19:46.081 BL= 340,ESS= 300, 02-04 12:19:46.181 BL= 340,ESS= 302, 02-04 12:19:46.264 BL= 340,ESS= 304, 02-04 12:19:46.348 BL= 339,ESS= 304,
02-04 12:19:46.355 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:46.363 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.372 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:46.380 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.389 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:46.397 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.405 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:46.413 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.422 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:46.430 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.439 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:46.446 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.455 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:46.459 15150 15470 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.976) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = }
02-04 12:19:46.463 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.472 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:46.480 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.489 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:46.496 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.505 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:46.513 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.522 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:46.530 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.539 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:46.546 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.555 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:46.563 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.571 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:46.579 17384 17384 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: true
02-04 12:19:46.580 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.581 17384 17384 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: true
02-04 12:19:46.589 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:46.596 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.599 17077 17455 I AudioTrack: isLongTimeZeroData zero date time 2 Seconds
02-04 12:19:46.606 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:46.610 17384 17384 W Looper : PerfMonitor longMsg : seq=3 plan=12:19:44.135 late=0ms wall=2471ms running=2243ms runnable=108ms$H w=110 procState=3
02-04 12:19:46.613 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.617 17384 17462 I SafeDK : SafeDK Device ID: b17cd5fe-66d6-4629-9772-985c515890ba
02-04 12:19:46.618 17384 17462 I SafeDK : SafeDK version: 5.7.3
02-04 12:19:46.622 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:46.630 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.631 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:46.364 BL= 339,ESS= 306, 02-04 12:19:46.447 BL= 339,ESS= 308, 02-04 12:19:46.548 BL= 339,ESS= 310, 02-04 12:19:46.615 BL= 338,ESS= 310, 02-04 12:19:46.631 BL= 338,ESS= 312,
02-04 12:19:46.639 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:46.647 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.655 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:46.663 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.672 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:46.680 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.689 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:46.696 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.705 15150 15596 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:46.713 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.722 15150 15596 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:46.730 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.739 15150 15596 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:46.746 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.755 15150 15596 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:46.763 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.797 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 2 lines
02-04 12:19:46.813 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.815 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:46.648 BL= 337,ESS= 312, 02-04 12:19:46.698 BL= 336,ESS= 312, 02-04 12:19:46.731 BL= 335,ESS= 314, 02-04 12:19:46.781 BL= 334,ESS= 314, 02-04 12:19:46.815 BL= 333,ESS= 316,
02-04 12:19:46.830 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.846 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 1 line
02-04 12:19:46.863 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.877 17384 17474 W ster:AppMetric: Accessing hidden method Landroid/app/ActivityThread;->currentActivityThread()Landroid/app/ActivityThread; (greylist, reflection, allowed)
02-04 12:19:46.877 17384 17474 W ster:AppMetric: Accessing hidden method Landroid/app/ActivityThread;->getProcessName()Ljava/lang/String; (greylist, reflection, allowed)
02-04 12:19:46.880 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.897 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 1 line
02-04 12:19:46.913 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.925 17384 17474 I AppMetrica: AppMetrica [49326-IAA-CDE-6] Initializing of AppMetrica, Release type, Version 7.3.0, API Level 115, Dated 05.11.2024.
02-04 12:19:46.930 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.936 17384 17474 I AppMetrica: AppMetrica [49326-IAA-CDE-6] Activate reporter with APIKey 20799a27-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx4180
02-04 12:19:46.946 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.963 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 1 line
02-04 12:19:46.980 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:46.980 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:46.865 BL= 332,ESS= 316, 02-04 12:19:46.898 BL= 331,ESS= 316, 02-04 12:19:46.914 BL= 331,ESS= 318, 02-04 12:19:46.948 BL= 330,ESS= 318, 02-04 12:19:46.980 BL= 329,ESS= 318,
02-04 12:19:46.991 17384 17466 I AppMetrica: AppMetrica-Attribution [49319-IAA-STE-2] Update distribution data: ClidsInfo(chosen=Candidate(clids=null, source=APP), candidates=[Candidate(clids=null, source=APP)]) -> ClidsInfo(chosen=Candidate(clids={}, source=APP), candidates=[Candidate(clids={}, source=APP)])
02-04 12:19:46.997 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:47.013 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 1 line
02-04 12:19:47.030 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:47.035 937 937 I thermal_repeater: [recvMdThermalInfo] ret=28, strLen=127, 0, 32767, -127, 0, 32767, 0
02-04 12:19:47.046 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:47.063 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:47.073 17384 17466 I AppMetrica: AppMetrica-Attribution [49319-IAA-STE-2] Update distribution data: ClidsInfo(chosen=Candidate(clids={}, source=APP), candidates=[Candidate(clids={}, source=APP)]) -> ClidsInfo(chosen=Candidate(clids=null, source=APP), candidates=[Candidate(clids=null, source=APP)])
02-04 12:19:47.080 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:47.147 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 4 lines
02-04 12:19:47.163 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:47.165 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:46.998 BL= 329,ESS= 320, 02-04 12:19:47.031 BL= 328,ESS= 320, 02-04 12:19:47.081 BL= 327,ESS= 322, 02-04 12:19:47.115 BL= 326,ESS= 322, 02-04 12:19:47.165 BL= 325,ESS= 322,
02-04 12:19:47.180 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:47.213 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 2 lines
02-04 12:19:47.230 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:47.236 17384 17466 I TetheringManager:
02-04 12:19:47.247 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:47.253 4157 12666 I Finsky : [48649] oxj.c(278): Account from first account - [86TaXbwu266NP9ynBJJeH_QFneRlGqLmTSu3FLkusjU]
02-04 12:19:47.255 4157 12666 I Finsky : [48649] oxj.c(910): Billing preferred account via installer for [86TaXbwu266NP9ynBJJeH_QFneRlGqLmTSu3FLkusjU]
02-04 12:19:47.256 4157 12666 W Finsky : [48649] vof.q(55): Got api version 23 for account: [86TaXbwu266NP9ynBJJeH_QFneRlGqLmTSu3FLkusjU]
02-04 12:19:47.260 4157 12666 I Finsky : [48649] oxj.c(278): Account from first account - [86TaXbwu266NP9ynBJJeH_QFneRlGqLmTSu3FLkusjU]
02-04 12:19:47.261 4157 12666 I Finsky : [48649] oxj.c(910): Billing preferred account via installer for [86TaXbwu266NP9ynBJJeH_QFneRlGqLmTSu3FLkusjU]
02-04 12:19:47.263 4157 12666 W Finsky : [48649] vof.q(55): Got api version 23 for account: [86TaXbwu266NP9ynBJJeH_QFneRlGqLmTSu3FLkusjU]
02-04 12:19:47.263 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:47.272 542 542 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:59.991398,dur:1000.14,max:17.87,min:15.46
02-04 12:19:47.280 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:47.281 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:47.180 BL= 325,ESS= 324, 02-04 12:19:47.198 BL= 324,ESS= 324, 02-04 12:19:47.248 BL= 323,ESS= 324, 02-04 12:19:47.264 BL= 323,ESS= 326, 02-04 12:19:47.281 BL= 322,ESS= 326,
02-04 12:19:47.291 4157 12666 I Finsky : [48649] oxj.c(278): Account from first account - [86TaXbwu266NP9ynBJJeH_QFneRlGqLmTSu3FLkusjU]
02-04 12:19:47.292 4157 5061 I Finsky : [48626] oxj.c(278): Account from first account - [86TaXbwu266NP9ynBJJeH_QFneRlGqLmTSu3FLkusjU]
02-04 12:19:47.292 4157 12666 I Finsky : [48649] oxj.c(910): Billing preferred account via installer for [86TaXbwu266NP9ynBJJeH_QFneRlGqLmTSu3FLkusjU]
02-04 12:19:47.292 638 1125 I BufferQueueProducer: [FloatAssistantView#0](this:0xb400007658a6e458,id:7796,api:1,p:17111,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=60.84 dur=1002.69 max=19.12 min=4.44
02-04 12:19:47.293 4157 5061 I Finsky : [48626] oxj.c(910): Billing preferred account via installer for [86TaXbwu266NP9ynBJJeH_QFneRlGqLmTSu3FLkusjU]
02-04 12:19:47.293 4157 12666 W Finsky : [48649] vof.q(55): Got api version 23 for account: [86TaXbwu266NP9ynBJJeH_QFneRlGqLmTSu3FLkusjU]
02-04 12:19:47.293 4157 5061 W Finsky : [48626] vof.q(55): Got api version 23 for account: [86TaXbwu266NP9ynBJJeH_QFneRlGqLmTSu3FLkusjU]
02-04 12:19:47.297 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:47.397 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 6 lines
02-04 12:19:47.413 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:47.421 15150 15596 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-04 12:19:47.424 15150 15596 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:15150_5 identical 2 lines
02-04 12:19:47.428 15150 15596 I system_server: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-04 12:19:47.430 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:47.431 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:47.331 BL= 321,ESS= 326, 02-04 12:19:47.348 BL= 321,ESS= 328, 02-04 12:19:47.364 BL= 320,ESS= 328, 02-04 12:19:47.415 BL= 319,ESS= 328, 02-04 12:19:47.431 BL= 319,ESS= 330,
02-04 12:19:47.435 15601 15687 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength:{mCdma=CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647 evdoSnr=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 ecno=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=2147483647 rsrp=-102 rsrq=-13 rssnr=8 cqi=0 ta=0 miuiLevel=4 level=3 parametersUseForLevel=0,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiSinr = 2147483647 ssRsrp = 2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 miuiLevel = 0 level = 0 parametersUseForLevel = 0 },primary=CellSignalStrengthLte}, phoneId=1, mMtkLevel=0, mMtkRsrpOnly=false, mMtkLteRsrpThreshold=null, mMtkLteRssnrThreshold=null level=3
02-04 12:19:47.435 15601 15687 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): updateTelephonySignalStrength: hasService=true ss=SignalStrength:{mCdma=CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647 evdoSnr=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 ecno=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=2147483647 rsrp=-102 rsrq=-13 rssnr=8 cqi=0 ta=0 miuiLevel=4 level=3 parametersUseForLevel=0,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiSinr = 2147483647 ssRsrp = 2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 miuiLevel = 0 level = 0 parametersUseForLevel = 0 },primary=CellSignalStrengthLte}, phoneId=1, mMtkLevel=0, mMtkRsrpOnly=false, mMtkLteRsrpThreshold=null, mMtkLteRssnrThreshold=null displayInfo=TelephonyDisplayInfo {network=LTE, override=NONE}
02-04 12:19:47.435 15601 15687 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): NotQcom5G, signal level = 4
02-04 12:19:47.447 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:47.577 17384 17491 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 289 ms,, code=9 oneway=false
02-04 12:19:47.578 17384 17490 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 289 ms,, code=9 oneway=false
02-04 12:19:47.563 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 7 lines
02-04 12:19:47.580 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:47.582 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:47.464 BL= 318,ESS= 330, 02-04 12:19:47.498 BL= 317,ESS= 330, 02-04 12:19:47.531 BL= 317,ESS= 332, 02-04 12:19:47.548 BL= 316,ESS= 332, 02-04 12:19:47.582 BL= 315,ESS= 332,
02-04 12:19:47.596 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:47.647 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 3 lines
02-04 12:19:47.663 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:47.666 17077 17455 I AudioTrack: isLongTimeZeroData zero date time 3 Seconds
02-04 12:19:47.680 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:47.697 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 1 line
02-04 12:19:47.713 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:47.715 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:47.614 BL= 315,ESS= 334, 02-04 12:19:47.631 BL= 314,ESS= 334, 02-04 12:19:47.665 BL= 313,ESS= 334, 02-04 12:19:47.698 BL= 313,ESS= 336, 02-04 12:19:47.715 BL= 312,ESS= 336,
02-04 12:19:47.730 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:47.847 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 7 lines
02-04 12:19:47.863 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:47.864 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:47.748 BL= 311,ESS= 336, 02-04 12:19:47.781 BL= 311,ESS= 338, 02-04 12:19:47.798 BL= 310,ESS= 338, 02-04 12:19:47.831 BL= 309,ESS= 338, 02-04 12:19:47.864 BL= 309,ESS= 340,
02-04 12:19:47.873 542 792 I hwcomposer: [DPY] receive refesh frquest from driver: type[4]
02-04 12:19:47.873 542 792 I hwcomposer: [HWC] fire a callback of refresh to SF
02-04 12:19:47.880 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:47.894 638 638 I BufferQueueProducer: [FramebufferSurface](this:0xb4000076da4bced0,id:-1,api:1,p:638,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=7.44 dur=4033.97 max=3552.11 min=13.67
02-04 12:19:47.897 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:47.997 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 6 lines
02-04 12:19:48.013 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:48.015 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:47.882 BL= 308,ESS= 340, 02-04 12:19:47.932 BL= 307,ESS= 340, 02-04 12:19:47.948 BL= 307,ESS= 342, 02-04 12:19:47.965 BL= 306,ESS= 342, 02-04 12:19:48.015 BL= 305,ESS= 342,
02-04 12:19:48.030 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:48.113 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 5 lines
02-04 12:19:48.130 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:48.131 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:48.031 BL= 305,ESS= 344, 02-04 12:19:48.048 BL= 304,ESS= 344, 02-04 12:19:48.098 BL= 303,ESS= 344, 02-04 12:19:48.114 BL= 303,ESS= 346, 02-04 12:19:48.131 BL= 302,ESS= 346,
02-04 12:19:48.163 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:48.280 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 7 lines
02-04 12:19:48.297 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:48.298 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:48.199 BL= 301,ESS= 346, 02-04 12:19:48.214 BL= 301,ESS= 348, 02-04 12:19:48.232 BL= 300,ESS= 348, 02-04 12:19:48.281 BL= 299,ESS= 348, 02-04 12:19:48.298 BL= 299,ESS= 350,
02-04 12:19:48.313 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:48.430 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 7 lines
02-04 12:19:48.447 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:48.448 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:48.315 BL= 298,ESS= 350, 02-04 12:19:48.365 BL= 297,ESS= 350, 02-04 12:19:48.381 BL= 297,ESS= 352, 02-04 12:19:48.415 BL= 296,ESS= 352, 02-04 12:19:48.448 BL= 295,ESS= 352,
02-04 12:19:48.464 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:48.563 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 6 lines
02-04 12:19:48.580 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:48.582 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:48.465 BL= 295,ESS= 354, 02-04 12:19:48.498 BL= 294,ESS= 354, 02-04 12:19:48.531 BL= 293,ESS= 354, 02-04 12:19:48.548 BL= 293,ESS= 356, 02-04 12:19:48.582 BL= 292,ESS= 356,
02-04 12:19:48.597 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:48.697 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 6 lines
02-04 12:19:48.713 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:48.726 638 1125 I BufferQueueProducer: [FloatAssistantView#0](this:0xb400007658a6e458,id:7796,api:1,p:17111,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=18.84 dur=1433.32 max=1000.41 min=15.12
02-04 12:19:48.730 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:48.732 17077 17455 I AudioTrack: isLongTimeZeroData zero date time 4 Seconds
02-04 12:19:48.739 542 542 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:21.124529,dur:1467.49,max:845.43,min:16.05
02-04 12:19:48.747 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:48.748 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:48.615 BL= 291,ESS= 356, 02-04 12:19:48.631 BL= 291,ESS= 358, 02-04 12:19:48.665 BL= 290,ESS= 358, 02-04 12:19:48.699 BL= 289,ESS= 360, 02-04 12:19:48.748 BL= 288,ESS= 360,
02-04 12:19:48.763 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:48.897 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 8 lines
02-04 12:19:48.913 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:48.915 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:48.782 BL= 287,ESS= 362, 02-04 12:19:48.832 BL= 286,ESS= 362, 02-04 12:19:48.864 BL= 286,ESS= 364, 02-04 12:19:48.881 BL= 285,ESS= 364, 02-04 12:19:48.915 BL= 284,ESS= 364,
02-04 12:19:48.930 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:48.997 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 4 lines
02-04 12:19:49.013 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:49.018 17111 17138 I curitycenter:u: ProcessProfilingInfo new_methods=0 is saved saved_to_disk=0 resolve_classes_delay=8000
02-04 12:19:49.030 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:49.047 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:49.048 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:48.948 BL= 284,ESS= 366, 02-04 12:19:48.965 BL= 283,ESS= 366, 02-04 12:19:48.999 BL= 282,ESS= 366, 02-04 12:19:49.014 BL= 282,ESS= 368, 02-04 12:19:49.048 BL= 281,ESS= 368,
02-04 12:19:49.063 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:49.197 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 8 lines
02-04 12:19:49.214 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:49.215 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:49.082 BL= 280,ESS= 368, 02-04 12:19:49.098 BL= 280,ESS= 370, 02-04 12:19:49.132 BL= 279,ESS= 370, 02-04 12:19:49.165 BL= 278,ESS= 372, 02-04 12:19:49.215 BL= 277,ESS= 372,
02-04 12:19:49.230 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:49.363 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 8 lines
02-04 12:19:49.380 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:49.382 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:49.248 BL= 276,ESS= 374, 02-04 12:19:49.298 BL= 275,ESS= 374, 02-04 12:19:49.331 BL= 275,ESS= 376, 02-04 12:19:49.348 BL= 274,ESS= 376, 02-04 12:19:49.382 BL= 273,ESS= 376,
02-04 12:19:49.397 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:49.447 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 3 lines
02-04 12:19:49.464 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:49.473 15150 15470 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.976) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = }
02-04 12:19:49.480 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:49.497 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 1 line
02-04 12:19:49.513 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:49.515 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:49.398 BL= 273,ESS= 378, 02-04 12:19:49.431 BL= 272,ESS= 378, 02-04 12:19:49.465 BL= 271,ESS= 378, 02-04 12:19:49.481 BL= 271,ESS= 380, 02-04 12:19:49.515 BL= 270,ESS= 380,
02-04 12:19:49.530 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:49.647 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 7 lines
02-04 12:19:49.664 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:49.667 17077 17493 D ProfileInstaller: Installing profile for
02-04 12:19:49.680 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:49.682 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:49.548 BL= 269,ESS= 382, 02-04 12:19:49.598 BL= 268,ESS= 382, 02-04 12:19:49.615 BL= 268,ESS= 384, 02-04 12:19:49.632 BL= 267,ESS= 384, 02-04 12:19:49.682 BL= 266,ESS= 384,
02-04 12:19:49.697 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:49.714 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 1 line
02-04 12:19:49.730 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:49.741 638 694 I BufferQueueProducer: [FloatAssistantView#0](this:0xb400007658a6e458,id:7796,api:1,p:17111,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=60.07 dur=1015.56 max=17.50 min=15.15
02-04 12:19:49.747 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:49.756 542 542 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:60.037357,dur:1016.03,max:17.14,min:15.82
02-04 12:19:49.764 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:49.780 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 1 line
02-04 12:19:49.797 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:49.799 17077 17455 I AudioTrack: isLongTimeZeroData zero date time 5 Seconds
02-04 12:19:49.814 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:49.830 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 1 line
02-04 12:19:49.847 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:49.847 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:49.698 BL= 266,ESS= 386, 02-04 12:19:49.715 BL= 265,ESS= 386, 02-04 12:19:49.765 BL= 264,ESS= 388, 02-04 12:19:49.815 BL= 263,ESS= 388, 02-04 12:19:49.847 BL= 262,ESS= 390,
02-04 12:19:49.863 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:49.868 568 658 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req] TIMER_MSG_PERF_LOCK_TIMEOUT hdl:40690
02-04 12:19:49.868 568 658 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:40690, idx:0
02-04 12:19:49.869 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:0 hdl:40690 hint:21 comm:mtkpower@1.0-se pid:568
02-04 12:19:49.869 568 658 I libPowerHal: [setClusterFreq] scn:MTKPOWER_HINT_PROCESS_CREATE, freq:0, 0
02-04 12:19:49.869 568 658 I libPowerHal: MTKPOWER_HINT_PROCESS_CREATE: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: -1 -1 -1 -1
02-04 12:19:49.869 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_PROCESS_CREATE update cmd:1000000, param:1
02-04 12:19:49.869 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_PROCESS_CREATE update cmd:1408300 param:40
02-04 12:19:49.869 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_PROCESS_CREATE update cmd:1000000 param:1
02-04 12:19:49.881 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:49.915 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 2 lines
02-04 12:19:49.931 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:49.945 17077 17459 I IL2CPP : Locale ru-RU
02-04 12:19:49.947 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:49.998 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 3 lines
02-04 12:19:50.014 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:50.015 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:49.900 BL= 261,ESS= 390, 02-04 12:19:49.918 BL= 261,ESS= 392, 02-04 12:19:49.935 BL= 260,ESS= 392, 02-04 12:19:49.985 BL= 259,ESS= 394, 02-04 12:19:50.015 BL= 258,ESS= 394,
02-04 12:19:50.032 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:50.131 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 6 lines
02-04 12:19:50.148 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:50.153 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:50.051 BL= 258,ESS= 396, 02-04 12:19:50.068 BL= 257,ESS= 396, 02-04 12:19:50.103 BL= 256,ESS= 396, 02-04 12:19:50.133 BL= 256,ESS= 398, 02-04 12:19:50.153 BL= 255,ESS= 398,
02-04 12:19:50.165 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:50.248 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 5 lines
02-04 12:19:50.265 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:50.281 542 792 I hwcomposer: [DPY] receive refesh frquest from driver: type[4]
02-04 12:19:50.281 542 792 I hwcomposer: [HWC] fire a callback of refresh to SF
02-04 12:19:50.282 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:50.287 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:50.186 BL= 254,ESS= 398, 02-04 12:19:50.202 BL= 254,ESS= 400, 02-04 12:19:50.236 BL= 253,ESS= 400, 02-04 12:19:50.268 BL= 253,ESS= 402, 02-04 12:19:50.287 BL= 252,ESS= 402,
02-04 12:19:50.298 638 638 I BufferQueueProducer: [FramebufferSurface](this:0xb4000076da4bced0,id:-1,api:1,p:638,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=0.42 dur=2403.94 max=2403.94 min=2403.94
02-04 12:19:50.298 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:50.431 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 8 lines
02-04 12:19:50.447 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:50.450 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:50.320 BL= 251,ESS= 402, 02-04 12:19:50.331 BL= 251,ESS= 404, 02-04 12:19:50.368 BL= 250,ESS= 404, 02-04 12:19:50.399 BL= 249,ESS= 406, 02-04 12:19:50.450 BL= 248,ESS= 406,
02-04 12:19:50.463 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:50.580 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 7 lines
02-04 12:19:50.598 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:50.602 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:50.464 BL= 248,ESS= 408, 02-04 12:19:50.482 BL= 247,ESS= 408, 02-04 12:19:50.534 BL= 246,ESS= 410, 02-04 12:19:50.569 BL= 245,ESS= 410, 02-04 12:19:50.602 BL= 245,ESS= 412,
02-04 12:19:50.615 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:50.731 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 7 lines
02-04 12:19:50.749 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:50.754 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:50.619 BL= 244,ESS= 412, 02-04 12:19:50.670 BL= 243,ESS= 414, 02-04 12:19:50.703 BL= 242,ESS= 414, 02-04 12:19:50.735 BL= 242,ESS= 416, 02-04 12:19:50.754 BL= 241,ESS= 416,
02-04 12:19:50.765 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:50.782 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 1 line
02-04 12:19:50.798 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:50.810 29891 29891 W FirebaseRemoteConfig: No value of type 'Boolean' exists for parameter key 'gt_close'.
02-04 12:19:50.815 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:50.848 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 2 lines
02-04 12:19:50.865 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:50.866 17077 17455 I AudioTrack: isLongTimeZeroData zero date time 6 Seconds
02-04 12:19:50.880 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:50.897 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 1 line
02-04 12:19:50.915 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:50.919 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:50.786 BL= 240,ESS= 416, 02-04 12:19:50.802 BL= 240,ESS= 418, 02-04 12:19:50.837 BL= 239,ESS= 418, 02-04 12:19:50.869 BL= 238,ESS= 420, 02-04 12:19:50.919 BL= 237,ESS= 420,
02-04 12:19:50.932 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:51.065 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 7 lines
02-04 12:19:51.082 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:51.085 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:50.936 BL= 237,ESS= 422, 02-04 12:19:50.953 BL= 236,ESS= 422, 02-04 12:19:51.004 BL= 235,ESS= 424, 02-04 12:19:51.036 BL= 234,ESS= 424, 02-04 12:19:51.085 BL= 234,ESS= 426,
02-04 12:19:51.098 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:51.215 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 7 lines
02-04 12:19:51.231 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:51.236 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:51.101 BL= 233,ESS= 426, 02-04 12:19:51.153 BL= 232,ESS= 428, 02-04 12:19:51.186 BL= 231,ESS= 428, 02-04 12:19:51.202 BL= 231,ESS= 430, 02-04 12:19:51.236 BL= 230,ESS= 430,
02-04 12:19:51.248 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:51.382 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 8 lines
02-04 12:19:51.398 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:51.403 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:51.269 BL= 229,ESS= 432, 02-04 12:19:51.317 BL= 228,ESS= 432, 02-04 12:19:51.335 BL= 228,ESS= 434, 02-04 12:19:51.353 BL= 227,ESS= 434, 02-04 12:19:51.403 BL= 226,ESS= 436,
02-04 12:19:51.415 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:51.432 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 1 line
02-04 12:19:51.448 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:51.455 15246 15440 I Gyroscope: write temp cali: [-1588, -1510, -187, 41241, 30580, 15313]
02-04 12:19:51.456 15246 15440 I Gyroscope: write bias: [-0.001064, -0.001845, 0.000854]
02-04 12:19:51.465 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:51.548 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 5 lines
02-04 12:19:51.565 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:51.569 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:51.436 BL= 225,ESS= 436, 02-04 12:19:51.452 BL= 225,ESS= 438, 02-04 12:19:51.487 BL= 224,ESS= 438, 02-04 12:19:51.518 BL= 223,ESS= 440, 02-04 12:19:51.569 BL= 222,ESS= 440,
02-04 12:19:51.580 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:51.599 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:51.604 16736 10961 I com.miui.daemo: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-04 12:19:51.612 16736 10961 I chatty : uid=1000(system) Binder:16736_8 identical 1 line
02-04 12:19:51.612 16736 10961 I com.miui.daemo: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-04 12:19:51.616 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:51.682 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 4 lines
02-04 12:19:51.698 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:51.703 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:51.581 BL= 222,ESS= 442, 02-04 12:19:51.620 BL= 221,ESS= 442, 02-04 12:19:51.635 BL= 221,ESS= 444, 02-04 12:19:51.653 BL= 220,ESS= 444, 02-04 12:19:51.703 BL= 219,ESS= 446,
02-04 12:19:51.715 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:51.848 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 8 lines
02-04 12:19:51.865 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:51.869 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:51.736 BL= 218,ESS= 446, 02-04 12:19:51.752 BL= 218,ESS= 448, 02-04 12:19:51.787 BL= 217,ESS= 448, 02-04 12:19:51.822 BL= 216,ESS= 450, 02-04 12:19:51.869 BL= 215,ESS= 452,
02-04 12:19:51.882 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:51.915 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 2 lines
02-04 12:19:51.932 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:51.933 17077 17455 I AudioTrack: isLongTimeZeroData zero date time 7 Seconds
02-04 12:19:51.948 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:52.015 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 4 lines
02-04 12:19:52.032 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:52.037 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:51.904 BL= 214,ESS= 452, 02-04 12:19:51.936 BL= 214,ESS= 454, 02-04 12:19:51.951 BL= 213,ESS= 454, 02-04 12:19:51.986 BL= 212,ESS= 456, 02-04 12:19:52.037 BL= 211,ESS= 458,
02-04 12:19:52.049 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:52.115 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 4 lines
02-04 12:19:52.132 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:52.147 15150 15159 I system_server: Background concurrent copying GC freed 375194(15MB) AllocSpace objects, 186(5024KB) LOS objects, 26% free, 65MB/89MB, paused 110us total 257.136ms
02-04 12:19:52.148 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:52.154 15150 15161 W System : A resource failed to call release.
02-04 12:19:52.155 15150 15161 I chatty : uid=1000(system) FinalizerDaemon identical 4 lines
02-04 12:19:52.155 15150 15161 W System : A resource failed to call release.
02-04 12:19:52.156 542 542 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:11.247335,dur:2400.57,max:1857.89,min:16.33
02-04 12:19:52.158 15150 15161 W System : A resource failed to call release.
02-04 12:19:52.158 15150 15161 I chatty : uid=1000(system) FinalizerDaemon identical 1 line
02-04 12:19:52.159 15150 15161 W System : A resource failed to call release.
02-04 12:19:52.159 15150 15161 W System : A resource failed to call close.
02-04 12:19:52.159 15150 15161 W System : A resource failed to call close.
02-04 12:19:52.165 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:52.169 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:52.086 BL= 210,ESS= 458, 02-04 12:19:52.102 BL= 210,ESS= 460, 02-04 12:19:52.119 BL= 209,ESS= 460, 02-04 12:19:52.149 BL= 209,ESS= 462, 02-04 12:19:52.169 BL= 208,ESS= 462,
02-04 12:19:52.172 15150 15596 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:19:52.182 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:52.198 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:52.203 17111 17111 I j.E.4:SidebarWrapper: lowlightSidebarLine
02-04 12:19:52.215 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:52.232 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:52.244 638 1125 I BufferQueueProducer: [FloatAssistantView#0](this:0xb400007658a6e458,id:7796,api:1,p:17111,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=10.39 dur=2503.22 max=2085.16 min=15.78
02-04 12:19:52.247 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:52.264 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 1 line
02-04 12:19:52.281 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:52.284 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:52.203 BL= 207,ESS= 462, 02-04 12:19:52.219 BL= 207,ESS= 464, 02-04 12:19:52.249 BL= 206,ESS= 464, 02-04 12:19:52.266 BL= 206,ESS= 466, 02-04 12:19:52.284 BL= 205,ESS= 466,
02-04 12:19:52.298 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:52.415 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 7 lines
02-04 12:19:52.432 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:52.435 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:52.317 BL= 205,ESS= 468, 02-04 12:19:52.336 BL= 204,ESS= 468, 02-04 12:19:52.368 BL= 203,ESS= 470, 02-04 12:19:52.420 BL= 202,ESS= 470, 02-04 12:19:52.435 BL= 202,ESS= 472,
02-04 12:19:52.448 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:52.464 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 1 line
02-04 12:19:52.482 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:52.486 15150 15470 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.976) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = }
02-04 12:19:52.498 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:52.532 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 2 lines
02-04 12:19:52.549 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:52.554 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:52.453 BL= 201,ESS= 472, 02-04 12:19:52.485 BL= 201,ESS= 474, 02-04 12:19:52.503 BL= 200,ESS= 474, 02-04 12:19:52.535 BL= 200,ESS= 476, 02-04 12:19:52.554 BL= 199,ESS= 476,
02-04 12:19:52.565 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:52.615 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 3 lines
02-04 12:19:52.632 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:52.633 542 792 I hwcomposer: [DPY] receive refesh frquest from driver: type[4]
02-04 12:19:52.633 542 792 I hwcomposer: [HWC] fire a callback of refresh to SF
02-04 12:19:52.649 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:52.649 638 638 I BufferQueueProducer: [FramebufferSurface](this:0xb4000076da4bced0,id:-1,api:1,p:638,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=0.43 dur=2351.49 max=2351.49 min=2351.49
02-04 12:19:52.665 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:52.698 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 2 lines
02-04 12:19:52.715 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:52.719 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:52.584 BL= 198,ESS= 478, 02-04 12:19:52.636 BL= 197,ESS= 480, 02-04 12:19:52.670 BL= 196,ESS= 480, 02-04 12:19:52.685 BL= 196,ESS= 482, 02-04 12:19:52.719 BL= 195,ESS= 482,
02-04 12:19:52.732 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:52.865 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 8 lines
02-04 12:19:52.882 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:52.887 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:52.753 BL= 194,ESS= 484, 02-04 12:19:52.804 BL= 193,ESS= 486, 02-04 12:19:52.837 BL= 192,ESS= 486, 02-04 12:19:52.852 BL= 192,ESS= 488, 02-04 12:19:52.887 BL= 191,ESS= 488,
02-04 12:19:52.898 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:52.982 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 5 lines
02-04 12:19:52.999 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:53.000 17077 17455 I AudioTrack: isLongTimeZeroData zero date time 8 Seconds
02-04 12:19:53.002 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:52.902 BL= 191,ESS= 490, 02-04 12:19:52.920 BL= 190,ESS= 490, 02-04 12:19:52.952 BL= 190,ESS= 492, 02-04 12:19:52.970 BL= 189,ESS= 492, 02-04 12:19:53.002 BL= 189,ESS= 494,
02-04 12:19:53.015 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:53.132 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 7 lines
02-04 12:19:53.148 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:53.152 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:53.020 BL= 188,ESS= 494, 02-04 12:19:53.053 BL= 187,ESS= 496, 02-04 12:19:53.103 BL= 186,ESS= 498, 02-04 12:19:53.136 BL= 185,ESS= 498, 02-04 12:19:53.152 BL= 185,ESS= 500,
02-04 12:19:53.165 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:53.265 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 6 lines
02-04 12:19:53.282 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:53.285 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:53.186 BL= 184,ESS= 502, 02-04 12:19:53.219 BL= 183,ESS= 502, 02-04 12:19:53.235 BL= 183,ESS= 504, 02-04 12:19:53.270 BL= 182,ESS= 504, 02-04 12:19:53.285 BL= 182,ESS= 506,
02-04 12:19:53.299 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:53.415 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 7 lines
02-04 12:19:53.432 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:53.437 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:53.303 BL= 181,ESS= 506, 02-04 12:19:53.336 BL= 181,ESS= 508, 02-04 12:19:53.353 BL= 180,ESS= 508, 02-04 12:19:53.386 BL= 179,ESS= 510, 02-04 12:19:53.437 BL= 178,ESS= 512,
02-04 12:19:53.449 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:53.582 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 8 lines
02-04 12:19:53.615 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:53.619 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:53.469 BL= 178,ESS= 514, 02-04 12:19:53.487 BL= 177,ESS= 514, 02-04 12:19:53.519 BL= 176,ESS= 516, 02-04 12:19:53.570 BL= 175,ESS= 518, 02-04 12:19:53.619 BL= 174,ESS= 518,
02-04 12:19:53.632 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:53.749 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 8 lines
02-04 12:19:53.782 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:53.787 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:53.634 BL= 174,ESS= 520, 02-04 12:19:53.670 BL= 173,ESS= 522, 02-04 12:19:53.703 BL= 172,ESS= 522, 02-04 12:19:53.735 BL= 171,ESS= 522, 02-04 12:19:53.787 BL= 170,ESS= 522,
02-04 12:19:53.789 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:53.949 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 10 lines
02-04 12:19:53.965 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:53.977 18583 18583 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent { }
02-04 12:19:53.982 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:53.986 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:53.821 BL= 169,ESS= 522, 02-04 12:19:53.870 BL= 168,ESS= 522, 02-04 12:19:53.903 BL= 167,ESS= 522, 02-04 12:19:53.952 BL= 166,ESS= 522, 02-04 12:19:53.986 BL= 165,ESS= 522,
02-04 12:19:53.999 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:54.048 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 3 lines
02-04 12:19:54.065 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:54.066 17077 17455 I AudioTrack: isLongTimeZeroData zero date time 9 Seconds
02-04 12:19:54.082 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:54.182 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 6 lines
02-04 12:19:54.199 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:54.202 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:19:54.035 BL= 164,ESS= 522, 02-04 12:19:54.070 BL= 163,ESS= 522, 02-04 12:19:54.119 BL= 162,ESS= 522, 02-04 12:19:54.151 BL= 161,ESS= 522,
02-04 12:19:54.215 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:54.265 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 3 lines
02-04 12:19:54.282 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:54.294 950 13202 D AALLightSensor: oldLux=58 [SA:57 LA:56] newLux=57 (oriLux: 57)
02-04 12:19:54.294 950 13202 D AAL : onALIChanged: 58 -> 57
02-04 12:19:54.294 950 13202 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 57
02-04 12:19:54.295 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:54.598 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 19 lines
02-04 12:19:54.615 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:54.625 17384 17461 I ster:AppMetric: ProcessProfilingInfo new_methods=0 is saved saved_to_disk=0 resolve_classes_delay=8000
02-04 12:19:54.631 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:55.082 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 27 lines
02-04 12:19:55.098 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:55.101 15601 15687 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength:{mCdma=CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647 evdoSnr=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 ecno=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=2147483647 rsrp=-103 rsrq=-13 rssnr=6 cqi=0 ta=0 miuiLevel=4 level=3 parametersUseForLevel=0,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiSinr = 2147483647 ssRsrp = 2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 miuiLevel = 0 level = 0 parametersUseForLevel = 0 },primary=CellSignalStrengthLte}, phoneId=1, mMtkLevel=0, mMtkRsrpOnly=false, mMtkLteRsrpThreshold=null, mMtkLteRssnrThreshold=null level=3
02-04 12:19:55.101 15601 15687 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): updateTelephonySignalStrength: hasService=true ss=SignalStrength:{mCdma=CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647 evdoSnr=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 ecno=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 miuiLevel=0 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=2147483647 rsrp=-103 rsrq=-13 rssnr=6 cqi=0 ta=0 miuiLevel=4 level=3 parametersUseForLevel=0,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiSinr = 2147483647 ssRsrp = 2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 miuiLevel = 0 level = 0 parametersUseForLevel = 0 },primary=CellSignalStrengthLte}, phoneId=1, mMtkLevel=0, mMtkRsrpOnly=false, mMtkLteRsrpThreshold=null, mMtkLteRssnrThreshold=null displayInfo=TelephonyDisplayInfo {network=LTE, override=NONE}
02-04 12:19:55.101 15601 15687 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): NotQcom5G, signal level = 4
02-04 12:19:55.115 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:55.132 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:55.133 17077 17455 I AudioTrack: isLongTimeZeroData zero date time 10 Seconds
02-04 12:19:55.149 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:55.482 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 20 lines
02-04 12:19:55.498 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:55.498 15150 15470 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.976) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = }
02-04 12:19:55.514 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:55.866 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 21 lines
02-04 12:19:55.882 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:55.896 17077 17357 D Unity : UnloadTime: 1.455308 ms
02-04 12:19:55.899 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:55.913 17077 17357 D Unity : UUID: e717beaf23256c26 => 24a964a3e81758d68ed2538dead8c359
02-04 12:19:55.916 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:55.982 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 4 lines
02-04 12:19:55.999 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:56.000 15150 15483 D SlaveWifiManager: getWifiSlaveConnectionInfo
02-04 12:19:56.001 15150 15483 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer identical 78 lines
02-04 12:19:56.001 15150 15483 D SlaveWifiManager: getWifiSlaveConnectionInfo
02-04 12:19:56.002 15150 15470 D WifiSlaveNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9687, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1012261 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1012261 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:19:56.002 15150 15470 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9687, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1012261 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1012261 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:19:56.002 15150 15536 D Ethernet: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9687, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1012261 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1012261 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:19:56.002 15827 15827 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9687, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1012261 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1012261 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:19:56.002 15150 15470 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9687, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1012261 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1012261 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:19:56.002 15150 15470 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9687, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1012261 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1012261 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:19:56.016 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:56.116 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 6 lines
02-04 12:19:56.132 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:56.139 17077 17357 I Unity : <color=#00FFFF> <b>[ANALYTICS]</b> GAMEANALYTICS <b>Init</b> -> (iOS: Web Master - iOS @ KobGames) (Android: Web Master - Android @ KobGames) </color>
02-04 12:19:56.139 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.Analytics.Modules.ModuleUtils:DebugModuleInitialization(eAnalyticsServices, List`1)
02-04 12:19:56.139 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.AnalyticsManagerBase:onServicesAwake()
02-04 12:19:56.139 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.AnalyticsManagerBase:OnAwakeEvent()
02-04 12:19:56.139 17077 17357 I Unity :
02-04 12:19:56.149 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:56.165 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 1 line
02-04 12:19:56.182 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:56.183 17077 17357 I AppMetrica: Initializing of Metrica, Release type, Version 4.2.0, API Level 101, Dated 15.02.2022.
02-04 12:19:56.198 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:56.199 17077 17455 I AudioTrack: isLongTimeZeroData zero date time 11 Seconds
02-04 12:19:56.207 17077 17357 W Unity : This example uses Unity Engine OLD input system. If you are using new Input System and you want to use this example, please set your input configuration to BOTH.
02-04 12:19:56.207 17077 17357 W Unity : Facebook.Unity.CodelessUIInteractEvent:Awake()
02-04 12:19:56.207 17077 17357 W Unity : UnityEngine.GameObject:AddComponent()
02-04 12:19:56.207 17077 17357 W Unity : Facebook.Unity.FB:Init(InitDelegate, HideUnityDelegate, String)
02-04 12:19:56.207 17077 17357 W Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.AnalyticsManagerBase:onServicesAwake()
02-04 12:19:56.207 17077 17357 W Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.AnalyticsManagerBase:OnAwakeEvent()
02-04 12:19:56.207 17077 17357 W Unity :
02-04 12:19:56.214 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:56.231 17077 17502 W games.webmaste: Class failed lock verification and will run slower.
02-04 12:19:56.231 17077 17502 W games.webmaste: Common causes for lock verification issues are non-optimized dex code
02-04 12:19:56.231 17077 17502 W games.webmaste: and incorrect proguard optimizations.
02-04 12:19:56.231 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:56.233 17077 17357 W Unity : DontDestroyOnLoad only works for root GameObjects or components on root GameObjects.
02-04 12:19:56.248 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:56.265 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:56.277 15086 15086 D Zygote : Forked child process 17506
02-04 12:19:56.280 15150 15179 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service {}
02-04 12:19:56.281 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:56.288 17077 17501 I AppMetrica: Activate AppMetrica with APIKey 85b356e9-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxcb69
02-04 12:19:56.291 17506 17506 I bmaster:Metric: Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni
02-04 12:19:56.298 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:56.306 17506 17506 I bmaster:Metric: Unquickening 22 vdex files!
02-04 12:19:56.309 17077 17501 I Unity : <color=#00FFFF> <b>[ANALYTICS]</b> APPMETRICA <b>Init</b> -> (ID: 85b356e9-8b02-4408-8056-99e97398cb69) </color>
02-04 12:19:56.309 17077 17501 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.Analytics.Modules.ModuleUtils:DebugModuleInitialization(eAnalyticsServices, List`1)
02-04 12:19:56.309 17077 17501 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.Analytics.Modules.Module_AppMetrica:<onServiceAwakeImpl>b__13_0(String, Nullable`1)
02-04 12:19:56.309 17077 17501 I Unity : System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:Invoke(Object, BindingFlags, Binder, Object[], CultureInfo)
02-04 12:19:56.309 17077 17501 I Unity : UnityEngine.AndroidJavaProxy:Invoke(String, Object[])
02-04 12:19:56.309 17077 17501 I Unity : UnityEngine._AndroidJNIHelper:InvokeJavaProxyMethod(AndroidJavaProxy, IntPtr, IntPtr)
02-04 12:19:56.309 17077 17501 I Unity :
02-04 12:19:56.314 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:56.315 17077 17501 I AppMetrica: Activate reporter with APIKey 20799a27-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx4180
02-04 12:19:56.315 10861 10889 I adbd : jdwp connection from 17506
02-04 12:19:56.331 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:57.032 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 42 lines
02-04 12:19:57.049 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:57.050 937 937 I thermal_repeater: [recvMdThermalInfo] ret=28, strLen=127, 0, 32767, -127, 0, 32767, 0
02-04 12:19:57.066 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:57.078 17077 17499 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:19:57.078 17077 17499 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: system/framework/mediatek-cta.jar
02-04 12:19:57.079 17077 17499 I System.out: [okhttp] e:java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mediatek.cta.CtaUtils
02-04 12:19:57.082 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:57.084 17077 17499 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:19:57.084 17077 17499 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: system/framework/mediatek-cta.jar
02-04 12:19:57.084 17077 17499 I System.out: [socket] e:java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mediatek.cta.CtaUtils
02-04 12:19:57.099 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:57.249 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 9 lines
02-04 12:19:57.266 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:57.266 17077 17455 I AudioTrack: isLongTimeZeroData zero date time 12 Seconds
02-04 12:19:57.283 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:57.448 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 10 lines
02-04 12:19:57.466 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:57.474 17077 17499 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
02-04 12:19:57.482 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:57.683 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 12 lines
02-04 12:19:57.699 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:57.711 17077 17499 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:19:57.711 17077 17499 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
02-04 12:19:57.711 17077 17499 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
02-04 12:19:57.713 17077 17499 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
02-04 12:19:57.715 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:58.316 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 36 lines
02-04 12:19:58.332 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:58.333 17077 17455 I AudioTrack: isLongTimeZeroData zero date time 13 Seconds
02-04 12:19:58.349 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:58.482 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 8 lines
02-04 12:19:58.499 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:58.506 15150 15470 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.976) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = }
02-04 12:19:58.516 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:58.583 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 4 lines
02-04 12:19:58.599 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:58.612 17506 17506 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: true
02-04 12:19:58.614 17506 17506 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: true
02-04 12:19:58.616 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:58.638 17506 17506 W Looper : PerfMonitor longMsg : seq=3 plan=12:19:56.334 late=1ms wall=2298ms running=2164ms runnable=22ms$H w=110 procState=3
02-04 12:19:58.632 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 1 line
02-04 12:19:58.648 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:58.650 17506 17533 I SafeDK : SafeDK Device ID: b17cd5fe-66d6-4629-9772-985c515890ba
02-04 12:19:58.650 17506 17533 I SafeDK : SafeDK version: 5.7.3
02-04 12:19:58.665 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:58.699 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 2 lines
02-04 12:19:58.716 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:58.731 16736 10961 I com.miui.daemo: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-04 12:19:58.731 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:58.732 16736 10961 I com.miui.daemo: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-04 12:19:58.749 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:58.849 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 6 lines
02-04 12:19:58.865 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:58.882 17506 17547 I AppMetrica: Initializing of Metrica, Release type, Version 4.2.0, API Level 101, Dated 15.02.2022.
02-04 12:19:58.882 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:58.899 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:58.907 17506 17549 W bmaster:Metric: Class failed lock verification and will run slower.
02-04 12:19:58.907 17506 17549 W bmaster:Metric: Common causes for lock verification issues are non-optimized dex code
02-04 12:19:58.907 17506 17549 W bmaster:Metric: and incorrect proguard optimizations.
02-04 12:19:58.915 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:58.927 17506 17547 I AppMetrica: Activate reporter with APIKey 20799a27-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx4180
02-04 12:19:58.931 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:58.965 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 2 lines
02-04 12:19:58.982 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:58.989 524 531 E statsd : Predicate 5980654721335871649 dropping data for dimension key (10)0x2010101->1012261[I] (10)0x30000->*job*/[S]
02-04 12:19:58.995 524 531 E statsd : Predicate 5980654721335871649 dropping data for dimension key (10)0x2010101->1012261[I] (10)0x30000->*job*/[S]
02-04 12:19:58.998 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:59.032 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 2 lines
02-04 12:19:59.048 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:59.056 17506 17540 I AppMetrica-Attribution: Choosing clids. Client: null, from satellite: SatelliteClidsInfo{clids=null, checked=true}, result: ClidsInfo{clids=null, source=API}
02-04 12:19:59.065 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:59.076 17506 17545 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 147600208; UID 1012261; state: ENABLED
02-04 12:19:59.082 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:59.098 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 1 line
02-04 12:19:59.116 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:59.122 17506 17540 I AppMetrica-Attribution: Choosing clids. Client: null, from satellite: SatelliteClidsInfo{clids=null, checked=true}, result: ClidsInfo{clids=null, source=API}
02-04 12:19:59.132 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:59.135 17506 17540 I AppMetrica-Attribution: Choosing clids. Client: null, from satellite: SatelliteClidsInfo{clids=null, checked=true}, result: ClidsInfo{clids=null, source=API}
02-04 12:19:59.148 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:59.266 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 7 lines
02-04 12:19:59.283 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:59.295 950 13202 D AALLightSensor: oldLux=57 [SA:58 LA:58] newLux=58 (oriLux: 59)
02-04 12:19:59.295 950 13202 D AAL : onALIChanged: 57 -> 58
02-04 12:19:59.296 950 13202 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 58
02-04 12:19:59.298 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:59.383 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 6 lines
02-04 12:19:59.399 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:59.399 17077 17455 I AudioTrack: isLongTimeZeroData zero date time 14 Seconds
02-04 12:19:59.415 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:59.666 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 15 lines
02-04 12:19:59.683 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:59.692 950 13202 D AAL : onALIChanged: 58 -> 57
02-04 12:19:59.693 950 13202 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 57
02-04 12:19:59.694 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:59.716 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 2 lines
02-04 12:19:59.733 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:59.749 17077 17357 I Unity : [Azur User Consent Manager] Android system ver: 30
02-04 12:19:59.749 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.UserConsentLocalization:AndroidApiVersion()
02-04 12:19:59.749 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.UserConsentLocalization:GetLanguageIso()
02-04 12:19:59.749 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.UserConsentLocalization:OnEnable()
02-04 12:19:59.749 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.Resources:Load(String)
02-04 12:19:59.749 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.UserConsentManager:.ctor()
02-04 12:19:59.749 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.UserConsentManager:get_Instance()
02-04 12:19:59.749 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.GameManager:OnAwakeEvent()
02-04 12:19:59.749 17077 17357 I Unity :
02-04 12:19:59.749 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:59.754 17077 17357 I Unity : [Azur User Consent Manager] Android lang: ru-RU
02-04 12:19:59.754 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.UserConsentLocalization:GetLanguageIso()
02-04 12:19:59.754 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.UserConsentLocalization:OnEnable()
02-04 12:19:59.754 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.Resources:Load(String)
02-04 12:19:59.754 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.UserConsentManager:.ctor()
02-04 12:19:59.754 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.UserConsentManager:get_Instance()
02-04 12:19:59.754 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.GameManager:OnAwakeEvent()
02-04 12:19:59.754 17077 17357 I Unity :
02-04 12:19:59.755 17077 17357 I Unity : [Azur User Consent Manager] Lang ISO ru-ru
02-04 12:19:59.755 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.UserConsentLocalization:GetLanguageIso()
02-04 12:19:59.755 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.UserConsentLocalization:OnEnable()
02-04 12:19:59.755 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.Resources:Load(String)
02-04 12:19:59.755 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.UserConsentManager:.ctor()
02-04 12:19:59.755 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.UserConsentManager:get_Instance()
02-04 12:19:59.755 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.GameManager:OnAwakeEvent()
02-04 12:19:59.755 17077 17357 I Unity :
02-04 12:19:59.756 17077 17357 I Unity : [Azur User Consent Manager] 5.0.3 version initialized!
02-04 12:19:59.756 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.UserConsentManager:.ctor()
02-04 12:19:59.756 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.UserConsentManager:get_Instance()
02-04 12:19:59.756 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.GameManager:OnAwakeEvent()
02-04 12:19:59.756 17077 17357 I Unity :
02-04 12:19:59.757 17077 17357 I Unity : [Azur User Consent Manager] Usercentrics ID is: YHrvpJK7ldL4ki
02-04 12:19:59.757 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.UserConsentManager:.ctor()
02-04 12:19:59.757 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.UserConsentManager:get_Instance()
02-04 12:19:59.757 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.GameManager:OnAwakeEvent()
02-04 12:19:59.757 17077 17357 I Unity :
02-04 12:19:59.766 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:59.833 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 4 lines
02-04 12:19:59.849 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:59.851 17077 17357 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module
02-04 12:19:59.851 17077 17357 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of, version >= 244410203
02-04 12:19:59.858 17077 17357 D DynamitePackage: Instantiated singleton DynamitePackage.
02-04 12:19:59.858 17077 17357 D DynamitePackage: Instantiating
02-04 12:19:59.866 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:59.882 15150 15483 D SlaveWifiManager: getWifiSlaveConnectionInfo
02-04 12:19:59.882 15150 15483 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer identical 17 lines
02-04 12:19:59.882 15150 15483 D SlaveWifiManager: getWifiSlaveConnectionInfo
02-04 12:19:59.882 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:59.882 15150 15483 D SlaveWifiManager: getWifiSlaveConnectionInfo
02-04 12:19:59.883 15150 15483 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer identical 62 lines
02-04 12:19:59.883 15150 15483 D SlaveWifiManager: getWifiSlaveConnectionInfo
02-04 12:19:59.884 15150 15470 D WifiSlaveNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9688, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1012261 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1012261 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:19:59.884 15150 15470 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9688, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1012261 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1012261 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:19:59.884 15150 15536 D Ethernet: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9688, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1012261 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1012261 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:19:59.884 15150 15470 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9688, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1012261 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1012261 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:19:59.884 15827 15827 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9688, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1012261 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1012261 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:19:59.884 15150 15470 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9688, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1012261 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1012261 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:19:59.891 17077 17357 I Ads : Updating ad debug logging enablement.
02-04 12:19:59.893 950 13202 D AAL : onALIChanged: 57 -> 58
02-04 12:19:59.894 950 13202 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 58
02-04 12:19:59.894 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:59.898 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:59.900 17077 17567 W Ads : Update ad debug logging enablement as false
02-04 12:19:59.915 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:59.931 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 1 line
02-04 12:19:59.948 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:59.962 17077 17077 I WebViewFactory: Loading version 132.0.6834.163 (code 683416333)
02-04 12:19:59.966 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:59.972 17077 17077 W linker : Warning: "/data/app/~~V8xaCR9o41FrBrxccPE52g==/!/lib/arm64-v8a/" unused DT entry: unknown processor-specific (type 0x70000001 arg 0x0) (ignoring)
02-04 12:19:59.982 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:19:59.992 17077 17077 I cr_WVCFactoryProvider: version=132.0.6834.163 (683416333) minSdkVersion=29 isBundle=true multiprocess=true packageId=2
02-04 12:19:59.998 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:00.002 15601 15601 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
02-04 12:20:00.002 13624 13624 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
02-04 12:20:00.002 13624 13624 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleTimeUpdate
02-04 12:20:00.003 17077 17585 I chromium: [0204/] Failed to open file for reading.: No such file or directory (2)
02-04 12:20:00.013 15601 15601 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleTimeUpdate
02-04 12:20:00.015 17077 17077 E libc : Access denied finding property "ro.vendor.pref_scale_resolution"
02-04 12:20:00.016 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:00.019 17077 17077 I cr_LibraryLoader: Successfully loaded native library
02-04 12:20:00.019 17077 17077 I cr_CachingUmaRecorder: Flushed 5 samples from 5 histograms, 0 samples were dropped.
02-04 12:20:00.022 17077 17077 I cr_CombinedPProvider: #registerProvider() provider:WV.D8@32f34d3 isPolicyCacheEnabled:false policyProvidersSize:0
02-04 12:20:00.024 17077 17077 I cr_PolicyProvider: #setManagerAndSource() 0
02-04 12:20:00.032 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:00.035 15150 15468 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 1099128, uidState = 19
02-04 12:20:00.037 638 1125 I BufferQueueProducer: [StatusBar#0](this:0xb4000076da4ffc58,id:5277,api:1,p:15601,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=3.63 dur=16259.37 max=15260.33 min=11.55
02-04 12:20:00.039 17077 17077 I cr_CombinedPProvider: #linkNativeInternal() 1
02-04 12:20:00.041 17077 17077 I cr_AppResProvider: #getApplicationRestrictionsFromUserManager() Bundle[EMPTY_PARCEL]
02-04 12:20:00.041 17077 17077 I cr_PolicyProvider: #notifySettingsAvailable() 0
02-04 12:20:00.041 17077 17077 I cr_CombinedPProvider: #onSettingsAvailable() 0
02-04 12:20:00.041 17077 17077 I cr_CombinedPProvider: #flushPolicies()
02-04 12:20:00.041 542 542 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:2.536356,dur:7885.33,max:7391.69,min:16.36
02-04 12:20:00.043 15601 15601 D ControllerPanelWindowView: onApplyWindowInsets:
02-04 12:20:00.048 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:00.065 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:00.068 18583 18583 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { }
02-04 12:20:00.068 18583 18583 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { }
02-04 12:20:00.074 15150 17142 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:20:00.077 15664 15664 D Zygote : Forked child process 17597
02-04 12:20:00.079 15150 15179 I ActivityManager: Start proc for {}
02-04 12:20:00.081 17597 17597 E libc : SetHeapTaggingLevel: re-enabling tagging after it was disabled is not supported
02-04 12:20:00.082 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:00.090 15150 17142 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:20:00.091 17597 17597 E ocessService0:: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
02-04 12:20:00.098 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:00.105 15150 15468 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 1099128, uidState = 3
02-04 12:20:00.106 18583 18583 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { dat=chimera-action: }
02-04 12:20:00.106 18583 18583 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { dat=chimera-action: }
02-04 12:20:00.115 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:00.120 17597 17597 I LoadedApk: No resource references to update in package
02-04 12:20:00.121 17597 17597 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
02-04 12:20:00.121 17597 17597 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
02-04 12:20:00.122 17597 17597 I cr_WebViewApkApp: version=132.0.6834.163 (683416333) minSdkVersion=29 isBundle=true
02-04 12:20:00.127 17597 17597 I cr_ChildProcessService: Creating new ChildProcessService pid=17597
02-04 12:20:00.130 17077 17357 I games.webmaste: Waiting for a blocking GC ClassLinker
02-04 12:20:00.132 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:00.138 15086 15086 D Zygote : Forked child process 17627
02-04 12:20:00.141 15150 15179 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service {}
02-04 12:20:00.148 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:00.154 15150 15483 D SlaveWifiManager: getWifiSlaveConnectionInfo
02-04 12:20:00.155 15150 15483 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer identical 13 lines
02-04 12:20:00.155 15150 15483 D SlaveWifiManager: getWifiSlaveConnectionInfo
02-04 12:20:00.155 17627 17627 E webview_servic: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
02-04 12:20:00.155 15150 15483 D SlaveWifiManager: getWifiSlaveConnectionInfo
02-04 12:20:00.156 15150 15483 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer identical 69 lines
02-04 12:20:00.156 15150 15483 D SlaveWifiManager: getWifiSlaveConnectionInfo
02-04 12:20:00.156 17077 17357 I games.webmaste: WaitForGcToComplete blocked ClassLinker on ClassLinker for 26.396ms
02-04 12:20:00.157 15150 15470 D WifiSlaveNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9689, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1012261 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1012261 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:20:00.157 15150 15470 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9689, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1012261 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1012261 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:20:00.157 15150 15470 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9689, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1012261 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1012261 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:20:00.157 15150 15536 D Ethernet: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9689, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1012261 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1012261 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:20:00.157 15150 15470 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9689, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1012261 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1012261 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:20:00.158 15827 15827 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9689, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1012261 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1012261 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:20:00.160 19219 19231 I [BIP] : [BIP NL] event newaddr match dev 0
02-04 12:20:00.160 19219 19231 I [BIP] : [BIP NL] IPv6: *:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
02-04 12:20:00.160 19219 19231 I [BIP] : [BIP NL] addr state is 3, ipv4=*.*.*.*, ipv6=*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
02-04 12:20:00.160 19219 19231 I [BIP] : [BIP NL] event newaddr match dev 0
02-04 12:20:00.160 19219 19231 I [BIP] : [BIP NL] IPv6: *:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
02-04 12:20:00.160 19219 19231 I [BIP] : [BIP NL] addr state is 3, ipv4=*.*.*.*, ipv6=*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
02-04 12:20:00.162 15150 15483 D SlaveWifiManager: getWifiSlaveConnectionInfo
02-04 12:20:00.163 15150 15483 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer identical 83 lines
02-04 12:20:00.163 15150 15483 D SlaveWifiManager: getWifiSlaveConnectionInfo
02-04 12:20:00.165 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:00.169 15150 15468 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 1010140, uidState = 3
02-04 12:20:00.182 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:00.186 17077 17077 D EgretLoader: EgretLoader(Context context)
02-04 12:20:00.186 17077 17077 D EgretLoader: The context is not activity
02-04 12:20:00.192 17627 17627 I LoadedApk: No resource references to update in package
02-04 12:20:00.193 17627 17627 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
02-04 12:20:00.193 17627 17627 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
02-04 12:20:00.194 17627 17627 I cr_WebViewApkApp: version=132.0.6834.163 (683416333) minSdkVersion=29 isBundle=true
02-04 12:20:00.198 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:00.209 542 792 I hwcomposer: [DPY] receive refesh frquest from driver: type[4]
02-04 12:20:00.209 542 792 I hwcomposer: [HWC] fire a callback of refresh to SF
02-04 12:20:00.215 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:00.216 17077 17649 I CameraManagerGlobal: Connecting to camera service
02-04 12:20:00.223 15089 21687 W ServiceManager: Permission failure: android.permission.CAMERA_OPEN_CLOSE_LISTENER from uid=1012261 pid=17077
02-04 12:20:00.226 17077 17649 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status update of camera: 20
02-04 12:20:00.226 17077 17649 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status update of camera: 21
02-04 12:20:00.226 17077 17649 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status update of camera: 22
02-04 12:20:00.226 17077 17649 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status update of camera: 61
02-04 12:20:00.231 638 638 I BufferQueueProducer: [FramebufferSurface](this:0xb4000076da4bced0,id:-1,api:1,p:638,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=0.13 dur=7581.48 max=7581.48 min=7581.48
02-04 12:20:00.231 17077 17105 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status update of camera: 21
02-04 12:20:00.232 17077 17367 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status update of camera: 22
02-04 12:20:00.232 17077 17357 I Unity : FirebaseRemoteConfig: No need to Flush DeviceConfig with version: 2.6.3
02-04 12:20:00.232 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.FirebaseRemoteConfigBase:flushDeviceConfigIfNeeded()
02-04 12:20:00.232 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.FirebaseRemoteConfigBase:Awake()
02-04 12:20:00.232 17077 17357 I Unity :
02-04 12:20:00.232 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:00.233 17077 17357 I Unity : Firebase-RemoteConfig-DefaultValues (Vars: 15):
02-04 12:20:00.233 17077 17357 I Unity : ConfigVersion = 2.6.3
02-04 12:20:00.233 17077 17357 I Unity : MaxContinueAmount = 1
02-04 12:20:00.233 17077 17357 I Unity : ABTestVersion =
02-04 12:20:00.233 17077 17357 I Unity : IsAdsEnabled = True
02-04 12:20:00.233 17077 17357 I Unity : IsBannerEnabled = True
02-04 12:20:00.233 17077 17357 I Unity : IsInterstitialEnabled = True
02-04 12:20:00.233 17077 17357 I Unity : InterstitalSessionStartEnabled = False
02-04 12:20:00.233 17077 17357 I Unity : InterstitialLevelCompleteCounter = 0
02-04 12:20:00.233 17077 17357 I Unity : InterstitialLevelFailedCounter = 0
02-04 12:20:00.233 17077 17357 I Unity : InterstitialMinLevel = 2
02-04 12:20:00.233 17077 17357 I Unity : IsRewardVideosEnabled = True
02-04 12:20:00.233 17077 17357 I Unity : RewardVideoCoolDown = 30
02-04 12:20:00.233 17077 17357 I Unity : InterstitialCoolDown = 30
02-04 12:20:00.233 17077 17357 I Unity : IsTestSuiteEnabled = True
02-04 12:20:00.233 17077 17357 I Unity : IsRateUsEnabled = True
02-04 12:20:00.233 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.FirebaseRemoteConfigBase:PrintRemoteConfigValues()
02-04 12:20:00.233 17077 17357 I Unity :
02-04 12:20:00.233 17077 17367 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status update of camera: 61
02-04 12:20:00.248 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:00.250 17077 17357 D AppLovinSdk: [AppLovinSdk]
02-04 12:20:00.250 17077 17357 D AppLovinSdk: ========================================
02-04 12:20:00.250 17077 17357 D AppLovinSdk: SDK Session Begin
02-04 12:20:00.250 17077 17357 D AppLovinSdk: ========================================
02-04 12:20:00.259 17077 17656 D libMEOW : applied 1 plugins for []:
02-04 12:20:00.259 17077 17656 D libMEOW : plugin 1: []:
02-04 12:20:00.261 17077 17602 W cr_media: getBluetoothAdapter() requires BLUETOOTH permission
02-04 12:20:00.261 17077 17602 W cr_media: registerBluetoothIntentsIfNeeded: Requires BLUETOOTH permission
02-04 12:20:00.265 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:00.269 17077 17656 I GED : [GT]_get_procNameprocess pid(17077)
02-04 12:20:00.269 17077 17656 I GED : [GT]_getprocess name(
02-04 12:20:00.269 17077 17656 I games.webmaste: [GT] ret(1) gt_status(00000000) aniso_debug_level(0) gt_aniso_max_level(16) ani so mask(00000001) tri mask(00000002)
02-04 12:20:00.269 17077 17656 I libMEOW_gift: ctx:0xb40000783497ae18, ARC not Enabled.
02-04 12:20:00.275 17597 17624 I cr_LibraryLoader: Successfully loaded native library
02-04 12:20:00.277 17597 17624 I cr_CachingUmaRecorder: Flushed 2 samples from 2 histograms, 0 samples were dropped.
02-04 12:20:00.281 17077 17077 W games.webmaste: Accessing hidden field Landroid/content/pm/ApplicationInfo;->primaryCpuAbi:Ljava/lang/String; (greylist, reflection, allowed)
02-04 12:20:00.282 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:00.291 17597 17624 W SystemServiceRegistry: No service published for: uimode
02-04 12:20:00.296 17077 17656 W chromium: [] VizNullHypothesis is disabled (not a warning)
02-04 12:20:00.298 16758 16758 D NfcService: Received android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
02-04 12:20:00.298 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:00.298 17185 17185 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED
02-04 12:20:00.299 17185 17185 I PowerSaveService: onReceive: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
02-04 12:20:00.299 18578 18959 D PowerKeeper.FrozenApp: onBatteryChanged plug=true mBatteryPlugged=2
02-04 12:20:00.299 18578 19670 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 86, status = 2, level = 86, plug = 2, scale = 100
02-04 12:20:00.299 17185 17185 I PowerNoticeUI: handleBatteryChanged oldPlugType 2 mPlugType 2 oldBatteryLevel 86 mBatteryLevel 86 temperature 302
02-04 12:20:00.299 28569 28569 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED
02-04 12:20:00.299 28569 28569 I PowerSaveService: onReceive: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
02-04 12:20:00.299 28569 28569 I PowerNoticeUI: handleBatteryChanged oldPlugType 2 mPlugType 2 oldBatteryLevel 86 mBatteryLevel 86 temperature 302
02-04 12:20:00.300 15601 15601 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
02-04 12:20:00.300 15601 15601 D BatteryController: onReceive: Intent = Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) } action = android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
02-04 12:20:00.302 17077 17656 I GED : [GT]_get_procNameprocess pid(17077)
02-04 12:20:00.302 17077 17656 I GED : [GT]_getprocess name(
02-04 12:20:00.302 17077 17656 I games.webmaste: [GT] ret(1) gt_status(00000000) aniso_debug_level(0) gt_aniso_max_level(16) ani so mask(00000001) tri mask(00000002)
02-04 12:20:00.302 17077 17656 I libMEOW_gift: ctx:0xb40000783497ae18, ARC not Enabled.
02-04 12:20:00.303 13624 13624 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
02-04 12:20:00.307 15150 15468 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 1010140, uidState = 10
02-04 12:20:00.307 17597 17624 W chromium: [] Fenced frames cannot be enabled in this configuration. Use --enable-features=FencedFrames instead.
02-04 12:20:00.307 17597 17624 W chromium: [] SharedStorage cannot be enabled in this configuration. Use --enable-features=SharedStorageAPI in addition.
02-04 12:20:00.307 17597 17624 W chromium: [] SharedStorage for M118+ cannot be enabled in this configuration. Use --enable-features=SharedStorageAPI,SharedStorageAPIM118 in addition.
02-04 12:20:00.309 15150 15468 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 1010140, uidState = 19
02-04 12:20:00.315 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:00.326 18583 18583 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { }
02-04 12:20:00.326 18583 18583 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { }
02-04 12:20:00.330 7852 7959 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Received query %s, URI %s
02-04 12:20:00.331 7852 7959 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Query [%s] resolved to %s
02-04 12:20:00.331 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:00.332 7852 7959 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Font PFD returned from cache for %s
02-04 12:20:00.333 7852 7959 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Fetch %s end status %s
02-04 12:20:00.337 16758 16758 D NfcService: Received android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
02-04 12:20:00.338 18578 19670 D PowerCheckerService: onBatteryChanged, mBatteryLevel = 86, status = 2, level = 86, plug = 2, scale = 100
02-04 12:20:00.338 15601 15601 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
02-04 12:20:00.338 15601 15601 D BatteryController: onReceive: Intent = Intent { act=android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) } action = android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
02-04 12:20:00.339 18578 18959 D PowerKeeper.FrozenApp: onBatteryChanged plug=true mBatteryPlugged=2
02-04 12:20:00.339 28569 28569 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED
02-04 12:20:00.340 28569 28569 I PowerSaveService: onReceive: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
02-04 12:20:00.340 17185 17185 I BatteryInfoReceiver: ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED
02-04 12:20:00.340 28569 28569 I PowerNoticeUI: handleBatteryChanged oldPlugType 2 mPlugType 2 oldBatteryLevel 86 mBatteryLevel 86 temperature 301
02-04 12:20:00.340 17185 17185 I PowerSaveService: onReceive: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
02-04 12:20:00.341 17185 17185 I PowerNoticeUI: handleBatteryChanged oldPlugType 2 mPlugType 2 oldBatteryLevel 86 mBatteryLevel 86 temperature 301
02-04 12:20:00.341 7852 7959 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Pulling font file for id = %d, cache size = %d
02-04 12:20:00.342 13624 13624 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
02-04 12:20:00.348 7852 7959 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Received query %s, URI %s
02-04 12:20:00.348 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:00.349 7852 7959 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Query [%s] resolved to %s
02-04 12:20:00.350 7852 7959 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Fetch %s end status %s
02-04 12:20:00.354 7852 7959 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Pulling font file for id = %d, cache size = %d
02-04 12:20:00.361 7852 7959 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Received query %s, URI %s
02-04 12:20:00.362 7852 7959 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Query [%s] resolved to %s
02-04 12:20:00.362 17077 17322 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:00.363 7852 7959 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Font PFD returned from cache for %s
02-04 12:20:00.363 7852 7959 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Fetch %s end status %s
02-04 12:20:00.363 17077 17322 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
02-04 12:20:00.363 17077 17322 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
02-04 12:20:00.365 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:00.369 7852 7959 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Pulling font file for id = %d, cache size = %d
02-04 12:20:00.381 7852 7959 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Received query %s, URI %s
02-04 12:20:00.382 7852 7959 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Query [%s] resolved to %s
02-04 12:20:00.382 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:00.383 7852 7959 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Font PFD returned from cache for %s
02-04 12:20:00.383 7852 7959 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Fetch %s end status %s
02-04 12:20:00.387 7852 7959 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Pulling font file for id = %d, cache size = %d
02-04 12:20:00.393 7852 7959 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Received query %s, URI %s
02-04 12:20:00.393 7852 7959 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Query [%s] resolved to %s
02-04 12:20:00.394 7852 7959 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Font PFD returned from cache for %s
02-04 12:20:00.395 7852 7959 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Fetch %s end status %s
02-04 12:20:00.398 7852 7959 I FontLog : (REDACTED) Pulling font file for id = %d, cache size = %d
02-04 12:20:00.398 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:00.410 17077 17619 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-adpcm-ms
02-04 12:20:00.411 17077 17619 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-adpcm-dvi-ima
02-04 12:20:00.412 17077 17619 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/alac
02-04 12:20:00.412 17077 17619 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/ape
02-04 12:20:00.414 17077 17619 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime image/
02-04 12:20:00.415 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:00.424 17077 17619 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 1/32 for video/mp4v-es
02-04 12:20:00.424 17077 17619 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 32768/2 for video/mp4v-es
02-04 12:20:00.424 17077 17619 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 32768/64 for video/mp4v-es
02-04 12:20:00.425 17077 17322 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:00.430 17077 17619 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv
02-04 12:20:00.432 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:00.432 17077 17619 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/xvid
02-04 12:20:00.435 17077 17619 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 1/32 for video/mp4v-es
02-04 12:20:00.448 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:00.465 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:00.466 17077 17455 I AudioTrack: isLongTimeZeroData zero date time 15 Seconds
02-04 12:20:00.482 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:00.515 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 3 lines
02-04 12:20:00.532 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:00.546 17077 17077 I Ads : JS: The jsLoaded GMSG has been sent (
02-04 12:20:00.546 17077 17077 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(828)] "The jsLoaded GMSG has been sent", source: (828)
02-04 12:20:00.548 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:00.559 17077 17322 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
02-04 12:20:00.565 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:00.665 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 8 lines
02-04 12:20:00.682 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:00.693 950 13202 D AAL : onALIChanged: 58 -> 57
02-04 12:20:00.693 950 13202 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 57
02-04 12:20:00.698 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:01.016 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 19 lines
02-04 12:20:01.033 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:01.034 17077 17357 W Unity : DontDestroyOnLoad only works for root GameObjects or components on root GameObjects.
02-04 12:20:01.034 17077 17357 W Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.IAPListener:OnEnable()
02-04 12:20:01.034 17077 17357 W Unity :
02-04 12:20:01.034 17077 17357 W Unity : [./Runtime/SceneManager/SceneManager.cpp line -1012760360]
02-04 12:20:01.034 17077 17357 W Unity :
02-04 12:20:01.050 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:01.183 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 8 lines
02-04 12:20:01.200 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:01.209 653 670 D ccci_mdinit: (1):monitor_time_update_thread round:38614 ########
02-04 12:20:01.215 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:01.500 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 17 lines
02-04 12:20:01.517 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:01.518 15150 15470 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.976) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = }
02-04 12:20:01.533 17077 17455 I AudioTrack: isLongTimeZeroData zero date time 16 Seconds
02-04 12:20:01.533 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:01.548 17077 17357 W Unity : Unity IAP: <b>Unity In-App Purchasing</b> requires <b>Unity Gaming Services</b> to have been initialized before use.
02-04 12:20:01.548 17077 17357 W Unity : - Find out how to initialize <b>Unity Gaming Services</b> by following the documentation <i></i>
02-04 12:20:01.548 17077 17357 W Unity : or download the <i>06 Initialize Gaming Services</i> sample from <i>Package Manager > In-App Purchasing > Samples</i>.
02-04 12:20:01.548 17077 17357 W Unity : - If you are using the codeless API, you may want to enable the enable <b>Unity Gaming Services</b> automatic initialization by checking the <b>Automatically initialize Unity Gaming Services</b> checkbox at the bottom of the <b>IAP Catalog</b> window
02-04 12:20:01.548 17077 17357 W Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.UnityPurchasing:Initialize(IStoreListener, ConfigurationBuilder, ILogger, String, IAnalyticsAdapter, IAnalyticsAdapter, ICatalogProvider, IUnityServicesInitializationChecker)
02-04 12:20:01.548 17077 17357 W Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.UnityPurchasing:Initialize(IDetailedStoreListener, ConfigurationBuilder)
02-04 12:20:01.548 17077 17357 W Unity : UnityEngine.Purchasing.CodelessIAPStoreListener:InitializePurchas
02-04 12:20:01.550 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:01.558 4157 4182 I Finsky : [48547] oxj.c(278): Account from first account - [86TaXbwu266NP9ynBJJeH_QFneRlGqLmTSu3FLkusjU]
02-04 12:20:01.560 4157 4182 I Finsky : [48547] oxj.c(910): Billing preferred account via installer for [86TaXbwu266NP9ynBJJeH_QFneRlGqLmTSu3FLkusjU]
02-04 12:20:01.563 4157 4182 W Finsky : [48547] vof.q(55): Got api version 23 for account: [86TaXbwu266NP9ynBJJeH_QFneRlGqLmTSu3FLkusjU]
02-04 12:20:01.566 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:01.569 4157 4182 I Finsky : [48547] oxj.c(278): Account from first account - [86TaXbwu266NP9ynBJJeH_QFneRlGqLmTSu3FLkusjU]
02-04 12:20:01.571 4157 4182 I Finsky : [48547] oxj.c(910): Billing preferred account via installer for [86TaXbwu266NP9ynBJJeH_QFneRlGqLmTSu3FLkusjU]
02-04 12:20:01.573 4157 4182 W Finsky : [48547] vof.q(55): Got api version 23 for account: [86TaXbwu266NP9ynBJJeH_QFneRlGqLmTSu3FLkusjU]
02-04 12:20:01.582 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:01.592 4157 4182 I Finsky : [48547] oxj.c(278): Account from first account - [86TaXbwu266NP9ynBJJeH_QFneRlGqLmTSu3FLkusjU]
02-04 12:20:01.593 4157 12666 I Finsky : [48649] oxj.c(278): Account from first account - [86TaXbwu266NP9ynBJJeH_QFneRlGqLmTSu3FLkusjU]
02-04 12:20:01.594 4157 4182 I Finsky : [48547] oxj.c(910): Billing preferred account via installer for [86TaXbwu266NP9ynBJJeH_QFneRlGqLmTSu3FLkusjU]
02-04 12:20:01.595 4157 12666 I Finsky : [48649] oxj.c(910): Billing preferred account via installer for [86TaXbwu266NP9ynBJJeH_QFneRlGqLmTSu3FLkusjU]
02-04 12:20:01.595 4157 4182 W Finsky : [48547] vof.q(55): Got api version 23 for account: [86TaXbwu266NP9ynBJJeH_QFneRlGqLmTSu3FLkusjU]
02-04 12:20:01.596 4157 12666 W Finsky : [48649] vof.q(55): Got api version 23 for account: [86TaXbwu266NP9ynBJJeH_QFneRlGqLmTSu3FLkusjU]
02-04 12:20:01.598 638 1125 I BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceView -](this:0xb400007658a6ba58,id:7794,api:1,p:17077,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=3.77 dur=15657.28 max=14689.98 min=14.30
02-04 12:20:01.598 15088 29680 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:20:01.599 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:01.601 4157 12666 I Finsky : [48649] pfq.h(515): User is not an active Play Pass subscriber
02-04 12:20:01.609 542 542 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:2.552293,dur:1567.22,max:1376.81,min:16.53
02-04 12:20:01.609 15150 17132 I WindowManagerService: MIUILOG- Show when locked PermissionDenied pkg : uid : 1012261
02-04 12:20:01.615 17077 17357 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 147600208; UID 1012261; state: ENABLED
02-04 12:20:01.615 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:01.618 10864 10864 V PhoneWindow: DecorView setVisiblity: visibility = 8, Parent = android.view.ViewRootImpl@d0db118, this = DecorView@a5076b8[InputMethod]
02-04 12:20:01.621 15150 17132 W SensorService: sensor 00000002 already enabled in connection 0xb4000079d22c9d40 (ignoring)
02-04 12:20:01.621 15246 15246 I Accelerometer: batch: handle:0, flag:0,samplingPeriodNs:80000000 maxBatchReportLatencyNs:0
02-04 12:20:01.623 15246 15246 I Accelerometer: batch: handle:0, flag:0,samplingPeriodNs:20000000 maxBatchReportLatencyNs:0
02-04 12:20:01.625 17077 17357 D Unity : Sensor : Accelerometer ( 1) ; 0.001200 / 0.00s ; ACCELEROMETER / bmi120_acc
02-04 12:20:01.625 17077 17357 D Unity : Choreographer available: Enabling VSYNC timing
02-04 12:20:01.627 4157 12666 I Finsky : [48649] oxj.c(278): Account from first account - [86TaXbwu266NP9ynBJJeH_QFneRlGqLmTSu3FLkusjU]
02-04 12:20:01.628 4157 12666 I Finsky : [48649] oxj.c(910): Billing preferred account via installer for [86TaXbwu266NP9ynBJJeH_QFneRlGqLmTSu3FLkusjU]
02-04 12:20:01.629 15088 29680 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:20:01.630 4157 12666 W Finsky : [48649] vof.q(55): Got api version 23 for account: [86TaXbwu266NP9ynBJJeH_QFneRlGqLmTSu3FLkusjU]
02-04 12:20:01.632 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:01.642 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:20:01.649 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:01.699 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 3 lines
02-04 12:20:01.716 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:01.720 17077 17357 E Unity : AndroidJavaException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.facebook.unity.FB
02-04 12:20:01.720 17077 17357 E Unity : java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.facebook.unity.FB
02-04 12:20:01.720 17077 17357 E Unity : at java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method)
02-04 12:20:01.720 17077 17357 E Unity : at java.lang.Class.forName(
02-04 12:20:01.720 17077 17357 E Unity : at com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer.nativeRender(Native Method)
02-04 12:20:01.720 17077 17357 E Unity : at com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer.-$$Nest$mnativeRender(Unknown Source:0)
02-04 12:20:01.720 17077 17357 E Unity : at com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer$F$a.handleMessage(Unknown Source:110)
02-04 12:20:01.720 17077 17357 E Unity : at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
02-04 12:20:01.720 17077 17357 E Unity : at android.os.Looper.loop(
02-04 12:20:01.720 17077 17357 E Unity : at com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer$ Source:20)
02-04 12:20:01.720 17077 17357 E Unity : Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "com.facebook.unity.FB" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/~~YwVzta7Vo7cXCtK49jaAZA==/"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/~~YwVzta7Vo7cXCtK49jaAZA==/, /data/app/~~YwVzta7Vo7cXCtK49jaAZA==/!/li
02-04 12:20:01.726 17077 17357 D AppLovinSdk: [AppLovinSdkInitializationConfiguration] Initializing with key: 6AQkyPv9b4u7yTtMH9PT40gXg00uJOTsmBOf7hDxa_-FnNZvt_qTLnJAiKeb5-2_T8GsI_dGQKKKrtwZTlCzAR
02-04 12:20:01.728 17077 17357 W Unity : MaxSdk.SetSdkKey() has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please set your SDK key in the AppLovin Integration Manager.
02-04 12:20:01.728 17077 17357 W Unity : MediationTester:Start()
02-04 12:20:01.728 17077 17357 W Unity :
02-04 12:20:01.729 17077 17357 D AppLovinSdk: [AppLovinSdkInitializationConfiguration] setPluginVersion(pluginVersion=Max-Unity-8.0.0)
02-04 12:20:01.729 17077 17357 D AppLovinSdk: [AppLovinSdkInitializationConfiguration] setMediationProvider(mediationProvider=max)
02-04 12:20:01.729 17077 17357 D AppLovinSdk: [AppLovinSdkInitializationConfiguration] setAdUnitIds(adUnitIds=[])
02-04 12:20:01.729 17077 17357 D AppLovinSdk: [AppLovinSdkSettings] setExtraParameter(key=applovin_unity_metadata, value={"UnityVersion":"2021.3.42f1"})
02-04 12:20:01.732 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:01.736 17077 17357 E Unity : Please Setup PoolManager instead!
02-04 12:20:01.742 17077 17077 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode is 1
02-04 12:20:01.749 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:01.753 542 792 I hwcomposer: [DPY] receive refesh frquest from driver: type[4]
02-04 12:20:01.753 542 792 I hwcomposer: [HWC] fire a callback of refresh to SF
02-04 12:20:01.755 10864 10864 V PhoneWindow: DecorView setVisiblity: visibility = 8, Parent = android.view.ViewRootImpl@d0db118, this = DecorView@a5076b8[InputMethod]
02-04 12:20:01.757 17077 17077 D Surface : lockCanvas
02-04 12:20:01.765 638 1125 I BufferQueueProducer: [](this:0xb400007637ac3e58,id:7793,api:2,p:17077,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=0.06 dur=16799.22 max=16799.22 min=16799.22
02-04 12:20:01.765 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:01.766 638 638 I BufferQueueProducer: [FramebufferSurface](this:0xb4000076da4bced0,id:-1,api:1,p:638,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=0.65 dur=1535.22 max=1535.22 min=1535.22
02-04 12:20:01.774 15150 17132 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:20:01.782 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:01.799 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:01.811 17077 17357 I Unity : [USERCENTRICS][DEBUG] Initialize invoked
02-04 12:20:01.811 17077 17357 I Unity : Unity.Usercentrics.Usercentrics:Initialize(UnityAction`1, UnityAction`1)
02-04 12:20:01.811 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.Steps.<DoStep>d__1:MoveNext()
02-04 12:20:01.811 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
02-04 12:20:01.811 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:Run()
02-04 12:20:01.811 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.WorkRequest:Invoke()
02-04 12:20:01.811 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:Exec()
02-04 12:20:01.811 17077 17357 I Unity :
02-04 12:20:01.815 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:01.816 4157 4182 I Finsky : [48547] oxj.c(278): Account from first account - [86TaXbwu266NP9ynBJJeH_QFneRlGqLmTSu3FLkusjU]
02-04 12:20:01.817 4157 12666 I Finsky : [48649] oxj.c(278): Account from first account - [86TaXbwu266NP9ynBJJeH_QFneRlGqLmTSu3FLkusjU]
02-04 12:20:01.817 4157 12666 I Finsky : [48649] oxj.c(910): Billing preferred account via installer for [86TaXbwu266NP9ynBJJeH_QFneRlGqLmTSu3FLkusjU]
02-04 12:20:01.817 4157 4182 I Finsky : [48547] oxj.c(910): Billing preferred account via installer for [86TaXbwu266NP9ynBJJeH_QFneRlGqLmTSu3FLkusjU]
02-04 12:20:01.818 4157 12666 W Finsky : [48649] vof.q(55): Got api version 23 for account: [86TaXbwu266NP9ynBJJeH_QFneRlGqLmTSu3FLkusjU]
02-04 12:20:01.818 4157 4182 W Finsky : [48547] vof.q(55): Got api version 23 for account: [86TaXbwu266NP9ynBJJeH_QFneRlGqLmTSu3FLkusjU]
02-04 12:20:01.819 4157 4182 I Finsky : [48547] pfq.h(515): User is not an active Play Pass subscriber
02-04 12:20:01.832 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:01.849 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:01.859 17077 17708 W games.webmaste: Accessing hidden method Landroid/app/ActivityThread;->getApplication()Landroid/app/Application; (greylist, reflection, allowed)
02-04 12:20:01.865 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:01.882 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:01.889 542 792 I hwcomposer: [DPY] receive refesh frquest from driver: type[4]
02-04 12:20:01.889 542 792 I hwcomposer: [HWC] fire a callback of refresh to SF
02-04 12:20:01.899 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:01.949 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 3 lines
02-04 12:20:01.965 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:01.969 17077 17357 I Unity : [Azur User Consent Manager] Gdpr step started
02-04 12:20:01.969 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.Steps.<DoStep>d__1:MoveNext()
02-04 12:20:01.969 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder:Start(TStateMachine&)
02-04 12:20:01.969 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.Steps.GdprStep:DoStep(UserConsentSettings, UserConsentLocalization, UserConsentContext)
02-04 12:20:01.969 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.<StartFlowInternal>d__24:MoveNext()
02-04 12:20:01.969 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
02-04 12:20:01.969 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:Run()
02-04 12:20:01.969 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation:RunCallback(ContextCallback, Object, Task&)
02-04 12:20:01.969 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.Task:FinishContinuations()
02-04 12:20:01.969 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:TrySetResult(TResult)
02-04 12:20:01.969 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:SetResult(TResult)
02-04 12:20:01.969 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.Steps.<DoStep>d__1:MoveNext()
02-04 12:20:01.969 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
02-04 12:20:01.969 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:Run()
02-04 12:20:01.969 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.WorkRequest:Invoke()
02-04 12:20:01.969 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:Exec()
02-04 12:20:01.969 17077 17357 I Unity :
02-04 12:20:01.970 17077 17357 I Unity : [Azur User Consent Manager] Found GDPR consent, skip the step.
02-04 12:20:01.970 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.Steps.<DoStep>d__1:MoveNext()
02-04 12:20:01.970 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder:Start(TStateMachine&)
02-04 12:20:01.970 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.Steps.GdprStep:DoStep(UserConsentSettings, UserConsentLocalization, UserConsentContext)
02-04 12:20:01.970 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.<StartFlowInternal>d__24:MoveNext()
02-04 12:20:01.970 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
02-04 12:20:01.970 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:Run()
02-04 12:20:01.970 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation:RunCallback(ContextCallback, Object, Task&)
02-04 12:20:01.970 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.Task:FinishContinuations()
02-04 12:20:01.970 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:TrySetResult(TResult)
02-04 12:20:01.970 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:SetResult(TResult)
02-04 12:20:01.970 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.Steps.<DoStep>d__1:MoveNext()
02-04 12:20:01.970 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
02-04 12:20:01.970 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:Run()
02-04 12:20:01.970 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.WorkRequest:Invoke()
02-04 12:20:01.970 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:Exec()
02-04 12:20:01.970 17077 17357 I Unity :
02-04 12:20:01.971 17077 17357 I Unity : [Azur User Consent Manager] UCM.Steps.AttStep is skipped!
02-04 12:20:01.971 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.<StartFlowInternal>d__24:MoveNext()
02-04 12:20:01.971 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
02-04 12:20:01.971 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:Run()
02-04 12:20:01.971 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation:RunCallback(ContextCallback, Object, Task&)
02-04 12:20:01.971 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.Task:FinishContinuations()
02-04 12:20:01.971 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:TrySetResult(TResult)
02-04 12:20:01.971 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:SetResult(TResult)
02-04 12:20:01.971 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.Steps.<DoStep>d__1:MoveNext()
02-04 12:20:01.971 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
02-04 12:20:01.971 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:Run()
02-04 12:20:01.971 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.WorkRequest:Invoke()
02-04 12:20:01.971 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:Exec()
02-04 12:20:01.971 17077 17357 I Unity :
02-04 12:20:01.972 17077 17357 I Unity : [Azur User Consent Manager] CMP step started. Wait for Usercentrics init...
02-04 12:20:01.972 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.Steps.<DoStep>d__3:MoveNext()
02-04 12:20:01.972 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder:Start(TStateMachine&)
02-04 12:20:01.972 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.Steps.CmpStep:DoStep(UserConsentSettings, UserConsentLocalization, UserConsentContext)
02-04 12:20:01.972 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.<StartFlowInternal>d__24:MoveNext()
02-04 12:20:01.972 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
02-04 12:20:01.972 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:Run()
02-04 12:20:01.972 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation:RunCallback(ContextCallback, Object, Task&)
02-04 12:20:01.972 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.Task:FinishContinuations()
02-04 12:20:01.972 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:TrySetResult(TResult)
02-04 12:20:01.972 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:SetResult(TResult)
02-04 12:20:01.972 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.Steps.<DoStep>d__1:MoveNext()
02-04 12:20:01.972 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
02-04 12:20:01.972 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:Run()
02-04 12:20:01.972 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.WorkRequest:Invoke()
02-04 12:20:01.972 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:Exec()
02-04 12:20:01.972 17077 17357 I Unity :
02-04 12:20:01.982 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:01.999 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.000 17077 17693 D AppLovinSdk: [AppLovinSdk] Setting plugin version: Max-Unity-8.0.0
02-04 12:20:02.023 17077 17357 D Unity : SendMessage: object GameAnalytics does not have receiver for function OnRemoteConfigsUpdated!
02-04 12:20:02.032 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.049 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.058 17077 17350 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:02.058 17077 17350 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
02-04 12:20:02.058 17077 17350 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
02-04 12:20:02.060 17077 17350 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:02.065 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.082 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 1 line
02-04 12:20:02.099 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.108 17077 17729 W games.webmaste: Accessing hidden method Landroid/app/ActivityThread;->currentProcessName()Ljava/lang/String; (greylist, reflection, allowed)
02-04 12:20:02.116 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.132 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.139 17077 17731 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:02.139 17077 17731 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
02-04 12:20:02.139 17077 17731 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
02-04 12:20:02.149 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.165 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.171 15086 15086 D Zygote : Forked child process 17735
02-04 12:20:01.745 15150 17132 I WindowManagerService: MIUILOG- Show when locked PermissionDenied pkg : uid : 1012261
02-04 12:20:02.175 15150 15179 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider {}
02-04 12:20:02.177 17077 17350 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
02-04 12:20:02.177 17077 17350 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
02-04 12:20:02.182 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.186 17735 17735 E e.process.gapp: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
02-04 12:20:02.189 17077 17731 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:02.199 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.216 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.230 17735 17735 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
02-04 12:20:02.230 17735 17735 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
02-04 12:20:02.232 17077 17427 E libprocessgroup: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted
02-04 12:20:02.232 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.233 17077 17425 E libprocessgroup: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted
02-04 12:20:02.234 17077 17357 I Unity : Fetch successful
02-04 12:20:02.234 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.<>c__DisplayClass0_0:<SetDefaults>b__0(Task)
02-04 12:20:02.234 17077 17357 I Unity : Firebase.Extensions.<>c__DisplayClass0_1:<ContinueWithOnMainThread>b__1()
02-04 12:20:02.234 17077 17357 I Unity : Firebase.<>c__DisplayClass5_0`1:<RunAsync>b__0()
02-04 12:20:02.234 17077 17357 I Unity : Firebase.ExceptionAggregator:Wrap(Action)
02-04 12:20:02.234 17077 17357 I Unity : Firebase.Dispatcher:PollJobs()
02-04 12:20:02.234 17077 17357 I Unity : Firebase.Platform.FirebaseHandler:Update()
02-04 12:20:02.234 17077 17357 I Unity :
02-04 12:20:02.249 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.263 15086 15086 D Zygote : Forked child process 17757
02-04 12:20:02.265 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.267 15150 15179 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider {}
02-04 12:20:02.276 17757 17757 E ocess.gservice: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
02-04 12:20:02.282 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.299 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.304 17077 17731 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
02-04 12:20:02.315 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.321 17757 17757 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
02-04 12:20:02.321 17757 17757 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
02-04 12:20:02.322 17757 17757 I GservicesProvider: Gservices pushing to system: true; secure/global: true
02-04 12:20:02.332 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.347 17735 17735 I GoogleHttpClient: GMS http client unavailable, use old client
02-04 12:20:02.349 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.362 17735 17735 I CarUiInstaller: CarUiInstaller started for
02-04 12:20:02.364 4157 4280 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 209 ms,, code=22 oneway=false
02-04 12:20:02.365 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.382 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.383 17077 17350 I System.out: [USERCENTRICS][DEBUG] Language: ru
02-04 12:20:02.385 4157 4280 D PaySecureElementClient: Felica app not found; returning isSecureElementAvailable = false!
02-04 12:20:02.393 17077 17350 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:02.393 17077 17350 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
02-04 12:20:02.393 17077 17350 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
02-04 12:20:02.393 17077 17350 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
02-04 12:20:02.393 17077 17350 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
02-04 12:20:02.398 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.406 4157 12510 I Finsky : [48643] Skipping a request to /bulkAcquire since cache has all the records.
02-04 12:20:02.415 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.449 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 2 lines
02-04 12:20:02.465 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.467 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:20:02.300 BL= 162,ESS= 522, 02-04 12:20:02.332 BL= 163,ESS= 522, 02-04 12:20:02.383 BL= 164,ESS= 522, 02-04 12:20:02.432 BL= 165,ESS= 522, 02-04 12:20:02.467 BL= 166,ESS= 522,
02-04 12:20:02.482 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.515 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 2 lines
02-04 12:20:02.532 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.547 17077 17729 I SafeDK : SafeDK Device ID: b17cd5fe-66d6-4629-9772-985c515890ba
02-04 12:20:02.547 17077 17729 I SafeDK : SafeDK version: 5.7.3
02-04 12:20:02.549 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.554 15246 15246 I ScpFusion: batch: handle:8, flag:0,samplingPeriodNs:20000000 maxBatchReportLatencyNs:0
02-04 12:20:02.555 15246 15246 I ScpFusion: enable, handle:8, en:1
02-04 12:20:02.557 15246 15246 I Gyroscope: batch: handle:3, flag:0,samplingPeriodNs:80000000 maxBatchReportLatencyNs:0
02-04 12:20:02.561 15246 15441 I Gyroscope: enable: handle:3, en:1
02-04 12:20:02.565 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.577 15246 15246 I Accelerometer: flush, flushCnt:1
02-04 12:20:02.582 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.583 15246 15440 I Accelerometer: flush complete, flushCnt:0
02-04 12:20:02.588 15088 29680 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:20:02.599 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.599 17077 17455 I AudioTrack: isLongTimeZeroData zero date time 17 Seconds
02-04 12:20:02.600 638 694 I BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceView -](this:0xb400007658a6ba58,id:7794,api:1,p:17077,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=20.96 dur=1002.00 max=615.96 min=11.30
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: [AppLovinSdk]
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: ========================================
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: =====AppLovin SDK=====
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: ===SDK Versions===
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: Version: 13.0.0
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: Plugin Version: Max-Unity-8.0.0
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: Ad Review Version: 5.7.3
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: OM SDK Version: 1.4.12-Applovin
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: ===Device Info===
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: OS: 11 (R - API 30)
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: GAID: <Enable verbose logging to see the GAID to use for test devices ->
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: App Set ID: <Enable verbose logging to see the App Set ID to use for test devices ->
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: Model: Redmi Note 8 Pro
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: Locale: ru_RU
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: Emulator: false
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: Tablet: false
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: ===App Info===
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: Application ID:
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: Target SDK: 34
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: ExoPlayer Version: 2015001
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: ===SDK Settings===
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: SDK Key: 6AQkyPv9b4u7yTtMH9PT40gXg00uJOTsmBOf7hDxa_-FnNZvt_qTLnJAiKeb5-2_T8GsI_dGQKKKrtwZTlCzAR
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: Mediation Provider: max
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: TG: 94
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: Test Mode On: false
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: Verbose Logging On: false
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: ===Privacy States===
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: Please review AppLovin MAX documentation to be compliant with regional privacy policies.
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk:
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: Has User Consent - true
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: "Do Not Sell" - No value set
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: ===MAX Terms Flow===
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: Enabled: false
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: Privacy Policy URI: null
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: Terms of Service URI: null
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: ===CMP (CONSENT MANAGEMENT PLATFORM)===
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk:
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: CMP Name - UserCentrics CMP
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: CMP SDK ID - 5
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: CMP SDK Version - 3
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: IABTCF_gdprApplies - 1
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: IABTCF_AddtlConsent - 2~
02-04 12:20:02.602 17077 17724 D AppLovinSdk: ========================================
02-04 12:20:02.615 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.617 15088 29680 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:20:02.622 17077 17782 I Unity : Debug [AppLovin MAX] Invoking event: OnSdkInitializedEvent. Param: MaxSdkBase+SdkConfiguration
02-04 12:20:02.622 17077 17782 I Unity : MaxSdkCallbacks:InvokeEvent(Action`1, T, String, Boolean)
02-04 12:20:02.622 17077 17782 I Unity : MaxSdkCallbacks:ForwardEvent(String)
02-04 12:20:02.622 17077 17782 I Unity : MaxSdkBase:HandleBackgroundCallback(String)
02-04 12:20:02.622 17077 17782 I Unity : System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:Invoke(Object, BindingFlags, Binder, Object[], CultureInfo)
02-04 12:20:02.622 17077 17782 I Unity : UnityEngine.AndroidJavaProxy:Invoke(String, Object[])
02-04 12:20:02.622 17077 17782 I Unity : UnityEngine._AndroidJNIHelper:InvokeJavaProxyMethod(AndroidJavaProxy, IntPtr, IntPtr)
02-04 12:20:02.622 17077 17782 I Unity :
02-04 12:20:02.624 542 542 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:25.608582,dur:1015.28,max:328.80,min:8.97
02-04 12:20:02.627 17077 17357 I Unity : MAX SDK Initialized
02-04 12:20:02.627 17077 17357 I Unity : MediationTester:<Start>b__31_0(SdkConfiguration)
02-04 12:20:02.627 17077 17357 I Unity : AppLovinMax.Internal.MaxEventExecutor:Update()
02-04 12:20:02.627 17077 17357 I Unity :
02-04 12:20:02.632 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.635 17077 17357 D AppLovinSdk: [MaxInterstitialAd] Created new MaxInterstitialAd (MaxInterstitialAd{adUnitId='19294f3a7dd99deb', adListener=null, revenueListener=null, requestListenernull, adReviewListenernull, isReady=false})
02-04 12:20:02.645 17077 17357 D AppLovinSdk: [MaxRewardedAd] Created new MaxRewardedAd (MaxRewardedAd{adUnitId='13a5bd49dd8048e3', adListener=null, revenueListener=null, requestListenernull, adReviewListenernull, isReady=false})
02-04 12:20:02.647 17077 17357 D AppLovinSdk: [MaxRewardedInterstitialAd] Created new MaxRewardedInterstitialAd (MaxRewardedInterstitialAd{adUnitId='RewardedInterstitialAdUnitId', adListener=null, revenueListener=null, requestListenernull, adReviewListenernull, isReady=false})
02-04 12:20:02.648 17077 17357 E AppLovinSdk: [MediationService] Please double-check the ad unit RewardedInterstitialAdUnitId for REWARDED_INTER : java.lang.Throwable:
02-04 12:20:02.648 17077 17357 E AppLovinSdk: at com.applovin.impl.mediation.MediationServiceImpl.loadAd(SourceFile:64)
02-04 12:20:02.648 17077 17357 E AppLovinSdk: at$a.a(SourceFile:18)
02-04 12:20:02.648 17077 17357 E AppLovinSdk: at
02-04 12:20:02.648 17077 17357 E AppLovinSdk: at
02-04 12:20:02.648 17077 17357 E AppLovinSdk: at
02-04 12:20:02.648 17077 17357 E AppLovinSdk: at
02-04 12:20:02.648 17077 17357 E AppLovinSdk: at com.applovin.mediation.unity.MaxUnityAdManager.loadRewardedInterstitialAd(
02-04 12:20:02.648 17077 17357 E AppLovinSdk: at com.applovin.mediation.unity.MaxUnityPlugin.loadRewardedInterstitialAd(
02-04 12:20:02.648 17077 17357 E AppLovinSdk: at com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer.nativeRender(Native Method)
02-04 12:20:02.648 17077 17357 E AppLovinSdk: at com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer.-$$Nest$mnativeRender(Unknown Source:0)
02-04 12:20:02.648 17077 17357 E AppLovinSdk: at com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer$F$a.handleMessage(Unknown Source:110)
02-04 12:20:02.648 17077 17357 E AppLovinSdk: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
02-04 12:20:02.648 17077 17357 E AppLovinSdk: at android.os.Looper.loop(
02-04 12:20:02.648 17077 17357 E AppLovinSdk: at com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer$ Source:20)
02-04 12:20:02.648 17077 17357 E AppLovinSdk:
02-04 12:20:02.649 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.651 17077 17077 D AppLovinSdk: [MaxUnityAdManager] Creating BANNER with ad unit id "df00baaefef89900" and position: "top_center"
02-04 12:20:02.665 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.679 17077 17350 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:02.679 17077 17350 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
02-04 12:20:02.679 17077 17350 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
02-04 12:20:02.680 17077 17730 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:02.681 17077 17730 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
02-04 12:20:02.681 17077 17730 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
02-04 12:20:02.682 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.684 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:20:02.516 BL= 167,ESS= 522, 02-04 12:20:02.550 BL= 168,ESS= 522, 02-04 12:20:02.600 BL= 169,ESS= 522, 02-04 12:20:02.634 BL= 170,ESS= 522, 02-04 12:20:02.684 BL= 171,ESS= 522,
02-04 12:20:02.685 17077 17350 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:02.695 15150 15468 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 1010113, uidState = 10
02-04 12:20:02.699 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.700 15088 29680 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:20:02.705 15150 15468 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 1010113, uidState = 17
02-04 12:20:02.715 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.732 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.733 17077 17730 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:02.736 17077 17077 D AppLovinSdk: [MaxUnityAdManager] Setting BANNER with ad unit id "df00baaefef89900" to color: #FF000000
02-04 12:20:02.739 17077 17077 D AppLovinSdk: [MaxUnityAdManager] Creating MREC with ad unit id "ENTER_MREC_AD_UNIT_ID_HERE" and position: "bottom_center"
02-04 12:20:02.749 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.765 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 1 line
02-04 12:20:02.782 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.791 17077 17077 D Surface : lockCanvas
02-04 12:20:02.798 638 1125 I BufferQueueProducer: [](this:0xb400007637ac3e58,id:7793,api:2,p:17077,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=0.97 dur=1033.29 max=1033.29 min=1033.29
02-04 12:20:02.799 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.802 17077 17077 E AppLovinSdk: [MediationService] Please double-check the ad unit ENTER_MREC_AD_UNIT_ID_HERE for MREC : java.lang.Throwable:
02-04 12:20:02.802 17077 17077 E AppLovinSdk: at com.applovin.impl.mediation.MediationServiceImpl.loadAd(SourceFile:64)
02-04 12:20:02.802 17077 17077 E AppLovinSdk: at
02-04 12:20:02.802 17077 17077 E AppLovinSdk: at$r8$lambda$r4WziZmhSlLrw-FI1xCrCrR4H3k(Unknown Source:0)
02-04 12:20:02.802 17077 17077 E AppLovinSdk: at$$ Source:6)
02-04 12:20:02.802 17077 17077 E AppLovinSdk: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
02-04 12:20:02.802 17077 17077 E AppLovinSdk: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
02-04 12:20:02.802 17077 17077 E AppLovinSdk: at android.os.Looper.loop(
02-04 12:20:02.802 17077 17077 E AppLovinSdk: at
02-04 12:20:02.802 17077 17077 E AppLovinSdk: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-04 12:20:02.802 17077 17077 E AppLovinSdk: at$
02-04 12:20:02.802 17077 17077 E AppLovinSdk: at
02-04 12:20:02.802 17077 17077 E AppLovinSdk:
02-04 12:20:02.809 17077 17099 I games.webmaste: Background young concurrent copying GC freed 37228(3261KB) AllocSpace objects, 44(1664KB) LOS objects, 28% free, 10MB/14MB, paused 656us total 113.854ms
02-04 12:20:02.815 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.826 17077 17350 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
02-04 12:20:02.827 17077 17350 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
02-04 12:20:02.830 17077 17791 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module
02-04 12:20:02.830 17077 17791 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of, version >= 244410203
02-04 12:20:02.830 17077 17791 V DynamiteModule: Dynamite loader version >= 2, using loadModule2NoCrashUtils
02-04 12:20:02.832 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.849 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.855 17077 17730 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
02-04 12:20:02.865 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.875 17077 17793 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:02.875 17077 17793 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
02-04 12:20:02.875 17077 17793 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
02-04 12:20:02.882 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.883 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:20:02.718 BL= 172,ESS= 522, 02-04 12:20:02.767 BL= 173,ESS= 522, 02-04 12:20:02.800 BL= 174,ESS= 520, 02-04 12:20:02.850 BL= 175,ESS= 518, 02-04 12:20:02.883 BL= 175,ESS= 516,
02-04 12:20:02.899 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.912 17185 18114 D TrafficManageService: onReceive: intent.action =
02-04 12:20:02.915 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.924 17077 17793 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:02.932 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.949 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.964 15088 29680 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:20:02.965 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.970 15088 29680 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:20:02.982 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:02.999 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.000 17077 17811 D MraidLog: Changing logging level. From: error, To: none
02-04 12:20:03.009 17077 17815 D VastLog : Changing logging level. From: none, To: none
02-04 12:20:03.010 17077 17812 D MraidLog: Changing logging level. From: none, To: none
02-04 12:20:03.015 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.032 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.033 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:20:02.900 BL= 176,ESS= 516, 02-04 12:20:02.934 BL= 177,ESS= 514, 02-04 12:20:02.984 BL= 178,ESS= 512, 02-04 12:20:03.017 BL= 179,ESS= 512, 02-04 12:20:03.033 BL= 179,ESS= 510,
02-04 12:20:03.046 17077 17793 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
02-04 12:20:03.049 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.065 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.077 17077 17780 W games.webmaste: Verification of org.json.JSONArray com.fyber.inneractive.sdk.config.Z.a(com.fyber.inneractive.sdk.config.enums.UnitDisplayType) took 113.027ms (1654.47 bytecodes/s) (8088B approximate peak alloc)
02-04 12:20:03.082 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.085 542 792 I hwcomposer: [DPY] receive refesh frquest from driver: type[4]
02-04 12:20:03.085 542 792 I hwcomposer: [HWC] fire a callback of refresh to SF
02-04 12:20:03.093 950 13202 D AAL : onALIChanged: 57 -> 56
02-04 12:20:03.093 950 13202 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 56
02-04 12:20:03.096 17077 17791 W games.webmaste: Verification of void m.ame.<init>(m.alv) took 128.360ms (233.72 bytecodes/s) (1688B approximate peak alloc)
02-04 12:20:03.096 638 638 I BufferQueueProducer: [FramebufferSurface](this:0xb4000076da4bced0,id:-1,api:1,p:638,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=1.50 dur=1330.19 max=1199.95 min=130.24
02-04 12:20:03.099 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.132 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 2 lines
02-04 12:20:03.149 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.149 17077 17350 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:03.149 17077 17350 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
02-04 12:20:03.149 17077 17350 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
02-04 12:20:03.150 17077 17350 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
02-04 12:20:03.150 17077 17350 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
02-04 12:20:03.152 15150 15483 D SlaveWifiManager: getWifiSlaveConnectionInfo
02-04 12:20:03.153 15150 15483 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer identical 87 lines
02-04 12:20:03.153 15150 15483 D SlaveWifiManager: getWifiSlaveConnectionInfo
02-04 12:20:03.153 15150 15470 D WifiSlaveNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9691, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1012261 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1012261 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:20:03.153 15150 15536 D Ethernet: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9691, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1012261 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1012261 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:20:03.153 15150 15470 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9691, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1012261 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1012261 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:20:03.154 15150 15470 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9691, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1012261 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1012261 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:20:03.154 15150 15470 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9691, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1012261 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1012261 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:20:03.154 15827 15827 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9691, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1012261 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1012261 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:20:03.157 17077 17780 W Inneractive_warning: setUsedId() was invoked, but the Inneractive SDK was not properly initialized, or destroyed.
02-04 12:20:03.165 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.167 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:20:03.067 BL= 180,ESS= 508, 02-04 12:20:03.100 BL= 181,ESS= 508, 02-04 12:20:03.117 BL= 181,ESS= 506, 02-04 12:20:03.151 BL= 182,ESS= 506, 02-04 12:20:03.167 BL= 182,ESS= 504,
02-04 12:20:03.182 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.199 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.207 15150 15468 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 1010117, uidState = 19
02-04 12:20:03.207 15150 15468 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 1010075, uidState = 19
02-04 12:20:03.212 17077 17077 W BackgroundHandl: type=1400 audit(0.0:358957): avc: denied { read } for name="version" dev="proc" ino=4026532227 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c213,c264,c522,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_version:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
02-04 12:20:03.215 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.217 18583 2891 W SQLiteLog: (28) double-quoted string literal: "1738488003217"
02-04 12:20:03.218 18583 2891 W SQLiteLog: (28) double-quoted string literal: "1"
02-04 12:20:03.228 16736 10961 I com.miui.daemo: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-04 12:20:03.232 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.240 16736 10961 I com.miui.daemo: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-04 12:20:03.241 16736 10961 I com.miui.daemo: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-04 12:20:03.249 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.299 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 3 lines
02-04 12:20:03.315 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.317 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:20:03.184 BL= 183,ESS= 504, 02-04 12:20:03.217 BL= 183,ESS= 502, 02-04 12:20:03.234 BL= 184,ESS= 502, 02-04 12:20:03.267 BL= 185,ESS= 500, 02-04 12:20:03.317 BL= 186,ESS= 498,
02-04 12:20:03.332 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.348 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.352 15246 15246 I Accelerometer: flush, flushCnt:1
02-04 12:20:03.356 15246 15440 I Accelerometer: flush complete, flushCnt:0
02-04 12:20:03.360 15246 15441 I Gyroscope: flush, flushCnt:1
02-04 12:20:03.360 15246 15441 I Gyroscope: flush path:/sys/class/sensor/m_gyro_misc/gyroflush
02-04 12:20:03.365 15246 15440 I Gyroscope: flush complete, flushCnt:0
02-04 12:20:03.365 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.369 15088 15502 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:20:03.374 17077 17809 I games.webmaste: Waiting for a blocking GC ClassLinker
02-04 12:20:03.382 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.415 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 2 lines
02-04 12:20:03.449 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.454 17077 17867 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:03.454 17077 17867 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
02-04 12:20:03.454 17077 17867 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
02-04 12:20:03.458 17077 17867 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:03.465 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.482 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.483 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:20:03.367 BL= 187,ESS= 496, 02-04 12:20:03.400 BL= 188,ESS= 496, 02-04 12:20:03.416 BL= 188,ESS= 494, 02-04 12:20:03.467 BL= 189,ESS= 494, 02-04 12:20:03.483 BL= 189,ESS= 492,
02-04 12:20:03.499 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.549 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 3 lines
02-04 12:20:03.566 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.582 17077 17791 W games.webmaste: Verification of void<init>(, long, m.axz, java.util.concurrent.Executor, took 105.707ms (312.18 bytecodes/s) (1968B approximate peak alloc)
02-04 12:20:03.582 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.599 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.613 17077 17867 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
02-04 12:20:03.614 17077 17867 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
02-04 12:20:03.616 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.617 17077 17099 I games.webmaste: Background concurrent copying GC freed 92698(5622KB) AllocSpace objects, 37(976KB) LOS objects, 50% free, 17MB/34MB, paused 478us total 554.206ms
02-04 12:20:03.631 17077 17809 I games.webmaste: WaitForGcToComplete blocked ClassLinker on HeapTrim for 256.607ms
02-04 12:20:03.632 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.634 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:20:03.500 BL= 190,ESS= 492, 02-04 12:20:03.533 BL= 190,ESS= 490, 02-04 12:20:03.551 BL= 191,ESS= 490, 02-04 12:20:03.584 BL= 192,ESS= 488, 02-04 12:20:03.634 BL= 193,ESS= 486,
02-04 12:20:03.637 17077 17850 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:03.637 17077 17850 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
02-04 12:20:03.637 17077 17850 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
02-04 12:20:03.639 638 694 I BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceView -](this:0xb400007658a6ba58,id:7794,api:1,p:17077,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=23.10 dur=1039.18 max=552.78 min=8.30
02-04 12:20:03.641 542 542 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:24.577757,dur:1017.18,max:428.99,min:16.14
02-04 12:20:03.649 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.665 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.666 17077 17350 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:03.666 17077 17350 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
02-04 12:20:03.666 17077 17350 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
02-04 12:20:03.666 17077 17455 I AudioTrack: isLongTimeZeroData zero date time 18 Seconds
02-04 12:20:03.666 17077 17350 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
02-04 12:20:03.667 17077 17350 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
02-04 12:20:03.682 17077 17780 W games.webmaste: Verification of int, java.lang.Object) took 189.245ms (116.25 bytecodes/s) (1832B approximate peak alloc)
02-04 12:20:03.682 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.687 17077 17850 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:03.699 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.707 17077 17725 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 218 ms,, code=55 oneway=false
02-04 12:20:03.711 15150 15483 D SlaveWifiManager: getWifiSlaveConnectionInfo
02-04 12:20:03.712 15150 15483 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer identical 90 lines
02-04 12:20:03.712 15150 15483 D SlaveWifiManager: getWifiSlaveConnectionInfo
02-04 12:20:03.713 15150 15470 D WifiSlaveNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9692, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1012261 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1012261 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:20:03.713 15150 15470 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9692, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1012261 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1012261 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:20:03.713 15150 15470 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9692, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1012261 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1012261 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:20:03.713 15150 15536 D Ethernet: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9692, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1012261 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1012261 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:20:03.713 15150 15470 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9692, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1012261 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1012261 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:20:03.714 15827 15827 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9692, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1012261 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1012261 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:20:03.716 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.749 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 2 lines
02-04 12:20:03.766 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.767 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:20:03.667 BL= 194,ESS= 486, 02-04 12:20:03.683 BL= 194,ESS= 484, 02-04 12:20:03.717 BL= 195,ESS= 484, 02-04 12:20:03.733 BL= 195,ESS= 482, 02-04 12:20:03.767 BL= 196,ESS= 482,
02-04 12:20:03.782 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.817 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 2 lines
02-04 12:20:03.832 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.845 17077 17853 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:03.845 17077 17853 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
02-04 12:20:03.845 17077 17853 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
02-04 12:20:03.846 17077 17853 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:03.849 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.866 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 1 line
02-04 12:20:03.882 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.884 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:20:03.784 BL= 196,ESS= 480, 02-04 12:20:03.801 BL= 197,ESS= 480, 02-04 12:20:03.833 BL= 197,ESS= 478, 02-04 12:20:03.850 BL= 198,ESS= 478, 02-04 12:20:03.884 BL= 199,ESS= 476,
02-04 12:20:03.899 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.902 17077 17850 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
02-04 12:20:03.903 17077 17850 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
02-04 12:20:03.916 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.982 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 4 lines
02-04 12:20:03.999 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:03.999 17077 17357 E Unity : Button already Setup. Skiping!!!
02-04 12:20:03.999 17077 17357 E Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.HUDManager:OnLevelLoaded()
02-04 12:20:03.999 17077 17357 E Unity : LevelManager:InstantiateAsset(LevelScene)
02-04 12:20:03.999 17077 17357 E Unity : LevelManager:OnAssetLoaded(AsyncOperationHandle`1)
02-04 12:20:03.999 17077 17357 E Unity : System.Action`1:Invoke(T)
02-04 12:20:03.999 17077 17357 E Unity : DelegateList`1:Invoke(T)
02-04 12:20:03.999 17077 17357 E Unity : UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.AsyncOperations.AsyncOperationBase`1:InvokeCompletionEvent()
02-04 12:20:03.999 17077 17357 E Unity : UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.AsyncOperations.AsyncOperationBase`1:Complete(TObject, Boolean, Exception, Boolean)
02-04 12:20:03.999 17077 17357 E Unity : System.Action`1:Invoke(T)
02-04 12:20:03.999 17077 17357 E Unity : DelegateList`1:Invoke(T)
02-04 12:20:03.999 17077 17357 E Unity : UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.AsyncOperations.AsyncOperationBase`1:InvokeCompletionEvent()
02-04 12:20:03.999 17077 17357 E Unity : UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.AsyncOperations.AsyncOperationBase`1:Complete(TObject, Boolean, Exception, Boolean)
02-04 12:20:03.999 17077 17357 E Unity : UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.ResourceProviders.ProvideHandle:Complete(T, Boolean, Exception)
02-04 12:20:03.999 17077 17357 E Unity : UnityEngine.AsyncOperation:InvokeCompletionEvent()
02-04 12:20:03.999 17077 17357 E Unity :
02-04 12:20:04.016 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.020 17077 17780 I ironSourceSDK: INTERNAL: com.ironsource.mediationsdk.p:setMediationType(mediationType:MAX806010000SDK13000099)
02-04 12:20:04.032 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.047 17077 17077 E [InMobi]: Please grant the location permissions (ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION or ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, or both) for better ad targeting.
02-04 12:20:04.049 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.050 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:20:03.934 BL= 200,ESS= 474, 02-04 12:20:03.968 BL= 201,ESS= 474, 02-04 12:20:03.983 BL= 201,ESS= 472, 02-04 12:20:04.017 BL= 202,ESS= 472, 02-04 12:20:04.050 BL= 203,ESS= 470,
02-04 12:20:04.054 17077 17853 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
02-04 12:20:04.054 17077 17853 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
02-04 12:20:04.057 542 792 I hwcomposer: [DPY] receive refesh frquest from driver: type[4]
02-04 12:20:04.057 542 792 I hwcomposer: [HWC] fire a callback of refresh to SF
02-04 12:20:04.064 17077 17780 I ironSourceSDK: API: setConsent : true
02-04 12:20:04.066 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.082 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.084 17077 17077 W AdWorker(Defaul: type=1400 audit(0.0:358958): avc: granted { execute } for path="/data/user/10/" dev="sdc46" ino=2982015 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c213,c264,c522,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c213,c264,c522,c768 tclass=file
02-04 12:20:04.091 17077 17357 I Unity : FrameRate is: 21.71632
02-04 12:20:04.091 17077 17357 I Unity : KG.Game.<checkFrameRate>d__7:MoveNext()
02-04 12:20:04.091 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
02-04 12:20:04.091 17077 17357 I Unity :
02-04 12:20:04.092 17077 17357 I Unity : Fixed Time Step set to: 0.03
02-04 12:20:04.092 17077 17357 I Unity : KG.Game.<checkFrameRate>d__7:MoveNext()
02-04 12:20:04.092 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
02-04 12:20:04.092 17077 17357 I Unity :
02-04 12:20:04.093 17077 17357 I Unity : RenderScale set to: 0.8
02-04 12:20:04.093 17077 17357 I Unity : KG.Game.<checkFrameRate>d__7:MoveNext()
02-04 12:20:04.093 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
02-04 12:20:04.093 17077 17357 I Unity :
02-04 12:20:04.099 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.182 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 5 lines
02-04 12:20:04.199 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.200 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:20:04.100 BL= 204,ESS= 468, 02-04 12:20:04.134 BL= 205,ESS= 468, 02-04 12:20:04.150 BL= 205,ESS= 466, 02-04 12:20:04.184 BL= 206,ESS= 466, 02-04 12:20:04.200 BL= 206,ESS= 464,
02-04 12:20:04.216 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.282 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 4 lines
02-04 12:20:04.299 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.308 17077 17350 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:04.308 17077 17350 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
02-04 12:20:04.308 17077 17350 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
02-04 12:20:04.308 17077 17350 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
02-04 12:20:04.309 17077 17350 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
02-04 12:20:04.316 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.332 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 1 line
02-04 12:20:04.349 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.362 17077 17854 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:04.362 17077 17854 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
02-04 12:20:04.362 17077 17854 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
02-04 12:20:04.362 17077 17854 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
02-04 12:20:04.363 17077 17854 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
02-04 12:20:04.366 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.367 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:20:04.234 BL= 207,ESS= 464, 02-04 12:20:04.268 BL= 208,ESS= 462, 02-04 12:20:04.317 BL= 209,ESS= 460, 02-04 12:20:04.350 BL= 210,ESS= 460, 02-04 12:20:04.367 BL= 210,ESS= 458,
02-04 12:20:04.375 17077 17350 I System.out: [USERCENTRICS][DEBUG] Loading Google Additional Consent Mode Providers [43, 46, 55, 61, 70, 83, 89, 93, 108, 117, 122, 124, 135, 143, 144, 147, 149, 159, 192, 196, 211, 228, 230, 239, 259, 266, 286, 291, 311, 318, 320, 322, 323, 327, 367, 371, 385, 394, 397, 407, 415, 424, 430, 436, 445, 453, 486, 491, 494, 495, 522, 523, 540, 550, 559, 560, 568, 574, 576, 584, 587, 591, 737, 802, 803, 820, 821, 839, 864, 899, 904, 922, 931, 938, 979, 981, 985, 1003, 1027, 1031, 1040, 1046, 1051, 1053, 1067, 1092, 1095, 1097, 1099, 1107, 1135, 1143, 1149, 1152, 1162, 1166, 1186, 1188, 1205, 1215, 1226, 1227, 1230, 1252, 1268, 1270, 1276, 1284, 1290, 1301, 1307, 1312, 1345, 1356, 1364, 1375, 1403, 1415, 1416, 1421, 1423, 1440, 1449, 1455, 1495, 1512, 1516, 1525, 1540, 1548, 1555, 1558, 1570, 1577, 1579, 1583, 1584, 1591, 1603, 1616, 1638, 1651, 1653, 1659, 1667, 1677, 1678, 1682, 1697, 1699, 1703, 1712, 1716, 1721, 1725, 1732, 1745, 1750, 1765, 1782, 1786, 1800, 1810, 1825, 1827, 1832, 1838, 1840, 1842, 1843, 1845, 1859, 1866, 1870, 1878, 1880, 1889, 1899, 1917, 1929, 1942, 1944, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1978, 1985, 1987, 2003, 2008, 2027, 2035, 2039, 2047, 2052, 2056, 2064, 2068, 2072, 2074, 2088, 2090, 2103, 2107, 2109, 2115, 2124, 2130, 2133, 2135, 2137, 2140, 2147, 2150, 2156, 2166, 2177, 2183, 2186, 2205, 2213, 2216, 2219, 2220, 2222, 2225, 2234, 2253, 2279, 2282, 2292, 2305, 2309, 2312, 2316, 2322, 2325, 2328, 2331, 2334, 2335, 2336, 2337, 2343, 2354, 2357, 2358, 2359, 2370, 2376, 2377, 2387, 2400, 2403, 2405, 2407, 2411, 2414, 2416, 2418, 2425, 2440, 2447, 2461, 2465, 2468, 2472, 2477, 2481, 2484, 2486, 2488, 2493, 2498, 2501, 2510, 2517, 2526, 2527, 2532, 2535, 2542, 2552, 2563, 2564, 2567, 2568, 2569, 2571, 2572, 2575, 2577, 2583, 2584, 2596, 2604, 2605, 2608, 2609, 2610, 2612, 2614, 2621, 2628, 2629, 2633, 2636, 2642, 2643, 2645, 2646, 2650, 2651, 2652, 2656, 2657, 2658, 2660, 2661, 2669, 2670, 2677, 2681, 2684, 2687, 2690, 2695, 2698, 2713, 2714, 2729, 2739, 2767, 2768, 2770, 2772, 2784, 2787, 2791, 2792, 2798, 2801, 2805, 2812, 2813, 2816, 2817, 2821, 2822, 2827, 2830, 2831, 2834, 2838, 2839, 2844, 2846, 2849, 2850, 2852, 2854, 2860, 2862, 2863, 2865, 2867, 2869, 2873, 2874, 2875, 2876, 2878, 2880, 2881, 2882, 2883, 2884, 2886, 2887, 2888, 2889, 2891, 2893, 2894, 2895, 2897, 2898, 2900, 2901, 2908, 2909, 2916, 2917, 2918, 2919, 2920, 2922, 2923, 2927, 2929, 2930, 2931, 2940, 2941, 2947, 2949, 2950, 2956, 2958, 2961, 2963, 2964, 2965, 2966, 2968, 2973, 2975, 2979, 2980, 2981, 2983, 2985, 2986, 2987, 2994, 2995, 2997, 2999, 3000, 3002, 3003, 3005, 3008, 3009, 3010, 3012, 3016, 3017, 3018, 3019, 3025, 3028, 3034, 3038, 3043, 3048, 3052, 3053, 3055, 3058, 3059, 3063, 3066, 3068, 3070, 3073, 3074, 3075, 3076, 3077, 3089, 3090, 3093, 3094, 3095, 3097, 3099, 3100, 3106, 3109, 3112, 3117, 3119, 3126, 3127, 3128, 3130, 3135, 3136, 3145, 3150, 3151, 3154, 3155, 3163, 3167, 3172, 3173, 3182, 3183, 3184, 3185, 3187, 3188, 3189, 3190, 3194, 3196, 3209, 3210, 3211, 3214, 3215, 3217, 3219, 3222, 3223, 3225, 3226, 3227, 3228, 3230, 3231, 3234, 3235, 3236, 3237, 3238, 3240, 3244, 3245, 3250, 3251, 3253, 3257, 3260, 3270, 3272, 3281, 3288, 3290, 3292, 3293, 3296, 3299, 3300, 3306, 3307, 3309, 3314, 3315, 3316, 3318, 3324, 3328, 3330, 3331, 3531, 3731, 3831, 4131, 4531, 4631, 4731, 4831, 5231, 6931, 7235, 7831, 7931, 8931, 9731, 10231, 10631, 10831, 11031, 11531, 12831, 13632, 13731, 14237, 14332, 15731, 16831, 16931, 21233, 23031, 25731, 25931, 26031, 26831, 27731, 27831, 28031, 28731, 28831, 29631, 31631, 32531, 33631, 34231, 34631]
02-04 12:20:04.381 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: UIThread: false Activity: false p7 - {"eventId":40
02-04 12:20:04.381 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "timestamp":1738660804145
02-04 12:20:04.381 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "provider":"Mediation"
02-04 12:20:04.381 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "euid":"b83a392f-6621-4550-9d3a-2e992249540a"
02-04 12:20:04.381 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "esat":1
02-04 12:20:04.381 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "eventSessionId":"0f28b652-bb71-485b-9983-45067fba9531"
02-04 12:20:04.381 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "essn":-1
02-04 12:20:04.381 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "rawConnectionType":"NETWORK_TYPE_UNKNOWN"}}
02-04 12:20:04.382 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.391 17077 17780 I ironSourceSDK: API: setAdaptersDebug : false
02-04 12:20:04.398 17077 17350 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:04.398 17077 17350 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
02-04 12:20:04.398 17077 17350 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
02-04 12:20:04.398 17077 17350 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
02-04 12:20:04.399 17077 17350 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
02-04 12:20:04.399 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.433 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 2 lines
02-04 12:20:04.449 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.451 17077 17099 I games.webmaste: Background young concurrent copying GC freed 151161(12MB) AllocSpace objects, 71(7272KB) LOS objects, 46% free, 18MB/34MB, paused 2.886ms total 240.405ms
02-04 12:20:04.466 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.468 16736 10961 I com.miui.daemo: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-04 12:20:04.469 16736 10961 I com.miui.daemo: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and parcel size 4
02-04 12:20:04.481 17077 17321 E games.webmaste: No package ID 76 found for ID 0x760b000f.
02-04 12:20:04.482 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.488 17077 17358 V ironSourceSDK: INTERNAL: UIThread: false Activity: false p a - GitHash: 0b12e64
02-04 12:20:04.490 15088 15502 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:20:04.497 950 13202 D AALLightSensor: oldLux=56 [SA:56 LA:56] newLux=56 (oriLux: 57)
02-04 12:20:04.499 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.516 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.531 15150 15470 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.976) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = }
02-04 12:20:04.532 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.539 17077 17358 I ironSourceSDK: API: p a - init(appKey:17675e515)
02-04 12:20:04.549 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.550 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:20:04.400 BL= 211,ESS= 458, 02-04 12:20:04.435 BL= 212,ESS= 456, 02-04 12:20:04.484 BL= 213,ESS= 454, 02-04 12:20:04.517 BL= 214,ESS= 454, 02-04 12:20:04.550 BL= 214,ESS= 452,
02-04 12:20:04.566 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.599 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 2 lines
02-04 12:20:04.616 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.626 17077 17358 V ironSourceSDK: INTERNAL: UIThread: false Activity: false hs q - configurations(
02-04 12:20:04.626 17077 17358 V ironSourceSDK: INTERNAL: RewardedVideoConfigurations{parallelLoad=2, bidderExclusive=true}
02-04 12:20:04.626 17077 17358 V ironSourceSDK: INTERNAL: InterstitialConfigurations{parallelLoad=2, bidderExclusive=false}
02-04 12:20:04.626 17077 17358 V ironSourceSDK: INTERNAL: BannerConfigurations{parallelLoad=1, bidderExclusive=false}
02-04 12:20:04.626 17077 17358 V ironSourceSDK: INTERNAL: null)
02-04 12:20:04.629 17077 17358 V ironSourceSDK: INTERNAL: UIThread: false Activity: false p a - init cache exists
02-04 12:20:04.632 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.633 17077 17358 V ironSourceSDK: INTERNAL: UIThread: false Activity: false j4 a.a - isAndroidxApplicationLifecycleAvailable: true
02-04 12:20:04.637 17077 17358 V ironSourceSDK: INTERNAL: UIThread: false Activity: false j4 a.a - isAndroidxApplicationLifecycleEnabled: false
02-04 12:20:04.639 17077 17358 V ironSourceSDK: INTERNAL: UIThread: false Activity: false j4 a.a - isAndroidxEnabled: false
02-04 12:20:04.640 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: UIThread: false Activity: false p7 - {"eventId":80002
02-04 12:20:04.640 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "timestamp":1738660804637
02-04 12:20:04.640 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "provider":"Mediation"
02-04 12:20:04.640 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "euid":"66361e1e-94b6-4848-b473-be9bc6e53afa"
02-04 12:20:04.640 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "esat":1
02-04 12:20:04.640 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "eventSessionId":"0f28b652-bb71-485b-9983-45067fba9531"
02-04 12:20:04.640 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "essn":3
02-04 12:20:04.640 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "connectionType":"none"
02-04 12:20:04.640 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "rawConnectionType":"NETWORK_TYPE_UNKNOWN"
02-04 12:20:04.640 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "sessionDepth":1
02-04 12:20:04.640 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "firstSessionTimestamp":1738657720741}}
02-04 12:20:04.641 542 542 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:38.985531,dur:1000.37,max:137.07,min:13.93
02-04 12:20:04.649 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.654 17077 17580 W ConnectionStatusConfig: Dynamic lookup for intent failed for action:
02-04 12:20:04.661 18583 18583 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { }
02-04 12:20:04.661 18583 18583 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { }
02-04 12:20:04.664 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{a1c2c89} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.665 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{e86e48e} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.665 638 1125 I BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceView -](this:0xb400007658a6ba58,id:7794,api:1,p:17077,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=38.02 dur=1025.75 max=150.45 min=9.63
02-04 12:20:04.665 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{ce6c4af} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.665 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{c8940bc cn.wps.xiaomi.abroad.lite/10161} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.665 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{5920845} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.665 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{810bb9a} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.665 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{b64fccb} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.665 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{f07aca8} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.665 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{ecfe3c1} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.666 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{e2ef766} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.666 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{8449aa7} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.666 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{7eeb54} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.666 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.666 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{8b5fafd} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.666 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{4a323f2 com.ebay.carrier/10165} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.666 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{d963a43} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.666 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{18968c0} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.666 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{9ec49f9} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.667 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{7bb8d3e} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.667 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{21c24ab} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.667 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{bd8379f} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.667 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{ffc50ec} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.667 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{19e8cb5} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.667 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{85f3f4a} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.667 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{312aebb} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.667 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{fd38fd8} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.667 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{bf83f31} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.667 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{cda0616} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.667 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{1b37b97} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.668 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{6ddd184} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.668 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{2609d6d} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.668 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{2686da2} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.668 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{52a3a33} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.668 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{72881f0} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.668 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{376a369} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.669 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{b83c1ee} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.669 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{844468f} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.669 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{42bcd1c} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.669 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{ecd0d25} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.670 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{6ee0efa} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.670 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{b48bcab} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.670 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{eb69f08} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.670 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{6656a1} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.670 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{b7e20c6} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.671 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{1d47887} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.671 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{39aa3b4} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.672 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{7f0bbdd} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.672 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{4ab8352} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.674 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{2761623} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.674 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{9184720} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.674 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{7c238d9} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.675 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{bda829e} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.675 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{409f17f} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.675 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{70ab54c} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.675 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{7948995} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.675 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{a682aaa} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.677 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{4d6269b} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.677 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{5d3da38} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.677 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{f0994bd} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.677 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{7012a11 com.swiftkey.swiftkeyconfigurator/10242} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.678 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{764776} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.678 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{7669177} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.678 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{861e4} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.678 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{bbd564d com.facebook.system/10011} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.678 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{c776502} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.678 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{128ce13} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.678 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{2dbb850} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.678 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{7960a49} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.679 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{f7acf4e} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.679 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{6c8386f} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.679 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{94c097c} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.679 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{22c0205} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.679 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{a38925a} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.679 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{249ec8b} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.679 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{e0e4168} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.679 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{26fb981 com.opera.preinstall/10169} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.680 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{edd7a26} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.680 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{ee8c667 com.facebook.appmanager/10111} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.680 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{3a0c14 com.swiftkey.languageprovider/10245} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.680 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{3dd6cbd} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.680 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{39712b2} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.680 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{6b16203} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.681 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{6b5d580} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.682 18583 18583 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { dat=chimera-action: }
02-04 12:20:04.682 18583 18583 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { dat=chimera-action: }
02-04 12:20:04.682 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.699 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.701 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:20:04.567 BL= 215,ESS= 452, 02-04 12:20:04.605 BL= 216,ESS= 450, 02-04 12:20:04.651 BL= 217,ESS= 450, 02-04 12:20:04.667 BL= 217,ESS= 448, 02-04 12:20:04.700 BL= 218,ESS= 448,
02-04 12:20:04.716 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.724 17077 17780 D UnityAds: (line:130) :: Wrote file: /data/user/10/
02-04 12:20:04.725 18583 17908 W SQLiteLog: (28) double-quoted string literal: "1738488004725"
02-04 12:20:04.725 18583 17908 W SQLiteLog: (28) double-quoted string literal: "1"
02-04 12:20:04.730 17077 17780 D UnityAds: (line:87) :: Couldn't send storage event to WebApp
02-04 12:20:04.732 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.733 17077 17455 I AudioTrack: isLongTimeZeroData zero date time 19 Seconds
02-04 12:20:04.737 17077 17350 I System.out: [USERCENTRICS][DEBUG] Consent Mediation is Enabled
02-04 12:20:04.738 17077 17350 I System.out: [USERCENTRICS][DEBUG] [Mediation] 0/1 Services are supported:
02-04 12:20:04.747 17077 17350 I System.out: [USERCENTRICS][DEBUG] Usercentrics SDK is fully initialized
02-04 12:20:04.751 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.766 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.771 17077 17780 D UnityAds: (line:130) :: Wrote file: /data/user/10/
02-04 12:20:04.771 17077 17780 D UnityAds: (line:87) :: Couldn't send storage event to WebApp
02-04 12:20:04.782 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.784 15088 15502 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:20:04.789 17077 17780 D UnityAds: (line:130) :: Wrote file: /data/user/10/
02-04 12:20:04.790 17077 17780 D UnityAds: (line:87) :: Couldn't send storage event to WebApp
02-04 12:20:04.799 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.814 17077 17725 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
02-04 12:20:04.815 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{a1c2c89} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.815 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{e86e48e} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.815 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{ce6c4af} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.815 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{c8940bc cn.wps.xiaomi.abroad.lite/10161} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.815 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{5920845} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.815 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{810bb9a} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.815 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{b64fccb} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.816 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{f07aca8} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.816 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{ecfe3c1} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.816 17077 17357 I Unity : [USERCENTRICS][DEBUG] HandleInitSuccess UsercentricsReadyStatus={"shouldCollectConsent":false,"consents":[{"templateId":"H1Vl5NidjWX","status":true,"history":[{"status":true,"type":1,"timestampInMillis":1738657718000},{"status":true,"type":0,"timestampInMillis":1738658006000}],"dataProcessor":"Usercentrics Consent Management Platform","version":"40.17.46","isEssential":true,"_type":"0"}],"location":{"countryCode":"NL","regionCode":"NLNH"},"geolocationRuleset":{"activeSettingsId":"YHrvpJK7ldL4ki","bannerRequiredAtLocation":true}}
02-04 12:20:04.816 17077 17357 I Unity : Unity.Usercentrics.Usercentrics:HandleInitSuccess(String)
02-04 12:20:04.816 17077 17357 I Unity :
02-04 12:20:04.816 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.816 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{e2ef766} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.816 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{8449aa7} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.816 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{7eeb54} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.816 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{8b5fafd} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.816 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{4a323f2 com.ebay.carrier/10165} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.818 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{d963a43} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.818 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{18968c0} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.818 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{9ec49f9} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.818 17077 17780 I UnityAds: (line:33) :: Initializing Unity Services 4.13.1 (41301) with game id 5026837 in production mode, session cf35ad55-a849-401e-851b-36331b37d300
02-04 12:20:04.819 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{7bb8d3e} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.819 17077 17357 I Unity : [Azur User Consent Manager] Usercentrics status received! Status: should collect False; geo True; consents 1location NL region NLNH
02-04 12:20:04.819 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.Steps.<>c__DisplayClass1_0:<DoStep>b__0(UsercentricsReadyStatus)
02-04 12:20:04.819 17077 17357 I Unity : Unity.Usercentrics.Usercentrics:HandleInitSuccess(String)
02-04 12:20:04.819 17077 17357 I Unity :
02-04 12:20:04.819 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{21c24ab} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.820 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{bd8379f} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.820 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{ffc50ec} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.820 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{19e8cb5} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.820 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{85f3f4a} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.820 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{312aebb} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.820 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{fd38fd8} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.820 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{bf83f31} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.820 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{cda0616} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.820 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{1b37b97} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.823 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{6ddd184} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.823 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{2609d6d} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.823 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{2686da2} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.823 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{52a3a33} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.823 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{72881f0} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.826 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{376a369} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.829 17077 17350 I System.out: [USERCENTRICS][DEBUG] [Mediation] Applied Granular Consent to Firebase (Granular Signal) - MediationGranularConsent(eea=true, analyticsStorage=true, adStorage=true, adUserData=true, adPersonalization=true)
02-04 12:20:04.829 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{b83c1ee} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.830 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{844468f} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.830 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{42bcd1c} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.830 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{ecd0d25} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.830 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{6ee0efa} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.830 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{b48bcab} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.830 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{eb69f08} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.831 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{6656a1} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.831 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{b7e20c6} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.831 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{1d47887} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.831 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{39aa3b4} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.831 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{7f0bbdd} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.831 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{4ab8352} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.831 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{2761623} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.831 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{9184720} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.831 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{7c238d9} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.832 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{bda829e} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.832 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{409f17f} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.832 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{70ab54c} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.832 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.834 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:20:04.717 BL= 218,ESS= 446, 02-04 12:20:04.734 BL= 219,ESS= 446, 02-04 12:20:04.784 BL= 220,ESS= 444, 02-04 12:20:04.817 BL= 221,ESS= 444, 02-04 12:20:04.833 BL= 221,ESS= 442,
02-04 12:20:04.835 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{7948995} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.835 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{a682aaa} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.835 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{4d6269b} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.835 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{5d3da38} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.836 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{f0994bd} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.836 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{7012a11 com.swiftkey.swiftkeyconfigurator/10242} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.837 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{764776} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.837 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{7669177} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.837 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{861e4} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.837 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{bbd564d com.facebook.system/10011} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.838 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{c776502} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.838 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{128ce13} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.839 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{2dbb850} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.841 17077 17677 W Ads : Not retrying to fetch app settings
02-04 12:20:04.842 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{7960a49} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.842 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{f7acf4e} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.842 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{6c8386f} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.842 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{94c097c} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.842 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{22c0205} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.842 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{a38925a} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.842 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{249ec8b} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.842 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{e0e4168} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.843 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{26fb981 com.opera.preinstall/10169} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.843 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{edd7a26} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.843 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{ee8c667 com.facebook.appmanager/10111} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.843 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{3a0c14 com.swiftkey.languageprovider/10245} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.843 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{3dd6cbd} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.844 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{39712b2} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.846 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{6b16203} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.846 15150 17142 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{6b5d580} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:04.848 17077 17921 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
02-04 12:20:04.849 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.851 15088 15502 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:20:04.852 17077 17357 I Unity : [Azur User Consent Manager] Waiting for init is complete. Should collect consent False geo is NL
02-04 12:20:04.852 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.Steps.<DoStep>d__3:MoveNext()
02-04 12:20:04.852 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
02-04 12:20:04.852 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:Run()
02-04 12:20:04.852 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.WorkRequest:Invoke()
02-04 12:20:04.852 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:Exec()
02-04 12:20:04.852 17077 17357 I Unity :
02-04 12:20:04.853 17077 17357 I Unity : [Azur User Consent Manager] CMP consents received 1
02-04 12:20:04.853 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.Steps.CmpStep:ApplyConsent(List`1, UserConsentContext)
02-04 12:20:04.853 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.Steps.<DoStep>d__3:MoveNext()
02-04 12:20:04.853 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
02-04 12:20:04.853 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:Run()
02-04 12:20:04.853 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.WorkRequest:Invoke()
02-04 12:20:04.853 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:Exec()
02-04 12:20:04.853 17077 17357 I Unity :
02-04 12:20:04.854 17077 17357 I Unity : [Azur User Consent Manager] UCM flow finished!
02-04 12:20:04.854 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.<StartFlowInternal>d__24:MoveNext()
02-04 12:20:04.854 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
02-04 12:20:04.854 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:Run()
02-04 12:20:04.854 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation:RunCallback(ContextCallback, Object, Task&)
02-04 12:20:04.854 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.Task:FinishContinuations()
02-04 12:20:04.854 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:TrySetResult(TResult)
02-04 12:20:04.854 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:SetResult(TResult)
02-04 12:20:04.854 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.Steps.<DoStep>d__3:MoveNext()
02-04 12:20:04.854 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
02-04 12:20:04.854 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:Run()
02-04 12:20:04.854 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.WorkRequest:Invoke()
02-04 12:20:04.854 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:Exec()
02-04 12:20:04.854 17077 17357 I Unity :
02-04 12:20:04.855 17077 17357 D AppLovinSdk: [AppLovinPrivacySettings] setHasUserConsent()
02-04 12:20:04.863 17506 17544 D [GplLibraryWrapper]: stopLocationUpdates
02-04 12:20:04.866 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.871 17506 17540 I AppMetrica-Attribution: Choosing clids. Client: null, from satellite: SatelliteClidsInfo{clids=null, checked=true}, result: ClidsInfo{clids=null, source=API}
02-04 12:20:04.882 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.890 17077 17915 V ironSourceSDK: INTERNAL: UIThread: false Activity: false ae a - collecting data for events: {isLimitAdTrackingEnabled=false, appVersion=2.6.3, mobileCarrier=t2, tz=Europe/Moscow, icc=ru, advertisingId=5eab2f99-f0e3-4e17-872b-0d34dd98db90, language=ru, battery=86, mcc=250, connectionType=wifi, internalFreeMemory=3815, osVersion=30(11), appKey=17675e515, firstSession=false, deviceOEM=Xiaomi, auid=12747a79-0ffb-4d59-80cb-edb1ff284752, mnc=20, rawConnectionType=NETWORK_TYPE_WIFI, deviceOS=Android, mt=MAX806010000SDK13000099,, sessionId=0f28b652-bb71-485b-9983-45067fba9531, externalFreeMemory=3815, advertisingIdType=GAID, jb=false, sdkVersion=8.6.1, deviceModel=Redmi Note 8 Pro, gmtMinutesOffset=180}
02-04 12:20:04.897 18583 16715 W SQLiteLog: (28) double-quoted string literal: "1738488004897"
02-04 12:20:04.898 18583 16715 W SQLiteLog: (28) double-quoted string literal: "1"
02-04 12:20:04.899 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.912 15088 15502 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:20:04.919 18583 10884 D AdvertisingIdClient: AdvertisingIdClient already created.
02-04 12:20:04.921 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.926 15088 15502 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:20:04.927 18583 10884 I AdvertisingIdClient: shouldSendLog 496703643
02-04 12:20:04.927 18583 10884 I AdvertisingIdClient: GetInfoInternal elapse 8ms
02-04 12:20:04.929 17077 17358 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
02-04 12:20:04.936 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.941 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: UIThread: false Activity: false p7 - {"eventId":14
02-04 12:20:04.941 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "timestamp":1738660804936
02-04 12:20:04.941 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "provider":"Mediation"
02-04 12:20:04.941 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "isDemandOnly":1
02-04 12:20:04.941 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "interstitial":true
02-04 12:20:04.941 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "rewardedVideo":true
02-04 12:20:04.941 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "banner":true
02-04 12:20:04.941 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "ext1":"
02-04 12:20:04.941 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: Activity=false
02-04 12:20:04.941 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: cachedUserAgent=true"
02-04 12:20:04.941 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "sessionDepth":1
02-04 12:20:04.941 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "isMultipleAdObjects":1
02-04 12:20:04.941 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "euid":"bcb97a7c-f517-4594-a5de-846d5759196b"
02-04 12:20:04.941 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "esat":1
02-04 12:20:04.941 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "eventSessionId":"0f28b652-bb71-485b-9983-45067fba9531"
02-04 12:20:04.941 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "essn":3
02-04 12:20:04.941 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "connectionType":"wifi"
02-04 12:20:04.941 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "rawConnectionType":"NETWORK_TYPE_WIFI"
02-04 12:20:04.941 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "firstSessionTimestamp":1738657720741}}
02-04 12:20:04.944 15150 17132 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 648 ms, interface=android.os.IInstalld, code=11 oneway=false
02-04 12:20:04.949 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.966 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.977 542 792 I hwcomposer: [DPY] receive refesh frquest from driver: type[4]
02-04 12:20:04.977 542 792 I hwcomposer: [HWC] fire a callback of refresh to SF
02-04 12:20:04.978 18583 16406 W SQLiteLog: (28) double-quoted string literal: "1738488004978"
02-04 12:20:04.978 18583 16406 W SQLiteLog: (28) double-quoted string literal: "1"
02-04 12:20:04.982 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:04.986 15088 15502 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:20:04.997 638 638 I BufferQueueProducer: [FramebufferSurface](this:0xb4000076da4bced0,id:-1,api:1,p:638,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=1.05 dur=1901.20 max=981.75 min=919.46
02-04 12:20:04.999 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.003 17077 17358 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
02-04 12:20:05.016 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.017 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:20:04.867 BL= 222,ESS= 442, 02-04 12:20:04.900 BL= 223,ESS= 440, 02-04 12:20:04.950 BL= 224,ESS= 438, 02-04 12:20:04.984 BL= 225,ESS= 438, 02-04 12:20:05.017 BL= 225,ESS= 436,
02-04 12:20:05.019 15150 15468 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 1010156, uidState = 19
02-04 12:20:05.020 17077 17358 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:05.020 17077 17358 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
02-04 12:20:05.020 17077 17358 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
02-04 12:20:05.021 17077 17357 E Unity : AppsFlyer SDK Version: version: 6.16.0 (build 334)
02-04 12:20:05.021 17077 17357 E Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.Analytics.Modules.Module_AppsFlyer:initAppsFlyer()
02-04 12:20:05.021 17077 17357 E Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.AnalyticsManagerBase:onServicesStart()
02-04 12:20:05.021 17077 17357 E Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.AnalyticsManagerBase:Initialize()
02-04 12:20:05.021 17077 17357 E Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.<>c:<OnAwakeEvent>b__13_0()
02-04 12:20:05.021 17077 17357 E Unity : UCM.<StartFlowInternal>d__24:MoveNext()
02-04 12:20:05.021 17077 17357 E Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
02-04 12:20:05.021 17077 17357 E Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:Run()
02-04 12:20:05.021 17077 17357 E Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation:RunCallback(ContextCallback, Object, Task&)
02-04 12:20:05.021 17077 17357 E Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.Task:FinishContinuations()
02-04 12:20:05.021 17077 17357 E Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:TrySetResult(TResult)
02-04 12:20:05.021 17077 17357 E Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:SetResult(TResult)
02-04 12:20:05.021 17077 17357 E Unity : UCM.Steps.<DoStep>d__3:MoveNext()
02-04 12:20:05.021 17077 17357 E Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
02-04 12:20:05.021 17077 17357 E Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:Run()
02-04 12:20:05.021 17077 17357 E Unity : UnityEngine.WorkRequest:Invoke()
02-04 12:20:05.021 17077 17357 E Unity : UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:Exec()
02-04 12:20:05.021 17077 17357 E Unity :
02-04 12:20:05.022 17077 17357 I Unity : <color=#00FFFF> <b>[ANALYTICS]</b> APPSFLYER <b>Init</b> -> (ID: r9vNC83N8nYpCzYGigyjUh) (StoreID: (AppleID: 6445820761) (AndroidID: </color>
02-04 12:20:05.022 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.Analytics.Modules.ModuleUtils:DebugModuleInitialization(eAnalyticsServices, List`1)
02-04 12:20:05.022 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.AnalyticsManagerBase:onServicesStart()
02-04 12:20:05.022 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.AnalyticsManagerBase:Initialize()
02-04 12:20:05.022 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.<>c:<OnAwakeEvent>b__13_0()
02-04 12:20:05.022 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.<StartFlowInternal>d__24:MoveNext()
02-04 12:20:05.022 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
02-04 12:20:05.022 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:Run()
02-04 12:20:05.022 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation:RunCallback(ContextCallback, Object, Task&)
02-04 12:20:05.022 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.Task:FinishContinuations()
02-04 12:20:05.022 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:TrySetResult(TResult)
02-04 12:20:05.022 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:SetResult(TResult)
02-04 12:20:05.022 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.Steps.<DoStep>d__3:MoveNext()
02-04 12:20:05.022 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boo
02-04 12:20:05.025 17077 17357 I Unity : AdsManager : InitMediation() AdsMediation Initialization Started...
02-04 12:20:05.025 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.AdsManagerBase:InitMediation()
02-04 12:20:05.025 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.<StartFlowInternal>d__24:MoveNext()
02-04 12:20:05.025 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
02-04 12:20:05.025 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:Run()
02-04 12:20:05.025 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation:RunCallback(ContextCallback, Object, Task&)
02-04 12:20:05.025 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.Task:FinishContinuations()
02-04 12:20:05.025 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:TrySetResult(TResult)
02-04 12:20:05.025 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:SetResult(TResult)
02-04 12:20:05.025 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.Steps.<DoStep>d__3:MoveNext()
02-04 12:20:05.025 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
02-04 12:20:05.025 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:Run()
02-04 12:20:05.025 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.WorkRequest:Invoke()
02-04 12:20:05.025 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:Exec()
02-04 12:20:05.025 17077 17357 I Unity :
02-04 12:20:05.027 17077 17357 I Unity : Init AppLovin with SDK Key: 6AQkyPv9b4u7yTtMH9PT40gXg00uJOTsmBOf7hDxa_-FnNZvt_qTLnJAiKeb5-2_T8GsI_dGQKKKrtwZTlCzAR
02-04 12:20:05.027 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.Ads.MAXMediation:Init(Action)
02-04 12:20:05.027 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.<StartFlowInternal>d__24:MoveNext()
02-04 12:20:05.027 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
02-04 12:20:05.027 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:Run()
02-04 12:20:05.027 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation:RunCallback(ContextCallback, Object, Task&)
02-04 12:20:05.027 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.Task:FinishContinuations()
02-04 12:20:05.027 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:TrySetResult(TResult)
02-04 12:20:05.027 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:SetResult(TResult)
02-04 12:20:05.027 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.Steps.<DoStep>d__3:MoveNext()
02-04 12:20:05.027 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
02-04 12:20:05.027 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:Run()
02-04 12:20:05.027 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.WorkRequest:Invoke()
02-04 12:20:05.027 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:Exec()
02-04 12:20:05.027 17077 17357 I Unity :
02-04 12:20:05.028 17077 17357 I Unity : AdMob-iOS: ca-app-pub-7663884898922975~4016780759
02-04 12:20:05.028 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.Ads.MAXMediation:Init(Action)
02-04 12:20:05.028 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.<StartFlowInternal>d__24:MoveNext()
02-04 12:20:05.028 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
02-04 12:20:05.028 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:Run()
02-04 12:20:05.028 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation:RunCallback(ContextCallback, Object, Task&)
02-04 12:20:05.028 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.Task:FinishContinuations()
02-04 12:20:05.028 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:TrySetResult(TResult)
02-04 12:20:05.028 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:SetResult(TResult)
02-04 12:20:05.028 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.Steps.<DoStep>d__3:MoveNext()
02-04 12:20:05.028 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
02-04 12:20:05.028 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:Run()
02-04 12:20:05.028 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.WorkRequest:Invoke()
02-04 12:20:05.028 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:Exec()
02-04 12:20:05.028 17077 17357 I Unity :
02-04 12:20:05.028 17077 17357 I Unity : AdMob-Android: ca-app-pub-7663884898922975~1439047167
02-04 12:20:05.028 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.Ads.MAXMediation:Init(Action)
02-04 12:20:05.028 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.<StartFlowInternal>d__24:MoveNext()
02-04 12:20:05.028 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
02-04 12:20:05.028 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:Run()
02-04 12:20:05.028 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation:RunCallback(ContextCallback, Object, Task&)
02-04 12:20:05.028 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.Task:FinishContinuations()
02-04 12:20:05.028 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:TrySetResult(TResult)
02-04 12:20:05.028 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:SetResult(TResult)
02-04 12:20:05.028 17077 17357 I Unity : UCM.Steps.<DoStep>d__3:MoveNext()
02-04 12:20:05.028 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
02-04 12:20:05.028 17077 17357 I Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:Run()
02-04 12:20:05.028 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.WorkRequest:Invoke()
02-04 12:20:05.028 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:Exec()
02-04 12:20:05.028 17077 17357 I Unity :
02-04 12:20:05.030 17077 17357 W Unity : MaxSdk.SetSdkKey() has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please set your SDK key in the AppLovin Integration Manager.
02-04 12:20:05.030 17077 17357 W Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.Ads.MAXMediation:Init(Action)
02-04 12:20:05.030 17077 17357 W Unity : UCM.<StartFlowInternal>d__24:MoveNext()
02-04 12:20:05.030 17077 17357 W Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
02-04 12:20:05.030 17077 17357 W Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:Run()
02-04 12:20:05.030 17077 17357 W Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.AwaitTaskContinuation:RunCallback(ContextCallback, Object, Task&)
02-04 12:20:05.030 17077 17357 W Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.Task:FinishContinuations()
02-04 12:20:05.030 17077 17357 W Unity : System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1:TrySetResult(TResult)
02-04 12:20:05.030 17077 17357 W Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1:SetResult(TResult)
02-04 12:20:05.030 17077 17357 W Unity : UCM.Steps.<DoStep>d__3:MoveNext()
02-04 12:20:05.030 17077 17357 W Unity : System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
02-04 12:20:05.030 17077 17357 W Unity : System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MoveNextRunner:Run()
02-04 12:20:05.030 17077 17357 W Unity : UnityEngine.WorkRequest:Invoke()
02-04 12:20:05.030 17077 17357 W Unity : UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:Exec()
02-04 12:20:05.030 17077 17357 W Unity :
02-04 12:20:05.030 17077 17357 D AppLovinSdk: [AppLovinSdkInitializationConfiguration] setPluginVersion(pluginVersion=Max-Unity-8.0.0)
02-04 12:20:05.030 17077 17357 D AppLovinSdk: [AppLovinSdkInitializationConfiguration] setMediationProvider(mediationProvider=max)
02-04 12:20:05.030 17077 17357 D AppLovinSdk: [AppLovinSdkInitializationConfiguration] setAdUnitIds(adUnitIds=[])
02-04 12:20:05.030 17077 17357 D AppLovinSdk: [AppLovinSdkSettings] setExtraParameter(key=applovin_unity_metadata, value={"UnityVersion":"2021.3.42f1"})
02-04 12:20:05.031 15086 15086 D Zygote : Forked child process 17936
02-04 12:20:05.033 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.036 17077 17782 I Unity : Debug [AppLovin MAX] Invoking event: OnSdkInitializedEvent. Param: MaxSdkBase+SdkConfiguration
02-04 12:20:05.036 17077 17782 I Unity : MaxSdkCallbacks:InvokeEvent(Action`1, T, String, Boolean)
02-04 12:20:05.036 17077 17782 I Unity : MaxSdkCallbacks:ForwardEvent(String)
02-04 12:20:05.036 17077 17782 I Unity : MaxSdkBase:HandleBackgroundCallback(String)
02-04 12:20:05.036 17077 17782 I Unity : System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo:Invoke(Object, BindingFlags, Binder, Object[], CultureInfo)
02-04 12:20:05.036 17077 17782 I Unity : UnityEngine.AndroidJavaProxy:Invoke(String, Object[])
02-04 12:20:05.036 17077 17782 I Unity : UnityEngine._AndroidJNIHelper:InvokeJavaProxyMethod(AndroidJavaProxy, IntPtr, IntPtr)
02-04 12:20:05.036 17077 17782 I Unity :
02-04 12:20:05.037 15150 15179 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider {}
02-04 12:20:05.047 17077 17677 W Ads : Not retrying to fetch app settings
02-04 12:20:05.049 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.050 17077 17933 W games.webmaste: Accessing hidden method Landroid/app/ActivityThread;->currentApplication()Landroid/app/Application; (greylist, reflection, allowed)
02-04 12:20:05.062 17936 17936 E .fashiongaller: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
02-04 12:20:05.066 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.081 15150 15468 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 1010156, uidState = 3
02-04 12:20:05.081 17077 17357 I Unity : MAX SDK Initialized
02-04 12:20:05.081 17077 17357 I Unity : MediationTester:<Start>b__31_0(SdkConfiguration)
02-04 12:20:05.081 17077 17357 I Unity : AppLovinMax.Internal.MaxEventExecutor:Update()
02-04 12:20:05.081 17077 17357 I Unity :
02-04 12:20:05.083 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.083 17077 17357 E AppLovinSdk: [MaxInterstitialAd] An ad is already loading
02-04 12:20:05.084 17077 17357 E AppLovinSdk: [MaxRewardedAd] An ad is already loading
02-04 12:20:05.084 17077 17357 E AppLovinSdk: [MaxRewardedInterstitialAd] An ad is already loading
02-04 12:20:05.085 17077 17077 D AppLovinSdk: [MaxUnityAdManager] Creating BANNER with ad unit id "df00baaefef89900" and position: "top_center"
02-04 12:20:05.085 17077 17077 W MaxUnityAdManager: Trying to create a BANNER that was already created. This will cause the current ad to be hidden.
02-04 12:20:05.086 17077 17357 I Unity : AppLovin onSdkInitializedEvent, Init: True
02-04 12:20:05.086 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.Ads.MAXMediation:onSdkInitializedEvent(SdkConfiguration)
02-04 12:20:05.086 17077 17357 I Unity : AppLovinMax.Internal.MaxEventExecutor:Update()
02-04 12:20:05.086 17077 17357 I Unity :
02-04 12:20:05.086 17077 17357 I Unity : AdsManager : onAdsMediationInitialized() AdsMediation Initialized Successfully!
02-04 12:20:05.086 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.AdsManagerBase:onAdsMediationInitialized()
02-04 12:20:05.086 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.Ads.MAXMediation:onSdkInitializedEvent(SdkConfiguration)
02-04 12:20:05.086 17077 17357 I Unity : AppLovinMax.Internal.MaxEventExecutor:Update()
02-04 12:20:05.086 17077 17357 I Unity :
02-04 12:20:05.087 17077 17077 D AppLovinSdk: [MaxUnityAdManager] Setting BANNER with ad unit id "df00baaefef89900" to color: #FF000000
02-04 12:20:05.088 17077 17077 D AppLovinSdk: [MaxUnityAdManager] Creating MREC with ad unit id "ENTER_MREC_AD_UNIT_ID_HERE" and position: "bottom_center"
02-04 12:20:05.088 17077 17077 W MaxUnityAdManager: Trying to create a MREC that was already created. This will cause the current ad to be hidden.
02-04 12:20:05.090 17077 17933 W games.webmaste: Accessing hidden field Ldalvik/system/BaseDexClassLoader;->pathList:Ldalvik/system/DexPathList; (greylist, reflection, allowed)
02-04 12:20:05.090 17077 17933 W games.webmaste: Accessing hidden field Ldalvik/system/DexPathList;->nativeLibraryDirectories:Ljava/util/List; (greylist, reflection, allowed)
02-04 12:20:05.090 17077 17933 W games.webmaste: Accessing hidden field Ldalvik/system/DexPathList;->nativeLibraryPathElements:[Ldalvik/system/DexPathList$NativeLibraryElement; (greylist, reflection, allowed)
02-04 12:20:05.091 17077 17077 E AppLovinSdk: [MediationService] Please double-check the ad unit ENTER_MREC_AD_UNIT_ID_HERE for MREC : java.lang.Throwable:
02-04 12:20:05.091 17077 17077 E AppLovinSdk: at com.applovin.impl.mediation.MediationServiceImpl.loadAd(SourceFile:64)
02-04 12:20:05.091 17077 17077 E AppLovinSdk: at
02-04 12:20:05.091 17077 17077 E AppLovinSdk: at$r8$lambda$r4WziZmhSlLrw-FI1xCrCrR4H3k(Unknown Source:0)
02-04 12:20:05.091 17077 17077 E AppLovinSdk: at$$ Source:6)
02-04 12:20:05.091 17077 17077 E AppLovinSdk: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
02-04 12:20:05.091 17077 17077 E AppLovinSdk: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
02-04 12:20:05.091 17077 17077 E AppLovinSdk: at android.os.Looper.loop(
02-04 12:20:05.091 17077 17077 E AppLovinSdk: at
02-04 12:20:05.091 17077 17077 E AppLovinSdk: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
02-04 12:20:05.091 17077 17077 E AppLovinSdk: at$
02-04 12:20:05.091 17077 17077 E AppLovinSdk: at
02-04 12:20:05.091 17077 17077 E AppLovinSdk:
02-04 12:20:05.099 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.116 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 1 line
02-04 12:20:05.132 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.134 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:20:05.034 BL= 226,ESS= 436, 02-04 12:20:05.067 BL= 227,ESS= 436, 02-04 12:20:05.085 BL= 227,ESS= 434, 02-04 12:20:05.117 BL= 228,ESS= 434, 02-04 12:20:05.134 BL= 228,ESS= 432,
02-04 12:20:05.141 15088 29680 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:20:05.147 17936 17936 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false
02-04 12:20:05.149 17936 17936 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false
02-04 12:20:05.149 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.153 17936 17936 I MMKV : Disable checkProcessMode()
02-04 12:20:05.159 17936 17936 I MMKV : <native-bridge.cpp:104::JNI_OnLoad> current API level = 30, libc++_shared=0
02-04 12:20:05.160 17936 17936 I MMKV : <MMKV.cpp:165::initialize> version v1.2.12, page size 4096, arch arm64-v8a
02-04 12:20:05.160 17936 17936 I MMKV : <MMKV.cpp:176::initialize> armv8 AES instructions is supported
02-04 12:20:05.160 17936 17936 I MMKV : <MMKV.cpp:184::initialize> armv8 CRC32 instructions is supported
02-04 12:20:05.160 17936 17936 I MMKV : <MMKV.cpp:207::initializeMMKV> root dir: /data/user/10/
02-04 12:20:05.161 17936 17936 I MMKV : <MemoryFile.cpp:97::open> open fd[0x40], /data/user/10/
02-04 12:20:05.162 17936 17936 I MMKV : <MemoryFile.cpp:97::open> open fd[0x41], /data/user/10/
02-04 12:20:05.162 17936 17936 I MMKV : <MMKV_IO.cpp:81::loadFromFile> loading [wc_datastorage] with 1659 actual size, file size 4096, InterProcess 0, meta info version:3
02-04 12:20:05.162 17936 17936 I MMKV : <MMKV_IO.cpp:86::loadFromFile> loading [wc_datastorage] with crc 1476055778 sequence 138 version 3
02-04 12:20:05.162 17936 17936 I MMKV : <MMKV_IO.cpp:130::loadFromFile> loaded [wc_datastorage] with 15 key-values
02-04 12:20:05.166 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.178 17077 17358 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:05.182 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.188 17936 17936 I FG_LOG : SystemPropertiesUtils: NonNull-CUSTOMIZED_REGION:MI
02-04 12:20:05.189 17936 17936 I FG_LOG : UnityCompatFactory cpswitch: provideThirdPartyProvider isUnityCp() true
02-04 12:20:05.189 17936 17936 I MMKV : Disable checkProcessMode()
02-04 12:20:05.189 17936 17936 I MMKV : <MMKV.cpp:207::initializeMMKV> root dir: /data/user/10/
02-04 12:20:05.192 17936 17936 I FG_LOG : UnityCompatFactory cpswitch: provideContentProvider isUnityCp() true
02-04 12:20:05.192 17936 17936 I MMKV : Disable checkProcessMode()
02-04 12:20:05.193 17936 17936 I MMKV : <MMKV.cpp:207::initializeMMKV> root dir: /data/user/10/
02-04 12:20:05.199 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.203 18583 17908 W SQLiteLog: (28) double-quoted string literal: "1738488005203"
02-04 12:20:05.204 18583 17908 W SQLiteLog: (28) double-quoted string literal: "1"
02-04 12:20:05.207 15088 29680 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:20:05.216 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.233 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.244 17936 17967 V FA : Deferring to Google Analytics for Firebase for event data collection.
02-04 12:20:05.249 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.266 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.273 17936 17967 W .fashiongaller: ClassLoaderContext classpath size mismatch. expected=12, found=0 (DLC[];PCL[base.apk*453381236:base.apk!classes2.dex*76909108:base.apk!classes3.dex*74162480:base.apk!classes4.dex*3153528392:base.apk!classes5.dex*2495113391:base.apk!classes6.dex*3057647005:base.apk!classes7.dex*2470609854:base.apk!classes8.dex*3084486259:base.apk!classes9.dex*3102907714:base.apk!classes10.dex*1939860723:base.apk!classes11.dex*3478132668:base.apk!classes12.dex*3528045680]{PCL[/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar*2758728129]#PCL[/system/framework/*1573936315]#PCL[/system/framework/*1664931834]#PCL[/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar*2758728129]} | DLC[];PCL[])
02-04 12:20:05.277 17936 17967 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module
02-04 12:20:05.277 17936 17967 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of, version >= 244410203
02-04 12:20:05.279 17936 17967 V DynamiteModule: Dynamite loader version >= 2, using loadModule2NoCrashUtils
02-04 12:20:05.280 17077 17562 W Ads : Not retrying to fetch app settings
02-04 12:20:05.282 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.284 17936 17969 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module
02-04 12:20:05.284 17936 17969 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of, version >= 135
02-04 12:20:05.284 17936 17969 V DynamiteModule: Dynamite loader version >= 2, using loadModule2NoCrashUtils
02-04 12:20:05.284 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:20:05.167 BL= 229,ESS= 432, 02-04 12:20:05.201 BL= 230,ESS= 430, 02-04 12:20:05.251 BL= 231,ESS= 430, 02-04 12:20:05.268 BL= 231,ESS= 428, 02-04 12:20:05.284 BL= 232,ESS= 428,
02-04 12:20:05.285 15150 17132 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 333 ms, interface=android.os.IInstalld, code=11 oneway=false
02-04 12:20:05.286 17077 17880 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 1000 ms,, code=4 oneway=false
02-04 12:20:05.299 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.300 17936 17967 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
02-04 12:20:05.313 17936 17969 W .fashiongaller: ClassLoaderContext classpath size mismatch. expected=12, found=5 (DLC[];PCL[base.apk*453381236:base.apk!classes2.dex*76909108:base.apk!classes3.dex*74162480:base.apk!classes4.dex*3153528392:base.apk!classes5.dex*2495113391:base.apk!classes6.dex*3057647005:base.apk!classes7.dex*2470609854:base.apk!classes8.dex*3084486259:base.apk!classes9.dex*3102907714:base.apk!classes10.dex*1939860723:base.apk!classes11.dex*3478132668:base.apk!classes12.dex*3528045680]{PCL[/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar*2758728129]#PCL[/system/framework/*1573936315]#PCL[/system/framework/*1664931834]#PCL[/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar*2758728129]} | DLC[];PCL[/data/app/~~LyEXyrDFFkwnioLPbLzQ0g==/*1463649468:/data/app/~~LyEXyrDFFkwnioLPbLzQ0g==/!classes2.dex*1390061626:/data/app/~~LyEXyrDFFkwnioLPbLzQ0g==/!classes3.dex*3853557032:/data/app/~~LyEXyrDFFkwnioLPbLzQ0g==/!classes4.dex*3685785707:/data/app/~~LyEXyrDFFkwnioLPbLzQ0g==/!classes5.dex*1727739143])
02-04 12:20:05.315 17936 17969 W .fashiongaller: Found duplicate classes, falling back to extracting from APK : /data/app/~~eK3RS_z92bVnuJmmNrPzEw==/
02-04 12:20:05.315 17936 17969 W .fashiongaller: NOTE: This wastes RAM and hurts startup performance.
02-04 12:20:05.315 17936 17969 W .fashiongaller: Found duplicated class when checking oat files: 'Landroid/app/AppComponentFactory;' in /data/app/~~LyEXyrDFFkwnioLPbLzQ0g==/ and /data/app/~~eK3RS_z92bVnuJmmNrPzEw==/
02-04 12:20:05.316 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.318 18583 16715 W SQLiteLog: (28) double-quoted string literal: "1738488005317"
02-04 12:20:05.318 18583 16715 W SQLiteLog: (28) double-quoted string literal: "1"
02-04 12:20:05.331 17077 17880 I AdQualityComponent: starting
02-04 12:20:05.332 17077 17880 I AdQualityBeaconExecutor: adding listener to dao
02-04 12:20:05.333 17077 17880 I AdQualityBeaconExecutor: beacon executor starting
02-04 12:20:05.335 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.341 17077 17972 I AdQualityBeaconExecutor: beacon handler execute
02-04 12:20:05.342 17077 17972 I AdQualityDao: peek
02-04 12:20:05.346 15088 29680 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:20:05.351 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.357 17077 17358 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
02-04 12:20:05.358 17077 17358 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
02-04 12:20:05.362 18583 18600 I Background young concurrent copying GC freed 130805(7991KB) AllocSpace objects, 166(8060KB) LOS objects, 38% free, 24MB/40MB, paused 378us total 137.162ms
02-04 12:20:05.366 17077 17780 W games.webmaste: Verification of void$initialize$1.invoke( took 439.302ms (12467.48 bytecodes/s) (120736B approximate peak alloc)
02-04 12:20:05.366 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.370 18583 18608 W System : A resource failed to call close.
02-04 12:20:05.371 18583 18608 I chatty : uid=1010009( FinalizerDaemon identical 3 lines
02-04 12:20:05.371 18583 18608 W System : A resource failed to call close.
02-04 12:20:05.371 17936 17936 I FG_LOG : SystemPropertiesUtils: NonNull-COTA_CARRIER:XM
02-04 12:20:05.371 18583 18608 W System : A resource failed to call close.
02-04 12:20:05.371 18583 18608 I chatty : uid=1010009( FinalizerDaemon identical 1 line
02-04 12:20:05.372 18583 18608 W System : A resource failed to call close.
02-04 12:20:05.376 17936 17936 I FG_LOG : SystemPropertiesUtils: PROVISION:1
02-04 12:20:05.379 17936 17936 E FG_LOG : DeviceUtil: reflect failed when get device level
02-04 12:20:05.379 17936 17936 E FG_LOG : DeviceUtil: reflect failed when get device_low_end
02-04 12:20:05.379 17936 17936 I FG_LOG : SystemPropertiesUtils: RSA4.0:
02-04 12:20:05.382 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.399 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.414 17936 17936 I FG_LOG : FirebaseAnalyticsImpl: allowed == true
02-04 12:20:05.416 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.418 17936 17936 D AdjustContentProvider: onCreate
02-04 12:20:05.418 17936 17936 D AppsFlyerContentProvider: onCreate
02-04 12:20:05.420 17936 17936 D WM-WrkMgrInitializer: Initializing WorkManager with default configuration.
02-04 12:20:05.423 17936 17936 I TetheringManager:
02-04 12:20:05.425 462 468 E PSITrigger: get PSI events detail failed!! errno=25
02-04 12:20:05.432 17077 17575 W Ads : Not retrying to fetch app settings
02-04 12:20:05.432 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.437 17077 17929 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 428 ms,, code=22 oneway=false
02-04 12:20:05.439 17936 17960 D AppsFlyerContentProvider: querying transactionId for
02-04 12:20:05.446 17936 17936 D AutoDensity: autodensity debugEnable =
02-04 12:20:05.449 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.451 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:20:05.337 BL= 233,ESS= 426, 02-04 12:20:05.367 BL= 234,ESS= 426, 02-04 12:20:05.383 BL= 234,ESS= 424, 02-04 12:20:05.417 BL= 235,ESS= 424, 02-04 12:20:05.451 BL= 236,ESS= 422,
02-04 12:20:05.463 17936 17936 I FG_LOG : UnityCompatFactory cpswitch: provideApplication isUnityCp() true
02-04 12:20:05.466 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.470 17936 17960 D AppsFlyerContentProvider: transactionId not found for
02-04 12:20:05.482 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.485 17936 17984 I MMKV : <MemoryFile.cpp:97::open> open fd[0x5d], /data/user/10/
02-04 12:20:05.486 17936 17984 I MMKV : <MemoryFile.cpp:97::open> open fd[0x5f], /data/user/10/
02-04 12:20:05.487 18583 17908 W SQLiteLog: (28) double-quoted string literal: "1738488005487"
02-04 12:20:05.487 17936 17984 I MMKV : <MMKV_IO.cpp:81::loadFromFile> loading [wc_cp_data_mmkv] with 1453 actual size, file size 4096, InterProcess 0, meta info version:3
02-04 12:20:05.488 17936 17984 I MMKV : <MMKV_IO.cpp:86::loadFromFile> loading [wc_cp_data_mmkv] with crc 2591659355 sequence 3 version 3
02-04 12:20:05.488 17936 17984 I MMKV : <MMKV_IO.cpp:130::loadFromFile> loaded [wc_cp_data_mmkv] with 4 key-values
02-04 12:20:05.488 18583 17908 W SQLiteLog: (28) double-quoted string literal: "1"
02-04 12:20:05.499 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.516 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.527 524 531 E statsd : Predicate 5980654721335871649 dropping data for dimension key (10)0x2010101->1010156[I] (10)0x30000->*job*/[S]
02-04 12:20:05.533 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.536 17077 17358 V ironSourceSDK: INTERNAL: UIThread: false Activity: false fs a - encrypt
02-04 12:20:05.541 15150 15483 D SlaveWifiManager: getWifiSlaveConnectionInfo
02-04 12:20:05.547 15150 15483 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer identical 91 lines
02-04 12:20:05.547 15150 15483 D SlaveWifiManager: getWifiSlaveConnectionInfo
02-04 12:20:05.547 15088 29680 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:20:05.548 15150 15483 D SlaveWifiManager: getWifiSlaveConnectionInfo
02-04 12:20:05.549 15150 15483 D SlaveWifiManager: getWifiSlaveConnectionInfo
02-04 12:20:05.550 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.551 15150 15470 D WifiSlaveNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9693, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1010156 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1010156 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:20:05.551 15827 15827 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9693, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1010156 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1010156 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:20:05.551 15150 15470 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9693, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1010156 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1010156 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:20:05.552 15150 15536 D Ethernet: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9693, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1010156 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1010156 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:20:05.552 15150 15470 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9693, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1010156 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1010156 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:20:05.552 15150 15470 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9693, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1010156 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1010156 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:20:05.556 17077 17572 W Ads : Not retrying to fetch app settings
02-04 12:20:05.558 17936 17984 I FG_LOG : SystemPropertiesUtils: UPLOAD_LOG:-1
02-04 12:20:05.559 15150 15483 D SlaveWifiManager: getWifiSlaveConnectionInfo
02-04 12:20:05.559 17936 17984 I FG_LOG : SystemPropertiesUtils: UPLOAD_LOG:-1
02-04 12:20:05.559 15150 15483 D SlaveWifiManager: getWifiSlaveConnectionInfo
02-04 12:20:05.562 15150 15483 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer identical 95 lines
02-04 12:20:05.562 15150 15483 D SlaveWifiManager: getWifiSlaveConnectionInfo
02-04 12:20:05.562 15150 15536 D Ethernet: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9694, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1012261 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1012261 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:20:05.563 15150 15470 D WifiSlaveNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9694, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1012261 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1012261 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:20:05.563 15827 15827 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9694, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1012261 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1012261 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:20:05.563 15150 15470 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9694, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1012261 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1012261 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:20:05.563 15150 15470 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9694, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1012261 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1012261 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:20:05.563 15150 15470 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9694, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1012261 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1012261 RequestorPackageName:] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:20:05.566 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.566 17936 17995 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [ id=702db45e-294a-4d0d-a938-783546ea0b15, tags={, DailyReportManager } ]
02-04 12:20:05.572 524 531 E statsd : Predicate 5980654721335871649 dropping data for dimension key (10)0x2010101->1010156[I] (10)0x30000->*job*/[S]
02-04 12:20:05.576 17077 17358 V ironSourceSDK: INTERNAL: UIThread: false Activity: false hs q - configurations(
02-04 12:20:05.576 17077 17358 V ironSourceSDK: INTERNAL: RewardedVideoConfigurations{parallelLoad=2, bidderExclusive=true}
02-04 12:20:05.576 17077 17358 V ironSourceSDK: INTERNAL: InterstitialConfigurations{parallelLoad=2, bidderExclusive=false}
02-04 12:20:05.576 17077 17358 V ironSourceSDK: INTERNAL: BannerConfigurations{parallelLoad=1, bidderExclusive=false}
02-04 12:20:05.576 17077 17358 V ironSourceSDK: INTERNAL: null)
02-04 12:20:05.582 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.599 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.604 18583 16715 W SQLiteLog: (28) double-quoted string literal: "1738488005604"
02-04 12:20:05.604 18583 16715 W SQLiteLog: (28) double-quoted string literal: "1"
02-04 12:20:05.610 17936 17994 E .fashiongaller: No package ID 76 found for ID 0x760b000f.
02-04 12:20:05.611 17936 17994 E .fashiongaller: No package ID 76 found for ID 0x760b000f.
02-04 12:20:05.614 17936 17994 I FA : App measurement initialized, version: 113021
02-04 12:20:05.614 17936 17994 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
02-04 12:20:05.615 17936 17994 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event logging run:
02-04 12:20:05.615 17936 17994 I FA : adb shell setprop
02-04 12:20:05.616 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.633 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.634 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:20:05.501 BL= 237,ESS= 422, 02-04 12:20:05.517 BL= 237,ESS= 420, 02-04 12:20:05.534 BL= 238,ESS= 420, 02-04 12:20:05.584 BL= 239,ESS= 418, 02-04 12:20:05.634 BL= 240,ESS= 418,
02-04 12:20:05.638 17077 17358 V ironSourceSDK: INTERNAL: UIThread: false Activity: false mb a - setEpConfig: {}
02-04 12:20:05.639 15088 29680 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:20:05.639 15086 15086 D Zygote : Forked child process 18012
02-04 12:20:05.643 17077 17358 V ironSourceSDK: INTERNAL: UIThread: false Activity: false eg a - Adding lifecycle event observer
02-04 12:20:05.645 15150 15179 I ActivityManager: Start proc 18012:com.facebook.katana/u10a164 for content provider {com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.katana.provider.AttributionIdProvider}
02-04 12:20:05.649 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: UIThread: false Activity: false p7 - {"eventId":514
02-04 12:20:05.649 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "timestamp":1738660805639
02-04 12:20:05.649 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "provider":"Mediation"
02-04 12:20:05.649 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "isDemandOnly":1
02-04 12:20:05.649 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "duration":695
02-04 12:20:05.649 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "sessionDepth":1
02-04 12:20:05.649 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "ext1":"2"
02-04 12:20:05.649 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "euid":"a53df73d-79ac-46fb-afdb-6d585a035ccc"
02-04 12:20:05.649 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "esat":1
02-04 12:20:05.649 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "eventSessionId":"0f28b652-bb71-485b-9983-45067fba9531"
02-04 12:20:05.649 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "essn":3
02-04 12:20:05.649 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "connectionType":"wifi"
02-04 12:20:05.649 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "rawConnectionType":"NETWORK_TYPE_WIFI"
02-04 12:20:05.649 17077 17893 V ironSourceSDK: EVENT: "firstSessionTimestamp":1738657720741}}
02-04 12:20:05.650 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.658 542 542 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:35.409664,dur:1016.67,max:139.64,min:15.92
02-04 12:20:05.665 17077 17564 W Ads : Not retrying to fetch app settings
02-04 12:20:05.666 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.668 18012 18012 E facebook.katan: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
02-04 12:20:05.677 638 1125 I BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceView -](this:0xb400007658a6ba58,id:7794,api:1,p:17077,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=35.57 dur=1012.10 max=217.14 min=7.46
02-04 12:20:05.680 17936 17994 W FA : Failed to retrieve Firebase Instance Id
02-04 12:20:05.682 15088 29680 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:20:05.683 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.688 15088 29680 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:20:05.693 15088 29680 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:20:05.693 950 13202 D AAL : onALIChanged: 56 -> 58
02-04 12:20:05.693 950 13202 D AALLightSensor: Notify lux = 58
02-04 12:20:05.695 17077 17889 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:05.695 17077 17889 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
02-04 12:20:05.696 17077 17889 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
02-04 12:20:05.697 15150 15468 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 1010164, uidState = 3
02-04 12:20:05.699 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.710 17077 17358 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
02-04 12:20:05.716 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.716 17077 17358 I ironSourceSDK: GENERAL: TCF Additional Consent: 2~
02-04 12:20:05.716 17077 17358 I ironSourceSDK: GENERAL: CMP ID: 5
02-04 12:20:05.716 17077 17358 I ironSourceSDK: GENERAL: Network Consent Reporting:
02-04 12:20:05.716 17077 17358 I ironSourceSDK: GENERAL: ----------------------------
02-04 12:20:05.717 17077 17358 I ironSourceSDK: GENERAL: IronSource: true
02-04 12:20:05.733 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.734 17936 17994 W FA : Failed to retrieve Firebase Instance Id
02-04 12:20:05.745 17936 17994 W FA : Failed to retrieve Firebase Instance Id
02-04 12:20:05.749 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.757 17077 17889 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:05.761 18583 10884 D AdvertisingIdClient: AdvertisingIdClient already created.
02-04 12:20:05.764 18583 10884 I AdvertisingIdClient: shouldSendLog 496703643
02-04 12:20:05.764 18583 10884 I AdvertisingIdClient: GetInfoInternal elapse 3ms
02-04 12:20:05.766 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.780 15088 15502 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:20:05.782 15088 15502 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:20:05.782 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.783 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:20:05.651 BL= 240,ESS= 416, 02-04 12:20:05.667 BL= 241,ESS= 416, 02-04 12:20:05.717 BL= 242,ESS= 414, 02-04 12:20:05.750 BL= 243,ESS= 414, 02-04 12:20:05.783 BL= 243,ESS= 412,
02-04 12:20:05.797 17077 17893 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
02-04 12:20:05.799 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.799 17077 17455 I AudioTrack: isLongTimeZeroData zero date time 20 Seconds
02-04 12:20:05.816 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.824 17077 17919 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
02-04 12:20:05.831 17077 17358 D sdk5Events: logEvent failed eventsTracker doesn't exist
02-04 12:20:05.833 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.846 17077 18040 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:05.846 17077 18040 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
02-04 12:20:05.846 17077 18040 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
02-04 12:20:05.849 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.866 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.879 17077 18039 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:05.879 17077 18039 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
02-04 12:20:05.879 17077 18039 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
02-04 12:20:05.883 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.899 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.900 17077 18040 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:05.907 17077 17077 D sdk5Events: logEvent failed eventsTracker doesn't exist
02-04 12:20:05.911 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{a1c2c89} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.911 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{e86e48e} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.911 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{ce6c4af} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.911 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{c8940bc cn.wps.xiaomi.abroad.lite/10161} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.912 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{5920845} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.912 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{810bb9a} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.912 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{b64fccb} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.912 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{f07aca8} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.912 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{ecfe3c1} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.913 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{e2ef766} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.913 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{8449aa7} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.913 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{7eeb54} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.914 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{8b5fafd} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.914 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{4a323f2 com.ebay.carrier/10165} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.914 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{d963a43} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.914 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{18968c0} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.914 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{9ec49f9} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.914 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{7bb8d3e} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.914 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{21c24ab} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.915 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{bd8379f} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.915 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{ffc50ec} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.915 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{19e8cb5} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.915 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{85f3f4a} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.915 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{312aebb} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.915 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{fd38fd8} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.915 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{bf83f31} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.916 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{cda0616} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.916 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.916 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{1b37b97} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.917 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:20:05.801 BL= 244,ESS= 412, 02-04 12:20:05.834 BL= 245,ESS= 412, 02-04 12:20:05.850 BL= 245,ESS= 410, 02-04 12:20:05.884 BL= 246,ESS= 410, 02-04 12:20:05.917 BL= 247,ESS= 408,
02-04 12:20:05.917 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{6ddd184} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.918 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{2609d6d} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.918 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{2686da2} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.918 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{52a3a33} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.918 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{72881f0} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.918 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{376a369} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.918 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{b83c1ee} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.918 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{844468f} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.918 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{42bcd1c} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.920 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{ecd0d25} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.920 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{6ee0efa} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.920 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{b48bcab} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.920 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{eb69f08} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.920 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{6656a1} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.920 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{b7e20c6} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.921 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{1d47887} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.921 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{39aa3b4} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.921 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{7f0bbdd} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.921 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{4ab8352} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.922 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{2761623} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.922 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{9184720} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.922 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{7c238d9} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.922 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{bda829e} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.922 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{409f17f} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.923 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{70ab54c} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.923 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{7948995} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.923 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{a682aaa} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.923 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{4d6269b} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.923 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{5d3da38} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.923 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{f0994bd} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.923 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{7012a11 com.swiftkey.swiftkeyconfigurator/10242} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.925 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{764776} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.925 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{7669177} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.925 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{861e4} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.925 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{bbd564d com.facebook.system/10011} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.925 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{c776502} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.925 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{128ce13} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.925 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{2dbb850} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.925 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{7960a49} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.926 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{f7acf4e} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.926 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{6c8386f} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.926 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{94c097c} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.926 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{22c0205} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.926 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{a38925a} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.926 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{249ec8b} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.926 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{e0e4168} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.926 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{26fb981 com.opera.preinstall/10169} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.927 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{edd7a26} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.927 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{ee8c667 com.facebook.appmanager/10111} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.927 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{3a0c14 com.swiftkey.languageprovider/10245} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.927 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{3dd6cbd} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.927 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{39712b2} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.927 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{6b16203} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.927 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{6b5d580} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:05.928 17077 18039 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:05.933 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.937 18012 18012 W facebook.katan: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exist.
02-04 12:20:05.939 18012 18012 I chatty : uid=1010164(com.facebook.katana) identical 28 lines
02-04 12:20:05.939 18012 18012 W facebook.katan: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exist.
02-04 12:20:05.949 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.958 17077 17077 D EgretLoader: EgretLoader(Context context)
02-04 12:20:05.959 17077 17077 D EgretLoader: The context is not activity
02-04 12:20:05.966 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.983 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:05.983 18012 18012 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource (name removed) debugBuild: false
02-04 12:20:05.987 18012 18012 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource (name removed) debugBuild: false
02-04 12:20:05.989 18012 18012 W AppComponentFactory: Instantiating Application
02-04 12:20:05.997 18012 18012 W InitStatus: Providers blocked (69050235)
02-04 12:20:05.997 18012 18012 W InitStatus: Services blocked (190222744)
02-04 12:20:05.998 18012 18012 W InitStatus: BroadcastReceivers blocked (130579953)
02-04 12:20:05.999 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.001 17077 17099 I games.webmaste: Background concurrent copying GC freed 299114(14MB) AllocSpace objects, 135(5924KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 19MB/38MB, paused 4.411ms total 435.425ms
02-04 12:20:06.009 18012 18012 W CrashLoopRemedyLog: unable to delete remedy log, instaCrash: false
02-04 12:20:06.010 18012 18012 W CrashLoopRemedyLog: unable to delete remedy log, instaCrash: true
02-04 12:20:06.015 18012 18046 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 265:ReliabilityInitConfigureErrorReportingOnProcess, deps=null (0 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.015 18012 18046 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 265:ReliabilityInitConfigureErrorReportingOnProcess
02-04 12:20:06.016 18012 18046 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 184:InitSharedLibraries, deps=null (1 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.016 18012 18046 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 184:InitSharedLibraries
02-04 12:20:06.016 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.016 18012 18046 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 201:LoadLibDexLoad, deps=[184, 265] (2 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.016 18012 18046 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 281:SetupFbGlog, deps=[201] (3 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.018 18012 18046 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 106:DisableRuntimeVerification, deps=[281] (4 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.018 18012 18046 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 141:GeneratePerfStats, deps=[184] (5 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.018 18012 18046 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 198:LoadDexes, deps=[106] (6 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.018 18012 18046 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 194:IsolatedLongtailAppInit, deps=[198] (7 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.018 18012 18046 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 202:LoadVoltronModules, deps=[194] (8 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.019 18012 18046 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 207:MaybeTraceColdStart, deps=[106] (9 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.019 18012 18046 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 101:CreateApplicationImpl, deps=[141, 202, 207] (10 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.019 18012 18046 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 191:InitUltralight, deps=[202] (11 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.019 18012 18046 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 270:RunOnApplicationInit, deps=[202] (12 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.019 18012 18046 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 0:AddMainDexStoreInfoToReliabilityLogging, deps=[198] (13 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.019 18012 18046 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 200:LoadLibColdStart, deps=[106] (14 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.019 18012 18046 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 5:ApacheEagerInit, deps=[200] (15 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.019 18012 18046 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 99:ConfigureJitAfterDexesLoad, deps=[198] (16 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.019 18012 18046 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 155:InitClassFailureStapler, deps=[184] (17 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.019 18012 18046 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 156:InitClassTracing, deps=[281] (18 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.019 18012 18046 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 157:InitCrashLoopMitigation, deps=[201] (19 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.019 18012 18046 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 159:InitDeadResourceDetection, deps=[201] (20 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.019 18012 18046 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 167:InitJit, deps=[200] (21 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.019 18012 18046 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 168:InitLacrimaEarlyNative, deps=[106] (22 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.019 18012 18046 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 173:InitMemoryTracer, deps=[156] (23 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.019 18012 18046 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 175:InitMultiProcessTracker, deps=null (24 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.019 18012 18046 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 175:InitMultiProcessTracker
02-04 12:20:06.020 18012 18046 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 176:InitOxygenCrashReporter, deps=[184] (25 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.020 18012 18046 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 199:LoadLibAfterColdstart, deps=[169] (26 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.020 18012 18046 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 230:MprotectCode, deps=[198] (27 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.020 18012 18046 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 249:PreloadStartupLightSharedPreferenceUsages, deps=null (28 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.020 18012 18046 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 249:PreloadStartupLightSharedPreferenceUsages
02-04 12:20:06.020 18012 18046 W OnProcessInitInvoker: Ignored missing AppInit dependency: 131:FixArtDebugging
02-04 12:20:06.024 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running PreloadStartupLightSharedPreferenceUsages
02-04 12:20:06.024 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished PreloadStartupLightSharedPreferenceUsages in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.025 18012 18051 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitMultiProcessTracker
02-04 12:20:06.025 18012 18051 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitMultiProcessTracker in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.026 18012 18049 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running ReliabilityInitConfigureErrorReportingOnProcess [*]
02-04 12:20:06.030 18012 18054 W InitStatus: Blocking Provider (69050235)
02-04 12:20:06.030 15150 15483 D SlaveWifiManager: getWifiSlaveConnectionInfo
02-04 12:20:06.031 15150 15483 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer identical 50 lines
02-04 12:20:06.031 15150 15483 D SlaveWifiManager: getWifiSlaveConnectionInfo
02-04 12:20:06.031 18012 18049 W lacrima : FbErrorReportingConfig.earlyInit
02-04 12:20:06.031 15150 15483 D SlaveWifiManager: getWifiSlaveConnectionInfo
02-04 12:20:06.032 15150 15483 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer identical 40 lines
02-04 12:20:06.032 15150 15483 D SlaveWifiManager: getWifiSlaveConnectionInfo
02-04 12:20:06.033 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.036 18012 18053 W FileBasedMultiProcessTracker: <default>: Initializing FileBasedMultiProcessTracking using /data/user/10/com.facebook.katana/app_multiprocess_tracking
02-04 12:20:06.036 18012 18053 W FileBasedMultiProcessTracker: <default>: Creating file to track 18012
02-04 12:20:06.039 18012 18050 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitSharedLibraries [*]
02-04 12:20:06.039 18012 18048 W AppInitScheduler|Run: DeadlockMonitor active...
02-04 12:20:06.040 18012 18050 W SoLoader: Initializing SoLoader: 2
02-04 12:20:06.041 18012 18053 W FileBasedMultiProcessTracker: <default>: FileBasedMultiProcessTracker ready!
02-04 12:20:06.042 18012 18050 W SoLoader: Recording new base apk path: /data/app/~~upSHAZf8zmm0-CMSAtQl8g==/com.facebook.katana-TpBF3WTlIOTiKH0Ebu3UVg==/base.apk
02-04 12:20:06.042 18012 18050 W SoLoader: Previously recorded 0 base apk paths.
02-04 12:20:06.044 18012 18050 W BackupSoSource: adding backup source from split: ExtractFromZipSoSource[/data/app/~~upSHAZf8zmm0-CMSAtQl8g==/com.facebook.katana-TpBF3WTlIOTiKH0Ebu3UVg==/split_heliumiab.apk]
02-04 12:20:06.045 17077 17499 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:06.045 17077 17499 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
02-04 12:20:06.045 18012 18055 W FileBasedMultiProcessTracker: <default>: Observed removed PID: 13849
02-04 12:20:06.045 17077 17499 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
02-04 12:20:06.049 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.051 17077 18040 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
02-04 12:20:06.053 17077 17499 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:06.065 18012 18050 W SoLoader: SoLoader initialized: 2
02-04 12:20:06.066 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.069 17077 17357 I Unity : AdsManager : DelayedStart()
02-04 12:20:06.069 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.AdsManagerBase:DelayedStart()
02-04 12:20:06.069 17077 17357 I Unity :
02-04 12:20:06.070 17077 17929 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 454 ms,, code=22 oneway=false
02-04 12:20:06.071 18012 18030 W InitStatus: Blocking Provider (69050235)
02-04 12:20:06.073 17077 17357 I Unity : MAXBanner-OnBannerAdScreenPresentedEvent AdUnitId: df00baaefef89900
02-04 12:20:06.073 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.Ads.MAXBanner:OnBannerAdScreenPresentedEvent(String)
02-04 12:20:06.073 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.AdsManagerBase:DelayedStart()
02-04 12:20:06.073 17077 17357 I Unity :
02-04 12:20:06.074 17077 17357 I Unity : AdsManager : onBannerShown() Global Callback - Placement: main
02-04 12:20:06.074 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.AdsManagerBase:onBannerShown(String)
02-04 12:20:06.074 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.AdsManagerBase:DelayedStart()
02-04 12:20:06.074 17077 17357 I Unity :
02-04 12:20:06.078 17077 17357 E AppLovinSdk: [MaxInterstitialAd] An ad is already loading
02-04 12:20:06.080 18012 18049 W AppStateLoggerNative: AppStateLoggerNative.initializeNativeCrashReporting not called.
02-04 12:20:06.080 18012 18049 W AppStateLoggerNative: AppStateLoggerNative.initializeNativeCrashReporting not called.
02-04 12:20:06.081 18012 18049 W lacrima : Start JavaAppDeathCrashDetector... X.0su
02-04 12:20:06.080 18012 18012 W AppInit1: type=1400 audit(0.0:358959): avc: denied { read } for name="zoneinfo" dev="proc" ino=4026531860 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c164,c256,c522,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_zoneinfo:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
02-04 12:20:06.083 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.084 18012 18049 W lacrima : Sending pending reports
02-04 12:20:06.084 18012 18012 W BackgroundStartupDetector: coldStartMode=DEFINITELY_BACKGROUND
02-04 12:20:06.084 18012 18012 W AppStateLoggerNative: AppStateLoggerNative.initializeNativeCrashReporting not called.
02-04 12:20:06.084 18012 18012 W BackgroundStartupDetector: bgMode=BACKGROUND
02-04 12:20:06.085 18012 18049 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished ReliabilityInitConfigureErrorReportingOnProcess in 59ms
02-04 12:20:06.085 18012 18050 W FbSoLoader: Initialized FBSoLoader
02-04 12:20:06.085 18012 18050 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitSharedLibraries in 46ms
02-04 12:20:06.085 18012 18050 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 201:LoadLibDexLoad
02-04 12:20:06.085 18012 18050 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 141:GeneratePerfStats
02-04 12:20:06.085 18012 18050 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 155:InitClassFailureStapler
02-04 12:20:06.085 18012 18050 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 176:InitOxygenCrashReporter
02-04 12:20:06.086 17077 17077 D sdk5Events: logEvent failed eventsTracker doesn't exist
02-04 12:20:06.088 18012 18068 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitClassFailureStapler
02-04 12:20:06.088 17077 17077 D sdk5Events: logEvent failed eventsTracker doesn't exist
02-04 12:20:06.088 18012 18068 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitClassFailureStapler in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.088 18012 18012 E SlowAppComponent: 0ms: FacebookApplication instantiating…
02-04 12:20:06.088 18012 18066 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running LoadLibDexLoad [*]
02-04 12:20:06.091 18012 18012 E SlowAppComponent: 34ms: FirebaseInitCustomProvider instantiating…
02-04 12:20:06.091 18012 18012 E SlowAppComponent: 34ms: SecureMessagingKeyContentProvider instantiating…
02-04 12:20:06.093 18012 18012 E SlowAppComponent: 32ms: FirstPartyUserValuesLiteProvider instantiating…
02-04 12:20:06.094 18012 18012 E SlowAppComponent: 33ms: FbContactsContentProvider instantiating…
02-04 12:20:06.094 18012 18012 E SlowAppComponent: 33ms: FileProvider instantiating…
02-04 12:20:06.095 18012 18012 E SlowAppComponent: 33ms: FirstPartyUserValuesProvider instantiating…
02-04 12:20:06.096 18012 18012 E SlowAppComponent: 33ms: MessagesDbContentProvider instantiating…
02-04 12:20:06.096 18012 18067 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running GeneratePerfStats [*]
02-04 12:20:06.097 18012 18067 E libc : Access denied finding property "vendor.displayfeature_hidl"
02-04 12:20:06.097 18012 18067 E libc : Access denied finding property "ro.vendor.df.effect.conflict"
02-04 12:20:06.097 18012 18067 E libc : Access denied finding property "ro.vendor.knock.type"
02-04 12:20:06.096 18012 18012 W AppInit6: type=1400 audit(0.0:358960): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_displayfeature_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=269 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c164,c256,c522,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_displayfeature_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
02-04 12:20:06.098 18012 18069 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitOxygenCrashReporter
02-04 12:20:06.098 18012 18069 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitOxygenCrashReporter in 1ms
02-04 12:20:06.099 18012 18012 E SlowAppComponent: 30ms: InstallReferrerProvider instantiating…
02-04 12:20:06.099 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.100 18012 18012 E SlowAppComponent: 28ms: AppManagerSsoProvider instantiating…
02-04 12:20:06.100 18012 18012 E SlowAppComponent: 28ms: ThreadsDbPropertiesContentProvider instantiating…
02-04 12:20:06.101 18012 18012 E SlowAppComponent: 27ms: ClientMessagePushDedupInfoProvider instantiating…
02-04 12:20:06.102 18012 18012 E SlowAppComponent: 26ms: PlatformProviderBase instantiating…
02-04 12:20:06.103 18012 18012 E SlowAppComponent: 25ms: ContactsConnectionsProvider instantiating…
02-04 12:20:06.100 18012 18012 W AppInit5: type=1400 audit(0.0:358961): avc: granted { execute } for path="/data/user/10/com.facebook.katana/lib-compressed/" dev="sdc46" ino=2810782 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c164,c256,c522,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c164,c256,c522,c768 tclass=file
02-04 12:20:06.104 18012 18067 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished GeneratePerfStats in 7ms
02-04 12:20:06.105 18012 18012 E SlowAppComponent: 23ms: FeO2InAppContentProvider instantiating…
02-04 12:20:06.106 18012 18058 D libMEOW : meow reload base cfg path: na
02-04 12:20:06.106 18012 18058 D libMEOW : meow reload overlay cfg path: /vendor/etc/meow.cfg
02-04 12:20:06.106 17077 18071 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:06.106 17077 18071 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
02-04 12:20:06.106 18012 18012 E SlowAppComponent: 22ms: UserValuesProvider instantiating…
02-04 12:20:06.106 17077 18071 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
02-04 12:20:06.106 18012 18066 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished LoadLibDexLoad in 19ms
02-04 12:20:06.107 18012 18058 D libMEOW : applied 1 plugins for [com.facebook.katana]:
02-04 12:20:06.107 18012 18058 D libMEOW : plugin 1: []:
02-04 12:20:06.107 18012 18066 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 281:SetupFbGlog
02-04 12:20:06.107 18012 18066 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 157:InitCrashLoopMitigation
02-04 12:20:06.107 18012 18012 E SlowAppComponent: 21ms: SecureFileProvider instantiating…
02-04 12:20:06.107 18012 18066 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 159:InitDeadResourceDetection
02-04 12:20:06.108 18012 18012 E SlowAppComponent: 23ms: FoaBackupTokenProvider instantiating…
02-04 12:20:06.108 18012 18012 E SlowAppComponent: 23ms: InitializationProvider instantiating…
02-04 12:20:06.109 18012 18012 E SlowAppComponent: 26ms: PhotosProvider instantiating…
02-04 12:20:06.109 18012 18012 E SlowAppComponent: 26ms: AttributionIdProvider instantiating…
02-04 12:20:06.109 18012 18012 E SlowAppComponent: 26ms: QuickExperimentContentProvider instantiating…
02-04 12:20:06.109 18012 18012 E SlowAppComponent: 26ms: TamAttachmentProvider instantiating…
02-04 12:20:06.109 18012 18012 E SlowAppComponent: 25ms: CacheProvider instantiating…
02-04 12:20:06.109 18012 18012 E SlowAppComponent: Main thread was blocked for 97ms in the background starting with FacebookApplication
02-04 12:20:06.110 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitCrashLoopMitigation
02-04 12:20:06.110 18012 18051 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitDeadResourceDetection
02-04 12:20:06.111 18012 18051 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitDeadResourceDetection in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.112 18012 18052 W dalvik-internals: sigaction64 succeeded
02-04 12:20:06.114 17077 17077 D AppLovinSdk: [MaxUnityAdManager] Destroying BANNER with ad unit id "df00baaefef89900"
02-04 12:20:06.116 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.120 18012 18052 D dalvik-internals: SuspendAndroid11: Found all symbols
02-04 12:20:06.120 18012 18052 D dalvik-internals: SuspendAndroid11: Suspending threads.
02-04 12:20:06.121 18012 18052 D dalvik-internals: SuspendAndroid11: Resuming threads.
02-04 12:20:06.121 18012 18052 V dalvik-internals: hooked signal using trap ()
02-04 12:20:06.121 18012 18052 V dalvik-internals: hooked sigaction using trap ()
02-04 12:20:06.121 18012 18052 I dalvik-internals: integrateWithCrashLog crashlog: /data/user/10/com.facebook.katana/crash_log, insta_crashlog: /data/user/10/com.facebook.katana/insta_crash_log
02-04 12:20:06.122 18012 18052 I dalvik-internals: installed sigmux crash handler for crash log
02-04 12:20:06.122 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitCrashLoopMitigation in 12ms
02-04 12:20:06.122 18012 18074 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running SetupFbGlog [*]
02-04 12:20:06.122 18012 18074 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished SetupFbGlog in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.122 18012 18074 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 106:DisableRuntimeVerification
02-04 12:20:06.122 18012 18074 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 156:InitClassTracing
02-04 12:20:06.123 18012 18049 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running DisableRuntimeVerification [*]
02-04 12:20:06.123 18012 18050 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitClassTracing
02-04 12:20:06.124 18012 18050 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitClassTracing in 1ms
02-04 12:20:06.124 18012 18050 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 173:InitMemoryTracer
02-04 12:20:06.124 18012 18050 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitMemoryTracer
02-04 12:20:06.124 18012 18050 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitMemoryTracer in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.126 18012 18058 I GED : [GT]_get_procNameprocess pid(18012)
02-04 12:20:06.126 15088 15502 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:20:06.126 18012 18058 I GED : [GT]_getprocess name(com.facebook.katana)
02-04 12:20:06.130 18012 18049 V v9p : Disabled
02-04 12:20:06.130 18012 18049 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished DisableRuntimeVerification in 7ms
02-04 12:20:06.130 18012 18049 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 198:LoadDexes
02-04 12:20:06.130 18012 18049 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 207:MaybeTraceColdStart
02-04 12:20:06.130 18012 18049 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 200:LoadLibColdStart
02-04 12:20:06.130 18012 18049 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 168:InitLacrimaEarlyNative
02-04 12:20:06.130 18012 18067 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running MaybeTraceColdStart [*]
02-04 12:20:06.130 18012 18051 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitLacrimaEarlyNative
02-04 12:20:06.130 18012 18066 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running LoadLibColdStart [*]
02-04 12:20:06.131 18012 18058 I facebook.katan: [GT] ret(1) gt_status(00000000) aniso_debug_level(0) gt_aniso_max_level(16) ani so mask(00000001) tri mask(00000002)
02-04 12:20:06.131 18012 18058 I libMEOW_gift: ctx:0xb400007a45770ee8, ARC not Enabled.
02-04 12:20:06.132 18012 18069 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running LoadDexes [*]
02-04 12:20:06.132 18012 18058 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread)
02-04 12:20:06.132 18012 18058 I chatty : uid=1010164(com.facebook.katana) Lacrima_single_ identical 1 line
02-04 12:20:06.132 18012 18058 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread)
02-04 12:20:06.133 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.133 18012 18058 I BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:465c00000000,api:0,p:-1,c:18012) connect(): controlledByApp=true
02-04 12:20:06.134 18012 18058 I BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-0-18012-0](id:465c00000000,api:1,p:18012,c:18012) connect(): api=1 producerControlledByApp=true
02-04 12:20:06.139 18012 18058 I BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-0-18012-0](id:465c00000000,api:1,p:18012,c:18012) disconnect(): api=1
02-04 12:20:06.141 18012 18069 W DexLibLoader: Marking ArtMainStore true!
02-04 12:20:06.141 18012 18069 W DexLibLoader: disabling background optimization
02-04 12:20:06.142 18012 18058 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread)
02-04 12:20:06.140 18012 18012 W AppInit5: type=1400 audit(0.0:358962): avc: granted { execute } for path="/data/user/10/com.facebook.katana/lib-compressed/" dev="sdc46" ino=2810797 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c164,c256,c522,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c164,c256,c522,c768 tclass=file
02-04 12:20:06.144 18012 18069 W DexLibLoader: This is the main store for art builds, using noop scheme
02-04 12:20:06.144 18012 18069 W DexLibLoader: Build id used for apk identification
02-04 12:20:06.146 15088 15502 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:20:06.146 17077 17077 D AppLovinSdk: [MaxUnityAdManager] Setting BANNER local extra with key: "ad_refresh_seconds" value: 10
02-04 12:20:06.147 17077 17077 D AppLovinSdk: [MaxUnityAdManager] BANNER does not exist for ad unit ID "df00baaefef89900". Saving local extra parameter to be set when it is created.
02-04 12:20:06.147 17077 17889 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
02-04 12:20:06.148 17077 17077 D AppLovinSdk: [MaxUnityAdManager] Setting BANNER extra with key: "ad_refresh_seconds" value: 10
02-04 12:20:06.149 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.153 17077 17077 D AppLovinSdk: [MaxUnityAdManager] BANNER does not exist for ad unit ID "df00baaefef89900". Saving extra parameter to be set when it is created.
02-04 12:20:06.153 17077 17077 D AppLovinSdk: [MaxUnityAdManager] Creating BANNER with ad unit id "df00baaefef89900" and position: "bottom_center"
02-04 12:20:06.160 18012 18012 W Lacrima_single_: type=1400 audit(0.0:358963): avc: denied { read } for name="memory.usage_in_bytes" dev="cgroup" ino=8 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c164,c256,c522,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:cgroup:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
02-04 12:20:06.163 17077 17893 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
02-04 12:20:06.165 18012 18089 E DexLibLoader: could not find package$NameNotFoundException:
02-04 12:20:06.166 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.166 17077 17077 D AppLovinSdk: [MaxUnityAdManager] Setting BANNER with ad unit id "df00baaefef89900" to color: #FFFFFFFF
02-04 12:20:06.167 17077 17077 D AppLovinSdk: [MaxUnityAdManager] Setting placement "main" for BANNER with ad unit id "df00baaefef89900"
02-04 12:20:06.167 17077 17077 D AppLovinSdk: [MaxUnityAdManager] Showing BANNER with ad unit id "df00baaefef89900"
02-04 12:20:06.168 17077 18071 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:06.178 18012 18069 D dalvik-internals: SuspendAndroid11: Found all symbols
02-04 12:20:06.179 18012 18069 D dalvik-internals: SuspendAndroid11: Suspending threads.
02-04 12:20:06.183 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.183 18012 18069 V dalvik-internals: Hooking function _ZN3art16OatFileAssistant10IsUpToDateEv
02-04 12:20:06.183 18012 18069 V dalvik-internals: hooked _ZN3art16OatFileAssistant10IsUpToDateEv using jump ()
02-04 12:20:06.183 18012 18069 V dalvik-internals: Hooking function _ZN3art11annotations16GetLineNumFromPCEPKNS_7DexFileEPNS_9ArtMethodEj
02-04 12:20:06.184 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:20:05.984 BL= 247,ESS= 406, 02-04 12:20:06.017 BL= 396,ESS= 258, 02-04 12:20:06.084 BL= 396,ESS= 257, 02-04 12:20:06.117 BL= 396,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:20:06.184 BL= 395,ESS= 256,
02-04 12:20:06.184 18012 18069 V dalvik-internals: hooked _ZN3art11annotations16GetLineNumFromPCEPKNS_7DexFileEPNS_9ArtMethodEj using jump ()
02-04 12:20:06.184 18012 18069 D dalvik-internals: SuspendAndroid11: Resuming threads.
02-04 12:20:06.186 18012 18066 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished LoadLibColdStart in 56ms
02-04 12:20:06.187 18012 18066 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 5:ApacheEagerInit
02-04 12:20:06.187 18012 18066 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 167:InitJit
02-04 12:20:06.187 18012 18066 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running ApacheEagerInit
02-04 12:20:06.187 18012 18066 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished ApacheEagerInit in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.187 18012 18066 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitJit
02-04 12:20:06.187 18012 18066 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitJit in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.189 18012 18067 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished MaybeTraceColdStart in 59ms
02-04 12:20:06.190 18012 18051 W lacrima : The minidump file is empty!
02-04 12:20:06.192 18012 18051 W lacrima : Start AnrAppDeathDetector... X.0CL
02-04 12:20:06.193 18012 18069 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished LoadDexes in 61ms
02-04 12:20:06.193 18012 18069 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 194:IsolatedLongtailAppInit
02-04 12:20:06.193 18012 18069 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 0:AddMainDexStoreInfoToReliabilityLogging
02-04 12:20:06.193 18012 18069 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 99:ConfigureJitAfterDexesLoad
02-04 12:20:06.193 18012 18069 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 230:MprotectCode
02-04 12:20:06.193 18012 18068 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running IsolatedLongtailAppInit [*]
02-04 12:20:06.193 18012 18068 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished IsolatedLongtailAppInit in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.193 18012 18049 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running ConfigureJitAfterDexesLoad
02-04 12:20:06.193 18012 18069 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running MprotectCode
02-04 12:20:06.193 18012 18049 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished ConfigureJitAfterDexesLoad in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.194 18012 18068 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 202:LoadVoltronModules
02-04 12:20:06.194 18012 18068 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running LoadVoltronModules [*]
02-04 12:20:06.192 18012 18012 W type=1400 audit(0.0:358964): avc: denied { execmod } for comm=4173796E635461736B202331 path="/system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.oat" dev="dm-0" ino=3080 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c164,c256,c522,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
02-04 12:20:06.192 18012 18012 W type=1400 audit(0.0:358965): avc: denied { execmod } for comm=4173796E635461736B202331 path="/system/framework/arm64/boot-ext.oat" dev="dm-0" ino=3074 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c164,c256,c522,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
02-04 12:20:06.194 18012 18050 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running AddMainDexStoreInfoToReliabilityLogging
02-04 12:20:06.192 18012 18012 W type=1400 audit(0.0:358966): avc: denied { execmod } for comm=4173796E635461736B202331 path="/system/framework/arm64/boot-telephony-common.oat" dev="dm-0" ino=3113 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c164,c256,c522,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
02-04 12:20:06.192 18012 18012 W type=1400 audit(0.0:358967): avc: denied { execmod } for comm=4173796E635461736B202331 path="/system/framework/arm64/boot-ims-common.oat" dev="dm-0" ino=3083 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c164,c256,c522,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:system_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
02-04 12:20:06.194 18012 18069 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished MprotectCode in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.194 18012 18068 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished LoadVoltronModules in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.194 18012 18068 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 101:CreateApplicationImpl
02-04 12:20:06.194 18012 18068 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 191:InitUltralight
02-04 12:20:06.194 18012 18068 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 270:RunOnApplicationInit
02-04 12:20:06.194 18012 18051 E HeliumCrashReporter: Pending crash path /data/user/10/com.facebook.katana/cache/webview_embedded/Helium Crashpad/pending/ is not a directory
02-04 12:20:06.194 18012 18050 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished AddMainDexStoreInfoToReliabilityLogging in 1ms
02-04 12:20:06.195 18012 18050 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running CreateApplicationImpl [*]
02-04 12:20:06.195 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running RunOnApplicationInit [*]
02-04 12:20:06.195 18012 18066 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitUltralight [*]
02-04 12:20:06.198 18012 18051 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitLacrimaEarlyNative in 67ms
02-04 12:20:06.199 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.207 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 126:FbSharedPreferenceInitializer, deps=null (4 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.207 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 126:FbSharedPreferenceInitializer
02-04 12:20:06.207 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 152:InitAuthentication, deps=null (5 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.208 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 152:InitAuthentication
02-04 12:20:06.208 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 222:MobileConfigAdminIdInit, deps=[152] (6 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.208 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 224:MobileConfigInit, deps=[152] (7 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.208 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 227:MobileConfigSessionlessInit, deps=null (8 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.208 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 227:MobileConfigSessionlessInit
02-04 12:20:06.208 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 161:InitExecutors, deps=null (9 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.208 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 161:InitExecutors
02-04 12:20:06.208 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 290:StringResourcesDelegate, deps=[126, 161] (10 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.208 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 3:AnalyticsLoggerInit, deps=[161, 224, 227] (11 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.208 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 112:E2EForceMobileConfigFetch, deps=[224] (12 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.208 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 113:E2EForceMobileConfigSessionlessFetch, deps=[227] (13 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.208 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 129:FdidInitSync, deps=[224] (14 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.208 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 151:InitAppModuleFallbackLoader, deps=null (15 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.208 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 151:InitAppModuleFallbackLoader
02-04 12:20:06.208 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 271:RunPerfMarkers, deps=[161, 207] (16 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.208 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 180:InitPushLiteSdk, deps=[3, 271] (17 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.208 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 197:LithoConfiguration, deps=[126, 161, 222, 224] (18 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.208 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 254:PreloadWordmark, deps=[3] (19 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.208 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 116:EagerInitImagePipeline, deps=[3] (20 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.208 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 256:PrivacyUiiDetectionLogger, deps=[224] (21 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.208 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 303:WaitForUIDependenciesInitializer, deps=[112, 113, 116, 129, 151, 180, 197, 254, 256, 290] (22 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.208 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 107:DismissSplashScreens, deps=[303] (23 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.208 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 308:ZeroABTestStaticBootstrap, deps=null (24 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.208 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 308:ZeroABTestStaticBootstrap
02-04 12:20:06.208 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 117:EagerInitTigonLiger, deps=[161, 200, 222, 224, 227, 308] (25 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.208 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 288:StaticGraphServiceFactoryInitializer, deps=[200] (26 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.208 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 288:StaticGraphServiceFactoryInitializer
02-04 12:20:06.208 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 142:GraphServiceEagerInit, deps=[117, 288] (27 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.208 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 269:RunEarlyInitForActivity, deps=[112, 113, 126, 222] (28 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.208 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 96:CheckUnstableContentProvider, deps=[224] (29 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.208 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 127:FbSharedPreferenceInitializerAsync, deps=null (30 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.208 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 127:FbSharedPreferenceInitializerAsync
02-04 12:20:06.208 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 250:PreloadStartupLightSharedPreferenceUsagesAppInit, deps=null (31 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.209 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 250:PreloadStartupLightSharedPreferenceUsagesAppInit
02-04 12:20:06.209 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 285:StartupQPLInit, deps=[161, 224, 227] (32 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.209 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 118:EarliestPossibleColdStartClassPreloadStarter, deps=null (33 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.209 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 118:EarliestPossibleColdStartClassPreloadStarter
02-04 12:20:06.209 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 1:AddProcessNameToErrorReport, deps=null (34 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.209 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 1:AddProcessNameToErrorReport
02-04 12:20:06.209 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 2:AnalyticsInit, deps=[224] (35 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.209 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 4:AnalyticsLoggerPostInitReplay, deps=[3] (36 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.209 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 95:BloksInitializer, deps=[3, 222] (37 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.209 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 97:ClientCacheEdgeManagerInitializer, deps=[126, 161, 224] (38 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.209 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 98:ComposerSavedSessionStoreInitializer, deps=[126, 152, 161] (39 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.209 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 105:DgwEarlySyncInitializer, deps=[161, 200, 222, 224, 227, 308] (40 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.209 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 111:DownloadedFbResources, deps=[224, 227] (41 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.209 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 120:ErrorReporterSecondaryInit, deps=[126, 152, 161] (42 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.209 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 121:Fb4aReactEagerInitHotMCUnpacker, deps=[126, 161, 224] (43 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.209 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 123:FbMCPPluginInitializer, deps=[126] (44 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.209 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 124:FbMsysImmediateInitializer, deps=[3, 123] (45 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.209 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 125:FbMsysPostBootstrapListenerRegistrarOnAppInit, deps=[224, 227] (46 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.209 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 233:NotifyAppStateManagerOnCreateComplete, deps=[161, 224] (47 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.209 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 128:FbSharedUIQREnvironment, deps=[126, 233] (48 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.209 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 130:FeedGraphServicesTreeShapeCacheWarmer, deps=[224] (49 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.209 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 132:FixieActivityManagerHook, deps=null (50 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.209 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 132:FixieActivityManagerHook
02-04 12:20:06.209 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 133:FixieLimitNativeStackSize, deps=null (51 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.209 18012 18074 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitAuthentication [*]
02-04 12:20:06.209 18012 18049 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitExecutors [*]
02-04 12:20:06.209 18012 18068 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitAppModuleFallbackLoader [*]
02-04 12:20:06.209 18012 18067 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running MobileConfigSessionlessInit [*]
02-04 12:20:06.210 18012 18069 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running FbSharedPreferenceInitializer [*]
02-04 12:20:06.211 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 133:FixieLimitNativeStackSize
02-04 12:20:06.211 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 134:FixieNoSync, deps=[224] (52 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.211 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 150:InitAppChoreographer, deps=null (53 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.211 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 150:InitAppChoreographer
02-04 12:20:06.211 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 135:FixieScheduleIdleWork, deps=[150, 303] (54 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.211 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 143:HandleAppComponentsForPreTosBuild, deps=null (55 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.211 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 143:HandleAppComponentsForPreTosBuild
02-04 12:20:06.211 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 145:INeedInitForBroadcastReceiverRegister, deps=[285] (56 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.211 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 146:INeedInitForEventBusRegister, deps=null (57 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.211 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 146:INeedInitForEventBusRegister
02-04 12:20:06.211 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 147:INeedInitForGatekeepersListenerRegister, deps=null (58 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.211 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 147:INeedInitForGatekeepersListenerRegister
02-04 12:20:06.211 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 148:INeedInitForSharedPrefsListenerRegister, deps=[222, 224, 227] (59 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.211 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 149:InitAndroidX, deps=[198] (60 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.211 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 149:InitAndroidX
02-04 12:20:06.211 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 163:InitFury, deps=[224] (61 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.211 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 165:InitHelium, deps=[224] (62 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.211 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 169:InitLacrimaLaterInit, deps=[161, 168] (63 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.211 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 170:InitLogging, deps=null (64 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.211 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 170:InitLogging
02-04 12:20:06.212 18012 18050 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished CreateApplicationImpl in 16ms
02-04 12:20:06.213 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 171:InitMallocHooks, deps=null (64 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.213 18012 18050 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running StaticGraphServiceFactoryInitializer [*]
02-04 12:20:06.213 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 171:InitMallocHooks
02-04 12:20:06.213 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 172:InitMemoryDumpHandler, deps=[224] (65 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.213 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 179:InitPushabilityCheck, deps=[142, 180] (66 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.213 18012 18051 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running ZeroABTestStaticBootstrap [*]
02-04 12:20:06.213 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 181:InitReliableMedia, deps=[117, 271] (67 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.213 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 183:InitSessionCookie, deps=[224] (68 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.213 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 187:InitSurfaces, deps=[161] (69 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.214 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 188:InitSystrace, deps=null (70 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.214 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 188:InitSystrace
02-04 12:20:06.214 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 190:InitTrafficNTS, deps=[117] (71 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.214 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 193:InstrumentPthreadKeyCreate, deps=[224] (72 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.214 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 203:LocationRequestDetector, deps=[224] (73 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.214 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 204:LogController, deps=[126] (74 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.214 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 208:MessageQueueDoctor, deps=[3] (75 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.214 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 229:MobileConfigStartupAudit, deps=[224, 227] (76 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.214 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 232:MqttEarlySyncInitializerAfterAppCreate, deps=[107, 123] (77 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.214 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 234:ObjectCountJestE2EBridge, deps=null (78 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.214 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 234:ObjectCountJestE2EBridge
02-04 12:20:06.214 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 238:PendingStoryStoreInitializer, deps=[126, 224] (79 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.214 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 257:ProfiloBridgeFactoryImpl, deps=[207, 285] (80 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.214 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 258:RasFileInitializer, deps=null (81 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.214 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 258:RasFileInitializer
02-04 12:20:06.214 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 259:RegisterFrameRateTraceListener, deps=null (82 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.214 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 259:RegisterFrameRateTraceListener
02-04 12:20:06.214 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 260:RegisterMainLooperTracer, deps=null (83 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.214 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 260:RegisterMainLooperTracer
02-04 12:20:06.214 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 262:ReleaseDeferredBroadcastReceiver, deps=null (84 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.214 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 262:ReleaseDeferredBroadcastReceiver
02-04 12:20:06.214 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 263:ReliabilityExperiments, deps=null (85 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.214 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 263:ReliabilityExperiments
02-04 12:20:06.214 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 266:ReliabilityUserPerceptibleScopeToQPL, deps=[285] (86 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.214 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 268:ReplayBroadcastReceivedDuringAppInit, deps=[303] (87 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.214 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 274:ScheduleLowPriWork, deps=[303] (88 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.214 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 280:SetupDynaBuilds, deps=null (89 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.214 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 280:SetupDynaBuilds
02-04 12:20:06.214 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 282:SetupSmartGc, deps=null (90 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.214 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 282:SetupSmartGc
02-04 12:20:06.215 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 283:SoloaderErrorReporterController, deps=[161, 191] (91 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.215 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 292:TransientNetworkTraceEarlyInit, deps=[285] (92 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.215 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 305:WarmFacebookEmojiFont, deps=[126, 224] (93 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.215 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 307:WhitehatOverlayInitializer, deps=[126] (94 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.215 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 309:ZeroLibraryInitializer, deps=[3, 117, 126] (95 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.215 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 242:PreloadFeedDataLoader, deps=[126, 285] (96 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.215 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 115:EagerInitFeedDataLoader, deps=[242] (97 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.215 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 206:LongtailVoltronAppInit, deps=[161, 224] (98 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.215 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 223:MobileConfigAdminIdLaterInit, deps=[161, 222, 227] (99 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.215 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 225:MobileConfigLaterInit, deps=[112, 161, 227] (100 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.215 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 228:MobileConfigSessionlessLaterInit, deps=[113, 161] (101 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.215 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 244:PreloadFeedRequest, deps=[126, 222, 285] (102 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.215 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 239:PrefetchFeedNetwork, deps=[244] (103 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.215 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 240:PreloadClashManager, deps=[126, 285] (104 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.215 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 241:PreloadFeedConfig, deps=[126, 285] (105 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.215 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 243:PreloadFeedFullCacheLoad, deps=[126, 285] (106 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.215 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 245:PreloadFreshFeedRanker, deps=[126, 285] (107 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.215 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 246:PreloadInlineComposerProfileImage, deps=[116, 126, 285] (108 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.215 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 247:PreloadLogDb, deps=[3, 126, 285] (109 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.215 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 248:PreloadReactions, deps=[3, 126, 285] (110 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.215 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 251:PreloadStoriesTrayFetchController, deps=[126, 222, 285] (111 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.215 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 252:PreloadStoriesTrayQuery, deps=[126, 285] (112 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.215 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 253:PreloadVideo, deps=[126, 285] (113 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.215 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 275:SecondaryDexPreloaderBg, deps=[118, 224] (114 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.215 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 279:SetupBlockingBackgroundComponentReporting, deps=[285] (115 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.215 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 286:StartupQPLReplayer, deps=[285] (116 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.215 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Schedule 287:StartupQPLTransitToMatureStage, deps=[286] (117 pending tasks)
02-04 12:20:06.215 18012 18052 W OnApplicationInitInvoker: Ignored missing AppInit dependency: 140:GatekeeperStoreInitializer
02-04 12:20:06.216 18012 18052 W OnApplicationInitInvoker: Ignored missing AppInit dependency: 215:MessengerMCPPluginInitializer
02-04 12:20:06.216 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished RunOnApplicationInit in 21ms
02-04 12:20:06.216 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.216 18012 18052 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running FbSharedPreferenceInitializerAsync
02-04 12:20:06.218 18012 18066 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitUltralight in 23ms
02-04 12:20:06.218 18012 18066 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running PreloadStartupLightSharedPreferenceUsagesAppInit
02-04 12:20:06.233 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.237 18012 18051 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished ZeroABTestStaticBootstrap in 23ms
02-04 12:20:06.237 18012 18066 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished PreloadStartupLightSharedPreferenceUsagesAppInit in 19ms
02-04 12:20:06.237 18012 18066 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running EarliestPossibleColdStartClassPreloadStarter
02-04 12:20:06.237 18012 18063 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Shutting down, all work scheduled.
02-04 12:20:06.237 18012 18063 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: java.lang.RuntimeException
02-04 12:20:06.237 18012 18063 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: at X.156.A02(:5)
02-04 12:20:06.237 18012 18063 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: at
02-04 12:20:06.237 18012 18063 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: at
02-04 12:20:06.237 18012 18063 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Shut down called with 114 pending tasks
02-04 12:20:06.237 18012 18068 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitAppModuleFallbackLoader in 28ms
02-04 12:20:06.237 18012 18068 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running AddProcessNameToErrorReport
02-04 12:20:06.237 18012 18068 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished AddProcessNameToErrorReport in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.238 18012 18068 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running FixieActivityManagerHook
02-04 12:20:06.241 18012 18051 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running FixieLimitNativeStackSize
02-04 12:20:06.241 18012 18051 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished FixieLimitNativeStackSize in 1ms
02-04 12:20:06.242 18012 18051 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitAppChoreographer
02-04 12:20:06.242 17077 18090 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:06.242 17077 18090 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
02-04 12:20:06.242 17077 18090 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
02-04 12:20:06.245 18012 18069 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished FbSharedPreferenceInitializer in 35ms
02-04 12:20:06.245 18012 18069 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 123:FbMCPPluginInitializer
02-04 12:20:06.245 18012 18069 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 204:LogController
02-04 12:20:06.245 18012 18069 W AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 307:WhitehatOverlayInitializer
02-04 12:20:06.245 18012 18069 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running FbMCPPluginInitializer
02-04 12:20:06.249 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.253 18012 18051 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitAppChoreographer in 11ms
02-04 12:20:06.254 18012 18051 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running HandleAppComponentsForPreTosBuild
02-04 12:20:06.260 18012 18051 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished HandleAppComponentsForPreTosBuild in 6ms
02-04 12:20:06.262 18012 18069 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished FbMCPPluginInitializer in 17ms
02-04 12:20:06.262 18012 18051 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running INeedInitForEventBusRegister
02-04 12:20:06.262 18012 18069 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running INeedInitForGatekeepersListenerRegister
02-04 12:20:06.262 18012 18051 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished INeedInitForEventBusRegister in 1ms
02-04 12:20:06.262 18012 18051 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitAndroidX
02-04 12:20:06.263 18012 18051 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitAndroidX in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.263 18012 18051 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitLogging
02-04 12:20:06.266 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.268 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitLogging in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.269 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitMallocHooks
02-04 12:20:06.269 18012 18050 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished StaticGraphServiceFactoryInitializer in 56ms
02-04 12:20:06.269 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitMallocHooks in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.269 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitSystrace
02-04 12:20:06.270 18012 18050 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running LogController
02-04 12:20:06.273 18012 18050 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished LogController in 3ms
02-04 12:20:06.273 18012 18050 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running ObjectCountJestE2EBridge
02-04 12:20:06.274 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitSystrace in 5ms
02-04 12:20:06.274 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running RasFileInitializer
02-04 12:20:06.274 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished RasFileInitializer in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.274 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running RegisterFrameRateTraceListener
02-04 12:20:06.274 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished RegisterFrameRateTraceListener in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.274 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running RegisterMainLooperTracer
02-04 12:20:06.276 18012 18050 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished ObjectCountJestE2EBridge in 2ms
02-04 12:20:06.276 18012 18050 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running ReleaseDeferredBroadcastReceiver
02-04 12:20:06.276 18012 18050 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished ReleaseDeferredBroadcastReceiver in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.276 18012 18050 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running ReliabilityExperiments
02-04 12:20:06.277 18012 18049 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitExecutors in 68ms
02-04 12:20:06.277 18012 18049 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 290:StringResourcesDelegate
02-04 12:20:06.277 18012 18049 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 271:RunPerfMarkers
02-04 12:20:06.277 18012 18049 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 169:InitLacrimaLaterInit
02-04 12:20:06.277 18012 18049 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 187:InitSurfaces
02-04 12:20:06.277 18012 18049 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 283:SoloaderErrorReporterController
02-04 12:20:06.278 18012 18050 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished ReliabilityExperiments in 2ms
02-04 12:20:06.278 18012 18050 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running StringResourcesDelegate [*]
02-04 12:20:06.280 18012 18068 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished FixieActivityManagerHook in 42ms
02-04 12:20:06.280 18012 18049 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running RunPerfMarkers [*]
02-04 12:20:06.280 18012 18068 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitLacrimaLaterInit
02-04 12:20:06.280 18012 18049 W fb4a.StartupMetricTracker: Waiting for foreground/background determination...
02-04 12:20:06.280 18012 18049 W fb4a.StartupMetricTracker: Begin BACKGROUND UNTRACKED start
02-04 12:20:06.280 18012 18068 W fb4a.lacrima: FbErrorReportingConfig.laterInit
02-04 12:20:06.281 17077 17077 D Surface : lockCanvas
02-04 12:20:06.283 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.283 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished RegisterMainLooperTracer in 9ms
02-04 12:20:06.283 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitSurfaces
02-04 12:20:06.285 18012 18067 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished MobileConfigSessionlessInit in 76ms
02-04 12:20:06.285 18012 18067 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 113:E2EForceMobileConfigSessionlessFetch
02-04 12:20:06.285 18012 18067 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running E2EForceMobileConfigSessionlessFetch [*]
02-04 12:20:06.285 18012 18067 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished E2EForceMobileConfigSessionlessFetch in 1ms
02-04 12:20:06.285 18012 18067 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 228:MobileConfigSessionlessLaterInit
02-04 12:20:06.286 18012 18067 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running SetupDynaBuilds
02-04 12:20:06.286 18012 18067 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished SetupDynaBuilds in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.287 18012 18067 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running SetupSmartGc
02-04 12:20:06.287 18012 18067 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished SetupSmartGc in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.287 18012 18067 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running SoloaderErrorReporterController
02-04 12:20:06.287 18012 18067 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished SoloaderErrorReporterController in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.287 18012 18067 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running WhitehatOverlayInitializer
02-04 12:20:06.289 18012 18050 W fb4a.FrscLanguagePackLoader: Loading FRSC strings for locale (ru)
02-04 12:20:06.290 18012 18050 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished StringResourcesDelegate in 12ms
02-04 12:20:06.291 18012 18050 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running MobileConfigSessionlessLaterInit
02-04 12:20:06.292 18012 18049 E fb4a.AppState: Returning default for first run info
02-04 12:20:06.292 18012 18049 E fb4a.AppState: Returning default for first run info
02-04 12:20:06.293 18012 18049 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished RunPerfMarkers in 13ms
02-04 12:20:06.295 18012 18050 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished MobileConfigSessionlessLaterInit in 4ms
02-04 12:20:06.296 638 694 I BufferQueueProducer: [](this:0xb400007637ac3e58,id:7793,api:2,p:17077,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=0.29 dur=3497.38 max=3497.38 min=3497.38
02-04 12:20:06.296 18012 18066 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished EarliestPossibleColdStartClassPreloadStarter in 59ms
02-04 12:20:06.296 18012 18069 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished INeedInitForGatekeepersListenerRegister in 34ms
02-04 12:20:06.299 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.300 18012 18104 W fb4a.i18n_VoltronFbtLanguagePackUtil: No stored assets/i18n_ru_RU/i18n_ru_RU.bin in module
02-04 12:20:06.301 18012 18105 W fb4a.FrscLanguagePackLoader: FRSC English strings buffer size - (limit : 722166, capacity : 722166)
02-04 12:20:06.308 15150 17142 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:20:06.316 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.324 17077 17725 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
02-04 12:20:06.324 17077 18090 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
02-04 12:20:06.327 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitSurfaces in 45ms
02-04 12:20:06.333 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.334 18012 18052 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished FbSharedPreferenceInitializerAsync in 118ms
02-04 12:20:06.334 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitAuthentication in 125ms
02-04 12:20:06.334 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 222:MobileConfigAdminIdInit
02-04 12:20:06.334 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 224:MobileConfigInit
02-04 12:20:06.334 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 98:ComposerSavedSessionStoreInitializer
02-04 12:20:06.334 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 120:ErrorReporterSecondaryInit
02-04 12:20:06.334 18012 18067 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished WhitehatOverlayInitializer in 48ms
02-04 12:20:06.335 18012 18067 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running MobileConfigAdminIdInit [*]
02-04 12:20:06.335 18012 18049 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running ComposerSavedSessionStoreInitializer
02-04 12:20:06.335 18012 18050 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running ErrorReporterSecondaryInit
02-04 12:20:06.335 18012 18050 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished ErrorReporterSecondaryInit in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.335 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running MobileConfigInit [*]
02-04 12:20:06.338 18012 18067 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished MobileConfigAdminIdInit in 3ms
02-04 12:20:06.338 18012 18067 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 223:MobileConfigAdminIdLaterInit
02-04 12:20:06.338 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running MobileConfigAdminIdLaterInit
02-04 12:20:06.338 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished MobileConfigAdminIdLaterInit in 1ms
02-04 12:20:06.345 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished MobileConfigInit in 9ms
02-04 12:20:06.346 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 3:AnalyticsLoggerInit
02-04 12:20:06.346 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 112:E2EForceMobileConfigFetch
02-04 12:20:06.346 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 129:FdidInitSync
02-04 12:20:06.346 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 197:LithoConfiguration
02-04 12:20:06.346 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 256:PrivacyUiiDetectionLogger
02-04 12:20:06.346 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 117:EagerInitTigonLiger
02-04 12:20:06.346 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 96:CheckUnstableContentProvider
02-04 12:20:06.346 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 285:StartupQPLInit
02-04 12:20:06.346 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 2:AnalyticsInit
02-04 12:20:06.346 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 97:ClientCacheEdgeManagerInitializer
02-04 12:20:06.346 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 105:DgwEarlySyncInitializer
02-04 12:20:06.346 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 111:DownloadedFbResources
02-04 12:20:06.346 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 121:Fb4aReactEagerInitHotMCUnpacker
02-04 12:20:06.346 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 125:FbMsysPostBootstrapListenerRegistrarOnAppInit
02-04 12:20:06.346 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 233:NotifyAppStateManagerOnCreateComplete
02-04 12:20:06.346 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 130:FeedGraphServicesTreeShapeCacheWarmer
02-04 12:20:06.346 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 134:FixieNoSync
02-04 12:20:06.346 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 148:INeedInitForSharedPrefsListenerRegister
02-04 12:20:06.346 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 163:InitFury
02-04 12:20:06.346 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 165:InitHelium
02-04 12:20:06.346 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 172:InitMemoryDumpHandler
02-04 12:20:06.346 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 183:InitSessionCookie
02-04 12:20:06.346 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 193:InstrumentPthreadKeyCreate
02-04 12:20:06.346 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 203:LocationRequestDetector
02-04 12:20:06.346 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 229:MobileConfigStartupAudit
02-04 12:20:06.346 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 238:PendingStoryStoreInitializer
02-04 12:20:06.346 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 305:WarmFacebookEmojiFont
02-04 12:20:06.346 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 206:LongtailVoltronAppInit
02-04 12:20:06.346 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 275:SecondaryDexPreloaderBg
02-04 12:20:06.346 18012 18052 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running AnalyticsLoggerInit [*]
02-04 12:20:06.346 18012 18066 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running E2EForceMobileConfigFetch [*]
02-04 12:20:06.347 18012 18066 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished E2EForceMobileConfigFetch in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.347 18012 18066 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 269:RunEarlyInitForActivity
02-04 12:20:06.347 18012 18066 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 225:MobileConfigLaterInit
02-04 12:20:06.347 18012 18050 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running FdidInitSync [*]
02-04 12:20:06.347 18012 18069 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running PrivacyUiiDetectionLogger [*]
02-04 12:20:06.347 18012 18066 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running LithoConfiguration [*]
02-04 12:20:06.347 18012 18067 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running EagerInitTigonLiger [*]
02-04 12:20:06.347 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running CheckUnstableContentProvider
02-04 12:20:06.348 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running RunEarlyInitForActivity [*]
02-04 12:20:06.348 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished RunEarlyInitForActivity in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.348 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running StartupQPLInit
02-04 12:20:06.348 18012 18074 W fb4a.QuickPerformanceLoggerModule: Providing QPL... begin
02-04 12:20:06.349 18012 18049 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished ComposerSavedSessionStoreInitializer in 14ms
02-04 12:20:06.349 18012 18049 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running AnalyticsInit
02-04 12:20:06.349 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.351 17077 18039 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
02-04 12:20:06.351 18012 18069 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished PrivacyUiiDetectionLogger in 4ms
02-04 12:20:06.351 18012 18069 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running ClientCacheEdgeManagerInitializer
02-04 12:20:06.351 18012 18069 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished ClientCacheEdgeManagerInitializer in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.351 18012 18069 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running DgwEarlySyncInitializer
02-04 12:20:06.352 18012 18069 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished DgwEarlySyncInitializer in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.352 18012 18069 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running DownloadedFbResources
02-04 12:20:06.356 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished CheckUnstableContentProvider in 9ms
02-04 12:20:06.356 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running Fb4aReactEagerInitHotMCUnpacker
02-04 12:20:06.357 18012 18050 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished FdidInitSync in 10ms
02-04 12:20:06.357 18012 18050 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running FbMsysPostBootstrapListenerRegistrarOnAppInit
02-04 12:20:06.357 18012 18067 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing async work for EagerInitTigonLiger: InjectTigonServiceHolder
02-04 12:20:06.357 18012 18067 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing async work for EagerInitTigonLiger: InjectNativePlatformContextHolder
02-04 12:20:06.357 18012 18074 W fb4a.QuickPerformanceLoggerModule: Providing QPL... end
02-04 12:20:06.357 18012 18050 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished FbMsysPostBootstrapListenerRegistrarOnAppInit in 1ms
02-04 12:20:06.358 18012 18049 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished AnalyticsInit in 9ms
02-04 12:20:06.359 18012 18051 E fb4a.AppState: Returning default for first run info
02-04 12:20:06.359 18012 18051 I chatty : uid=1010164(com.facebook.katana) AppInit3 identical 2 lines
02-04 12:20:06.359 18012 18051 E fb4a.AppState: Returning default for first run info
02-04 12:20:06.359 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished Fb4aReactEagerInitHotMCUnpacker in 4ms
02-04 12:20:06.359 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running NotifyAppStateManagerOnCreateComplete
02-04 12:20:06.360 18012 18066 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished LithoConfiguration in 13ms
02-04 12:20:06.360 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished NotifyAppStateManagerOnCreateComplete in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.360 18012 18066 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running FeedGraphServicesTreeShapeCacheWarmer
02-04 12:20:06.360 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 128:FbSharedUIQREnvironment
02-04 12:20:06.360 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running FbSharedUIQREnvironment
02-04 12:20:06.360 18012 18066 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished FeedGraphServicesTreeShapeCacheWarmer in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.360 18012 18066 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running FixieNoSync
02-04 12:20:06.360 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished FbSharedUIQREnvironment in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.360 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running INeedInitForSharedPrefsListenerRegister
02-04 12:20:06.360 18012 18066 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished FixieNoSync in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.361 18012 18066 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitFury
02-04 12:20:06.361 18012 18066 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitFury in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.361 18012 18066 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitHelium
02-04 12:20:06.361 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished INeedInitForSharedPrefsListenerRegister in 2ms
02-04 12:20:06.362 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitMemoryDumpHandler
02-04 12:20:06.362 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitMemoryDumpHandler in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.362 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitSessionCookie
02-04 12:20:06.362 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitSessionCookie in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.362 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InstrumentPthreadKeyCreate
02-04 12:20:06.362 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InstrumentPthreadKeyCreate in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.362 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running LocationRequestDetector
02-04 12:20:06.362 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished LocationRequestDetector in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.362 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running MobileConfigStartupAudit
02-04 12:20:06.362 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished MobileConfigStartupAudit in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.362 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running PendingStoryStoreInitializer
02-04 12:20:06.365 18012 18066 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitHelium in 4ms
02-04 12:20:06.365 18012 18066 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running WarmFacebookEmojiFont
02-04 12:20:06.366 18012 18066 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished WarmFacebookEmojiFont in 1ms
02-04 12:20:06.366 18012 18066 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running LongtailVoltronAppInit
02-04 12:20:06.366 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.366 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished StartupQPLInit in 18ms
02-04 12:20:06.366 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 145:INeedInitForBroadcastReceiverRegister
02-04 12:20:06.366 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 257:ProfiloBridgeFactoryImpl
02-04 12:20:06.367 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 266:ReliabilityUserPerceptibleScopeToQPL
02-04 12:20:06.367 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 292:TransientNetworkTraceEarlyInit
02-04 12:20:06.367 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 242:PreloadFeedDataLoader
02-04 12:20:06.367 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 244:PreloadFeedRequest
02-04 12:20:06.367 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 240:PreloadClashManager
02-04 12:20:06.367 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 241:PreloadFeedConfig
02-04 12:20:06.367 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 243:PreloadFeedFullCacheLoad
02-04 12:20:06.367 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 245:PreloadFreshFeedRanker
02-04 12:20:06.367 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 251:PreloadStoriesTrayFetchController
02-04 12:20:06.367 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 252:PreloadStoriesTrayQuery
02-04 12:20:06.367 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 253:PreloadVideo
02-04 12:20:06.367 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 279:SetupBlockingBackgroundComponentReporting
02-04 12:20:06.367 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 286:StartupQPLReplayer
02-04 12:20:06.367 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running INeedInitForBroadcastReceiverRegister
02-04 12:20:06.371 18012 18066 E fb4a.AppState: Returning default for first run info
02-04 12:20:06.371 18012 18066 E fb4a.AppState: Returning default for first run info
02-04 12:20:06.371 18012 18066 W fb4a.HalfnosisInitializer: Not first run! Skip eager unpacking of longtail.
02-04 12:20:06.371 18012 18066 W fb4a.LongtailVoltronAppInit: HalfnosisInitializer: fail
02-04 12:20:06.371 18012 18066 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished LongtailVoltronAppInit in 5ms
02-04 12:20:06.371 18012 18066 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running ProfiloBridgeFactoryImpl
02-04 12:20:06.372 18012 18066 W Profilo/TraceControl: START PROFILO_TRACEID: Fv7o1l5nvpa
02-04 12:20:06.374 18012 18069 D CACHE_HINTS: Entering madvise file
02-04 12:20:06.376 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished PendingStoryStoreInitializer in 14ms
02-04 12:20:06.376 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running ReliabilityUserPerceptibleScopeToQPL
02-04 12:20:06.377 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished ReliabilityUserPerceptibleScopeToQPL in 1ms
02-04 12:20:06.377 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running TransientNetworkTraceEarlyInit
02-04 12:20:06.377 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished TransientNetworkTraceEarlyInit in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.377 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running PreloadFeedDataLoader
02-04 12:20:06.383 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.385 18012 18052 W fb4a.EndToEndAnalyticsEventListener: WRITE_ANALYTICS_TO_LOGCAT = null, EndToEnd.isRunningEndToEndTest() = false
02-04 12:20:06.390 18012 18068 W fb4a.SigquitDetectorLacrima: nativeInit
02-04 12:20:06.390 18012 18069 D CACHE_HINTS: MADVISE_RAND file 0x79c0358000 3289087 /data/user/10/com.facebook.katana/app_restricks/layouts.bin
02-04 12:20:06.394 18012 18068 W fb4a.lacrima: Start AnrDetector... com.facebook.acra.anr.multisignal.MultiSignalANRDetector
02-04 12:20:06.394 18012 18068 W fb4a.MultiSignalANRDetectorLacrima: Starting
02-04 12:20:06.394 18012 18068 W fb4a.ProcessAnrErrorMonitor: startMonitoring with delay: 0
02-04 12:20:06.395 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished INeedInitForBroadcastReceiverRegister in 25ms
02-04 12:20:06.395 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running MobileConfigLaterInit
02-04 12:20:06.396 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished MobileConfigLaterInit in 1ms
02-04 12:20:06.396 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running PreloadFeedRequest
02-04 12:20:06.396 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished PreloadFeedRequest in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.396 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 239:PrefetchFeedNetwork
02-04 12:20:06.396 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running PrefetchFeedNetwork
02-04 12:20:06.396 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished PrefetchFeedNetwork in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.396 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running PreloadClashManager
02-04 12:20:06.399 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.399 17077 18071 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
02-04 12:20:06.400 17077 18071 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
02-04 12:20:06.403 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:20:06.234 BL= 394,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:20:06.284 BL= 393,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:20:06.318 BL= 392,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:20:06.368 BL= 391,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:20:06.403 BL= 390,ESS= 256,
02-04 12:20:06.400 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished PreloadClashManager in 3ms
02-04 12:20:06.408 18012 18052 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished AnalyticsLoggerInit in 59ms
02-04 12:20:06.408 18012 18127 W fb4a.ProcessAnrErrorMonitor: Starting process monitor checks for process 'com.facebook.katana'
02-04 12:20:06.408 18012 18052 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 180:InitPushLiteSdk
02-04 12:20:06.408 18012 18052 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 254:PreloadWordmark
02-04 12:20:06.408 18012 18052 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 116:EagerInitImagePipeline
02-04 12:20:06.408 18012 18052 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 4:AnalyticsLoggerPostInitReplay
02-04 12:20:06.408 18012 18052 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 95:BloksInitializer
02-04 12:20:06.408 18012 18052 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 124:FbMsysImmediateInitializer
02-04 12:20:06.408 18012 18052 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 208:MessageQueueDoctor
02-04 12:20:06.409 18012 18052 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 247:PreloadLogDb
02-04 12:20:06.409 18012 18052 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 248:PreloadReactions
02-04 12:20:06.409 18012 18127 W fb4a.MultiSignalANRDetectorLacrima: Started monitoring
02-04 12:20:06.409 18012 18052 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitPushLiteSdk [*]
02-04 12:20:06.411 18012 18052 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitPushLiteSdk in 2ms
02-04 12:20:06.411 18012 18052 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running PreloadWordmark [*]
02-04 12:20:06.412 18012 18129 W fb4a.DefaultNetworkConfig: com.facebook.katana: getShouldCheckCertsInternal: true
02-04 12:20:06.412 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running EagerInitImagePipeline [*]
02-04 12:20:06.415 18012 18066 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished ProfiloBridgeFactoryImpl in 43ms
02-04 12:20:06.415 18012 18066 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running AnalyticsLoggerPostInitReplay
02-04 12:20:06.416 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.418 18012 18066 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished AnalyticsLoggerPostInitReplay in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.419 18012 18066 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running BloksInitializer
02-04 12:20:06.421 18012 18066 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished BloksInitializer in 1ms
02-04 12:20:06.421 18012 18066 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running FbMsysImmediateInitializer
02-04 12:20:06.422 18012 18066 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished FbMsysImmediateInitializer in 1ms
02-04 12:20:06.422 18012 18066 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running MessageQueueDoctor
02-04 12:20:06.423 18012 18066 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished MessageQueueDoctor in 1ms
02-04 12:20:06.423 18012 18066 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running PreloadFeedConfig
02-04 12:20:06.425 18012 18068 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitLacrimaLaterInit in 145ms
02-04 12:20:06.425 18012 18068 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 199:LoadLibAfterColdstart
02-04 12:20:06.425 18012 18068 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running LoadLibAfterColdstart
02-04 12:20:06.425 18012 18068 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished LoadLibAfterColdstart in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.425 18012 18068 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running PreloadFeedFullCacheLoad
02-04 12:20:06.429 18012 18052 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished PreloadWordmark in 18ms
02-04 12:20:06.429 18012 18052 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running PreloadFreshFeedRanker
02-04 12:20:06.433 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.435 17077 17499 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
02-04 12:20:06.437 18012 18067 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing async work for EagerInitTigonLiger: InjectHttpClient
02-04 12:20:06.437 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished EagerInitImagePipeline in 24ms
02-04 12:20:06.437 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 303:WaitForUIDependenciesInitializer
02-04 12:20:06.437 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 246:PreloadInlineComposerProfileImage
02-04 12:20:06.437 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running WaitForUIDependenciesInitializer [*]
02-04 12:20:06.440 18012 18101 I TetheringManager: registerTetheringEventCallback:com.facebook.katana
02-04 12:20:06.443 18012 18066 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished PreloadFeedConfig in 20ms
02-04 12:20:06.443 18012 18066 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running PreloadInlineComposerProfileImage
02-04 12:20:06.444 18012 18052 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished PreloadFreshFeedRanker in 15ms
02-04 12:20:06.444 18012 18052 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running PreloadLogDb
02-04 12:20:06.444 18012 18052 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished PreloadLogDb in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.444 18012 18052 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running PreloadReactions
02-04 12:20:06.449 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.451 18012 18066 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished PreloadInlineComposerProfileImage in 7ms
02-04 12:20:06.451 18012 18066 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running PreloadStoriesTrayFetchController
02-04 12:20:06.458 18012 18050 D View : com.facebook.katana initForcedUseForceDark: 1
02-04 12:20:06.466 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.468 18012 18065 W fb4a.lacrima: FixedLengthFiles.init() called twice.
02-04 12:20:06.468 18012 18065 W fb4a.lacrima: FixedLengthFiles.init() called twice.
02-04 12:20:06.468 18012 18052 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished PreloadReactions in 24ms
02-04 12:20:06.468 18012 18052 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running PreloadStoriesTrayQuery
02-04 12:20:06.470 18012 18052 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished PreloadStoriesTrayQuery in 1ms
02-04 12:20:06.470 18012 18052 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running PreloadVideo
02-04 12:20:06.470 18012 18052 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished PreloadVideo in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.470 18012 18052 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running SecondaryDexPreloaderBg
02-04 12:20:06.478 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished WaitForUIDependenciesInitializer in 41ms
02-04 12:20:06.478 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 107:DismissSplashScreens
02-04 12:20:06.478 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 135:FixieScheduleIdleWork
02-04 12:20:06.478 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 268:ReplayBroadcastReceivedDuringAppInit
02-04 12:20:06.478 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 274:ScheduleLowPriWork
02-04 12:20:06.478 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running DismissSplashScreens [*]
02-04 12:20:06.479 18012 18074 W fb4a.InitStatus: Providers unblocked (69050235)
02-04 12:20:06.479 18012 18074 W fb4a.InitStatus: Services unblocked (190222744)
02-04 12:20:06.479 18012 18074 W fb4a.InitStatus: BroadcastReceivers unblocked (130579953)
02-04 12:20:06.479 18012 18054 W fb4a.InitStatus: Unblocked Provider (69050235)
02-04 12:20:06.479 18012 18030 W fb4a.InitStatus: Unblocked Provider (69050235)
02-04 12:20:06.479 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished DismissSplashScreens in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.479 18012 18054 W fb4a.InitStatus: Not blocking Provider (69050235)
02-04 12:20:06.480 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 232:MqttEarlySyncInitializerAfterAppCreate
02-04 12:20:06.480 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running FixieScheduleIdleWork
02-04 12:20:06.480 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished FixieScheduleIdleWork in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.481 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running MqttEarlySyncInitializerAfterAppCreate
02-04 12:20:06.481 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished MqttEarlySyncInitializerAfterAppCreate in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.481 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running ReplayBroadcastReceivedDuringAppInit
02-04 12:20:06.481 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished ReplayBroadcastReceivedDuringAppInit in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.481 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running ScheduleLowPriWork
02-04 12:20:06.481 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished ScheduleLowPriWork in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.481 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running SetupBlockingBackgroundComponentReporting
02-04 12:20:06.481 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished SetupBlockingBackgroundComponentReporting in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.481 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running StartupQPLReplayer
02-04 12:20:06.483 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.483 15150 15468 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 1010156, uidState = 15
02-04 12:20:06.486 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished StartupQPLReplayer in 4ms
02-04 12:20:06.486 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 287:StartupQPLTransitToMatureStage
02-04 12:20:06.486 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running StartupQPLTransitToMatureStage
02-04 12:20:06.486 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished StartupQPLTransitToMatureStage in 1ms
02-04 12:20:06.489 18012 18030 W fb4a.InitStatus: Not blocking Provider (69050235)
02-04 12:20:06.491 15150 15483 D SlaveWifiManager: getWifiSlaveConnectionInfo
02-04 12:20:06.491 15150 15483 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer identical 59 lines
02-04 12:20:06.491 15150 15483 D SlaveWifiManager: getWifiSlaveConnectionInfo
02-04 12:20:06.493 18012 18054 W ComponentDiscovery: Class is not an found.
02-04 12:20:06.491 15150 15483 D SlaveWifiManager: getWifiSlaveConnectionInfo
02-04 12:20:06.494 15150 15483 I chatty : uid=1000(system) ConnectivitySer identical 35 lines
02-04 12:20:06.494 15150 15483 D SlaveWifiManager: getWifiSlaveConnectionInfo
02-04 12:20:06.495 15150 15470 D WifiSlaveNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9696, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1010164 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1010164 RequestorPackageName: com.facebook.katana] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:20:06.495 15150 15470 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9696, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1010164 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1010164 RequestorPackageName: com.facebook.katana] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:20:06.495 15150 15470 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9696, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1010164 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1010164 RequestorPackageName: com.facebook.katana] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:20:06.495 15150 15470 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9696, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1010164 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1010164 RequestorPackageName: com.facebook.katana] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:20:06.495 15827 15827 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9696, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1010164 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1010164 RequestorPackageName: com.facebook.katana] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:20:06.495 15150 15536 D Ethernet: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9696, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED Uid: 1010164 AdministratorUids: [] RequestorUid: 1010164 RequestorPackageName: com.facebook.katana] ] with score 101 and providerId -2
02-04 12:20:06.497 18012 18052 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished SecondaryDexPreloaderBg in 26ms
02-04 12:20:06.499 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.507 462 468 E PSITrigger: get PSI events detail failed!! errno=25
02-04 12:20:06.509 18012 18067 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished EagerInitTigonLiger in 162ms
02-04 12:20:06.509 18012 18067 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 142:GraphServiceEagerInit
02-04 12:20:06.509 18012 18067 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 181:InitReliableMedia
02-04 12:20:06.509 18012 18067 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 190:InitTrafficNTS
02-04 12:20:06.509 18012 18067 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 309:ZeroLibraryInitializer
02-04 12:20:06.509 18012 18067 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running GraphServiceEagerInit [*]
02-04 12:20:06.510 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitReliableMedia
02-04 12:20:06.510 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitReliableMedia in 0ms
02-04 12:20:06.510 18012 18049 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitTrafficNTS
02-04 12:20:06.510 18012 18067 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing async work for GraphServiceEagerInit: InjectTigonServiceHolder
02-04 12:20:06.510 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running ZeroLibraryInitializer
02-04 12:20:06.510 18012 18067 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing async work for GraphServiceEagerInit: InjectGraphQLConsistencyJNI
02-04 12:20:06.516 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.518 18012 18049 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitTrafficNTS in 8ms
02-04 12:20:06.529 18012 18069 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished DownloadedFbResources in 177ms
02-04 12:20:06.533 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.540 18012 18067 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished GraphServiceEagerInit in 30ms
02-04 12:20:06.540 18012 18067 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 179:InitPushabilityCheck
02-04 12:20:06.540 18012 18050 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running InitPushabilityCheck
02-04 12:20:06.541 18012 18074 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished ZeroLibraryInitializer in 31ms
02-04 12:20:06.542 18012 18050 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished InitPushabilityCheck in 3ms
02-04 12:20:06.547 18012 18146 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Invalid argument
02-04 12:20:06.549 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.558 17077 17929 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 487 ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
02-04 12:20:06.565 18012 18066 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished PreloadStoriesTrayFetchController in 114ms
02-04 12:20:06.566 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.579 15601 15601 W MiuiFullScreenGestureProxy: packageMonitor onPackageModified
02-04 12:20:06.579 15601 15601 W MiuiFullScreenGestureProxy: packageMonitor onPackageModified
02-04 12:20:06.583 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.583 15827 15827 E PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] getCarrierPackageNamesForIntentAndPhone: No UICC
02-04 12:20:06.584 15827 15827 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 0
02-04 12:20:06.586 17077 17780 W games.webmaste: Verification of java.lang.Object gatewayprotocol.v1.NativeConfigurationOuterClass$NativeConfiguration.dynamicMethod($MethodToInvoke, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) took 149.842ms (1001.05 bytecodes/s) (4880B approximate peak alloc)
02-04 12:20:06.588 15827 15827 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 1
02-04 12:20:06.588 15827 15827 D ImsResolver: maybeAddedImsService, packageName:
02-04 12:20:06.588 5041 5041 D AggregateListener: notifyAction action:android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED
02-04 12:20:06.595 15601 15601 D ControlsListingControllerImpl: ServiceConfig reloaded
02-04 12:20:06.599 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.607 17077 17930 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:06.607 17077 17930 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
02-04 12:20:06.607 17077 17930 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
02-04 12:20:06.616 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.618 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:20:06.451 BL= 389,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:20:06.484 BL= 388,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:20:06.542 BL= 387,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:20:06.568 BL= 386,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:20:06.618 BL= 385,ESS= 256,
02-04 12:20:06.619 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished PreloadFeedDataLoader in 243ms
02-04 12:20:06.620 18012 18051 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Executing 115:EagerInitFeedDataLoader
02-04 12:20:06.620 18012 18049 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Running EagerInitFeedDataLoader
02-04 12:20:06.620 18012 18068 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished PreloadFeedFullCacheLoad in 195ms
02-04 12:20:06.624 18012 18049 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished EagerInitFeedDataLoader in 4ms
02-04 12:20:06.624 524 531 E statsd : Predicate 5980654721335871649 dropping data for dimension key (10)0x2010101->1010009[I] (10)0x30000->IntentOp:.common.broadcast.BackgroundBroadcastReceiverSupport$PersistentReceiverIntentOperation[S]
02-04 12:20:06.624 18012 18049 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Schedule: Pending tasks reached zero, maybe shutting down…
02-04 12:20:06.624 18012 18049 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: All work finished.
02-04 12:20:06.633 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.636 16758 16758 D RegisteredServicesCache: Reading service state data always from file
02-04 12:20:06.638 16758 16758 D RegisteredServicesCache: ServiceStateFileVersion=1.0
02-04 12:20:06.638 16758 16758 E RegisteredServicesCache: Next Tag=services
02-04 12:20:06.638 16758 16758 D RegisteredServicesCache: curr component
02-04 12:20:06.638 16758 16758 D RegisteredServicesCache: curr uid 10009
02-04 12:20:06.638 16758 16758 D RegisteredServicesCache: curr state 1
02-04 12:20:06.638 16758 16758 E RegisteredServicesCache: installedServices no uidString
02-04 12:20:06.639 16758 16758 D RegisteredServicesCache: curr component
02-04 12:20:06.639 16758 16758 D RegisteredServicesCache: curr uid 10009
02-04 12:20:06.639 16758 16758 D RegisteredServicesCache: curr state 1
02-04 12:20:06.639 16758 16758 E RegisteredServicesCache: installedServices contains uidString : 10009
02-04 12:20:06.639 16758 16758 D RegisteredServicesCache: curr component ru.rostel/ru.minsvyaz.coreproject.hce.HostCardEmulatorService
02-04 12:20:06.639 16758 16758 D RegisteredServicesCache: curr uid 10394
02-04 12:20:06.639 16758 16758 D RegisteredServicesCache: curr state 1
02-04 12:20:06.639 16758 16758 E RegisteredServicesCache: installedServices no uidString
02-04 12:20:06.639 16758 16758 D RegisteredServicesCache: curr component
02-04 12:20:06.639 16758 16758 D RegisteredServicesCache: curr uid 10009
02-04 12:20:06.639 16758 16758 D RegisteredServicesCache: curr state 1
02-04 12:20:06.639 16758 16758 E RegisteredServicesCache: installedServices contains uidString : 10009
02-04 12:20:06.639 16758 16758 D RegisteredServicesCache: curr component
02-04 12:20:06.639 16758 16758 D RegisteredServicesCache: curr uid 1010009
02-04 12:20:06.639 16758 16758 D RegisteredServicesCache: curr state 1
02-04 12:20:06.640 16758 16758 E RegisteredServicesCache: installedServices no uidString
02-04 12:20:06.640 16758 16758 D RegisteredServicesCache: curr component
02-04 12:20:06.640 16758 16758 D RegisteredServicesCache: curr uid 1010009
02-04 12:20:06.640 16758 16758 D RegisteredServicesCache: curr state 1
02-04 12:20:06.640 16758 16758 E RegisteredServicesCache: installedServices contains uidString : 1010009
02-04 12:20:06.640 16758 16758 D RegisteredServicesCache: curr component
02-04 12:20:06.640 16758 16758 D RegisteredServicesCache: curr uid 1010009
02-04 12:20:06.640 16758 16758 D RegisteredServicesCache: curr state 1
02-04 12:20:06.640 16758 16758 E RegisteredServicesCache: installedServices contains uidString : 1010009
02-04 12:20:06.640 524 531 E statsd : Predicate 5980654721335871649 dropping data for dimension key (10)0x2010101->1010009[I] (10)0x30000->IntentOp:.common.broadcast.BackgroundBroadcastReceiverSupport$PersistentReceiverIntentOperation[S]
02-04 12:20:06.644 16758 16758 E RegisteredServicesCache: 1invalidateCache:WriteServiceStateToFile
02-04 12:20:06.644 16758 16758 E RegisteredServicesCache: Writing service state Data Always
02-04 12:20:06.647 16758 16758 E RegisteredServicesCache: component
02-04 12:20:06.647 16758 16758 E RegisteredServicesCache: component
02-04 12:20:06.647 16758 16758 E RegisteredServicesCache: component nameru.rostel/ru.minsvyaz.coreproject.hce.HostCardEmulatorService
02-04 12:20:06.647 16758 16758 E RegisteredServicesCache: component
02-04 12:20:06.648 16758 16758 E RegisteredServicesCache: component
02-04 12:20:06.648 16758 16758 E RegisteredServicesCache: component
02-04 12:20:06.648 16758 16758 E RegisteredServicesCache: component
02-04 12:20:06.650 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.651 16758 16758 D CardEmulationManager: Current default: ComponentInfo{}
02-04 12:20:06.653 16758 16758 E RegisteredAidCache: updateRoutingLocked(): enter...
02-04 12:20:06.654 18012 18100 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 147600208; UID 1010164; state: ENABLED
02-04 12:20:06.658 542 542 I hwcomposer: [HWCDisplay] [Display_0 (type:1)] fps:42.991940,dur:1000.19,max:67.02,min:14.32
02-04 12:20:06.666 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.667 16758 16771 W Reducing the number of considered missed Gc histogram windows from 168 to 100
02-04 12:20:06.671 17506 17532 I bmaster:Metric: ProcessProfilingInfo new_methods=0 is saved saved_to_disk=0 resolve_classes_delay=8000
02-04 12:20:06.673 18012 18137 W fb4a.QuickPerformanceLoggerModule: Provided QPL: 38399750
02-04 12:20:06.673 17077 17930 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:06.675 16758 16758 I libnfc_nci: [INFO:phNxpConfig.cpp(905)] find found DEFAULT_AID_ROUTE=(0x1)
02-04 12:20:06.675 16758 16758 I libnfc_nci:
02-04 12:20:06.675 16758 16758 I libnfc_nci: [INFO:phNxpConfig.cpp(905)] find found DEFAULT_AID_PWR_STATE=(0x39)
02-04 12:20:06.675 16758 16758 I libnfc_nci:
02-04 12:20:06.675 16758 16758 D NfcService: defaultAidRoute : 313
02-04 12:20:06.675 16758 16758 D NfcService: GetDefaultRouteLoc :2
02-04 12:20:06.678 16758 16758 I libnfc_nci: [INFO:phNxpConfig.cpp(905)] find found DEFAULT_AID_ROUTE=(0x1)
02-04 12:20:06.678 16758 16758 I libnfc_nci:
02-04 12:20:06.678 16758 16758 I libnfc_nci: [INFO:phNxpConfig.cpp(905)] find found DEFAULT_AID_PWR_STATE=(0x39)
02-04 12:20:06.678 16758 16758 I libnfc_nci:
02-04 12:20:06.678 16758 16758 D NfcService: defaultAidRoute : 313
02-04 12:20:06.678 16758 16758 I libnfc_nci: [INFO:phNxpConfig.cpp(905)] find found DEFAULT_AID_ROUTE=(0x1)
02-04 12:20:06.678 16758 16758 I libnfc_nci:
02-04 12:20:06.678 16758 16758 I libnfc_nci: [INFO:phNxpConfig.cpp(905)] find found DEFAULT_AID_PWR_STATE=(0x39)
02-04 12:20:06.678 16758 16758 I libnfc_nci:
02-04 12:20:06.678 16758 16758 D NfcService: defaultAidRoute : 313
02-04 12:20:06.678 16758 16758 D NfcService: GetDefaultRouteLoc :2
02-04 12:20:06.678 16758 16758 E AidRoutingManager: Size of routing table 506
02-04 12:20:06.679 16758 16758 D NfcApduServiceInfo: updateServiceCommitStatus:Description:Nearby:InternalState:1:commitStatus:true
02-04 12:20:06.679 16758 16758 D NfcApduServiceInfo: updateServiceCommitStatus:Description:Google Pay:InternalState:1:commitStatus:true
02-04 12:20:06.679 16758 16758 D NfcApduServiceInfo: updateServiceCommitStatus:Description:Android Digital Car Key:InternalState:1:commitStatus:true
02-04 12:20:06.679 16758 16758 E RegisteredServicesCache: 3updateStatusOfServices:WriteServiceStateToFile
02-04 12:20:06.679 16758 16758 E RegisteredServicesCache: Writing service state Data Always
02-04 12:20:06.682 16758 16758 E RegisteredServicesCache: component
02-04 12:20:06.682 16758 16758 E RegisteredServicesCache: component
02-04 12:20:06.682 16758 16758 E RegisteredServicesCache: component nameru.rostel/ru.minsvyaz.coreproject.hce.HostCardEmulatorService
02-04 12:20:06.682 16758 16758 E RegisteredServicesCache: component
02-04 12:20:06.682 16758 16758 E RegisteredServicesCache: component
02-04 12:20:06.682 16758 16758 E RegisteredServicesCache: component
02-04 12:20:06.682 16758 16758 E RegisteredServicesCache: component
02-04 12:20:06.683 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.685 16758 16758 E RegisteredAidCache: updateRoutingLocked(): exit...
02-04 12:20:06.687 16758 16758 D RegisteredNfcFServicesCache: Service unchanged, not updating
02-04 12:20:06.687 16758 16758 E libnfc_nci: [ERROR:RoutingManager.cpp(1936)] RoutingManager::removeApduRouting: enter
02-04 12:20:06.689 638 694 I BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceView -](this:0xb400007658a6ba58,id:7794,api:1,p:17077,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=41.49 dur=1012.23 max=54.07 min=8.71
02-04 12:20:06.689 16758 17416 I libnfc_nci: [INFO:RoutingManager.cpp(853)] RoutingManager::nfaEeCallback: NFA_EE_REMOVE_APDU_EVT status=0
02-04 12:20:06.690 16758 16758 E libnfc_nci: [ERROR:RoutingManager.cpp(1942)] RoutingManager::removeApduRouting: removed APDU pattern successfully
02-04 12:20:06.696 15150 15760 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 755 ms, interface=android.os.IInstalld, code=11 oneway=false
02-04 12:20:06.699 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.708 15088 15502 D AF::TrackHandle: OpPlayAudio: track:146 usage:3 not muted
02-04 12:20:06.716 15150 15150 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 161ms main$H$$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@6be0416 m=0
02-04 12:20:06.712 15088 15502 D AF::TrackHandle: OpPlayAudio: track:146 usage:3 not muted
02-04 12:20:06.716 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.732 15088 15502 D AF::TrackHandle: OpPlayAudio: track:146 usage:3 not muted
02-04 12:20:06.733 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.740 15088 15502 D AF::TrackHandle: OpPlayAudio: track:146 usage:3 not muted
02-04 12:20:06.749 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.751 15088 15502 D AF::TrackHandle: OpPlayAudio: track:146 usage:3 not muted
02-04 12:20:06.754 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.754 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.754 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.754 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.755 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.755 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.755 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.755 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.755 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.755 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.755 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.755 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.756 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.756 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.756 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.756 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.756 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.756 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.756 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.756 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.766 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.770 15088 15502 D AF::TrackHandle: OpPlayAudio: track:146 usage:3 not muted
02-04 12:20:06.783 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.785 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.786 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.786 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.786 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.786 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.786 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.786 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.786 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.786 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.786 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.786 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.787 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.787 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.787 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.787 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.787 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.787 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.787 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.787 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.787 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.789 18012 18152 E fb4a.Analytics2SessionManager: analyticsClaim from VC from LoggedInUserSessionManager is null.
02-04 12:20:06.799 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.803 15088 15502 D AF::TrackHandle: OpPlayAudio: track:146 usage:3 not muted
02-04 12:20:06.815 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.815 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.815 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.816 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.816 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.816 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.816 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.816 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.816 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.816 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.816 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.816 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.817 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.817 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.817 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.817 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.817 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.817 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.817 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.817 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.817 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.828 15088 15502 D AF::TrackHandle: OpPlayAudio: track:146 usage:3 not muted
02-04 12:20:06.830 17077 17930 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
02-04 12:20:06.833 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.834 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:20:06.652 BL= 384,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:20:06.704 BL= 383,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:20:06.752 BL= 382,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:20:06.784 BL= 381,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:20:06.834 BL= 380,ESS= 256,
02-04 12:20:06.849 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.850 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.850 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.851 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.851 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.851 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.851 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.851 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.852 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.852 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.852 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.852 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.852 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.852 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.852 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.853 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.853 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.853 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.853 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.853 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.853 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.861 15088 15502 D AF::TrackHandle: OpPlayAudio: track:146 usage:3 not muted
02-04 12:20:06.866 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.866 17077 17455 I AudioTrack: isLongTimeZeroData zero date time 21 Seconds
02-04 12:20:06.867 15088 15502 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:20:06.878 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.878 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.878 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.879 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.879 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.879 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.879 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.879 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.879 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.879 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.879 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.879 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.879 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.879 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.880 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.880 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.880 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.880 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.880 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.880 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.883 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.886 15088 15502 D AF::TrackHandle: OpPlayAudio: track:146 usage:3 not muted
02-04 12:20:06.897 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.897 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.897 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.897 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.897 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.897 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.898 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.898 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.898 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.898 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.898 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.898 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.899 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.899 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.899 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.899 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.899 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.899 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.899 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.899 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.899 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.908 15088 15502 D AF::TrackHandle: OpPlayAudio: track:146 usage:3 not muted
02-04 12:20:06.914 17077 17357 I Unity : AppsFlyer_Unity_v6.16.0 didReceiveConversionData called with {"install_time":"2025-02-04 08:33:31.844","af_message":"organic install","af_status":"Organic","is_first_launch":false}
02-04 12:20:06.914 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.Analytics.Modules.Module_AppsFlyer:onConversionDataSuccess(String)
02-04 12:20:06.914 17077 17357 I Unity :
02-04 12:20:06.916 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.921 15150 15165 W Looper : Slow delivery took 203ms android.fg h=android.os.Handler c=<recycled PooledLambda@7cd5f95> m=0
02-04 12:20:06.921 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.921 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.922 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.922 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.922 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.922 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.922 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.922 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.922 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.922 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.923 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.923 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.923 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.923 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.923 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.923 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.923 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.923 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.923 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.923 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.930 15088 15502 D AF::TrackHandle: OpPlayAudio: track:146 usage:3 not muted
02-04 12:20:06.933 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.943 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.943 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.943 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.943 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.943 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.944 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.944 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.944 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.944 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.944 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.944 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.944 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.944 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.944 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.944 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.944 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.945 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.945 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.945 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.945 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.945 15150 15448 D MIUIInput: [MotionEvent] notifyMotion - eventTime=243182352059000, deviceId=3, source=0x1002, policyFlags=0x0, action=0x0, flags=0x0, downTime=243182352059000, moveCount:0
02-04 12:20:06.946 638 1125 I BufferQueueProducer: [Sprite#0](this:0xb400007658a72a58,id:7759,api:2,p:15150,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=0.04 dur=26369.17 max=26369.17 min=26369.17
02-04 12:20:06.949 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.954 15088 15502 D AF::TrackHandle: OpPlayAudio: track:146 usage:3 not muted
02-04 12:20:06.954 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.954 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.955 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.955 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.955 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.955 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.955 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.955 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.955 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.955 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.955 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.956 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.956 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.956 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.956 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.956 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.956 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.956 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.956 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.956 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.958 15150 17146 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:20:06.969 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.971 15088 15502 D AF::TrackHandle: OpPlayAudio: track:146 usage:3 not muted
02-04 12:20:06.974 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.975 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.975 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.975 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.975 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.975 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.975 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.975 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.975 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.975 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.976 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.976 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.976 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.976 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.976 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.976 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.976 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.976 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.976 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.977 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.977 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.977 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.977 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.977 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.977 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.977 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.978 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.978 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.978 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.978 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.979 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.979 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.979 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.979 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.979 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.979 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.979 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.979 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.979 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.979 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.983 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:06.986 15088 15502 D AF::TrackHandle: OpPlayAudio: track:146 usage:3 not muted
02-04 12:20:06.991 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.994 6957 9797 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.994 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.994 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.995 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.995 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.995 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.995 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.995 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.995 6957 6980 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.995 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.996 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.996 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.996 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.996 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.996 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.996 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.996 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.996 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s %s
02-04 12:20:06.996 6957 9796 I eplu : (REDACTED) Ignoring irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
02-04 12:20:06.999 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:07.000 15088 15502 D AF::TrackHandle: OpPlayAudio: track:146 usage:3 not muted
02-04 12:20:07.002 15150 15448 D MIUIInput: [MotionEvent] notifyMotion - eventTime=243182409546000, deviceId=3, source=0x1002, policyFlags=0x0, action=0x1, flags=0x0, downTime=243182352059000, moveCount:0
02-04 12:20:07.008 15088 15502 D AF::TrackHandle: OpPlayAudio: track:146 usage:3 not muted
02-04 12:20:07.016 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:07.024 15086 15086 D Zygote : Forked child process 18179
02-04 12:20:07.025 15150 17146 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:20:07.026 18179 18179 I libc : SetHeapTaggingLevel: tag level set to 0
02-04 12:20:07.032 15150 15179 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service {} caller=android
02-04 12:20:07.033 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:07.033 18179 18179 E ssioncontrolle: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
02-04 12:20:07.034 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:20:06.867 BL= 379,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:20:06.918 BL= 378,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:20:06.951 BL= 377,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:20:07.001 BL= 376,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:20:07.034 BL= 375,ESS= 256,
02-04 12:20:07.039 18012 18048 W fb4a.AppInitScheduler|Run: DeadlockMonitor exiting.
02-04 12:20:07.042 15150 17146 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:20:07.049 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:07.058 15150 15468 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: updateUidState uid = 1010263, uidState = 6
02-04 12:20:07.058 15150 15165 W Looper : Drained
02-04 12:20:07.063 937 937 I thermal_repeater: [recvMdThermalInfo] ret=28, strLen=127, 0, 32767, -127, 0, 32767, 0
02-04 12:20:07.064 15150 17146 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:20:07.066 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:07.075 15150 17146 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:20:07.079 18179 18179 D ApplicationLoaders: Returning zygote-cached class loader: /system/framework/android.test.base.jar
02-04 12:20:07.084 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:07.093 15150 17146 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:20:07.100 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:07.108 15150 17146 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:20:07.116 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:07.124 15150 17146 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:20:07.130 18179 18179 W ssioncontrolle: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exist.
02-04 12:20:07.132 18179 18179 I chatty : uid=1010263( identical 4 lines
02-04 12:20:07.132 18179 18179 W ssioncontrolle: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exist.
02-04 12:20:07.133 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:07.134 18179 18179 W ssioncontrolle: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exist.
02-04 12:20:07.136 15150 15150 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 388ms main$H$$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@9c86380 m=0
02-04 12:20:07.137 15150 15150 I Telecom : DefaultDialerCache: Refreshing default dialer for user 0: now DDC.oR@Bio
02-04 12:20:07.137 15150 15150 I Telecom : DefaultDialerCache: Refreshing default dialer for user 10: now DDC.oR@Bio
02-04 12:20:07.137 15150 15150 W Looper : Slow delivery took 556ms main$H$$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$_BumDX2UKsnxLVrE6UJsJZkotuA@da38db9 m=0
02-04 12:20:07.139 568 658 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:40692 hint:25 pid:568 duration:120 => ret_hdl:40692
02-04 12:20:07.140 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:0 hdl:40692 hint:25 comm:mtkpower@1.0-se pid:568
02-04 12:20:07.140 568 658 I libPowerHal: perfScnEnable MTK_POWER_HINT_LAUNCH scenario
02-04 12:20:07.140 568 658 I libPowerHal: perfScnEnable setThermalBreak ret = 33
02-04 12:20:07.140 568 658 I libPowerHal: [setClusterFreq] scn:MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH, freq:2000000, 2050000
02-04 12:20:07.140 15150 15447 W InputDispatcher: checkSynergyInfo mode:0 info:0 0, id:-1
02-04 12:20:07.140 568 658 I libPowerHal: MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: 2000000 -1 2050000 -1
02-04 12:20:07.140 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:1000000, param:0
02-04 12:20:07.140 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:410000, param:1
02-04 12:20:07.140 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:1408300, param:100
02-04 12:20:07.141 15150 17146 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:20:07.141 17077 17077 D MIUIInput: [MotionEvent] ViewRootImpl { action=ACTION_DOWN, id[0]=0, pointerCount=1, eventTime=243182352, downTime=243182352 } moveCount:0
02-04 12:20:07.142 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:3408600 param:1
02-04 12:20:07.142 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:1000000 param:0
02-04 12:20:07.142 15150 15447 W InputDispatcher: checkSynergyInfo mode:0 info:0 0, id:-1
02-04 12:20:07.142 17111 17111 I DockFeature: isSupportDock: isSupportFreeform=true isPhone=true isAboveMiui125=false isSupportDock=true isDevBuild=false
02-04 12:20:07.142 17111 17111 I DockFeature: isSupportDock: isSupportFreeform=true isPhone=true isAboveMiui125=false isSupportDock=true isDevBuild=false
02-04 12:20:07.143 568 658 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:40692, idx:0
02-04 12:20:07.143 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:0 hdl:40692 hint:25 comm:mtkpower@1.0-se pid:568
02-04 12:20:07.143 568 658 I libPowerHal: [setClusterFreq] scn:MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH, freq:0, 0
02-04 12:20:07.143 568 658 I libPowerHal: MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: -1 -1 -1 -1
02-04 12:20:07.143 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:1000000, param:1
02-04 12:20:07.143 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:410000 param:0
02-04 12:20:07.143 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:1408300 param:40
02-04 12:20:07.143 17077 17077 D MIUIInput: [MotionEvent] ViewRootImpl { action=ACTION_UP, id[0]=0, pointerCount=1, eventTime=243182409, downTime=243182352 } moveCount:0
02-04 12:20:07.144 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:3408600 param:0
02-04 12:20:07.144 568 658 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update cmd:1000000 param:1
02-04 12:20:07.150 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:07.151 17111 17111 D SidebarTouchListener: onTouch: action = 4 isLeftShow = false
02-04 12:20:07.152 17111 17111 I DockFeature: isSupportDock: isSupportFreeform=true isPhone=true isAboveMiui125=false isSupportDock=true isDevBuild=false
02-04 12:20:07.152 17111 17111 I DockFeature: isSupportDock: isSupportFreeform=true isPhone=true isAboveMiui125=false isSupportDock=true isDevBuild=false
02-04 12:20:07.154 423 423 I lowmemorykiller: Kill '' (17174), uid 1010117, oom_adj 965 to free 93328kB
02-04 12:20:07.154 423 423 I lowmemorykiller: Reclaimed 93328kB, cache(1552400kB) and free(134048kB)-reserved(62180kB) below min(1677312kB) for oom_adj 950
02-04 12:20:07.154 423 423 I lowmemorykiller: Suppressed 2 failed kill reports
02-04 12:20:07.158 15150 17146 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:20:07.162 17111 17111 D SidebarTouchListener: onTouch: action = 4 isLeftShow = true
02-04 12:20:07.166 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:07.167 4977 4977 D Launcher.Model: LauncherAppsCallback onPackageChanged||UserHandle{10}
02-04 12:20:07.168 4977 5165 D Launcher.Model: Got broadcast:Intent { act=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED (has extras) }
02-04 12:20:07.172 4977 5165 D Launcher.AllAppsList: updatePackage,, loadMissing=false, user=UserHandle{10}, matchedSize=0
02-04 12:20:07.172 4977 5165 D Launcher.Model: onReceiveBackground, mAllAppsList=add=[], remove=[], modified=[]
02-04 12:20:07.175 15150 17146 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:20:07.178 15086 15086 I Zygote : Process 17174 exited due to signal 9 (Killed)
02-04 12:20:07.179 424 424 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for pid=18179 uid=1010263 name=uimode scontext=u:r:permissioncontroller_app:s0:c7,c257,c522,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:uimode_service:s0 tclass=service_manager permissive=0
02-04 12:20:07.181 615 615 D Vibrator: Vibrator off
02-04 12:20:07.182 615 615 D Vibrator: Vibrator using LED trigger
02-04 12:20:07.182 424 424 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for pid=18179 uid=1010263 name=uimode scontext=u:r:permissioncontroller_app:s0:c7,c257,c522,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:uimode_service:s0 tclass=service_manager permissive=0
02-04 12:20:07.183 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:07.184 615 615 I Vibrator: Vibrator on for timeoutMs: 20
02-04 12:20:07.184 18179 18179 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
02-04 12:20:07.184 615 615 D Vibrator: Vibrator using LED trigger
02-04 12:20:07.185 18179 18179 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
02-04 12:20:07.185 15150 17142 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 17174) has died: cch+65 CEM
02-04 12:20:07.185 15150 15180 I Process : PerfMonitor : current process killing process group. PID: 17174
02-04 12:20:07.185 15150 15180 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1010117 pid 17174 in 0ms
02-04 12:20:07.189 15314 15341 I com.xiaomi.xms: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION and parcel size 0
02-04 12:20:07.190 568 658 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState], pid:17174, STATE_DEAD
02-04 12:20:07.190 568 658 D RilUtility: notify_rild_crash_pid_set certPid:-1, crash:17174, scn:0x0
02-04 12:20:07.191 18179 18179 I CarUiInstaller: CarUiInstaller started for
02-04 12:20:07.191 15150 15163 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:20:07.193 16975 1364 I com.xiaomi.xms: oneway function results will be dropped but finished with status UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION and parcel size 0
02-04 12:20:07.193 15150 15150 W Looper : Drained
02-04 12:20:07.193 18578 22701 D UidObserver: onUidGone entry uid = 1010117
02-04 12:20:07.193 15150 15468 I MiuiNetworkPolicy: removeUidState uid = 1010117
02-04 12:20:07.195 424 424 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for pid=18179 uid=1010263 name=ProcessManager scontext=u:r:permissioncontroller_app:s0:c7,c257,c522,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:miui_process_service:s0 tclass=service_manager permissive=0
02-04 12:20:07.199 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:07.208 15150 15163 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:20:07.209 18179 18197 I PermissionControllerServiceImpl: Updating user sensitive for uid 1010156
02-04 12:20:07.216 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:07.219 17077 17357 I Unity : <color=#00FFFF> <b>[ANALYTICS]</b> GAMEANALYTICS Event -> level_start:2 Vars -> [ (level_number: 2) (level_name: Level_Scene_001_v4) (level_count: 3) (level_difficulty: normal) (level_loop: 1) (level_random: False) (level_type: normal) (game_mode: normal) ]</color>
02-04 12:20:07.219 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.Analytics.Modules.ModuleUtils:DebugAnalyticsEvent(eAnalyticsServices, String, List`1)
02-04 12:20:07.219 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.Analytics.Modules.Module_GameAnalytics:onSendEventImpl(String, DynamicDataBase, GADataContainer, List`1)
02-04 12:20:07.219 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.AnalyticsManagerBase:sendEvent(String, GADataContainer, List`1)
02-04 12:20:07.219 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.AnalyticsManagerBase:onLevelStarted(LevelData)
02-04 12:20:07.219 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.GameManagerV1.GameManagerBase:LevelStarted()
02-04 12:20:07.219 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke()
02-04 12:20:07.219 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1)
02-04 12:20:07.219 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule:ProcessTouchPress(PointerEventData, Boolean, Boolean)
02-04 12:20:07.219 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule:ProcessTouchEvents()
02-04 12:20:07.219 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.EventS
02-04 12:20:07.222 17077 17780 I UnityAds: (line:64) :: Unity Services environment check OK
02-04 12:20:07.225 15150 15163 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:20:07.228 15150 15150 E VibratorService: Vibration finished, cleaning up
02-04 12:20:07.229 615 615 D Vibrator: Vibrator off
02-04 12:20:07.229 615 615 D Vibrator: Vibrator using LED trigger
02-04 12:20:07.229 17077 17501 I AppMetrica: [] : [85b356e9-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxcb69] Event received: level_start. With value: {"level_number":2,"level_name":"Level_Scene_001_v4","level_count":3,"level_diff":"normal","level_loop":1,"level_random":false,"level_type":"normal","game_mode":"normal"}
02-04 12:20:07.233 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:07.233 17077 17357 I Unity : <color=#00FFFF> <b>[ANALYTICS]</b> APPMETRICA Event -> level_start Vars -> [ (level_number: 2) (level_name: Level_Scene_001_v4) (level_count: 3) (level_diff: normal) (level_loop: 1) (level_random: False) (level_type: normal) (game_mode: normal) ]</color>
02-04 12:20:07.233 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.Analytics.Modules.ModuleUtils:DebugAnalyticsEvent(eAnalyticsServices, String, List`1)
02-04 12:20:07.233 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.Analytics.Modules.<eventOnQueue>d__23:MoveNext()
02-04 12:20:07.233 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
02-04 12:20:07.233 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.AnalyticsManagerBase:sendEvent(String, GADataContainer, List`1)
02-04 12:20:07.233 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.AnalyticsManagerBase:onLevelStarted(LevelData)
02-04 12:20:07.233 17077 17357 I Unity : KobGamesSDKSlim.GameManagerV1.GameManagerBase:LevelStarted()
02-04 12:20:07.233 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent:Invoke()
02-04 12:20:07.233 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1)
02-04 12:20:07.233 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule:ProcessTouchPress(PointerEventData, Boolean, Boolean)
02-04 12:20:07.233 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule:ProcessTouchEvents()
02-04 12:20:07.233 17077 17357 I Unity : UnityEngine.EventSyste
02-04 12:20:07.242 15150 17142 I InputDispatcher: setInputWindows displayId=0 Window{fcaadbd mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{c5aea81 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 FloatAssistantView} Window{42938e5 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubRight} Window{357250 mode=1 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubLeft} Window{fde5eab mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 GestureStubHome} Window{18abfee mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 NavigationBar0} Window{b315e6f mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u0 StatusBar} Window{95691d4 mode=0 rootTaskId=1000104 u10} SurfaceView - Letterbox_top_ActivityRecord{8473a06 u10 t1000104} Window{cc08c90 mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.MiuiKeyguardPictorialWallpaper} Window{8eee58c mode=0 rootTaskId=1 u10 com.miui.miwallpaper.wallpaperservice.ImageWallpaper}
02-04 12:20:07.246 18012 18168 E fb4a.FreshFeedGapRulesFallback: Using client gap fallbacks
02-04 12:20:07.249 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:07.251 17506 17540 I TetheringManager:
02-04 12:20:07.251 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:20:07.086 BL= 374,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:20:07.118 BL= 373,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:20:07.168 BL= 372,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:20:07.217 BL= 371,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:20:07.251 BL= 370,ESS= 256,
02-04 12:20:07.260 17506 17540 I AppMetrica-Attribution: Choosing clids. Client: null, from satellite: SatelliteClidsInfo{clids=null, checked=true}, result: ClidsInfo{clids=null, source=API}
02-04 12:20:07.266 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:07.283 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 1 line
02-04 12:20:07.299 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:07.302 17185 18114 D TrafficManageService: onReceive: intent.action =
02-04 12:20:07.316 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:07.329 17077 17658 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
02-04 12:20:07.333 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:07.354 15150 15760 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 649 ms, interface=android.os.IInstalld, code=11 oneway=false
02-04 12:20:07.354 17077 17880 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 1422 ms,, code=4 oneway=false
02-04 12:20:07.383 950 1012 I chatty : uid=1000(system) AALMain identical 3 lines
02-04 12:20:07.400 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:07.407 18012 18168 E fb4a.FreshFeedCSRBackgroundLayoutPreparer: dispatchAsync - listener is null
02-04 12:20:07.407 18012 18168 I chatty : uid=1010164(com.facebook.katana) csr_main_feed_s identical 1 line
02-04 12:20:07.407 18012 18168 E fb4a.FreshFeedCSRBackgroundLayoutPreparer: dispatchAsync - listener is null
02-04 12:20:07.411 17506 17543 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:07.414 17506 17543 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: system/framework/mediatek-cta.jar
02-04 12:20:07.416 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:07.418 17506 17543 I System.out: [okhttp] e:java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mediatek.cta.CtaUtils
02-04 12:20:07.425 17506 17543 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
02-04 12:20:07.425 17506 17543 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: system/framework/mediatek-cta.jar
02-04 12:20:07.426 17506 17543 I System.out: [socket] e:java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mediatek.cta.CtaUtils
02-04 12:20:07.433 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:07.439 15246 15441 I Accelerometer: flush, flushCnt:1
02-04 12:20:07.442 15246 15440 I Accelerometer: flush complete, flushCnt:0
02-04 12:20:07.446 18012 18168 E fb4a.FreshFeedCSRBackgroundLayoutPreparer: dispatchAsync - listener is null
02-04 12:20:07.449 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:07.452 15088 29680 D APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDevices ForStrategy() strategy 0, device 0x2 avadevice 0x1 , 0x2 , 0x10000 sfu [0]:0, [1]:0, [4]:11
02-04 12:20:07.457 15246 15246 I Gyroscope: flush, flushCnt:1
02-04 12:20:07.457 15246 15246 I Gyroscope: flush path:/sys/class/sensor/m_gyro_misc/gyroflush
02-04 12:20:07.464 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{a1c2c89} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.464 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{e86e48e} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.464 15246 15440 I Gyroscope: flush complete, flushCnt:0
02-04 12:20:07.464 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{ce6c4af} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.465 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{c8940bc cn.wps.xiaomi.abroad.lite/10161} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.466 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{5920845} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.466 950 1012 D AAL : DRECurveCalculation: BLKNUM = 16 8
02-04 12:20:07.466 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{810bb9a} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.466 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{b64fccb} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.467 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{f07aca8} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.467 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{ecfe3c1} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.468 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{e2ef766} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.468 950 1012 D AAL : 02-04 12:20:07.306 BL= 369,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:20:07.334 BL= 368,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:20:07.385 BL= 367,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:20:07.420 BL= 366,ESS= 256, 02-04 12:20:07.468 BL= 365,ESS= 256,
02-04 12:20:07.468 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{8449aa7} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.469 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{7eeb54} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.470 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{8b5fafd} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.470 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{4a323f2 com.ebay.carrier/10165} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.470 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{d963a43} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.471 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{18968c0} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.471 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{9ec49f9} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.471 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{7bb8d3e} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.471 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{21c24ab} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.472 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{bd8379f} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.472 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{ffc50ec} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.472 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{19e8cb5} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.473 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{85f3f4a} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.473 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{312aebb} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.473 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{fd38fd8} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.473 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{bf83f31} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.473 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{cda0616} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.474 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{1b37b97} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.474 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{6ddd184} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.474 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{2609d6d} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.474 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{2686da2} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.474 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{52a3a33} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.475 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{72881f0} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.475 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{376a369} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.475 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{b83c1ee} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.475 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{844468f} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.475 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{42bcd1c} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.475 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{ecd0d25} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.476 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{6ee0efa} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.476 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{b48bcab} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.476 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{eb69f08} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.476 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{6656a1} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.476 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{b7e20c6} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.476 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{1d47887} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.476 15150 15760 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{39640e2} -> PackageSetting{39aa3b4} BLOCKED
02-04 12:20:07.477 15150 15760 I A
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