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Created February 6, 2025 18:05
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using LLMUnity;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
public class TestCallFunction : MonoBehaviour
[Header("UI References:")]
public LLMCharacter MyCharacter;
public TMP_InputField MyInputField;
public TMP_Text TextResponse;
[Header("AI Configurations:")]
public AiMultipleChoiceEvent[] MultipleChoiceEvents;
public UnityEvent OffTopicEvent;
string aiResponseString;
private void Start()
// Linking the prompt computation method to the end edit ui event of the input field
// Updating the vocabulary of the LLM, to answer only with the possible choices.
MyCharacter.grammarString = MultipleChoiceGrammar();
public void TriggerLLM(string inputString)
_ = MyCharacter.Chat(ConstructPrompt(inputString), AiResponse, ResponseCompleted);
MyInputField.text = string.Empty;
void AiResponse(string inResponse)
TextResponse.text = inResponse;
aiResponseString = inResponse;
void ResponseCompleted()
print("Risposta Completa, risultato: " + aiResponseString);
UnityEvent GetUnityEventFromTopic(string inTopic)
for (int i = 0; i < MultipleChoiceEvents.Length; i++)
if (inTopic == MultipleChoiceEvents[i].TopicString)
return MultipleChoiceEvents[i].AiTriggeredEvent;
else if (inTopic == "OffTopic")
return OffTopicEvent;
return null;
string ConstructPrompt(string message)
string prompt = "Which of the following choices matches best the input?\n\n";
prompt += "Input:" + message + "\n\n";
prompt += "Choices:\n";
for (int i = 0; i < MultipleChoiceEvents.Length; i++)
prompt += "- ";
prompt += MultipleChoiceEvents[i].TopicString;
prompt += "\n";
prompt += "\n";
prompt += "If none of the previous choices matches enough the input, the answer would be:\n";
prompt += "- OffTopic";
prompt += "\nAnswer directly with the choice";
return prompt;
string MultipleChoiceGrammar()
return "root ::= (\"" + string.Join("\" | \"", GetFunctionNames()) + "\")";
string[] GetFunctionNames()
// Create an array of names, adding a space for the off-topic
string[] multipleChoiceNames = new string[MultipleChoiceEvents.Length + 1];
// Add all the topics to the array, leaving the space empty for the offtopic, so all choices - 1
for (int i = 0; i < multipleChoiceNames.Length - 1 ; i++)
multipleChoiceNames[i] = MultipleChoiceEvents[i].TopicString;
// Adding also the offtopic choice at the end of the array
multipleChoiceNames[multipleChoiceNames.Length - 1] = "OffTopic";
return multipleChoiceNames;
public class AiMultipleChoiceEvent
public string TopicString;
public UnityEvent AiTriggeredEvent;
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