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Created February 6, 2025 10:14
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Graph Queries
use crate::{
query::{Is, Node, Query, Related, Traverse},
struct Child;
struct Parent;
struct Effect;
struct Attribute;
struct Player;
struct Tree;
struct Fire;
struct Controller {
forward: bool,
struct Position(i32, i32);
struct Health(usize);
let mut graph = Graph::default();
let root = graph.insert(());
let fire = graph.insert(Fire);
let player = graph.insert(Player);
graph.relate_pair::<Parent, Child>(root, player);
let name = graph.insert("Player".to_owned());
graph.relate::<Attribute>(player, name);
let controller = graph.insert(Controller { forward: true });
graph.relate_pair::<Parent, Child>(player, controller);
let name = graph.insert("Player controller".to_owned());
graph.relate::<Attribute>(controller, name);
let position = graph.insert(Position(0, 0));
graph.relate_pair::<Parent, Child>(player, position);
for index in 0..5 {
let tree = graph.insert(Tree);
graph.relate_pair::<Parent, Child>(root, tree);
let name = graph.insert(format!("Tree {}", index));
graph.relate::<Attribute>(player, name);
let health = graph.insert(Health(2));
graph.relate_pair::<Parent, Child>(tree, health);
if index % 2 == 0 {
graph.relate::<Effect>(tree, fire);
for (controller, mut position) in
graph.query::<(Related<Child, &Controller>, Related<Child, &mut Position>)>(player)
if controller.forward {
println!("Player: {} moves forward!", player);
position.0 += 1;
for (index, mut health, _) in graph.query::<Related<
Related<Child, &mut Health>,
Related<Effect, Is<Fire>>,
health.0 = health.0.saturating_sub(1);
println!("Tree: {} got fire damage! Health: {}", index, health.0);
for name in
graph.query::<Traverse<Child, Query<AnyIndex, Related<Attribute, &String>>>>(root)
println!("Node: {}", &*name);
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