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Created February 9, 2025 02:36
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Solutions for Montgomery's Ladder
from typing import Optional, Tuple
from Crypto.Util.number import inverse
import Crypto.Random.random as csprng
class MtgCurve:
Represents a Montgomery curve of the form
By^2 = x^3 + Ax^2 + x
def __init__(self, B: int, A: int, p: int) -> None:
self._B = B
self._A = A
self._p = p
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
return self._B == other._B and self._A == other._A and self._p == other._p
def get_params(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
return (self._B, self._A, self._p)
class MtgPoint:
Represents a point on a montgomery curve
using affine coordinates
def __init__(self, curve: MtgCurve, x: int, y: int, infinity: bool = False) -> None:
self._curve = curve
self._x = x
self._y = y
self._infinity = infinity
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
return self._curve == other._curve and self._x == other._x and self._y == other._y
def __add__(self, other: object):
assert(self != other)
if self._infinity:
return other
if other._infinity:
return self
B, A, p = self._curve.get_params()
alpha = ( (other._y - self._y) * inverse((other._x - self._x), p) ) % p
x = ( (B * alpha * alpha) - A - self._x - other._x) % p
y = (alpha * (self._x - x) - self._y) % p
return MtgPoint(curve=self._curve, x=x, y=y)
def double(self):
if self._infinity:
return MtgPoint(curve=self._curve, x=0, y=0, infinity=True)
B, A, p = self._curve.get_params()
alpha = ( ( (3 * self._x * self._x) + (2 * A * self._x) + 1) * inverse((2 * B * self._y), p) ) % p
x = ( (B * alpha * alpha) - A - 2 * self._x) % p
y = (alpha * (self._x - x) - self._y) % p
return MtgPoint(curve=self._curve, x=x, y=y)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"({self._x}, {self._y})" if not self._infinity else f"0"
def tonelli_shanks(a: int, p: int) -> Tuple[int, int]:
return a tuple with 2 values
that represent sqrt(a) mod p if they exist
def _tonelli_shanks_internal_(a: int, k: int, p: int, z: int, zinv: int) -> Tuple[int, int]:
# we know that p is congruent to 1 mod 4
# and a has square roots modulo p
# Idea: find 'odd' m such that pow(a, m, p) = 1,
# then +/-pow(a, m + 1 // 2, p) gives square roots
m = p - 1 >> k
while m & 1 == 0 and pow(a, m, p) == 1:
# m is even, so continue
m >>= 1
k += 1
# at this point, m is odd
res = None
if pow(a, m, p) == 1:
# we found odd m such that pow(a, m, p) = 1
res = pow(a, m + 1 >> 1, p)
return (res, p - res)
# a^m = -1 mod p
z_p = 1 << (k - 1)
z_phalf = 1 << (k - 2)
a_next = (a * pow(z, z_p, p)) % p
r1, _ = _tonelli_shanks_internal_(a_next, k, p, z, zinv)
a_root = (r1 * pow(zinv, z_phalf, p)) % p
return (a_root, p - a_root)
euler_criterion = lambda a, p: pow(a, p-1 >> 1, p)
# check if square root even exists
# using Euler's criterion
if euler_criterion(a, p) != 1:
raise Exception(f'Error: {a} does not have a square root mod {p}')
# check if p is congruent to 1 mod 4
if p - 3 % 4 == 0:
val = pow(a, p + 1 // 4, p)
return (val, p - val)
# find a non-square mod p
z = None
while True:
z = csprng.randrange(2, p - 1)
if euler_criterion(z, p) == p - 1:
zinv = inverse(z, p)
return _tonelli_shanks_internal_(a, 1, p, z, zinv)
def montgomery_ladder(k: int, P: MtgPoint) -> MtgPoint:
compute scalar multiplication [k]P and return resulting
point on the elliptic curve
# Idea: perform doubling and addition whether or not the current
# 'bit' of the secret scalar being iterated is 0 or 1
# to mask any timing leaks
R0, R1 = MtgPoint(curve=P._curve, x=0, y=0, infinity=True), P
for i in reversed(range(k.bit_length())):
b = (k >> i) & 1
R0, R1 = (R0 + R1, R1.double()) if b != 0 else (R0.double(), R0 + R1)
return R0
# n = k.bit_length()
# R0 , R1 = P, P.double()
# for i in range(n-2, 0, -1):
# b = k & (1 << i)
# R0, R1 = (R0 + R1, R1.double()) if b != 0 else (R0.double(), R0 + R1)
# return R0
if __name__ == "__main__":
# E: Y2 = X3 + 486662X2 + X, p: 2255 - 19
B = 1
A = 486662
p = pow(2, 255) - 19
curve = MtgCurve(B=B, A=A, p=p)
# Generator point
x = 9
ysq = (pow(x, 3) + A * pow(x, 2) + x) % p
y, _ = tonelli_shanks(a=ysq, p=p)
G = MtgPoint(curve=curve, x=x, y=y)
print (f"G = {G}")
k = 0x1337c0decafe
Q = montgomery_ladder(k, G)
print (f"Q = {Q}")
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