This no longer works in browser!
This no longer works if you're alone in vc! Somebody else has to join you!
How to use this script:
- Accept the quest under User Settings -> Gift Inventory
- Join a vc
- Join the same vc on an alt
- Stream any window (can be notepad or something)
- Press Ctrl+Shift+I to open DevTools
- Go to the
tab - Paste the following code and hit enter:
let wpRequire;
window.webpackChunkdiscord_app.push([[ Math.random() ], {}, (req) => { wpRequire = req; }]);
let ApplicationStreamingStore = Object.values(wpRequire.c).find(x => x?.exports?.default?.getStreamerActiveStreamMetadata).exports.default;
let QuestsStore = Object.values(wpRequire.c).find(x => x?.exports?.default?.getQuest).exports.default;
let FluxDispatcher = Object.values(wpRequire.c).find(x => x?.exports?.default?.flushWaitQueue).exports.default;
let quest = [...QuestsStore.quests.values()].find(x => x.userStatus?.enrolledAt && !x.userStatus?.completedAt && new Date(x.config.expiresAt).getTime() >
let isApp = navigator.userAgent.includes("Electron/")
if(!isApp) {
console.log("[\u001b[34;1mShuruhatik\u001b[0m] This no longer works in browser. \n\u001b[42;1m NEW \u001b[0m Tutorial video ↓\n\u001b[32;1m\u001b[0m")
} else if(!quest) {
console.log("[\u001b[34;1mShuruhatik\u001b[0m] You don't have any uncompleted quests!\n\u001b[0mTutorial video ↓\n\u001b[32;1m\u001b[0m")
} else {
let pid = Math.floor(Math.random() * 30000) + 1000
ApplicationStreamingStore.getStreamerActiveStreamMetadata = () => ({
id: quest.config.applicationId,
sourceName: null
let secondsNeeded = quest.config.streamDurationRequirementMinutes * 60
let fn = data => {
let progress = data.userStatus.streamProgressSeconds
console.log(`[\u001b[34;1mShuruhatik\u001b[0m] Quest progress: ${progress}/${secondsNeeded}`)
if(progress >= secondsNeeded) {
console.log("[\u001b[34;1mShuruhatik\u001b[0m] \u001b[32mQuest completed 🎉!\u001b[0m")
FluxDispatcher.unsubscribe("QUESTS_SEND_HEARTBEAT_SUCCESS", fn)
FluxDispatcher.subscribe("QUESTS_SEND_HEARTBEAT_SUCCESS", fn)
console.log(`[\u001b[34;1mShuruhatik\u001b[0m] Spoofed your stream to ${quest.config.applicationName}. Stay in vc for ${Math.ceil(quest.config.streamDurationRequirementMinutes - (quest.userStatus?.streamProgressSeconds ?? 0) / 60)} more minutes.`)
console.log("[\u001b[34;1mShuruhatik\u001b[0m] Remember that you need at least 1 other person to be in the vc!")
- Keep the stream running for 15 minutes
- You can now claim the reward in User Settings -> Gift Inventory!
You can track the progress by looking at the Quest progress:
prints in the Console tab, or by reopening the Gift Inventory tab in settings. The progress should update every 30s.
Q: Ctrl + Shift + I doesn't work
A: Either download the ptb client, Or you can turn it back on using by setting "DANGEROUS_ENABLE_DEVTOOLS_ONLY_ENABLE_IF_YOU_KNOW_WHAT_YOURE_DOING": true in %appdata%/discord/settings.json
to enable DevTools on stable client
Q: I get an error saying "Unauthorized"
A: Discord has patched the script from working in browsers. Use the desktop app, or alternatively find some extension which lets you change your User-Agent and append the string Electron/
anywhere in it.
They have also started checking how many people are in the vc, so make sure you join it on at least 1 other account.
Q: I get a different error
A: Make sure you've started streaming before running the script. Also make sure you're copy/pasting it correctly.
- The code in this gist is authored by aamiaa.