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Created February 9, 2025 11:41
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SwiftUI cmake
# Set the minimum CMake version required
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15)
# Define your project name
# Specify the Objective-C++ source files and Swift files you want to compile
set(SOURCES # Your entry point Objective-C++ code (or app logic) # Wrapper file to interface between Objective-C++ and SwiftUI # Objective-C++ file that integrates SwiftUI via UIHostingController
# Specify the Swift source files
MySwiftUIView.swift # Your SwiftUI view (Swift code)
# Add an executable target
# This target will generate an executable application that can run on macOS or iOS
add_executable(MyApp ${SOURCES} ${SWIFT_SOURCES})
# Set properties for the executable
set_target_properties(MyApp PROPERTIES
# Indicating this is a macOS or iOS app
MACOSX_BUNDLE YES # If you're targeting macOS, set this to YES (you can remove it if targeting iOS)
# Setting Swift version used in the project
XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_SWIFT_VERSION "5.0" # Ensure you use the correct version of Swift (adjust if necessary)
# Define the deployment target (macOS/iOS version)
XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_IOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET "13.0" # For iOS applications (adjust version based on your need)
XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET "10.15" # For macOS applications (adjust version if needed)
# Set the language for the target
# This tells CMake that we're working with both Objective-C++ and Swift files
set_target_properties(MyApp PROPERTIES
# Link necessary frameworks to the target
# These frameworks are necessary for the SwiftUI and UIKit integration
"-framework Cocoa" # For macOS (removable for iOS targets)
"-framework SwiftUI" # Linking SwiftUI framework
"-framework UIKit" # For iOS (removable for macOS targets)
"-framework Foundation" # Foundation framework is commonly needed
# Set the system root and deployment target for macOS or iOS
# Specify the system root for iOS/macOS depending on your target platform
set(CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT iphoneos) # Change to macosx if targeting macOS instead of iOS
set(CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET "13.0") # Minimum version for iOS, adjust as needed
# Enable Swift language support in CMake
# CMake needs to know that Swift code is involved in the project
# Optionally, add more Swift compiler flags
# Here, we specify that we want to use Swift version 5
set(SWIFT_FLAGS "-swift-version 5") # Optional, specify Swift version if necessary
# Optional: If you need to configure Swift build settings (e.g., optimizations), you can set them here
# For example, to enable optimizations or debugging symbols
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -O2") # Enable optimizations for C++
set(SWIFT_FLAGS "${SWIFT_FLAGS} -O2") # Enable optimizations for Swift code (if needed)
# Optional: To define custom build configurations (Debug/Release), use the following:
# set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Debug) # Uncomment for Debug build, or use Release for release builds
# Optional: Handle any custom preprocessor definitions if needed (e.g., for debug/logging)
# add_definitions(-DDEBUG) # Uncomment to define the DEBUG flag
# Ensure that Swift files are properly compiled with necessary options
set_source_files_properties(${SWIFT_SOURCES} PROPERTIES
# End of the CMake configuration
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