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Last active February 6, 2025 09:15
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Correct Voxel Operations in MeshLib
VdbVolume vol1 = obj1_->vdbVolume();
VdbVolume vol2 = obj2_->vdbVolume();
const float iso1 = obj1_->getIsoValue();
const float iso2 = obj2_->getIsoValue();
float resIso = iso1;
// select the smallest object. In case of a not identity transformations, it will be transformed to the space of the largest object
auto xf = obj1_->xf().inverse() * obj2_->xf();
auto postXf = xf;
if ( xf != AffineXf3f() )
if (>activeVoxelCount() <>activeVoxelCount() )
vol1 = transformVdbVolume( vol1, xf.inverse() ).volume;
postXf = obj2_->xf();
vol2 = transformVdbVolume( vol2, xf ).volume;
postXf = obj1_->xf();
auto& grid1 = *;
auto& grid2 = *;
auto resGrid = openvdb::tools::csgDifferenceCopy(ovdb(grid1), ovdb(grid2));
std::shared_ptr<ObjectVoxels> newObj = std::make_shared<ObjectVoxels>();
newObj->construct( MakeFloatGrid( std::move( resGrid ) ), obj1_->vdbVolume().voxelSize );
newObj->setXf( postXf );
newObj->setIsoValue( resIso );
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