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Last active February 9, 2025 00:52
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POSIX shell function to replace __FILE environment variables for Docker
# shellcheck disable=SC2120,SC3043
replaceEnvSecrets() {
# replaceEnvSecrets 1.0.0
local prefix="${1:-}"
for envSecretName in $(export | awk '{print $2}' | grep -oE '^[^=]+' | grep '__FILE$'); do
if [ -z "$prefix" ] || printf '%s' "$envSecretName" | grep "^$prefix" >/dev/null; then
local envName
envName=$(printf '%s' "$envSecretName" | sed 's/__FILE$//')
local filePath
filePath=$(eval echo '${'"$envSecretName"':-}')
if [ -n "$filePath" ]; then
if [ -f "$filePath" ]; then
echo Using content from "$filePath" file for "$envName" environment variable value.
export "$envName"="$(cat -A "$filePath")"
unset "$envSecretName"
echo ERROR: Environment variable "$envSecretName" is defined but does not point to a regular file. 1>&2
exit 1
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