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Last active February 10, 2025 18:00
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  • Save auxbh/1957f75ac348272c5406f9f5d49dc898 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save auxbh/1957f75ac348272c5406f9f5d49dc898 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
DATE=$(date '+%Y-%m-%d')
# Checks if directory already exists
if [ -d cardinal-gate-react-native ]; then
echo "Directory already exists. Pulling latest release from GitHub."
# cd into repo directory
cd cardinal-gate-react-native
# Pulls latest version from Github
git pull
echo "Directory does not exist. Cloning latest release from GitHub."
# Clones latest version from Github
git clone
# cd into repo directory
cd cardinal-gate-react-native
# Gets the commit ID for the file name
COMMIT_ID=$(git rev-parse --short master)
# Initialize npm
npm install
# Expo pre-build
npx expo prebuild
# cd into ios directory
cd ios
# Unsigned build using xcode
NODE_ENV=dev xcodebuild -workspace CARDINALGATE.xcworkspace -scheme CARDINALGATE -configuration Release clean archive -archivePath buildArchive/CARDINALGATE.xcarchive CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=”” CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED=NO
# Final message
if [ -d buildArchive/CARDINALGATE.xcarchive/Products/Applications ]; then
echo "Build suceeded!"
echo "Build failed."
exit 1
# cd into root directory
cd ../..
# Make temporary Payload folder
mkdir Payload
# Copy .app file
cp -r cardinal-gate-react-native/ios/buildArchive/CARDINALGATE.xcarchive/Products/Applications/ Payload/
# Zip the .app file
zip -qr Payload
# Rename the .zip to .ipa
# Remove the Payload folder
rm -rf Payload
# Prompting if user wants to delete the repo folder or not
echo 'Would you like to delete the repository folder? Type "yes" to delete it or press Enter to keep it'
read -r user_choice
if [ "$user_choice" = "yes" ]; then
echo "Deleting the repository folder..."
rm -rf cardinal-gate-react-native
echo "Keeping the repository folder"
echo "All done! IPA file can be found as CARDINALGATE_${DATE}_${COMMIT_ID}.ipa"
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