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  • Save billyma128/df2a2de2cbc366c34e6a6c5b7ea2a8cc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save billyma128/df2a2de2cbc366c34e6a6c5b7ea2a8cc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Template to give to o1-pro to generate instructions for cursor composer agent mode (use sonnet 3.5 new)
Use the <CODEBASE> code as reference, and convert the high-level <TASK> into a set of very detailed step-by-step instructions that an AI coding agent can complete.
Only includes steps an AI coding agent can take. Do not include testing or any other work a human would do to confirm the task has been completed.
ALWAYS have the agent run a build when it is complete. Be specific and decisive about what the agent should do.
Do not include any additional meta instructions to the user. Use markdown formatting.
(add task here)
(add cursor rules here)
(add codebase here, use RepoPrompt ( or terminal script to get the codebase in a copy/pasteable format)
Use the information above to perform the instructions in the <INSTRUCTIONS> tag.
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