bedtime | wakeup | satisfied | evening routine |
(date/time property for when i went to bed last night) |
(date/time property for when i woke up today - planning to use dataview to calculate how much sleep I got from these two properties but haven't set it up yet) |
(how satisfied i feel with my day, on a 1-5 scale) |
false (checkbox for whether i completed my evening routine today. i'm considering adding checkboxes for other daily habits to this template but haven't yet.) |
(with the Journals plugin installed, this code block displays navigation to the periodic notes for yesterday, tomorrow, this week, and this month)
(this is where I paste in my daily priorities and affirmation, which I wrote in yesterday's note)
(this is where I do freeform journaling throughout the day. each time I sit down to write, I create a subheading with the current timestamp.)
(this bullet list where i write any reminders or other notes that aren't journaling, such as the name of a book I was recommended today.)
(to me, this list is the counterpart of a to do list: BEFORE i start trying to recall my tasks for the day, i always like to take a moment to reflect on what i actually WANT to do or feel genuinely interested in. )
- (here's where i put any tasks that i want to do today. i also use this to jot down any tasks that come up throughout the day, whether i plan to do them today or not. sometimes i start with copying and pasting in unfinished items from yesterday's list, sometimes i prefer to start each day fresh.)
(i don't use this section every day, but here's where i might jot down some bullet points of notable experiences i had today. )
(list of anything i accomplished today that i want to congratulate myself for, or sometimes just good things that happened to me)
(primarily a list of which mental illness symptoms i struggled with today, recorded so that each week i can report to my therapist what my recurring struggles were.)
(something i'm grateful for about today. i only fill this out like half of the time.)
tomorrow (prompts to reflect on the week and plan for tomorrow. filling out this section is part of my evening routine.)
--check your calendar and goals!--
(after reviewing my calendar and weekly goals and the above check-in, i'll pick my top 3 priorities for tomorrow, which might be concrete tasks or might be abstract like "be gentle with yourself". this and the affirmation below get copy and pasted into the top of tomorrow's note.)
(anything related to the mindset i want to bring into tomorrow. often tailored toward what challenges i expect to face based on the priorities i chose.)
(anything else i need to remember tomorrow, like appointment times.)