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Created February 6, 2025 19:45
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AWS SSO: Add ALL Profiles to ~/.aws/config, and login to all Roles to ~/.aws/credentials
# Exit on error
set -e
# Function to check if jq is installed
check_jq() {
if ! command -v jq &> /dev/null; then
echo "Error: jq is required but not installed. Please install jq first."
exit 1
# Function to get SSO configuration
get_sso_config() {
local config_file="$HOME/.aws/config"
if [ ! -f "$config_file" ]; then
echo "Error: AWS config file not found. Please run 'aws configure sso' first."
exit 1
# Get the first SSO configuration found
local sso_start_url=$(awk -F' = ' '/sso_start_url/{print $2; exit}' "$config_file")
local sso_region=$(awk -F' = ' '/sso_region/{print $2; exit}' "$config_file")
if [ -z "$sso_start_url" ] || [ -z "$sso_region" ]; then
echo "Error: No SSO configuration found. Please run 'aws configure sso' first."
exit 1
echo "$sso_start_url|$sso_region"
# Function to get cached token
get_cached_token() {
local sso_start_url="$1"
local sso_region="$2"
local cache_dir="$HOME/.aws/sso/cache"
if [ ! -d "$cache_dir" ]; then
echo "Error: AWS SSO cache directory not found. Please run 'aws sso login' first."
exit 1
local latest_token=""
local latest_time=0
for token_file in "$cache_dir"/*.json; do
if [ -f "$token_file" ]; then
local file_url=$(jq -r '.startUrl' "$token_file")
local file_region=$(jq -r '.region' "$token_file")
if [ "$file_url" = "$sso_start_url" ] && [ "$file_region" = "$sso_region" ]; then
local mtime=$(stat -f "%m" "$token_file")
if [ "$mtime" -gt "$latest_time" ]; then
if [ -z "$latest_token" ]; then
echo "Error: No valid SSO token found for $sso_start_url. Please run 'aws sso login'."
exit 1
# Check token expiration
local token_expiration=$(jq -r '.expiresAt' "$latest_token")
local current_time=$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
if [[ "$token_expiration" < "$current_time" ]]; then
echo "Error: SSO token has expired. Please run 'aws sso login' to refresh it."
exit 1
jq -r '.accessToken' "$latest_token"
# Function to update AWS credentials file
update_credentials() {
local account_id="$1"
local role_name="$2"
local access_key="$3"
local secret_key="$4"
local session_token="$5"
local creds_file="$HOME/.aws/credentials"
# Create or update the profile in credentials file
if [ ! -f "$creds_file" ]; then
mkdir -p "$(dirname "$creds_file")"
touch "$creds_file"
# Remove existing profile if it exists
sed -i '' "/\[$account_id\_$role_name\]/,/^$/d" "$creds_file"
# Add new profile
echo "[$account_id\_$role_name]"
echo "aws_access_key_id=$access_key"
echo "aws_secret_access_key=$secret_key"
echo "aws_session_token=$session_token"
echo ""
} >> "$creds_file"
# Function to update AWS config file
update_config() {
local account_id="$1"
local role_name="$2"
local sso_start_url="$3"
local sso_region="$4"
local config_file="$HOME/.aws/config"
# Create or update the profile in config file
if [ ! -f "$config_file" ]; then
mkdir -p "$(dirname "$config_file")"
touch "$config_file"
# Remove existing profile if it exists
sed -i '' "/\[profile $account_id\_$role_name\]/,/^$/d" "$config_file"
# Add new profile
echo "[profile ${account_id}_${role_name}]"
echo "sso_start_url = $sso_start_url"
echo "sso_region = $sso_region"
echo "sso_account_id = $account_id"
echo "sso_role_name = $role_name"
echo ""
} >> "$config_file"
main() {
# Get SSO configuration
local sso_config=$(get_sso_config)
local sso_start_url=$(echo "$sso_config" | cut -d'|' -f1)
local sso_region=$(echo "$sso_config" | cut -d'|' -f2)
# Get access token
local access_token=$(get_cached_token "$sso_start_url" "$sso_region")
echo "Fetching AWS accounts..."
# Get list of accounts
local accounts=$(aws sso list-accounts \
--access-token "$access_token" \
--region "$sso_region" \
--output json)
local total_accounts=$(echo "$accounts" | jq '.accountList | length')
echo "Found $total_accounts accounts"
local count=0
echo "$accounts" | jq -c '.accountList[]' | while read -r account; do
local account_id=$(echo "$account" | jq -r '.accountId')
local account_name=$(echo "$account" | jq -r '.accountName // "Unknown Account"')
echo -ne "\rProgress: [$count/$total_accounts] $(( count * 100 / total_accounts ))% - Processing $account_name"
# Get roles for the account
local roles=$(aws sso list-account-roles \
--access-token "$access_token" \
--account-id "$account_id" \
--region "$sso_region" \
--output json)
echo "$roles" | jq -c '.roleList[]' | while read -r role; do
local role_name=$(echo "$role" | jq -r '.roleName')
# Get credentials for the role
local credentials=$(aws sso get-role-credentials \
--access-token "$access_token" \
--account-id "$account_id" \
--role-name "$role_name" \
--region "$sso_region" \
--output json)
# Extract credential values
local access_key=$(echo "$credentials" | jq -r '.roleCredentials.accessKeyId')
local secret_key=$(echo "$credentials" | jq -r '.roleCredentials.secretAccessKey')
local session_token=$(echo "$credentials" | jq -r '.roleCredentials.sessionToken')
# Update credentials and config files
update_credentials "$account_id" "$role_name" "$access_key" "$secret_key" "$session_token"
update_config "$account_id" "$role_name" "$sso_start_url" "$sso_region"
echo -e "\nCredential fetching completed!"
echo "Credentials have been updated in $HOME/.aws/credentials"
echo "Profiles have been updated in $HOME/.aws/config"
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