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Last active February 7, 2025 13:43
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PrestaShop 1.7 : query to export all data > create a CSV file > import to an other PrestaShop instance
a.id_address AS `Address ID`,
a.alias AS `Alias`, AS `Active (0/1)`, AS `Customer e-mail`,
IFNULL(a.id_customer, '') AS `Customer ID`,
IFNULL(, '') AS `Manufacturer`,
IFNULL(, '') AS `Supplier`, AS `Company`,
a.lastname AS `Last name`,
a.firstname AS `First name`,
a.address1 AS `Address 1`,
a.address2 AS `Address 2`,
a.postcode AS `Zipcode`, AS `City`, AS `Country`,
IFNULL(, '') AS `State`,
a.other AS `Other`, AS `Phone`,
a.phone_mobile AS `Mobile Phone`,
a.vat_number AS `VAT number`,
a.dni AS `DNI`
FROM ps_address a
LEFT JOIN ps_customer cu ON cu.id_customer = a.id_customer
LEFT JOIN ps_manufacturer ma ON ma.id_manufacturer = a.id_manufacturer
LEFT JOIN ps_supplier su ON su.id_supplier = a.id_supplier
LEFT JOIN ps_country_lang cl ON a.id_country = cl.id_country AND cl.id_lang = 1
LEFT JOIN ps_state s ON a.id_state = s.id_state
m.id_manufacturer AS `ID`, AS `Active (0/1)`, AS `Name`,
IFNULL(ml.description, '') AS `Description`,
IFNULL(ml.short_description, '') AS `Short description`,
IFNULL(ml.meta_title, '') AS `Meta title`,
IFNULL(ml.meta_keywords, '') AS `Meta keywords`,
IFNULL(ml.meta_description, '') AS `Meta description`,
CONCAT('', m.id_manufacturer, '.jpg') AS `Image URL`
FROM ps_manufacturer m
JOIN ps_manufacturer_lang ml
ON m.id_manufacturer = ml.id_manufacturer
AND ml.id_lang = 1;
ca.`id_category` as 'Category ID',
ca.`active` as 'Active (0/1)',
cl.`name` as 'Name',
clparent.`name` as 'Parent category',
ca.`is_root_category` as 'Root category (0/1)',
cl.`description` as 'Description',
cl.`meta_title` as 'Meta title',
cl.`meta_keywords` as 'Meta keywords',
cl.`meta_description` as 'Meta description',
cl.`link_rewrite` as 'URL rewritten',
CONCAT('', ca.id_category, '.jpg') AS 'Image URL'
FROM `ps_category` ca
JOIN `ps_category_lang` cl ON (cl.`id_category` = ca.`id_category` AND cl.`id_lang` = 1 AND cl.`id_shop` = 1)
JOIN `ps_category_shop` cs ON (ca.`id_category` = cs.`id_category` AND cs.`id_shop` = 1)
JOIN `ps_category_lang` clparent ON (ca.`id_parent` = clparent.`id_category` AND clparent.`id_lang` = 1)
WHERE ca.id_parent <> 1;
c.id_customer AS `Customer ID`, AS `Active (0/1)`,
IFNULL(c.id_gender, 0) AS `Gender ID`, AS `Email`,
c.passwd AS `Password`,
c.birthday AS `Birthday (YYYY-MM-DD)`,
c.lastname AS `Last name`,
c.firstname AS `First name`,
c.newsletter AS `Newsletter (0/1)`,
c.optin AS `Optin (0/1)`,
c.date_add AS `Registration date (YYYY-MM-DD)`,
FROM ps_customer_group cg2
JOIN ps_group_lang gl2
ON cg2.id_group = gl2.id_group
AND gl2.id_lang = 1
WHERE cg2.id_customer = c.id_customer
) AS `Group(s)`,
c.id_default_group AS `Default group ID`
FROM ps_customer c;
p.id_product AS `Product ID`, AS `Active (0/1)`, AS `Name`,
FROM ps_category_lang cl2
JOIN ps_category_product cp2 ON cp2.id_category = cl2.id_category
WHERE cp2.id_product = p.id_product
AND cl2.id_lang = 1
ORDER BY cp2.position DESC
) AS `Categories (x,y,z...)`,
p.price AS `Price tax excluded`,
p.id_tax_rules_group AS `Tax rules ID`,
p.wholesale_price AS `Wholesale price`,
p.on_sale AS `On sale (0/1)`,
'' AS `Discount amount`,
'' AS `Discount percent`,
'' AS `Discount from (yyyy-mm-dd)`,
'' AS `Discount to (yyyy-mm-dd)`,
p.reference AS `Reference #`,
p.supplier_reference AS `Supplier reference #`, AS `Supplier`, AS `Manufacturer`,
p.ean13 AS `EAN13`,
p.upc AS `UPC`,
p.ecotax AS `Ecotax`,
p.width AS `Width`,
p.height AS `Height`,
p.depth AS `Depth`,
p.weight AS `Weight`,
pl.delivery_in_stock AS `Delivery time of in-stock products`,
pl.delivery_out_stock AS `Delivery time of out-of-stock products with allowed orders`,
sa.quantity AS `Quantity`,
p.minimal_quantity AS `Minimal quantity`,
p.low_stock_threshold AS `Low stock level`,
p.low_stock_alert AS `Send me an email when the quantity is under this level`,
p.visibility AS `Visibility`,
p.additional_shipping_cost AS `Additional shipping cost`,
p.unity AS `Unity`,
p.unit_price_ratio AS `Unit price`,
pl.description_short AS `Summary`,
pl.description AS `Description`,
'' AS `Tags`,
pl.meta_title AS `Meta title`,
pl.meta_keywords AS `Meta keywords`,
pl.meta_description AS `Meta description`,
pl.link_rewrite AS `URL rewritten`,
pl.available_now AS `Text when in stock`,
pl.available_later AS `Text when backorder allowed`,
p.available_for_order AS `Available for order (0 = No, 1 = Yes)`,
p.available_date AS `Product available date`,
p.date_add AS `Product creation date`,
p.show_price AS `Show price (0 = No, 1 = Yes)`,
CONCAT('', i.id_image, '-', p.id_product, '.jpg') AS `Image URLs (x,y,z...)`,
CONCAT('', i.id_image, '-', p.id_product, '.jpg') AS `Image alt texts (x,y,z...)`,
0 AS `Delete existing images (0 = No, 1 = Yes)`,
'' AS `Feature(Name:Value:Position)`,
p.online_only AS `Available online only (0 = No, 1 = Yes)`,
p.condition AS `Condition`,
p.customizable AS `Customizable (0 = No, 1 = Yes)`,
p.uploadable_files AS `Uploadable files (0 = No, 1 = Yes)`,
p.text_fields AS `Text fields (0 = No, 1 = Yes)`,
p.out_of_stock AS `Out of stock action`,
p.is_virtual AS `Virtual product`,
pd.display_filename AS `File URL`,
pd.nb_downloadable AS `Number of allowed downloads`,
pd.date_expiration AS `Expiration date`,
pd.nb_days_accessible AS `Number of days`,
0 AS `ID / Name of shop`,
p.advanced_stock_management AS `Advanced stock management`,
0 AS `Depends On Stock`,
0 AS `Warehouse`,
'' AS `Acessories (x,y,z...)`
FROM ps_product p
INNER JOIN ps_product_lang pl
ON p.id_product = pl.id_product
AND pl.id_lang = 1
LEFT JOIN ps_product_download pd
ON pd.id_product = p.id_product
LEFT JOIN ps_stock_available sa
ON p.id_product = sa.id_product
AND sa.id_product_attribute = 0
AND sa.id_shop = 1
LEFT JOIN ps_manufacturer m
ON p.id_manufacturer = m.id_manufacturer
LEFT JOIN ps_image i
ON p.id_product = i.id_product
AND i.cover = 1
LEFT JOIN ps_category_lang cl
ON p.id_category_default = cl.id_category
AND cl.id_lang = 1
LEFT JOIN ps_supplier su
ON su.id_supplier = p.id_supplier
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