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Created February 4, 2025 20:03
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import Auth from '@aws-amplify/auth'
import { CognitoUser } from 'amazon-cognito-identity-js'
const CUSTOM_AUTH_TTL = 5 * 60 * 1000 // Milliseconds
interface CustomAuthSession {
username: string
session: string
// Milliseconds after epoch
expiresAt: number
function clearCustomAuthSession() {
function loadCustomAuthSession(): CognitoUser {
const raw = window.localStorage.getItem('CustomAuthSession')
if (!raw) {
throw new Error('No custom auth session')
const storedSession: CustomAuthSession = window.JSON.parse(raw)
if (storedSession.expiresAt < {
throw new Error('Stored custom auth session has expired')
const username = storedSession.username
// Accessing private method of Auth here which is BAD, but it's still the
// safest way to restore the custom auth session from local storage, as there
// is no interface that lets us do it.
// (If we created a new user pool object here instead to pass to a
// CognitoUser constructor that would likely result in hard to catch bugs,
// as Auth can assume that all CognitoUsers passed to it come from its pool
// object.)
const user: CognitoUser = (Auth as any).createCognitoUser(username)
// Session is not exposed to TypeScript, but it's a public member in the
// JS code.
;(user as any).Session = storedSession.session
return user
function storeCustomAuthSession(cognitoUser: CognitoUser) {
// Session isn't exposed to TypeScript, but it's a public member in JS
const session = (cognitoUser as any).Session
const expiresAt = + CUSTOM_AUTH_TTL
const otpSession: CustomAuthSession = {
username: cognitoUser.getUsername(),
const json = window.JSON.stringify(otpSession)
window.localStorage.setItem('CustomAuthSession', json)
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