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Created February 6, 2025 08:25
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Allen Interval Rules
class AllenIntervalRules(object):
def ContainedBy(x, y):
return (x.UtcStartTime > y.UtcStartTime) and (x.UtcEndTime < y.UtcEndTime)
def Contains(x, y):
return (y.UtcStartTime > x.UtcStartTime) and (y.UtcEndTime < x.UtcEndTime)
def FinishedBy(x, y):
return (y.UtcEndTime == x.UtcEndTime) and (y.UtcStartTime > x.UtcStartTime)
def Finishes(x, y):
return (x.UtcEndTime == y.UtcEndTime) and (x.UtcStartTime > y.UtcStartTime)
def IsEqualTo(x, y):
return (x.UtcStartTime == y.UtcStartTime) and (x.UtcEndTime == y.UtcEndTime)
def Meets(x, y):
return (x.UtcEndTime == y.UtcStartTime)
def MetBy(x, y):
return (y.UtcEndTime == x.UtcStartTime)
def OverlapedBy(x, y):
return (y.UtcStartTime < x.UtcStartTime) and ((y.UtcEndTime > x.UtcStartTime) and (y.UtcEndTime < x.UtcEndTime))
def Overlaps(x, y):
return (x.UtcStartTime < y.UtcStartTime) and ((x.UtcEndTime > y.UtcStartTime) and (x.UtcEndTime < y.UtcEndTime))
def StartedBy(x, y):
return (y.UtcStartTime == x.UtcStartTime) and (y.UtcEndTime < x.UtcEndTime)
def Starts(x, y):
return (x.UtcStartTime == y.UtcStartTime) and (x.UtcEndTime < y.UtcEndTime)
def TakesPlaceAfter(x, y):
return x.UtcStartTime > y.UtcEndTime
def TakesPlaceBefore(x, y):
return x.UtcEndTime < y.UtcStartTime
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