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Created February 6, 2025 16:48
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OpenShift and WildFly

OpenShift WildFly Demo Deployment

This guide provides step-by-step instructions to deploy a WildFly application on OpenShift using Helm and configure it with environment variables and resource limits.


  • OpenShift CLI (oc) installed
  • Helm installed
  • Access to an OpenShift cluster


1. Log in to OpenShift

# Log in as a developer user
oc login -u developer -p developer

2. Create a new OpenShift project

# Create a new OpenShift project called wildfly-demo
oc new-project wildfly-demo

3. Add the WildFly Helm repository and search for available charts

# Add the WildFly Helm chart repository
helm repo add wildfly

# Search for available WildFly Helm charts
helm search repo wildfly

4. Install the MicroProfile Config Example application

# Deploy the microprofile-config-app using the WildFly Helm chart
helm install microprofile-config-app wildfly/wildfly -f

5. Monitor the build and deployment process

# Watch the build process
oc get build -w

# Watch the deployment status
oc get deployment microprofile-config-app -w

6. Check application logs

# View logs of the build process
oc logs -f build/microprofile-config-app-1

7. Monitor the running pods and retrieve the application route

# Watch for running pods
oc get pods -w

# Retrieve the application route
oc get route

8. Test the application endpoint

# Perform a test request to the application endpoint
curl -k

Expected: "Hello from OpenShift"

9. Create a ConfigMap and inject it into the deployment

# Create a ConfigMap with a custom environment variable
oc create configmap democonfig --from-literal=CONFIG_PROP="Hello D280!"

# Set the environment variable from the ConfigMap in the deployment
oc set env --from=configmap/democonfig deployment/microprofile-config-app

10. Monitor pod restarts and verify changes

# Check the status of the pods
oc get pods

# Watch for new pod creation after environment update
oc get pods -w

11. Verify the updated configuration in the application

# Perform a test request to verify the new configuration value
curl -k

Expected: "Hello D280!"

12. Set resource limits for the deployment

# Set memory limit for the deployment
oc set resources deployment microprofile-config-app --limits=memory=512Mi

13. Scale the deployment

# Scale up the deployment to 4 replicas
oc scale deployment microprofile-config-app --replicas 4

14. Log in as an administrator and monitor cluster resource usage

# Log in as an admin user
oc login -u admin -p redhatocp

# Check resource usage of OpenShift nodes
oc adm top nodes

15. Scale down the deployment

# Scale down the deployment to 0 replicas
oc scale deployment microprofile-config-app --replicas 0

16. Deploy the MicroProfile Health application

# Deploy the microprofile-health example using Helm
helm install microprofile-health wildfly/wildfly -f

17. Create an additional service for the Health Service on Port 9990

oc expose deployment microprofile-health --port=9990 --target-port=9990 --name=microprofile-health-service

18. Expose and test the additional service

oc expose service microprofile-health-service 
oc get route


"status":"UP","checks":[{"name":"deployments-status","status":"UP","data":{"microprofile-health.war":"OK"}},{"name":"suspend-state","status":"UP","data":{"value":"RUNNING"}},{"name":"server-state","status":"UP","data":{"value":"running"}},{"name":"boot-errors","status":"UP"},{"name":"Simple health check","status":"UP"},{"name":"Health check with data","status":"UP","data":{"foo":"fooValue","bar":"barValue"}},{"name":"Database connection health check","status":"UP"},{"name":"started-deployment.microprofile-health.war","status":"UP"}]}[
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