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Last active February 8, 2025 19:46
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Install dify with HTTPS setup
# Check if email and domain parameters are provided
if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <email> <domain>"
exit 1
# Install Docker
curl -fsSL -o
sudo sh
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
# Clone Dify repository
git clone
cd dify
# Copy .env.example to .env
cp docker/.env.example docker/.env
# Update .env
sed -i 's/^NGINX_SSL_CERT_FILENAME=.*/NGINX_SSL_CERT_FILENAME=fullchain.pem/' docker/.env
sed -i 's/^NGINX_SSL_CERT_KEY_FILENAME=.*/NGINX_SSL_CERT_KEY_FILENAME=privkey.pem/' docker/.env
sed -i "s/^CERTBOT_DOMAIN=.*/CERTBOT_DOMAIN=$DOMAIN/" docker/.env
sed -i "s/^CERTBOT_EMAIL=.*/CERTBOT_EMAIL=$EMAIL/" docker/.env
sed -i "s|^SERVICE_API_URL=.*|SERVICE_API_URL=https://$DOMAIN|" docker/.env
sed -i "s|^APP_WEB_URL=.*|APP_WEB_URL=https://$DOMAIN|" docker/.env
# Prune Docker networks and start containers
sudo docker network prune -f
sudo docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yaml --profile certbot up --force-recreate -d
# Run certbot
sudo docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yaml exec -T certbot /bin/sh /
# Enable HTTPS
sed -i 's/^NGINX_HTTPS_ENABLED=.*/NGINX_HTTPS_ENABLED=true/' docker/.env
# Recreate nginx container
sudo docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yaml --profile certbot up -d --no-deps --force-recreate nginx
echo "Dify installation with SSL is complete. Please check https://$DOMAIN"
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Hi, it looks like you're sharing the note to run this script with sudo, but if a non-root user runs this with sudo, the 'dify' directory created by git clone ends up being owned by root. So, the non-root user won’t be able to do anything inside that 'dify' directory.

Also, since $USER is always root, I don’t really see the point of adding them to the docker group by usermod. I kinda think this script wasn’t really meant to be run with sudo in the first place 😃

Just wanted to share that for your info; I wrote more about it on Discord. Thanks!

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