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Created February 4, 2025 20:01
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import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
class WordleSolver:
"""A class for playing a Wordle Style game. Designed around building a simple
solver for the Irish language version of the game Foclach.
Object must be instantiated with a dataframe having the column structure as follows:
word chars 1 2 3 4 5 ... [letter_tokens]
Usage: instantiate a game using the corpus
>>> g = WordleGame(corpus_df)
>>> guess = g.get_next_guess(); guess
# input the guess into the game and get the clues in return
# you can either use an array of ['gray', 'yellow', 'green']
# or you can use a string. # If using a string, the key is:
# g = green (letter exists in correct location)
# y = yellow (letter exists but not in this location)
# r = gray (letter does not exists in the word)
>>> g.update_clues_and_guess('gyrrr')
>>> guess = g.get_next_guess(); guess
:class: WordleGame
:param words_df: the corpus, as a dataframe structured with columns as
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
word 1 2 3 4 5 ... [letters] ... score
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
and each row as a token
word 1 2 3 4 5 a c á ... score
srian s r i a n True False False ... 0.1
hairc h a i r c True True False ... 0.001
chiar c h i a r True True False ... 0.2
The final score column is used to create the probability distribution
of tokens from which the guess will be selected
def __init__(self, words_df):
self.current_masks = []
self.guesses = []
self.guesses_and_results = []
# Ensure score column is numeric when initializing
words_df['score'] = pd.to_numeric(words_df['score'], errors='coerce').fillna(0)
self.corpus = words_df
self.filtered_corpus = words_df
def make_guess(self):
# Convert to float and handle any potential issues
scores = self.filtered_corpus['score'].astype(float)
total_score = scores.sum()
if total_score == 0:
# If all scores are 0, use uniform distribution
probabilities = np.ones(len(scores)) / len(scores)
probabilities = scores / total_score
guess_idx = np.random.choice(self.filtered_corpus.index, p=probabilities.values)
return self.filtered_corpus.loc[guess_idx]['word']
def filter_db_from_masks(self):
if len(self.current_masks) > 0:
mask = np.array(self.current_masks).prod(axis=0).astype(np.bool_)
self.filtered_corpus = self.corpus[mask]
return self.filtered_corpus
def next_best_guesses(self):
return self.filtered_corpus
def masks_from_guess(self, guess, list_of_colors):
# takes a word and list of colors, the pandas dataframe (db), and the
# list of known masks, if it exists
# outputs a mask to filter the words based on
# the constraints resulting from that guess
# input of list of colors can either be a list of ['Gray', 'Green', 'Yellow']
# or a string of ['GYR'], where R is gray
db = self.corpus
for idx, l in enumerate(guess):
if list_of_colors[idx].lower() in ["g", "green"]:
print(f'{l} g')
# if it's green then the letter in position idx is correct
# which means the word has the letter, and it's in that position
position = str(idx+1) # this is the string position to reference the db
self.current_masks.append(db[position] == l)
self.current_masks.append(db[l] == True)
elif list_of_colors[idx].lower() in ["y", "yellow"]:
print(f'{l} y')
# here the letter is in the secret word, but
# the letter is not in the right position
position = str(idx+1) # this is the string position to reference the db
# so we know that the letter at this position is not this letter
self.current_masks.append(db[position] != l)
# and we know that the letter is in the word
self.current_masks.append(db[l] == True)
elif list_of_colors[idx].lower() in ["r", "gray", "grey"]:
print(f'{l} r')
# here the letter is not in the secret word
self.current_masks.append(db[l] == False)
return self.current_masks
def list_possible_guesses(self):
filtered_db = self.filter_db_from_masks()
return filtered_db['word']
def get_next_guess(self):
filtered_db = self.filter_db_from_masks()
guess = self.make_guess()
return guess
def update_clues_and_guess(self, clues, guess=None):
if guess is None:
guess = self.guesses[-1]
self.masks_from_guess(guess, clues)
def evaluate_guess(guess, secret_word):
# evaluates a guess against the secret_word and outputs
# the list of colors for that word
colors = []
for idx, l in enumerate(guess):
if secret_word[idx] == l:
v = 'Green'
elif l in secret_word:
v = 'Yellow'
v = 'Gray'
return colors
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