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Executing AssemblyScript directly, and compiling to JavaScript with tsc, Deno, and Bun (and executing WASM directly with bun)

Executing AssemblyScript directly, and compiling to JavaScript with tsc, Deno, and Bun (and executing WASM directly with bun)


bun install typescript@next assemblyscript @types/node
bun add v1.2.1-canary.15 (5633ec43)

installed typescript@5.8.0-dev.20250129 with binaries:
 - tsc
 - tsserver
installed assemblyscript@0.27.32 with binaries:
 - asc
 - asinit
installed @types/node@22.12.0

6 packages installed [17.07s]

Install AssemblyScript's WASI shim

bun install assemblyscript/wasi-shim
bun add v1.2.1-canary.15 (5633ec43)

installed @assemblyscript/wasi-shim@github:assemblyscript/wasi-shim#4399cff

1 package installed [1.92s]

Compiling to WASM with asc

The script accepts two integers reflecting the factorial integer to create an Array of len length, and the nth lexicographic permutation n of the created Array. The file is then copied to node_modules/assemblyscript/std.

We read len and n either as stdin to WASM with WASI support or as arguments passed to the runtime (JavaScript or WebAssembly).

We import AssemblyScript's std/portable.js and node:process, and include two // @ts-ignore comments to ignore AssemblyScript's read() which is not the same as or; and String.UTF8.decode(), which will be replaced in the JavaScript transformed/compiled version

import "./portable/index.js";
import process from "node:process";
// array_nth_permutation
export function array_nth_permutation(len: i32, n: i32): void { //Array<f64>
  let lex = n; // length of the set
  let b: i32[] = []; // copy of the set a.slice()
  for (let x: i32 = 0; x < len; x++) {
  const res: i32[] = []; // return value, undefined
  let i: i32 = 1;
  let f: i32 = 1;

  // compute f = factorial(len)
  for (; i <= len; i++) {
    f *= i;

  let fac = f;
  // if the permutation number is within range
  if (n >= 0 && n < f) {
    // start with the empty set, loop for len elements
    // let result_len = 0;
    for (; len > 0; len--) {
      // determine the next element:
      // there are f/len subsets for each possible element,
      f /= len;
      // a simple division gives the leading element index
      i = (n - n % f) / f; // Math.floor(n / f);
      // alternately: i = (n - n % f) / f;
      // res[(result_len)++] = b[i];
      // for (let j = i; j < len; j++) {
      //   b[j] = b[j + 1]; // shift elements left
      // }
      res.push(<i32>b.splice(i, 1)[0]);
      // reduce n for the remaining subset:
      // compute the remainder of the above division
      n %= f;
      // extract the i-th element from b and push it at the end of res

    let result: string = `[${res}]`;

      `${lex} of ${fac - 1} (0-indexed, factorial ${fac}) => ${result}\n`,

  } else {
    if (n === 0) {
      process.stdout.write(`${n} = 0`);
    process.stdout.write(`${n} >= 0 && ${n} < ${f}: ${n >= 0 && n < f}`);

let input: string = "0";
let lex: string = "0";

if (process.argv.length > 1) {
  input =;
  lex =;
} else {
  let stdin = process.stdin;
  let buffer = new ArrayBuffer(64);
  // @ts-ignore
  let n: number =;
  if (n > 0) {
    // @ts-ignore
    let data = String.UTF8.decode(buffer);
    input = data.slice(0, data.indexOf(" "));
    lex = data.slice(data.indexOf(" "), data.length);

input = input.trim();
lex = lex.trim();

if (<i32> parseInt(input) < 2 || <i32> parseInt(lex) < 0) {
  process.stdout.write(`Expected n > 2, m >= 0, got ${input}, ${lex}`); // eval(input)

array_nth_permutation(<i32> parseInt(input), <i32> parseInt(lex));
node_modules/.bin/asc --enable simd --exportStart --config \
./node_modules/@assemblyscript/wasi-shim/asconfig.json  module.ts -o module.wasm

Test and verify the compiled WASM works as expected

wasmtime module.wasm 7 8
8 of 5039 (0-indexed, factorial 5040) => [0,1,2,4,5,3,6]
echo '9 9' | wasmer module.wasm
9 of 362879 (0-indexed, factorial 362880) => [0,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,5]

Compile AssemblyScript to JavaScript with TypeScript's tsc

Create a symbolic link to @types/node in the same node_modules folder in assemblyscript/std/types

ln -sf "$PWD/node_modules/@types/node" "$PWD/node_modules/assemblyscript/std/types"

Create tsconfig.json file

touch tsconfig.json

Edit the file to include

  "extends": "../tsconfig-base.json",
  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "esnext",
    "module": "esnext",
    "allowJs": true,
    "esModuleInterop": true,
    "typeRoots": [ "types" ],
    "types": [ "portable", "node" ],
    "lib": ["esnext", "esnext.string"]
  "files": ["module.ts"],
  "fmt": {
    "useTabs": false,
    "lineWidth": 80,
    "indentWidth": 2

Copy tsconfig.json to assemblyscript/std

cp tsconfig.json node_modules/assemblyscript/std
./node_modules/.bin/tsc -p ./node_modules/assemblyscript/std/tsconfig.json

creates module.js in assemblyscript/std.

Modifying emitted JavaScript

Modify JavaScript emitted by tsc, deno, and bun to change expected arguments length to >=3, substitute node:fs readSync() for AssemblyScript's read(), new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(64)) for ArrayBuffer(64), and TextDecoder() for String.UTF8.decode(), and comment import ./portable/index.js

// import"./portable/index.js";
import process from "node:process";
import { readSync } from "node:fs";
export function array_nth_permutation(len, n) {
  let lex = n;
  let b = [];
  for (let x = 0;x < len; x++) {
  const res = [];
  let i = 1;
  let f = 1;
  for (;i <= len; i++) {
    f *= i;
  let fac = f;
  if (n >= 0 && n < f) {
    for (;len > 0; len--) {
      f /= len;
      i = (n - n % f) / f;
      res.push(b.splice(i, 1)[0]);
      n %= f;
    let result = `[${res}]`;
    process.stdout.write(`${lex} of ${fac - 1} (0-indexed, factorial ${fac}) => ${result}
  } else {
    if (n === 0) {
      process.stdout.write(`${n} = 0`);
    process.stdout.write(`${n} >= 0 && ${n} < ${f}: ${n >= 0 && n < f}`);
let input = "0";
let lex = "0";
if (process.argv.length >= 3) {
  input =;
  lex =;
} else {
  let stdin = process.stdin;
    let buffer = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(64));
    // @ts-ignore
    // Use fs.readSync()
    let n = readSync(stdin.fd, buffer);
    // let n =;
    if (n > 0) {
      // @ts-ignore
      // let data = String.UTF8.decode(buffer);
      // Use TextDecoder
      let data = new TextDecoder().decode(buffer);
      input = data.slice(0, data.indexOf(" "));
      lex = data.slice(data.indexOf(" "), data.length);
input = input.trim();
lex = lex.trim();
if (parseInt(input) < 2 || parseInt(lex) < 0) {
  process.stdout.write(`Expected n > 2, m >= 0, got ${input}, ${lex}`);
array_nth_permutation(parseInt(input), parseInt(lex));


Run AssemblyScript directly with Deno

Run AssemblyScript source code in .ts file directly with deno

deno -A -q -c node_modules/assemblyscript/std/tsconfig.json ./node_modules/assemblyscript/std/module.ts 12 2
2 of 479001599 (0-indexed, factorial 479001600) => [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,9,11]

Compile AssemblyScript to JavaScript and cache with deno install

deno install -f -c node_modules/assemblyscript/std/tsconfig.json module.ts
Unsupported compiler options in "file:///home/user/node_modules/assemblyscript/std/tsconfig.json".
  The following options were ignored:
    allowJs, esModuleInterop, module, target, typeRoots

Write the cached file to current working directory

cat  "$HOME/.cache/deno/gen/file$PWD/module.ts.js" > module.ts.js

Execute JavaScript compiled and cached by Deno from AssemblyScript source


deno -A module.ts.js 11 22
22 of 39916799 (0-indexed, factorial 39916800) => [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,10,9,7,8]


bun runs .wasm files, see

.node .wasm These files are supported by the Bun runtime, but during bundling they are treated as assets.

Execute AssemblyScript complied to WASM directly with Bun

bun module.wasm 4 5
5 of 23 (0-indexed, factorial 24) => [0,3,2,1]

Execute AssemblyScript directly with Bun

bun run node_modules/assemblyscript/std/module.ts 12 2
2 of 479001599 (0-indexed, factorial 479001600) => [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,9,11]

Bundle AssemblyScript to JavaScript with bun build

--no-bundle removes comments. Omit --no-bundle option to include portable/index.js in the bundle

bun build node_modules/assemblyscript/std/module.ts --no-bundle --outfile module.js

  module.js  1.39 KB

[10ms] transpile

See Modifying emitted JavaScript

echo '4 5' | bun module.js
5 of 23 (0-indexed, factorial 24) => [0,3,2,1]


Try executing AssemblyScript's .ts directly with node

node node_modules/assemblyscript/std/module.ts 12 2

Error [ERR_UNSUPPORTED_NODE_MODULES_TYPE_STRIPPING]: Stripping types is currently 
unsupported for files under node_modules, for "file:///home/user/node_modules/assemblyscript/std/module.ts"
    at stripTypeScriptModuleTypes (node:internal/modules/typescript:170:11)
    at ModuleLoader.<anonymous> (node:internal/modules/esm/translators:547:16)
    at #translate (node:internal/modules/esm/loader:473:12)
    at ModuleLoader.loadAndTranslate (node:internal/modules/esm/loader:520:27)
    at async ModuleJob._link (node:internal/modules/esm/module_job:115:19) {

Node.js v24.0.0-nightly20250128532fff6b27

Execute JavaScript compiled from AssemblyScript with deno install

See Modifying emitted JavaScript

node  module.ts.js 11 22
22 of 39916799 (0-indexed, factorial 39916800) => [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,10,9,7,8]
Copy link

@junior-boop @MohsinDev369 @dsir-minute @vemas23 @AlphaFoxz

Re oven-sh/bun#6205 Bun can already execute AssemblyScript source code and .wasm files directly. See above.

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