124 number of properties
93 number of functions
38 number of classes
3 number of packages
20 number of kt files
1,178 lines of code (loc)
922 source lines of code (sloc)
739 logical lines of code (lloc)
56 comment lines of code (cloc)
136 cyclomatic complexity (mcc)
30 cognitive complexity
14 number of total code smells
6% comment source ratio
184 mcc per 1,000 lloc
18 code smells per 1,000 lloc
Too many functions inside a/an file/class/object/interface always indicate a violation of the single responsibility principle. Maybe the file/class/object/interface wants to manage too many things at once. Extract functionality which clearly belongs together.
- /Users/cbx/actions-runner/_work/helium-android/helium-android/ChartboostMonetization/src/main/java/com/chartboost/sdk/internal/mraid/MonetizationMraidController.kt:12:7
Class 'MonetizationMraidController' with '15' functions detected. Defined threshold inside classes is set to '11'
9 import com.chartboost.sdk.internal.renderables.StopReason
10 import java.net.URL
12 class MonetizationMraidController(
!! ^ error
13 private var context: Context,
14 private val webView: WebView,
15 private val placementType: Mraid.PlacementType,
Empty block of code detected. As they serve no purpose they should be removed.
- /Users/cbx/actions-runner/_work/helium-android/helium-android/ChartboostMonetization/src/main/java/com/chartboost/sdk/internal/renderables/WebRenderable.kt:149:62
This empty block of code can be removed.
146 }
147 }
149 override fun onWebViewStopped(reason: WebViewStopReason) {
!!! ^ error
150 }
152 override fun onOrientationRequest(request: MraidOrientationRequest) {
- /Users/cbx/actions-runner/_work/helium-android/helium-android/ChartboostMonetization/src/main/java/com/chartboost/sdk/internal/renderables/WebRenderable.kt:152:73
This empty block of code can be removed.
149 override fun onWebViewStopped(reason: WebViewStopReason) {
150 }
152 override fun onOrientationRequest(request: MraidOrientationRequest) {
!!! ^ error
153 }
154 }
The caught exception is swallowed. The original exception could be lost.
- /Users/cbx/actions-runner/_work/helium-android/helium-android/ChartboostMonetization/src/main/java/com/chartboost/sdk/internal/mraid/MonetizationMraidController.kt:126:18
The caught exception is swallowed. The original exception could be lost.
123 MraidJSToNativeCommand.SET_ORIENTATION_PROPERTIES -> handleSetOrientationProperties(url)
124 MraidJSToNativeCommand.UNLOAD -> handleUnload()
125 }
126 } catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) {
!!! ^ error
127 false
128 }
129 }
Kotlin source files should be stored in the directory corresponding to its package statement.
- /Users/cbx/actions-runner/_work/helium-android/helium-android/ChartboostMonetization/src/main/java/com/chartboost/sdk/internal/Utils/Dips.kt:1:1
The package declaration does not match the actual file location.
1 package com.chartboost.sdk.internal.utils
! ^ error
3 import android.content.Context
4 import kotlin.math.roundToInt
Line detected, which is longer than the defined maximum line length in the code style.
- /Users/cbx/actions-runner/_work/helium-android/helium-android/ChartboostMonetization/src/main/java/com/chartboost/sdk/internal/mraid/MRAIDNativeToJSCommand.kt:14:1
Line detected, which is longer than the defined maximum line length in the code style.
11 fun setCurrentPosition(screenMetrics: MraidScreenMetrics): MRAIDNativeToJSCommand {
12 val current = screenMetrics.currentRectDips
13 return MRAIDNativeToJSCommand(
14 "window.mraidbridge.setCurrentPosition(${current.x}, ${current.y}, ${current.width}, ${current.height});",
!! ^ error
15 )
16 }
- /Users/cbx/actions-runner/_work/helium-android/helium-android/ChartboostMonetization/src/main/java/com/chartboost/sdk/internal/mraid/MRAIDNativeToJSCommand.kt:21:1
Line detected, which is longer than the defined maximum line length in the code style.
18 fun setDefaultPosition(screenMetrics: MraidScreenMetrics): MRAIDNativeToJSCommand {
19 val default = screenMetrics.defaultRectDips
20 return MRAIDNativeToJSCommand(
21 "window.mraidbridge.setDefaultPosition(${default.x}, ${default.y}, ${default.width}, ${default.height});",
!! ^ error
22 )
23 }
- /Users/cbx/actions-runner/_work/helium-android/helium-android/ChartboostMonetization/src/main/java/com/chartboost/sdk/internal/mraid/MRAIDNativeToJSCommand.kt:41:1
Line detected, which is longer than the defined maximum line length in the code style.
39 fun fireSizeChangeEvent(screenMetrics: MraidScreenMetrics): MRAIDNativeToJSCommand {
40 val current = screenMetrics.maxRectDips
41 return MRAIDNativeToJSCommand("window.mraidbridge.notifySizeChangeEvent(${current.width}, ${current.height});")
!! ^ error
42 }
44 fun fireStateChangeEvent(state: Mraid.State): MRAIDNativeToJSCommand {
- /Users/cbx/actions-runner/_work/helium-android/helium-android/ChartboostMonetization/src/test/java/com/chartboost/sdk/internal/mraid/MraidNativeToJSCommandTests.kt:32:1
Line detected, which is longer than the defined maximum line length in the code style.
29 @Test
30 fun `verify MRAID setPlacement javascript string`() {
32 val interstitial: MRAIDNativeToJSCommand = MRAIDNativeToJSCommand.setPlacementType(Mraid.PlacementType.INTERSTITIAL)
!! ^ error
33 assertEquals("window.mraidbridge.setPlacementType('interstitial');", interstitial.javascript)
35 // INLINE
- /Users/cbx/actions-runner/_work/helium-android/helium-android/ChartboostMonetization/src/test/java/com/chartboost/sdk/internal/renderables/WebRenderableTest.kt:44:1
Line detected, which is longer than the defined maximum line length in the code style.
42 whenever(webView.settings).thenReturn(webSettings)
43 whenever(webViewFactory.createWebView(context)).thenReturn(webView)
44 whenever(webViewFactory.createMRAIDController(context, webView, Mraid.PlacementType.INTERSTITIAL)).thenReturn(mraidController)
!! ^ error
45 }
47 @Test
Restrict the number of return statements in methods.
- /Users/cbx/actions-runner/_work/helium-android/helium-android/ChartboostMonetization/src/main/java/com/chartboost/sdk/internal/mraid/MonetizationMraidController.kt:131:17
Function handleOpen has 3 return statements which exceeds the limit of 2.
128 }
129 }
131 private fun handleOpen(url: Uri): Boolean {
!!! ^ error
132 val listener = this.listener ?: return false
133 val parameters = parametersFrom(url)
134 val urlString = parameters["url"] ?: return false
- /Users/cbx/actions-runner/_work/helium-android/helium-android/ChartboostMonetization/src/main/java/com/chartboost/sdk/internal/mraid/MonetizationMraidController.kt:140:17
Function handleSetOrientationProperties has 3 return statements which exceeds the limit of 2.
137 return true
138 }
140 private fun handleSetOrientationProperties(url: Uri): Boolean {
!!! ^ error
141 val listener = this.listener ?: return false
142 val parameters = parametersFrom(url)
143 val forceOrientationValue = parameters["forceOrientation"] ?: return false
Use require() instead of throwing an IllegalArgumentException.
- /Users/cbx/actions-runner/_work/helium-android/helium-android/ChartboostMonetization/src/main/java/com/chartboost/sdk/internal/renderables/WebRenderable.kt:45:13
Use require() instead of throwing an IllegalArgumentException.
43 init {
44 if (html == null && url == null) {
45 throw IllegalArgumentException("Either HTML or URL must be provided")
!! ^ error
46 }
47 }
Wildcard imports should be replaced with imports using fully qualified class names. Wildcard imports can lead to naming conflicts. A library update can introduce naming clashes with your classes which results in compilation errors.
- /Users/cbx/actions-runner/_work/helium-android/helium-android/ChartboostMonetization/src/test/java/com/chartboost/sdk/internal/mraid/MonetizationMraidControllerTests.kt:12:1
org.mockito.Mockito.* is a wildcard import. Replace it with fully qualified imports.
9 import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach
10 import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
11 import org.mockito.Mockito
12 import org.mockito.Mockito.*
!! ^ error
13 import org.mockito.kotlin.whenever
15 class MonetizationMraidControllerTests {
generated with detekt version 1.23.5 on 2025-02-06 15:03:26 UTC