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Last active February 6, 2025 19:25
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# Import example dataset from RM.weights package
# Severity thresholds for moderate and severe food insecurity
# Using the global standard according to FAO, see p9-11 of doc linked below
# story_content/external_files/SDG2.1.2_lesson4.pdf
# Using methods defined here:
global_severities <- c(
-1.2230564, -0.847121, -1.1056616, 0.3509848,
-0.3117999, 0.5065051, 0.7546138, 1.8755353
# Fit Rasch model
FIES_RM.w <- data.FAO_country1 |>
RM.w(.w = data.FAO_country1$wt)
# Normalize the global item severity standards to this survey
std_global_severities <- ((global_severities - mean(global_severities)) /
sd(global_severities) * sd(FIES_RM.w$b)) + mean(FIES_RM.w$b)
# Calculate differences between original and normalized global severities
std_diffs <- abs(FIES_RM.w$b - std_global_severities)
# Use std_diffs to filter out too-large differences
uniqueness_threshold <- 0.5
std_diffs_filter <- std_diffs < uniqueness_threshold
# Recalculate vectors above using this filter
re_std_global_severities <- (
(global_severities - mean(global_severities[std_diffs_filter])) /
sd(global_severities[std_diffs_filter]) * sd(FIES_RM.w$b[std_diffs_filter])
) + mean(FIES_RM.w$b[std_diffs_filter])
# Calculate moderate & severe thresholds based on ATELESS and WHLDAY
thresholds <- c(re_std_global_severities[5], re_std_global_severities[8])
# Find moderate & severe food insecurity likelihoods
moderate_prob <- c(0, map_dbl(
\(x) pnorm(thresholds[1], FIES_RM.w$a[x], FIES_RM.w$se.a[x], F)
severe_prob <- c(0, map_dbl(
\(x) pnorm(thresholds[2], FIES_RM.w$a[x], FIES_RM.w$se.a[x], F)
moderate_final <- sum(FIES_RM.w$ * moderate_prob)
severe_final <- sum(FIES_RM.w$ * severe_prob)
# Find each observation's severity score (not really an approved use of FIES)
FIES <- data.FAO_country1 |>
filter(!if_any(WORRIED:WHLDAY, |>
FIES_raw_score = rowSums(pick(WORRIED:WHLDAY), na.rm=T),
FIES_severity = FIES_RM.w$a[FIES_raw_score + 1],
FIES_moderate = if_else(FIES_severity > thresholds[1], 1,0),
FIES_severe = if_else(FIES_severity > thresholds[2], 1,0)
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