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Last active February 9, 2025 23:32
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A script used for testing passing correction data over USB with two SkytraQ GPS units connected via USB to one laptop.
This is a script used for testing passing correction data over USB with two GPS units connected
to one laptop. The script performs these functions:
1. Forward RTCM correction data from my Base GNSS receiver, a SkytraQ PX1125R, connected on (COM6) to a
Rover GNSS receiver (COM10).
2. Monitor NMEA messages from my Rover, a Skytraq PX1172RDP, on COM10 and extract RTK Fix status
from $GPGGA messages.
3. Print the RTK Fix status every 5 seconds along with the last $GPGGA message.
import serial
import threading
import time
# Assigning COM ports
BASE_PORT = "COM6" # PX1125R (Base station, sending RTCM)
ROVER_PORT = "COM10" # PX1172RDP (Rover, receiving RTCM + outputting NMEA)
BAUD_RATE = 115200
STATUS_INTERVAL = 5 # Print RTK status every 5 seconds
rover = None # Shared COM10 connection
def open_serial(port):
"""Attempts to open a serial port."""
ser = serial.Serial(port, BAUD_RATE, timeout=1)
print(f"Successfully opened {port}.")
return ser
except serial.SerialException as e:
print(f"Error opening {port}: {e}")
return None
def forward_rtcm():
"""Reads RTCM data from Base and forwards it to Rover."""
global rover
rover = open_serial(ROVER_PORT) # Open COM10 first
base = open_serial(BASE_PORT) # Open COM6
if not base or not rover:
print("Failed to open one or both ports. Exiting RTCM forwarding.")
print(f"Forwarding RTCM data from {BASE_PORT} to {ROVER_PORT}...")
while True:
data = # Read RTCM data in chunks
if data:
rover.write(data) # Send RTCM to Rover
time.sleep(0.01) # Short delay to prevent overloading buffer
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error in RTCM forwarding: {e}")
def monitor_nmea():
"""Reads NMEA output from Rover and prints RTK status every 5 seconds with last GGA message."""
global rover
print("Waiting for Rover (COM10) to be ready...")
while rover is None: # Wait until `forward_rtcm` opens COM10
print(f"Listening to NMEA data from {ROVER_PORT}...")
last_status_time = time.time()
last_gga_message = None # Store last GGA message
while True:
line = rover.readline().decode(errors='ignore').strip()
if line.startswith("$GPGGA"): # Extract RTK status every 5 seconds
last_gga_message = line # Store the last GGA message
current_time = time.time()
if current_time - last_status_time >= STATUS_INTERVAL:
fields = line.split(',')
fix_type = fields[6]
num_satellites = fields[7]
altitude = fields[9]
status = {
"0": "No Fix",
"1": "GPS Fix",
"2": "DGPS Fix",
"4": "RTK Fixed",
"5": "RTK Float"
}.get(fix_type, "Unknown")
print(f"[{time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')}] RTK Status: {status} | Satellites: {num_satellites} | Altitude: {altitude}m")
print(f"Last GGA Message: {last_gga_message}") # Print full GGA message
last_status_time = current_time # Reset timer
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error in NMEA monitoring: {e}")
# Run both functions in parallel
rtcm_thread = threading.Thread(target=forward_rtcm, daemon=True)
nmea_thread = threading.Thread(target=monitor_nmea, daemon=True)
# Keep script running
while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
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