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Created February 7, 2025 18:10
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Dump Wordpress database
# Script to create a backup of a WordPress database
# Usage: ./ [path_to_wp-config.php]
# If no path is provided, the script assumes it is in the root directory of a WordPress installation.
# Function to print error messages and exit
# Arguments:
# $1 - The error message to print
# Example usage:
# error_exit "An error occurred"
error_exit() {
echo "ERROR: $1" >&2
exit 1
# Function to check if a command exists
# Arguments:
# $1 - The command to check
# Example usage:
# command_exists "mysqldump"
command_exists() {
command -v "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1
# Function to ensure required commands are available
# Arguments:
# $@ - The list of commands to check
# Example usage:
# check_required_commands mysqldump grep cut gzip
check_required_commands() {
for cmd in "$@"; do
command_exists "$cmd" || error_exit "$cmd is not installed. Please install it and try again."
# Function to extract a value from wp-config.php
# Arguments:
# $1 - The key to extract (e.g., "DB_USER")
# $2 - The path to wp-config.php
# Example usage:
# extract_wp_config_value "DB_USER" "./wp-config.php"
extract_wp_config_value() {
local key=$1
local wp_config_path=$2
grep "$key" "$wp_config_path" | cut -d "'" -f 4 || error_exit "Failed to extract $key."
# Function to create a backup of the WordPress database
# Arguments:
# $1 - The path to wp-config.php
# Example usage:
# create_backup "./wp-config.php"
create_backup() {
local wp_config_path=$1
# Check if wp-config.php exists
if [ ! -f "$wp_config_path" ]; then
error_exit "wp-config.php not found at $wp_config_path. Please provide the correct path."
# Extract database credentials from wp-config.php
local db_user=$(extract_wp_config_value "DB_USER" "$wp_config_path")
local db_password=$(extract_wp_config_value "DB_PASSWORD" "$wp_config_path")
local db_host=$(extract_wp_config_value "DB_HOST" "$wp_config_path")
local db_name=$(extract_wp_config_value "DB_NAME" "$wp_config_path")
# Create a backup of the database
local backup_file="backup_$(date +%F_%H-%M-%S).sql.gz"
mysqldump --no-tablespaces -u "$db_user" -p"$db_password" -h "$db_host" "$db_name" | gzip > "$backup_file" || error_exit "Failed to create database backup."
echo "Backup created successfully: $backup_file"
# Main function to execute the script logic
# Arguments:
# $1 - The path to wp-config.php (optional)
# Example usage:
# main "./wp-config.php"
main() {
local wp_config_path="${1:-./wp-config.php}"
# Ensure required commands are available
check_required_commands mysqldump grep cut gzip
# Check if wp-config.php exists in the current directory if no path is provided
if [ ! -f "$wp_config_path" ]; then
if [ ! -f "$wp_config_path" ]; then
error_exit "wp-config.php not found in the current directory or at the provided path. Please provide the correct path."
# Create the backup
create_backup "$wp_config_path"
# Execute the main function
main "$1"
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