Download the ISO file. This guide will use the artix-base-openrc
Flash a USB drive with etcher or dd (sudo dd if=/location/of/artix_install.iso of=/dev/usbdrive bs=4M && sync
After booting from the drive (Make sure to boot UEFI!), follow the Artix installation guide.
NOTE: If installing on a laptop, be sure to add networkmanager
and networkmanager-openrc
to your basestrap
command in order to have WiFi capabilities after leaving the live environment.
After following the guide and creating a user account, install drivers for your video card. For Intel integrated graphics, the packages are mesa
and vulkan-intel
Now, to install x11 and i3; The following command will install x11, i3, and some other useful tools for interfacing with x11 and improving the experience: sudo pacman -S xorg xorg-xhost xdotool i3-wm i3status i3lock picom
Additionally, install a terminal emulator. gnome-terminal
is usually a good default choice. Additionally, install dmenu
for launching applications.
To launch i3 from tty after logging in, add exec i3
to ~/.xinitrc
. After logging in, follow the dialog to generate an i3 config file. Add the line exec --no-startup-id picom
to ~/.config/i3/config
Install pipewire
, pipewire-pulse
and wireplumber
. Next, add the following to /usr/share/pipewire/pipewire.conf
under context.exec
{ path = "/usr/bin/wireplumber" args = "" }
{ path = "/usr/bin/pipewire-pulse" args = "" }
Finally, add the line exec --no-startup-id pipewire
to ~/.config/i3/config
in the appropriate section.
Install an AUR helper. First, make the directory ~/Repositories
. cd into this directory and clone an AUR helper's repository. Paru is preferred, but yay is another option. If you are used to a different helper than Paru or yay, add alias <old-helper-name>="<new-helper-name>"
to ~/.bashrc
cd into the newly cloned directory and run makepkg -si
. The base-devel
package may need to be installed, as well as git
Install any theme you want; the AUR provides a convenient way to do this. Install lxappearance
to activate the themes you installed. Additionally, install a font for i3. I generally like JetBrains Mono. Install the packages ttf-jetbrains-mono
and pango
if not installed. Add font pango:JetBrainsMono 12
to your i3 config and reboot (Change this line if using another font).
For development with docker, install docker
, docker-buildx
, docker-compose
, and docker-openrc
. To start docker on boot, run: sudo rc-update add docker default
, and to run docker without root privileges, add your user to the docker group: sudo usermod -aG docker <username>
Install firefox through pacman and configure it (Themes, extensions, etc.) Next, install any other packages you may need for daily use. For me, these include jellyfinmediaplayer
(AUR), prismlauncher
(AUR), and freetube
(AUR). Also, import an existing ssh key if you have one.