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Last active February 4, 2025 17:53
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Ghostty config file
# Config file for Ghostty created by Levi Sands
# updated 2025-02-04
# [Keybindings](
keybind = ctrl+t=new_tab
keybind = ctrl+a=select_all
keybind = shift+tab=toggle_tab_overview
keybind = ctrl+w=close_surface
keybind = ctrl+v=paste_from_clipboard
keybind = performable:ctrl+c=copy_to_clipboard
keybind = ctrl+n=new_window
# [Visual configurations](
# use `ghostty +list-fonts` to get possible fonts to use
# font-family = "FiraCode NF"
font-family = "CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font"
font-size = 10
# [there is an issue with KDE background blur/opacity but it seems to work okay](
background-blur = 80
background-opacity = 0.2
# unfocused-split-opacity = 0.50
# background-blur-radius = 50
window-decoration = false
# use `ghostty +list-themes` to get a list of possible themes
theme = "Abernathy"
# theme = "CGA"
# theme = "Andromeda"
# [Other Features](
confirm-close-surface = false
# shell-integration [look into this if you switch to Fish](
# shell-integration [not needed for Nushell](
# Commands
# the command starts Nushell on the start of any tab or window
command = nu
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