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Below is read/write lock
in action in Python
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import threading
from readerwriterlock import rwlock
reader = rwlock.RWLockFair().gen_rlock()
writer = rwlock.RWLockFair().gen_wlock()
rcount = 0
wcount = 0
def read_worker(id):
global rcount
global wcount
with reader:
rcount += 1
if rcount == 1:
print(f"Reader {id} reads data: {wcount}")
with reader:
rcount -= 1
if rcount == 0:
def write_worker(id):
global wcount
with writer:
wcount += 1
print(f"Writer {id} writes data: {wcount}")
if __name__ == '__main__':
for i in range(1, 3):
threading.Thread(target=write_worker, args=(i,)).start()
for i in range(1, 4):
threading.Thread(target=read_worker, args=(i,)).start()
Running the code as below:
$ python rw-lock.py
Writer 1 writes data: 1
Writer 1 writes data: 2
Reader 1 reads data: 2
Reader 2 reads data: 2
Reader 3 reads data: 2
The same now in Perl
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.38;
use threads;
use threads::shared;
use Thread::Semaphore;
my $reader = Thread::Semaphore->new(1);
my $writer = Thread::Semaphore->new(1);
my $rcount :shared = 0;
my $wcount :shared = 0;
sub read_worker($id) {
$writer->down() if ($rcount == 1);
say "Reader $id reads data: $wcount";
$writer->up() if ($rcount == 0);
sub write_worker($id) {
say "Writer $id writes data: $wcount";
my @threads = map { threads->create(\&write_worker, $_) } 1..2;
push @threads, threads->create(\&read_worker, $_) for 1..3;
$_->join() for @threads;
Run the code now:
$ perl rw-lock.pl
Writer 1 writes data: 1
Writer 1 writes data: 2
Reader 1 reads data: 2
Reader 2 reads data: 2
Reader 3 reads data: 2
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