A lot of videos pertaining to the motives and benefits of reactivity/declarative. Some of the later videos get more higher level and visual oriented which I think helps.
- The easier way to code Angular apps
- A visual guide to why DECLARATIVE code is better
- A visual guide to changing without reassigning in DECLARATIVE code
- A visual guide to switchMap and "higher order" observables
- The mindset you need for a DECLARATIVE code refactor
- Why you should care about DECLARATIVE programming
- Making route params easier with reactive coding
- A great example of common scenarios where imperative things can be done declaratively. Getting static values in an ngOnInit, subscribing, and then setting, turned step by step into a nested subscription, and then lastly into one single class field using switchMap + async pipe. And these days it could then be wrapped in a
tbh lol. Eventually when routing gets the signals treatment this will be less verbose, but it is quite convenient.
- A great example of common scenarios where imperative things can be done declaratively. Getting static values in an ngOnInit, subscribing, and then setting, turned step by step into a nested subscription, and then lastly into one single class field using switchMap + async pipe. And these days it could then be wrapped in a
- I only ever use these RxJS operators to code reactively
- Emphasis on the most used/useful RXJS operators in my opinion
- Introducing... the NEW Angular framework
- In particular: I like the point later in the video about ~5:30 about RXJS vs Signals vs Combo of them when to use which. Rest is kind of general latest Angular stuff
Most straight forward guides to a given topic IMO
- How Does an RxJS Observable Pipeline Work?
- Very smooth step by step on how pipes work
- RxJS: Hot vs Cold Observables
- Signals in Action: Building an App
Deep details on a specific topic
- Signals Unleashed: The Full Guide
- How do I test Signals (signal / computed / effect)
- My team members are so much better with consistently unit testing, so I imagine that testing is a natural inclination to others as well.
EXTREMLY detailed visuals that go step by step
- New in Angular 19: linkedSignal Feature for Dependent State
- I think
is a good in-between for reactivity but also having power to set values manually, common with forms that have a default and then may have later defaults on other form actions.
- I think
- Angular 19 New Feature: Resource API for Async Operations
- Understand Angular Signals in 20 Minutes