Since Android TV usually is very slow in its start page, we can use adb
+ Android Developer mode
to try to speed it up by:
- Disabling android launcher
- Installing new launcher
- Replacing youtube
- Limiting the number of process in background(#limiting-the-number-of-process-in-background)
Based on Why are android TVS are slow, [How to use adb on android TV](, Android dessert bites 2 tips tricks
# Install adb
sudo apt-get -y install android-tools-adb
- Open google play store
- Search for Projectivy launcher
- Install it
adb connect # android's TV ip
adb shell pm disable-user --user 0
adb ps
adb shell ps
adb shell ps | rg help
adb shell pm list packages
adb shell pm list packages -d | grep google
adb shell pm list packages| grep google
adb shell ps | grep google
adb shell pm list packages -d | grep google
adb shell pm disable-user --user 0
adb shell pm disable-user --user 0
adb shell pm disable-user --user 0
adb shell pm list packages -d | grep help
Install Cx explorer and give it permission
Download SmartTube APK using a TV browser
OR via adb
# Sending files adb shell ps | grep help adb ls adb shell ls adb shell ls sdcard adb shell ls sdcard/Download adb push 4.1.0.apk sdcard/Download
Install it
OR install via adb
adb install /path/to/your/app.apk
Open devtools and search for Apps in background, then, set to max 1