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Drive Force Sync
// Copyright 2024 Rob Brown
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Drive Force Sync
// Created by Rob Brown 2024-03-23
// Script to "force sync" Synology NAS Cloud Sync for Google Drive - see for my original post.
// Folders moved on Drive from outside of my configured "Remote path" in Cloud Sync into the remote path would sometimes not sync on the NAS until the files were
// opened in the Drive web app. If you viewed the synced folder on the NAS it was like the folders and files never existed.
// So the directory structure would exist on Drive but not my NAS. This script fixes that.
// This script iterates through the specified folder on Drive
// and then adds a description to "tickle" each file into syncing. The last modified date is then reset to the date/time BEFORE this tool ran.
// State is stored in a Google Sheets Spreadsheet so in the case of timeout, the script can simply be run again and it will resume where it left off.
// The idea is to run this script once for a folder that isn't present on the NAS, and everything should stay in sync thereafter.
// To install go to click "Start Scripting" and copy and paste this script into a new project.
// Click "Project Settings" on the left menu and then set the value of
// "folderId" and "email" under "Script Properties" by adding new properties.
// folderId:-
// Supply the ID of the folder you wish to sync, or even your root folder.
// To find the ID, double click the folder in the Drive web app then copy the ID from the path, which is in the following format:
// Not tested, but the literal "root" can be used for "sync all":
// email:-
// The email address to notify when syncing is completed. This might take several hours depending on the folder size, so it is useful to get a notification when done.
// Choose "main" from the dropdown in the editor and click Run to test it and it will start syncing.
// If the script seems happy on manual run, either wait for first execution to timeout, or feel free to stop it and setup a trigger to complete your task
// (Triggers is on the left-hand menu in Google Apps Scripts).
// It is recommended to schedule the main function, but don't schedule it to run more often than the timeout period for Google Scripts
// as it is not coded for concurrency (every 6 minutes at the time of writing, but please check At the time of writing,
// "every 10 minutes" is recommended.
// The script will automatically pickup from where it left off upon resuming, and may need to run itself several times to complete your sync.
// # FAQ
// ## Error message: "The uncompleted folder is not a child of the one you wanted completing!"
// You might get this if you change which folders you are updating - in this case delete the uncompleted rows from the spreadsheet, "Progress Tracker" tab
// ## Error message: "Already completed.""
// This means as far as this script is concerned, it has already completed syncing this folder. // If you want to run it again, follow these instructions:
// In column "B" of the Spreadsheet (which you can find at add the word "TRUE" to the "ALL COMPLETE" "Log" entry for the
// folder so the previous completion is ignored, then run again.
// Customise to your liking - these refer to the spreadsheet names created in Google Sheets for saving the status then resuming
const STATUS_SHEET_NAME = "Progress Tracker";
const SPREADSHEET_TITLE = "Folder Processing Tracker";
const LOGS_SHEET_NAME = "Log";
// If you want to sync all files again, e.g. to a different NAS or Cloud Sync target, change both SPECIAL_VALUE and SEARCH_VALUE. e.g. 0001 to 0002
const SPECIAL_VALUE = JSON.stringify({rbSync0001: getCurrentUTCDateTime(), scriptUrl: "" });
const SEARCH_VALUE = "rbSync0001";
// No need to set, this is stored in userProperties after creation
// No need to touch anything past here
var email;
var spreadsheet;
var statusSheet;
var folderData;
var continuationSheet;
var logSheet;
// Debug function to check the dirtory tree on Drive. Just set initial function to use `tree` instead of `main`
function tree(folderId, indent, fileCount, folderCount, totalCount) {
var topLevel = false;
if (!indent) {
indent = 1;
topLevel = true;
fileCount = 0;
folderCount = 0;
totalCount = 0;
if (!folderId) {
var scriptProperties = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties();
folderId = scriptProperties.getProperty("folderId");
Logger.log(`Folder ID picked up is ${folderId}`);
var indentString = '';
for (var i = 0; i <= indent; i++) {
indentString += ' ';
var folder = DriveApp.getFolderById(folderId);
if (topLevel) {
var files = folder.getFiles();
while (files.hasNext()) {
var file =;
var fileName = file.getName();
if (!fileName.endsWith(".gdoc") && !fileName.endsWith(".gsheet")) {
fileCount += 1;
totalCount += 1;
console.log(indentString, fileName);
var folders = folder.getFolders();
while (folders.hasNext()) {
var subFolder =;
console.log(indentString, subFolder.getName());
folderCount += 1;
totalCount += 1;
var subValues = tree(subFolder.getId(), indent + 1, fileCount, folderCount, totalCount);
fileCount = subValues.fileCount;
folderCount = subValues.folderCount;
totalCount = subValues.totalCount;
console.log(indentString, "---------------------------------");
console.log(indentString, "Files", fileCount);
console.log(indentString, "Folders", folderCount);
console.log(indentString, "Total", totalCount);
console.log(indentString, "---------------------------------");
var returnObject = new Object();
returnObject.fileCount = fileCount;
returnObject.folderCount = folderCount;
returnObject.totalCount = totalCount;
return returnObject;
function main() {
var userProperties = PropertiesService.getUserProperties();
SPREADSHEET_ID = userProperties.getProperty("SPREADSHEET_ID");
var scriptProperties = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties();
var folderId = scriptProperties.getProperty("folderId");
Logger.log(`Folder ID picked up is ${folderId}`);
email = scriptProperties.getProperty("email");
Logger.log(`Email picked up is ${email}`);
START_MARKER = `************ START MARKER |${folderId}|`;
COMPLETE_MARKER = `************ ALL COMPLETE |${folderId}|`;
Logger.log(`Spreadsheet ID saved was ${SPREADSHEET_ID}`);
try {
spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById(SPREADSHEET_ID);
catch {
Logger.log("Could not open spreadsheet");
if (spreadsheet) {
var spreadsheetId = spreadsheet.getId();
var file = DriveApp.getFileById(spreadsheetId);
if (file.isTrashed()) {
Logger.log("Spreadsheet was trashed");
spreadsheet = null;
} else {
Logger.log(`Found spreadsheet ID ${spreadsheetId}`);
continuationSheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName("c-tokens");
if (!spreadsheet) {
Logger.log("Creating new spreadsheet");
spreadsheet = createSpreadsheet();
userProperties.setProperty("SPREADSHEET_ID", spreadsheet.getId());
statusSheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName(STATUS_SHEET_NAME) || spreadsheet.insertSheet(STATUS_SHEET_NAME);
logSheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName(LOGS_SHEET_NAME);
if (!logSheet) {
logSheet = spreadsheet.insertSheet(LOGS_SHEET_NAME);
logSheet.appendRow(["dateTime", "ignore", "logEntry"])
folderData = statusSheet.getDataRange().getValues().slice(1);
if (checkLogsForPreviousCompletion()) {
return false;
var folder = DriveApp.getFolderById(folderId);
var firstRunForFolder = !checkLogsForStartMarker();
if (firstRunForFolder) {
var doLoop = true;
while (doLoop) {
doLoop = updateMetadataForAllFiles(folderId);
function createSpreadsheet() {
const spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.create(SPREADSHEET_TITLE);
const sheet = spreadsheet.getActiveSheet().setName(STATUS_SHEET_NAME);
// Create header row
sheet.appendRow(["folderId", "url", "path", "recordCreated", "folderEnumerated", "dateCompleted"]);
SPREADSHEET_ID = spreadsheet.getId();
var infoSheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName("README") || spreadsheet.insertSheet("README");
infoSheet.appendRow(["Used to maintain status for Drive Force Sync - Safe to delete if you do not use this tool."])
continuationSheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName("c-tokens") || spreadsheet.insertSheet("c-tokens");
continuationSheet.appendRow(["folderId", "url", "path", "isFolders", "recordCreated", "token", "completed"]);
return spreadsheet;
function getCurrentUTCDateTime() {
var now = new Date();
var utcDateTime = Utilities.formatDate(now, "GMT", "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'");
return utcDateTime;
function writeLog(entry) {
logSheet.appendRow([getCurrentUTCDateTime(), "", entry]);
function getAllParents(folder) {
var parents = folder.getParents();
var allParents = [];
while (parents.hasNext()) {
allParents[allParents.length] =;
var uniqueParents = [];
for (var i = 0; i < allParents.length; i++) {
var parent = allParents[i];
if (!uniqueParents.includes(parent)) {
uniqueParents = uniqueParents.concat(getAllParents(parent));
return uniqueParents;
// Put something inside the 'ignore' column to run the main folder again
function checkLogsForPreviousCompletion() {
var logData = logSheet.getDataRange().getValues();
for (var i = 0; i < logData.length; i++) {
if (logData[i][2] === COMPLETE_MARKER && logData[i][1] === "") {
writeLog("Already completed.");
return true;
return false;
function checkLogsForStartMarker() {
var logData = logSheet.getDataRange().getValues();
for (var i = 0; i < logData.length; i++) {
if (logData[i][2] === START_MARKER && logData[i][1] === "") {
return true;
return false;
function setIgnoreStartMarker() {
var logData = logSheet.getDataRange().getValues();
for (var i = 0; i < logData.length; i++) {
if (logData[i][2] === START_MARKER && logData[i][1] === "") {
logData[i][1] = true;
logSheet.getRange(i + 1, 1, 1, logData[i].length).setValues([logData[i]]);
function updateMetadataForAllFiles(folderId) {
writeLog(`Starting execution for folder ID ${folderId}`);
var folder = DriveApp.getFolderById(folderId);
var uncompleted = findUncompletedFolders();
writeLog("Number of uncompleted folders: " + uncompleted.length);
if (uncompleted.length === 0) {
MailApp.sendEmail(email, "Drive Force Sync Complete " + folderId + " " + getFolderName(folder) + "/" + folder.getName(), getCurrentUTCDateTime());
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < uncompleted.length; i++) {
var currentFolder = DriveApp.getFolderById(uncompleted[i]);
if (folderId !== uncompleted[i]) {
var parents = getAllParents(currentFolder);
var result = parents.find(e => e.getId() === folderId);
if (!result) {
writeLog("The uncompleted folder is not a child of the one you wanted completing! " + uncompleted[i]);
return false;
writeLog("Completing folder: " + uncompleted[i] + " " + getFolderName(currentFolder) + "/" + currentFolder.getName());
processFolder(currentFolder, false);
writeLog("Running again to ensure everything completed");
return true;
function findUncompletedFolders() {
var data = statusSheet.getDataRange().getValues();
var ids = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i][5] === "") { // No completion date
ids.push(data[i][0]); // Store the ID
return ids;
function markFolderDone(id) {
var data = statusSheet.getDataRange().getValues();
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i][0] == id && data[i][5] === "") {
data[i][5] = getCurrentUTCDateTime();
statusSheet.getRange(i + 1, 1, 1, data[i].length).setValues([data[i]]);
writeLog("markFolderDone: ID not found: " + id);
function markFolderEnumerated(id) {
var data = statusSheet.getDataRange().getValues();
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i][0] == id && data[i][4] === "") {
data[i][4] = getCurrentUTCDateTime();
statusSheet.getRange(i + 1, 1, 1, data[i].length).setValues([data[i]]);
writeLog("markFolderEnumerated: ID not found: " + id);
function createFolderEntry(folder) {
var folderData = [];
var lastRow = statusSheet.getLastRow();
var data = statusSheet.getDataRange().getValues();
writeLog("Enumerating " + getFolderName(folder) + "/" + folder.getName());
var logged = false;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i][0] === folder.getId() && data[i][5] === "") {
writeLog("Already logged " + folder.getId());
logged = true;
if (!logged) {
folderData.push([folder.getId(), folder.getUrl(), getFolderName(folder) + "/" + folder.getName(), getCurrentUTCDateTime()]);
statusSheet.getRange(lastRow + 1, 1, folderData.length, 4).setValues(folderData);
function processFolder(folder) {
var token = null;
var contData = continuationSheet.getDataRange().getValues();
var contTokenRow = null;
var contRowIndex = null;
for (var i = 0; i < contData.length; i++) {
if (contData[i][0] === folder.getId() && !contData[i][3] && contData[i][6] === "") {
contTokenRow = contData[i];
contRowIndex = i + 1;
token = contData[i][5];
writeLog(`Found file token for folder ${folder.getName()} ${token}`);
var files = null;
if (token) {
writeLog("Got a token, getting files");
files = DriveApp.continueFileIterator(token);
if (!files) {
if (token) {
writeLog(`File token not valid for ${folder.getName()}, getting files again`);
markContinueDone(folder.getId(), token, false);
token = null;
files = folder.getFiles();
var token = files.getContinuationToken();
contTokenRow = [folder.getId(), folder.getUrl(), getFolderName(folder) + "/" + folder.getName(), false, getCurrentUTCDateTime(), token];
contRowIndex = continuationSheet.getLastRow() + 1;
continuationSheet.getRange(contRowIndex, 1, 1, contTokenRow.length).setValues([contTokenRow]);
while (files.hasNext()) {
var file =;
if (contTokenRow) {
token = files.getContinuationToken();
contTokenRow[5] = token;
writeLog(`New file cont token: ${token}`);
if (contRowIndex) {
continuationSheet.getRange(contRowIndex, 1, 1, contTokenRow.length).setValues([contTokenRow]);
markContinueDone(folder.getId(), token, false);
function processFileOrFolder(file) {
var folderName = getFolderName(file);
var getName = file.getName();
var url = file.getUrl();
writeLog(`Processing: ${folderName}/${getName} ${url}`);
var description = file.getDescription();
if (!description) {
description = '';
if (description && description.includes(SEARCH_VALUE)) {
writeLog("... skipping - description checked");
var originalModifiedTime = DriveApp.getFileById(file.getId()).getLastUpdated();
if (description === '') {
} else {
file.setDescription(description + "\n\n" + SPECIAL_VALUE);
resetModifiedTime(file.getId(), originalModifiedTime);
function resetModifiedTime(fileId, time) {
var url = "" + fileId;
var params = {
method: "patch",
headers: { Authorization: "Bearer " + ScriptApp.getOAuthToken() },
payload: JSON.stringify({modifiedTime: time.toISOString() }),
contentType: "application/json",
UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, params);
function getFolderName(file) {
var folders = file.getParents();
// Assuming the file is only in one folder:
if (folders.hasNext()) {
var parentFolder =;
return getFolderName(parentFolder) + "/" + parentFolder.getName();
} else {
return "";
function markContinueDone(folderId, token, isFolders) {
writeLog(`Marking token finished for folderId and token ${folderId} ${token}`);
var contData = continuationSheet.getDataRange().getValues();
for (var i = 0; i < contData.length; i++) {
if (contData[i][0] == folderId && contData[i][3] == isFolders && contData[i][5] === token && contData[i][6] === "") {
contData[i][6] = getCurrentUTCDateTime();
continuationSheet.getRange(i + 1, 1, 1, contData[i].length).setValues([contData[i]]);
function enumerateAndStoreFolders(folder) {
var data = statusSheet.getDataRange().getValues();
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i][0] === folder.getId() && data[i][4] != "" && data[i][5] === "") {
writeLog("Already enumerated " + folder.getId());
var contData = continuationSheet.getDataRange().getValues();
var token = null;
var contTokenRow = null;
var contRowIndex = null;
for (var i = 0; i < contData.length; i++) {
if (contData[i][0] === folder.getId() && contData[i][3] && contData[i][6] === "") {
contTokenRow = contData[i];
contRowIndex = i + 1;
token = contData[i][5];
writeLog(`Found folder token for folder ${folder.getName()} ${token}`);
var folders = null;
if (token) {
writeLog("Got a folder token, getting folders");
folders = DriveApp.continueFolderIterator(token);
if (!folders) {
if (token) {
writeLog(`Token not valid for ${folder.getName()}, getting folders again`);
markContinueDone(folder.getId(), token, true);
token = null;
folders = folder.getFolders();
var token = folders.getContinuationToken();
contTokenRow = [folder.getId(), folder.getUrl(), getFolderName(folder) + "/" + folder.getName(), true, getCurrentUTCDateTime(), token];
contRowIndex = continuationSheet.getLastRow() + 1;
continuationSheet.getRange(contRowIndex, 1, 1, contTokenRow.length).setValues([contTokenRow]);
while (folders.hasNext()) {
var nextFolder =;
if (contTokenRow) {
token = folders.getContinuationToken();
contTokenRow[5] = token;
writeLog(`New folder cont token: ${token}`);
if (contRowIndex) {
continuationSheet.getRange(contRowIndex, 1, 1, contTokenRow.length).setValues([contTokenRow]);
markContinueDone(folder.getId(), token, true);
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