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Last active February 5, 2025 08:38
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Save rweverwijk/8bff17568f791303b439 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is a small Python script to convert an XSD to a neo4j structure. This can help to visualize the structure and to do some queries on the structure.
import sys
import os
import re
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from py2neo import authenticate, Graph, Node, Relationship
authenticate("localhost:7474", "neo4j", "test")
graph = Graph("http://localhost:7474/db/data/")
ignored_elements = ['{}complexContent',
ns = {'xs': ''}
def create(current):
node = Node(re.sub('^\{.*\}', '', current.tag), 'Xsd', name=current.attrib['name'])
return node
def merge(current):
label = re.sub('^\{.*\}', '', current.tag)
node = None
node = graph.find_one(label, "name", current.attrib['name'])
except KeyError:
print "name not found: " + str(current)
if node is None:
node = create(current)
return node
def is_anonymous_complex_type(current):
return (current.tag == '{}complexType' or current.tag == '{}simpleType') and 'name' not in current.attrib
def recursive_print_childs(current, parentNode, level):
node = None
if current.tag == '{}extension':
props = {"complex_name": current.attrib['base']}
complex_node = graph.cypher.execute_one('MERGE (c:complexType:Xsd {name: {complex_name}}) return c', props)
rel = Relationship(parentNode, 'EXTENDS', complex_node)
node = parentNode
elif current.tag not in ignored_elements and not is_anonymous_complex_type(current):
print("|"*level + current.attrib['name'] if 'name' in current.attrib else current.tag)
level = level + 1
if 'element' in current.tag and parentNode:
node = create(current)
rel = Relationship(parentNode, 'HAS_ELEMENT', node)
if 'type' in current.attrib:
props = {"complex_name": current.attrib['type']}
complex_node = graph.cypher.execute_one('MERGE (c:complexType:Xsd {name: {complex_name}}) return c', props)
rel = Relationship(node, 'HAS_TYPE', complex_node)
node = merge(current)
node = parentNode
for child in current:
# try:
recursive_print_childs(child, node, level)
# except KeyError:
# print ("error in child, this is current: " + str(current.attrib))
return node
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("Please give the directory containing the xsd files as argument")
for file in os.listdir(sys.argv[1]):
if (file.endswith(".xsd")):
tree = ET.parse(sys.argv[1] + file)
root = tree.getroot()
recursive_print_childs(root, None, 0)
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Have you ever redone this process with the last version of py2neo?

I can't get your script to run bc the newer version of py2new won't accept the graph.cypher.execute_one request and I'm not entirely sure what lines 58 and 71 are doing bc there's no longer documentation of version 3 for py2neo online.

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Hi, wow! I'm surprised you have found it. I think this snippet is 10 years old.

To give you some background, this is probably a script that I wrote in a couple of hours to quickly show some nice insights.
If I would have to write it again, I would use the standard Neo4j python driver ( at that moment it was not there yet. Start a single transaction and write a couple of Cypher statements in the recursive function.

The Cypher statement you see there is a Neo4j 3.X style and not valid anymore at this moment you would write it as:

MERGE (c:ComplexType:Xsd {name: $complex_name}) RETURN c

If I remember correctly graph.create was a function to create Nodes/Relationships.
The function graph.cypher.execute_one would create a transaction and execute a Cypher statement in that transaction.
I cannot recall why I made the mixture of graph.create and graph.cypher.execute_one. As mentioned with current knowledge and functionality write a couple of Cypher statements.

Have fun!

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