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Created February 6, 2025 20:52
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remove chrome tab duplicates
// Utils
const parseUrl = (url, options) => {
const { origin, hash, search } = url
const pathname = url.pathname.replace(/\/index\.(x?html?|php|cgi|aspx)$/, "/")
return {
hash: options?.ignoreHash ? "" : hash,
search: options?.ignoreQuery ? "" : search,
pathname: options?.ignorePathname ? "" : pathname
const getUrl = (url, options) => {
if (!url) {
return null
if (
url.startsWith("chrome-extension://") &&
) {
const paramsString = url.split("suspended.html#")[1]
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(paramsString)
const params = Object.fromEntries(Array.from(searchParams))
if (params.uri) {
url = params.uri
const { origin, pathname, search, hash } = parseUrl(new URL(url), options)
return `${origin}${pathname}${search}${hash}`
const getCurrentTab = async () =>
(await chrome.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }))[0]
// Tasks
const removeDuplicatedTabs = async (tabs, options) => {
const currentTab = await getCurrentTab()
const currentUrl = getUrl(currentTab.url, options)
const checkedUrl = new Set()
if (currentUrl) {
const targetTabIdList = tabs
.filter(tab => {
const { id } = tab
const url = getUrl(tab.url, options)
if (!url || typeof id !== "number") {
return false
if (checkedUrl.has(url) && !== id) {
return true
return false
.map(({ id }) => id)
console.log(`targetTabIdList: ${targetTabIdList}`)
for (const id of targetTabIdList) {
chrome.tabs.get(id, tab => {
`%s${}:${tab.title} - ${getUrl(tab.url)}`,
var main = async options => {
const currentWindow = !Boolean(options?.includeAllWindow) ? true : undefined
const pinned = Boolean(options?.includePinnedTabs) ? undefined : false
const tabs = await chrome.tabs.query({
windowType: "normal",
removeDuplicatedTabs(tabs, options)
main({ includePinnedTabs: true, includeAllWindow: false }).then(
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need to run from context of any extension that has access to tabs permission

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