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Read lines from a process using Python without blocking

Read lines from a process using Python

This is a quick example how to read stdin / stderr lines from a process and capture/display in a non-blocking way

In this example I'm running a FastAPI app using uvicorn. Change the commands in the subprocess.Popen line to suit your own usage.

This example uses threading and queues to avoid blocking the main process. It has also been updated to allow a clean exit when ctrl-C is pressed, and still collect all the output

"""Example how to read uvicorn server messages in real time."""
from __future__ import annotations
import shutil
import signal
import subprocess
import sys
import threading
from pathlib import Path
from queue import Empty, Queue
from types import FrameType
from typing import IO, Optional
from rich import print as rprint
def enqueue_output(out: IO[str], queue: Queue[str]) -> None:
"""Enqueue strings from an IO stream."""
for line in iter(out.readline, b""):
def get_uvicorn() -> str | None:
"""Get uvicorn absolute path.
We do it this way to avoid injection by changing the PATH.
It's overkill but an example how to do it safer.
python_exe = sys.executable
if python_exe:
venv_path = Path(python_exe).parent
return shutil.which("uvicorn", path=venv_path)
return None
def signal_handler(
_sig: int | signal.Signals, _frame: Optional[FrameType]
) -> None:
"""Handle ctrl-c press gracefully.
Instead of sending a `terminate()` to the process, we send a SIGINT (ctrl-c)
which allows `uvicorn` to gracefully shut down and we can capture all the
shutdown output.
print("\r", end="") # remove the `^C` from the output
rprint("[red]INFO: Ctrl-C pressed, Shutting Down...")
if subproc is not None:
# Gracefully terminate the subprocess using sigint
uvicorn_binary = get_uvicorn()
if uvicorn_binary:
# Start your process
subproc = subprocess.Popen(
[uvicorn_binary, "app.main:app", "--reload"], # noqa: S603
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
# Use a queue to handle the output
q: Queue[str] = Queue()
# Start a thread to enqueue the subprocess output
t = threading.Thread(target=enqueue_output, args=(subproc.stdout, q))
t.daemon = True # thread dies with the program
# Read output in a non-blocking way. This is just an example, you would send
# to logging or some other processing for a real application.#
while subproc.poll() is None:
line = q.get_nowait()
except Empty: # noqa: PERF203
pass # No output yet
rprint(line, end="")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# Wait for the subprocess to finish if needed
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