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Last active February 4, 2025 17:39
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function sendFIREEmail() {
// 1. Define your monthly expenses (hardcoded example):
var monthlyExpenses = 2162.71; // Replace with your actual monthly expense
// 2. Calculate annual expenses
var annualExpenses = monthlyExpenses * 12;
// 3. FIRE target using the 4% rule (annualExpenses / 0.04)
var fireTarget = annualExpenses / 0.04;
// 4. Format numbers for readability
var monthlyFormatted = monthlyExpenses.toLocaleString(
"en-GB", { minimumFractionDigits: 2, maximumFractionDigits: 2 }
var annualFormatted = annualExpenses.toLocaleString(
"en-GB", { minimumFractionDigits: 2, maximumFractionDigits: 2 }
var fireTargetFormatted = Math.round(fireTarget).toLocaleString("en-GB");
// 5. Get the current logged-in user's email
var userEmail = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();
// 6. Compose the email message, explaining what this FIRE target "replaces"
var message =
"Hello!\n\n" +
"Your monthly expenses are estimated at €" + monthlyFormatted + ".\n" +
"That means your annual expenses are approximately €" + annualFormatted + ".\n\n" +
"Based on the 4% rule, you need around €" + fireTargetFormatted +
" invested to sustainably withdraw 4% (i.e., ~€" + annualFormatted +
" each year) and replace these expenses.\n\n" +
"In other words, having ~€" + fireTargetFormatted + " invested could " +
"cover your monthly costs of €" + monthlyFormatted + " indefinitely.\n\n" +
"All the best on your journey to Financial Independence!\n";
// 7. Send the email
to: userEmail,
subject: "Your FIRE Target – Replacing Monthly Expenses",
body: message
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