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Last active February 4, 2025 12:16
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CLOSER Training Outline
flowchart TD

  LH[Learning Hub] 
  Basic --> WID[What is Data]
  WID --> WIM[What is Metadata]
  WIM --> WIF[What is FAIR]
  WIF --> WP[Provenance]
  WP --> MC[Metadata Components]
  MC --> MS[Metadata Standards]
  MS --> MR[Metadata Relationships]
  Foundational --> FDC[Data Concepts]
  FDC --> FMR[Schemas]
  FMR --> FAIR[Fair infrastructures]
  FAIR --> FID[Interoperability]
  FID --> FMC[Metadata Components <br>Deep Dive]
  FMC --> FMS[Metadata Standards <br>Uses and Comparison]
  CodeBook --> DDICU[Using <br>DDI-Codebook]
  DDICU --> DDICI[Implementing <br>DDI-Codebook <br>Workshop]
  LifeCycle --> DDILU[Using <br>DDI-Lifecycle]
  DDILU --> DDILI[Implementing <br>DDI-Lifecycle <br>Workshop]
    style LH color:#FFFFFF, fill:#AA00FF, stroke:#AA00FF
    style Basic color:#FFFFFF, stroke:#00C853, fill:#00C853
    style WID color:#FFFFOO, stroke:#00C853, fill:#90ee90
    style WIM color:#FFFFOO, stroke:#00C853, fill:#90ee90
    style WIF color:#FFFFOO, stroke:#00C853, fill:#90ee90
    style WP color:#FFFFOO, stroke:#00C853, fill:#90ee90
    style MC color:#FFFFOO, stroke:#00C853, fill:#90ee90
    style MS color:#FFFFOO, stroke:#00C853, fill:#90ee90
    style MR color:#FFFFOO, stroke:#00C853, fill:#90ee90
    style Foundational color:#FFFFFF, stroke:#2962FF, fill:#2962FF
    style FDC color:#FFFFFF, stroke:#00C853, fill:#318CE7
    style FAIR color:#FFFFFF, stroke:#00C853, fill:#318CE7
    style FMC color:#FFFFFF, stroke:#00C853, fill:#318CE7
    style FID color:#FFFFFF, stroke:#00C853, fill:#318CE7
    style FMS color:#FFFFFF, stroke:#00C853, fill:#318CE7
    style FMR color:#FFFFFF, stroke:#00C853, fill:#318CE7
    style CodeBook color:#FFFFFF, fill:#AA0000, stroke:#AA00FF
    style LifeCycle color:#FFFFFF, fill:#AA0000, stroke:#AA00FF
    style DDICU color:#FFFFFF, stroke:#00C853, fill:#E62020
    style DDICI color:#FFFFFF, stroke:#00C853, fill:#E62020
    style DDILU color:#FFFFFF, stroke:#00C853, fill:#E62020
    style DDILI color:#FFFFFF, stroke:#00C853, fill:#E62020    
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