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Assign imported images to folders in the Media Library Organizer plugin

This example assumes that you're importing images during a posts import and you want to assign the images to the "Products" folder in the Media Library. You can modify the code to assign them to different folders or even dynamic folders.

Plugin and hooks used:

function wpai_image_imported( $post_id, $att_id, $filepath, $is_keep_existing_images = '' ) {
	$taxonomy = 'mlo-category';
	$cat_name = 'Products';
	$cache_terms = get_option( 'wpai_cache_terms_for_recount_in_'.$taxonomy );
	if ( empty( $cache_terms ) ) {
		$cache_terms = [];
	} else {
		$cache_terms = maybe_unserialize( $cache_terms );

	// Check if the term exists in the taxonomy.
	$term = term_exists( $cat_name, $taxonomy );

	// If the term doesn't exist, create it.
	if ( ! $term ) {
		$term = wp_insert_term( $cat_name, $taxonomy );

	// Bail out if there was an error.
	if ( is_wp_error( $term ) ) {

	// Determine the term ID.
	if ( is_array( $term ) ) {
		$term_id = $term['term_id'];
	} else {
		$term_id = $term;

	// Assign the term to the attachment.
	wp_set_object_terms( $att_id, intval( $term_id ), $taxonomy, true );
	$cache_terms[] = intval( $term_id );
	update_option( 'wpai_cache_terms_for_recount_in_'.$taxonomy, $cache_terms );
add_action( 'pmxi_gallery_image', 'wpai_image_imported', 10, 4 );

function after_xml_import( $import_id, $import ) {
    $taxonomy = 'mlo-category';
	$cache_terms = get_option( 'wpai_cache_terms_for_recount_in_'.$taxonomy );
	if ( empty( $cache_terms ) ) return;
	$cache_terms = maybe_unserialize( $cache_terms );
	if ( is_array( $cache_terms ) ) {
		wp_update_term_count_now( $cache_terms, $taxonomy );
	delete_option( 'wpai_cache_terms_for_recount_in_'.$taxonomy );

add_action( 'pmxi_after_xml_import', 'after_xml_import', 10, 2 );
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