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Last active February 6, 2025 10:57
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Calculations with congruences | Patterns of Thought plus AI Reasoning
def congruence_addition(a, a_prime, b, b_prime, m):
"""Proves congruence addition: a' + b' ≡ a + b (mod m)"""
if a_prime % m == a % m and b_prime % m == b % m:
result_prime = (a_prime + b_prime) % m
result = (a + b) % m
if result_prime == result:
print(f"{a_prime} + {b_prime} ≡ {a} + {b} (mod {m}) is TRUE")
return True
print(f"{a_prime} + {b_prime} ≡ {a} + {b} (mod {m}) is FALSE")
return False
print(f"Conditions not met: a' ≡ a (mod {m}) and b' ≡ b (mod {m}) must hold")
return False
def congruence_subtraction(a, a_prime, b, b_prime, m):
"""Proves congruence subtraction: a' - b' ≡ a - b (mod m)"""
if a_prime % m == a % m and b_prime % m == b % m:
result_prime = (a_prime - b_prime) % m
result = (a - b) % m
if result_prime == result:
print(f"{a_prime} - {b_prime} ≡ {a} - {b} (mod {m}) is TRUE")
return True
print(f"{a_prime} - {b_prime} ≡ {a} - {b} (mod {m}) is FALSE")
return False
print(f"Conditions not met: a' ≡ a (mod {m}) and b' ≡ b (mod {m}) must hold")
return False
def congruence_multiplication(a, a_prime, b, b_prime, m):
"""Proves congruence multiplication: a' * b' ≡ a * b (mod m)"""
if a_prime % m == a % m and b_prime % m == b % m:
result_prime = (a_prime * b_prime) % m
result = (a * b) % m
if result_prime == result:
print(f"{a_prime} * {b_prime} ≡ {a} * {b} (mod {m}) is TRUE")
return True
print(f"{a_prime} * {b_prime} ≡ {a} * {b} (mod {m}) is FALSE")
return False
print(f"Conditions not met: a' ≡ a (mod {m}) and b' ≡ b (mod {m}) must hold")
return False
# Example usage (using the same values from the previous response):
m = 5
a = 7
a_prime = 12
b = 3
b_prime = 8
congruence_addition(a, a_prime, b, b_prime, m) # Output: 20 ≡ 10 (mod 5) is TRUE
congruence_subtraction(a, a_prime, b, b_prime, m) # Output: 4 ≡ 4 (mod 5) is TRUE
congruence_multiplication(a, a_prime, b, b_prime, m) # Output: 96 ≡ 21 (mod 5) is TRUE
# Example with values that don't satisfy the congruence:
a_prime = 13 # Now a' is NOT congruent to a (mod 5)
congruence_addition(a, a_prime, b, b_prime, m) # Output: Conditions not met...
# Another example showing negative results and how they are handled.
a = 2
a_prime = 7
b = 5
b_prime = 10
m= 7
congruence_subtraction(a, a_prime, b, b_prime, m) # Output: -3 ≡ -3 (mod 7) is TRUE. (-3 mod 7 is 4)
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