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VAD Silero Membrane Elixir
{:ortex, "== 0.1.9"},
{:nx, "== 0.7.0"},
{:membrane_core, "~> 1.0"},
{:membrane_file_plugin, "~> 0.17.0"},
{:membrane_portaudio_plugin, "~> 0.19.2"},
{:membrane_ffmpeg_swresample_plugin, "~> 0.20.2"},
{:membrane_mp3_mad_plugin, "~> 0.18.3"},
{:membrane_mp3_lame_plugin, "~> 0.18.2"}
defmodule VAD do
use Membrane.Filter
def_input_pad :input,
availability: :always,
flow_control: :manual,
demand_unit: :buffers,
accepted_format: Membrane.RawAudio
def_output_pad :output,
availability: :always,
flow_control: :manual,
accepted_format: Membrane.RawAudio
@impl true
def handle_init(_ctx, _mod) do
# Need to use this older version: ""
model = Ortex.load("./silero_vad_likely.onnx")
min_ms = 100
# herz = per second
sample_rate_hz = 16000
sr = Nx.tensor(sample_rate_hz, type: :s64)
# u8
#sample_size = 16
n_samples = min_ms * (sample_rate_hz / 1000)
#target_size = 16
#rate = trunc(target_size / sample_size)
#bytes_per_chunk = trunc(((sample_rate_hz / 1000) * min_ms) * (sample_size / 8))
# 16 / 8 = 2
bytes_per_chunk = n_samples * 2
IO.inspect(bytes_per_chunk, label: "bytes per chunk")
init_state = %{h: Nx.broadcast(0.0, {2, 1, 64}), c: Nx.broadcast(0.0, {2, 1, 64}), n: 0, sr: sr}
IO.inspect(init_state, label: "state")
IO.inspect(model, label: "model")
state = %{run_state: init_state, model: model, bytes: bytes_per_chunk, buffered: []}
{[], state}
@impl true
def handle_playing(_ctx, state) do
{[demand: {:input, 1}], state}
@impl true
def handle_demand(:output, size, :buffers, _ctx, state) do
{[demand: {:input, size}], state}
@impl true
def handle_buffer(:input, %Membrane.Buffer{payload: data} = buffer, _context, state) do
%{n: n, sr: sr, c: c, h: h} = state.run_state
buffered = [state.buffered, data]
if IO.iodata_length(buffered) >= state.bytes do
data = IO.iodata_to_binary(buffered)
input = data
|> Nx.from_binary(:s16)
|> Nx.as_type(:f32)
|> List.wrap()
|> Nx.stack()
#IO.inspect(input, label: "input")
#IO.inspect(sr, label: "sr")
{output, hn, cn} =, {input, sr, h, c})
prob = output |> Nx.squeeze() |> Nx.to_number()
IO.puts("Chunk ##{n}: #{Float.round(prob,3)}")
run_state = %{c: cn, h: hn, n: n + 1, sr: sr}
state = %{state | run_state: run_state, buffered: []}
if prob > 0.9 do
{[demand: {:input, 1}, buffer: {:output, buffer}], state}
buffer_size = byte_size(buffer.payload) * 8
{[demand: {:input, 1}], state}
#{[demand: {:input, 1}, buffer: {:output, %{buffer | payload: <<0::size(buffer_size)>>}}], state}
%{state | buffered: buffered}
{[demand: {:input, 1}], state}
defmodule Membrane.Demo.SimplePipeline do
use Membrane.Pipeline
@impl true
def handle_init(_ctx, _) do
# Setup the flow of the data
# Stream from file
spec =
child(:source, %Membrane.PortAudio.Source{
channels: 1,
sample_format: :s16le,
sample_rate: 16000,
portaudio_buffer_size: 1600
# Convert Raw :s24le to Raw :s16le
# |> child(:converter, %Membrane.FFmpeg.SWResample.Converter{
# output_stream_format: %Membrane.RawAudio{
# sample_format: :s16le,
# sample_rate: 48000,
# channels: 2
# }
# })
|> child(:vad, VAD)
|> child(:converter, %Membrane.FFmpeg.SWResample.Converter{
output_stream_format: %Membrane.RawAudio{
sample_format: :s32le,
sample_rate: 44_100,
channels: 2
# Stream data into PortAudio to play it on speakers.
|> child(:encoder, Membrane.MP3.Lame.Encoder)
|> child(:file, %Membrane.File.Sink{location: "local.mp3"})
{[spec: spec], %{}}
# "out-16k16.pcm"
# |>!(bytes_per_chunk)
# |> Enum.reduce(init_state, fn data, %{c: c, h: h, n: n} ->
# end)
Membrane.Pipeline.start_link(Membrane.Demo.SimplePipeline, [])
|> IO.inspect()
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