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Created February 6, 2025 15:14
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bridge edges
in verts v
in edges s
out new_verts v
out new_edges s
import numpy as np
def shortest_edge_between_edges(edge1, edge2):
Finds the shortest edge connecting two edges in 3D space.
edge1: Tuple of two points (P1, Q1), where each point is a 3D vector.
edge2: Tuple of two points (P2, Q2), where each point is a 3D vector.
Tuple containing:
- Closest point on edge1
- Closest point on edge2
- Distance between the two closest points
def point_to_edge_closest_point(P, A, B):
"""Find the closest point on the edge AB to the point P."""
AB = B - A
t = - A, AB) /, AB)
t = np.clip(t, 0, 1) # Clamp t to [0, 1]
return A + t * AB
P1, Q1 = np.array(edge1[0]), np.array(edge1[1])
P2, Q2 = np.array(edge2[0]), np.array(edge2[1])
# Vectors for edges
U1 = Q1 - P1
U2 = Q2 - P2
# Direction vectors' cross product
W0 = P1 - P2
A =, U1)
B =, U2)
C =, U2)
D =, W0)
E =, W0)
denominator = A * C - B * B
if np.isclose(denominator, 0):
# Edges are nearly parallel, find the closest point to one edge from the other
P1_on_edge2 = point_to_edge_closest_point(P1, P2, Q2)
Q1_on_edge2 = point_to_edge_closest_point(Q1, P2, Q2)
P2_on_edge1 = point_to_edge_closest_point(P2, P1, Q1)
Q2_on_edge1 = point_to_edge_closest_point(Q2, P1, Q1)
# Compute distances and choose the smallest
points = [
(P1, P1_on_edge2),
(Q1, Q1_on_edge2),
(P2_on_edge1, P2),
(Q2_on_edge1, Q2)
distances = [np.linalg.norm(p1 - p2) for p1, p2 in points]
idx = np.argmin(distances)
return points[idx][0], points[idx][1], distances[idx]
# Compute parameters s and t
s = (B * E - C * D) / denominator
t = (A * E - B * D) / denominator
s = np.clip(s, 0, 1) # Clamp s to [0, 1]
t = np.clip(t, 0, 1) # Clamp t to [0, 1]
# Closest points on each edge
closest_point_edge1 = P1 + s * U1
closest_point_edge2 = P2 + t * U2
return closest_point_edge1, closest_point_edge2
inverts = verts[0]
inedges = edges[0]
v1, v2 = inverts[inedges[0][0]], inverts[inedges[0][1]]
v3, v4 = inverts[inedges[1][0]], inverts[inedges[1][1]]
p1, p2 = shortest_edge_between_edges((v1, v2), (v3, v4))
new_verts.append([p1.round(4).tolist(), p2.round(4).tolist()])
new_edges.append([[0, 1]])
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