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(partial) EasyBuild log for failed build of /local/ (PR #3317)
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,545 INFO This is EasyBuild 2.9.0.dev0 (framework: 2.9.0.dev0, easyblocks: 2.9.0.dev0) on host node2064.delcatty.os.
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,546 INFO This is easyblock ConfigureMake from module easybuild.easyblocks.generic.configuremake (/user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_easy_installed/lib/python2.6/site-packages/easybuild_easyblocks-2.9.0.dev0-py2.6.egg/easybuild/easyblocks/generic/
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,546 INFO Build dir set to /tmp/vsc40023/easybuild_build/pftoolsV3/20160324/foss-2016a
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,546 DEBUG software install path as specified by 'installpath' and 'subdir_software': /user/home/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/eb_phanpyscratch/SL6/sandybridge/software
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,546 DEBUG Determining software installation subdir for <easybuild.framework.easyconfig.easyconfig.EasyConfig object at 0xd65f90>
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,546 DEBUG Obtained subdir pftoolsV3/20160324-foss-2016a
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,547 INFO Software install dir set to /user/home/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/eb_phanpyscratch/SL6/sandybridge/software/pftoolsV3/20160324-foss-2016a
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,547 DEBUG modules install path as specified by 'installpath' and 'subdir_modules': /user/home/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/eb_phanpyscratch/SL6/sandybridge/modules
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,547 INFO Module install dir set to /user/home/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/eb_phanpyscratch/SL6/sandybridge/modules/all
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,547 INFO Init completed for application name pftoolsV3 version 20160324
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,547 INFO Obtained application instance of for pftoolsV3 (easyblock: ConfigureMake)
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,548 DEBUG Skip set to False
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,548 INFO building and installing pftoolsV3/20160324-foss-2016a...
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,548 DEBUG Not skipping fetch step (skippable: False, skip: None, skipsteps: [], module_only: False, force: True
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,548 INFO fetching files...
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,548 INFO Starting fetch step
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,549 DEBUG config: {'preinstallopts': ['', 'Extra prefix options for installation.', (3, 'build')], 'configure_cmd_prefix': ['', 'Prefix to be glued before ./configure', (1, 'easyblock-specific')], 'postinstallcmds': [[], 'Commands to run after the install step.', (3, 'build')], 'moduleloadnoconflict': [False, "Don't check for conflicts, unload other versions instead ", (8, 'modules')], 'skip': [False, 'Skip existing software', (3, 'build')], 'cleanupoldbuild': [True, 'Boolean to remove (True) or backup (False) the previous build directory with identical name or not.', (4, 'file-management')], 'installopts': ['', 'Extra options for installation', (3, 'build')], 'sources': [['%(name)s.tar.gz'], 'List of source files', (3, 'build')], 'versionsuffix': ['', 'Additional suffix for software version (placed after toolchain name)', (3, 'build')], 'license_server': [None, 'License server for software', (6, 'license')], 'modaltsoftname': [None, 'Module name to use (rather than using software name', (8, 'modules')], 'keeppreviousinstall': [False, 'Boolean to keep the previous installation with identical name. Experts only!', (4, 'file-management')], 'hiddendependencies': [[], 'List of dependencies available as hidden modules', (5, 'dependencies')], 'checksums': [['ef1d3c7583d764cff06861fca75be455'], 'Checksums for sources and patches', (3, 'build')], 'keepsymlinks': [False, 'Boolean to determine whether symlinks are to be kept during copying or if the content of the files pointed to should be copied', (4, 'file-management')], 'cleanupoldinstall': [True, 'Boolean to remove (True) or backup (False) the previous install directory with identical name or not.', (4, 'file-management')], 'builddependencies': [[], 'List of build dependencies', (5, 'dependencies')], 'dontcreateinstalldir': [False, 'Boolean to create (False) or not create (True) the install directory', (4, 'file-management')], 'modextravars': [{}, 'Extra environment variables to be added to module file', (8, 'modules')], 'unpack_options': ['', 'Extra options for unpacking source', (3, 'build')], 'group': [None, 'Name of the user group for which the software should be available', (6, 'license')], 'versionprefix': ['', 'Additional prefix for software version (placed before version and toolchain name)', (3, 'build')], 'parsed': [True, 'This is a parsed easyconfig', 'HIDDEN'], 'prebuildopts': ['', 'Extra options pre-passed to build command.', (3, 'build')], 'easybuild_version': [None, 'EasyBuild-version this spec-file was written for', (3, 'build')], 'skipsteps': [[], 'Skip these steps', (3, 'build')], 'start_dir': [None, 'Path to start the make in. If the path is absolute, use that path. If not, this is added to the guessed path.', (4, 'file-management')], 'version': ['20160324', 'Version of software', (0, 'mandatory')], 'exts_filter': [None, 'Extension filter details: template for cmd and input to cmd (templates for name, version and src).', (7, 'extensions')], 'modaliases': [{}, 'Aliases to be defined in module file', (8, 'modules')], 'allow_system_deps': [[], 'Allow listed system dependencies (format: (<name>, <version>))', (5, 'dependencies')], 'osdependencies': [[], 'OS dependencies that should be present on the system', (5, 'dependencies')], 'modluafooter': ['', 'Footer to include in generated module file (Lua syntax)', (8, 'modules')], 'homepage': ['', 'The homepage of the software', (0, 'mandatory')], 'license_file': [None, 'License file for software', (6, 'license')], 'tests': [[], 'List of test-scripts to run after install. A test script should return a non-zero exit status to fail', (3, 'build')], 'buildopts': ['', 'Extra options passed to make step (default already has -j X)', (3, 'build')], 'tar_config_opts': [False, 'Override tar settings as determined by configure.', (1, 'easyblock-specific')], 'description': ['The pftools package contains all the software necessary to build protein and DNA generalized profiles and use\n them to scan and align sequences, and search databases.\n', 'A short description of the software', (0, 'mandatory')], 'modextrapaths': [{}, 'Extra paths to be prepended in module file', (8, 'modules')], 'exts_list': [[], 'List with extensions added to the base installation', (7, 'extensions')], 'docurls': [None, 'List of urls with documentation of the software (not necessarily on homepage)', (0, 'mandatory')], 'stop': [None, 'Keyword to halt the build process after a certain step.', (3, 'build')], 'sanity_check_commands': [[], "format: [(name, options)] e.g. [('gzip','-h')]. Using a non-tuple is equivalent to (name, '-h')", (3, 'build')], 'exts_classmap': [{}, 'Map of extension name to class for handling build and installation.', (7, 'extensions')], 'moduleforceunload': [False, 'Force unload of all modules when loading the extension', (8, 'modules')], 'dependencies': [[], 'List of dependencies', (5, 'dependencies')], 'moduleclass': ['bio', 'Module class to be used for this software', (8, 'modules')], 'key': [None, 'Key for installing software', (6, 'license')], 'include_modpath_extensions': [True, 'Include $MODULEPATH extensions specified by module naming scheme.', (8, 'modules')], 'prefix_opt': [None, "Prefix command line option for configure script ('--prefix=' if None)", (1, 'easyblock-specific')], 'modloadmsg': [{}, 'Message that should be printed when generated module is loaded', (8, 'modules')], 'modtclfooter': ['', 'Footer to include in generated module file (Tcl syntax)', (8, 'modules')], 'parallel': [None, 'Degree of parallelism for e.g. make (default: based on the number of cores, active cpuset and restrictions in ulimit)', (3, 'build')], 'buildininstalldir': [False, 'Boolean to build (True) or not build (False) in the installation directory', (4, 'file-management')], 'patches': [[], 'List of patches to apply', (3, 'build')], 'sanity_check_paths': [{'files': ['bin/ptof', 'bin/htop', 'bin/6ft', 'bin/2ft', 'bin/pfdump', 'bin/pfscan', 'bin/pfsearch'], 'dirs': []}, "List of files and directories to check (format: {'files':<list>, 'dirs':<list>})", (3, 'build')], 'runtest': [None, 'Indicates if a test should be run after make; should specify argument after make (for e.g.,"test" for make test)', (3, 'build')], 'onlytcmod': [False, 'Boolean/string to indicate if the toolchain should only load the environment with module (True) or also set all other variables (False) like compiler CC etc (if string: comma separated list of variables that will be ignored).', (2, 'toolchain')], 'buildstats': [None, 'A list of dicts with build statistics', (9, 'other')], 'unwanted_env_vars': [[], "List of environment variables that shouldn't be set during build", (3, 'build')], 'name': ['pftoolsV3', 'Name of software', (0, 'mandatory')], 'recursive_module_unload': [False, 'Recursive unload of all dependencies when unloading module', (8, 'modules')], 'toolchain': [{'version': '2016a', 'name': 'foss'}, 'Name and version of toolchain', (0, 'mandatory')], 'preconfigopts': ['', 'Extra options pre-passed to configure.', (3, 'build')], 'maxparallel': [None, 'Max degree of parallelism', (3, 'build')], 'license_server_port': [None, 'Port for license server', (6, 'license')], 'exts_defaultclass': [None, 'List of module for and name of the default extension class', (7, 'extensions')], 'toolchainopts': [None, 'Extra options for compilers', (2, 'toolchain')], 'source_urls': [[''], 'List of URLs for source files', (3, 'build')], 'easyblock': ['ConfigureMake', 'EasyBlock to use for building; if set to None, an easyblock is selected based on the software name', (3, 'build')], 'whatis': [None, 'List of brief (one line) package description entries', (8, 'modules')], 'software_license': [None, 'Software license', (0, 'mandatory')], 'configopts': ['', 'Extra options passed to configure (default already has --prefix)', (3, 'build')], 'software_license_urls': [None, 'List of software license locations', (0, 'mandatory')]}
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,550 DEBUG version found in easyconfig is 20160324
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,550 DEBUG version found in easyconfig is 20160324
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,551 DEBUG name: name, config: pftoolsV3
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,551 DEBUG name: version, config: 20160324
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,551 DEBUG name: versionsuffix, config:
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,551 DEBUG name: versionprefix, config:
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,552 DEBUG config: {'preinstallopts': ['', 'Extra prefix options for installation.', (3, 'build')], 'configure_cmd_prefix': ['', 'Prefix to be glued before ./configure', (1, 'easyblock-specific')], 'postinstallcmds': [[], 'Commands to run after the install step.', (3, 'build')], 'moduleloadnoconflict': [False, "Don't check for conflicts, unload other versions instead ", (8, 'modules')], 'skip': [False, 'Skip existing software', (3, 'build')], 'cleanupoldbuild': [True, 'Boolean to remove (True) or backup (False) the previous build directory with identical name or not.', (4, 'file-management')], 'installopts': ['', 'Extra options for installation', (3, 'build')], 'sources': [['%(name)s.tar.gz'], 'List of source files', (3, 'build')], 'versionsuffix': ['', 'Additional suffix for software version (placed after toolchain name)', (3, 'build')], 'license_server': [None, 'License server for software', (6, 'license')], 'modaltsoftname': [None, 'Module name to use (rather than using software name', (8, 'modules')], 'keeppreviousinstall': [False, 'Boolean to keep the previous installation with identical name. Experts only!', (4, 'file-management')], 'hiddendependencies': [[], 'List of dependencies available as hidden modules', (5, 'dependencies')], 'checksums': [['ef1d3c7583d764cff06861fca75be455'], 'Checksums for sources and patches', (3, 'build')], 'keepsymlinks': [False, 'Boolean to determine whether symlinks are to be kept during copying or if the content of the files pointed to should be copied', (4, 'file-management')], 'cleanupoldinstall': [True, 'Boolean to remove (True) or backup (False) the previous install directory with identical name or not.', (4, 'file-management')], 'builddependencies': [[], 'List of build dependencies', (5, 'dependencies')], 'dontcreateinstalldir': [False, 'Boolean to create (False) or not create (True) the install directory', (4, 'file-management')], 'modextravars': [{}, 'Extra environment variables to be added to module file', (8, 'modules')], 'unpack_options': ['', 'Extra options for unpacking source', (3, 'build')], 'group': [None, 'Name of the user group for which the software should be available', (6, 'license')], 'versionprefix': ['', 'Additional prefix for software version (placed before version and toolchain name)', (3, 'build')], 'parsed': [True, 'This is a parsed easyconfig', 'HIDDEN'], 'prebuildopts': ['', 'Extra options pre-passed to build command.', (3, 'build')], 'easybuild_version': [None, 'EasyBuild-version this spec-file was written for', (3, 'build')], 'skipsteps': [[], 'Skip these steps', (3, 'build')], 'start_dir': [None, 'Path to start the make in. If the path is absolute, use that path. If not, this is added to the guessed path.', (4, 'file-management')], 'version': ['20160324', 'Version of software', (0, 'mandatory')], 'exts_filter': [None, 'Extension filter details: template for cmd and input to cmd (templates for name, version and src).', (7, 'extensions')], 'modaliases': [{}, 'Aliases to be defined in module file', (8, 'modules')], 'allow_system_deps': [[], 'Allow listed system dependencies (format: (<name>, <version>))', (5, 'dependencies')], 'osdependencies': [[], 'OS dependencies that should be present on the system', (5, 'dependencies')], 'modluafooter': ['', 'Footer to include in generated module file (Lua syntax)', (8, 'modules')], 'homepage': ['', 'The homepage of the software', (0, 'mandatory')], 'license_file': [None, 'License file for software', (6, 'license')], 'tests': [[], 'List of test-scripts to run after install. A test script should return a non-zero exit status to fail', (3, 'build')], 'buildopts': ['', 'Extra options passed to make step (default already has -j X)', (3, 'build')], 'tar_config_opts': [False, 'Override tar settings as determined by configure.', (1, 'easyblock-specific')], 'description': ['The pftools package contains all the software necessary to build protein and DNA generalized profiles and use\n them to scan and align sequences, and search databases.\n', 'A short description of the software', (0, 'mandatory')], 'modextrapaths': [{}, 'Extra paths to be prepended in module file', (8, 'modules')], 'exts_list': [[], 'List with extensions added to the base installation', (7, 'extensions')], 'docurls': [None, 'List of urls with documentation of the software (not necessarily on homepage)', (0, 'mandatory')], 'stop': [None, 'Keyword to halt the build process after a certain step.', (3, 'build')], 'sanity_check_commands': [[], "format: [(name, options)] e.g. [('gzip','-h')]. Using a non-tuple is equivalent to (name, '-h')", (3, 'build')], 'exts_classmap': [{}, 'Map of extension name to class for handling build and installation.', (7, 'extensions')], 'moduleforceunload': [False, 'Force unload of all modules when loading the extension', (8, 'modules')], 'dependencies': [[], 'List of dependencies', (5, 'dependencies')], 'moduleclass': ['bio', 'Module class to be used for this software', (8, 'modules')], 'key': [None, 'Key for installing software', (6, 'license')], 'include_modpath_extensions': [True, 'Include $MODULEPATH extensions specified by module naming scheme.', (8, 'modules')], 'prefix_opt': [None, "Prefix command line option for configure script ('--prefix=' if None)", (1, 'easyblock-specific')], 'modloadmsg': [{}, 'Message that should be printed when generated module is loaded', (8, 'modules')], 'modtclfooter': ['', 'Footer to include in generated module file (Tcl syntax)', (8, 'modules')], 'parallel': [None, 'Degree of parallelism for e.g. make (default: based on the number of cores, active cpuset and restrictions in ulimit)', (3, 'build')], 'buildininstalldir': [False, 'Boolean to build (True) or not build (False) in the installation directory', (4, 'file-management')], 'patches': [[], 'List of patches to apply', (3, 'build')], 'sanity_check_paths': [{'files': ['bin/ptof', 'bin/htop', 'bin/6ft', 'bin/2ft', 'bin/pfdump', 'bin/pfscan', 'bin/pfsearch'], 'dirs': []}, "List of files and directories to check (format: {'files':<list>, 'dirs':<list>})", (3, 'build')], 'runtest': [None, 'Indicates if a test should be run after make; should specify argument after make (for e.g.,"test" for make test)', (3, 'build')], 'onlytcmod': [False, 'Boolean/string to indicate if the toolchain should only load the environment with module (True) or also set all other variables (False) like compiler CC etc (if string: comma separated list of variables that will be ignored).', (2, 'toolchain')], 'buildstats': [None, 'A list of dicts with build statistics', (9, 'other')], 'unwanted_env_vars': [[], "List of environment variables that shouldn't be set during build", (3, 'build')], 'name': ['pftoolsV3', 'Name of software', (0, 'mandatory')], 'recursive_module_unload': [False, 'Recursive unload of all dependencies when unloading module', (8, 'modules')], 'toolchain': [{'version': '2016a', 'name': 'foss'}, 'Name and version of toolchain', (0, 'mandatory')], 'preconfigopts': ['', 'Extra options pre-passed to configure.', (3, 'build')], 'maxparallel': [None, 'Max degree of parallelism', (3, 'build')], 'license_server_port': [None, 'Port for license server', (6, 'license')], 'exts_defaultclass': [None, 'List of module for and name of the default extension class', (7, 'extensions')], 'toolchainopts': [None, 'Extra options for compilers', (2, 'toolchain')], 'source_urls': [[''], 'List of URLs for source files', (3, 'build')], 'easyblock': ['ConfigureMake', 'EasyBlock to use for building; if set to None, an easyblock is selected based on the software name', (3, 'build')], 'whatis': [None, 'List of brief (one line) package description entries', (8, 'modules')], 'software_license': [None, 'Software license', (0, 'mandatory')], 'configopts': ['', 'Extra options passed to configure (default already has --prefix)', (3, 'build')], 'software_license_urls': [None, 'List of software license locations', (0, 'mandatory')]}
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,553 DEBUG version found in easyconfig is 20160324
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,553 DEBUG version found in easyconfig is 20160324
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,553 DEBUG name: name, config: pftoolsV3
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,554 DEBUG name: version, config: 20160324
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,554 DEBUG name: versionsuffix, config:
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,554 DEBUG name: versionprefix, config:
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,554 INFO Running method fetch_step part of step fetch
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,554 WARNING Easyconfig does not specify an EasyBuild-version (key 'easybuild_version')! Assuming the latest version
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,556 INFO Command eb found at /user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_easy_installed/bin/eb
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,556 DEBUG Also considering installation prefix /user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_easy_installed...
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,556 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /local/
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,556 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_easy_installed/lib/python2.6/site-packages/easybuild_easyconfigs-2.9.0.dev0-py2.6.egg/easybuild/easyconfigs/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,561 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,561 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_easy_installed/lib/python2.6/site-packages/vsc_base-2.4.18-py2.6.egg/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,562 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_easy_installed/lib/python2.6/site-packages/keyring-5.7.1-py2.6.egg/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,563 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_easy_installed/lib/python2.6/site-packages/easybuild_framework-2.9.0.dev0-py2.6.egg/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,565 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_easy_installed/lib/python2.6/site-packages/easybuild_easyblocks-2.9.0.dev0-py2.6.egg/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,566 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_easy_installed/lib/python2.6/site-packages/easybuild_easyconfigs-2.9.0.dev0-py2.6.egg/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,567 DEBUG Added /user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_easy_installed/lib/python2.6/site-packages/easybuild_easyconfigs-2.9.0.dev0-py2.6.egg/easybuild/easyconfigs to list of paths for easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,567 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /user/home/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/.local/keyring/lib/python2.6/site-packages/keyring-3.8/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,567 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_easy_installed/lib/python2.6/site-packages/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,567 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /usr/lib64/
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,567 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /usr/lib64/python2.6/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,568 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /usr/lib64/python2.6/plat-linux2/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,568 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /usr/lib64/python2.6/lib-tk/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,568 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /usr/lib64/python2.6/lib-old/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,568 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /usr/lib64/python2.6/lib-dynload/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,568 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,568 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/PIL/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,569 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/pbs/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,569 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,569 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/setuptools-0.6c11-py2.6.egg-info/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,569 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/git/ext/gitdb/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,569 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/gitdb/ext/async/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,569 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/gitdb/ext/smmap/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,570 DEBUG Checking for easybuild/easyconfigs at /user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_easy_installed/easybuild/easyconfigs
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,587 DEBUG Not creating existing path /user/data/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/EasyBuild/sources/p/pftoolsV3
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,587 DEBUG Trying to download file pftoolsV3.tar.gz from to /user/data/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/EasyBuild/sources/p/pftoolsV3/pftoolsV3.tar.gz ...
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,587 DEBUG Trying to download pftoolsV3.tar.gz from to /user/data/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/EasyBuild/sources/p/pftoolsV3/pftoolsV3.tar.gz
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,588 DEBUG Using timeout of 10 seconds for initiating download
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,588 DEBUG Not creating existing path /user/data/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/EasyBuild/sources/p/pftoolsV3
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,605 WARNING IOError occurred while trying to download to /user/data/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/EasyBuild/sources/p/pftoolsV3/pftoolsV3.tar.gz: <urlopen error ftp error: [Errno 113] No route to host>
== 2016-07-13 19:38:29,605 INFO Attempt 1 of downloading to /user/data/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/EasyBuild/sources/p/pftoolsV3/pftoolsV3.tar.gz failed, trying again...
== 2016-07-13 19:38:30,598 WARNING IOError occurred while trying to download to /user/data/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/EasyBuild/sources/p/pftoolsV3/pftoolsV3.tar.gz: <urlopen error ftp error: [Errno 113] No route to host>
== 2016-07-13 19:38:30,599 INFO Attempt 2 of downloading to /user/data/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/EasyBuild/sources/p/pftoolsV3/pftoolsV3.tar.gz failed, trying again...
== 2016-07-13 19:38:31,598 WARNING IOError occurred while trying to download to /user/data/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/EasyBuild/sources/p/pftoolsV3/pftoolsV3.tar.gz: <urlopen error ftp error: [Errno 113] No route to host>
== 2016-07-13 19:38:31,599 WARNING Download of to /user/data/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/EasyBuild/sources/p/pftoolsV3/pftoolsV3.tar.gz failed, done trying
== 2016-07-13 19:38:31,867 ERROR Couldn't find file pftoolsV3.tar.gz anywhere, and downloading it didn't work either... Paths attempted (in order): /local/, /local/, /local/, /local/, /local/, /local/, /user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_easy_installed/lib/python2.6/site-packages/easybuild_easyconfigs-2.9.0.dev0-py2.6.egg/easybuild/easyconfigs/p/pftoolsV3/pftoolsV3.tar.gz, /user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_easy_installed/lib/python2.6/site-packages/easybuild_easyconfigs-2.9.0.dev0-py2.6.egg/easybuild/easyconfigs/pftoolsV3/pftoolsV3.tar.gz, /user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_easy_installed/lib/python2.6/site-packages/easybuild_easyconfigs-2.9.0.dev0-py2.6.egg/easybuild/easyconfigs/pftoolsV3.tar.gz, /user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_easy_installed/lib/python2.6/site-packages/easybuild_easyconfigs-2.9.0.dev0-py2.6.egg/easybuild/easyconfigs/p/pftoolsV3/pftoolsV3.tar.gz, /user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_easy_installed/lib/python2.6/site-packages/easybuild_easyconfigs-2.9.0.dev0-py2.6.egg/easybuild/easyconfigs/pftoolsV3/pftoolsV3.tar.gz, /user/scratch/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/easybuild_easy_installed/lib/python2.6/site-packages/easybuild_easyconfigs-2.9.0.dev0-py2.6.egg/easybuild/easyconfigs/pftoolsV3.tar.gz, /user/data/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/EasyBuild/sources/p/pftoolsV3/pftoolsV3.tar.gz, /user/data/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/EasyBuild/sources/pftoolsV3/pftoolsV3.tar.gz, /user/data/gent/vsc400/vsc40023/EasyBuild/sources/pftoolsV3.tar.gz, /apps/gent/source/p/pftoolsV3/pftoolsV3.tar.gz, /apps/gent/source/pftoolsV3/pftoolsV3.tar.gz, /apps/gent/source/pftoolsV3.tar.gz, /nfsmuk/apps/gent/source/p/pftoolsV3/pftoolsV3.tar.gz, /nfsmuk/apps/gent/source/pftoolsV3/pftoolsV3.tar.gz, /nfsmuk/apps/gent/source/pftoolsV3.tar.gz, (at easybuild/framework/ in obtain_file)
== 2016-07-13 19:38:31,867 WARNING build failed (first 300 chars): Couldn't find file pftoolsV3.tar.gz anywhere, and downloading it didn't work either... Paths attempted (in order): /local/, /local/
== 2016-07-13 19:38:31,867 INFO Closing log for application name pftoolsV3 version 20160324
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